using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Pathfinding { [CustomEditor(typeof(ProceduralGridMover))] [CanEditMultipleObjects] public class ProceduralGridMoverEditor : EditorBase { GUIContent[] graphLabels = new GUIContent[32]; protected override void Inspector () { // Make sure the AstarPath object is initialized and the graphs are loaded, this is required to be able to show graph names in the mask popup AstarPath.FindAstarPath(); for (int i = 0; i < graphLabels.Length; i++) { if ( == null || == null || i >= ||[i] == null) { graphLabels[i] = new GUIContent("Graph " + i + (i == 31 ? "+" : "")); } else { graphLabels[i] = new GUIContent([i].name + " (graph " + i + ")"); } } Popup("graphIndex", graphLabels, "Graph"); PropertyField("target"); PropertyField("updateDistance"); } } }