from panda3d.core import Texture as PandaTexture from panda3d.core import SamplerState from panda3d.core import Filename from panda3d.core import PNMImage from pathlib import Path from ursina.vec2 import Vec2 from ursina import color from ursina.ursinamath import clamp class Texture(): default_filtering = None # options: None / 'bilinear' / 'mipmap' def __init__(self, value, filtering='default'): if isinstance(value, str): value = Path(value) if isinstance(value, Path): self.path = Path(value) self._texture = loader.loadTexture(Filename.fromOsSpecific(str(value))) self._cached_image = None # for get_pixel() method elif isinstance(value, PandaTexture): self._texture = value else: from PIL import Image image = value self._texture = PandaTexture() self._texture.setup2dTexture(image.width, image.height, PandaTexture.TUnsignedByte, PandaTexture.FRgba) self._texture.setRamImageAs(image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).tobytes(), image.mode) self._cached_image = image # for get_pixel() method # self._cached_image = image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) self.path = None if filtering == 'default': filtering = Texture.default_filtering # None/'bilinear'/'mipmap' default: 'None' self.filtering = filtering @staticmethod def new(size, color=(255,255,255)): img = PNMImage(*size) if len(color) == 4: img.addAlpha() img.fill(*color) panda_tex = PandaTexture('texture') panda_tex.load(img) return Texture(panda_tex) @property def name(self): try: return except: return f'PIL_texture_{self.size}' def __str__(self): return @property def size(self): return Vec2(self.width, self.height) @property def width(self): if self._cached_image: return self._cached_image.size[0] elif self._texture.getOrigFileXSize() > 0: return self._texture.getOrigFileXSize() return 0 @property def height(self): if self._cached_image: return self._cached_image.size[1] elif self._texture.getOrigFileYSize() > 0: return self._texture.getOrigFileYSize() return 0 @property def pixels(self): from numpy import asarray, flip from PIL import Image if self._cached_image: return asarray(self._cached_image) pixels = asarray( pixels = flip(pixels, axis=0) return pixels @property def filtering(self): return self._filtering @filtering.setter def filtering(self, value): # print('setting filtering:', value) if value in (None, False, 'nearest', 'nearest neighbor', 'point'): self._texture.setMagfilter(SamplerState.FT_nearest) self._texture.setMinfilter(SamplerState.FT_nearest) self._filtering = False elif value in (True, 'linear', 'bilinear'): self._texture.setMagfilter(SamplerState.FT_linear) self._texture.setMinfilter(SamplerState.FT_linear) self._filtering = True elif value == 'mipmap': self._texture.setMinfilter(SamplerState.FT_linear_mipmap_linear) self._filtering = 'mipmap' @property def repeat(self): return self._repeat @repeat.setter def repeat(self, value): self._repeat = value self._texture.setWrapU(value) self._texture.setWrapV(value) def get_pixel(self, x, y): try: if not self._cached_image: from PIL import Image self._cached_image = col = self._cached_image.getpixel((x, self.height-y-1)) if self._cached_image.mode == 'LA': col = (col[0], col[0], col[0], col[1]) if self._cached_image.mode == 'L': col = (col[0], col[0], col[0]) return color.rgba32(*col) except Exception as e: print(e) return None def get_pixels(self, start, end): start = (clamp(start[0], 0, self.width), clamp(start[1], 0, self.width)) end = (clamp(end[0], 0, self.width), clamp(end[1], 0, self.width)) pixels = [] for y in range(start[1], end[1]): for x in range(start[0], end[0]): pixels.append(self.get_pixel(x,y)) return pixels def set_pixel(self, x, y, color): if not self._cached_image: from PIL import Image self._cached_image = self._cached_image.putpixel((x, self.height-y-1), tuple(int(e*255) for e in color)) def apply(self): from PIL import Image if not self._cached_image: self._cached_image = self._texture.setRamImageAs(self._cached_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM).tobytes(), self._cached_image.mode) # self._texture.setRamImageAs(self._cached_image.tobytes(), self._cached_image.mode) def save(self, path): if not self._cached_image: from PIL import Image self._cached_image = def __repr__(self): return def __del__(self): # self._texture.releaseAll() del self._cached_image if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * from ursina import texture_importer app = Ursina() ''' The Texture class rarely used manually but usually instantiated when assigning a texture to an Entity texture = Texture(path / PIL.Image / panda3d.core.Texture) A texture file can be a .png, .jpg or .psd. If it's a .psd it and no compressed version exists, it will compress it automatically. ''' e = Entity(model='quad', texture='brick') e.texture.set_pixel(0, 2, e.texture.apply() # # for y in range(e.texture.height): # for x in range(e.texture.width): # if e.texture.get_pixel(x,y) == # print('found blue pixel at:', x, y) # test application.asset_folder = Path(r'C:\sync\high resolution images') e = Entity(model='quad') # from PIL import Image # from ursina.prefabs.memory_counter import MemoryCounter # MemoryCounter() def input(key): if key == 'a': # img ='C:\sync\high resolution images\tesla_city.png') # print('-------', img) # e.texture = Texture(img) e.texture = 'tesla_city' if key == 'space': # if not 'tesla_city' in texture_importer.imported_textures: # return # print('del texture') # del texture_importer.imported_textures['tesla_city'] # del e.texture # tex = e.texture._texture t = e.texture._texture # e.texture._texture = None e.texture = None t.releaseAll() # print(t.releaseAll()) t.clearRamImage() # e.texture._texture.clear() # e.texture._texture = None # e.texture = None # destroy(e) if key == 'p': for key, value in texture_importer.imported_textures.items(): print(key, value) e.texture = 'brick' # e.texture.set_pixels([e for e in e.texture.get_pixels()]) e.texture.apply() tex =,512), (255,0,0))