using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements; namespace UnityEditor.Rendering.LookDev { partial class DisplayWindow { static partial class Style { internal const string k_DebugViewLabel = "Selected View"; internal const string k_DebugShadowLabel = "Display Shadows"; internal const string k_DebugViewMode = "View Mode"; internal static readonly Texture2D k_LockOpen = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon(Style.k_IconFolder, "Unlocked", forceLowRes: true); internal static readonly Texture2D k_LockClose = CoreEditorUtils.LoadIcon(Style.k_IconFolder, "Locked", forceLowRes: true); // /!\ WARNING: //The following const are used in the uss. //If you change them, update the uss file too. internal const string k_DebugToolbarName = "debugToolbar"; } MultipleSourceToggle m_Shadow; MultipleSourcePopupField m_DebugView; List listDebugMode; bool cameraSynced => LookDev.currentContext.cameraSynced; ViewContext lastFocusedViewContext => LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(LookDev.currentContext.layout.lastFocusedView); TargetDebugView targetDebugView { get => layout.debugPanelSource; set { if (layout.debugPanelSource != value) { layout.debugPanelSource = value; UpdateSideDebugPanelProperties(); } } } bool debugView1SidePanel => targetDebugView == TargetDebugView.First || targetDebugView == TargetDebugView.Both; bool debugView2SidePanel => targetDebugView == TargetDebugView.Second || targetDebugView == TargetDebugView.Both; void ApplyInFilteredViewsContext(Action action) { if (debugView1SidePanel) action.Invoke(LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(ViewIndex.First)); if (debugView2SidePanel) action.Invoke(LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(ViewIndex.Second)); } T GetInFilteredViewsContext(Func getter, out bool multipleDifferentValue) { T res1 = default; T res2 = default; multipleDifferentValue = false; bool view1 = debugView1SidePanel; bool view2 = debugView2SidePanel; if (view1) res1 = getter.Invoke(LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(ViewIndex.First)); if (view2) res2 = getter.Invoke(LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(ViewIndex.Second)); if (view1 && view2 && !res1.Equals(res2)) { multipleDifferentValue = true; return default; } else return view1 ? res1 : res2; } void ReadValueFromSourcesWithoutNotify(K element, Func from) where K : BaseField, IMultipleSource { bool multipleDifferentValue; T newValue = GetInFilteredViewsContext(from, out multipleDifferentValue); if (element is MultipleSourcePopupField) element.inMultipleValueState = multipleDifferentValue; element.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue); element.inMultipleValueState = multipleDifferentValue; } #region Hack_Support_UIElement_MixedValueState class MultipleDifferentValue : TextElement { public new class UxmlFactory : UxmlFactory { } public new class UxmlTraits : TextElement.UxmlTraits { } public new static readonly string ussClassName = "unity-multipledifferentevalue"; public MultipleDifferentValue() { AddToClassList(ussClassName); text = "-"; } } interface IMultipleSource { bool inMultipleValueState { get; set; } } class MultipleSourceToggle : Toggle, IMultipleSource { MultipleDifferentValue m_MultipleOverlay; bool m_InMultipleValueState = false; public bool inMultipleValueState { get => m_InMultipleValueState; set { if (value != m_InMultipleValueState) { = value ? DisplayStyle.Flex : DisplayStyle.None; m_InMultipleValueState = value; } } } public MultipleSourceToggle() : base() { m_MultipleOverlay = new MultipleDifferentValue(); this.Q(name: "unity-checkmark").Add(m_MultipleOverlay); = DisplayStyle.None; } public MultipleSourceToggle(string label) : base(label) { m_MultipleOverlay = new MultipleDifferentValue(); this.Q(name: "unity-checkmark").Add(m_MultipleOverlay); = DisplayStyle.None; } public override void SetValueWithoutNotify(bool newValue) { if (inMultipleValueState) inMultipleValueState = false; base.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue); } public override bool value { get => inMultipleValueState ? default : base.value; set { if (inMultipleValueState) inMultipleValueState = false; base.value = value; } } } class MultipleSourcePopupField : PopupField, IMultipleSource { internal readonly int count; MultipleDifferentValue m_MultipleOverlay; bool m_InMultipleValueState = false; public bool inMultipleValueState { get => m_InMultipleValueState; set { if (value != m_InMultipleValueState) { = value ? DisplayStyle.Flex : DisplayStyle.None; m_InMultipleValueState = value; } } } public MultipleSourcePopupField(string label, List choices, int defaultIndex = 0) : base( label, choices, defaultIndex, null, null) { count = choices.Count; m_MultipleOverlay = new MultipleDifferentValue(); Add(m_MultipleOverlay); = DisplayStyle.None; } public override void SetValueWithoutNotify(string newValue) { // forbid change from not direct selection as it can be find different value at opening if (!inMultipleValueState) base.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue); } public override string value { get => inMultipleValueState ? default : base.value; set { //when actively changing in the drop down, quit mixed value state if (inMultipleValueState) inMultipleValueState = false; base.value = value; } } } #endregion void CreateDebug() { if (m_MainContainer == null || m_MainContainer.Equals(null)) throw new System.MemberAccessException("m_MainContainer should be assigned prior CreateEnvironment()"); m_DebugContainer = new VisualElement() { name = Style.k_DebugContainerName }; m_MainContainer.Add(m_DebugContainer); if (sidePanel == SidePanel.Debug) m_MainContainer.AddToClassList(Style.k_ShowDebugPanelClass); AddDebugViewSelector(); AddDebugShadow(); AddDebugViewMode(); //[TODO: finish] //Toggle greyBalls = new Toggle("Grey balls"); //greyBalls.SetValueWithoutNotify(LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(LookDev.currentContext.layout.lastFocusedView).debug.greyBalls); //greyBalls.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => //{ // LookDev.currentContext.GetViewContent(LookDev.currentContext.layout.lastFocusedView).debug.greyBalls = evt.newValue; //}); //m_DebugContainer.Add(greyBalls); //[TODO: debug why list sometimes empty on resource reloading] //[TODO: display only per view] if (sidePanel == SidePanel.Debug) UpdateSideDebugPanelProperties(); } void AddDebugViewSelector() { ToolbarRadio viewSelector = new ToolbarRadio() { name = Style.k_DebugToolbarName }; viewSelector.AddRadios(new[] { Style.k_Camera1Icon, Style.k_LinkIcon, Style.k_Camera2Icon }); viewSelector.SetValueWithoutNotify((int)targetDebugView); viewSelector.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => targetDebugView = (TargetDebugView)evt.newValue); m_DebugContainer.Add(viewSelector); } void AddDebugShadow() { m_Shadow = new MultipleSourceToggle(Style.k_DebugShadowLabel); ReadValueFromSourcesWithoutNotify(m_Shadow, view => view.debug.shadow); m_Shadow.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => ApplyInFilteredViewsContext(view => view.debug.shadow = evt.newValue)); m_DebugContainer.Add(m_Shadow); } void AddDebugViewMode(int pos = -1) { //if debugPanel is open on script reload, at this time //RenderPipelineManager.currentPipeline is still null. //So compute the list on next frame only. if (LookDev.dataProvider == null) { EditorApplication.delayCall += () => AddDebugViewMode(2); //2 = hardcoded position of this field return; } if (m_DebugView != null && m_DebugContainer.Contains(m_DebugView)) m_DebugContainer.Remove(m_DebugView); listDebugMode = new List(LookDev.dataProvider?.supportedDebugModes ?? Enumerable.Empty()); listDebugMode.Insert(0, "None"); m_DebugView = new MultipleSourcePopupField(Style.k_DebugViewMode, listDebugMode); if (sidePanel == SidePanel.Debug) ReadValueFromSourcesWithoutNotify(m_DebugView, view => listDebugMode[view.debug.viewMode + 1]); m_DebugView.RegisterValueChangedCallback(evt => ApplyInFilteredViewsContext(view => view.debug.viewMode = listDebugMode.IndexOf(evt.newValue) - 1)); if (pos == -1) m_DebugContainer.Add(m_DebugView); else m_DebugContainer.Insert(pos, m_DebugView); } void UpdateSideDebugPanelProperties() { ReadValueFromSourcesWithoutNotify(m_Shadow, view => view.debug.shadow); if (m_DebugView != null) ReadValueFromSourcesWithoutNotify(m_DebugView, view => listDebugMode[view.debug.viewMode + 1]); } } }