using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.Rendering; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [Serializable] [Title("Utility", "Logic", "Branch On Input Connection")] class BranchOnInputConnectionNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode { public const int InputSlotId = 0; public const int ConnectedSlotId = 1; public const int NotConnectedSlotId = 2; public const int OutSlotId = 3; const string kInputSlotName = "Input"; const string kConnectedSlotName = "Connected"; const string kNotConnectedSlotName = "NotConnected"; const string kOutSlotName = "Out"; public BranchOnInputConnectionNode() { name = "Branch On Input Connection"; UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); } public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { AddSlot(new PropertyConnectionStateMaterialSlot(InputSlotId, kInputSlotName, kInputSlotName, Graphing.SlotType.Input)); AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(ConnectedSlotId, kConnectedSlotName, kConnectedSlotName, Graphing.SlotType.Input,; AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(NotConnectedSlotId, kNotConnectedSlotName, kNotConnectedSlotName, Graphing.SlotType.Input,; AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(OutSlotId, kOutSlotName, kOutSlotName, Graphing.SlotType.Output,; RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { InputSlotId, ConnectedSlotId, NotConnectedSlotId, OutSlotId }); } public override bool allowedInMainGraph => false; public override bool hasPreview => true; public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GenerationMode generationMode) { // inspect one of the dynamic slots to figure out what type we are actually using var dynSlot = this.FindInputSlot(ConnectedSlotId); string dynamicDimension = NodeUtils.GetSlotDimension(dynSlot.concreteValueType); var dynamicType = "$precision" + dynamicDimension; // declare output variable var input = GetSlotValue(InputSlotId, generationMode); var connected = GetSlotValue(ConnectedSlotId, generationMode); var notconnected = GetSlotValue(NotConnectedSlotId, generationMode); var output = GetVariableNameForSlot(OutSlotId); if (generationMode == GenerationMode.Preview) sb.AppendLine($"{dynamicType} {output} = {notconnected};"); else sb.AppendLine($"{dynamicType} {output} = {input} ? {connected} : {notconnected};"); } } }