using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Cinemachine.Utility
/// Extensions to the Vector3 class, used by Cinemachine
public static class UnityVectorExtensions
/// A useful Epsilon
public const float Epsilon = 0.0001f;
/// Checks if the Vector2 contains NaN for x or y.
/// Vector2 to check for NaN
/// True, if any components of the vector are NaN
public static bool IsNaN(this Vector2 v)
return float.IsNaN(v.x) || float.IsNaN(v.y);
/// Checks if the Vector2 contains NaN for x or y.
/// Vector2 to check for NaN
/// True, if any components of the vector are NaN
public static bool IsNaN(this Vector3 v)
return float.IsNaN(v.x) || float.IsNaN(v.y) || float.IsNaN(v.z);
/// Get the closest point on a line segment.
/// A point in space
/// Start of line segment
/// End of line segment
/// The interpolation parameter representing the point on the segment, with 0==s0, and 1==s1
public static float ClosestPointOnSegment(this Vector3 p, Vector3 s0, Vector3 s1)
Vector3 s = s1 - s0;
float len2 = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(s);
if (len2 < Epsilon)
return 0; // degenrate segment
return Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(p - s0, s) / len2);
/// Get the closest point on a line segment.
/// A point in space
/// Start of line segment
/// End of line segment
/// The interpolation parameter representing the point on the segment, with 0==s0, and 1==s1
public static float ClosestPointOnSegment(this Vector2 p, Vector2 s0, Vector2 s1)
Vector2 s = s1 - s0;
float len2 = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(s);
if (len2 < Epsilon)
return 0; // degenrate segment
return Mathf.Clamp01(Vector2.Dot(p - s0, s) / len2);
/// Returns a non-normalized projection of the supplied vector onto a plane
/// as described by its normal
/// The normal that defines the plane. Must have a length of 1.
/// The component of the vector that lies in the plane
public static Vector3 ProjectOntoPlane(this Vector3 vector, Vector3 planeNormal)
return (vector - Vector3.Dot(vector, planeNormal) * planeNormal);
/// Normalized the vector onto the unit square instead of the unit circle
/// The vector to normalize
/// The normalized vector, or the zero vector if its magnitude
/// was too small to normalize
public static Vector2 SquareNormalize(this Vector2 v)
var d = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y));
return d < Epsilon ? : v / d;
/// Calculates the intersection point defined by line_1 [p1, p2], and line_2 [q1, q2].
/// line_1 is defined by (p1, p2)
/// line_1 is defined by (p1, p2)
/// line_2 is defined by (q1, q2)
/// line_2 is defined by (q1, q2)
/// If lines intersect at a single point,
/// then this will hold the intersection point.
/// Otherwise, it will be Vector2.positiveInfinity.
/// 0 = no intersection,
/// 1 = lines intersect,
/// 2 = segments intersect,
/// 3 = lines are colinear, segments do not touch,
/// 4 = lines are colinear, segments touch (at one or at multiple points)
public static int FindIntersection(
in Vector2 p1, in Vector2 p2, in Vector2 q1, in Vector2 q2,
out Vector2 intersection)
var p = p2 - p1;
var q = q2 - q1;
var pq = q1 - p1;
var pXq = p.Cross(q);
if (Mathf.Abs(pXq) < 0.00001f)
// The lines are parallel (or close enough to it)
intersection = Vector2.positiveInfinity;
if (Mathf.Abs(pq.Cross(p)) < 0.00001f)
// The lines are colinear. Do the segments touch?
var dotPQ = Vector2.Dot(q, p);
if (dotPQ > 0 && (p1 - q2).sqrMagnitude < 0.001f)
// q points to start of p
intersection = q2;
return 4;
if (dotPQ < 0 && (p2 - q2).sqrMagnitude < 0.001f)
// p and q point at the same point
intersection = p2;
return 4;
var dot = Vector2.Dot(pq, p);
if (0 <= dot && dot <= Vector2.Dot(p, p))
if (dot < 0.0001f)
if (dotPQ <= 0 && (p1 - q1).sqrMagnitude < 0.001f)
intersection = p1; // p and q start at the same point and point away
else if (dotPQ > 0 && (p2 - q1).sqrMagnitude < 0.001f)
intersection = p2; // p points at start of q
return 4; // colinear segments touch
dot = Vector2.Dot(p1 - q1, q);
if (0 <= dot && dot <= Vector2.Dot(q, q))
return 4; // colinear segments overlap
return 3; // colinear segments don't touch
return 0; // the lines are parallel and not colinear
var t = pq.Cross(q) / pXq;
intersection = p1 + t * p;
var u = pq.Cross(p) / pXq;
if (0 <= t && t <= 1 && 0 <= u && u <= 1)
return 2; // segments touch
return 1; // segments don't touch but lines intersect
private static float Cross(this Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) { return (v1.x * v2.y) - (v1.y * v2.x); }
/// Component-wise absolute value
/// Input vector
/// Component-wise absolute value of the input vector
public static Vector2 Abs(this Vector2 v)
return new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y));
/// Component-wise absolute value
/// Input vector
/// Component-wise absolute value of the input vector
public static Vector3 Abs(this Vector3 v)
return new Vector3(Mathf.Abs(v.x), Mathf.Abs(v.y), Mathf.Abs(v.z));
/// Checks whether the vector components are the same value.
/// Vector to check
/// True, if the vector elements are the same. False, otherwise.
public static bool IsUniform(this Vector2 v)
return Math.Abs(v.x - v.y) < Epsilon;
/// Checks whether the vector components are the same value.
/// Vector to check
/// True, if the vector elements are the same. False, otherwise.
public static bool IsUniform(this Vector3 v)
return Math.Abs(v.x - v.y) < Epsilon && Math.Abs(v.x - v.z) < Epsilon;
/// Is the vector within Epsilon of zero length?
/// True if the square magnitude of the vector is within Epsilon of zero
public static bool AlmostZero(this Vector3 v)
return v.sqrMagnitude < (Epsilon * Epsilon);
/// Much more stable for small angles than Unity's native implementation
/// The first vector
/// The second vector
/// Angle between the vectors, in degrees
public static float Angle(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2)
#if false // Maybe this version is better? to test....
float a = v1.magnitude;
v1 *= v2.magnitude;
v2 *= a;
return Mathf.Atan2((v1 - v2).magnitude, (v1 + v2).magnitude) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 2;
return Mathf.Atan2((v1 - v2).magnitude, (v1 + v2).magnitude) * Mathf.Rad2Deg * 2;
/// Much more stable for small angles than Unity's native implementation
/// The first vector
/// The second vector
/// Definition of up (used to determine the sign)
/// Signed angle between the vectors, in degrees
public static float SignedAngle(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 up)
float angle = Angle(v1, v2);
if (Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Dot(up, Vector3.Cross(v1, v2))) < 0)
return -angle;
return angle;
/// Much more stable for small angles than Unity's native implementation
/// The first vector
/// The second vector
/// Definition of up (used to determine the sign)
/// Rotation between the vectors
public static Quaternion SafeFromToRotation(Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2, Vector3 up)
var axis = Vector3.Cross(v1, v2);
if (axis.AlmostZero())
axis = up; // in case they are pointing in opposite directions
return Quaternion.AngleAxis(Angle(v1, v2), axis);
/// This is a slerp that mimics a camera operator's movement in that
/// it chooses a path that avoids the lower hemisphere, as defined by
/// the up param
/// First direction
/// Second direction
/// Interpolation amoun t
/// Defines the up direction
/// Interpolated vector
public static Vector3 SlerpWithReferenceUp(
Vector3 vA, Vector3 vB, float t, Vector3 up)
float dA = vA.magnitude;
float dB = vB.magnitude;
if (dA < Epsilon || dB < Epsilon)
return Vector3.Lerp(vA, vB, t);
Vector3 dirA = vA / dA;
Vector3 dirB = vB / dB;
Quaternion qA = Quaternion.LookRotation(dirA, up);
Quaternion qB = Quaternion.LookRotation(dirB, up);
Quaternion q = UnityQuaternionExtensions.SlerpWithReferenceUp(qA, qB, t, up);
Vector3 dir = q * Vector3.forward;
return dir * Mathf.Lerp(dA, dB, t);
/// Extensions to the Quaternion class, usen in various places by Cinemachine
public static class UnityQuaternionExtensions
/// This is a slerp that mimics a camera operator's movement in that
/// it chooses a path that avoids the lower hemisphere, as defined by
/// the up param
/// First direction
/// Second direction
/// Interpolation amount
/// Defines the up direction. Must have a length of 1.
/// Interpolated quaternion
public static Quaternion SlerpWithReferenceUp(
Quaternion qA, Quaternion qB, float t, Vector3 up)
var dirA = (qA * Vector3.forward).ProjectOntoPlane(up);
var dirB = (qB * Vector3.forward).ProjectOntoPlane(up);
if (dirA.AlmostZero() || dirB.AlmostZero())
return Quaternion.Slerp(qA, qB, t);
// Work on the plane, in eulers
var qBase = Quaternion.LookRotation(dirA, up);
var qBaseInv = Quaternion.Inverse(qBase);
Quaternion qA1 = qBaseInv * qA;
Quaternion qB1 = qBaseInv * qB;
var eA = qA1.eulerAngles;
var eB = qB1.eulerAngles;
return qBase * Quaternion.Euler(
Mathf.LerpAngle(eA.x, eB.x, t),
Mathf.LerpAngle(eA.y, eB.y, t),
Mathf.LerpAngle(eA.z, eB.z, t));
/// Normalize a quaternion
/// The normalized quaternion. Unit length is 1.
public static Quaternion Normalized(this Quaternion q)
Vector4 v = new Vector4(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w).normalized;
return new Quaternion(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w);
/// Get the rotations, first about world up, then about (travelling) local right,
/// necessary to align the quaternion's forward with the target direction.
/// This represents the tripod head movement needed to look at the target.
/// This formulation makes it easy to interpolate without introducing spurious roll.
/// The worldspace target direction in which we want to look
/// Which way is up. Must have a length of 1.
/// Vector2.y is rotation about worldUp, and Vector2.x is second rotation,
/// about local right.
public static Vector2 GetCameraRotationToTarget(
this Quaternion orient, Vector3 lookAtDir, Vector3 worldUp)
if (lookAtDir.AlmostZero())
return; // degenerate
// Work in local space
Quaternion toLocal = Quaternion.Inverse(orient);
Vector3 up = toLocal * worldUp;
lookAtDir = toLocal * lookAtDir;
// Align yaw based on world up
float angleH = 0;
Vector3 targetDirH = lookAtDir.ProjectOntoPlane(up);
if (!targetDirH.AlmostZero())
Vector3 currentDirH = Vector3.forward.ProjectOntoPlane(up);
if (currentDirH.AlmostZero())
// We're looking at the north or south pole
if (Vector3.Dot(currentDirH, up) > 0)
currentDirH = Vector3.down.ProjectOntoPlane(up);
currentDirH = Vector3.up.ProjectOntoPlane(up);
angleH = UnityVectorExtensions.SignedAngle(currentDirH, targetDirH, up);
Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angleH, up);
// Get local vertical angle
float angleV = UnityVectorExtensions.SignedAngle(
q * Vector3.forward, lookAtDir, q * Vector3.right);
return new Vector2(angleV, angleH);
/// Apply rotations, first about world up, then about (travelling) local right.
/// rot.y is rotation about worldUp, and rot.x is second rotation, about local right.
/// Vector2.y is rotation about worldUp, and Vector2.x is second rotation,
/// about local right.
/// Which way is up
/// Result rotation after the input is applied to the input quaternion
public static Quaternion ApplyCameraRotation(
this Quaternion orient, Vector2 rot, Vector3 worldUp)
if (rot.sqrMagnitude < 0.0001f)
return orient;
Quaternion q = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rot.x, Vector3.right);
return (Quaternion.AngleAxis(rot.y, worldUp) * orient) * q;
/// Ad-hoc xxtentions to the Rect structure, used by Cinemachine
public static class UnityRectExtensions
/// Inflate a rect
/// x and y are added/subtracted fto/from the edges of
/// the rect, inflating it in all directions
/// The inflated rect
public static Rect Inflated(this Rect r, Vector2 delta)
return new Rect(
r.xMin - delta.x, r.yMin - delta.y,
r.width + delta.x * 2, r.height + delta.y * 2);