replay = input("Do you wanna play? y/n ") pc = 1 choice = 1 import random pcsco = 0 hsco = 0 while replay == "y": print(" ") choice = int(input("Rock (1) Paper (2) Scisors (3): ")) if choice == 1: h = "Rock" if choice == 2: h = "Paper" if choice == 3: h = "Scisors" pc = random.randint(1,3) if pc == 1: c = "Rock" if pc == 2: c = "Paper" if pc == 3: c = "Scisors" print(" ") print("You picked ",h,"The Computer pickeded", c) print(" ") if choice == 1 and pc == 3: print("You win, Rock beats Scisors") hsco = hsco + 1 if choice == 2 and pc == 1: print("You win, Paper beats Rock") hsco = hsco + 1 if choice == 3 and pc == 2: print("You win, Scisors beats Paper") hsco = hsco + 1 if choice == 1 and pc == 2: print("You lose, Paper beats Rock") pcsco = pcsco + 1 if choice == 2 and pc == 3: print("You lose, Scisors beats Paper") pcsco = pcsco + 1 if choice == 3 and pc == 1: print("You lose, Rock beats Scisors") pcsco = pcsco + 1 if choice == pc: print(c," is the same as ", h, "you draw") print(" ") print("Your score is: ", hsco) print(" ") print("The Computers score is: ", pcsco) print(" ") replay = input("Do you want to play again? y/n ") if replay != "y": print("Thanks For Playing") if hsco > pcsco: print("You have a higher score than The Computer!") else: print("The Computer had a higher score :(") break