using UnityEngine;
namespace Pathfinding.Examples {
/// Animation helper specifically made for the spider robot in the example scenes.
/// The spider robot (or mine-bot) which has been copied from the Unity Example Project
/// can have this script attached to be able to pathfind around with animations working properly.\n
/// This script should be attached to a parent GameObject however since the original bot has Z+ as up.
/// This component requires Z+ to be forward and Y+ to be up.\n
/// A movement script (e.g AIPath) must also be attached to the same GameObject to actually move the unit.
/// Animation is handled by this component. The Animator component refered to in should have a single parameter called NormalizedSpeed.
/// When the end of path is reached, if the is not null, it will be instantiated at the current position. However a check will be
/// done so that it won't spawn effects too close to the previous spawn-point.
/// [Open online documentation to see images]
public class MineBotAnimation : VersionedMonoBehaviour {
/// Animation component.
/// Should hold animations "awake" and "forward"
public Animator anim;
/// Effect which will be instantiated when end of path is reached.
/// See:
public GameObject endOfPathEffect;
bool isAtDestination;
IAstarAI ai;
Transform tr;
protected override void Awake () {
ai = GetComponent();
tr = GetComponent();
/// Point for the last spawn of
protected Vector3 lastTarget;
/// Called when the end of path has been reached.
/// An effect ( is spawned when this function is called
/// However, since paths are recalculated quite often, we only spawn the effect
/// when the current position is some distance away from the previous spawn-point
void OnTargetReached () {
if (endOfPathEffect != null && Vector3.Distance(tr.position, lastTarget) > 1) {
GameObject.Instantiate(endOfPathEffect, tr.position, tr.rotation);
lastTarget = tr.position;
protected void Update () {
if (ai.reachedEndOfPath) {
if (!isAtDestination) OnTargetReached();
isAtDestination = true;
} else isAtDestination = false;
// Calculate the velocity relative to this transform's orientation
Vector3 relVelocity = tr.InverseTransformDirection(ai.velocity);
relVelocity.y = 0;
// Speed relative to the character size
anim.SetFloat("NormalizedSpeed", relVelocity.magnitude / anim.transform.lossyScale.x);