# Name : 21 Assesment # Purpose : 11DGT # Author: Taylan Russell # Created : 19/03/2024 # Copyright : © Taylan Russell 19/03/2024 #input of players names includes spaces and nubers. import time print("Welcome, in this game you will start with 21 chips and every turn you will pick a number between 1-3, first person to zero, wins!!!. ") print("GOOD LUCK!!!") time.sleep(3) def play_game(): #input of players names includes spaces and numbers. player1 = input("Player 1, what is your name: ") player2 = input("Player 2, what is your name: ") #Asking for the number of rounds round_number = int(input("how many rounds would you like to play? ")) #Initialize scores player1_score = 0 player2_score = 0 for round_num in range(1, round_number + 1): print(f"\nRound {round_num} begins!") #amount of chips taken away from each round chips = 21 while chips > 0: # Player 1 turn print(f"\n{player1}'s turn. Chips remaining: {chips}") chips_taken = int(input("Pick how many chips to take (1-3): ")) while chips_taken < 1 or chips_taken > 3: print("Wrong number of chips. Please pick 1, 2, or 3") chips_taken = int(input("Pick how many chips to take (1-3): ")) chips -= chips_taken if chips <= 0: print(f"\n{player1} wins this round!") player1_score += 1 break # Player 2 turn print(f"\n{player2}'s turn. Chips remaining: {chips}") chips_taken = int(input("Pick how many chips to take (1-3): ")) while chips_taken < 1 or chips_taken > 3: print("Wrong number of chips. Please pick 1, 2, or 3.") chips_taken = int(input("Pick how many chips to take (1-3): ")) chips -= chips_taken if chips <= 0: print(f"\n{player2} wins this round!") player2_score += 1 break #final scores print("\nGame over!") print(f"Final scores:") print(f"{player1}: {player1_score}") print(f"{player2}: {player2_score}") #Start the game play_game()