using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; #if UNITY_5_5_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine.Profiling; #endif namespace Pathfinding { using System.IO; using Pathfinding.Util; using Pathfinding.Serialization; using Math = System.Math; using System.Linq; /// Base class for RecastGraph and NavMeshGraph public abstract class NavmeshBase : NavGraph, INavmesh, INavmeshHolder, ITransformedGraph { #if ASTAR_RECAST_LARGER_TILES // Larger tiles public const int VertexIndexMask = 0xFFFFF; public const int TileIndexMask = 0x7FF; public const int TileIndexOffset = 20; #else // Larger worlds public const int VertexIndexMask = 0xFFF; public const int TileIndexMask = 0x7FFFF; public const int TileIndexOffset = 12; #endif /// Size of the bounding box. [JsonMember] public Vector3 forcedBoundsSize = new Vector3(100, 40, 100); /// Size of a tile in world units along the X axis public abstract float TileWorldSizeX { get; } /// Size of a tile in world units along the Z axis public abstract float TileWorldSizeZ { get; } /// /// Maximum (vertical) distance between the sides of two nodes for them to be connected across a tile edge. /// When tiles are connected to each other, the nodes sometimes do not line up perfectly /// so some allowance must be made to allow tiles that do not match exactly to be connected with each other. /// protected abstract float MaxTileConnectionEdgeDistance { get; } /// Show an outline of the polygons in the Unity Editor [JsonMember] public bool showMeshOutline = true; /// Show the connections between the polygons in the Unity Editor [JsonMember] public bool showNodeConnections; /// Show the surface of the navmesh [JsonMember] public bool showMeshSurface = true; /// Number of tiles along the X-axis public int tileXCount; /// Number of tiles along the Z-axis public int tileZCount; /// /// All tiles. /// /// See: /// protected NavmeshTile[] tiles; /// /// Perform nearest node searches in XZ space only. /// Recomended for single-layered environments. Faster but can be inaccurate esp. in multilayered contexts. /// You should not use this if the graph is rotated since then the XZ plane no longer corresponds to the ground plane. /// /// This can be important on sloped surfaces. See the image below in which the closest point for each blue point is queried for: /// [Open online documentation to see images] /// /// You can also control this using a . /// [JsonMember] public bool nearestSearchOnlyXZ; /// /// Should navmesh cuts affect this graph. /// See: /// [JsonMember] public bool enableNavmeshCutting = true; /// /// Handles navmesh cutting. /// See: /// See: /// internal readonly NavmeshUpdates.NavmeshUpdateSettings navmeshUpdateData; /// Currently updating tiles in a batch bool batchTileUpdate; /// List of tiles updating during batch List batchUpdatedTiles = new List(); /// List of nodes that are going to be destroyed as part of a batch update List batchNodesToDestroy = new List(); /// /// Determines how the graph transforms graph space to world space. /// See: /// public GraphTransform transform = new GraphTransform(Matrix4x4.identity); GraphTransform ITransformedGraph.transform { get { return transform; } } /// \copydoc Pathfinding::NavMeshGraph::recalculateNormals protected abstract bool RecalculateNormals { get; } /// /// Returns a new transform which transforms graph space to world space. /// Does not update the field. /// See: /// public abstract GraphTransform CalculateTransform(); /// /// Called when tiles have been completely recalculated. /// This is called after scanning the graph and after /// performing graph updates that completely recalculate tiles /// (not ones that simply modify e.g penalties). /// It is not called after NavmeshCut updates. /// public System.Action OnRecalculatedTiles; /// /// Tile at the specified x, z coordinate pair. /// The first tile is at (0,0), the last tile at (tileXCount-1, tileZCount-1). /// /// /// var graph =; /// int tileX = 5; /// int tileZ = 8; /// NavmeshTile tile = graph.GetTile(tileX, tileZ); /// /// for (int i = 0; i < tile.nodes.Length; i++) { /// // ... /// } /// // or you can access the nodes like this: /// tile.GetNodes(node => { /// // ... /// }); /// /// public NavmeshTile GetTile (int x, int z) { return tiles[x + z * tileXCount]; } /// /// Vertex coordinate for the specified vertex index. /// /// \throws IndexOutOfRangeException if the vertex index is invalid. /// \throws NullReferenceException if the tile the vertex is in is not calculated. /// /// See: NavmeshTile.GetVertex /// public Int3 GetVertex (int index) { int tileIndex = (index >> TileIndexOffset) & TileIndexMask; return tiles[tileIndex].GetVertex(index); } /// Vertex coordinate in graph space for the specified vertex index public Int3 GetVertexInGraphSpace (int index) { int tileIndex = (index >> TileIndexOffset) & TileIndexMask; return tiles[tileIndex].GetVertexInGraphSpace(index); } /// Tile index from a vertex index public static int GetTileIndex (int index) { return (index >> TileIndexOffset) & TileIndexMask; } public int GetVertexArrayIndex (int index) { return index & VertexIndexMask; } /// Tile coordinates from a tile index public void GetTileCoordinates (int tileIndex, out int x, out int z) { //z = System.Math.DivRem (tileIndex, tileXCount, out x); z = tileIndex/tileXCount; x = tileIndex - z*tileXCount; } /// /// All tiles. /// Warning: Do not modify this array /// public NavmeshTile[] GetTiles () { return tiles; } /// /// Returns a bounds object with the bounding box of a group of tiles. /// The bounding box is defined in world space. /// public Bounds GetTileBounds (IntRect rect) { return GetTileBounds(rect.xmin, rect.ymin, rect.Width, rect.Height); } /// /// Returns a bounds object with the bounding box of a group of tiles. /// The bounding box is defined in world space. /// public Bounds GetTileBounds (int x, int z, int width = 1, int depth = 1) { return transform.Transform(GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace(x, z, width, depth)); } public Bounds GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace (IntRect rect) { return GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace(rect.xmin, rect.ymin, rect.Width, rect.Height); } /// Returns an XZ bounds object with the bounds of a group of tiles in graph space public Bounds GetTileBoundsInGraphSpace (int x, int z, int width = 1, int depth = 1) { var b = new Bounds(); b.SetMinMax( new Vector3(x*TileWorldSizeX, 0, z*TileWorldSizeZ), new Vector3((x+width)*TileWorldSizeX, forcedBoundsSize.y, (z+depth)*TileWorldSizeZ) ); return b; } /// /// Returns the tile coordinate which contains the specified position. /// It is not necessarily a valid tile (i.e it could be out of bounds). /// public Int2 GetTileCoordinates (Vector3 position) { position = transform.InverseTransform(position); position.x /= TileWorldSizeX; position.z /= TileWorldSizeZ; return new Int2((int)position.x, (int)position.z); } protected override void OnDestroy () { base.OnDestroy(); // Cleanup TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder(, null); if (tiles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { Pathfinding.Util.ObjectPool.Release(ref tiles[i].bbTree); } } } public override void RelocateNodes (Matrix4x4 deltaMatrix) { RelocateNodes(deltaMatrix * transform); } /// /// Moves the nodes in this graph. /// Moves all the nodes in such a way that the specified transform is the new graph space to world space transformation for the graph. /// You usually use this together with the method. /// /// So for example if you want to move and rotate all your nodes in e.g a recast graph you can do /// /// var graph =; /// graph.rotation = new Vector3(45, 0, 0); /// graph.forcedBoundsCenter = new Vector3(20, 10, 10); /// var transform = graph.CalculateTransform(); /// graph.RelocateNodes(transform); /// /// This will move all the nodes to new positions as if the new graph settings had been there from the start. /// /// Note: RelocateNodes(deltaMatrix) is not equivalent to RelocateNodes(new GraphTransform(deltaMatrix)). /// The overload which takes a matrix multiplies all existing node positions with the matrix while this /// overload does not take into account the current positions of the nodes. /// /// See: /// public void RelocateNodes (GraphTransform newTransform) { transform = newTransform; if (tiles != null) { // Move all the vertices in each tile for (int tileIndex = 0; tileIndex < tiles.Length; tileIndex++) { var tile = tiles[tileIndex]; if (tile != null) { tile.vertsInGraphSpace.CopyTo(tile.verts, 0); // Transform the graph space vertices to world space transform.Transform(tile.verts); for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < tile.nodes.Length; nodeIndex++) { tile.nodes[nodeIndex].UpdatePositionFromVertices(); } tile.bbTree.RebuildFrom(tile.nodes); } } } } /// Creates a single new empty tile protected NavmeshTile NewEmptyTile (int x, int z) { return new NavmeshTile { x = x, z = z, w = 1, d = 1, verts = new Int3[0], vertsInGraphSpace = new Int3[0], tris = new int[0], nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0], bbTree = ObjectPool.Claim(), graph = this, }; } public override void GetNodes (System.Action action) { if (tiles == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { if (tiles[i] == null || tiles[i].x+tiles[i].z*tileXCount != i) continue; TriangleMeshNode[] nodes = tiles[i].nodes; if (nodes == null) continue; for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Length; j++) action(nodes[j]); } } /// /// Returns a rect containing the indices of all tiles touching the specified bounds. /// If a margin is passed, the bounding box in graph space is expanded by that amount in every direction. /// public IntRect GetTouchingTiles (Bounds bounds, float margin = 0) { bounds = transform.InverseTransform(bounds); // Calculate world bounds of all affected tiles var r = new IntRect(Mathf.FloorToInt((bounds.min.x - margin) / TileWorldSizeX), Mathf.FloorToInt((bounds.min.z - margin) / TileWorldSizeZ), Mathf.FloorToInt((bounds.max.x + margin) / TileWorldSizeX), Mathf.FloorToInt((bounds.max.z + margin) / TileWorldSizeZ)); // Clamp to bounds r = IntRect.Intersection(r, new IntRect(0, 0, tileXCount-1, tileZCount-1)); return r; } /// Returns a rect containing the indices of all tiles touching the specified bounds. /// Graph space rectangle (in graph space all tiles are on the XZ plane regardless of graph rotation and other transformations, the first tile has a corner at the origin) public IntRect GetTouchingTilesInGraphSpace (Rect rect) { // Calculate world bounds of all affected tiles var r = new IntRect(Mathf.FloorToInt(rect.xMin / TileWorldSizeX), Mathf.FloorToInt(rect.yMin / TileWorldSizeZ), Mathf.FloorToInt(rect.xMax / TileWorldSizeX), Mathf.FloorToInt(rect.yMax / TileWorldSizeZ)); // Clamp to bounds r = IntRect.Intersection(r, new IntRect(0, 0, tileXCount-1, tileZCount-1)); return r; } /// /// Returns a rect containing the indices of all tiles by rounding the specified bounds to tile borders. /// This is different from GetTouchingTiles in that the tiles inside the rectangle returned from this method /// may not contain the whole bounds, while that is guaranteed for GetTouchingTiles. /// public IntRect GetTouchingTilesRound (Bounds bounds) { bounds = transform.InverseTransform(bounds); //Calculate world bounds of all affected tiles var r = new IntRect(Mathf.RoundToInt(bounds.min.x / TileWorldSizeX), Mathf.RoundToInt(bounds.min.z / TileWorldSizeZ), Mathf.RoundToInt(bounds.max.x / TileWorldSizeX)-1, Mathf.RoundToInt(bounds.max.z / TileWorldSizeZ)-1); //Clamp to bounds r = IntRect.Intersection(r, new IntRect(0, 0, tileXCount-1, tileZCount-1)); return r; } protected void ConnectTileWithNeighbours (NavmeshTile tile, bool onlyUnflagged = false) { if (tile.w != 1 || tile.d != 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Tile widths or depths other than 1 are not supported. The fields exist mainly for possible future expansions."); } // Loop through z and x offsets to adjacent tiles // _ x _ // x _ x // _ x _ for (int zo = -1; zo <= 1; zo++) { var z = tile.z + zo; if (z < 0 || z >= tileZCount) continue; for (int xo = -1; xo <= 1; xo++) { var x = tile.x + xo; if (x < 0 || x >= tileXCount) continue; // Ignore diagonals and the tile itself if ((xo == 0) == (zo == 0)) continue; var otherTile = tiles[x + z*tileXCount]; if (!onlyUnflagged || !otherTile.flag) { ConnectTiles(otherTile, tile); } } } } protected void RemoveConnectionsFromTile (NavmeshTile tile) { if (tile.x > 0) { int x = tile.x-1; for (int z = tile.z; z < tile.z+tile.d; z++) RemoveConnectionsFromTo(tiles[x + z*tileXCount], tile); } if (tile.x+tile.w < tileXCount) { int x = tile.x+tile.w; for (int z = tile.z; z < tile.z+tile.d; z++) RemoveConnectionsFromTo(tiles[x + z*tileXCount], tile); } if (tile.z > 0) { int z = tile.z-1; for (int x = tile.x; x < tile.x+tile.w; x++) RemoveConnectionsFromTo(tiles[x + z*tileXCount], tile); } if (tile.z+tile.d < tileZCount) { int z = tile.z+tile.d; for (int x = tile.x; x < tile.x+tile.w; x++) RemoveConnectionsFromTo(tiles[x + z*tileXCount], tile); } } protected void RemoveConnectionsFromTo (NavmeshTile a, NavmeshTile b) { if (a == null || b == null) return; //Same tile, possibly from a large tile (one spanning several x,z tile coordinates) if (a == b) return; int tileIdx = b.x + b.z*tileXCount; for (int i = 0; i < a.nodes.Length; i++) { TriangleMeshNode node = a.nodes[i]; if (node.connections == null) continue; for (int j = 0;; j++) { //Length will not be constant if connections are removed if (j >= node.connections.Length) break; var other = node.connections[j].node as TriangleMeshNode; //Only evaluate TriangleMeshNodes if (other == null) continue; int tileIdx2 = other.GetVertexIndex(0); tileIdx2 = (tileIdx2 >> TileIndexOffset) & TileIndexMask; if (tileIdx2 == tileIdx) { node.RemoveConnection(node.connections[j].node); j--; } } } } static readonly NNConstraint NNConstraintDistanceXZ = new NNConstraint { distanceXZ = true }; public override NNInfoInternal GetNearest (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, GraphNode hint) { return GetNearestForce(position, constraint != null && constraint.distanceXZ ? NNConstraintDistanceXZ : null); } public override NNInfoInternal GetNearestForce (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) { if (tiles == null) return new NNInfoInternal(); var tileCoords = GetTileCoordinates(position); // Clamp to graph borders tileCoords.x = Mathf.Clamp(tileCoords.x, 0, tileXCount-1); tileCoords.y = Mathf.Clamp(tileCoords.y, 0, tileZCount-1); int wmax = Math.Max(tileXCount, tileZCount); var best = new NNInfoInternal(); float bestDistance = float.PositiveInfinity; bool xzSearch = nearestSearchOnlyXZ || (constraint != null && constraint.distanceXZ); // Search outwards in a diamond pattern from the closest tile // 2 // 2 1 2 // 2 1 0 1 2 etc. // 2 1 2 // 2 for (int w = 0; w < wmax; w++) { // Stop the loop when we can guarantee that no nodes will be closer than the ones we have already searched if (bestDistance < (w-2)*Math.Max(TileWorldSizeX, TileWorldSizeX)) break; int zmax = Math.Min(w+tileCoords.y +1, tileZCount); for (int z = Math.Max(-w+tileCoords.y, 0); z < zmax; z++) { // Solve for z such that abs(x-tx) + abs(z-tx) == w // Delta X coordinate int originalDx = Math.Abs(w - Math.Abs(z-tileCoords.y)); var dx = originalDx; // Solution is dx + tx and -dx + tx // This loop will first check +dx and then -dx // If dx happens to be zero, then it will not run twice do { // Absolute x coordinate int x = -dx + tileCoords.x; if (x >= 0 && x < tileXCount) { NavmeshTile tile = tiles[x + z*tileXCount]; if (tile != null) { if (xzSearch) { best = tile.bbTree.QueryClosestXZ(position, constraint, ref bestDistance, best); } else { best = tile.bbTree.QueryClosest(position, constraint, ref bestDistance, best); } } } dx = -dx; } while (dx != originalDx); } } best.node = best.constrainedNode; best.constrainedNode = null; best.clampedPosition = best.constClampedPosition; return best; } /// /// Finds the first node which contains position. /// "Contains" is defined as position is inside the triangle node when seen from above. So only XZ space matters. /// In case of a multilayered environment, which node of the possibly several nodes /// containing the point is undefined. /// /// Returns null if there was no node containing the point. This serves as a quick /// check for "is this point on the navmesh or not". /// /// Note that the behaviour of this method is distinct from the GetNearest method. /// The GetNearest method will return the closest node to a point, /// which is not necessarily the one which contains it in XZ space. /// /// See: GetNearest /// public GraphNode PointOnNavmesh (Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) { if (tiles == null) return null; var tileCoords = GetTileCoordinates(position); // Graph borders if (tileCoords.x < 0 || tileCoords.y < 0 || tileCoords.x >= tileXCount || tileCoords.y >= tileZCount) return null; NavmeshTile tile = GetTile(tileCoords.x, tileCoords.y); if (tile != null) { GraphNode node = tile.bbTree.QueryInside(position, constraint); return node; } return null; } /// Fills graph with tiles created by NewEmptyTile protected void FillWithEmptyTiles () { for (int z = 0; z < tileZCount; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < tileXCount; x++) { tiles[z*tileXCount + x] = NewEmptyTile(x, z); } } } /// /// Create connections between all nodes. /// Version: Since 3.7.6 the implementation is thread safe /// protected static void CreateNodeConnections (TriangleMeshNode[] nodes) { List connections = ListPool.Claim(); var nodeRefs = ObjectPoolSimple >.Claim(); nodeRefs.Clear(); // Build node neighbours for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i]; int av = node.GetVertexCount(); for (int a = 0; a < av; a++) { // Recast can in some very special cases generate degenerate triangles which are simply lines // In that case, duplicate keys might be added and thus an exception will be thrown // It is safe to ignore the second edge though... I think (only found one case where this happens) var key = new Int2(node.GetVertexIndex(a), node.GetVertexIndex((a+1) % av)); if (!nodeRefs.ContainsKey(key)) { nodeRefs.Add(key, i); } } } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i]; connections.Clear(); int av = node.GetVertexCount(); for (int a = 0; a < av; a++) { int first = node.GetVertexIndex(a); int second = node.GetVertexIndex((a+1) % av); int connNode; if (nodeRefs.TryGetValue(new Int2(second, first), out connNode)) { TriangleMeshNode other = nodes[connNode]; int bv = other.GetVertexCount(); for (int b = 0; b < bv; b++) { /// TODO: This will fail on edges which are only partially shared if (other.GetVertexIndex(b) == second && other.GetVertexIndex((b+1) % bv) == first) { connections.Add(new Connection( other, (uint)(node.position - other.position).costMagnitude, (byte)a )); break; } } } } node.connections = connections.ToArrayFromPool(); node.SetConnectivityDirty(); } nodeRefs.Clear(); ObjectPoolSimple >.Release(ref nodeRefs); ListPool.Release(ref connections); } /// /// Generate connections between the two tiles. /// The tiles must be adjacent. /// protected void ConnectTiles (NavmeshTile tile1, NavmeshTile tile2) { if (tile1 == null || tile2 == null) return; if (tile1.nodes == null) throw new System.ArgumentException("tile1 does not contain any nodes"); if (tile2.nodes == null) throw new System.ArgumentException("tile2 does not contain any nodes"); int t1x = Mathf.Clamp(tile2.x, tile1.x, tile1.x+tile1.w-1); int t2x = Mathf.Clamp(tile1.x, tile2.x, tile2.x+tile2.w-1); int t1z = Mathf.Clamp(tile2.z, tile1.z, tile1.z+tile1.d-1); int t2z = Mathf.Clamp(tile1.z, tile2.z, tile2.z+tile2.d-1); int coord, altcoord; int t1coord, t2coord; float tileWorldSize; // Figure out which side that is shared between the two tiles // and what coordinate index is fixed along that edge (x or z) if (t1x == t2x) { coord = 2; altcoord = 0; t1coord = t1z; t2coord = t2z; tileWorldSize = TileWorldSizeZ; } else if (t1z == t2z) { coord = 0; altcoord = 2; t1coord = t1x; t2coord = t2x; tileWorldSize = TileWorldSizeX; } else { throw new System.ArgumentException("Tiles are not adjacent (neither x or z coordinates match)"); } if (Math.Abs(t1coord-t2coord) != 1) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Tiles are not adjacent (tile coordinates must differ by exactly 1. Got '" + t1coord + "' and '" + t2coord + "')"); } // Midpoint between the two tiles int midpoint = (int)Math.Round((Math.Max(t1coord, t2coord) * tileWorldSize) * Int3.Precision); #if ASTARDEBUG Vector3 v1 = new Vector3(-100, 0, -100); Vector3 v2 = new Vector3(100, 0, 100); v1[coord] = midpoint*Int3.PrecisionFactor; v2[coord] = midpoint*Int3.PrecisionFactor; Debug.DrawLine(v1, v2, Color.magenta); #endif TriangleMeshNode[] nodes1 = tile1.nodes; TriangleMeshNode[] nodes2 = tile2.nodes; // Find all nodes of the second tile which are adjacent to the border between the tiles. // This is used to speed up the matching process (the impact can be very significant for large tiles, but is insignificant for small ones). TriangleMeshNode[] closeToEdge = ArrayPool.Claim(nodes2.Length); int numCloseToEdge = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nodes2.Length; j++) { TriangleMeshNode nodeB = nodes2[j]; int bVertexCount = nodeB.GetVertexCount(); for (int b = 0; b < bVertexCount; b++) { Int3 bVertex1 = nodeB.GetVertexInGraphSpace(b); Int3 bVertex2 = nodeB.GetVertexInGraphSpace((b+1) % bVertexCount); if (Math.Abs(bVertex1[coord] - midpoint) < 2 && Math.Abs(bVertex2[coord] - midpoint) < 2) { closeToEdge[numCloseToEdge] = nodes2[j]; numCloseToEdge++; break; } } } // Find adjacent nodes on the border between the tiles for (int i = 0; i < nodes1.Length; i++) { TriangleMeshNode nodeA = nodes1[i]; int aVertexCount = nodeA.GetVertexCount(); // Loop through all *sides* of the node for (int a = 0; a < aVertexCount; a++) { // Vertices that the segment consists of Int3 aVertex1 = nodeA.GetVertexInGraphSpace(a); Int3 aVertex2 = nodeA.GetVertexInGraphSpace((a+1) % aVertexCount); // Check if it is really close to the tile border if (Math.Abs(aVertex1[coord] - midpoint) < 2 && Math.Abs(aVertex2[coord] - midpoint) < 2) { int minalt = Math.Min(aVertex1[altcoord], aVertex2[altcoord]); int maxalt = Math.Max(aVertex1[altcoord], aVertex2[altcoord]); // Degenerate edge if (minalt == maxalt) continue; for (int j = 0; j < numCloseToEdge; j++) { TriangleMeshNode nodeB = closeToEdge[j]; int bVertexCount = nodeB.GetVertexCount(); for (int b = 0; b < bVertexCount; b++) { Int3 bVertex1 = nodeB.GetVertexInGraphSpace(b); Int3 bVertex2 = nodeB.GetVertexInGraphSpace((b+1) % bVertexCount); if (Math.Abs(bVertex1[coord] - midpoint) < 2 && Math.Abs(bVertex2[coord] - midpoint) < 2) { int minalt2 = Math.Min(bVertex1[altcoord], bVertex2[altcoord]); int maxalt2 = Math.Max(bVertex1[altcoord], bVertex2[altcoord]); // Degenerate edge if (minalt2 == maxalt2) continue; if (maxalt > minalt2 && minalt < maxalt2) { // The two nodes seem to be adjacent // Test shortest distance between the segments (first test if they are equal since that is much faster and pretty common) if ((aVertex1 == bVertex1 && aVertex2 == bVertex2) || (aVertex1 == bVertex2 && aVertex2 == bVertex1) || VectorMath.SqrDistanceSegmentSegment((Vector3)aVertex1, (Vector3)aVertex2, (Vector3)bVertex1, (Vector3)bVertex2) < MaxTileConnectionEdgeDistance*MaxTileConnectionEdgeDistance) { uint cost = (uint)(nodeA.position - nodeB.position).costMagnitude; nodeA.AddConnection(nodeB, cost, a); nodeB.AddConnection(nodeA, cost, b); } } } } } } } } ArrayPool.Release(ref closeToEdge); } /// /// Start batch updating of tiles. /// During batch updating, tiles will not be connected if they are updating with ReplaceTile. /// When ending batching, all affected tiles will be connected. /// This is faster than not using batching. /// public void StartBatchTileUpdate () { if (batchTileUpdate) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Calling StartBatchLoad when batching is already enabled"); batchTileUpdate = true; } /// /// Destroy several nodes simultaneously. /// This is faster than simply looping through the nodes and calling the node.Destroy method because some optimizations /// relating to how connections are removed can be optimized. /// void DestroyNodes (List nodes) { for (int i = 0; i < batchNodesToDestroy.Count; i++) { batchNodesToDestroy[i].TemporaryFlag1 = true; } for (int i = 0; i < batchNodesToDestroy.Count; i++) { var node = batchNodesToDestroy[i]; for (int j = 0; j < node.connections.Length; j++) { var neighbour = node.connections[j].node; if (!neighbour.TemporaryFlag1) { neighbour.RemoveConnection(node); } } // Remove the connections array explicitly for performance. // Otherwise the Destroy method will try to remove the connections in both directions one by one which is slow. ArrayPool.Release(ref node.connections, true); node.Destroy(); } } void TryConnect (int tileIdx1, int tileIdx2) { // If both tiles were flagged, then only connect if tileIdx1 < tileIdx2 to make sure we don't connect the tiles twice // as this method will be called with swapped arguments as well. if (tiles[tileIdx1].flag && tiles[tileIdx2].flag && tileIdx1 >= tileIdx2) return; ConnectTiles(tiles[tileIdx1], tiles[tileIdx2]); } /// /// End batch updating of tiles. /// During batch updating, tiles will not be connected if they are updating with ReplaceTile. /// When ending batching, all affected tiles will be connected. /// This is faster than not using batching. /// public void EndBatchTileUpdate () { if (!batchTileUpdate) throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Calling EndBatchTileUpdate when batching had not yet been started"); batchTileUpdate = false; DestroyNodes(batchNodesToDestroy); batchNodesToDestroy.ClearFast(); for (int i = 0; i < batchUpdatedTiles.Count; i++) tiles[batchUpdatedTiles[i]].flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < batchUpdatedTiles.Count; i++) { int x = batchUpdatedTiles[i] % tileXCount, z = batchUpdatedTiles[i] / tileXCount; if (x > 0) TryConnect(batchUpdatedTiles[i], batchUpdatedTiles[i] - 1); if (x < tileXCount - 1) TryConnect(batchUpdatedTiles[i], batchUpdatedTiles[i] + 1); if (z > 0) TryConnect(batchUpdatedTiles[i], batchUpdatedTiles[i] - tileXCount); if (z < tileZCount - 1) TryConnect(batchUpdatedTiles[i], batchUpdatedTiles[i] + tileXCount); } for (int i = 0; i < batchUpdatedTiles.Count; i++) tiles[batchUpdatedTiles[i]].flag = false; batchUpdatedTiles.ClearFast(); } /// /// Clear the tile at the specified coordinate. /// Must be called during a batch update, see . /// protected void ClearTile (int x, int z) { if (!batchTileUpdate) throw new System.Exception("Must be called during a batch update. See StartBatchTileUpdate"); var tile = GetTile(x, z); if (tile == null) return; var nodes = tile.nodes; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { if (nodes[i] != null) batchNodesToDestroy.Add(nodes[i]); } ObjectPool.Release(ref tile.bbTree); // TODO: Pool tile object and various arrays in it? tiles[x + z*tileXCount] = null; } /// Temporary buffer used in Dictionary nodeRecyclingHashBuffer = new Dictionary(); /// /// Reuse nodes that keep the exact same vertices after a tile replacement. /// The reused nodes will be added to the recycledNodeBuffer array at the index corresponding to the /// indices in the triangle array that its vertices uses. /// /// All connections on the reused nodes will be removed except ones that go to other graphs. /// The reused nodes will be removed from the tile by replacing it with a null slot in the node array. /// /// See: /// void PrepareNodeRecycling (int x, int z, Int3[] verts, int[] tris, TriangleMeshNode[] recycledNodeBuffer) { NavmeshTile tile = GetTile(x, z); if (tile == null || tile.nodes.Length == 0) return; var nodes = tile.nodes; var recycling = nodeRecyclingHashBuffer; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < tris.Length; i += 3, j++) { recycling[verts[tris[i+0]].GetHashCode() + verts[tris[i+1]].GetHashCode() + verts[tris[i+2]].GetHashCode()] = j; } var connectionsToKeep = ListPool.Claim(); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { var node = nodes[i]; Int3 v0, v1, v2; node.GetVerticesInGraphSpace(out v0, out v1, out v2); var hash = v0.GetHashCode() + v1.GetHashCode() + v2.GetHashCode(); int newNodeIndex; if (recycling.TryGetValue(hash, out newNodeIndex)) { // Technically we should check for a cyclic permutations of the vertices (e.g node a,b,c could become node b,c,a) // but in almost all cases the vertices will keep the same order. Allocating one or two extra nodes isn't such a big deal. if (verts[tris[3*newNodeIndex+0]] == v0 && verts[tris[3*newNodeIndex+1]] == v1 && verts[tris[3*newNodeIndex+2]] == v2) { recycledNodeBuffer[newNodeIndex] = node; // Remove the node from the tile nodes[i] = null; // Only keep connections to nodes on other graphs // Usually there are no connections to nodes to other graphs and this is faster than removing all connections them one by one for (int j = 0; j < node.connections.Length; j++) { if (node.connections[j].node.GraphIndex != node.GraphIndex) { connectionsToKeep.Add(node.connections[j]); } } ArrayPool.Release(ref node.connections, true); if (connectionsToKeep.Count > 0) { node.connections = connectionsToKeep.ToArrayFromPool(); node.SetConnectivityDirty(); connectionsToKeep.Clear(); } } } } recycling.Clear(); ListPool.Release(ref connectionsToKeep); } /// /// Replace tile at index with nodes created from specified navmesh. /// This will create new nodes and link them to the adjacent tile (unless batching has been started in which case that will be done when batching ends). /// /// The vertices are assumed to be in 'tile space', that is being in a rectangle with /// one corner at the origin and one at (, 0, . /// /// Note: The vertex and triangle arrays may be modified and will be stored with the tile data. /// do not modify them after this method has been called. /// /// See: /// public void ReplaceTile (int x, int z, Int3[] verts, int[] tris) { int w = 1, d = 1; if (x + w > tileXCount || z+d > tileZCount || x < 0 || z < 0) { throw new System.ArgumentException("Tile is placed at an out of bounds position or extends out of the graph bounds ("+x+", " + z + " [" + w + ", " + d+ "] " + tileXCount + " " + tileZCount + ")"); } if (tris.Length % 3 != 0) throw new System.ArgumentException("Triangle array's length must be a multiple of 3 (tris)"); if (verts.Length > VertexIndexMask) { Debug.LogError("Too many vertices in the tile (" + verts.Length + " > " + VertexIndexMask +")\nYou can enable ASTAR_RECAST_LARGER_TILES under the 'Optimizations' tab in the A* Inspector to raise this limit. Or you can use a smaller tile size to reduce the likelihood of this happening."); verts = new Int3[0]; tris = new int[0]; } var wasNotBatching = !batchTileUpdate; if (wasNotBatching) StartBatchTileUpdate(); Profiler.BeginSample("Tile Initialization"); //Create a new navmesh tile and assign its settings var tile = new NavmeshTile { x = x, z = z, w = w, d = d, tris = tris, bbTree = ObjectPool.Claim(), graph = this, }; if (!Mathf.Approximately(x*TileWorldSizeX*Int3.FloatPrecision, (float)Math.Round(x*TileWorldSizeX*Int3.FloatPrecision))) Debug.LogWarning("Possible numerical imprecision. Consider adjusting tileSize and/or cellSize"); if (!Mathf.Approximately(z*TileWorldSizeZ*Int3.FloatPrecision, (float)Math.Round(z*TileWorldSizeZ*Int3.FloatPrecision))) Debug.LogWarning("Possible numerical imprecision. Consider adjusting tileSize and/or cellSize"); var offset = (Int3) new Vector3((x * TileWorldSizeX), 0, (z * TileWorldSizeZ)); for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++) { verts[i] += offset; } tile.vertsInGraphSpace = verts; tile.verts = (Int3[])verts.Clone(); transform.Transform(tile.verts); Profiler.BeginSample("Clear Previous Tiles"); // Create a backing array for the new nodes var nodes = tile.nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[tris.Length/3]; // Recycle any nodes that are in the exact same spot after replacing the tile. // This also keeps e.g penalties and tags and other connections which might be useful. // It also avoids trashing the paths for the RichAI component (as it will have to immediately recalculate its path // if it discovers that its path contains destroyed nodes). PrepareNodeRecycling(x, z, tile.vertsInGraphSpace, tris, tile.nodes); // Remove previous tiles (except the nodes that were recycled above) ClearTile(x, z); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("Assign Node Data"); // Set tile tiles[x + z*tileXCount] = tile; batchUpdatedTiles.Add(x + z*tileXCount); // Create nodes and assign triangle indices CreateNodes(nodes, tile.tris, x + z*tileXCount, (uint); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("AABBTree Rebuild"); tile.bbTree.RebuildFrom(nodes); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("Create Node Connections"); CreateNodeConnections(tile.nodes); Profiler.EndSample(); Profiler.BeginSample("Connect With Neighbours"); if (wasNotBatching) EndBatchTileUpdate(); Profiler.EndSample(); } protected void CreateNodes (TriangleMeshNode[] buffer, int[] tris, int tileIndex, uint graphIndex) { if (buffer == null || buffer.Length < tris.Length/3) throw new System.ArgumentException("buffer must be non null and at least as large as tris.Length/3"); // This index will be ORed to the triangle indices tileIndex <<= TileIndexOffset; // Create nodes and assign vertex indices for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) { var node = buffer[i]; // Allow the buffer to be partially filled in already to allow for recycling nodes if (node == null) node = buffer[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active); // Reset all relevant fields on the node (even on recycled nodes to avoid exposing internal implementation details) node.Walkable = true; node.Tag = 0; node.Penalty = initialPenalty; node.GraphIndex = graphIndex; // The vertices stored on the node are composed // out of the triangle index and the tile index node.v0 = tris[i*3+0] | tileIndex; node.v1 = tris[i*3+1] | tileIndex; node.v2 = tris[i*3+2] | tileIndex; // Make sure the triangle is clockwise in graph space (it may not be in world space since the graphs can be rotated) // Note that we also modify the original triangle array because if the graph is cached then we will re-initialize the nodes from that array and assume all triangles are clockwise. if (RecalculateNormals && !VectorMath.IsClockwiseXZ(node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(0), node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(1), node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(2))) { Memory.Swap(ref tris[i*3+0], ref tris[i*3+2]); Memory.Swap(ref node.v0, ref node.v2); } node.UpdatePositionFromVertices(); } } public NavmeshBase () { navmeshUpdateData = new NavmeshUpdates.NavmeshUpdateSettings(this); } public override void OnDrawGizmos (Pathfinding.Util.RetainedGizmos gizmos, bool drawNodes) { if (!drawNodes) { return; } using (var helper = gizmos.GetSingleFrameGizmoHelper(active)) { var bounds = new Bounds(); bounds.SetMinMax(, forcedBoundsSize); // Draw a write cube using the latest transform // (this makes the bounds update immediately if some field is changed in the editor) helper.builder.DrawWireCube(CalculateTransform(), bounds, Color.white); } if (tiles != null && (showMeshSurface || showMeshOutline || showNodeConnections)) { var baseHasher = new RetainedGizmos.Hasher(active); baseHasher.AddHash(showMeshOutline ? 1 : 0); baseHasher.AddHash(showMeshSurface ? 1 : 0); baseHasher.AddHash(showNodeConnections ? 1 : 0); int startTileIndex = 0; var hasher = baseHasher; var hashedNodes = 0; // Update navmesh vizualizations for // the tiles that have been changed for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++) { // This may happen if an exception has been thrown when the graph was scanned. // We don't want the gizmo code to start to throw exceptions as well then as // that would obscure the actual source of the error. if (tiles[i] == null) continue; // Calculate a hash of the tile var nodes = tiles[i].nodes; for (int j = 0; j < nodes.Length; j++) { hasher.HashNode(nodes[j]); } hashedNodes += nodes.Length; // Note: do not batch more than some large number of nodes at a time. // Also do not batch more than a single "row" of the graph at once // because otherwise a small change in one part of the graph could invalidate // the caches almost everywhere else. // When restricting the caches to row by row a change in a row // will never invalidate the cache in another row. if (hashedNodes > 1024 || (i % tileXCount) == tileXCount - 1 || i == tiles.Length - 1) { if (!gizmos.Draw(hasher)) { using (var helper = gizmos.GetGizmoHelper(active, hasher)) { if (showMeshSurface || showMeshOutline) { CreateNavmeshSurfaceVisualization(tiles, startTileIndex, i + 1, helper); CreateNavmeshOutlineVisualization(tiles, startTileIndex, i + 1, helper); } if (showNodeConnections) { for (int ti = startTileIndex; ti <= i; ti++) { if (tiles[ti] == null) continue; var tileNodes = tiles[ti].nodes; for (int j = 0; j < tileNodes.Length; j++) { helper.DrawConnections(tileNodes[j]); } } } } } gizmos.Draw(hasher); startTileIndex = i + 1; hasher = baseHasher; hashedNodes = 0; } } } if (active.showUnwalkableNodes) DrawUnwalkableNodes(active.unwalkableNodeDebugSize); } /// Creates a mesh of the surfaces of the navmesh for use in OnDrawGizmos in the editor void CreateNavmeshSurfaceVisualization (NavmeshTile[] tiles, int startTile, int endTile, GraphGizmoHelper helper) { int numNodes = 0; for (int i = startTile; i < endTile; i++) if (tiles[i] != null) numNodes += tiles[i].nodes.Length; // Vertex array might be a bit larger than necessary, but that's ok var vertices = ArrayPool.Claim(numNodes*3); var colors = ArrayPool.Claim(numNodes*3); int offset = 0; for (int i = startTile; i < endTile; i++) { var tile = tiles[i]; if (tile == null) continue; for (int j = 0; j < tile.nodes.Length; j++) { var node = tile.nodes[j]; Int3 v0, v1, v2; node.GetVertices(out v0, out v1, out v2); int index = offset + j*3; vertices[index + 0] = (Vector3)v0; vertices[index + 1] = (Vector3)v1; vertices[index + 2] = (Vector3)v2; var color = helper.NodeColor(node); colors[index + 0] = colors[index + 1] = colors[index + 2] = color; } offset += tile.nodes.Length * 3; } if (showMeshSurface) helper.DrawTriangles(vertices, colors, numNodes); if (showMeshOutline) helper.DrawWireTriangles(vertices, colors, numNodes); // Return lists to the pool ArrayPool.Release(ref vertices); ArrayPool.Release(ref colors); } /// Creates an outline of the navmesh for use in OnDrawGizmos in the editor static void CreateNavmeshOutlineVisualization (NavmeshTile[] tiles, int startTile, int endTile, GraphGizmoHelper helper) { var sharedEdges = new bool[3]; for (int i = startTile; i < endTile; i++) { var tile = tiles[i]; if (tile == null) continue; for (int j = 0; j < tile.nodes.Length; j++) { sharedEdges[0] = sharedEdges[1] = sharedEdges[2] = false; var node = tile.nodes[j]; for (int c = 0; c < node.connections.Length; c++) { var other = node.connections[c].node as TriangleMeshNode; // Loop through neighbours to figure out which edges are shared if (other != null && other.GraphIndex == node.GraphIndex) { for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++) { for (int v2 = 0; v2 < 3; v2++) { if (node.GetVertexIndex(v) == other.GetVertexIndex((v2+1)%3) && node.GetVertexIndex((v+1)%3) == other.GetVertexIndex(v2)) { // Found a shared edge with the other node sharedEdges[v] = true; v = 3; break; } } } } } var color = helper.NodeColor(node); for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++) { if (!sharedEdges[v]) { helper.builder.DrawLine((Vector3)node.GetVertex(v), (Vector3)node.GetVertex((v+1)%3), color); } } } } } /// /// Serializes Node Info. /// Should serialize: /// - Base /// - Node Flags /// - Node Penalties /// - Node /// - Node Positions (if applicable) /// - Any other information necessary to load the graph in-game /// All settings marked with json attributes (e.g JsonMember) have already been /// saved as graph settings and do not need to be handled here. /// /// It is not necessary for this implementation to be forward or backwards compatible. /// /// See: /// protected override void SerializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { BinaryWriter writer = ctx.writer; if (tiles == null) { writer.Write(-1); return; } writer.Write(tileXCount); writer.Write(tileZCount); for (int z = 0; z < tileZCount; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < tileXCount; x++) { NavmeshTile tile = tiles[x + z*tileXCount]; if (tile == null) { throw new System.Exception("NULL Tile"); //writer.Write (-1); //continue; } writer.Write(tile.x); writer.Write(tile.z); if (tile.x != x || tile.z != z) continue; writer.Write(tile.w); writer.Write(tile.d); writer.Write(tile.tris.Length); for (int i = 0; i < tile.tris.Length; i++) writer.Write(tile.tris[i]); writer.Write(tile.verts.Length); for (int i = 0; i < tile.verts.Length; i++) { ctx.SerializeInt3(tile.verts[i]); } writer.Write(tile.vertsInGraphSpace.Length); for (int i = 0; i < tile.vertsInGraphSpace.Length; i++) { ctx.SerializeInt3(tile.vertsInGraphSpace[i]); } writer.Write(tile.nodes.Length); for (int i = 0; i < tile.nodes.Length; i++) { tile.nodes[i].SerializeNode(ctx); } } } } protected override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { BinaryReader reader = ctx.reader; tileXCount = reader.ReadInt32(); if (tileXCount < 0) return; tileZCount = reader.ReadInt32(); transform = CalculateTransform(); tiles = new NavmeshTile[tileXCount * tileZCount]; //Make sure mesh nodes can reference this graph TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder((int)ctx.graphIndex, this); for (int z = 0; z < tileZCount; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < tileXCount; x++) { int tileIndex = x + z*tileXCount; int tx = reader.ReadInt32(); if (tx < 0) throw new System.Exception("Invalid tile coordinates (x < 0)"); int tz = reader.ReadInt32(); if (tz < 0) throw new System.Exception("Invalid tile coordinates (z < 0)"); // This is not the origin of a large tile. Refer back to that tile. if (tx != x || tz != z) { tiles[tileIndex] = tiles[tz*tileXCount + tx]; continue; } var tile = tiles[tileIndex] = new NavmeshTile { x = tx, z = tz, w = reader.ReadInt32(), d = reader.ReadInt32(), bbTree = ObjectPool.Claim(), graph = this, }; int trisCount = reader.ReadInt32(); if (trisCount % 3 != 0) throw new System.Exception("Corrupt data. Triangle indices count must be divisable by 3. Read " + trisCount); tile.tris = new int[trisCount]; for (int i = 0; i < tile.tris.Length; i++) tile.tris[i] = reader.ReadInt32(); tile.verts = new Int3[reader.ReadInt32()]; for (int i = 0; i < tile.verts.Length; i++) { tile.verts[i] = ctx.DeserializeInt3(); } if (ctx.meta.version.Major >= 4) { tile.vertsInGraphSpace = new Int3[reader.ReadInt32()]; if (tile.vertsInGraphSpace.Length != tile.verts.Length) throw new System.Exception("Corrupt data. Array lengths did not match"); for (int i = 0; i < tile.verts.Length; i++) { tile.vertsInGraphSpace[i] = ctx.DeserializeInt3(); } } else { // Compatibility tile.vertsInGraphSpace = new Int3[tile.verts.Length]; tile.verts.CopyTo(tile.vertsInGraphSpace, 0); transform.InverseTransform(tile.vertsInGraphSpace); } int nodeCount = reader.ReadInt32(); tile.nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[nodeCount]; // Prepare for storing in vertex indices tileIndex <<= TileIndexOffset; for (int i = 0; i < tile.nodes.Length; i++) { var node = new TriangleMeshNode(active); tile.nodes[i] = node; node.DeserializeNode(ctx); node.v0 = tile.tris[i*3+0] | tileIndex; node.v1 = tile.tris[i*3+1] | tileIndex; node.v2 = tile.tris[i*3+2] | tileIndex; node.UpdatePositionFromVertices(); } tile.bbTree.RebuildFrom(tile.nodes); } } } protected override void PostDeserialization (GraphSerializationContext ctx) { // Compatibility if (ctx.meta.version < AstarSerializer.V4_1_0 && tiles != null) { Dictionary conns = tiles.SelectMany(s => s.nodes).ToDictionary(n => n, n => n.connections ?? new Connection[0]); // We need to recalculate all connections when upgrading data from earlier than 4.1.0 // as the connections now need information about which edge was used. // This may remove connections for e.g off-mesh links. foreach (var tile in tiles) CreateNodeConnections(tile.nodes); foreach (var tile in tiles) ConnectTileWithNeighbours(tile); // Restore any connections that were contained in the serialized file but didn't get added by the method calls above GetNodes(node => { var triNode = node as TriangleMeshNode; foreach (var conn in conns[triNode].Where(conn => !triNode.ContainsConnection(conn.node)).ToList()) { triNode.AddConnection(conn.node, conn.cost, conn.shapeEdge); } }); } // Make sure that the transform is up to date. // It is assumed that the current graph settings correspond to the correct // transform as it is not serialized itself. transform = CalculateTransform(); } } }