using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER using UnityEngine.Networking; #endif using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace Pathfinding { /// Handles update checking for the A* Pathfinding Project [InitializeOnLoad] public static class AstarUpdateChecker { #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER /// Used for downloading new version information static UnityWebRequest updateCheckDownload; #else /// Used for downloading new version information static WWW updateCheckDownload; #endif static System.DateTime _lastUpdateCheck; static bool _lastUpdateCheckRead; static System.Version _latestVersion; static System.Version _latestBetaVersion; /// Description of the latest update of the A* Pathfinding Project static string _latestVersionDescription; static bool hasParsedServerMessage; /// Number of days between update checks const double updateCheckRate = 1F; /// URL to the version file containing the latest version number. const string updateURL = ""; /// Last time an update check was made public static System.DateTime lastUpdateCheck { get { try { // Reading from EditorPrefs is relatively slow, avoid it if (_lastUpdateCheckRead) return _lastUpdateCheck; _lastUpdateCheck = System.DateTime.Parse(EditorPrefs.GetString("AstarLastUpdateCheck", "1/1/1971 00:00:01"), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _lastUpdateCheckRead = true; } catch (System.FormatException) { lastUpdateCheck = System.DateTime.UtcNow; Debug.LogWarning("Invalid DateTime string encountered when loading from preferences"); } return _lastUpdateCheck; } private set { _lastUpdateCheck = value; EditorPrefs.SetString("AstarLastUpdateCheck", _lastUpdateCheck.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } /// Latest version of the A* Pathfinding Project public static System.Version latestVersion { get { RefreshServerMessage(); return _latestVersion ?? AstarPath.Version; } private set { _latestVersion = value; } } /// Latest beta version of the A* Pathfinding Project public static System.Version latestBetaVersion { get { RefreshServerMessage(); return _latestBetaVersion ?? AstarPath.Version; } private set { _latestBetaVersion = value; } } /// Summary of the latest update public static string latestVersionDescription { get { RefreshServerMessage(); return _latestVersionDescription ?? ""; } private set { _latestVersionDescription = value; } } /// /// Holds various URLs and text for the editor. /// This info can be updated when a check for new versions is done to ensure that there are no invalid links. /// static Dictionary astarServerData = new Dictionary { { "URL:modifiers", "" }, { "URL:astarpro", "" }, { "URL:documentation", "" }, { "URL:findoutmore", "" }, { "URL:download", "" }, { "URL:changelog", "" }, { "URL:tags", "" }, { "URL:homepage", "" } }; static AstarUpdateChecker() { // Add a callback so that we can parse the message when it has been downloaded EditorApplication.update += UpdateCheckLoop; EditorBase.getDocumentationURL = () => GetURL("documentation"); } static void RefreshServerMessage () { if (!hasParsedServerMessage) { var serverMessage = EditorPrefs.GetString("AstarServerMessage"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverMessage)) { ParseServerMessage(serverMessage); ShowUpdateWindowIfRelevant(); } } } public static string GetURL (string tag) { RefreshServerMessage(); string url; astarServerData.TryGetValue("URL:"+tag, out url); return url ?? ""; } /// Initiate a check for updates now, regardless of when the last check was done public static void CheckForUpdatesNow () { lastUpdateCheck = System.DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5); // Remove the callback if it already exists EditorApplication.update -= UpdateCheckLoop; // Add a callback so that we can parse the message when it has been downloaded EditorApplication.update += UpdateCheckLoop; } /// /// Checking for updates... /// Should be called from EditorApplication.update /// static void UpdateCheckLoop () { // Go on until the update check has been completed if (!CheckForUpdates()) { EditorApplication.update -= UpdateCheckLoop; } } /// /// Checks for updates if there was some time since last check. /// It must be called repeatedly to ensure that the result is processed. /// Returns: True if an update check is progressing (WWW request) /// static bool CheckForUpdates () { if (updateCheckDownload != null && updateCheckDownload.isDone) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateCheckDownload.error)) { Debug.LogWarning("There was an error checking for updates to the A* Pathfinding Project\n" + "The error might disappear if you switch build target from Webplayer to Standalone because of the webplayer security emulation\nError: " + updateCheckDownload.error); updateCheckDownload = null; return false; } #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER UpdateCheckCompleted(updateCheckDownload.downloadHandler.text); updateCheckDownload.Dispose(); #else UpdateCheckCompleted(updateCheckDownload.text); #endif updateCheckDownload = null; } // Check if it is time to check for updates // Check for updates a bit earlier if we are in play mode or have the AstarPath object in the scene // as then the collected statistics will be a bit more accurate var offsetMinutes = (Application.isPlaying && Time.time > 60) || != null ? -20 : 20; var minutesUntilUpdate = lastUpdateCheck.AddDays(updateCheckRate).AddMinutes(offsetMinutes).Subtract(System.DateTime.UtcNow).TotalMinutes; if (minutesUntilUpdate < 0) { DownloadVersionInfo(); } return updateCheckDownload != null || minutesUntilUpdate < 10; } static void DownloadVersionInfo () { var script = != null ? : GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(AstarPath)) as AstarPath; if (script != null) { script.ConfigureReferencesInternal(); if ((!Application.isPlaying && ( == null || == 0)) || == null) {; } } bool mecanim = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Animator)) != null; string query = updateURL+ "?v="+AstarPath.Version+ "&pro=0"+ "&check="+updateCheckRate+"&distr="+AstarPath.Distribution+ "&unitypro="+(Application.HasProLicense() ? "1" : "0")+ "&inscene="+(script != null ? "1" : "0")+ "&targetplatform="+EditorUserBuildSettings.activeBuildTarget+ "&devplatform="+Application.platform+ "&mecanim="+(mecanim ? "1" : "0")+ "&hasNavmesh=" + (script != null && => g.GetType().Name == "NavMeshGraph") ? 1 : 0) + "&hasPoint=" + (script != null && => g.GetType().Name == "PointGraph") ? 1 : 0) + "&hasGrid=" + (script != null && => g.GetType().Name == "GridGraph") ? 1 : 0) + "&hasLayered=" + (script != null && => g.GetType().Name == "LayerGridGraph") ? 1 : 0) + "&hasRecast=" + (script != null && => g.GetType().Name == "RecastGraph") ? 1 : 0) + "&hasGrid=" + (script != null && => g.GetType().Name == "GridGraph") ? 1 : 0) + "&hasCustom=" + (script != null && => g != null && !g.GetType().FullName.Contains("Pathfinding.")) ? 1 : 0) + "&graphCount=" + (script != null ? => g != null) : 0) + "&unityversion="+Application.unityVersion + "&branch="+AstarPath.Branch; #if UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER updateCheckDownload = UnityWebRequest.Get(query); updateCheckDownload.SendWebRequest(); #else updateCheckDownload = new WWW(query); #endif lastUpdateCheck = System.DateTime.UtcNow; } /// Handles the data from the update page static void UpdateCheckCompleted (string result) { EditorPrefs.SetString("AstarServerMessage", result); ParseServerMessage(result); ShowUpdateWindowIfRelevant(); } static void ParseServerMessage (string result) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { return; } hasParsedServerMessage = true; #if ASTARDEBUG Debug.Log("Result from update check:\n"+result); #endif string[] splits = result.Split('|'); latestVersionDescription = splits.Length > 1 ? splits[1] : ""; if (splits.Length > 4) { // First 4 are just compatibility fields var fields = splits.Skip(4).ToArray(); // Take all pairs of fields for (int i = 0; i < (fields.Length/2)*2; i += 2) { string key = fields[i]; string val = fields[i+1]; astarServerData[key] = val; } } try { latestVersion = new System.Version(astarServerData["VERSION:branch"]); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not parse version\n"+ex); } try { latestBetaVersion = new System.Version(astarServerData["VERSION:beta"]); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogWarning("Could not parse version\n"+ex); } } static void ShowUpdateWindowIfRelevant () { #if !ASTAR_ATAVISM try { System.DateTime remindDate; var remindVersion = new System.Version(EditorPrefs.GetString("AstarRemindUpdateVersion", "")); if (latestVersion == remindVersion && System.DateTime.TryParse(EditorPrefs.GetString("AstarRemindUpdateDate", "1/1/1971 00:00:01"), out remindDate)) { if (System.DateTime.UtcNow < remindDate) { // Don't remind yet return; } } else { EditorPrefs.DeleteKey("AstarRemindUpdateDate"); EditorPrefs.DeleteKey("AstarRemindUpdateVersion"); } } catch { Debug.LogError("Invalid AstarRemindUpdateVersion or AstarRemindUpdateDate"); } var skipVersion = new System.Version(EditorPrefs.GetString("AstarSkipUpToVersion", AstarPath.Version.ToString())); if (AstarPathEditor.FullyDefinedVersion(latestVersion) != AstarPathEditor.FullyDefinedVersion(skipVersion) && AstarPathEditor.FullyDefinedVersion(latestVersion) > AstarPathEditor.FullyDefinedVersion(AstarPath.Version)) { EditorPrefs.DeleteKey("AstarSkipUpToVersion"); EditorPrefs.DeleteKey("AstarRemindUpdateDate"); EditorPrefs.DeleteKey("AstarRemindUpdateVersion"); AstarUpdateWindow.Init(latestVersion, latestVersionDescription); } #endif } } }