using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal; using UnityEngine; using Pool = UnityEngine.Pool; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { internal static class CustomInterpolatorUtils { // We need to be able to adapt CustomInterpolatorNode's output if the feature couldn't work per pass. // there isn't really a good way to get global information about generation state during a node's generation. // TODO: If we jobify our generator calls, switch these to TLS. internal static bool generatorSkipFlag = false; // For node only generation, there isn't a breadcumb of information we get in a few of the AbstractMaterialNode // code generating functions. Instead of completely refactoring for this case, we've got a global flag so that // CustomInterpolatorNode can redirect NODE preview graph evaluation from it's CIB's input port directly-- // This is necessary because node previews don't interpolate anything. So to get any previews at all we need to reroute. internal static bool generatorNodeOnly = false; // Used by preview manager to find what custom interpolator nodes need rerouting for node previews. internal static IEnumerable GetCustomBlockNodeDependents(BlockNode bnode) { return bnode?.owner?.GetNodes().Where(cin => cin.e_targetBlockNode == bnode).ToList() ?? new List(); } } internal class CustomInterpSubGen { #region descriptor // Common splicing locations or concepts. These may or may not exist in client's template code. [GenerationAPI] internal static class Splice { internal static string k_splicePreInclude => "CustomInterpolatorPreInclude"; internal static string k_splicePrePacking => "CustomInterpolatorPrePacking"; internal static string k_splicePreSurface => "CustomInterpolatorPreSurface"; internal static string k_splicePreVertex => "CustomInterpolatorPreVertex"; internal static string k_spliceCopyToSDI => "CustomInterpolatorCopyToSDI"; } // Describes where/what/how custom interpolator behavior can be achieved through splicing and defines. // Generally speaking, this may require a mix of changes to client template and includes. [GenerationAPI] internal struct Descriptor { internal string src, dst; // for function or block. For macro block src is start of the macro and dst is end of the macro. internal string name; // for struct or function. internal string define; // defined for client code to indicate we're live. internal string splice; // splice location, prefer use something from the list. internal string preprocessor; internal bool hasMacro; internal bool isBlock => src != null && dst != null && name == null && splice != null && !hasMacro; internal bool isMacroBlock => src != null && dst != null && name == null && splice != null && hasMacro; internal bool isStruct => src == null && dst == null && name != null && splice != null; internal bool isFunc => src != null && dst != null && name != null && splice != null; internal bool isDefine => define != null && splice != null && src == null && dst == null & name == null; internal bool isValid => isDefine || isBlock || isStruct || isFunc || isMacroBlock; internal bool hasPreprocessor => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(preprocessor); internal static Descriptor MakeFunc(string splice, string name, string dstType, string srcType, string define = "", string preprocessor = "") => new Descriptor { splice = splice, name = name, dst = dstType, src = srcType, define = define, preprocessor = preprocessor }; internal static Descriptor MakeStruct(string splice, string name, string define = "", string preprocessor = "") => new Descriptor { splice = splice, name = name, define = define, preprocessor = preprocessor }; internal static Descriptor MakeBlock(string splice, string dst, string src, string preprocessor = "") => new Descriptor { splice = splice, dst = dst, src = src, preprocessor = preprocessor }; internal static Descriptor MakeMacroBlock(string splice, string startMacro, string endMacro, string preprocessor = "") => new Descriptor { splice = splice, dst = endMacro, src = startMacro, preprocessor = preprocessor, hasMacro = true }; internal static Descriptor MakeDefine(string splice, string define, string preprocessor = "") => new Descriptor { splice = splice, define = define, preprocessor = preprocessor }; } [GenerationAPI] internal class Collection : IEnumerable { public class Item { public Descriptor descriptor { get; } public Item(Descriptor descriptor) { this.descriptor = descriptor; } } readonly List m_Items; public Collection() { m_Items = new List(); } public Collection Add(Collection structs) { foreach (Collection.Item item in structs) m_Items.Add(item); return this; } public Collection Add(Descriptor descriptor) { m_Items.Add(new Collection.Item(descriptor)); return this; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return m_Items.GetEnumerator(); } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } } #endregion private List customBlockNodes; private bool isNodePreview; private Dictionary spliceCommandBuffer; internal CustomInterpSubGen(bool isNodePreview) { this.isNodePreview = isNodePreview; customBlockNodes = new List(); spliceCommandBuffer = new Dictionary(); } #region GeneratorEntryPoints // This entry point handles adding our upstream antecedents to the generator's list of active nodes. // Custom Interpolator Nodes have no way of expressing that their Custom Interpolator Block is a dependent within existing generator code. internal void ProcessExistingStackData(List vertexNodes, List vertexSlots, List pixelNodes, IActiveFieldsSet activeFields) { if (CustomInterpolatorUtils.generatorSkipFlag) return; bool needsGraphFeature = false; // departing from current generation code, we will select what to generate based on some graph analysis. foreach (var cin in pixelNodes.OfType().ToList()) { // The CustomBlockNode's subtree. var anties = GetAntecedents(cin.e_targetBlockNode); // cin contains an inlined value, so there is nothing to do. if (anties == null) { continue; } else if (isNodePreview) { foreach (var ant in anties) { // sorted insertion, based on dependencies already present in pixelNodes (an issue because we're faking for the preview). if (!pixelNodes.Contains(ant)) InsertAntecedent(pixelNodes, ant); } } else // it's a full compile and cin isn't inlined, so do all the things. { if (!customBlockNodes.Contains(cin.e_targetBlockNode)) { activeFields.AddAll(cin.e_targetBlockNode.descriptor); // add the BlockFieldDescriptor for VertexDescription customBlockNodes.Add(cin.e_targetBlockNode); } foreach (var ant in anties) { if (!vertexNodes.Contains(ant)) InsertAntecedent(vertexNodes, ant); } if (!vertexNodes.Contains(cin.e_targetBlockNode)) vertexNodes.Add(cin.e_targetBlockNode); if (!vertexSlots.Contains(cin.e_targetBlockNode.FindSlot(0))) vertexSlots.Add(cin.e_targetBlockNode.FindSlot(0)); needsGraphFeature = true; } } // if a target has allowed custom interpolators, it should expect that the vertex feature can be forced on. if (needsGraphFeature) activeFields.AddAll(Fields.GraphVertex); } // This entry point is to inject custom interpolator fields into the appropriate structs for struct generation. internal List CopyModifyExistingPassStructs(IEnumerable passStructs, IActiveFieldsSet activeFields) { if (CustomInterpolatorUtils.generatorSkipFlag) return passStructs.ToList(); var newPassStructs = new List(); // StructDescriptor is (kind-of) immutable, so we need to do some copy/modify shenanigans to make this work. foreach (var ps in passStructs) { if (ps.populateWithCustomInterpolators) { var agg = new List(); foreach (var cib in customBlockNodes) { var fd = new FieldDescriptor(, cib.customName, "", ShaderValueTypeFrom((int)cib.customWidth), subscriptOptions: StructFieldOptions.Generated); agg.Add(fd); activeFields.AddAll(fd); } newPassStructs.Add(new StructDescriptor { name =, packFields = ps.packFields, fields = ps.fields.Union(agg).ToArray() }); } else { newPassStructs.Add(ps); } } foreach (var cid in customBlockNodes.Select(bn => bn.descriptor)) activeFields.AddAll(cid); return newPassStructs; } // Custom Interpolator descriptors indicate how and where code should be generated. // At this entry point, we can process the descriptors on a provided pass and generate // the corresponding splices. internal void ProcessDescriptors(IEnumerable descriptors) { if (CustomInterpolatorUtils.generatorSkipFlag) return; ShaderStringBuilder builder = new ShaderStringBuilder(); foreach (var desc in descriptors) { builder.Clear(); if (!desc.isValid) continue; if (desc.hasPreprocessor) builder.AppendLine($"#ifdef {desc.preprocessor}"); if (desc.isBlock) GenCopyBlock(desc.dst, desc.src, builder); else if (desc.isMacroBlock) GenCopyMacroBlock(desc.src, desc.dst, builder); else if (desc.isFunc) GenCopyFunc(, desc.dst, desc.src, builder, desc.define); else if (desc.isStruct) GenStruct(, builder, desc.define); else if (desc.isDefine) builder.AppendLine($"#define {desc.define}"); if (desc.hasPreprocessor) builder.AppendLine("#endif"); if (!spliceCommandBuffer.ContainsKey(desc.splice)) spliceCommandBuffer.Add(desc.splice, new ShaderStringBuilder()); spliceCommandBuffer[desc.splice].Concat(builder); } } // add our splices to the generator's dictionary. internal void AppendToSpliceCommands(Dictionary spliceCommands) { if (CustomInterpolatorUtils.generatorSkipFlag) return; foreach (var spliceKV in spliceCommandBuffer) spliceCommands.Add(spliceKV.Key, spliceKV.Value.ToCodeBlock()); } #endregion #region helpers private void GenStruct(string structName, ShaderStringBuilder builder, string makeDefine = "") { builder.AppendLine($"struct {structName}"); builder.AppendLine("{"); using (builder.IndentScope()) { foreach (var bn in customBlockNodes) { builder.AppendLine($"float{(int)bn.customWidth} {bn.customName};"); } } builder.AppendLine("};"); if (makeDefine != null && makeDefine != "") builder.AppendLine($"#define {makeDefine}"); builder.AppendNewLine(); } private void GenCopyBlock(string dst, string src, ShaderStringBuilder builder) { foreach (var bnode in customBlockNodes) builder.AppendLine($"{dst}.{bnode.customName} = {src}.{bnode.customName};"); } private void GenCopyMacroBlock(string startMacro, string endMacro, ShaderStringBuilder builder) { foreach (var bnode in customBlockNodes) builder.AppendLine($"{startMacro}{bnode.customName}{endMacro};"); } private void GenCopyFunc(string funcName, string dstType, string srcType, ShaderStringBuilder builder, string makeDefine = "") { builder.AppendLine($"{dstType} {funcName}(inout {dstType} output, {srcType} input)"); using (builder.BlockScope()) { GenCopyBlock("output", "input", builder); builder.AppendLine("return output;"); } if (makeDefine != null && makeDefine != "") builder.AppendLine($"#define {makeDefine}"); } private static List GetAntecedents(BlockNode blockNode) { if (blockNode != null && blockNode.isCustomBlock && blockNode.isActive && blockNode.GetInputNodeFromSlot(0) != null) { List results = new List(); NodeUtils.DepthFirstCollectNodesFromNode(results, blockNode, NodeUtils.IncludeSelf.Exclude); return results != null && results.Count() == 0 ? null : results; } return null; } private static void InsertAntecedent(List nodes, AbstractMaterialNode node) { var upstream = node.GetInputSlots().Where(slot => slot.isConnected).Select(slot => node.GetInputNodeFromSlot(; int safeIdx = nodes.FindLastIndex(n => upstream.Contains(n)) + 1; nodes.Insert(safeIdx, node); } private static ShaderValueType ShaderValueTypeFrom(int width) { switch (width) { case 1: return ShaderValueType.Float; case 2: return ShaderValueType.Float2; case 3: return ShaderValueType.Float3; default: return ShaderValueType.Float4; } } #endregion } }