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If you have a more specific remapping to do, it may be more efficient to do it another way (such as using multiply and add as seen to the right) rather than using this node.", "m_TextSize": 0, "m_Theme": 0, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": -1189.0001220703125, "y": 154.00001525878907, "width": 217.65277099609376, "height": 163.3232879638672 }, "m_Group": { "m_Id": "a600f924910e48d88e8c0e4ec95752f1" } } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Vector1MaterialSlot", "m_ObjectId": "47496d43ada84b5197497afe7b7af549", "m_Id": 1, "m_DisplayName": "R", "m_SlotType": 1, "m_Hidden": false, "m_ShaderOutputName": "R", "m_StageCapability": 3, "m_Value": 0.0, "m_DefaultValue": 0.0, "m_Labels": [] } { "m_SGVersion": 0, "m_Type": "UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.BlockNode", "m_ObjectId": "4936949174cc4de6b12cfce4f4cb5911", "m_Group": { "m_Id": "" }, "m_Name": "SurfaceDescription.BaseColor", "m_DrawState": { "m_Expanded": true, "m_Position": { "serializedVersion": "2", "x": 0.0, 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