using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic; using Pathfinding.WindowsStore; using System; #if NETFX_CORE using System.Linq; using WinRTLegacy; #endif namespace Pathfinding.Serialization { public class JsonMemberAttribute : System.Attribute { } public class JsonOptInAttribute : System.Attribute { } /// /// A very tiny json serializer. /// It is not supposed to have lots of features, it is only intended to be able to serialize graph settings /// well enough. /// public class TinyJsonSerializer { System.Text.StringBuilder output = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); Dictionary > serializers = new Dictionary >(); static readonly System.Globalization.CultureInfo invariantCulture = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; public static void Serialize (System.Object obj, System.Text.StringBuilder output) { new TinyJsonSerializer() { output = output }.Serialize(obj); } TinyJsonSerializer () { serializers[typeof(float)] = v => output.Append(((float)v).ToString("R", invariantCulture)); serializers[typeof(bool)] = v => output.Append((bool)v ? "true" : "false"); serializers[typeof(Version)] = serializers[typeof(uint)] = serializers[typeof(int)] = v => output.Append(v.ToString()); serializers[typeof(string)] = v => output.AppendFormat("\"{0}\"", v.ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\"")); serializers[typeof(Vector2)] = v => output.AppendFormat("{{ \"x\": {0}, \"y\": {1} }}", ((Vector2)v).x.ToString("R", invariantCulture), ((Vector2)v).y.ToString("R", invariantCulture)); serializers[typeof(Vector3)] = v => output.AppendFormat("{{ \"x\": {0}, \"y\": {1}, \"z\": {2} }}", ((Vector3)v).x.ToString("R", invariantCulture), ((Vector3)v).y.ToString("R", invariantCulture), ((Vector3)v).z.ToString("R", invariantCulture)); serializers[typeof(Pathfinding.Util.Guid)] = v => output.AppendFormat("{{ \"value\": \"{0}\" }}", v.ToString()); serializers[typeof(LayerMask)] = v => output.AppendFormat("{{ \"value\": {0} }}", ((int)(LayerMask)v).ToString()); } void Serialize (System.Object obj) { if (obj == null) { output.Append("null"); return; } var type = obj.GetType(); var typeInfo = WindowsStoreCompatibility.GetTypeInfo(type); if (serializers.ContainsKey(type)) { serializers[type] (obj); } else if (typeInfo.IsEnum) { output.Append('"' + obj.ToString() + '"'); } else if (obj is System.Collections.IList) { output.Append("["); var arr = obj as System.Collections.IList; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Count; i++) { if (i != 0) output.Append(", "); Serialize(arr[i]); } output.Append("]"); } else if (obj is UnityEngine.Object) { SerializeUnityObject(obj as UnityEngine.Object); } else { #if NETFX_CORE var optIn = typeInfo.CustomAttributes.Any(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(JsonOptInAttribute)); #else var optIn = typeInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonOptInAttribute), true).Length > 0; #endif output.Append("{"); bool earlier = false; while (true) { #if NETFX_CORE var fields = typeInfo.DeclaredFields.Where(f => !f.IsStatic).ToArray(); #else var fields = type.GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); #endif foreach (var field in fields) { if (field.DeclaringType != type) continue; if ((!optIn && field.IsPublic) || #if NETFX_CORE field.CustomAttributes.Any(attr => attr.GetType() == typeof(JsonMemberAttribute)) #else field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsonMemberAttribute), true).Length > 0 #endif ) { if (earlier) { output.Append(", "); } earlier = true; output.AppendFormat("\"{0}\": ", field.Name); Serialize(field.GetValue(obj)); } } #if NETFX_CORE typeInfo = typeInfo.BaseType; if (typeInfo == null) break; #else type = type.BaseType; if (type == null) break; #endif } output.Append("}"); } } void QuotedField (string name, string contents) { output.AppendFormat("\"{0}\": \"{1}\"", name, contents); } void SerializeUnityObject (UnityEngine.Object obj) { // Note that a unityengine can be destroyed as well if (obj == null) { Serialize(null); return; } output.Append("{"); var path =; #if UNITY_EDITOR // Figure out the path of the object relative to a Resources folder. // In a standalone player this cannot be done unfortunately, so we will assume it is at the top level in the Resources folder. // Fortunately it should be extremely rare to have to serialize references to unity objects in a standalone player. var realPath = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(obj); var match = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(realPath, @"Resources/(.*?)(\.\w+)?$"); if (match != null) path = match.Groups[1].Value; #endif QuotedField("Name", path); output.Append(", "); QuotedField("Type", obj.GetType().FullName); //Write scene path if the object is a Component or GameObject var component = obj as Component; var go = obj as GameObject; if (component != null || go != null) { if (component != null && go == null) { go = component.gameObject; } var helper = go.GetComponent(); if (helper == null) { Debug.Log("Adding UnityReferenceHelper to Unity Reference '""'"); helper = go.AddComponent(); } //Make sure it has a unique GUID helper.Reset(); output.Append(", "); QuotedField("GUID", helper.GetGUID().ToString()); } output.Append("}"); } } /// /// A very tiny json deserializer. /// It is not supposed to have lots of features, it is only intended to be able to deserialize graph settings /// well enough. Not much validation of the input is done. /// public class TinyJsonDeserializer { System.IO.TextReader reader; GameObject contextRoot; static readonly System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numberFormat = System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo; /// /// Deserializes an object of the specified type. /// Will load all fields into the populate object if it is set (only works for classes). /// public static System.Object Deserialize (string text, Type type, System.Object populate = null, GameObject contextRoot = null) { return new TinyJsonDeserializer() { reader = new System.IO.StringReader(text), contextRoot = contextRoot, }.Deserialize(type, populate); } /// /// Deserializes an object of type tp. /// Will load all fields into the populate object if it is set (only works for classes). /// System.Object Deserialize (Type tp, System.Object populate = null) { var tpInfo = WindowsStoreCompatibility.GetTypeInfo(tp); if (tpInfo.IsEnum) { return Enum.Parse(tp, EatField()); } else if (TryEat('n')) { Eat("ull"); TryEat(','); return null; } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(float))) { return float.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(int))) { return int.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(uint))) { return uint.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(bool))) { return bool.Parse(EatField()); } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(string))) { return EatField(); } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Version))) { return new Version(EatField()); } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Vector2))) { Eat("{"); var result = new Vector2(); EatField(); result.x = float.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); EatField(); result.y = float.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); Eat("}"); return result; } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Vector3))) { Eat("{"); var result = new Vector3(); EatField(); result.x = float.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); EatField(); result.y = float.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); EatField(); result.z = float.Parse(EatField(), numberFormat); Eat("}"); return result; } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Pathfinding.Util.Guid))) { Eat("{"); EatField(); var result = Pathfinding.Util.Guid.Parse(EatField()); Eat("}"); return result; } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(LayerMask))) { Eat("{"); EatField(); var result = (LayerMask)int.Parse(EatField()); Eat("}"); return result; } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(List))) { System.Collections.IList result = new List(); Eat("["); while (!TryEat(']')) { result.Add(Deserialize(typeof(string))); TryEat(','); } return result; } else if (tpInfo.IsArray) { List ls = new List(); Eat("["); while (!TryEat(']')) { ls.Add(Deserialize(tp.GetElementType())); TryEat(','); } var arr = Array.CreateInstance(tp.GetElementType(), ls.Count); ls.ToArray().CopyTo(arr, 0); return arr; } else if (Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Mesh)) || Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Texture2D)) || Type.Equals(tp, typeof(Transform)) || Type.Equals(tp, typeof(GameObject))) { return DeserializeUnityObject(); } else { var obj = populate ?? Activator.CreateInstance(tp); Eat("{"); while (!TryEat('}')) { var name = EatField(); var tmpType = tp; System.Reflection.FieldInfo field = null; while (field == null && tmpType != null) { field = tmpType.GetField(name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); tmpType = tmpType.BaseType; } if (field == null) { SkipFieldData(); } else { field.SetValue(obj, Deserialize(field.FieldType)); } TryEat(','); } return obj; } } UnityEngine.Object DeserializeUnityObject () { Eat("{"); var result = DeserializeUnityObjectInner(); Eat("}"); return result; } UnityEngine.Object DeserializeUnityObjectInner () { // Ignore InstanceID field (compatibility only) var fieldName = EatField(); if (fieldName == "InstanceID") { EatField(); fieldName = EatField(); } if (fieldName != "Name") throw new Exception("Expected 'Name' field"); string name = EatField(); if (name == null) return null; if (EatField() != "Type") throw new Exception("Expected 'Type' field"); string typename = EatField(); // Remove assembly information if (typename.IndexOf(',') != -1) { typename = typename.Substring(0, typename.IndexOf(',')); } // Note calling through assembly is more stable on e.g WebGL var type = WindowsStoreCompatibility.GetTypeInfo(typeof(AstarPath)).Assembly.GetType(typename); type = type ?? WindowsStoreCompatibility.GetTypeInfo(typeof(Transform)).Assembly.GetType(typename); if (Type.Equals(type, null)) { Debug.LogError("Could not find type '"+typename+"'. Cannot deserialize Unity reference"); return null; } // Check if there is another field there EatWhitespace(); if ((char)reader.Peek() == '"') { if (EatField() != "GUID") throw new Exception("Expected 'GUID' field"); string guid = EatField(); if (contextRoot != null) { foreach (var helper in contextRoot.GetComponentsInChildren(true)) { if (helper.GetGUID() == guid) { if (Type.Equals(type, typeof(GameObject))) { return helper.gameObject; } else { return helper.GetComponent(type); } } } } #if UNITY_2020_1_OR_NEWER foreach (var helper in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(true)) #else foreach (var helper in UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType()) #endif { if (helper.GetGUID() == guid) { if (Type.Equals(type, typeof(GameObject))) { return helper.gameObject; } else { return helper.GetComponent(type); } } } } // Note: calling LoadAll with an empty string will make it load the whole resources folder, which is probably a bad idea. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { // Try to load from resources UnityEngine.Object[] objs = Resources.LoadAll(name, type); for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++) { if (objs[i].name == name || objs.Length == 1) { return objs[i]; } } } return null; } void EatWhitespace () { while (char.IsWhiteSpace((char)reader.Peek())) reader.Read(); } void Eat (string s) { EatWhitespace(); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { var c = (char)reader.Read(); if (c != s[i]) { throw new Exception("Expected '" + s[i] + "' found '" + c + "'\n\n..." + reader.ReadLine()); } } } System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); string EatUntil (string c, bool inString) { builder.Length = 0; bool escape = false; while (true) { var readInt = reader.Peek(); if (!escape && (char)readInt == '"') { inString = !inString; } var readChar = (char)readInt; if (readInt == -1) { throw new Exception("Unexpected EOF"); } else if (!escape && readChar == '\\') { escape = true; reader.Read(); } else if (!inString && c.IndexOf(readChar) != -1) { break; } else { builder.Append(readChar); reader.Read(); escape = false; } } return builder.ToString(); } bool TryEat (char c) { EatWhitespace(); if ((char)reader.Peek() == c) { reader.Read(); return true; } return false; } string EatField () { var result = EatUntil("\",}]", TryEat('"')); TryEat('\"'); TryEat(':'); TryEat(','); return result; } void SkipFieldData () { var indent = 0; while (true) { EatUntil(",{}[]", false); var last = (char)reader.Peek(); switch (last) { case '{': case '[': indent++; break; case '}': case ']': indent--; if (indent < 0) return; break; case ',': if (indent == 0) { reader.Read(); return; } break; default: throw new System.Exception("Should not reach this part"); } reader.Read(); } } } }