using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.Graphing.Util; using UnityEditor.Rendering; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Assertions; using UnityEngine.Rendering; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { [Title("Input", "Texture", SampleVirtualTextureNode.DefaultNodeTitle)] class SampleVirtualTextureNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode, IGeneratesFunction, IMayRequireMeshUV, IMayRequireTime, IMayRequireScreenPosition { public const string DefaultNodeTitle = "Sample Virtual Texture"; public const int kMinLayers = 1; public const int kMaxLayers = 4; // input slots public const int UVInputId = 0; public const int VirtualTextureInputId = 1; public const int LODInputId = 2; public const int BiasInputId = 3; public const int DxInputId = 4; public const int DyInputId = 5; // output slots [NonSerialized] public readonly int[] OutputSlotIds = { 11, 12, 13, 14 }; const string UVInputName = "UV"; const string VirtualTextureInputName = "VT"; const string LODSlotName = "Lod"; const string BiasSlotName = "Bias"; const string DxSlotName = "Dx"; const string DySlotName = "Dy"; static string[] OutputSlotNames = { "Out", "Out2", "Out3", "Out4" }; public override bool hasPreview { get { return false; } } // Keep these in sync with "VirtualTexturing.hlsl" public enum LodCalculation { [InspectorName("Automatic")] VtLevel_Automatic = 0, [InspectorName("Lod Level")] VtLevel_Lod = 1, [InspectorName("Lod Bias")] VtLevel_Bias = 2, [InspectorName("Derivatives")] VtLevel_Derivatives = 3 } public enum AddressMode { [InspectorName("Wrap")] VtAddressMode_Wrap = 0, [InspectorName("Clamp")] VtAddressMode_Clamp = 1, } public enum FilterMode { [InspectorName("Anisotropic")] VtFilter_Anisotropic = 0 } public enum UvSpace { [InspectorName("Regular")] VtUvSpace_Regular = 0, [InspectorName("Pre Transformed")] VtUvSpace_PreTransformed = 1 } public enum QualityMode { [InspectorName("Low")] VtSampleQuality_Low = 0, [InspectorName("High")] VtSampleQuality_High = 1 } [SerializeField] AddressMode m_AddressMode = AddressMode.VtAddressMode_Wrap; public AddressMode addressMode { get { return m_AddressMode; } set { if (m_AddressMode == value) return; m_AddressMode = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } [SerializeField] LodCalculation m_LodCalculation = LodCalculation.VtLevel_Automatic; public LodCalculation lodCalculation { get { return m_LodCalculation; } set { if (m_LodCalculation == value) return; m_LodCalculation = value; RebuildAllSlots(true); // LOD calculation may have associated slots that need to be updated Dirty(ModificationScope.Topological); // slots ShaderStageCapability could have changed, so trigger Topo change } } [SerializeField] QualityMode m_SampleQuality = QualityMode.VtSampleQuality_High; public QualityMode sampleQuality { get { return m_SampleQuality; } set { if (m_SampleQuality == value) return; m_SampleQuality = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } [SerializeField] private bool m_EnableGlobalMipBias = true; public bool enableGlobalMipBias { get { return m_EnableGlobalMipBias; } set { if (m_EnableGlobalMipBias == value) return; m_EnableGlobalMipBias = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } [SerializeField] bool m_NoFeedback; // aka !AutomaticStreaming public bool noFeedback { get { return m_NoFeedback; } set { if (m_NoFeedback == value) return; m_NoFeedback = value; RebuildAllSlots(true); Dirty(ModificationScope.Topological); // slots ShaderStageCapability could have changed, so trigger Topo change } } public SampleVirtualTextureNode() : this(false, false) { } public SampleVirtualTextureNode(bool isLod = false, bool noResolve = false) { name = "Sample Virtual Texture"; synonyms = new string[] { "buffer" }; UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); } public override void Setup() { UpdateLayerOutputSlots(true); } // rebuilds the number of output slots, and also updates their ShaderStageCapability private int outputLayerSlotCount = 0; void UpdateLayerOutputSlots(bool inspectProperty, List usedSlots = null) { // the default is to show all 4 slots, so we don't lose any existing connections int layerCount = kMaxLayers; if (inspectProperty) { var vtProperty = GetSlotProperty(VirtualTextureInputId) as VirtualTextureShaderProperty; if (vtProperty != null) { layerCount = vtProperty?.value?.layers?.Count ?? kMaxLayers; } if (outputLayerSlotCount == layerCount) { if (usedSlots != null) for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) usedSlots.Add(OutputSlotIds[i]); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < kMaxLayers; i++) { int outputID = OutputSlotIds[i]; Vector4MaterialSlot outputSlot = FindSlot(outputID); if (i < layerCount) { // add or update it if (outputSlot == null) { string outputName = OutputSlotNames[i]; outputSlot = new Vector4MaterialSlot(outputID, outputName, outputName, SlotType.Output,, (noFeedback && m_LodCalculation == LodCalculation.VtLevel_Lod) ? ShaderStageCapability.All : ShaderStageCapability.Fragment); AddSlot(outputSlot); } else { outputSlot.stageCapability = (noFeedback && m_LodCalculation == LodCalculation.VtLevel_Lod) ? ShaderStageCapability.All : ShaderStageCapability.Fragment; } if (usedSlots != null) usedSlots.Add(outputID); } else { // remove it if (outputSlot != null) RemoveSlot(OutputSlotIds[i]); } } outputLayerSlotCount = layerCount; } public void RebuildAllSlots(bool inspectProperty) { List usedSlots = new List(); AddSlot(new UVMaterialSlot(UVInputId, UVInputName, UVInputName, UVChannel.UV0)); usedSlots.Add(UVInputId); AddSlot(new VirtualTextureInputMaterialSlot(VirtualTextureInputId, VirtualTextureInputName, VirtualTextureInputName)); usedSlots.Add(VirtualTextureInputId); // at this point we can't tell how many output slots we will have (because we can't find the VT property yet) // so, we create all of the possible output slots, so any edges created will connect properly // then we can trim down the set of slots later.. UpdateLayerOutputSlots(inspectProperty, usedSlots); // Create slots if (m_LodCalculation == LodCalculation.VtLevel_Lod) { var slot = new Vector1MaterialSlot(LODInputId, LODSlotName, LODSlotName, SlotType.Input, 0.0f, ShaderStageCapability.All, LODSlotName); AddSlot(slot); usedSlots.Add(LODInputId); } if (m_LodCalculation == LodCalculation.VtLevel_Bias) { var slot = new Vector1MaterialSlot(BiasInputId, BiasSlotName, BiasSlotName, SlotType.Input, 0.0f, ShaderStageCapability.Fragment, BiasSlotName); AddSlot(slot); usedSlots.Add(BiasInputId); } if (m_LodCalculation == LodCalculation.VtLevel_Derivatives) { var slot1 = new Vector2MaterialSlot(DxInputId, DxSlotName, DxSlotName, SlotType.Input,, ShaderStageCapability.All, DxSlotName); var slot2 = new Vector2MaterialSlot(DyInputId, DySlotName, DySlotName, SlotType.Input,, ShaderStageCapability.All, DySlotName); AddSlot(slot1); AddSlot(slot2); usedSlots.Add(DxInputId); usedSlots.Add(DyInputId); } RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(usedSlots, true); } public override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { RebuildAllSlots(false); } const string k_NoPropertyConnected = "A VirtualTexture property must be connected to the VT slot"; public override void ValidateNode() { base.ValidateNode(); if (!IsSlotConnected(VirtualTextureInputId)) { owner.AddValidationError(objectId, k_NoPropertyConnected); } else { var vtProp = GetSlotProperty(VirtualTextureInputId) as VirtualTextureShaderProperty; if (vtProp == null) { owner.AddValidationError(objectId, $"VT slot is not connected to a valid VirtualTexture property"); } } } public string GetFeedbackVariableName() { return GetVariableNameForNode() + "_fb"; } void AppendVtParameters(ShaderStringBuilder sb, string uvExpr, string lodExpr, string dxExpr, string dyExpr, AddressMode address, FilterMode filter, LodCalculation lod, UvSpace space, QualityMode quality, bool enableGlobalMipBias) { sb.AppendLine("VtInputParameters vtParams;"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.uv = " + uvExpr + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.lodOrOffset = " + lodExpr + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.dx = " + dxExpr + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.dy = " + dyExpr + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.addressMode = " + address + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.filterMode = " + filter + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.levelMode = " + lod + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.uvMode = " + space + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.sampleQuality = " + quality + ";"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.enableGlobalMipBias = " + (enableGlobalMipBias ? "1" : "0") + ";"); sb.AppendLine("#if defined(SHADER_STAGE_RAY_TRACING)"); sb.AppendLine("if (vtParams.levelMode == VtLevel_Automatic || vtParams.levelMode == VtLevel_Bias)"); using (sb.BlockScope()) { sb.AppendLine("vtParams.levelMode = VtLevel_Lod;"); sb.AppendLine("vtParams.lodOrOffset = 0.0f;"); } sb.AppendLine("#endif"); } void AppendVtSample(ShaderStringBuilder sb, string propertiesName, string vtInputVariable, string infoVariable, int layerIndex, string outputVariableName) { sb.TryAppendIndentation(); sb.Append(outputVariableName); sb.Append(" = "); sb.Append("SampleVTLayerWithTextureType("); sb.Append(propertiesName); sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(vtInputVariable); sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(infoVariable); sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(layerIndex.ToString()); sb.Append(");"); sb.AppendNewLine(); } // Node generations string GetFunctionName(out List layerIndices) { string name = "SampleVirtualTexture_" + addressMode + "_" + lodCalculation + "_" + m_SampleQuality; layerIndices = new List(); if (IsSlotConnected(VirtualTextureInputId)) { var vtProperty = GetSlotProperty(VirtualTextureInputId) as VirtualTextureShaderProperty; if (vtProperty != null) { int layerCount = vtProperty.value.layers.Count; for (int layer = 0; layer < layerCount; layer++) { if (IsSlotConnected(OutputSlotIds[layer])) { layerIndices.Add(layer); name = name + "_" + layer; } } } } return name; } public void GenerateNodeFunction(FunctionRegistry registry, GenerationMode generationMode) { string functionName = GetFunctionName(out var layerOutputLayerIndex); if (layerOutputLayerIndex.Count <= 0) return; registry.ProvideFunction(functionName, s => { string lodExpr = "0.0f"; string dxExpr = "0.0f"; string dyExpr = "0.0f"; // function header s.TryAppendIndentation(); s.Append("float4 "); s.Append(functionName); s.Append("(float2 uv"); switch (lodCalculation) { case LodCalculation.VtLevel_Lod: s.Append(", float lod"); lodExpr = "lod"; break; case LodCalculation.VtLevel_Bias: s.Append(", float bias"); lodExpr = "bias"; break; case LodCalculation.VtLevel_Derivatives: s.Append(", float2 dx, float2 dy"); dxExpr = "dx"; dyExpr = "dy"; break; } s.Append(", VTPropertyWithTextureType vtProperty"); for (int i = 0; i < layerOutputLayerIndex.Count; i++) { s.Append(", out float4 Layer" + layerOutputLayerIndex[i]); } s.Append(")"); s.AppendNewLine(); // function body using (s.BlockScope()) { AppendVtParameters( s, "uv", lodExpr, dxExpr, dyExpr, m_AddressMode, FilterMode.VtFilter_Anisotropic, m_LodCalculation, UvSpace.VtUvSpace_Regular, m_SampleQuality, m_EnableGlobalMipBias); s.AppendLine("StackInfo info = PrepareVT(vtProperty.vtProperty, vtParams);"); for (int i = 0; i < layerOutputLayerIndex.Count; i++) { // sample virtual texture layer int layer = layerOutputLayerIndex[i]; AppendVtSample(s, "vtProperty", "vtParams", "info", layer, "Layer" + layer); } s.AppendLine("return GetResolveOutput(info);"); } }); } public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GenerationMode generationMode) { bool success = false; if (IsSlotConnected(VirtualTextureInputId)) { var vtProperty = GetSlotProperty(VirtualTextureInputId) as VirtualTextureShaderProperty; if (vtProperty != null) { var layerOutputVariables = new List(); int layerCount = vtProperty.value.layers.Count; for (int i = 0; i < layerCount; i++) { if (IsSlotConnected(OutputSlotIds[i])) { // declare output variables up front string layerOutputVariable = GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotIds[i]); sb.AppendLine("$precision4 " + layerOutputVariable + ";"); layerOutputVariables.Add(layerOutputVariable); } } if (layerOutputVariables.Count > 0) { // assign feedback variable sb.TryAppendIndentation(); if (!noFeedback) { sb.Append("float4 "); sb.Append(GetFeedbackVariableName()); sb.Append(" = "); } sb.Append(GetFunctionName(out var unused)); sb.Append("("); sb.Append(GetSlotValue(UVInputId, generationMode)); switch (lodCalculation) { case LodCalculation.VtLevel_Lod: case LodCalculation.VtLevel_Bias: sb.Append(", "); sb.Append((lodCalculation == LodCalculation.VtLevel_Lod) ? GetSlotValue(LODInputId, generationMode) : GetSlotValue(BiasInputId, generationMode)); break; case LodCalculation.VtLevel_Derivatives: sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(GetSlotValue(DxInputId, generationMode)); sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(GetSlotValue(DyInputId, generationMode)); break; } sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(vtProperty.referenceName); foreach (string layerOutputVariable in layerOutputVariables) { sb.Append(", "); sb.Append(layerOutputVariable); } sb.Append(");"); sb.AppendNewLine(); success = true; } } } if (!success) { // set all outputs to zero for (int i = 0; i < kMaxLayers; i++) { if (IsSlotConnected(OutputSlotIds[i])) { // declare output variables up front string layerOutputVariable = GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotIds[i]); sb.AppendLine("$precision4 " + layerOutputVariable + " = 0;"); } } // TODO: should really just disable feedback in this case (need different feedback interface to do this) sb.AppendLine("$precision4 " + GetFeedbackVariableName() + " = 1;"); } } public override void CollectShaderProperties(PropertyCollector properties, GenerationMode generationMode) { // this adds default properties for all of our unconnected inputs base.CollectShaderProperties(properties, generationMode); } public bool RequiresMeshUV(Internal.UVChannel channel, ShaderStageCapability stageCapability) { using (var tempSlots = PooledList.Get()) { GetInputSlots(tempSlots); foreach (var slot in tempSlots) { if (slot.RequiresMeshUV(channel)) return true; } return false; } } public bool RequiresTime() { // HACK: This ensures we repaint in shadergraph so data that gets streamed in also becomes visible. return true; } public bool RequiresScreenPosition(ShaderStageCapability stageCapability = ShaderStageCapability.All) { // Feedback dithering requires screen position (and only works in Pixel Shader currently) return stageCapability.HasFlag(ShaderStageCapability.Fragment) && !noFeedback; } } }