using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using Pathfinding.Util; using Pathfinding.WindowsStore; #if ASTAR_NO_ZIP using Pathfinding.Serialization.Zip; #elif NETFX_CORE // For Universal Windows Platform using ZipEntry = System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry; using ZipFile = System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive; #else using Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip; #endif namespace Pathfinding.Serialization { /// Holds information passed to custom graph serializers public class GraphSerializationContext { private readonly GraphNode[] id2NodeMapping; /// /// Deserialization stream. /// Will only be set when deserializing /// public readonly BinaryReader reader; /// /// Serialization stream. /// Will only be set when serializing /// public readonly BinaryWriter writer; /// /// Index of the graph which is currently being processed. /// Version: uint instead of int after 3.7.5 /// public readonly uint graphIndex; /// Metadata about graphs being deserialized public readonly GraphMeta meta; public GraphSerializationContext (BinaryReader reader, GraphNode[] id2NodeMapping, uint graphIndex, GraphMeta meta) { this.reader = reader; this.id2NodeMapping = id2NodeMapping; this.graphIndex = graphIndex; this.meta = meta; } public GraphSerializationContext (BinaryWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; } public void SerializeNodeReference (GraphNode node) { writer.Write(node == null ? -1 : node.NodeIndex); } public GraphNode DeserializeNodeReference () { var id = reader.ReadInt32(); if (id2NodeMapping == null) throw new Exception("Calling DeserializeNodeReference when not deserializing node references"); if (id == -1) return null; GraphNode node = id2NodeMapping[id]; if (node == null) throw new Exception("Invalid id ("+id+")"); return node; } /// Write a Vector3 public void SerializeVector3 (Vector3 v) { writer.Write(v.x); writer.Write(v.y); writer.Write(v.z); } /// Read a Vector3 public Vector3 DeserializeVector3 () { return new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); } /// Write an Int3 public void SerializeInt3 (Int3 v) { writer.Write(v.x); writer.Write(v.y); writer.Write(v.z); } /// Read an Int3 public Int3 DeserializeInt3 () { return new Int3(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32()); } public int DeserializeInt (int defaultValue) { if (reader.BaseStream.Position <= reader.BaseStream.Length-4) { return reader.ReadInt32(); } else { return defaultValue; } } public float DeserializeFloat (float defaultValue) { if (reader.BaseStream.Position <= reader.BaseStream.Length-4) { return reader.ReadSingle(); } else { return defaultValue; } } /// Read a UnityEngine.Object public UnityEngine.Object DeserializeUnityObject ( ) { int inst = reader.ReadInt32(); if (inst == int.MaxValue) { return null; } string name = reader.ReadString(); string typename = reader.ReadString(); string guid = reader.ReadString(); System.Type type = System.Type.GetType(typename); if (type == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not find type '"+typename+"'. Cannot deserialize Unity reference"); return null; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { UnityReferenceHelper[] helpers = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(UnityReferenceHelper)) as UnityReferenceHelper[]; for (int i = 0; i < helpers.Length; i++) { if (helpers[i].GetGUID() == guid) { if (type == typeof(GameObject)) { return helpers[i].gameObject; } else { return helpers[i].GetComponent(type); } } } } //Try to load from resources UnityEngine.Object[] objs = Resources.LoadAll(name, type); for (int i = 0; i < objs.Length; i++) { if (objs[i].name == name || objs.Length == 1) { return objs[i]; } } return null; } } /// /// Handles low level serialization and deserialization of graph settings and data. /// Mostly for internal use. You can use the methods in the AstarData class for /// higher level serialization and deserialization. /// /// See: AstarData /// public class AstarSerializer { private AstarData data; /// Zip which the data is loaded from private ZipFile zip; /// Memory stream with the zip data private MemoryStream zipStream; /// Graph metadata private GraphMeta meta; /// Settings for serialization private SerializeSettings settings; /// /// Root GameObject used for deserialization. /// This should be the GameObject which holds the AstarPath component. /// Important when deserializing when the component is on a prefab. /// private GameObject contextRoot; /// Graphs that are being serialized or deserialized private NavGraph[] graphs; /// /// Index used for the graph in the file. /// If some graphs were null in the file then graphIndexInZip[graphs[i]] may not equal i. /// Used for deserialization. /// private Dictionary graphIndexInZip; private int graphIndexOffset; /// Extension to use for binary files const string binaryExt = ".binary"; /// Extension to use for json files const string jsonExt = ".json"; /// /// Checksum for the serialized data. /// Used to provide a quick equality check in editor code /// private uint checksum = 0xffffffff; System.Text.UTF8Encoding encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); /// Cached StringBuilder to avoid excessive allocations static System.Text.StringBuilder _stringBuilder = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); /// /// Returns a cached StringBuilder. /// This function only has one string builder cached and should /// thus only be called from a single thread and should not be called while using an earlier got string builder. /// static System.Text.StringBuilder GetStringBuilder () { _stringBuilder.Length = 0; return _stringBuilder; } /// Cached version object for 3.8.3 public static readonly System.Version V3_8_3 = new System.Version(3, 8, 3); /// Cached version object for 3.9.0 public static readonly System.Version V3_9_0 = new System.Version(3, 9, 0); /// Cached version object for 4.1.0 public static readonly System.Version V4_1_0 = new System.Version(4, 1, 0); public AstarSerializer (AstarData data, GameObject contextRoot) : this(data, SerializeSettings.Settings, contextRoot) { } public AstarSerializer (AstarData data, SerializeSettings settings, GameObject contextRoot) { = data; this.contextRoot = contextRoot; this.settings = settings; } public void SetGraphIndexOffset (int offset) { graphIndexOffset = offset; } void AddChecksum (byte[] bytes) { checksum = Checksum.GetChecksum(bytes, checksum); } void AddEntry (string name, byte[] bytes) { #if NETFX_CORE var entry = zip.CreateEntry(name); using (var stream = entry.Open()) { stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); } #else zip.AddEntry(name, bytes); #endif } public uint GetChecksum () { return checksum; } #region Serialize public void OpenSerialize () { // Create a new zip file, here we will store all the data zipStream = new MemoryStream(); #if NETFX_CORE zip = new ZipFile(zipStream, System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode.Create); #else zip = new ZipFile(); zip.AlternateEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8; zip.AlternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.Always; #endif meta = new GraphMeta(); } public byte[] CloseSerialize () { // As the last step, serialize metadata byte[] bytes = SerializeMeta(); AddChecksum(bytes); AddEntry("meta"+jsonExt, bytes); #if !ASTAR_NO_ZIP && !NETFX_CORE // Set dummy dates on every file to prevent the binary data to change // for identical settings and graphs. // Prevents the scene from being marked as dirty in the editor // If ASTAR_NO_ZIP is defined this is not relevant since the replacement zip // implementation does not even store dates var dummy = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); foreach (var entry in zip.Entries) { entry.AccessedTime = dummy; entry.CreationTime = dummy; entry.LastModified = dummy; entry.ModifiedTime = dummy; } #endif // Save all entries to a single byte array #if !NETFX_CORE zip.Save(zipStream); #endif zip.Dispose(); bytes = zipStream.ToArray(); zip = null; zipStream = null; return bytes; } public void SerializeGraphs (NavGraph[] _graphs) { if (graphs != null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot serialize graphs multiple times."); graphs = _graphs; if (zip == null) throw new NullReferenceException("You must not call CloseSerialize before a call to this function"); if (graphs == null) graphs = new NavGraph[0]; for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { //Ignore graph if null if (graphs[i] == null) continue; // Serialize the graph to a byte array byte[] bytes = Serialize(graphs[i]); AddChecksum(bytes); AddEntry("graph"+i+jsonExt, bytes); } } /// Serialize metadata about all graphs byte[] SerializeMeta () { if (graphs == null) throw new System.Exception("No call to SerializeGraphs has been done"); meta.version = AstarPath.Version; meta.graphs = graphs.Length; meta.guids = new List(); meta.typeNames = new List(); // For each graph, save the guid // of the graph and the type of it for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { if (graphs[i] != null) { meta.guids.Add(graphs[i].guid.ToString()); meta.typeNames.Add(graphs[i].GetType().FullName); } else { meta.guids.Add(null); meta.typeNames.Add(null); } } // Grab a cached string builder to avoid allocations var output = GetStringBuilder(); TinyJsonSerializer.Serialize(meta, output); return encoding.GetBytes(output.ToString()); } /// Serializes the graph settings to JSON and returns the data public byte[] Serialize (NavGraph graph) { // Grab a cached string builder to avoid allocations var output = GetStringBuilder(); TinyJsonSerializer.Serialize(graph, output); return encoding.GetBytes(output.ToString()); } /// /// Deprecated method to serialize node data. /// Deprecated: Not used anymore /// [System.Obsolete("Not used anymore. You can safely remove the call to this function.")] public void SerializeNodes () { } static int GetMaxNodeIndexInAllGraphs (NavGraph[] graphs) { int maxIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { if (graphs[i] == null) continue; graphs[i].GetNodes(node => { maxIndex = Math.Max(node.NodeIndex, maxIndex); if (node.NodeIndex == -1) { Debug.LogError("Graph contains destroyed nodes. This is a bug."); } }); } return maxIndex; } static byte[] SerializeNodeIndices (NavGraph[] graphs) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); int maxNodeIndex = GetMaxNodeIndexInAllGraphs(graphs); writer.Write(maxNodeIndex); // While writing node indices, verify that the max node index is the same // (user written graphs might have gotten it wrong) int maxNodeIndex2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { if (graphs[i] == null) continue; graphs[i].GetNodes(node => { maxNodeIndex2 = Math.Max(node.NodeIndex, maxNodeIndex2); writer.Write(node.NodeIndex); }); } // Nice to verify if users are writing their own graph types if (maxNodeIndex2 != maxNodeIndex) throw new Exception("Some graphs are not consistent in their GetNodes calls, sequential calls give different results."); byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray(); writer.Close(); return bytes; } /// Serializes info returned by NavGraph.SerializeExtraInfo static byte[] SerializeGraphExtraInfo (NavGraph graph) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(writer); ((IGraphInternals)graph).SerializeExtraInfo(ctx); byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray(); writer.Close(); return bytes; } /// /// Used to serialize references to other nodes e.g connections. /// Nodes use the GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeIdentifier and /// GraphSerializationContext.GetNodeFromIdentifier methods /// for serialization and deserialization respectively. /// static byte[] SerializeGraphNodeReferences (NavGraph graph) { var stream = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(writer); graph.GetNodes(node => node.SerializeReferences(ctx)); writer.Close(); var bytes = stream.ToArray(); return bytes; } public void SerializeExtraInfo () { if (!settings.nodes) return; if (graphs == null) throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot serialize extra info with no serialized graphs (call SerializeGraphs first)"); var bytes = SerializeNodeIndices(graphs); AddChecksum(bytes); AddEntry("graph_references"+binaryExt, bytes); for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { if (graphs[i] == null) continue; bytes = SerializeGraphExtraInfo(graphs[i]); AddChecksum(bytes); AddEntry("graph"+i+"_extra"+binaryExt, bytes); bytes = SerializeGraphNodeReferences(graphs[i]); AddChecksum(bytes); AddEntry("graph"+i+"_references"+binaryExt, bytes); } bytes = SerializeNodeLinks(); AddChecksum(bytes); AddEntry("node_link2" + binaryExt, bytes); } byte[] SerializeNodeLinks () { var stream = new MemoryStream(); #if !ASTAR_NO_LINKS var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(writer); NodeLink2.SerializeReferences(ctx); #endif return stream.ToArray(); } #endregion #region Deserialize ZipEntry GetEntry (string name) { #if NETFX_CORE return zip.GetEntry(name); #else return zip[name]; #endif } bool ContainsEntry (string name) { return GetEntry(name) != null; } public bool OpenDeserialize (byte[] bytes) { // Copy the bytes to a stream zipStream = new MemoryStream(); zipStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); zipStream.Position = 0; try { #if NETFX_CORE zip = new ZipFile(zipStream); #else zip = ZipFile.Read(zipStream); #endif } catch (Exception e) { // Catches exceptions when an invalid zip file is found Debug.LogError("Caught exception when loading from zip\n"+e); zipStream.Dispose(); return false; } if (ContainsEntry("meta" + jsonExt)) { meta = DeserializeMeta(GetEntry("meta" + jsonExt)); } else if (ContainsEntry("meta" + binaryExt)) { meta = DeserializeBinaryMeta(GetEntry("meta" + binaryExt)); } else { throw new Exception("No metadata found in serialized data."); } if (FullyDefinedVersion(meta.version) > FullyDefinedVersion(AstarPath.Version)) { Debug.LogWarning("Trying to load data from a newer version of the A* Pathfinding Project\nCurrent version: "+AstarPath.Version+" Data version: "+meta.version + "\nThis is usually fine as the stored data is usually backwards and forwards compatible." + "\nHowever node data (not settings) can get corrupted between versions (even though I try my best to keep compatibility), so it is recommended " + "to recalculate any caches (those for faster startup) and resave any files. Even if it seems to load fine, it might cause subtle bugs.\n"); } return true; } /// /// Returns a version with all fields fully defined. /// This is used because by default new Version(3,0,0) > new Version(3,0). /// This is not the desired behaviour so we make sure that all fields are defined here /// static System.Version FullyDefinedVersion (System.Version v) { return new System.Version(Mathf.Max(v.Major, 0), Mathf.Max(v.Minor, 0), Mathf.Max(v.Build, 0), Mathf.Max(v.Revision, 0)); } public void CloseDeserialize () { zipStream.Dispose(); zip.Dispose(); zip = null; zipStream = null; } NavGraph DeserializeGraph (int zipIndex, int graphIndex, System.Type[] availableGraphTypes) { // Get the graph type from the metadata we deserialized earlier var graphType = meta.GetGraphType(zipIndex, availableGraphTypes); // Graph was null when saving, ignore if (System.Type.Equals(graphType, null)) return null; // Create a new graph of the right type NavGraph graph = data.CreateGraph(graphType); graph.graphIndex = (uint)(graphIndex); var jsonName = "graph" + zipIndex + jsonExt; var binName = "graph" + zipIndex + binaryExt; if (ContainsEntry(jsonName)) { // Read the graph settings TinyJsonDeserializer.Deserialize(GetString(GetEntry(jsonName)), graphType, graph, contextRoot); } else if (ContainsEntry(binName)) { var reader = GetBinaryReader(GetEntry(binName)); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, null, graph.graphIndex, meta); ((IGraphInternals)graph).DeserializeSettingsCompatibility(ctx); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find data for graph " + zipIndex + " in zip. Entry 'graph" + zipIndex + jsonExt + "' does not exist"); } if (graph.guid.ToString() != meta.guids[zipIndex]) throw new Exception("Guid in graph file not equal to guid defined in meta file. Have you edited the data manually?\n"+graph.guid+" != "+meta.guids[zipIndex]); return graph; } /// /// Deserializes graph settings. /// Note: Stored in files named "graph" where # is the graph number. /// public NavGraph[] DeserializeGraphs (System.Type[] availableGraphTypes) { // Allocate a list of graphs to be deserialized var graphList = new List(); graphIndexInZip = new Dictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < meta.graphs; i++) { var newIndex = graphList.Count + graphIndexOffset; var graph = DeserializeGraph(i, newIndex, availableGraphTypes); if (graph != null) { graphList.Add(graph); graphIndexInZip[graph] = i; } } graphs = graphList.ToArray(); return graphs; } bool DeserializeExtraInfo (NavGraph graph) { var zipIndex = graphIndexInZip[graph]; var entry = GetEntry("graph"+zipIndex+"_extra"+binaryExt); if (entry == null) return false; var reader = GetBinaryReader(entry); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, null, graph.graphIndex, meta); // Call the graph to process the data ((IGraphInternals)graph).DeserializeExtraInfo(ctx); return true; } bool AnyDestroyedNodesInGraphs () { bool result = false; for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { graphs[i].GetNodes(node => { if (node.Destroyed) { result = true; } }); } return result; } GraphNode[] DeserializeNodeReferenceMap () { // Get the file containing the list of all node indices // This is correlated with the new indices of the nodes and a mapping from old to new // is done so that references can be resolved var entry = GetEntry("graph_references"+binaryExt); if (entry == null) throw new Exception("Node references not found in the data. Was this loaded from an older version of the A* Pathfinding Project?"); var reader = GetBinaryReader(entry); int maxNodeIndex = reader.ReadInt32(); var int2Node = new GraphNode[maxNodeIndex+1]; try { for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { graphs[i].GetNodes(node => { var index = reader.ReadInt32(); int2Node[index] = node; }); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Some graph(s) has thrown an exception during GetNodes, or some graph(s) have deserialized more or fewer nodes than were serialized", e); } #if !NETFX_CORE // For Windows Store apps the BaseStream.Position property is not supported // so we have to disable this error check on that platform if (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length) { throw new Exception((reader.BaseStream.Length / 4) + " nodes were serialized, but only data for " + (reader.BaseStream.Position / 4) + " nodes was found. The data looks corrupt."); } #endif reader.Close(); return int2Node; } void DeserializeNodeReferences (NavGraph graph, GraphNode[] int2Node) { var zipIndex = graphIndexInZip[graph]; var entry = GetEntry("graph"+zipIndex+"_references"+binaryExt); if (entry == null) throw new Exception("Node references for graph " + zipIndex + " not found in the data. Was this loaded from an older version of the A* Pathfinding Project?"); var reader = GetBinaryReader(entry); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, int2Node, graph.graphIndex, meta); graph.GetNodes(node => node.DeserializeReferences(ctx)); } /// /// Deserializes extra graph info. /// Extra graph info is specified by the graph types. /// See: Pathfinding.NavGraph.DeserializeExtraInfo /// Note: Stored in files named "graph" where # is the graph number. /// public void DeserializeExtraInfo () { bool anyDeserialized = false; // Loop through all graphs and deserialize the extra info // if there is any such info in the zip file for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { anyDeserialized |= DeserializeExtraInfo(graphs[i]); } if (!anyDeserialized) { return; } // Sanity check // Make sure the graphs don't contain destroyed nodes if (AnyDestroyedNodesInGraphs()) { Debug.LogError("Graph contains destroyed nodes. This is a bug."); } // Deserialize map from old node indices to new nodes var int2Node = DeserializeNodeReferenceMap(); // Deserialize node references for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { DeserializeNodeReferences(graphs[i], int2Node); } DeserializeNodeLinks(int2Node); } void DeserializeNodeLinks (GraphNode[] int2Node) { #if !ASTAR_NO_LINKS var entry = GetEntry("node_link2"+binaryExt); if (entry == null) return; var reader = GetBinaryReader(entry); var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(reader, int2Node, 0, meta); NodeLink2.DeserializeReferences(ctx); #endif } /// Calls PostDeserialization on all loaded graphs public void PostDeserialization () { for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { var ctx = new GraphSerializationContext(null, null, 0, meta); ((IGraphInternals)graphs[i]).PostDeserialization(ctx); } } /// /// Deserializes graph editor settings. /// For future compatibility this method does not assume that the graphEditors array matches the array in order and/or count. /// It searches for a matching graph (matching if == graph) for every graph editor. /// Multiple graph editors should not refer to the same graph.\n /// Note: Stored in files named "graph" where # is the graph number. /// /// Note: This method is only used for compatibility, newer versions store everything in the graph.serializedEditorSettings field which is already serialized. /// public void DeserializeEditorSettingsCompatibility () { for (int i = 0; i < graphs.Length; i++) { var zipIndex = graphIndexInZip[graphs[i]]; ZipEntry entry = GetEntry("graph"+zipIndex+"_editor"+jsonExt); if (entry == null) continue; (graphs[i] as IGraphInternals).SerializedEditorSettings = GetString(entry); } } /// Returns a binary reader for the data in the zip entry private static BinaryReader GetBinaryReader (ZipEntry entry) { #if NETFX_CORE return new BinaryReader(entry.Open()); #else var stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); entry.Extract(stream); stream.Position = 0; return new System.IO.BinaryReader(stream); #endif } /// Returns the data in the zip entry as a string private static string GetString (ZipEntry entry) { #if NETFX_CORE var reader = new StreamReader(entry.Open()); #else var buffer = new MemoryStream(); entry.Extract(buffer); buffer.Position = 0; var reader = new StreamReader(buffer); #endif string s = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Dispose(); return s; } private GraphMeta DeserializeMeta (ZipEntry entry) { return TinyJsonDeserializer.Deserialize(GetString(entry), typeof(GraphMeta)) as GraphMeta; } private GraphMeta DeserializeBinaryMeta (ZipEntry entry) { var meta = new GraphMeta(); var reader = GetBinaryReader(entry); if (reader.ReadString() != "A*") throw new System.Exception("Invalid magic number in saved data"); int major = reader.ReadInt32(); int minor = reader.ReadInt32(); int build = reader.ReadInt32(); int revision = reader.ReadInt32(); // Required because when saving a version with a field not set, it will save it as -1 // and then the Version constructor will throw an exception (which we do not want) if (major < 0) meta.version = new Version(0, 0); else if (minor < 0) meta.version = new Version(major, 0); else if (build < 0) meta.version = new Version(major, minor); else if (revision < 0) meta.version = new Version(major, minor, build); else meta.version = new Version(major, minor, build, revision); meta.graphs = reader.ReadInt32(); meta.guids = new List(); int count = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) meta.guids.Add(reader.ReadString()); meta.typeNames = new List(); count = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) meta.typeNames.Add(reader.ReadString()); reader.Close(); return meta; } #endregion #region Utils /// Save the specified data at the specified path public static void SaveToFile (string path, byte[] data) { #if NETFX_CORE throw new System.NotSupportedException("Cannot save to file on this platform"); #else using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } #endif } /// Load the specified data from the specified path public static byte[] LoadFromFile (string path) { #if NETFX_CORE throw new System.NotSupportedException("Cannot load from file on this platform"); #else using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { var bytes = new byte[(int)stream.Length]; stream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)stream.Length); return bytes; } #endif } #endregion } /// Metadata for all graphs included in serialization public class GraphMeta { /// Project version it was saved with public Version version; /// Number of graphs serialized public int graphs; /// Guids for all graphs public List guids; /// Type names for all graphs public List typeNames; /// Returns the Type of graph number index public Type GetGraphType (int index, System.Type[] availableGraphTypes) { // The graph was null when saving. Ignore it if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(typeNames[index])) return null; for (int j = 0; j < availableGraphTypes.Length; j++) { if (availableGraphTypes[j].FullName == typeNames[index]) return availableGraphTypes[j]; } throw new Exception("No graph of type '" + typeNames[index] + "' could be created, type does not exist"); } } /// Holds settings for how graphs should be serialized public class SerializeSettings { /// /// Enable to include node data. /// If false, only settings will be saved /// public bool nodes = true; /// /// Use pretty printing for the json data. /// Good if you want to open up the saved data and edit it manually /// [System.Obsolete("There is no support for pretty printing the json anymore")] public bool prettyPrint; /// /// Save editor settings. /// Warning: Only applicable when saving from the editor using the AstarPathEditor methods /// public bool editorSettings; /// Serialization settings for only saving graph settings public static SerializeSettings Settings { get { return new SerializeSettings { nodes = false }; } } } }