using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor.Rendering
/// Class to Parse IES File
public class IESReader
string m_FileFormatVersion;
/// Version of the IES File
public string FileFormatVersion
get { return m_FileFormatVersion; }
float m_TotalLumens;
/// Total light intensity (in Lumens) stored on the file, usage of it is optional (through the prefab subasset inside the IESObject)
public float TotalLumens
get { return m_TotalLumens; }
float m_MaxCandelas;
/// Maximum of Candela in the IES File
public float MaxCandelas
get { return m_MaxCandelas; }
int m_PhotometricType;
/// Type of Photometric light in the IES file, varying per IES-Type and version
public int PhotometricType
get { return m_PhotometricType; }
Dictionary m_KeywordDictionary = new Dictionary();
int m_VerticalAngleCount;
int m_HorizontalAngleCount;
float[] m_VerticalAngles;
float[] m_HorizontalAngles;
float[] m_CandelaValues;
float m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle;
float m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle;
float m_FirstHorizontalAngle;
float m_LastHorizontalAngle;
// File format references:
/// Main function to read the file
/// The path to the IES File on disk.
/// Return the error during the import otherwise null if no error
public string ReadFile(string iesFilePath)
using (var iesReader = File.OpenText(iesFilePath))
string versionLine = iesReader.ReadLine();
if (versionLine == null)
return "Premature end of file (empty file).";
switch (versionLine.Trim())
case "IESNA91":
m_FileFormatVersion = "LM-63-1991";
case "IESNA:LM-63-1995":
m_FileFormatVersion = "LM-63-1995";
case "IESNA:LM-63-2002":
m_FileFormatVersion = "LM-63-2002";
case "IES:LM-63-2019":
m_FileFormatVersion = "LM-63-2019";
m_FileFormatVersion = "LM-63-1986";
var keywordRegex = new Regex(@"\s*\[(?\w+)\]\s*(?.*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
var tiltRegex = new Regex(@"TILT=(?.*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
string currentKeyword = string.Empty;
for (string keywordLine = (m_FileFormatVersion == "LM-63-1986") ? versionLine : iesReader.ReadLine(); true; keywordLine = iesReader.ReadLine())
if (keywordLine == null)
return "Premature end of file (missing TILT=NONE).";
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keywordLine))
Match keywordMatch = keywordRegex.Match(keywordLine);
if (keywordMatch.Success)
string keyword = keywordMatch.Groups["keyword"].Value;
string data = keywordMatch.Groups["data"].Value.Trim();
if (keyword == currentKeyword || keyword == "MORE")
m_KeywordDictionary[currentKeyword] += $" {data}";
// Many separate occurrences of keyword OTHER will need to be handled properly once exposed in the inspector.
currentKeyword = keyword;
m_KeywordDictionary[currentKeyword] = data;
Match tiltMatch = tiltRegex.Match(keywordLine);
if (tiltMatch.Success)
string data = tiltMatch.Groups["data"].Value.Trim();
if (data == "NONE")
return $"TILT format not supported: TILT={data}";
string[] iesDataTokens = Regex.Split(iesReader.ReadToEnd().Trim(), @"[\s,]+");
var iesDataTokenEnumerator = iesDataTokens.GetEnumerator();
string iesDataToken;
if (iesDataTokens.Length == 1 && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(iesDataTokens[0]))
return "Premature end of file (missing IES data).";
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing lamp count value).";
int lampCount;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!int.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lampCount))
return $"Invalid lamp count value: {iesDataToken}";
if (lampCount < 1) lampCount = 1;
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing lumens per lamp value).";
float lumensPerLamp;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!float.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out lumensPerLamp))
return $"Invalid lumens per lamp value: {iesDataToken}";
m_TotalLumens = (lumensPerLamp < 0f) ? -1f : lampCount * lumensPerLamp;
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing candela multiplier value).";
float candelaMultiplier;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!float.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out candelaMultiplier))
return $"Invalid candela multiplier value: {iesDataToken}";
if (candelaMultiplier < 0f) candelaMultiplier = 0f;
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing vertical angle count value).";
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!int.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_VerticalAngleCount))
return $"Invalid vertical angle count value: {iesDataToken}";
if (m_VerticalAngleCount < 1)
return $"Invalid number of vertical angles: {m_VerticalAngleCount}";
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing horizontal angle count value).";
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!int.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_HorizontalAngleCount))
return $"Invalid horizontal angle count value: {iesDataToken}";
if (m_HorizontalAngleCount < 1)
return $"Invalid number of horizontal angles: {m_HorizontalAngleCount}";
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing photometric type value).";
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!int.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out m_PhotometricType))
return $"Invalid photometric type value: {iesDataToken}";
if (m_PhotometricType < 1 || m_PhotometricType > 3)
return $"Invalid photometric type: {m_PhotometricType}";
// Skip luminous dimension unit type.
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing luminous dimension unit type value).";
// Skip luminous dimension width.
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing luminous dimension width value).";
// Skip luminous dimension length.
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing luminous dimension length value).";
// Skip luminous dimension height.
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing luminous dimension height value).";
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing ballast factor value).";
float ballastFactor;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!float.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out ballastFactor))
return $"Invalid ballast factor value: {iesDataToken}";
if (ballastFactor < 0f) ballastFactor = 0f;
// Skip future use.
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing future use value).";
// Skip input watts.
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing input watts value).";
m_VerticalAngles = new float[m_VerticalAngleCount];
float previousVerticalAngle = float.MinValue;
m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle = 180f;
for (int v = 0; v < m_VerticalAngleCount; ++v)
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing vertical angle values).";
float angle;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!float.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out angle))
return $"Invalid vertical angle value: {iesDataToken}";
if (angle <= previousVerticalAngle)
return $"Vertical angles are not in ascending order near: {angle}";
float deltaVerticalAngle = angle - previousVerticalAngle;
if (deltaVerticalAngle < m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle)
m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle = deltaVerticalAngle;
m_VerticalAngles[v] = previousVerticalAngle = angle;
m_HorizontalAngles = new float[m_HorizontalAngleCount];
float previousHorizontalAngle = float.MinValue;
m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle = 360f;
for (int h = 0; h < m_HorizontalAngleCount; ++h)
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing horizontal angle values).";
float angle;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!float.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out angle))
return $"Invalid horizontal angle value: {iesDataToken}";
if (angle <= previousHorizontalAngle)
return $"Horizontal angles are not in ascending order near: {angle}";
float deltaHorizontalAngle = angle - previousHorizontalAngle;
if (deltaHorizontalAngle < m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle)
m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle = deltaHorizontalAngle;
m_HorizontalAngles[h] = previousHorizontalAngle = angle;
m_FirstHorizontalAngle = m_HorizontalAngles[0];
m_LastHorizontalAngle = m_HorizontalAngles[m_HorizontalAngleCount - 1];
m_CandelaValues = new float[m_HorizontalAngleCount * m_VerticalAngleCount];
m_MaxCandelas = 0f;
for (int h = 0; h < m_HorizontalAngleCount; ++h)
for (int v = 0; v < m_VerticalAngleCount; ++v)
if (!iesDataTokenEnumerator.MoveNext())
return "Premature end of file (missing candela values).";
float value;
iesDataToken = iesDataTokenEnumerator.Current.ToString();
if (!float.TryParse(iesDataToken, NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value))
return $"Invalid candela value: {iesDataToken}";
value *= candelaMultiplier * ballastFactor;
m_CandelaValues[h * m_VerticalAngleCount + v] = value;
if (value > m_MaxCandelas)
m_MaxCandelas = value;
return null;
internal string GetKeywordValue(string keyword)
return m_KeywordDictionary.ContainsKey(keyword) ? m_KeywordDictionary[keyword] : string.Empty;
internal int GetMinVerticalSampleCount()
if (m_PhotometricType == 2) // type B
// Factor in the 90 degree rotation that will be done when building the cylindrical texture.
return 1 + (int)Mathf.Ceil(360 / m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle); // 360 is 2 * 180 degrees
else // type A or C
return 1 + (int)Mathf.Ceil(360 / m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle); // 360 is 2 * 180 degrees
internal int GetMinHorizontalSampleCount()
switch (m_PhotometricType)
case 3: // type A
return 1 + (int)Mathf.Ceil(720 / m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle); // 720 is 2 * 360 degrees
case 2: // type B
// Factor in the 90 degree rotation that will be done when building the cylindrical texture.
return 1 + (int)Mathf.Ceil(720 / m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle); // 720 is 2 * 360 degrees
default: // type C
// Factor in the 90 degree rotation that will be done when building the cylindrical texture.
return 1 + (int)Mathf.Ceil(720 / Mathf.Min(m_MinDeltaHorizontalAngle, m_MinDeltaVerticalAngle)); // 720 is 2 * 360 degrees
internal float ComputeVerticalAnglePosition(float angle)
return ComputeAnglePosition(angle, m_VerticalAngles);
internal float ComputeTypeAorBHorizontalAnglePosition(float angle) // angle in range [-180..+180] degrees
return ComputeAnglePosition(((m_FirstHorizontalAngle == 0f) ? Mathf.Abs(angle) : angle), m_HorizontalAngles);
internal float ComputeTypeCHorizontalAnglePosition(float angle) // angle in range [0..360] degrees
switch (m_LastHorizontalAngle)
case 0f: // the luminaire is assumed to be laterally symmetric in all planes
angle = 0f;
case 90f: // the luminaire is assumed to be symmetric in each quadrant
angle = 90f - Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(angle - 180f) - 90f);
case 180f: // the luminaire is assumed to be symmetric about the 0 to 180 degree plane
angle = 180f - Mathf.Abs(angle - 180f);
case 270f:
angle = 270f - Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Abs(angle - 270f) - 180f);
default: // the luminaire is assumed to exhibit no lateral symmetry
return ComputeAnglePosition(angle, m_HorizontalAngles);
internal float ComputeAnglePosition(float value, float[] angles)
int start = 0;
int end = angles.Length - 1;
if (value < angles[start])
return start;
if (value > angles[end])
return end;
while (start < end)
int index = (start + end + 1) / 2;
float angle = angles[index];
if (value >= angle)
start = index;
end = index - 1;
float leftValue = angles[start];
float fraction = 0f;
if (start + 1 < angles.Length)
float rightValue = angles[start + 1];
float deltaValue = rightValue - leftValue;
if (deltaValue > 0.0001f)
fraction = (value - leftValue) / deltaValue;
return start + fraction;
internal float InterpolateBilinear(float x, float y)
int ix = (int)Mathf.Floor(x);
int iy = (int)Mathf.Floor(y);
float fractionX = x - ix;
float fractionY = y - iy;
float p00 = InterpolatePoint(ix + 0, iy + 0);
float p10 = InterpolatePoint(ix + 1, iy + 0);
float p01 = InterpolatePoint(ix + 0, iy + 1);
float p11 = InterpolatePoint(ix + 1, iy + 1);
float p0 = Mathf.Lerp(p00, p01, fractionY);
float p1 = Mathf.Lerp(p10, p11, fractionY);
return Mathf.Lerp(p0, p1, fractionX);
internal float InterpolatePoint(int x, int y)
x %= m_HorizontalAngles.Length;
y %= m_VerticalAngles.Length;
return m_CandelaValues[y + x * m_VerticalAngles.Length];