using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityEngine.UI
/// Turn a simple label into a interactable input field.
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Legacy/Input Field", 103)]
public class InputField
: Selectable,
/// Setting the content type acts as a shortcut for setting a combination of InputType, CharacterValidation, LineType, and TouchScreenKeyboardType
/// The ContentType affects character validation, keyboard type used (on platforms with on-screen keyboards), whether the InputField accepts multiple lines, and whether the text is autocorrected (on platforms that offer input auto-correction) or is treated as a password where the characters are not shown directly.
public enum ContentType
/// Allows all input.
/// Allows all input and performs auto-correction on platforms that support it.
/// Allow whole numbers (positive or negative).
/// Allows decimal numbers (positive or negative).
/// Allows letters A-Z, a-z and numbers 0-9.
/// The InputField is used for typing in a name, and enforces capitalization of the first letter of each word. Note that the user can circumvent the first letter capitalization rules by deleting automatically-capitalized letters.
/// The input is used for typing in an email address.
/// Allows all input and hides the typed characters by showing them as asterisks characters.
/// Allows integer numbers and hides the typed characters by showing them as asterisks characters.
/// Custom types that allows user-defined settings.
/// Type of data expected by the input field mobile keyboard.
public enum InputType
/// The standard mobile keyboard
/// The mobile autocorrect keyboard.
/// The mobile password keyboard.
/// The type of characters that are allowed to be added to the string.
/// Note that the character validation does not validate the entire string as being valid or not. It only does validation on a per-character level, resulting in the typed character either being added to the string or not
public enum CharacterValidation
/// No validation. Any input is valid.
/// Allow whole numbers (positive or negative).
/// Characters 0-9 and - (dash / minus sign) are allowed. The dash is only allowed as the first character.
/// Allows decimal numbers (positive or negative).
/// Characters 0-9, . (dot), and - (dash / minus sign) are allowed. The dash is only allowed as the first character. Only one dot in the string is allowed.
/// Allows letters A-Z, a-z and numbers 0-9.
/// Only allow names and enforces capitalization.
/// Allows letters, spaces, and ' (apostrophe). A character after a space is automatically made upper case. A character not after a space is automatically made lowercase. A character after an apostrophe can be either upper or lower case. Only one apostrophe in the string is allowed. More than one space in a row is not allowed.
/// A characters is considered a letter if it is categorized as a Unicode letter, as implemented by the Char.Isletter method in .Net.
/// Allows the characters that are allowed in an email address.
/// Allows characters A-Z, a.z, 0-9, @, . (dot), !, #, $, %, &, ', *, +, -, /, =, ?, ^, _, `, {, |, }, and ~.
/// Only one @ is allowed in the string and more than one dot in a row are not allowed. Note that the character validation does not validate the entire string as being a valid email address since it only does validation on a per-character level, resulting in the typed character either being added to the string or not.
/// The LineType is used to describe the behavior of the InputField.
public enum LineType
/// Only allows 1 line to be entered. Has horizontal scrolling and no word wrap. Pressing enter will submit the InputField.
/// Is a multiline InputField with vertical scrolling and overflow. Pressing the return key will submit.
/// Is a multiline InputField with vertical scrolling and overflow. Pressing the return key will insert a new line character.
public delegate char OnValidateInput(string text, int charIndex, char addedChar);
/// Unity Event with a inputfield as a param.
public class SubmitEvent : UnityEvent {}
/// Unity Event with a inputfield as a param.
public class EndEditEvent : UnityEvent {}
/// The callback sent anytime the Inputfield is updated.
public class OnChangeEvent : UnityEvent {}
protected TouchScreenKeyboard m_Keyboard;
static private readonly char[] kSeparators = { ' ', '.', ',', '\t', '\r', '\n' };
static private bool s_IsQuestDeviceEvaluated = false;
#endif // if UNITY_ANDROID
static private bool s_IsQuestDevice = false;
/// Text Text used to display the input's value.
protected Text m_TextComponent;
protected Graphic m_Placeholder;
private ContentType m_ContentType = ContentType.Standard;
private InputType m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
private char m_AsteriskChar = '*';
private TouchScreenKeyboardType m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default;
private LineType m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
private bool m_HideMobileInput = false;
private CharacterValidation m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.None;
private int m_CharacterLimit = 0;
private SubmitEvent m_OnSubmit = new SubmitEvent();
private EndEditEvent m_OnDidEndEdit = new EndEditEvent();
private OnChangeEvent m_OnValueChanged = new OnChangeEvent();
private OnValidateInput m_OnValidateInput;
private Color m_CaretColor = new Color(50f / 255f, 50f / 255f, 50f / 255f, 1f);
private bool m_CustomCaretColor = false;
private Color m_SelectionColor = new Color(168f / 255f, 206f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 192f / 255f);
protected string m_Text = string.Empty;
[Range(0f, 4f)]
private float m_CaretBlinkRate = 0.85f;
[Range(1, 5)]
private int m_CaretWidth = 1;
private bool m_ReadOnly = false;
private bool m_ShouldActivateOnSelect = true;
protected int m_CaretPosition = 0;
protected int m_CaretSelectPosition = 0;
private RectTransform caretRectTrans = null;
protected UIVertex[] m_CursorVerts = null;
private TextGenerator m_InputTextCache;
private CanvasRenderer m_CachedInputRenderer;
private bool m_PreventFontCallback = false;
[NonSerialized] protected Mesh m_Mesh;
private bool m_AllowInput = false;
private bool m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate = false;
private bool m_UpdateDrag = false;
private bool m_DragPositionOutOfBounds = false;
private const float kHScrollSpeed = 0.05f;
private const float kVScrollSpeed = 0.10f;
protected bool m_CaretVisible;
private Coroutine m_BlinkCoroutine = null;
private float m_BlinkStartTime = 0.0f;
protected int m_DrawStart = 0;
protected int m_DrawEnd = 0;
private Coroutine m_DragCoroutine = null;
private string m_OriginalText = "";
private bool m_WasCanceled = false;
private bool m_HasDoneFocusTransition = false;
private WaitForSecondsRealtime m_WaitForSecondsRealtime;
private bool m_TouchKeyboardAllowsInPlaceEditing = false;
private bool m_IsCompositionActive = false;
private BaseInput input
if (EventSystem.current && EventSystem.current.currentInputModule)
return EventSystem.current.currentInputModule.input;
return null;
private string compositionString
get { return input != null ? input.compositionString : Input.compositionString; }
// Doesn't include dot and @ on purpose! See usage for details.
const string kEmailSpecialCharacters = "!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~";
const string kOculusQuestDeviceModel = "Oculus Quest";
protected InputField()
protected Mesh mesh
if (m_Mesh == null)
m_Mesh = new Mesh();
return m_Mesh;
protected TextGenerator cachedInputTextGenerator
if (m_InputTextCache == null)
m_InputTextCache = new TextGenerator();
return m_InputTextCache;
/// Should the mobile keyboard input be hidden. This allows for input to happen with a caret in the InputField instead of a OS input box above the keyboard.
public bool shouldHideMobileInput
SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_HideMobileInput, value);
switch (Application.platform)
case RuntimePlatform.Android:
case RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer:
case RuntimePlatform.tvOS:
return m_HideMobileInput;
return true;
/// Should the inputfield be automatically activated upon selection.
public virtual bool shouldActivateOnSelect
m_ShouldActivateOnSelect = value;
return m_ShouldActivateOnSelect && Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.tvOS;
/// Input field's current text value. This is not necessarily the same as what is visible on screen.
/// Note that null is invalid value for InputField.text.
public string text
return m_Text;
/// Set the current text value of the Input field without invoking onValueChanged.
/// This is not necessarily the same as what is visible on screen.
public void SetTextWithoutNotify(string input)
SetText(input, false);
void SetText(string value, bool sendCallback = true)
if (this.text == value)
if (value == null)
value = "";
value = value.Replace("\0", string.Empty); // remove embedded nulls
if (m_LineType == LineType.SingleLine)
value = value.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "");
// If we have an input validator, validate the input and apply the character limit at the same time.
if (onValidateInput != null || characterValidation != CharacterValidation.None)
m_Text = "";
OnValidateInput validatorMethod = onValidateInput ?? Validate;
m_CaretPosition = m_CaretSelectPosition = value.Length;
int charactersToCheck = characterLimit > 0 ? Math.Min(characterLimit, value.Length) : value.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < charactersToCheck; ++i)
char c = validatorMethod(m_Text, m_Text.Length, value[i]);
if (c != 0)
m_Text += c;
m_Text = characterLimit > 0 && value.Length > characterLimit ? value.Substring(0, characterLimit) : value;
if (!Application.isPlaying)
if (m_Keyboard != null)
m_Keyboard.text = m_Text;
if (m_CaretPosition > m_Text.Length)
m_CaretPosition = m_CaretSelectPosition = m_Text.Length;
else if (m_CaretSelectPosition > m_Text.Length)
m_CaretSelectPosition = m_Text.Length;
if (sendCallback)
/// Whether the InputField has focus and whether it is able to process events.
/// ().isFocused == true)
/// {
/// mainInputField.GetComponent().color =;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public bool isFocused
get { return m_AllowInput; }
/// The blinking rate of the input caret, defined as the number of times the blink cycle occurs per second.
public float caretBlinkRate
get { return m_CaretBlinkRate; }
if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_CaretBlinkRate, value))
if (m_AllowInput)
/// The width of the caret in pixels.
public int caretWidth { get { return m_CaretWidth; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_CaretWidth, value)) MarkGeometryAsDirty(); } }
/// The Text component that is going to be used to render the text to screen.
public Text textComponent
get { return m_TextComponent; }
if (m_TextComponent != null)
if (SetPropertyUtility.SetClass(ref m_TextComponent, value))
if (m_TextComponent != null)
/// This is an optional ‘empty’ graphic to show that the InputField text field is empty. Note that this ‘empty' graphic still displays even when the InputField is selected (that is; when there is focus on it).
/// A placeholder graphic can be used to show subtle hints or make it more obvious that the control is an InputField.
/// If a Text component is used as the placeholder, it's recommended to make the placeholder text look different from the real text of the InputField so they are not easily confused. For example, the placeholder text might be a more subtle color or have lower alpha value.
public Graphic placeholder { get { return m_Placeholder; } set { SetPropertyUtility.SetClass(ref m_Placeholder, value); } }
/// The custom caret color used if customCaretColor is set.
public Color caretColor { get { return customCaretColor ? m_CaretColor : textComponent.color; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetColor(ref m_CaretColor, value)) MarkGeometryAsDirty(); } }
/// Should a custom caret color be used or should the textComponent.color be used.
public bool customCaretColor { get { return m_CustomCaretColor; } set { if (m_CustomCaretColor != value) { m_CustomCaretColor = value; MarkGeometryAsDirty(); } } }
/// The color of the highlight to show which characters are selected.
public Color selectionColor { get { return m_SelectionColor; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetColor(ref m_SelectionColor, value)) MarkGeometryAsDirty(); } }
/// The Unity Event to call when editing has ended
/// 0)
/// {
/// Debug.Log("Text has been entered");
/// }
/// else if (input.text.Length == 0)
/// {
/// Debug.Log("Main Input Empty");
/// }
/// }
/// public void Start()
/// {
/// //Adds a listener that invokes the "LockInput" method when the player finishes editing the main input field.
/// //Passes the main input field into the method when "LockInput" is invoked
/// mainInputField.onEndEdit.AddListener(delegate {LockInput(mainInputField); });
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public EndEditEvent onEndEdit { get { return m_OnDidEndEdit; } set { SetPropertyUtility.SetClass(ref m_OnDidEndEdit, value); } }
/// The Unity Event to call when editing has ended
/// 0)
/// {
/// Debug.Log("Text has been entered");
/// }
/// else if (input.text.Length == 0)
/// {
/// Debug.Log("Main Input Empty");
/// }
/// }
/// public void Start()
/// {
/// //Adds a listener that invokes the "LockInput" method when the player finishes editing the main input field.
/// //Passes the main input field into the method when "LockInput" is invoked
/// mainInputField.onSubmit.AddListener(delegate {LockInput(mainInputField); });
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public SubmitEvent onSubmit { get { return m_OnSubmit; } set { SetPropertyUtility.SetClass(ref m_OnSubmit, value); } }
[Obsolete("onValueChange has been renamed to onValueChanged")]
public OnChangeEvent onValueChange { get { return onValueChanged; } set { onValueChanged = value; } }
/// Accessor to the OnChangeEvent.
public OnChangeEvent onValueChanged { get { return m_OnValueChanged; } set { SetPropertyUtility.SetClass(ref m_OnValueChanged, value); } }
/// The function to call to validate the input characters.
public OnValidateInput onValidateInput { get { return m_OnValidateInput; } set { SetPropertyUtility.SetClass(ref m_OnValidateInput, value); } }
/// How many characters the input field is limited to. 0 = infinite.
public int characterLimit
get { return m_CharacterLimit; }
if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_CharacterLimit, Math.Max(0, value)))
if (m_Keyboard != null)
m_Keyboard.characterLimit = value;
/// Specifies the type of the input text content.
/// The ContentType affects character validation, keyboard type used (on platforms with on-screen keyboards), whether the InputField accepts multiple lines, and whether the text is autocorrected (on platforms that offer input auto-correction) or is treated as a password where the characters are not shown directly.
public ContentType contentType { get { return m_ContentType; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_ContentType, value)) EnforceContentType(); } }
/// The LineType used by the InputField.
/// ().lineType = InputField.LineType.SingleLine;
/// }
/// else if (type == 1)
/// {
/// //Change the input field to "MultiLine Newline" line type.
/// mainInputField.GetComponent().lineType = InputField.LineType.MultiLineNewline;
/// }
/// else if (type == 2)
/// {
/// //Change the input field to "MultiLine Submit" line type.
/// mainInputField.GetComponent().lineType = InputField.LineType.MultiLineSubmit;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
public LineType lineType
get { return m_LineType; }
if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_LineType, value))
SetToCustomIfContentTypeIsNot(ContentType.Standard, ContentType.Autocorrected);
/// The type of input expected. See InputField.InputType.
public InputType inputType { get { return m_InputType; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_InputType, value)) SetToCustom(); } }
/// The TouchScreenKeyboard being used to edit the Input Field.
public TouchScreenKeyboard touchScreenKeyboard { get { return m_Keyboard; } }
/// They type of mobile keyboard that will be used.
public TouchScreenKeyboardType keyboardType
get { return m_KeyboardType; }
if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_KeyboardType, value))
/// The type of validation to perform on a character
public CharacterValidation characterValidation { get { return m_CharacterValidation; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_CharacterValidation, value)) SetToCustom(); } }
/// Set the InputField to be read only.
/// Setting read only allows for highlighting of text without allowing modifications via keyboard.
public bool readOnly { get { return m_ReadOnly; } set { m_ReadOnly = value; } }
/// If the input field supports multiple lines.
public bool multiLine { get { return m_LineType == LineType.MultiLineNewline || lineType == LineType.MultiLineSubmit; } }
/// The character used to hide text in password field.
/// Not shown in the inspector.
public char asteriskChar { get { return m_AsteriskChar; } set { if (SetPropertyUtility.SetStruct(ref m_AsteriskChar, value)) UpdateLabel(); } }
/// If the InputField was canceled and will revert back to the original text upon DeactivateInputField.
public bool wasCanceled { get { return m_WasCanceled; } }
/// Clamp a value (by reference) between 0 and the current text length.
/// The input position to be clampped
protected void ClampPos(ref int pos)
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
else if (pos > text.Length) pos = text.Length;
/// Current position of the cursor.
/// Getters are public Setters are protected
protected int caretPositionInternal { get { return m_CaretPosition + compositionString.Length; } set { m_CaretPosition = value; ClampPos(ref m_CaretPosition); } }
protected int caretSelectPositionInternal { get { return m_CaretSelectPosition + compositionString.Length; } set { m_CaretSelectPosition = value; ClampPos(ref m_CaretSelectPosition); } }
private bool hasSelection { get { return caretPositionInternal != caretSelectPositionInternal; } }
[Obsolete("caretSelectPosition has been deprecated. Use selectionFocusPosition instead (UnityUpgradable) -> selectionFocusPosition", true)]
public int caretSelectPosition { get { return selectionFocusPosition; } protected set { selectionFocusPosition = value; } }
/// Get: Returns the focus position as thats the position that moves around even during selection.
/// Set: Set both the anchor and focus position such that a selection doesn't happen
public int caretPosition
get { return m_CaretSelectPosition + compositionString.Length; }
set { selectionAnchorPosition = value; selectionFocusPosition = value; }
/// The beginning point of the selection.
/// When making a selection with a mouse, the anchor is where in the document the mouse button is initially pressed.
/// Get: Returns the beginning position of selection
/// Set: If Input.compositionString is 0 set the fixed position.
public int selectionAnchorPosition
get { return m_CaretPosition + compositionString.Length; }
if (compositionString.Length != 0)
m_CaretPosition = value;
ClampPos(ref m_CaretPosition);
/// The end point of the selection.
/// When making a selection with a mouse, the focus is where in the document the mouse button is released.
/// Get: Returns the end position of selection
/// Set: If Input.compositionString is 0 set the variable position.
public int selectionFocusPosition
get { return m_CaretSelectPosition + compositionString.Length; }
if (compositionString.Length != 0)
m_CaretSelectPosition = value;
ClampPos(ref m_CaretSelectPosition);
// Remember: This is NOT related to text validation!
// This is Unity's own OnValidate method which is invoked when changing values in the Inspector.
protected override void OnValidate()
m_CharacterLimit = Math.Max(0, m_CharacterLimit);
//This can be invoked before OnEnabled is called. So we shouldn't be accessing other objects, before OnEnable is called.
if (!IsActive())
// fix case 1040277
ClampPos(ref m_CaretPosition);
ClampPos(ref m_CaretSelectPosition);
if (m_AllowInput)
#endif // if UNITY_EDITOR
protected override void Awake()
if (s_IsQuestDeviceEvaluated)
// Used for Oculus Quest 1 and 2 software keyboard regression.
// TouchScreenKeyboard.isInPlaceEditingAllowed is always returning true in these devices and would prevent the software keyboard from showing up if that value was used.
s_IsQuestDevice = SystemInfo.deviceModel == kOculusQuestDeviceModel;
s_IsQuestDeviceEvaluated = true;
#endif // if UNITY_ANDROID
protected override void OnEnable()
if (m_Text == null)
m_Text = string.Empty;
m_DrawStart = 0;
m_DrawEnd = m_Text.Length;
// If we have a cached renderer then we had OnDisable called so just restore the material.
if (m_CachedInputRenderer != null)
m_CachedInputRenderer.SetMaterial(m_TextComponent.GetModifiedMaterial(Graphic.defaultGraphicMaterial), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
if (m_TextComponent != null)
protected override void OnDisable()
// the coroutine will be terminated, so this will ensure it restarts when we are next activated
m_BlinkCoroutine = null;
if (m_TextComponent != null)
// Clear needs to be called otherwise sync never happens as the object is disabled.
if (m_CachedInputRenderer != null)
if (m_Mesh != null)
m_Mesh = null;
protected override void OnDestroy()
IEnumerator CaretBlink()
// Always ensure caret is initially visible since it can otherwise be confusing for a moment.
m_CaretVisible = true;
yield return null;
while (isFocused && m_CaretBlinkRate > 0)
// the blink rate is expressed as a frequency
float blinkPeriod = 1f / m_CaretBlinkRate;
// the caret should be ON if we are in the first half of the blink period
bool blinkState = (Time.unscaledTime - m_BlinkStartTime) % blinkPeriod < blinkPeriod / 2;
if (m_CaretVisible != blinkState)
m_CaretVisible = blinkState;
if (!hasSelection)
// Then wait again.
yield return null;
m_BlinkCoroutine = null;
void SetCaretVisible()
if (!m_AllowInput)
m_CaretVisible = true;
m_BlinkStartTime = Time.unscaledTime;
// SetCaretActive will not set the caret immediately visible - it will wait for the next time to blink.
// However, it will handle things correctly if the blink speed changed from zero to non-zero or non-zero to zero.
void SetCaretActive()
if (!m_AllowInput)
if (m_CaretBlinkRate > 0.0f)
if (m_BlinkCoroutine == null)
m_BlinkCoroutine = StartCoroutine(CaretBlink());
m_CaretVisible = true;
private void UpdateCaretMaterial()
if (m_TextComponent != null && m_CachedInputRenderer != null)
m_CachedInputRenderer.SetMaterial(m_TextComponent.GetModifiedMaterial(Graphic.defaultGraphicMaterial), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
/// Focus the input field initializing properties.
/// Handles what happens after a user selects an InputField. This is a protected property. To return the focus state use InputField.isFocused. To shift focus to another GameObject, use EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject.
/// A common use of this is allowing the user to type once focussed. Another way is outputting a message when the user clicks on a field(often seen when creating passwords).
/// //Create an Input Field by going to __Create__>__UI__>__Input Field__. Attach this script to the Input Field GameObject
/// ();
/// }
/// void Update()
/// {
/// //Check if the Input Field is in focus and able to alter
/// if (m_InputField.isFocused)
/// {
/// //Change the Color of the Input Field's Image to green
/// m_InputField.GetComponent().color =;
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// ]]>
protected void OnFocus()
/// Highlight the whole InputField.
/// Sets the caretPosition to the length of the text and caretSelectPos to 0.
protected void SelectAll()
caretPositionInternal = text.Length;
caretSelectPositionInternal = 0;
/// Move the caret index to end of text.
/// Only move the selection position to facilate selection
public void MoveTextEnd(bool shift)
int position = text.Length;
if (shift)
caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
caretPositionInternal = position;
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal;
/// Move the caret index to start of text.
/// Only move the selection position to facilate selection
public void MoveTextStart(bool shift)
int position = 0;
if (shift)
caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
caretPositionInternal = position;
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal;
static string clipboard
return GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer;
GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = value;
// Returns true if the TouchScreenKeyboard should be used. On Android and Chrome OS, we only want to use the
// TouchScreenKeyboard if in-place editing is not allowed (i.e. when we do not have a hardware keyboard available).
private bool TouchScreenKeyboardShouldBeUsed()
RuntimePlatform platform = Application.platform;
switch (platform)
case RuntimePlatform.Android:
if (s_IsQuestDevice)
return TouchScreenKeyboard.isSupported;
return !TouchScreenKeyboard.isInPlaceEditingAllowed;
return TouchScreenKeyboard.isSupported;
private bool InPlaceEditing()
return !TouchScreenKeyboard.isSupported || m_TouchKeyboardAllowsInPlaceEditing;
// In-place editing can change state if a hardware keyboard becomes available or is hidden while the input field is activated.
// This currently only happens on Chrome OS devices (that support laptop and tablet mode).
private bool InPlaceEditingChanged()
return !s_IsQuestDevice && m_TouchKeyboardAllowsInPlaceEditing != TouchScreenKeyboard.isInPlaceEditingAllowed;
void UpdateCaretFromKeyboard()
var selectionRange = m_Keyboard.selection;
var selectionStart = selectionRange.start;
var selectionEnd = selectionRange.end;
var caretChanged = false;
if (caretPositionInternal != selectionStart)
caretChanged = true;
caretPositionInternal = selectionStart;
if (caretSelectPositionInternal != selectionEnd)
caretSelectPositionInternal = selectionEnd;
caretChanged = true;
if (caretChanged)
m_BlinkStartTime = Time.unscaledTime;
/// Update the text based on input.
// TODO: Make LateUpdate a coroutine instead. Allows us to control the update to only be when the field is active.
protected virtual void LateUpdate()
// Only activate if we are not already activated.
if (m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate)
if (!isFocused)
m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate = false;
// Reset as we are already activated.
m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate = false;
// If the device's state changed in a way that affects whether we should use a touchscreen keyboard or not,
// then we make sure to clear all of the caret/highlight state visually and deactivate the input field.
if (isFocused && InPlaceEditingChanged())
if (m_CachedInputRenderer != null)
using (var helper = new VertexHelper())
if (!isFocused || InPlaceEditing())
if (m_Keyboard == null || m_Keyboard.status != TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Visible)
if (m_Keyboard != null)
if (!m_ReadOnly)
text = m_Keyboard.text;
if (m_Keyboard.status == TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Canceled)
m_WasCanceled = true;
else if (m_Keyboard.status == TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Done)
string val = m_Keyboard.text;
if (m_Text != val)
if (m_ReadOnly)
m_Keyboard.text = m_Text;
m_Text = "";
for (int i = 0; i < val.Length; ++i)
char c = val[i];
if (c == '\r' || (int)c == 3)
c = '\n';
if (onValidateInput != null)
c = onValidateInput(m_Text, m_Text.Length, c);
else if (characterValidation != CharacterValidation.None)
c = Validate(m_Text, m_Text.Length, c);
if (lineType == LineType.MultiLineSubmit && c == '\n')
m_Keyboard.text = m_Text;
if (c != 0)
m_Text += c;
if (characterLimit > 0 && m_Text.Length > characterLimit)
m_Text = m_Text.Substring(0, characterLimit);
if (m_Keyboard.canGetSelection)
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = m_Text.Length;
// Set keyboard text before updating label, as we might have changed it with validation
// and update label will take the old value from keyboard if we don't change it here
if (m_Text != val)
m_Keyboard.text = m_Text;
else if (m_HideMobileInput && m_Keyboard.canSetSelection)
var selectionStart = Mathf.Min(caretSelectPositionInternal, caretPositionInternal);
var selectionLength = Mathf.Abs(caretSelectPositionInternal - caretPositionInternal);
m_Keyboard.selection = new RangeInt(selectionStart, selectionLength);
else if (m_Keyboard.canGetSelection && !m_HideMobileInput)
if (m_Keyboard.status != TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Visible)
if (m_Keyboard.status == TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Canceled)
m_WasCanceled = true;
else if (m_Keyboard.status == TouchScreenKeyboard.Status.Done)
[Obsolete("This function is no longer used. Please use RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle() instead.")]
public Vector2 ScreenToLocal(Vector2 screen)
var theCanvas = m_TextComponent.canvas;
if (theCanvas == null)
return screen;
Vector3 pos =;
if (theCanvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay)
pos = m_TextComponent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(screen);
else if (theCanvas.worldCamera != null)
Ray mouseRay = theCanvas.worldCamera.ScreenPointToRay(screen);
float dist;
Plane plane = new Plane(m_TextComponent.transform.forward, m_TextComponent.transform.position);
plane.Raycast(mouseRay, out dist);
pos = m_TextComponent.transform.InverseTransformPoint(mouseRay.GetPoint(dist));
return new Vector2(pos.x, pos.y);
private int GetUnclampedCharacterLineFromPosition(Vector2 pos, TextGenerator generator)
if (!multiLine)
return 0;
// transform y to local scale
float y = pos.y * m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
float lastBottomY = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < generator.lineCount; ++i)
float topY = generator.lines[i].topY;
float bottomY = topY - generator.lines[i].height;
// pos is somewhere in the leading above this line
if (y > topY)
// determine which line we're closer to
float leading = topY - lastBottomY;
if (y > topY - 0.5f * leading)
return i - 1;
return i;
if (y > bottomY)
return i;
lastBottomY = bottomY;
// Position is after last line.
return generator.lineCount;
/// Given an input position in local space on the Text return the index for the selection cursor at this position.
/// Mouse position.
/// Character index with in value.
protected int GetCharacterIndexFromPosition(Vector2 pos)
TextGenerator gen = m_TextComponent.cachedTextGenerator;
if (gen.lineCount == 0)
return 0;
int line = GetUnclampedCharacterLineFromPosition(pos, gen);
if (line < 0)
return 0;
if (line >= gen.lineCount)
return gen.characterCountVisible;
int startCharIndex = gen.lines[line].startCharIdx;
int endCharIndex = GetLineEndPosition(gen, line);
for (int i = startCharIndex; i < endCharIndex; i++)
if (i >= gen.characterCountVisible)
UICharInfo charInfo = gen.characters[i];
Vector2 charPos = charInfo.cursorPos / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
float distToCharStart = pos.x - charPos.x;
float distToCharEnd = charPos.x + (charInfo.charWidth / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit) - pos.x;
if (distToCharStart < distToCharEnd)
return i;
return endCharIndex;
private bool MayDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
return IsActive() &&
IsInteractable() &&
eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left &&
m_TextComponent != null &&
(InPlaceEditing() || m_HideMobileInput);
/// Capture the OnBeginDrag callback from the EventSystem and ensure we should listen to the drag events to follow.
/// The data passed by the EventSystem
public virtual void OnBeginDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!MayDrag(eventData))
m_UpdateDrag = true;
/// If we are able to drag, try and select the character range underneath the bounding rect.
public virtual void OnDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!MayDrag(eventData))
Vector2 position =;
if (!MultipleDisplayUtilities.GetRelativeMousePositionForDrag(eventData, ref position))
Vector2 localMousePos;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(textComponent.rectTransform, position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localMousePos);
caretSelectPositionInternal = GetCharacterIndexFromPosition(localMousePos) + m_DrawStart;
m_DragPositionOutOfBounds = !RectTransformUtility.RectangleContainsScreenPoint(textComponent.rectTransform, eventData.position, eventData.pressEventCamera);
if (m_DragPositionOutOfBounds && m_DragCoroutine == null)
m_DragCoroutine = StartCoroutine(MouseDragOutsideRect(eventData));
IEnumerator MouseDragOutsideRect(PointerEventData eventData)
while (m_UpdateDrag && m_DragPositionOutOfBounds)
Vector2 position =;
if (!MultipleDisplayUtilities.GetRelativeMousePositionForDrag(eventData, ref position))
Vector2 localMousePos;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(textComponent.rectTransform, position, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localMousePos);
Rect rect = textComponent.rectTransform.rect;
if (multiLine)
if (localMousePos.y > rect.yMax)
MoveUp(true, true);
else if (localMousePos.y < rect.yMin)
MoveDown(true, true);
if (localMousePos.x < rect.xMin)
MoveLeft(true, false);
else if (localMousePos.x > rect.xMax)
MoveRight(true, false);
float delay = multiLine ? kVScrollSpeed : kHScrollSpeed;
if (m_WaitForSecondsRealtime == null)
m_WaitForSecondsRealtime = new WaitForSecondsRealtime(delay);
m_WaitForSecondsRealtime.waitTime = delay;
yield return m_WaitForSecondsRealtime;
m_DragCoroutine = null;
/// Capture the OnEndDrag callback from the EventSystem and cancel the listening of drag events.
/// The eventData sent by the EventSystem.
public virtual void OnEndDrag(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!MayDrag(eventData))
m_UpdateDrag = false;
/// The action to perform when the event system sends a pointer down Event.
public override void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!MayDrag(eventData))
EventSystem.current.SetSelectedGameObject(gameObject, eventData);
bool hadFocusBefore = m_AllowInput;
if (!InPlaceEditing())
if (m_Keyboard == null || !
// Only set caret position if we didn't just get focus now.
// Otherwise it will overwrite the select all on focus.
if (hadFocusBefore)
Vector2 localMousePos;
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle(textComponent.rectTransform, eventData.pointerPressRaycast.screenPosition, eventData.pressEventCamera, out localMousePos);
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = GetCharacterIndexFromPosition(localMousePos) + m_DrawStart;
protected enum EditState
/// Process the Event and perform the appropriate action for that key.
/// The Event that is currently being processed.
/// If we should continue processing events or we have hit an end condition.
protected EditState KeyPressed(Event evt)
var currentEventModifiers = evt.modifiers;
bool ctrl = SystemInfo.operatingSystemFamily == OperatingSystemFamily.MacOSX ? (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Command) != 0 : (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Control) != 0;
bool shift = (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Shift) != 0;
bool alt = (currentEventModifiers & EventModifiers.Alt) != 0;
bool ctrlOnly = ctrl && !alt && !shift;
bool shiftOnly = shift && !ctrl && !alt;
switch (evt.keyCode)
case KeyCode.Backspace:
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.Delete:
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.Home:
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.End:
return EditState.Continue;
// Select All
case KeyCode.A:
if (ctrlOnly)
return EditState.Continue;
// Copy
case KeyCode.C:
if (ctrlOnly)
if (inputType != InputType.Password)
clipboard = GetSelectedString();
clipboard = "";
return EditState.Continue;
// Paste
case KeyCode.V:
if (ctrlOnly)
return EditState.Continue;
// Cut
case KeyCode.X:
if (ctrlOnly)
if (inputType != InputType.Password)
clipboard = GetSelectedString();
clipboard = "";
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.Insert:
// Copy via Insert key
if (ctrlOnly)
if (inputType != InputType.Password)
clipboard = GetSelectedString();
clipboard = "";
return EditState.Continue;
// Paste via insert key.
else if (shiftOnly)
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.LeftArrow:
MoveLeft(shift, ctrl);
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.RightArrow:
MoveRight(shift, ctrl);
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.UpArrow:
return EditState.Continue;
case KeyCode.DownArrow:
return EditState.Continue;
// Submit
case KeyCode.Return:
case KeyCode.KeypadEnter:
if (lineType != LineType.MultiLineNewline)
return EditState.Finish;
case KeyCode.Escape:
m_WasCanceled = true;
return EditState.Finish;
char c = evt.character;
// Don't allow return chars or tabulator key to be entered into single line fields.
if (!multiLine && (c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == 10))
return EditState.Continue;
// Convert carriage return and end-of-text characters to newline.
if (c == '\r' || (int)c == 3)
c = '\n';
if (IsValidChar(c))
if (c == 0)
if (compositionString.Length > 0)
return EditState.Continue;
private bool IsValidChar(char c)
if (c == 0)
return false;
// Delete key on mac
if ((int)c == 127)
return false;
// Accept newline and tab
if (c == '\t' || c == '\n')
return true;
return m_TextComponent.font.HasCharacter(c);
/// Handle the specified event.
private Event m_ProcessingEvent = new Event();
/// Helper function to allow separate events to be processed by the InputField.
/// The Event to process
public void ProcessEvent(Event e)
/// What to do when the event system sends a Update selected Event.
/// The data on which to process.
public virtual void OnUpdateSelected(BaseEventData eventData)
if (!isFocused)
bool consumedEvent = false;
while (Event.PopEvent(m_ProcessingEvent))
if (m_ProcessingEvent.rawType == EventType.KeyDown)
consumedEvent = true;
// Special handling on OSX which produces more events which need to be suppressed.
if (m_IsCompositionActive && compositionString.Length == 0)
// Suppress other events related to navigation or termination of composition sequence.
if (m_ProcessingEvent.character == 0 && m_ProcessingEvent.modifiers == EventModifiers.None)
var shouldContinue = KeyPressed(m_ProcessingEvent);
if (shouldContinue == EditState.Finish)
if (!m_WasCanceled)
switch (m_ProcessingEvent.type)
case EventType.ValidateCommand:
case EventType.ExecuteCommand:
switch (m_ProcessingEvent.commandName)
case "SelectAll":
consumedEvent = true;
if (consumedEvent)
private string GetSelectedString()
if (!hasSelection)
return "";
int startPos = caretPositionInternal;
int endPos = caretSelectPositionInternal;
// Ensure startPos is always less then endPos to make the code simpler
if (startPos > endPos)
int temp = startPos;
startPos = endPos;
endPos = temp;
return text.Substring(startPos, endPos - startPos);
private int FindtNextWordBegin()
if (caretSelectPositionInternal + 1 >= text.Length)
return text.Length;
int spaceLoc = text.IndexOfAny(kSeparators, caretSelectPositionInternal + 1);
if (spaceLoc == -1)
spaceLoc = text.Length;
return spaceLoc;
private void MoveRight(bool shift, bool ctrl)
if (hasSelection && !shift)
// By convention, if we have a selection and move right without holding shift,
// we just place the cursor at the end.
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = Mathf.Max(caretPositionInternal, caretSelectPositionInternal);
int position;
if (ctrl)
position = FindtNextWordBegin();
position = caretSelectPositionInternal + 1;
if (shift)
caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = position;
private int FindtPrevWordBegin()
if (caretSelectPositionInternal - 2 < 0)
return 0;
int spaceLoc = text.LastIndexOfAny(kSeparators, caretSelectPositionInternal - 2);
if (spaceLoc == -1)
spaceLoc = 0;
return spaceLoc;
private void MoveLeft(bool shift, bool ctrl)
if (hasSelection && !shift)
// By convention, if we have a selection and move left without holding shift,
// we just place the cursor at the start.
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = Mathf.Min(caretPositionInternal, caretSelectPositionInternal);
int position;
if (ctrl)
position = FindtPrevWordBegin();
position = caretSelectPositionInternal - 1;
if (shift)
caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = position;
private int DetermineCharacterLine(int charPos, TextGenerator generator)
for (int i = 0; i < generator.lineCount - 1; ++i)
if (generator.lines[i + 1].startCharIdx > charPos)
return i;
return generator.lineCount - 1;
/// Use cachedInputTextGenerator as the y component for the UICharInfo is not required
private int LineUpCharacterPosition(int originalPos, bool goToFirstChar)
if (originalPos >= cachedInputTextGenerator.characters.Count)
return 0;
UICharInfo originChar = cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[originalPos];
int originLine = DetermineCharacterLine(originalPos, cachedInputTextGenerator);
// We are on the first line return first character
if (originLine <= 0)
return goToFirstChar ? 0 : originalPos;
int endCharIdx = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines[originLine].startCharIdx - 1;
for (int i = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines[originLine - 1].startCharIdx; i < endCharIdx; ++i)
if (cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[i].cursorPos.x >= originChar.cursorPos.x)
return i;
return endCharIdx;
/// Use cachedInputTextGenerator as the y component for the UICharInfo is not required
private int LineDownCharacterPosition(int originalPos, bool goToLastChar)
if (originalPos >= cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible)
return text.Length;
UICharInfo originChar = cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[originalPos];
int originLine = DetermineCharacterLine(originalPos, cachedInputTextGenerator);
// We are on the last line return last character
if (originLine + 1 >= cachedInputTextGenerator.lineCount)
return goToLastChar ? text.Length : originalPos;
// Need to determine end line for next line.
int endCharIdx = GetLineEndPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, originLine + 1);
for (int i = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines[originLine + 1].startCharIdx; i < endCharIdx; ++i)
if (cachedInputTextGenerator.characters[i].cursorPos.x >= originChar.cursorPos.x)
return i;
return endCharIdx;
private void MoveDown(bool shift)
MoveDown(shift, true);
private void MoveDown(bool shift, bool goToLastChar)
if (hasSelection && !shift)
// If we have a selection and press down without shift,
// set caret position to end of selection before we move it down.
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = Mathf.Max(caretPositionInternal, caretSelectPositionInternal);
int position = multiLine ? LineDownCharacterPosition(caretSelectPositionInternal, goToLastChar) : text.Length;
if (shift)
caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
private void MoveUp(bool shift)
MoveUp(shift, true);
private void MoveUp(bool shift, bool goToFirstChar)
if (hasSelection && !shift)
// If we have a selection and press up without shift,
// set caret position to start of selection before we move it up.
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal = Mathf.Min(caretPositionInternal, caretSelectPositionInternal);
int position = multiLine ? LineUpCharacterPosition(caretSelectPositionInternal, goToFirstChar) : 0;
if (shift)
caretSelectPositionInternal = position;
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = position;
private void Delete()
if (m_ReadOnly)
if (caretPositionInternal == caretSelectPositionInternal)
if (caretPositionInternal < caretSelectPositionInternal)
m_Text = text.Substring(0, caretPositionInternal) + text.Substring(caretSelectPositionInternal, text.Length - caretSelectPositionInternal);
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal;
m_Text = text.Substring(0, caretSelectPositionInternal) + text.Substring(caretPositionInternal, text.Length - caretPositionInternal);
caretPositionInternal = caretSelectPositionInternal;
private void ForwardSpace()
if (m_ReadOnly)
if (hasSelection)
if (caretPositionInternal < text.Length)
m_Text = text.Remove(caretPositionInternal, 1);
private void Backspace()
if (m_ReadOnly)
if (hasSelection)
if (caretPositionInternal > 0 && caretPositionInternal - 1 < text.Length)
m_Text = text.Remove(caretPositionInternal - 1, 1);
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal - 1;
// Insert the character and update the label.
private void Insert(char c)
if (m_ReadOnly)
string replaceString = c.ToString();
// Can't go past the character limit
if (characterLimit > 0 && text.Length >= characterLimit)
m_Text = text.Insert(m_CaretPosition, replaceString);
caretSelectPositionInternal = caretPositionInternal += replaceString.Length;
private void UpdateTouchKeyboardFromEditChanges()
// Update the TouchKeyboard's text from edit changes
// if in-place editing is allowed
if (m_Keyboard != null && InPlaceEditing())
m_Keyboard.text = m_Text;
private void SendOnValueChangedAndUpdateLabel()
private void SendOnValueChanged()
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("InputField.value", this);
if (onValueChanged != null)
/// Convenience function to make functionality to send the ::ref::EndEditEvent easier.
protected void SendOnEndEdit()
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("InputField.onEndEdit", this);
if (onEndEdit != null)
/// Convenience function to make functionality to send the ::ref::SubmitEvent easier.
protected void SendOnSubmit()
UISystemProfilerApi.AddMarker("InputField.onSubmit", this);
if (onSubmit != null)
/// Append the specified text to the end of the current text string. Appends character by character testing validation criteria.
/// The String to append.
protected virtual void Append(string input)
if (m_ReadOnly)
if (!InPlaceEditing())
for (int i = 0, imax = input.Length; i < imax; ++i)
char c = input[i];
if (c >= ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == 10 || c == '\n')
// cf. TextGenerator.cpp
private const int k_MaxTextLength = UInt16.MaxValue / 4 - 1;
/// Append a character to the input field, taking into account the validation of each character.
/// Character to append.
protected virtual void Append(char input)
// We do not currently support surrogate pairs
if (char.IsSurrogate(input))
if (m_ReadOnly || text.Length >= k_MaxTextLength)
if (!InPlaceEditing())
// If we have an input validator, validate the input first
int insertionPoint = Math.Min(selectionFocusPosition, selectionAnchorPosition);
//Get the text based on selection for validation instead of whole text(case 1253193).
var validateText = text;
if (selectionFocusPosition != selectionAnchorPosition)
if (caretPositionInternal < caretSelectPositionInternal)
validateText = text.Substring(0, caretPositionInternal) + text.Substring(caretSelectPositionInternal, text.Length - caretSelectPositionInternal);
validateText = text.Substring(0, caretSelectPositionInternal) + text.Substring(caretPositionInternal, text.Length - caretPositionInternal);
if (onValidateInput != null)
input = onValidateInput(validateText, insertionPoint, input);
else if (characterValidation != CharacterValidation.None)
input = Validate(validateText, insertionPoint, input);
// If the input is invalid, skip it
if (input == 0)
// Append the character and update the label
/// Update the Text associated with this input field.
protected void UpdateLabel()
if (m_TextComponent != null && m_TextComponent.font != null && !m_PreventFontCallback)
// TextGenerator.Populate invokes a callback that's called for anything
// that needs to be updated when the data for that font has changed.
// This makes all Text components that use that font update their vertices.
// In turn, this makes the InputField that's associated with that Text component
// update its label by calling this UpdateLabel method.
// This is a recursive call we want to prevent, since it makes the InputField
// update based on font data that didn't yet finish executing, or alternatively
// hang on infinite recursion, depending on whether the cached value is cached
// before or after the calculation.
// This callback also occurs when assigning text to our Text component, i.e.,
// m_TextComponent.text = processed;
m_PreventFontCallback = true;
string fullText;
if (EventSystem.current != null && gameObject == EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject && compositionString.Length > 0)
m_IsCompositionActive = true;
fullText = text.Substring(0, m_CaretPosition) + compositionString + text.Substring(m_CaretPosition);
m_IsCompositionActive = false;
fullText = text;
string processed;
if (inputType == InputType.Password)
processed = new string(asteriskChar, fullText.Length);
processed = fullText;
bool isEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullText);
if (m_Placeholder != null)
m_Placeholder.enabled = isEmpty;
// If not currently editing the text, set the visible range to the whole text.
// The UpdateLabel method will then truncate it to the part that fits inside the Text area.
// We can't do this when text is being edited since it would discard the current scroll,
// which is defined by means of the m_DrawStart and m_DrawEnd indices.
if (!m_AllowInput)
m_DrawStart = 0;
m_DrawEnd = m_Text.Length;
if (!isEmpty)
// Determine what will actually fit into the given line
Vector2 extents = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.rect.size;
var settings = m_TextComponent.GetGenerationSettings(extents);
settings.generateOutOfBounds = true;
cachedInputTextGenerator.PopulateWithErrors(processed, settings, gameObject);
processed = processed.Substring(m_DrawStart, Mathf.Min(m_DrawEnd, processed.Length) - m_DrawStart);
m_TextComponent.text = processed;
m_PreventFontCallback = false;
private bool IsSelectionVisible()
if (m_DrawStart > caretPositionInternal || m_DrawStart > caretSelectPositionInternal)
return false;
if (m_DrawEnd < caretPositionInternal || m_DrawEnd < caretSelectPositionInternal)
return false;
return true;
private static int GetLineStartPosition(TextGenerator gen, int line)
line = Mathf.Clamp(line, 0, gen.lines.Count - 1);
return gen.lines[line].startCharIdx;
private static int GetLineEndPosition(TextGenerator gen, int line)
line = Mathf.Max(line, 0);
if (line + 1 < gen.lines.Count)
return gen.lines[line + 1].startCharIdx - 1;
return gen.characterCountVisible;
private void SetDrawRangeToContainCaretPosition(int caretPos)
// We don't have any generated lines generation is not valid.
if (cachedInputTextGenerator.lineCount <= 0)
// the extents gets modified by the pixel density, so we need to use the generated extents since that will be in the same 'space' as
// the values returned by the TextGenerator.lines[x].height for instance.
Vector2 extents = cachedInputTextGenerator.rectExtents.size;
if (multiLine)
var lines = cachedInputTextGenerator.lines;
int caretLine = DetermineCharacterLine(caretPos, cachedInputTextGenerator);
if (caretPos > m_DrawEnd)
// Caret comes after drawEnd, so we need to move drawEnd to the end of the line with the caret
m_DrawEnd = GetLineEndPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, caretLine);
float bottomY = lines[caretLine].topY - lines[caretLine].height;
if (caretLine == lines.Count - 1)
// Remove interline spacing on last line.
bottomY += lines[caretLine].leading;
int startLine = caretLine;
while (startLine > 0)
float topY = lines[startLine - 1].topY;
if (topY - bottomY > extents.y)
m_DrawStart = GetLineStartPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, startLine);
if (caretPos < m_DrawStart)
// Caret comes before drawStart, so we need to move drawStart to an earlier line start that comes before caret.
m_DrawStart = GetLineStartPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, caretLine);
int startLine = DetermineCharacterLine(m_DrawStart, cachedInputTextGenerator);
int endLine = startLine;
float topY = lines[startLine].topY;
float bottomY = lines[endLine].topY - lines[endLine].height;
if (endLine == lines.Count - 1)
// Remove interline spacing on last line.
bottomY += lines[endLine].leading;
while (endLine < lines.Count - 1)
bottomY = lines[endLine + 1].topY - lines[endLine + 1].height;
if (endLine + 1 == lines.Count - 1)
// Remove interline spacing on last line.
bottomY += lines[endLine + 1].leading;
if (topY - bottomY > extents.y)
m_DrawEnd = GetLineEndPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, endLine);
while (startLine > 0)
topY = lines[startLine - 1].topY;
if (topY - bottomY > extents.y)
m_DrawStart = GetLineStartPosition(cachedInputTextGenerator, startLine);
var characters = cachedInputTextGenerator.characters;
if (m_DrawEnd > cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible)
m_DrawEnd = cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible;
float width = 0.0f;
if (caretPos > m_DrawEnd || (caretPos == m_DrawEnd && m_DrawStart > 0))
// fit characters from the caretPos leftward
m_DrawEnd = caretPos;
for (m_DrawStart = m_DrawEnd - 1; m_DrawStart >= 0; --m_DrawStart)
if (width + characters[m_DrawStart].charWidth > extents.x)
width += characters[m_DrawStart].charWidth;
++m_DrawStart; // move right one to the last character we could fit on the left
if (caretPos < m_DrawStart)
m_DrawStart = caretPos;
m_DrawEnd = m_DrawStart;
// fit characters rightward
for (; m_DrawEnd < cachedInputTextGenerator.characterCountVisible; ++m_DrawEnd)
width += characters[m_DrawEnd].charWidth;
if (width > extents.x)
/// Force the label to update immediatly. This will recalculate the positioning of the caret and the visible text.
public void ForceLabelUpdate()
private void MarkGeometryAsDirty()
if (!Application.isPlaying || UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.IsPartOfPrefabAsset(gameObject))
/// Rebuild the input fields geometry. (caret and highlight).
/// Which update loop we are in.
public virtual void Rebuild(CanvasUpdate update)
switch (update)
case CanvasUpdate.LatePreRender:
/// See ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete. Does nothing by default.
public virtual void LayoutComplete()
/// See ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete. Does nothing by default.
public virtual void GraphicUpdateComplete()
private void UpdateGeometry()
if (!Application.isPlaying)
// No need to draw a cursor on mobile as its handled by the devices keyboard.
if (!InPlaceEditing() && !shouldHideMobileInput)
if (m_CachedInputRenderer == null && m_TextComponent != null)
GameObject go = new GameObject( + " Input Caret", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer));
go.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave;
go.layer = gameObject.layer;
caretRectTrans = go.GetComponent();
m_CachedInputRenderer = go.GetComponent();
m_CachedInputRenderer.SetMaterial(m_TextComponent.GetModifiedMaterial(Graphic.defaultGraphicMaterial), Texture2D.whiteTexture);
// Needed as if any layout is present we want the caret to always be the same as the text area.
go.AddComponent().ignoreLayout = true;
if (m_CachedInputRenderer == null)
private void AssignPositioningIfNeeded()
if (m_TextComponent != null && caretRectTrans != null &&
(caretRectTrans.localPosition != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.localPosition ||
caretRectTrans.localRotation != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.localRotation ||
caretRectTrans.localScale != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.localScale ||
caretRectTrans.anchorMin != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.anchorMin ||
caretRectTrans.anchorMax != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.anchorMax ||
caretRectTrans.anchoredPosition != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.anchoredPosition ||
caretRectTrans.sizeDelta != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.sizeDelta ||
caretRectTrans.pivot != m_TextComponent.rectTransform.pivot))
caretRectTrans.localPosition = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.localPosition;
caretRectTrans.localRotation = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.localRotation;
caretRectTrans.localScale = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.localScale;
caretRectTrans.anchorMin = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.anchorMin;
caretRectTrans.anchorMax = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.anchorMax;
caretRectTrans.anchoredPosition = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.anchoredPosition;
caretRectTrans.sizeDelta = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.sizeDelta;
caretRectTrans.pivot = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.pivot;
private void OnFillVBO(Mesh vbo)
using (var helper = new VertexHelper())
if (!isFocused)
Vector2 roundingOffset = m_TextComponent.PixelAdjustPoint(;
if (!hasSelection)
GenerateCaret(helper, roundingOffset);
GenerateHighlight(helper, roundingOffset);
private void GenerateCaret(VertexHelper vbo, Vector2 roundingOffset)
if (!m_CaretVisible)
if (m_CursorVerts == null)
float width = m_CaretWidth;
int adjustedPos = Mathf.Max(0, caretPositionInternal - m_DrawStart);
TextGenerator gen = m_TextComponent.cachedTextGenerator;
if (gen == null)
if (gen.lineCount == 0)
Vector2 startPosition =;
// Calculate startPosition
if (adjustedPos < gen.characters.Count)
UICharInfo cursorChar = gen.characters[adjustedPos];
startPosition.x = cursorChar.cursorPos.x;
startPosition.x /= m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
// TODO: Only clamp when Text uses horizontal word wrap.
if (startPosition.x > m_TextComponent.rectTransform.rect.xMax)
startPosition.x = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.rect.xMax;
int characterLine = DetermineCharacterLine(adjustedPos, gen);
startPosition.y = gen.lines[characterLine].topY / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
float height = gen.lines[characterLine].height / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
for (int i = 0; i < m_CursorVerts.Length; i++)
m_CursorVerts[i].color = caretColor;
m_CursorVerts[0].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y - height, 0.0f);
m_CursorVerts[1].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x + width, startPosition.y - height, 0.0f);
m_CursorVerts[2].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x + width, startPosition.y, 0.0f);
m_CursorVerts[3].position = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, 0.0f);
if (roundingOffset !=
for (int i = 0; i < m_CursorVerts.Length; i++)
UIVertex uiv = m_CursorVerts[i];
uiv.position.x += roundingOffset.x;
uiv.position.y += roundingOffset.y;
int screenHeight = Screen.height;
// Multiple display support only when not the main display. For display 0 the reported
// resolution is always the desktops resolution since its part of the display API,
// so we use the standard none multiple display method. (case 741751)
int displayIndex = m_TextComponent.canvas.targetDisplay;
if (displayIndex > 0 && displayIndex < Display.displays.Length)
screenHeight = Display.displays[displayIndex].renderingHeight;
// Calculate position of IME Window in screen space.
Camera cameraRef;
if (m_TextComponent.canvas.renderMode == RenderMode.ScreenSpaceOverlay)
cameraRef = null;
cameraRef = m_TextComponent.canvas.worldCamera;
Vector3 cursorPosition = m_CachedInputRenderer.gameObject.transform.TransformPoint(m_CursorVerts[0].position);
Vector2 screenPosition = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(cameraRef, cursorPosition);
screenPosition.y = screenHeight - screenPosition.y;
if (input != null)
input.compositionCursorPos = screenPosition;
private void CreateCursorVerts()
m_CursorVerts = new UIVertex[4];
for (int i = 0; i < m_CursorVerts.Length; i++)
m_CursorVerts[i] = UIVertex.simpleVert;
m_CursorVerts[i].uv0 =;
private void GenerateHighlight(VertexHelper vbo, Vector2 roundingOffset)
int startChar = Mathf.Max(0, caretPositionInternal - m_DrawStart);
int endChar = Mathf.Max(0, caretSelectPositionInternal - m_DrawStart);
// Ensure pos is always less then selPos to make the code simpler
if (startChar > endChar)
int temp = startChar;
startChar = endChar;
endChar = temp;
endChar -= 1;
TextGenerator gen = m_TextComponent.cachedTextGenerator;
if (gen.lineCount <= 0)
int currentLineIndex = DetermineCharacterLine(startChar, gen);
int lastCharInLineIndex = GetLineEndPosition(gen, currentLineIndex);
UIVertex vert = UIVertex.simpleVert;
vert.uv0 =;
vert.color = selectionColor;
int currentChar = startChar;
while (currentChar <= endChar && currentChar < gen.characterCount)
if (currentChar == lastCharInLineIndex || currentChar == endChar)
UICharInfo startCharInfo = gen.characters[startChar];
UICharInfo endCharInfo = gen.characters[currentChar];
Vector2 startPosition = new Vector2(startCharInfo.cursorPos.x / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit, gen.lines[currentLineIndex].topY / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit);
Vector2 endPosition = new Vector2((endCharInfo.cursorPos.x + endCharInfo.charWidth) / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit, startPosition.y - gen.lines[currentLineIndex].height / m_TextComponent.pixelsPerUnit);
// Checking xMin as well due to text generator not setting position if char is not rendered.
if (endPosition.x > m_TextComponent.rectTransform.rect.xMax || endPosition.x < m_TextComponent.rectTransform.rect.xMin)
endPosition.x = m_TextComponent.rectTransform.rect.xMax;
var startIndex = vbo.currentVertCount;
vert.position = new Vector3(startPosition.x, endPosition.y, 0.0f) + (Vector3)roundingOffset;
vert.position = new Vector3(endPosition.x, endPosition.y, 0.0f) + (Vector3)roundingOffset;
vert.position = new Vector3(endPosition.x, startPosition.y, 0.0f) + (Vector3)roundingOffset;
vert.position = new Vector3(startPosition.x, startPosition.y, 0.0f) + (Vector3)roundingOffset;
vbo.AddTriangle(startIndex, startIndex + 1, startIndex + 2);
vbo.AddTriangle(startIndex + 2, startIndex + 3, startIndex + 0);
startChar = currentChar + 1;
lastCharInLineIndex = GetLineEndPosition(gen, currentLineIndex);
/// Predefined validation functionality for different characterValidation types.
/// The whole text string to validate.
/// The position at which the current character is being inserted.
/// The character that is being inserted
/// The character that should be inserted.
protected char Validate(string text, int pos, char ch)
// Validation is disabled
if (characterValidation == CharacterValidation.None || !enabled)
return ch;
if (characterValidation == CharacterValidation.Integer || characterValidation == CharacterValidation.Decimal)
// Integer and decimal
bool cursorBeforeDash = (pos == 0 && text.Length > 0 && text[0] == '-');
bool dashInSelection = text.Length > 0 && text[0] == '-' && ((caretPositionInternal == 0 && caretSelectPositionInternal > 0) || (caretSelectPositionInternal == 0 && caretPositionInternal > 0));
bool selectionAtStart = caretPositionInternal == 0 || caretSelectPositionInternal == 0;
if (!cursorBeforeDash || dashInSelection)
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch;
if (ch == '-' && (pos == 0 || selectionAtStart)) return ch;
if ((ch == '.' || ch == ',') && characterValidation == CharacterValidation.Decimal && text.IndexOfAny(new[] { '.', ',' }) == -1) return ch;
else if (characterValidation == CharacterValidation.Alphanumeric)
// All alphanumeric characters
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') return ch;
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return ch;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch;
else if (characterValidation == CharacterValidation.Name)
// FIXME: some actions still lead to invalid input:
// - Hitting delete in front of an uppercase letter
// - Selecting an uppercase letter and deleting it
// - Typing some text, hitting Home and typing more text (we then have an uppercase letter in the middle of a word)
// - Typing some text, hitting Home and typing a space (we then have a leading space)
// - Erasing a space between two words (we then have an uppercase letter in the middle of a word)
// - We accept a trailing space
// - We accept the insertion of a space between two lowercase letters.
// - Typing text in front of an existing uppercase letter
// - ... and certainly more
// The rule we try to implement are too complex for this kind of verification.
if (char.IsLetter(ch))
// Character following a space or a hyphen should be in uppercase.
if (char.IsLower(ch) && ((pos == 0) || (text[pos - 1] == ' ') || (text[pos - 1] == '-')))
return char.ToUpper(ch);
// Character not following a space or an apostrophe or a hyphen should be in lowercase.
if (char.IsUpper(ch) && (pos > 0) && (text[pos - 1] != ' ') && (text[pos - 1] != '\'') && (text[pos - 1] != '-'))
return char.ToLower(ch);
return ch;
if (ch == '\'')
// Don't allow more than one apostrophe
if (!text.Contains("'"))
// Don't allow consecutive spaces and apostrophes.
if (!(((pos > 0) && ((text[pos - 1] == ' ') || (text[pos - 1] == '\'') || (text[pos - 1] == '-'))) ||
((pos < text.Length) && ((text[pos] == ' ') || (text[pos] == '\'') || (text[pos] == '-')))))
return ch;
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '-')
if (pos != 0) // Don't allow leading spaces and hyphens
// Don't allow consecutive spaces, apostrophes and hyphens.
if (!(((pos > 0) && ((text[pos - 1] == ' ') || (text[pos - 1] == '\'') || (text[pos - 1] == '-'))) ||
((pos < text.Length) && ((text[pos] == ' ') || (text[pos] == '\'') || (text[pos - 1] == '-')))))
return ch;
else if (characterValidation == CharacterValidation.EmailAddress)
// From StackOverflow about allowed characters in email addresses:
// Uppercase and lowercase English letters (a-z, A-Z)
// Digits 0 to 9
// Characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~
// Character . (dot, period, full stop) provided that it is not the first or last character,
// and provided also that it does not appear two or more times consecutively.
if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') return ch;
if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return ch;
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') return ch;
if (ch == '@' && text.IndexOf('@') == -1) return ch;
if (kEmailSpecialCharacters.IndexOf(ch) != -1) return ch;
if (ch == '.')
char lastChar = (text.Length > 0) ? text[Mathf.Clamp(pos, 0, text.Length - 1)] : ' ';
char nextChar = (text.Length > 0) ? text[Mathf.Clamp(pos + 1, 0, text.Length - 1)] : '\n';
if (lastChar != '.' && nextChar != '.')
return ch;
return (char)0;
/// Function to activate the InputField to begin processing Events.
/// Will only activate if deactivated.
public void ActivateInputField()
if (m_TextComponent == null || m_TextComponent.font == null || !IsActive() || !IsInteractable())
if (isFocused)
if (m_Keyboard != null && !
{ = true;
m_Keyboard.text = m_Text;
m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate = true;
private void ActivateInputFieldInternal()
if (EventSystem.current == null)
if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject != gameObject)
// Cache the value of isInPlaceEditingAllowed, because on UWP this involves calling into native code
// Usually, the value only needs to be updated once when the TouchKeyboard is opened; however, on Chrome OS,
// we check repeatedly to see if the in-place editing state has changed, so we can take action.
m_TouchKeyboardAllowsInPlaceEditing = !s_IsQuestDevice && TouchScreenKeyboard.isInPlaceEditingAllowed;
if (TouchScreenKeyboardShouldBeUsed())
if (input != null && input.touchSupported)
TouchScreenKeyboard.hideInput = shouldHideMobileInput;
m_Keyboard = (inputType == InputType.Password) ?
TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(m_Text, keyboardType, false, multiLine, true, false, "", characterLimit) :
TouchScreenKeyboard.Open(m_Text, keyboardType, inputType == InputType.AutoCorrect, multiLine, false, false, "", characterLimit);
// If TouchKeyboard doesn't support InPlaceEditing don't call OnFocus as mobile doesn't properly support select all
// Just set it to the end of the text (where it would move when typing starts)
if (!m_TouchKeyboardAllowsInPlaceEditing)
// Perform normal OnFocus routine if platform supports it
if (!TouchScreenKeyboard.isSupported || m_TouchKeyboardAllowsInPlaceEditing)
if (input != null)
input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.On;
m_AllowInput = true;
m_OriginalText = text;
m_WasCanceled = false;
/// What to do when the event system sends a submit Event.
/// The data on which to process
public override void OnSelect(BaseEventData eventData)
if (shouldActivateOnSelect)
/// What to do when the event system sends a pointer click Event
/// The data on which to process
public virtual void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData)
if (eventData.button != PointerEventData.InputButton.Left)
/// Function to deactivate the InputField to stop the processing of Events and send OnSubmit if not canceled.
public void DeactivateInputField()
// Not activated do nothing.
if (!m_AllowInput)
m_HasDoneFocusTransition = false;
m_AllowInput = false;
if (m_Placeholder != null)
m_Placeholder.enabled = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Text);
if (m_TextComponent != null && IsInteractable())
if (m_WasCanceled)
text = m_OriginalText;
if (m_Keyboard != null)
{ = false;
m_Keyboard = null;
m_CaretPosition = m_CaretSelectPosition = 0;
if (input != null)
input.imeCompositionMode = IMECompositionMode.Auto;
/// What to do when the event system sends a Deselect Event. Defaults to deactivating the inputfield.
/// The data sent by the EventSystem
public override void OnDeselect(BaseEventData eventData)
public virtual void OnSubmit(BaseEventData eventData)
if (!IsActive() || !IsInteractable())
if (!isFocused)
m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate = true;
private void EnforceContentType()
switch (contentType)
case ContentType.Standard:
// Don't enforce line type for this content type.
m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.None;
case ContentType.Autocorrected:
// Don't enforce line type for this content type.
m_InputType = InputType.AutoCorrect;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.None;
case ContentType.IntegerNumber:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumberPad;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.Integer;
case ContentType.DecimalNumber:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumbersAndPunctuation;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.Decimal;
case ContentType.Alphanumeric:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.ASCIICapable;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.Alphanumeric;
case ContentType.Name:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.NamePhonePad;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.Name;
case ContentType.EmailAddress:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Standard;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.EmailAddress;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.EmailAddress;
case ContentType.Password:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Password;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.None;
case ContentType.Pin:
m_LineType = LineType.SingleLine;
m_InputType = InputType.Password;
m_KeyboardType = TouchScreenKeyboardType.NumberPad;
m_CharacterValidation = CharacterValidation.Integer;
// Includes Custom type. Nothing should be enforced.
void EnforceTextHOverflow()
if (m_TextComponent != null)
if (multiLine)
m_TextComponent.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
m_TextComponent.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
void SetToCustomIfContentTypeIsNot(params ContentType[] allowedContentTypes)
if (contentType == ContentType.Custom)
for (int i = 0; i < allowedContentTypes.Length; i++)
if (contentType == allowedContentTypes[i])
contentType = ContentType.Custom;
void SetToCustom()
if (contentType == ContentType.Custom)
contentType = ContentType.Custom;
protected override void DoStateTransition(SelectionState state, bool instant)
if (m_HasDoneFocusTransition)
state = SelectionState.Selected;
else if (state == SelectionState.Pressed)
m_HasDoneFocusTransition = true;
base.DoStateTransition(state, instant);
/// See ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal.
public virtual void CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() {}
/// See ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputVertical.
public virtual void CalculateLayoutInputVertical() {}
/// See ILayoutElement.minWidth.
public virtual float minWidth { get { return 0; } }
/// Get the displayed with of all input characters.
public virtual float preferredWidth
if (textComponent == null)
return 0;
var settings = textComponent.GetGenerationSettings(;
return textComponent.cachedTextGeneratorForLayout.GetPreferredWidth(m_Text, settings) / textComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
/// See ILayoutElement.flexibleWidth.
public virtual float flexibleWidth { get { return -1; } }
/// See ILayoutElement.minHeight.
public virtual float minHeight { get { return 0; } }
/// Get the height of all the text if constrained to the height of the RectTransform.
public virtual float preferredHeight
if (textComponent == null)
return 0;
var settings = textComponent.GetGenerationSettings(new Vector2(textComponent.rectTransform.rect.size.x, 0.0f));
return textComponent.cachedTextGeneratorForLayout.GetPreferredHeight(m_Text, settings) / textComponent.pixelsPerUnit;
/// See ILayoutElement.flexibleHeight.
public virtual float flexibleHeight { get { return -1; } }
/// See ILayoutElement.layoutPriority.
public virtual int layoutPriority { get { return 1; } }