using System.Reflection; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [Title("Procedural", "Shape", "Rounded Polygon")] class RoundedPolygonNode : CodeFunctionNode { public RoundedPolygonNode() { name = "Rounded Polygon"; synonyms = new string[] { "shape" }; } protected override MethodInfo GetFunctionToConvert() { return GetType().GetMethod("RoundedPolygon_Func", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); } static string RoundedPolygon_Func( [Slot(0, Binding.MeshUV0)] Vector2 UV, [Slot(1, Binding.None, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0)] Vector1 Width, [Slot(2, Binding.None, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0)] Vector1 Height, [Slot(3, Binding.None, 5f, 0, 0, 0)] Vector1 Sides, [Slot(4, Binding.None, 0.3f, 0, 0, 0)] Vector1 Roundness, [Slot(5, Binding.None)] out Vector1 Out) { return @" { UV = UV * 2. + $precision2(-1.,-1.); $precision epsilon = 1e-6; UV.x = UV.x / ( Width + (Width==0)*epsilon); UV.y = UV.y / ( Height + (Height==0)*epsilon); Roundness = clamp(Roundness, 1e-6, 1.); $precision i_sides = floor( abs( Sides ) ); $precision fullAngle = 2. * PI / i_sides; $precision halfAngle = fullAngle / 2.; $precision opositeAngle = HALF_PI - halfAngle; $precision diagonal = 1. / cos( halfAngle ); // Chamfer values $precision chamferAngle = Roundness * halfAngle; // Angle taken by the chamfer $precision remainingAngle = halfAngle - chamferAngle; // Angle that remains $precision ratio = tan(remainingAngle) / tan(halfAngle); // This is the ratio between the length of the polygon's triangle and the distance of the chamfer center to the polygon center // Center of the chamfer arc $precision2 chamferCenter = $precision2( cos(halfAngle) , sin(halfAngle) )* ratio * diagonal; // starting of the chamfer arc $precision2 chamferOrigin = $precision2( 1., tan(remainingAngle) ); // Using Al Kashi algebra, we determine: // The distance distance of the center of the chamfer to the center of the polygon (side A) $precision distA = length(chamferCenter); // The radius of the chamfer (side B) $precision distB = 1. - chamferCenter.x; // The refence length of side C, which is the distance to the chamfer start $precision distCref = length(chamferOrigin); // This will rescale the chamfered polygon to fit the uv space // diagonal = length(chamferCenter) + distB; $precision uvScale = diagonal; UV *= uvScale; $precision2 polaruv = $precision2 ( atan2( UV.y, UV.x ), length(UV) ); polaruv.x += HALF_PI + 2*PI; polaruv.x = fmod( polaruv.x + halfAngle, fullAngle ); polaruv.x = abs(polaruv.x - halfAngle); UV = $precision2( cos(polaruv.x), sin(polaruv.x) ) * polaruv.y; // Calculate the angle needed for the Al Kashi algebra $precision angleRatio = 1. - (polaruv.x-remainingAngle) / chamferAngle; // Calculate the distance of the polygon center to the chamfer extremity $precision distC = sqrt( distA*distA + distB*distB - 2.*distA*distB*cos( PI - halfAngle * angleRatio ) ); Out = UV.x; float chamferZone = ( halfAngle - polaruv.x ) < chamferAngle; Out = lerp( UV.x, polaruv.y / distC, chamferZone ); // Output this to have the shape mask instead of the distance field #if defined(SHADER_STAGE_RAY_TRACING) Out = saturate((1 - Out) * 1e7); #else Out = saturate((1 - Out) / fwidth(Out)); #endif } "; } } }