using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Inspector.PropertyDrawers; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using ContextualMenuManipulator = UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManipulator; using GraphDataStore = UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.DataStore<UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.GraphData>; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing { class SGBlackboardField : GraphElement, IInspectable, ISGControlledElement<ShaderInputViewController> { static readonly Texture2D k_ExposedIcon = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("GraphView/Nodes/BlackboardFieldExposed"); static readonly string k_UxmlTemplatePath = "UXML/Blackboard/SGBlackboardField"; static readonly string k_StyleSheetPath = "Styles/SGBlackboard"; ShaderInputViewModel m_ViewModel; ShaderInputViewModel ViewModel { get => m_ViewModel; set => m_ViewModel = value; } VisualElement m_ContentItem; Pill m_Pill; Label m_TypeLabel; TextField m_TextField; internal TextField textField => m_TextField; Action m_ResetReferenceNameTrigger; List<Node> m_SelectedNodes = new List<Node>(); public string text { get { return m_Pill.text; } set { m_Pill.text = value; } } public string typeText { get { return m_TypeLabel.text; } set { m_TypeLabel.text = value; } } public Texture icon { get { return m_Pill.icon; } set { m_Pill.icon = value; } } public bool highlighted { get { return m_Pill.highlighted; } set { m_Pill.highlighted = value; } } internal SGBlackboardField(ShaderInputViewModel viewModel) { ViewModel = viewModel; // Store ShaderInput in userData object userData = ViewModel.model; if (userData == null) { AssertHelpers.Fail("Could not initialize blackboard field as shader input was null."); return; } // Store the Model guid as viewDataKey as that is persistent viewDataKey = ViewModel.model.guid.ToString(); var visualTreeAsset = Resources.Load<VisualTreeAsset>(k_UxmlTemplatePath); Assert.IsNotNull(visualTreeAsset); VisualElement mainContainer = visualTreeAsset.Instantiate(); var styleSheet = Resources.Load<StyleSheet>(k_StyleSheetPath); Assert.IsNotNull(styleSheet); styleSheets.Add(styleSheet); mainContainer.AddToClassList("mainContainer"); mainContainer.pickingMode = PickingMode.Ignore; m_ContentItem = mainContainer.Q("contentItem"); m_Pill = mainContainer.Q<Pill>("pill"); m_TypeLabel = mainContainer.Q<Label>("typeLabel"); m_TextField = mainContainer.Q<TextField>("textField"); = DisplayStyle.None; // Update the Pill text if shader input name is changed // we handle this in controller if we change it through SGBlackboardField, but its possible to change through PropertyNodeView as well shaderInput.displayNameUpdateTrigger += newDisplayName => text = newDisplayName; // Handles the upgrade fix for the old color property deprecation if (shaderInput is AbstractShaderProperty property) { property.onAfterVersionChange += () => { this.typeText = property.GetPropertyTypeString(); this.m_InspectorUpdateDelegate(); }; } Add(mainContainer); RegisterCallback<MouseDownEvent>(OnMouseDownEvent); capabilities |= Capabilities.Selectable | Capabilities.Droppable | Capabilities.Deletable | Capabilities.Renamable; ClearClassList(); AddToClassList("blackboardField"); = "SGBlackboardField"; UpdateFromViewModel(); // add the right click context menu IManipulator contextMenuManipulator = new ContextualMenuManipulator(AddContextMenuOptions); this.AddManipulator(contextMenuManipulator); this.AddManipulator(new SelectionDropper()); this.AddManipulator(new ContextualMenuManipulator(BuildFieldContextualMenu)); // When a display name is changed through the BlackboardPill, bind this callback to handle it with appropriate change action var textInputElement = m_TextField.Q(TextField.textInputUssName); textInputElement.RegisterCallback<FocusOutEvent>(e => { OnEditTextFinished(); }); ShaderGraphPreferences.onAllowDeprecatedChanged += UpdateTypeText; RegisterCallback<MouseEnterEvent>(evt => OnMouseHover(evt, ViewModel.model)); RegisterCallback<MouseLeaveEvent>(evt => OnMouseHover(evt, ViewModel.model)); RegisterCallback<DragUpdatedEvent>(OnDragUpdatedEvent); var blackboard = ViewModel.parentView.GetFirstAncestorOfType<SGBlackboard>(); if (blackboard != null) { // These callbacks are used for the property dragging scroll behavior RegisterCallback<DragEnterEvent>(blackboard.OnDragEnterEvent); RegisterCallback<DragExitedEvent>(blackboard.OnDragExitedEvent); // These callbacks are used for the property dragging scroll behavior RegisterCallback<DragEnterEvent>(blackboard.OnDragEnterEvent); RegisterCallback<DragExitedEvent>(blackboard.OnDragExitedEvent); } } ~SGBlackboardField() { ShaderGraphPreferences.onAllowDeprecatedChanged -= UpdateTypeText; } void AddContextMenuOptions(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) { // Checks if the reference name has been overridden and appends menu action to reset it, if so if (shaderInput.isRenamable && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shaderInput.overrideReferenceName)) { "Reset Reference", e => { var resetReferenceNameAction = new ResetReferenceNameAction(); resetReferenceNameAction.shaderInputReference = shaderInput; ViewModel.requestModelChangeAction(resetReferenceNameAction); m_ResetReferenceNameTrigger(); }, DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysEnabled); } if (shaderInput is ColorShaderProperty colorProp) { PropertyNodeView.AddMainColorMenuOptions(evt, colorProp, controller.graphData, m_InspectorUpdateDelegate); } if (shaderInput is Texture2DShaderProperty texProp) { PropertyNodeView.AddMainTextureMenuOptions(evt, texProp, controller.graphData, m_InspectorUpdateDelegate); } } internal void UpdateFromViewModel() { this.text = ViewModel.inputName; this.icon = ViewModel.isInputExposed ? k_ExposedIcon : null; this.typeText = ViewModel.inputTypeName; } ShaderInputViewController m_Controller; // --- Begin ISGControlledElement implementation public void OnControllerChanged(ref SGControllerChangedEvent e) { } public void OnControllerEvent(SGControllerEvent e) { } public ShaderInputViewController controller { get => m_Controller; set { if (m_Controller != value) { if (m_Controller != null) { m_Controller.UnregisterHandler(this); } m_Controller = value; if (m_Controller != null) { m_Controller.RegisterHandler(this); } } } } SGController ISGControlledElement.controller => m_Controller; // --- ISGControlledElement implementation [Inspectable("Shader Input", null)] public ShaderInput shaderInput => ViewModel.model; public string inspectorTitle => ViewModel.inputName + " " + ViewModel.inputTypeName; public object GetObjectToInspect() { return shaderInput; } Action m_InspectorUpdateDelegate; public void SupplyDataToPropertyDrawer(IPropertyDrawer propertyDrawer, Action inspectorUpdateDelegate) { if (propertyDrawer is ShaderInputPropertyDrawer shaderInputPropertyDrawer) { // We currently need to do a halfway measure between the old way of handling stuff for property drawers (how FieldView and NodeView handle it) // and how we want to handle it with the new style of controllers and views. Ideally we'd just hand the property drawer a view model and thats it. // We've maintained all the old callbacks as they are in the PropertyDrawer to reduce possible halo changes and support PropertyNodeView functionality // Instead we supply different underlying methods for the callbacks in the new SGBlackboardField, // that way both code paths should work until we can refactor PropertyNodeView shaderInputPropertyDrawer.GetViewModel( ViewModel, controller.graphData, ((triggerInspectorUpdate, modificationScope) => { controller.DirtyNodes(modificationScope); if (triggerInspectorUpdate) inspectorUpdateDelegate(); })); m_ResetReferenceNameTrigger = shaderInputPropertyDrawer.ResetReferenceName; m_InspectorUpdateDelegate = inspectorUpdateDelegate; } } void OnMouseDownEvent(MouseDownEvent e) { if ((e.clickCount == 2) && e.button == (int)MouseButton.LeftMouse && IsRenamable()) { OpenTextEditor(); e.PreventDefault(); } else { e.StopPropagation(); } } void OnDragUpdatedEvent(DragUpdatedEvent evt) { if (m_SelectedNodes.Any()) { foreach (var node in m_SelectedNodes) { node.RemoveFromClassList("hovered"); } m_SelectedNodes.Clear(); } } // TODO: Move to controller? Feels weird for this to be directly communicating with PropertyNodes etc. // Better way would be to send event to controller that notified of hover enter/exit and have other controllers be sent those events in turn void OnMouseHover(EventBase evt, ShaderInput input) { var graphView = ViewModel.parentView.GetFirstAncestorOfType<MaterialGraphView>(); if (evt.eventTypeId == MouseEnterEvent.TypeId()) { foreach (var node in graphView.nodes.ToList()) { if (input is AbstractShaderProperty property) { if (node.userData is PropertyNode propertyNode) { if ( == input) { m_SelectedNodes.Add(node); node.AddToClassList("hovered"); } } } else if (input is ShaderKeyword keyword) { if (node.userData is KeywordNode keywordNode) { if (keywordNode.keyword == input) { m_SelectedNodes.Add(node); node.AddToClassList("hovered"); } } } else if (input is ShaderDropdown dropdown) { if (node.userData is DropdownNode dropdownNode) { if (dropdownNode.dropdown == input) { m_SelectedNodes.Add(node); node.AddToClassList("hovered"); } } } } } else if (evt.eventTypeId == MouseLeaveEvent.TypeId() && m_SelectedNodes.Any()) { foreach (var node in m_SelectedNodes) { node.RemoveFromClassList("hovered"); } m_SelectedNodes.Clear(); } } void UpdateTypeText() { if (shaderInput is AbstractShaderProperty asp) { typeText = asp.GetPropertyTypeString(); } } internal void OpenTextEditor() { m_TextField.SetValueWithoutNotify(text); = DisplayStyle.Flex; m_ContentItem.visible = false; m_TextField.Q(TextField.textInputUssName).Focus(); m_TextField.SelectAll(); } void OnEditTextFinished() { m_ContentItem.visible = true; = DisplayStyle.None; if (text != m_TextField.text && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_TextField.text) == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_TextField.text) == false) { var changeDisplayNameAction = new ChangeDisplayNameAction(); changeDisplayNameAction.shaderInputReference = shaderInput; changeDisplayNameAction.newDisplayNameValue = m_TextField.text; ViewModel.requestModelChangeAction(changeDisplayNameAction); m_InspectorUpdateDelegate?.Invoke(); } else { // Reset text field to original name m_TextField.value = text; } } protected virtual void BuildFieldContextualMenu(ContextualMenuPopulateEvent evt) {"Rename", (a) => OpenTextEditor(), DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysEnabled); } } }