from panda3d.core import BitMask32, TransformState from panda3d.bullet import BulletRigidBodyNode, BulletPlaneShape, BulletBoxShape, BulletSphereShape, BulletCapsuleShape, XUp, YUp, ZUp, BulletTriangleMesh, BulletTriangleMeshShape, BulletDebugNode, BulletWorld from ursina.vec3 import Vec3 class PlaneShape: def __init__(self, normal=Vec3(0,1,0), offset=0): = (0,0,0) self.normal = normal self.offset = offset class BoxShape: def __init__(self, center=(0,0,0), size=(1,1,1)): = center self.size = size class SphereShape: def __init__(self, center=(0,0,0), radius=.5): = center self.radius = radius class CapsuleShape: def __init__(self, center=(0,0,0), radius=.5, height=2, axis='y'): = center self.radius = radius self.height = height self.axis = axis class MeshShape: def __init__(self, mesh=None, center=(0,0,0)): self.mesh = mesh = center class PhysicsBody: def __init__(self, name: str, world): = world self.attached = False self._visible = False def __getattr__(self, attribute): return getattr(self.node_path.node(), attribute) def attach(self): if not self.attached: self.attached = True def detach(self): if self.attached: self.attached = False def remove(self): self.detach() self.node_path.removeNode() @property def visible(self): return self._visible @visible.setter def visible(self, value: bool): self._visible = value if value: else: self.node_path.hide() @property def position(self): return Vec3(*self.node_path.getPos()) @position.setter def position(self, value): self.node_path.setPos(Vec3(value)) @property def x(self): return self.node_path.getX() @x.setter def x(self, value): self.node_path.setX(value) @property def y(self): return self.node_path.getY() @y.setter def y(self, value): self.node_path.setY(value) @property def z(self): return self.node_path.getZ() @z.setter def z(self, value): self.node_path.setZ(value) @property def rotation(self): rotation = self.node_path.getHpr() return Vec3(rotation[1], rotation[0], rotation[2]) @rotation.setter def rotation(self, value): self.node_path.setHpr(Vec3(value[1], value[0], value[2])) @property def scale(self): scale = self.node_path.getScale() return Vec3(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]) @scale.setter def scale(self, value): value = [e if e!=0 else .001 for e in value] self.node_path.setScale(value[0], value[1], value[2]) class RigidBody(PhysicsBody): def __init__(self, world, shape, entity=None, mass=0, kinematic=False, friction=.5, mask=0x1): super().__init__(name='RigidBody', world=world) self.rigid_body_node = BulletRigidBodyNode('RigidBody') self.rigid_body_node.setMass(mass) self.rigid_body_node.setKinematic(kinematic) self.rigid_body_node.setFriction(friction) if entity: self.node_path = entity.getParent().attachNewNode(self.rigid_body_node) self.scale = entity.world_scale entity.reparentTo(self.node_path) self.position = entity.position entity.position = self.rotation = entity.rotation entity.world_scale = self.scale else: self.node_path = render.attachNewNode(self.rigid_body_node) self.node_path.node().setIntoCollideMask(BitMask32(mask)) if not isinstance(shape, (list, tuple)): # add just one shape self.node_path.node().addShape(_convert_shape(shape, entity, dynamic=not self.rigid_body_node.isStatic())) else: # add multiple shapes for s in shape: self.node_path.node().addShape(_convert_shape(s, entity, dynamic=not self.rigid_body_node.isStatic()), TransformState.makePos( self.attach() self.node_path.setPythonTag('Entity', entity) def _convert_shape(shape, entity, dynamic=True): if isinstance(shape, PlaneShape): return BulletPlaneShape(shape.normal, shape.offset) if isinstance(shape, BoxShape): return BulletBoxShape(Vec3(shape.size[0] / 2, shape.size[1] / 2, shape.size[2] / 2)) if isinstance(shape, SphereShape): return BulletSphereShape(shape.radius) if isinstance(shape, CapsuleShape): if shape.axis == 'y': axis = YUp elif shape.axis == 'z': axis = ZUp elif shape.axis == 'x': axis = XUp return BulletCapsuleShape(shape.radius / 2, shape.height / 2, axis) if isinstance(shape, MeshShape) and entity: if shape.mesh is None and entity.model: mesh = entity.model else: mesh = shape.mesh geom_target = mesh.findAllMatches('**/+GeomNode').getPath(0).node().getGeom(0) output = BulletTriangleMesh() output.addGeom(geom_target) return BulletTriangleMeshShape(output, dynamic=dynamic) else: raise Exception('To use a mesh shape you must specify at least one entity or mesh!') if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * app = Ursina(borderless=False) debugNode = BulletDebugNode('Debug') debugNode.showWireframe(True) debugNode.showConstraints(True) debugNode.showBoundingBoxes(False) debugNode.showNormals(False) debugNP = render.attachNewNode(debugNode) world = BulletWorld() world.setGravity(Vec3(0, -9.81, 0)) world.setDebugNode(debugNP.node()) ground = Entity(model='plane', texture='grass', y=0, scale=30) RigidBody(world=world, shape=PlaneShape(), entity=ground) cube = Entity(model='cube', texture='white_cube', y=7) RigidBody(world=world, shape=BoxShape(), entity=cube, mass=1) sphere = Entity(model='sphere', texture='brick', y=30) RigidBody(world=world, shape=SphereShape(), entity=sphere, mass=5) capsule = Entity(model='sphere', texture='brick', y=17, scale=(1,2,1)) RigidBody(world=world, shape=CapsuleShape(height=2, radius=1), entity=capsule, mass=3) platform = Entity(model='cube', texture='white_cube', y=1, scale=(4, 1, 4)) platform_body = RigidBody(world, BoxShape(), entity=platform, kinematic=True, friction=1.0) platform.positions = { 'A': Vec3(-2, 1, -2), 'B': Vec3(2, 1, -2), 'C': Vec3(0, 1, 2) } platform.state_table = { 'A': 'B', 'B': 'C', 'C': 'A' } platform.state = 'A' platform.time_passed = 0.0 platform.move_time = 2.0 def update(): platform.time_passed += time.dt platform_body.position = lerp(platform.positions[platform.state], platform.positions[platform.state_table[platform.state]], clamp(platform.time_passed / platform.move_time, 0, 1)) if platform.time_passed > platform.move_time: platform.state = platform.state_table[platform.state] platform.time_passed = 0.0 world.doPhysics(time.dt) def input(key): if key == 'space up': spawned_cube = Entity(model='cube', texture='white_cube', y=7) RigidBody(world, BoxShape(), entity=spawned_cube, mass=1, friction=1.0) EditorCamera()