""""" -------------------------------- DO THIS: 1 - Define the Tree Sprite Class: First, you need to create a class for the tree sprite if you haven't already done so. Assuming your trees are part of the decoration group, let's create a tree class that inherits from pygame.sprite.Sprite. class Tree(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, img, x, y): pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = img self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.midtop = (x + TILE_SIZE // 2, y + (TILE_SIZE - self.image.get_height())) def update(self): self.rect.x += screen_scroll ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - Add Trees to the Decoration Group: Assuming that trees are stored in a certain range in your tileset (for example, tile 12 represents a tree), you can modify the process_data method to add trees to the decoration group. def process_data(self, data): self.level_length = len(data[0]) for y, row in enumerate(data): for x, tile in enumerate(row): if tile >= 0: img = img_list[tile] img_rect = img.get_rect() img_rect.x = x * TILE_SIZE img_rect.y = y * TILE_SIZE tile_data = (img, img_rect) if tile >= 0 and tile <= 8: self.obstacle_list.append(tile_data) elif tile >= 9 and tile <= 10: water = Water(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) water_group.add(water) elif tile >= 12 and tile <= 14: tree = Tree(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) decoration_group.add(tree) elif tile >= 15 and tile <= 17: decoration = Decoration(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) decoration_group.add(decoration) elif tile == 18: # create player player = Soldier('player', x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE, 1.65, 5, 20, 5) health_bar = HealthBar(10, 10, player.health, player.health) elif tile == 19: # create enemies enemy = Soldier('enemy', x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE, 1.65, 2, 20, 0) enemy_group.add(enemy) elif tile == 20: # create ammo box item_box = ItemBox('Ammo', x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) item_box_group.add(item_box) elif tile == 21: # create grenade box item_box = ItemBox('Grenade', x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) item_box_group.add(item_box) elif tile == 22: # create health box item_box = ItemBox('Health', x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) item_box_group.add(item_box) elif tile == 23: # create exit exit = Exit(img, x * TILE_SIZE, y * TILE_SIZE) exit_group.add(exit) return player, health_bar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - Handle Collision Between Player and Trees: In the main game loop, you need to check for collisions between the player and the trees, and if a collision is detected, remove the tree. run = True while run: clock.tick(FPS) if start_game == False: # draw menu screen.fill(BG) if start_button.draw(screen): start_game = True start_intro = True if exit_button.draw(screen): run = False else: # update background draw_bg() # draw world map world.draw() # show player health health_bar.draw(player.health) # check for collision with trees and remove tree on collision tree_hit_list = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, decoration_group, True) for tree in tree_hit_list: tree.kill() # update and draw groups player.update() player.draw() enemy_group.update() enemy_group.draw(screen) bullet_group.update() bullet_group.draw(screen) grenade_group.update() grenade_group.draw(screen) explosion_group.update() explosion_group.draw(screen) item_box_group.update() item_box_group.draw(screen) decoration_group.update() decoration_group.draw(screen) water_group.update() water_group.draw(screen) exit_group.update() exit_group.draw(screen) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False pygame.display.update() ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player, decoration_group, True) function call, the True parameter indicates that the tree sprite should be removed upon collision. This ensures that the tree sprite disappears when the player touches it. -------------------------------- """