from ursina import * class Scrollable(): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.max = inf self.min = -inf self.scroll_speed = .05 self.scroll_smoothing = 16 self.axis = 'y' self.target_value = None for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def update(self): # lerp position if self.target_value: setattr(self.entity, self.axis, lerp(getattr(self.entity, self.axis), self.target_value, time.dt * self.scroll_smoothing)) def input(self, key): if not mouse.hovered_entity: return if not self.target_value: self.target_value = getattr(self.entity, self.axis) if self.entity.hovered or mouse.hovered_entity.has_ancestor(self.entity): # print(key) if key == 'scroll up': self.target_value -= self.scroll_speed if key == 'scroll down': self.target_value += self.scroll_speed self.target_value = max(min(self.target_value, self.max), self.min) if __name__ == '__main__': ''' This will make target entity move up or down when you hover the entity/its children while scrolling the scroll wheel. ''' app = Ursina() p = Button(model='quad', scale=(.4, .8), collider='box') for i in range(8): Button(parent=p , scale_y=.05, text=f'giopwjoigjwr{i}', origin_y=.5, y=.5-(i*.05)) p.add_script(Scrollable())