from ursina import * helper = None def terraincast(world_position, terrain_entity, height_values=None, return_normals=False): # uses x and z to return y on terrain. global helper if not helper: helper = Entity() helper.parent = terrain_entity.model helper.world_position = world_position pos = helper.get_position(relative_to=terrain_entity.model) + Vec3(.5,0,.5) if height_values is None: height_values = terrain_entity.model.height_values w, d = len(height_values), len(height_values[0]) if pos.x >= 0 and pos.x < 1 and pos.z >= 0 and pos.z < 1: pos *= Vec3(w-1, 0, d-1) helper.y = height_values[int(pos.x)][int(pos.z)] x, _, z = pos point = height_values[int(floor(x))][int(floor(z))] normal = Vec3(0,0,0) if ceil(x) - x > 0 and ceil(z) - z > 0: point_e = height_values[int(min(w-1, ceil(x)))][int(floor(z))] point_n = height_values[int(floor(x))][int(min(d-1, ceil(z)))] point_ne = height_values[int(min(w-1, ceil(x)))][int(min(d-1, ceil(z)))] u0v0 = point * (ceil(x) - x) * (ceil(z) - z) # interpolated (x0, z0) u1v0 = point_e * (x - floor(x)) * (ceil(z) - z) # interpolated (x1, z0) u0v1 = point_n * (ceil(x) - x) * (z - floor(z)) # interpolated (x0, z1) u1v1 = point_ne * (x - floor(x)) * (z - floor(z)) # interpolated (x1, z1) point = u0v0 + u1v0 + u0v1 + u1v1 #estimate # normal = Vec3(2*(point_e-L), 2*(B-T), -4).Normalize(); # print(point_e) if return_normals: normal = Vec3(0,1,0) p1 = Vec3(min(w-1, ceil(x)), point_e, floor(z)) p2 = Vec3(floor(x), point, floor(z)) p3 = Vec3(floor(x), point_n, min(d-1, ceil(z))) normal = (p2 - p1).cross(p3-p1).normalized() # print(normal) helper.y = point * terrain_entity.scale_y / 255 if not return_normals: return helper.y return helper.y, normal if not return_normals: return None return None, None if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() terrain_entity = Entity(model=Terrain('heightmap_1', skip=8), scale=(40, 5, 20), texture='heightmap_1') player = Entity(model='sphere',, scale=.2, origin_y=-.5) hv = terrain_entity.model.height_values def update(): direction = Vec3(held_keys['d'] - held_keys['a'], 0, held_keys['w'] - held_keys['s']).normalized() player.position += direction * time.dt * 4 y = terraincast(player.world_position, terrain_entity, hv) if y is not None: player.y = y # test.world_position = player.world_position # test.look_at(test.world_position + normal) EditorCamera() from ursina.shaders import ssao_shader camera.shader = ssao_shader Sky()