from math import sqrt, sin, acos, pi, cos, floor from panda3d.core import Vec4, LVector3f from ursina.vec2 import Vec2 from ursina.vec3 import Vec3 from ursina import color from ursina.color import Color internal_sum = sum def distance(a, b): if isinstance(a, (Color, Vec4)): dist = abs(a[0] - b[0]) dist += abs(a[1] - b[1]) dist += abs(a[2] - b[2]) dist += abs(a[3] - b[3]) return dist # if input is Entity, convert to positions if hasattr(a, 'world_position'): a = a.world_position if hasattr(b, 'world_position'): b = b.world_position dist = sqrt((b[0] - a[0])**2 + (b[1] - a[1])**2 + (b[2] - a[2])**2) # print('------------DIST:', dist) return dist def distance_2d(a, b): if hasattr(a, 'position'): a = a.position if hasattr(b, 'position'): b = b.position return sqrt((b[0] - a[0])**2 + (b[1] - a[1])**2) def distance_xz(a, b): if hasattr(a, 'position'): a = a.position if hasattr(b, 'position'): b = b.position return sqrt((b[0] - a[0])**2 + (b[2] - a[2])**2) def lerp(a, b, t): if isinstance(a, (int, float, complex)): return a + (b - a) * t elif isinstance(a, Color) and isinstance(b, Color): col = [lerp(e[0], e[1], t) for e in zip(a,b)] return Color(col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]) elif isinstance(a, (tuple, list, Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, LVector3f)) and isinstance(b, (tuple, list, Vec2, Vec3, Vec4, LVector3f)): lerped = [] for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))): lerped.append(lerp(a[i], b[i], t)) if isinstance(a, (tuple, list)): return type(a)(lerped) else: return type(a)(*lerped) else: print(f'''can't lerp types {type(a)} and {type(b)}''') def inverselerp(a, b, t) : return (a - b) / (t - b) def lerp_angle(start_angle, end_angle, t): start_angle = start_angle % 360 end_angle = end_angle % 360 angle_diff = (end_angle - start_angle + 180) % 360 - 180 result_angle = start_angle + t * angle_diff result_angle = (result_angle + 360) % 360 return result_angle def slerp(q1, q2, t): costheta = if costheta < 0.0: costheta = -costheta q1 = q1.conjugate() elif costheta > 1.0: costheta = 1.0 theta = acos(costheta) if abs(theta) < 0.01: return q2 sintheta = sqrt(1.0 - costheta * costheta) if abs(sintheta) < 0.01: return (q1+q2)*0.5 r1 = sin((1.0 - t) * theta) / sintheta r2 = sin(t * theta) / sintheta return (q1*r1) + (q2*r2) def clamp(value, floor, ceiling): return max(min(value, ceiling), floor) def round_to_closest(value, step=0): if not step: return value step = 1/step return round(value * step) / step def rotate_around_point_2d(point, origin, deg): angle_rad = -deg/180 * pi # ursina rotation is positive=clockwise, so do *= -1 cos_angle = cos(angle_rad) sin_angle = sin(angle_rad) dx = point[0] - origin[0] dy = point[1] - origin[1] return ( origin[0] + (dx*cos_angle - dy*sin_angle), origin[1] + (dx*sin_angle + dy*cos_angle) ) def world_position_to_screen_position(point): # get screen position(ui space) from world space. from ursina import camera, Entity, destroy _temp_entity = Entity(position=point, add_to_scene_entities=False) result = _temp_entity.screen_position destroy(_temp_entity) return result def sum(l): try: return internal_sum(l) except: pass total = l[0].__class__() for e in l: total += e return total def make_gradient(index_color_dict): # returns a list of 256 colors ''' given a dict of positions and colors, interpolates the colors into a list of 256 colors example input: {'0':color.hex('#9d9867'), '38':color.hex('#828131'), '54':color.hex('#5d5b2a'), '255':color.hex('#000000')} ''' gradient = [ for i in range(256)] gradient_color_keys = tuple(index_color_dict.keys()) gradient_color_values = tuple(index_color_dict.values()) for i in range(len(gradient_color_values)): from_col = color.hex(gradient_color_values[i-1]) to_col = color.hex(gradient_color_values[i]) from_num = 0 if i > 0: from_num = int(gradient_color_keys[i-1]) to_num = int(gradient_color_keys[i]) dist = to_num - from_num for j in range(dist): gradient[from_num+j] = lerp(from_col, to_col, j/dist) return gradient def sample_gradient(list_of_values, t): # distribute list_of_values equally on a line and get the interpolated value at t (0-1). l = len(list_of_values) if l == 1: return list_of_values[0] t *= l-1 index = floor(t - .001) index = clamp(index, 0, l-1) relative = t - index # print(t, index, relative) if index < l-1: return lerp(list_of_values[index], list_of_values[index+1], relative) else: return lerp(list_of_values[index-1], list_of_values[index], relative) class Bounds: __slots__ = ['start', 'end', 'center', 'size'] def __init__(self, start, end, center, size): self.start = start self.end = end = center self.size = size if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * app = Ursina() e1 = Entity(position = (0,0,0)) e2 = Entity(position = (0,1,1)) distance(e1, e2) distance_xz(e1, e2.position) between_color = lerp(color.lime, color.magenta, .5) print(between_color) print(lerp((0,0), (0,1), .5)) print(lerp(Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,1), .5)) print(lerp([0,0], [0,1], .5)) print(round(Vec3(.38, .1351, 353.26), 2)) p = (1,0) print(p, 'rotated ->', rotate_around_point_2d(p, (0,0), 90))