using System; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor.Graphing; using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Drawing.Controls; namespace UnityEditor.ShaderGraph { enum TextureChannel { Red, Green, Blue, Alpha } [Title("Artistic", "Mask", "Channel Mask")] class ChannelMaskNode : AbstractMaterialNode, IGeneratesBodyCode, IGeneratesFunction { public ChannelMaskNode() { name = "Channel Mask"; synonyms = new string[] { "component mask" }; UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization(); } const int InputSlotId = 0; const int OutputSlotId = 1; const string kInputSlotName = "In"; const string kOutputSlotName = "Out"; public override bool hasPreview { get { return true; } } string GetFunctionName() { string channelSum = "None"; if (channelMask != 0) { bool red = (channelMask & 1) != 0; bool green = (channelMask & 2) != 0; bool blue = (channelMask & 4) != 0; bool alpha = (channelMask & 8) != 0; channelSum = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}", red ? "Red" : "", green ? "Green" : "", blue ? "Blue" : "", alpha ? "Alpha" : ""); } // NOTE: it's important we use the $precision generic form of the slot type in the name here return $"Unity_ChannelMask_{channelSum}_{FindInputSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType.ToShaderString()}"; } public sealed override void UpdateNodeAfterDeserialization() { AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(InputSlotId, kInputSlotName, kInputSlotName, SlotType.Input,; AddSlot(new DynamicVectorMaterialSlot(OutputSlotId, kOutputSlotName, kOutputSlotName, SlotType.Output,; RemoveSlotsNameNotMatching(new[] { InputSlotId, OutputSlotId }); } public TextureChannel channel; [SerializeField] private int m_ChannelMask = -1; [ChannelEnumMaskControl("Channels")] public int channelMask { get { return m_ChannelMask; } set { if (m_ChannelMask == value) return; m_ChannelMask = value; Dirty(ModificationScope.Graph); } } void ValidateChannelCount() { int channelCount = SlotValueHelper.GetChannelCount(FindSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType); if (channelMask >= 1 << channelCount) channelMask = -1; } string GetFunctionPrototype(string argIn, string argOut) { return string.Format("void {0} ({1} {2}, out {3} {4})" , GetFunctionName() , FindInputSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType.ToShaderString() , argIn , FindOutputSlot(OutputSlotId).concreteValueType.ToShaderString() , argOut); } public void GenerateNodeCode(ShaderStringBuilder sb, GenerationMode generationMode) { ValidateChannelCount(); string inputValue = GetSlotValue(InputSlotId, generationMode); string outputValue = GetSlotValue(OutputSlotId, generationMode); sb.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} {1};", FindInputSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType.ToShaderString(), GetVariableNameForSlot(OutputSlotId))); sb.AppendLine(GetFunctionCallBody(inputValue, outputValue)); } string GetFunctionCallBody(string inputValue, string outputValue) { return GetFunctionName() + " (" + inputValue + ", " + outputValue + ");"; } public void GenerateNodeFunction(FunctionRegistry registry, GenerationMode generationMode) { ValidateChannelCount(); registry.ProvideFunction(GetFunctionName(), s => { int channelCount = SlotValueHelper.GetChannelCount(FindSlot(InputSlotId).concreteValueType); s.AppendLine(GetFunctionPrototype("In", "Out")); using (s.BlockScope()) { if (channelMask == 0) s.AppendLine("Out = 0;"); else if (channelMask == -1) s.AppendLine("Out = In;"); else { bool red = (channelMask & 1) != 0; bool green = (channelMask & 2) != 0; bool blue = (channelMask & 4) != 0; bool alpha = (channelMask & 8) != 0; switch (channelCount) { case 1: s.AppendLine("Out = In.r;"); break; case 2: s.AppendLine(string.Format("Out = $precision2({0}, {1});", red ? "In.r" : "0", green ? "In.g" : "0")); break; case 3: s.AppendLine(string.Format("Out = $precision3({0}, {1}, {2});", red ? "In.r" : "0", green ? "In.g" : "0", blue ? "In.b" : "0")); break; case 4: s.AppendLine(string.Format("Out = $precision4({0}, {1}, {2}, {3});", red ? "In.r" : "0", green ? "In.g" : "0", blue ? "In.b" : "0", alpha ? "In.a" : "0")); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } } } }); } } }