using System;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Scroll Rect", 37)]
/// A component for making a child RectTransform scroll.
/// ScrollRect will not do any clipping on its own. Combined with a Mask component, it can be turned into a scroll view.
public class ScrollRect : UIBehaviour, IInitializePotentialDragHandler, IBeginDragHandler, IEndDragHandler, IDragHandler, IScrollHandler, ICanvasElement, ILayoutElement, ILayoutGroup
/// A setting for which behavior to use when content moves beyond the confines of its container.
public enum MovementType
/// Unrestricted movement. The content can move forever.
/// Elastic movement. The content is allowed to temporarily move beyond the container, but is pulled back elastically.
/// Clamped movement. The content can not be moved beyond its container.
/// Enum for which behavior to use for scrollbar visibility.
public enum ScrollbarVisibility
/// Always show the scrollbar.
/// Automatically hide the scrollbar when no scrolling is needed on this axis. The viewport rect will not be changed.
/// Automatically hide the scrollbar when no scrolling is needed on this axis, and expand the viewport rect accordingly.
/// When this setting is used, the scrollbar and the viewport rect become driven, meaning that values in the RectTransform are calculated automatically and can't be manually edited.
/// Event type used by the ScrollRect.
public class ScrollRectEvent : UnityEvent {}
private RectTransform m_Content;
/// The content that can be scrolled. It should be a child of the GameObject with ScrollRect on it.
public RectTransform content { get { return m_Content; } set { m_Content = value; } }
private bool m_Horizontal = true;
/// Should horizontal scrolling be enabled?
public bool horizontal { get { return m_Horizontal; } set { m_Horizontal = value; } }
private bool m_Vertical = true;
/// Should vertical scrolling be enabled?
public bool vertical { get { return m_Vertical; } set { m_Vertical = value; } }
private MovementType m_MovementType = MovementType.Elastic;
/// The behavior to use when the content moves beyond the scroll rect.
public MovementType movementType { get { return m_MovementType; } set { m_MovementType = value; } }
private float m_Elasticity = 0.1f;
/// The amount of elasticity to use when the content moves beyond the scroll rect.
public float elasticity { get { return m_Elasticity; } set { m_Elasticity = value; } }
private bool m_Inertia = true;
/// Should movement inertia be enabled?
/// Inertia means that the scrollrect content will keep scrolling for a while after being dragged. It gradually slows down according to the decelerationRate.
public bool inertia { get { return m_Inertia; } set { m_Inertia = value; } }
private float m_DecelerationRate = 0.135f; // Only used when inertia is enabled
/// The rate at which movement slows down.
/// The deceleration rate is the speed reduction per second. A value of 0.5 halves the speed each second. The default is 0.135. The deceleration rate is only used when inertia is enabled.
public float decelerationRate { get { return m_DecelerationRate; } set { m_DecelerationRate = value; } }
private float m_ScrollSensitivity = 1.0f;
/// The sensitivity to scroll wheel and track pad scroll events.
/// Higher values indicate higher sensitivity.
public float scrollSensitivity { get { return m_ScrollSensitivity; } set { m_ScrollSensitivity = value; } }
private RectTransform m_Viewport;
/// Reference to the viewport RectTransform that is the parent of the content RectTransform.
public RectTransform viewport { get { return m_Viewport; } set { m_Viewport = value; SetDirtyCaching(); } }
private Scrollbar m_HorizontalScrollbar;
/// Optional Scrollbar object linked to the horizontal scrolling of the ScrollRect.
public Scrollbar horizontalScrollbar
return m_HorizontalScrollbar;
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_HorizontalScrollbar = value;
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
private Scrollbar m_VerticalScrollbar;
/// Optional Scrollbar object linked to the vertical scrolling of the ScrollRect.
public Scrollbar verticalScrollbar
return m_VerticalScrollbar;
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_VerticalScrollbar = value;
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
private ScrollbarVisibility m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility;
/// The mode of visibility for the horizontal scrollbar.
public ScrollbarVisibility horizontalScrollbarVisibility { get { return m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility; } set { m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility = value; SetDirtyCaching(); } }
private ScrollbarVisibility m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility;
/// The mode of visibility for the vertical scrollbar.
public ScrollbarVisibility verticalScrollbarVisibility { get { return m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility; } set { m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility = value; SetDirtyCaching(); } }
private float m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing;
/// The space between the scrollbar and the viewport.
public float horizontalScrollbarSpacing { get { return m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing; } set { m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing = value; SetDirty(); } }
private float m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing;
/// The space between the scrollbar and the viewport.
public float verticalScrollbarSpacing { get { return m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing; } set { m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing = value; SetDirty(); } }
private ScrollRectEvent m_OnValueChanged = new ScrollRectEvent();
/// Callback executed when the position of the child changes.
/// onValueChanged is used to watch for changes in the ScrollRect object.
/// The onValueChanged call will use the UnityEvent.AddListener API to watch for
/// changes. When changes happen script code provided by the user will be called.
/// The UnityEvent.AddListener API for UI.ScrollRect._onValueChanged takes a Vector2.
/// Note: The editor allows the onValueChanged value to be set up manually.For example the
/// value can be set to run only a runtime. The object and script function to call are also
/// provided here.
/// The onValueChanged variable can be alternatively set-up at runtime.The script example below
/// shows how this can be done.The script is attached to the ScrollRect object.
/// ();
/// scrollRect.onValueChanged.AddListener(ListenerMethod);
/// }
/// public void ListenerMethod(Vector2 value)
/// {
/// Debug.Log("ListenerMethod: " + value);
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public ScrollRectEvent onValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } set { m_OnValueChanged = value; } }
// The offset from handle position to mouse down position
private Vector2 m_PointerStartLocalCursor =;
protected Vector2 m_ContentStartPosition =;
private RectTransform m_ViewRect;
protected RectTransform viewRect
if (m_ViewRect == null)
m_ViewRect = m_Viewport;
if (m_ViewRect == null)
m_ViewRect = (RectTransform)transform;
return m_ViewRect;
protected Bounds m_ContentBounds;
private Bounds m_ViewBounds;
private Vector2 m_Velocity;
/// The current velocity of the content.
/// The velocity is defined in units per second.
public Vector2 velocity { get { return m_Velocity; } set { m_Velocity = value; } }
private bool m_Dragging;
private bool m_Scrolling;
private Vector2 m_PrevPosition =;
private Bounds m_PrevContentBounds;
private Bounds m_PrevViewBounds;
private bool m_HasRebuiltLayout = false;
private bool m_HSliderExpand;
private bool m_VSliderExpand;
private float m_HSliderHeight;
private float m_VSliderWidth;
[System.NonSerialized] private RectTransform m_Rect;
private RectTransform rectTransform
if (m_Rect == null)
m_Rect = GetComponent();
return m_Rect;
private RectTransform m_HorizontalScrollbarRect;
private RectTransform m_VerticalScrollbarRect;
// field is never assigned warning
#pragma warning disable 649
private DrivenRectTransformTracker m_Tracker;
#pragma warning restore 649
protected ScrollRect()
/// Rebuilds the scroll rect data after initialization.
/// The current step in the rendering CanvasUpdate cycle.
public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate executing)
if (executing == CanvasUpdate.Prelayout)
if (executing == CanvasUpdate.PostLayout)
m_HasRebuiltLayout = true;
public virtual void LayoutComplete()
public virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete()
void UpdateCachedData()
Transform transform = this.transform;
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect = m_HorizontalScrollbar == null ? null : m_HorizontalScrollbar.transform as RectTransform;
m_VerticalScrollbarRect = m_VerticalScrollbar == null ? null : m_VerticalScrollbar.transform as RectTransform;
// These are true if either the elements are children, or they don't exist at all.
bool viewIsChild = (viewRect.parent == transform);
bool hScrollbarIsChild = (!m_HorizontalScrollbarRect || m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.parent == transform);
bool vScrollbarIsChild = (!m_VerticalScrollbarRect || m_VerticalScrollbarRect.parent == transform);
bool allAreChildren = (viewIsChild && hScrollbarIsChild && vScrollbarIsChild);
m_HSliderExpand = allAreChildren && m_HorizontalScrollbarRect && horizontalScrollbarVisibility == ScrollbarVisibility.AutoHideAndExpandViewport;
m_VSliderExpand = allAreChildren && m_VerticalScrollbarRect && verticalScrollbarVisibility == ScrollbarVisibility.AutoHideAndExpandViewport;
m_HSliderHeight = (m_HorizontalScrollbarRect == null ? 0 : m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.rect.height);
m_VSliderWidth = (m_VerticalScrollbarRect == null ? 0 : m_VerticalScrollbarRect.rect.width);
protected override void OnEnable()
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
protected override void OnDisable()
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_Dragging = false;
m_Scrolling = false;
m_HasRebuiltLayout = false;
m_Velocity =;
/// See member in base class.
public override bool IsActive()
return base.IsActive() && m_Content != null;
private void EnsureLayoutHasRebuilt()
if (!m_HasRebuiltLayout && !CanvasUpdateRegistry.IsRebuildingLayout())
/// Sets the velocity to zero on both axes so the content stops moving.
public virtual void StopMovement()
m_Velocity =;
public virtual void OnScroll(PointerEventData data)
if (!IsActive())
Vector2 delta = data.scrollDelta;
// Down is positive for scroll events, while in UI system up is positive.
delta.y *= -1;
if (vertical && !horizontal)
if (Mathf.Abs(delta.x) > Mathf.Abs(delta.y))
delta.y = delta.x;
delta.x = 0;
if (horizontal && !vertical)
if (Mathf.Abs(delta.y) > Mathf.Abs(delta.x))
delta.x = delta.y;
delta.y = 0;
if (data.IsScrolling())
m_Scrolling = true;
Vector2 position = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
position += delta * m_ScrollSensitivity;
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Clamped)
position += CalculateOffset(position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
public virtual void OnInitializePotentialDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
m_Velocity =;
/// Handling for when the content is beging being dragged.
public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
if (!IsActive())
m_PointerStartLocalCursor =;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(viewRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out m_PointerStartLocalCursor);
m_ContentStartPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
m_Dragging = true;
/// Handling for when the content has finished being dragged.
public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
m_Dragging = false;
/// Handling for when the content is dragged.
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!m_Dragging)
if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
if (!IsActive())
Vector2 localCursor;
if (!RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(viewRect, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localCursor))
var pointerDelta = localCursor - m_PointerStartLocalCursor;
Vector2 position = m_ContentStartPosition + pointerDelta;
// Offset to get content into place in the view.
Vector2 offset = CalculateOffset(position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
position += offset;
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Elastic)
if (offset.x != 0)
position.x = position.x - RubberDelta(offset.x, m_ViewBounds.size.x);
if (offset.y != 0)
position.y = position.y - RubberDelta(offset.y, m_ViewBounds.size.y);
/// Sets the anchored position of the content.
protected virtual void SetContentAnchoredPosition(Vector2 position)
if (!m_Horizontal)
position.x = m_Content.anchoredPosition.x;
if (!m_Vertical)
position.y = m_Content.anchoredPosition.y;
if (position != m_Content.anchoredPosition)
m_Content.anchoredPosition = position;
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
if (!m_Content)
float deltaTime = Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
Vector2 offset = CalculateOffset(;
if (deltaTime > 0.0f)
if (!m_Dragging && (offset != || m_Velocity !=
Vector2 position = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++)
// Apply spring physics if movement is elastic and content has an offset from the view.
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Elastic && offset[axis] != 0)
float speed = m_Velocity[axis];
float smoothTime = m_Elasticity;
if (m_Scrolling)
smoothTime *= 3.0f;
position[axis] = Mathf.SmoothDamp(m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis], m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis] + offset[axis], ref speed, smoothTime, Mathf.Infinity, deltaTime);
if (Mathf.Abs(speed) < 1)
speed = 0;
m_Velocity[axis] = speed;
// Else move content according to velocity with deceleration applied.
else if (m_Inertia)
m_Velocity[axis] *= Mathf.Pow(m_DecelerationRate, deltaTime);
if (Mathf.Abs(m_Velocity[axis]) < 1)
m_Velocity[axis] = 0;
position[axis] += m_Velocity[axis] * deltaTime;
// If we have neither elaticity or friction, there shouldn't be any velocity.
m_Velocity[axis] = 0;
if (m_MovementType == MovementType.Clamped)
offset = CalculateOffset(position - m_Content.anchoredPosition);
position += offset;
if (m_Dragging && m_Inertia)
Vector3 newVelocity = (m_Content.anchoredPosition - m_PrevPosition) / deltaTime;
m_Velocity = Vector3.Lerp(m_Velocity, newVelocity, deltaTime * 10);
if (m_ViewBounds != m_PrevViewBounds || m_ContentBounds != m_PrevContentBounds || m_Content.anchoredPosition != m_PrevPosition)
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("ScrollRect.value", this);
m_Scrolling = false;
/// Helper function to update the previous data fields on a ScrollRect. Call this before you change data in the ScrollRect.
protected void UpdatePrevData()
if (m_Content == null)
m_PrevPosition =;
m_PrevPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
m_PrevViewBounds = m_ViewBounds;
m_PrevContentBounds = m_ContentBounds;
private void UpdateScrollbars(Vector2 offset)
if (m_HorizontalScrollbar)
if (m_ContentBounds.size.x > 0)
m_HorizontalScrollbar.size = Mathf.Clamp01((m_ViewBounds.size.x - Mathf.Abs(offset.x)) / m_ContentBounds.size.x);
m_HorizontalScrollbar.size = 1;
m_HorizontalScrollbar.value = horizontalNormalizedPosition;
if (m_VerticalScrollbar)
if (m_ContentBounds.size.y > 0)
m_VerticalScrollbar.size = Mathf.Clamp01((m_ViewBounds.size.y - Mathf.Abs(offset.y)) / m_ContentBounds.size.y);
m_VerticalScrollbar.size = 1;
m_VerticalScrollbar.value = verticalNormalizedPosition;
/// The scroll position as a Vector2 between (0,0) and (1,1) with (0,0) being the lower left corner.
public Vector2 normalizedPosition
return new Vector2(horizontalNormalizedPosition, verticalNormalizedPosition);
SetNormalizedPosition(value.x, 0);
SetNormalizedPosition(value.y, 1);
/// The horizontal scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the left.
public float horizontalNormalizedPosition
if ((m_ContentBounds.size.x <= m_ViewBounds.size.x) || Mathf.Approximately(m_ContentBounds.size.x, m_ViewBounds.size.x))
return (m_ViewBounds.min.x > m_ContentBounds.min.x) ? 1 : 0;
return (m_ViewBounds.min.x - m_ContentBounds.min.x) / (m_ContentBounds.size.x - m_ViewBounds.size.x);
SetNormalizedPosition(value, 0);
/// The vertical scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the bottom.
public float verticalNormalizedPosition
if ((m_ContentBounds.size.y <= m_ViewBounds.size.y) || Mathf.Approximately(m_ContentBounds.size.y, m_ViewBounds.size.y))
return (m_ViewBounds.min.y > m_ContentBounds.min.y) ? 1 : 0;
return (m_ViewBounds.min.y - m_ContentBounds.min.y) / (m_ContentBounds.size.y - m_ViewBounds.size.y);
SetNormalizedPosition(value, 1);
private void SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition(float value) { SetNormalizedPosition(value, 0); }
private void SetVerticalNormalizedPosition(float value) { SetNormalizedPosition(value, 1); }
/// >Set the horizontal or vertical scroll position as a value between 0 and 1, with 0 being at the left or at the bottom.
/// The position to set, between 0 and 1.
/// The axis to set: 0 for horizontal, 1 for vertical.
protected virtual void SetNormalizedPosition(float value, int axis)
// How much the content is larger than the view.
float hiddenLength = m_ContentBounds.size[axis] - m_ViewBounds.size[axis];
// Where the position of the lower left corner of the content bounds should be, in the space of the view.
float contentBoundsMinPosition = m_ViewBounds.min[axis] - value * hiddenLength;
// The new content localPosition, in the space of the view.
float newAnchoredPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition[axis] + contentBoundsMinPosition - m_ContentBounds.min[axis];
Vector3 anchoredPosition = m_Content.anchoredPosition;
if (Mathf.Abs(anchoredPosition[axis] - newAnchoredPosition) > 0.01f)
anchoredPosition[axis] = newAnchoredPosition;
m_Content.anchoredPosition = anchoredPosition;
m_Velocity[axis] = 0;
private static float RubberDelta(float overStretching, float viewSize)
return (1 - (1 / ((Mathf.Abs(overStretching) * 0.55f / viewSize) + 1))) * viewSize * Mathf.Sign(overStretching);
protected override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
private bool hScrollingNeeded
if (Application.isPlaying)
return m_ContentBounds.size.x > m_ViewBounds.size.x + 0.01f;
return true;
private bool vScrollingNeeded
if (Application.isPlaying)
return m_ContentBounds.size.y > m_ViewBounds.size.y + 0.01f;
return true;
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() {}
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual void CalculateLayoutInputVertical() {}
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual float minWidth { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual float preferredWidth { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual float flexibleWidth { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual float minHeight { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual float preferredHeight { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual float flexibleHeight { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual int layoutPriority { get { return -1; } }
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual void SetLayoutHorizontal()
if (m_HSliderExpand || m_VSliderExpand)
m_Tracker.Add(this, viewRect,
DrivenTransformProperties.Anchors |
DrivenTransformProperties.SizeDelta |
// Make view full size to see if content fits.
viewRect.anchorMin =;
viewRect.anchorMax =;
viewRect.sizeDelta =;
viewRect.anchoredPosition =;
// Recalculate content layout with this size to see if it fits when there are no scrollbars.
m_ViewBounds = new Bounds(, viewRect.rect.size);
m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
// If it doesn't fit vertically, enable vertical scrollbar and shrink view horizontally to make room for it.
if (m_VSliderExpand && vScrollingNeeded)
viewRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-(m_VSliderWidth + m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing), viewRect.sizeDelta.y);
// Recalculate content layout with this size to see if it fits vertically
// when there is a vertical scrollbar (which may reflowed the content to make it taller).
m_ViewBounds = new Bounds(, viewRect.rect.size);
m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
// If it doesn't fit horizontally, enable horizontal scrollbar and shrink view vertically to make room for it.
if (m_HSliderExpand && hScrollingNeeded)
viewRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(viewRect.sizeDelta.x, -(m_HSliderHeight + m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing));
m_ViewBounds = new Bounds(, viewRect.rect.size);
m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
// If the vertical slider didn't kick in the first time, and the horizontal one did,
// we need to check again if the vertical slider now needs to kick in.
// If it doesn't fit vertically, enable vertical scrollbar and shrink view horizontally to make room for it.
if (m_VSliderExpand && vScrollingNeeded && viewRect.sizeDelta.x == 0 && viewRect.sizeDelta.y < 0)
viewRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-(m_VSliderWidth + m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing), viewRect.sizeDelta.y);
/// Called by the layout system.
public virtual void SetLayoutVertical()
m_ViewBounds = new Bounds(, viewRect.rect.size);
m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
void UpdateScrollbarVisibility()
UpdateOneScrollbarVisibility(vScrollingNeeded, m_Vertical, m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility, m_VerticalScrollbar);
UpdateOneScrollbarVisibility(hScrollingNeeded, m_Horizontal, m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility, m_HorizontalScrollbar);
private static void UpdateOneScrollbarVisibility(bool xScrollingNeeded, bool xAxisEnabled, ScrollbarVisibility scrollbarVisibility, Scrollbar scrollbar)
if (scrollbar)
if (scrollbarVisibility == ScrollbarVisibility.Permanent)
if (scrollbar.gameObject.activeSelf != xAxisEnabled)
if (scrollbar.gameObject.activeSelf != xScrollingNeeded)
void UpdateScrollbarLayout()
if (m_VSliderExpand && m_HorizontalScrollbar)
m_Tracker.Add(this, m_HorizontalScrollbarRect,
DrivenTransformProperties.AnchorMinX |
DrivenTransformProperties.AnchorMaxX |
DrivenTransformProperties.SizeDeltaX |
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.anchorMin = new Vector2(0, m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.anchorMin.y);
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.anchorMax = new Vector2(1, m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.anchorMax.y);
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.anchoredPosition.y);
if (vScrollingNeeded)
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(-(m_VSliderWidth + m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing), m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta.y);
m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, m_HorizontalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta.y);
if (m_HSliderExpand && m_VerticalScrollbar)
m_Tracker.Add(this, m_VerticalScrollbarRect,
DrivenTransformProperties.AnchorMinY |
DrivenTransformProperties.AnchorMaxY |
DrivenTransformProperties.SizeDeltaY |
m_VerticalScrollbarRect.anchorMin = new Vector2(m_VerticalScrollbarRect.anchorMin.x, 0);
m_VerticalScrollbarRect.anchorMax = new Vector2(m_VerticalScrollbarRect.anchorMax.x, 1);
m_VerticalScrollbarRect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(m_VerticalScrollbarRect.anchoredPosition.x, 0);
if (hScrollingNeeded)
m_VerticalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(m_VerticalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta.x, -(m_HSliderHeight + m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing));
m_VerticalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta = new Vector2(m_VerticalScrollbarRect.sizeDelta.x, 0);
/// Calculate the bounds the ScrollRect should be using.
protected void UpdateBounds()
m_ViewBounds = new Bounds(, viewRect.rect.size);
m_ContentBounds = GetBounds();
if (m_Content == null)
Vector3 contentSize = m_ContentBounds.size;
Vector3 contentPos =;
var contentPivot = m_Content.pivot;
AdjustBounds(ref m_ViewBounds, ref contentPivot, ref contentSize, ref contentPos);
m_ContentBounds.size = contentSize; = contentPos;
if (movementType == MovementType.Clamped)
// Adjust content so that content bounds bottom (right side) is never higher (to the left) than the view bounds bottom (right side).
// top (left side) is never lower (to the right) than the view bounds top (left side).
// All this can happen if content has shrunk.
// This works because content size is at least as big as view size (because of the call to InternalUpdateBounds above).
Vector2 delta =;
if (m_ViewBounds.max.x > m_ContentBounds.max.x)
delta.x = Math.Min(m_ViewBounds.min.x - m_ContentBounds.min.x, m_ViewBounds.max.x - m_ContentBounds.max.x);
else if (m_ViewBounds.min.x < m_ContentBounds.min.x)
delta.x = Math.Max(m_ViewBounds.min.x - m_ContentBounds.min.x, m_ViewBounds.max.x - m_ContentBounds.max.x);
if (m_ViewBounds.min.y < m_ContentBounds.min.y)
delta.y = Math.Max(m_ViewBounds.min.y - m_ContentBounds.min.y, m_ViewBounds.max.y - m_ContentBounds.max.y);
else if (m_ViewBounds.max.y > m_ContentBounds.max.y)
delta.y = Math.Min(m_ViewBounds.min.y - m_ContentBounds.min.y, m_ViewBounds.max.y - m_ContentBounds.max.y);
if (delta.sqrMagnitude > float.Epsilon)
contentPos = m_Content.anchoredPosition + delta;
if (!m_Horizontal)
contentPos.x = m_Content.anchoredPosition.x;
if (!m_Vertical)
contentPos.y = m_Content.anchoredPosition.y;
AdjustBounds(ref m_ViewBounds, ref contentPivot, ref contentSize, ref contentPos);
internal static void AdjustBounds(ref Bounds viewBounds, ref Vector2 contentPivot, ref Vector3 contentSize, ref Vector3 contentPos)
// Make sure content bounds are at least as large as view by adding padding if not.
// One might think at first that if the content is smaller than the view, scrolling should be allowed.
// However, that's not how scroll views normally work.
// Scrolling is *only* possible when content is *larger* than view.
// We use the pivot of the content rect to decide in which directions the content bounds should be expanded.
// E.g. if pivot is at top, bounds are expanded downwards.
// This also works nicely when ContentSizeFitter is used on the content.
Vector3 excess = viewBounds.size - contentSize;
if (excess.x > 0)
contentPos.x -= excess.x * (contentPivot.x - 0.5f);
contentSize.x = viewBounds.size.x;
if (excess.y > 0)
contentPos.y -= excess.y * (contentPivot.y - 0.5f);
contentSize.y = viewBounds.size.y;
private readonly Vector3[] m_Corners = new Vector3[4];
private Bounds GetBounds()
if (m_Content == null)
return new Bounds();
var viewWorldToLocalMatrix = viewRect.worldToLocalMatrix;
return InternalGetBounds(m_Corners, ref viewWorldToLocalMatrix);
internal static Bounds InternalGetBounds(Vector3[] corners, ref Matrix4x4 viewWorldToLocalMatrix)
var vMin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);
var vMax = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
Vector3 v = viewWorldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(corners[j]);
vMin = Vector3.Min(v, vMin);
vMax = Vector3.Max(v, vMax);
var bounds = new Bounds(vMin,;
return bounds;
private Vector2 CalculateOffset(Vector2 delta)
return InternalCalculateOffset(ref m_ViewBounds, ref m_ContentBounds, m_Horizontal, m_Vertical, m_MovementType, ref delta);
internal static Vector2 InternalCalculateOffset(ref Bounds viewBounds, ref Bounds contentBounds, bool horizontal, bool vertical, MovementType movementType, ref Vector2 delta)
Vector2 offset =;
if (movementType == MovementType.Unrestricted)
return offset;
Vector2 min = contentBounds.min;
Vector2 max = contentBounds.max;
// min/max offset extracted to check if approximately 0 and avoid recalculating layout every frame (case 1010178)
if (horizontal)
min.x += delta.x;
max.x += delta.x;
float maxOffset = viewBounds.max.x - max.x;
float minOffset = viewBounds.min.x - min.x;
if (minOffset < -0.001f)
offset.x = minOffset;
else if (maxOffset > 0.001f)
offset.x = maxOffset;
if (vertical)
min.y += delta.y;
max.y += delta.y;
float maxOffset = viewBounds.max.y - max.y;
float minOffset = viewBounds.min.y - min.y;
if (maxOffset > 0.001f)
offset.y = maxOffset;
else if (minOffset < -0.001f)
offset.y = minOffset;
return offset;
/// Override to alter or add to the code that keeps the appearance of the scroll rect synced with its data.
protected void SetDirty()
if (!IsActive())
/// Override to alter or add to the code that caches data to avoid repeated heavy operations.
protected void SetDirtyCaching()
if (!IsActive())
m_ViewRect = null;
protected override void OnValidate()