import re import traceback def camel_to_snake(value): s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', value) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).lower() def snake_to_camel(value): camel = '' words = value.split('_') for w in words: camel += w.title() return camel def multireplace(string, replacements, ignore_case=False): """ Given a string and a dict, replaces occurrences of the dict keys found in the string, with their corresponding values. The replacements will occur in "one pass", i.e. there should be no clashes. :param str string: string to perform replacements on :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {str_to_find: str_to_replace_with} :param bool ignore_case: whether to ignore case when looking for matches :rtype: str the replaced string """ rep_sorted = sorted(replacements, key=lambda s: len(s[0]), reverse=True) rep_escaped = [re.escape(replacement) for replacement in rep_sorted] pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep_escaped), re.I if ignore_case else 0) return pattern.sub(lambda match: replacements[], string) def printvar(var): print(traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0][3][9:][:-1],"=", var) def print_info(str, *args): from ursina import application if application.print_info: print('info:', str, *args) def print_warning(str, *args): from ursina import application if application.print_warnings: print('\033[93mwarning:', str, *args, '\033[0m') if __name__ == '__main__': print(camel_to_snake('CamelToSnake')) print(snake_to_camel('snake_to_camel')) printvar('test')