using UnityEngine; using Pathfinding.Serialization; namespace Pathfinding { /// Interface for something that holds a triangle based navmesh public interface INavmeshHolder : ITransformedGraph, INavmesh { /// Position of vertex number i in the world Int3 GetVertex(int i); /// /// Position of vertex number i in coordinates local to the graph. /// The up direction is always the +Y axis for these coordinates. /// Int3 GetVertexInGraphSpace(int i); int GetVertexArrayIndex(int index); /// Transforms coordinates from graph space to world space void GetTileCoordinates(int tileIndex, out int x, out int z); } /// Node represented by a triangle public class TriangleMeshNode : MeshNode { public TriangleMeshNode (AstarPath astar) : base(astar) {} /// Internal vertex index for the first vertex public int v0; /// Internal vertex index for the second vertex public int v1; /// Internal vertex index for the third vertex public int v2; /// Holds INavmeshHolder references for all graph indices to be able to access them in a performant manner protected static INavmeshHolder[] _navmeshHolders = new INavmeshHolder[0]; /// Used for synchronised access to the array protected static readonly System.Object lockObject = new System.Object(); public static INavmeshHolder GetNavmeshHolder (uint graphIndex) { return _navmeshHolders[(int)graphIndex]; } /// /// Sets the internal navmesh holder for a given graph index. /// Warning: Internal method /// public static void SetNavmeshHolder (int graphIndex, INavmeshHolder graph) { // We need to lock to make sure that // the resize operation is thread safe lock (lockObject) { if (graphIndex >= _navmeshHolders.Length) { var gg = new INavmeshHolder[graphIndex+1]; _navmeshHolders.CopyTo(gg, 0); _navmeshHolders = gg; } _navmeshHolders[graphIndex] = graph; } } /// Set the position of this node to the average of its 3 vertices public void UpdatePositionFromVertices () { Int3 a, b, c; GetVertices(out a, out b, out c); position = (a + b + c) * 0.333333f; } /// /// Return a number identifying a vertex. /// This number does not necessarily need to be a index in an array but two different vertices (in the same graph) should /// not have the same vertex numbers. /// public int GetVertexIndex (int i) { return i == 0 ? v0 : (i == 1 ? v1 : v2); } /// /// Return a number specifying an index in the source vertex array. /// The vertex array can for example be contained in a recast tile, or be a navmesh graph, that is graph dependant. /// This is slower than GetVertexIndex, if you only need to compare vertices, use GetVertexIndex. /// public int GetVertexArrayIndex (int i) { return GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex).GetVertexArrayIndex(i == 0 ? v0 : (i == 1 ? v1 : v2)); } /// Returns all 3 vertices of this node in world space public void GetVertices (out Int3 v0, out Int3 v1, out Int3 v2) { // Get the object holding the vertex data for this node // This is usually a graph or a recast graph tile var holder = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex); v0 = holder.GetVertex(this.v0); v1 = holder.GetVertex(this.v1); v2 = holder.GetVertex(this.v2); } /// Returns all 3 vertices of this node in graph space public void GetVerticesInGraphSpace (out Int3 v0, out Int3 v1, out Int3 v2) { // Get the object holding the vertex data for this node // This is usually a graph or a recast graph tile var holder = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex); v0 = holder.GetVertexInGraphSpace(this.v0); v1 = holder.GetVertexInGraphSpace(this.v1); v2 = holder.GetVertexInGraphSpace(this.v2); } public override Int3 GetVertex (int i) { return GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex).GetVertex(GetVertexIndex(i)); } public Int3 GetVertexInGraphSpace (int i) { return GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex).GetVertexInGraphSpace(GetVertexIndex(i)); } public override int GetVertexCount () { // A triangle has 3 vertices return 3; } public override Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (Vector3 p) { Int3 a, b, c; GetVertices(out a, out b, out c); return Pathfinding.Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangle((Vector3)a, (Vector3)b, (Vector3)c, p); } /// /// Closest point on the node when seen from above. /// This method is mostly for internal use as the methods use it. /// /// - The returned point is the closest one on the node to p when seen from above (relative to the graph). /// This is important mostly for sloped surfaces. /// - The returned point is an Int3 point in graph space. /// - It is guaranteed to be inside the node, so if you call with the return value from this method the result is guaranteed to be true. /// /// This method is slower than e.g or . /// However they do not have the same guarantees as this method has. /// internal Int3 ClosestPointOnNodeXZInGraphSpace (Vector3 p) { // Get the vertices that make up the triangle Int3 a, b, c; GetVerticesInGraphSpace(out a, out b, out c); // Convert p to graph space p = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex).transform.InverseTransform(p); // Find the closest point on the triangle to p when looking at the triangle from above (relative to the graph) var closest = Pathfinding.Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangleXZ((Vector3)a, (Vector3)b, (Vector3)c, p); // Make sure the point is actually inside the node var i3closest = (Int3)closest; if (ContainsPointInGraphSpace(i3closest)) { // Common case return i3closest; } else { // Annoying... // The closest point when converted from floating point coordinates to integer coordinates // is not actually inside the node. It needs to be inside the node for some methods // (like for example Linecast) to work properly. // Try the 8 integer coordinates around the closest point // and check if any one of them are completely inside the node. // This will most likely succeed as it should be very close. for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) { for (int dz = -1; dz <= 1; dz++) { if ((dx != 0 || dz != 0)) { var candidate = new Int3(i3closest.x + dx, i3closest.y, i3closest.z + dz); if (ContainsPointInGraphSpace(candidate)) return candidate; } } } // Happens veery rarely. // Pick the closest vertex of the triangle. // The vertex is guaranteed to be inside the triangle. var da = (a - i3closest).sqrMagnitudeLong; var db = (b - i3closest).sqrMagnitudeLong; var dc = (c - i3closest).sqrMagnitudeLong; return da < db ? (da < dc ? a : c) : (db < dc ? b : c); } } public override Vector3 ClosestPointOnNodeXZ (Vector3 p) { // Get all 3 vertices for this node Int3 tp1, tp2, tp3; GetVertices(out tp1, out tp2, out tp3); return Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangleXZ((Vector3)tp1, (Vector3)tp2, (Vector3)tp3, p); } public override bool ContainsPoint (Vector3 p) { return ContainsPointInGraphSpace((Int3)GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex).transform.InverseTransform(p)); } public override bool ContainsPointInGraphSpace (Int3 p) { // Get all 3 vertices for this node Int3 a, b, c; GetVerticesInGraphSpace(out a, out b, out c); if ((long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(p.z - a.z) - (long)(p.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z) > 0) return false; if ((long)(c.x - b.x) * (long)(p.z - b.z) - (long)(p.x - b.x) * (long)(c.z - b.z) > 0) return false; if ((long)(a.x - c.x) * (long)(p.z - c.z) - (long)(p.x - c.x) * (long)(a.z - c.z) > 0) return false; return true; // Equivalent code, but the above code is faster //return Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (a,b, p) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (b,c, p) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (c,a, p); //return Polygon.ContainsPoint(g.GetVertex(v0),g.GetVertex(v1),g.GetVertex(v2),p); } public override void UpdateRecursiveG (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) { pathNode.UpdateG(path); handler.heap.Add(pathNode); if (connections == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { GraphNode other = connections[i].node; PathNode otherPN = handler.GetPathNode(other); if (otherPN.parent == pathNode && otherPN.pathID == handler.PathID) other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, otherPN, handler); } } public override void Open (Path path, PathNode pathNode, PathHandler handler) { if (connections == null) return; // Flag2 indicates if this node needs special treatment // with regard to connection costs bool flag2 = pathNode.flag2; // Loop through all connections for (int i = connections.Length-1; i >= 0; i--) { var conn = connections[i]; var other = conn.node; // Make sure we can traverse the neighbour if (path.CanTraverse(conn.node)) { PathNode pathOther = handler.GetPathNode(conn.node); // Fast path out, worth it for triangle mesh nodes since they usually have degree 2 or 3 if (pathOther == pathNode.parent) { continue; } uint cost = conn.cost; if (flag2 || pathOther.flag2) { // Get special connection cost from the path // This is used by the start and end nodes cost = path.GetConnectionSpecialCost(this, conn.node, cost); } // Test if we have seen the other node before if (pathOther.pathID != handler.PathID) { // We have not seen the other node before // So the path from the start through this node to the other node // must be the shortest one so far // Might not be assigned pathOther.node = conn.node; pathOther.parent = pathNode; pathOther.pathID = handler.PathID; pathOther.cost = cost; pathOther.H = path.CalculateHScore(other); pathOther.UpdateG(path); handler.heap.Add(pathOther); } else { // If not we can test if the path from this node to the other one is a better one than the one already used if (pathNode.G + cost + path.GetTraversalCost(other) < pathOther.G) { pathOther.cost = cost; pathOther.parent = pathNode; other.UpdateRecursiveG(path, pathOther, handler); } } } } } /// /// Returns the edge which is shared with other. /// If no edge is shared, -1 is returned. /// If there is a connection with the other node, but the connection is not marked as using a particular edge of the shape of the node /// then 0xFF will be returned. /// /// The vertices in the edge can be retrieved using /// /// var edge = node.SharedEdge(other); /// var a = node.GetVertex(edge); /// var b = node.GetVertex((edge+1) % node.GetVertexCount()); /// /// /// See: which also handles edges that are shared over tile borders and some types of node links /// public int SharedEdge (GraphNode other) { var edge = -1; if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node == other) edge = connections[i].shapeEdge; } } return edge; } public override bool GetPortal (GraphNode toNode, System.Collections.Generic.List left, System.Collections.Generic.List right, bool backwards) { int aIndex, bIndex; return GetPortal(toNode, left, right, backwards, out aIndex, out bIndex); } public bool GetPortal (GraphNode toNode, System.Collections.Generic.List left, System.Collections.Generic.List right, bool backwards, out int aIndex, out int bIndex) { aIndex = -1; bIndex = -1; //If the nodes are in different graphs, this function has no idea on how to find a shared edge. if (backwards || toNode.GraphIndex != GraphIndex) return false; // Since the nodes are in the same graph, they are both TriangleMeshNodes // So we don't need to care about other types of nodes var toTriNode = toNode as TriangleMeshNode; var edge = SharedEdge(toTriNode); // A connection was found, but it specifically didn't use an edge if (edge == 0xFF) return false; // No connection was found between the nodes // Check if there is a node link that connects them if (edge == -1) { #if !ASTAR_NO_POINT_GRAPH if (connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++) { if (connections[i].node.GraphIndex != GraphIndex) { var mid = connections[i].node as NodeLink3Node; if (mid != null && mid.GetOther(this) == toTriNode) { // We have found a node which is connected through a NodeLink3Node mid.GetPortal(toTriNode, left, right, false); return true; } } } } #endif return false; } aIndex = edge; bIndex = (edge + 1) % GetVertexCount(); // Get the vertices of the shared edge for the first node Int3 v1a = GetVertex(edge); Int3 v1b = GetVertex((edge+1) % GetVertexCount()); // Get tile indices int tileIndex1 = (GetVertexIndex(0) >> NavmeshBase.TileIndexOffset) & NavmeshBase.TileIndexMask; int tileIndex2 = (toTriNode.GetVertexIndex(0) >> NavmeshBase.TileIndexOffset) & NavmeshBase.TileIndexMask; if (tileIndex1 != tileIndex2) { // When the nodes are in different tiles, the edges might not be completely identical // so another technique is needed. // Get the tile coordinates, from them we can figure out which edge is going to be shared int x1, x2, z1, z2, coord; INavmeshHolder nm = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex); nm.GetTileCoordinates(tileIndex1, out x1, out z1); nm.GetTileCoordinates(tileIndex2, out x2, out z2); if (System.Math.Abs(x1-x2) == 1) coord = 2; else if (System.Math.Abs(z1-z2) == 1) coord = 0; else return false; // Tiles are not adjacent. This is likely a custom connection between two nodes. var otherEdge = toTriNode.SharedEdge(this); // A connection was found, but it specifically didn't use an edge. This is odd since the connection in the other direction did use an edge if (otherEdge == 0xFF) throw new System.Exception("Connection used edge in one direction, but not in the other direction. Has the wrong overload of AddConnection been used?"); // If it is -1 then it must be a one-way connection. Fall back to using the whole edge if (otherEdge != -1) { // When the nodes are in different tiles, they might not share exactly the same edge // so we clamp the portal to the segment of the edges which they both have. int mincoord = System.Math.Min(v1a[coord], v1b[coord]); int maxcoord = System.Math.Max(v1a[coord], v1b[coord]); // Get the vertices of the shared edge for the second node Int3 v2a = toTriNode.GetVertex(otherEdge); Int3 v2b = toTriNode.GetVertex((otherEdge+1) % toTriNode.GetVertexCount()); mincoord = System.Math.Max(mincoord, System.Math.Min(v2a[coord], v2b[coord])); maxcoord = System.Math.Min(maxcoord, System.Math.Max(v2a[coord], v2b[coord])); if (v1a[coord] < v1b[coord]) { v1a[coord] = mincoord; v1b[coord] = maxcoord; } else { v1a[coord] = maxcoord; v1b[coord] = mincoord; } } } if (left != null) { // All triangles should be laid out in clockwise order so v1b is the rightmost vertex (seen from this node) left.Add((Vector3)v1a); right.Add((Vector3)v1b); } return true; } /// TODO: This is the area in XZ space, use full 3D space for higher correctness maybe? public override float SurfaceArea () { var holder = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex); return System.Math.Abs(VectorMath.SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(holder.GetVertex(v0), holder.GetVertex(v1), holder.GetVertex(v2))) * 0.5f; } public override Vector3 RandomPointOnSurface () { // Find a random point inside the triangle // This generates uniformly distributed trilinear coordinates // See float r1; float r2; do { r1 = Random.value; r2 = Random.value; } while (r1+r2 > 1); var holder = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex); // Pick the point corresponding to the trilinear coordinate return ((Vector3)(holder.GetVertex(v1)-holder.GetVertex(v0)))*r1 + ((Vector3)(holder.GetVertex(v2)-holder.GetVertex(v0)))*r2 + (Vector3)holder.GetVertex(v0); } public override void SerializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { base.SerializeNode(ctx); ctx.writer.Write(v0); ctx.writer.Write(v1); ctx.writer.Write(v2); } public override void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { base.DeserializeNode(ctx); v0 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32(); v1 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32(); v2 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32(); } } }