#ifndef UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_FUNCTIONS_DEPRECATED_INCLUDED #define UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_FUNCTIONS_DEPRECATED_INCLUDED #include "Packages/com.unity.shadergraph/Editor/Generation/Targets/BuiltIn/ShaderLibrary/Input.hlsl" // Deprecated: A confusingly named and duplicate function that scales clipspace to unity NDC range. (-w < x(-y) < w --> 0 < xy < w) // Use GetVertexPositionInputs().positionNDC instead for vertex shader // Or a similar function in Common.hlsl, ComputeNormalizedDeviceCoordinatesWithZ() #ifndef BUILTIN_TARGET_API float4 ComputeScreenPos(float4 positionCS) { float4 o = positionCS * 0.5f; o.xy = float2(o.x, o.y * _ProjectionParams.x) + o.w; o.zw = positionCS.zw; return o; } #endif #endif // UNITY_SHADER_VARIABLES_FUNCTIONS_DEPRECATED_INCLUDED