from ursina import * # def play_synth_adsr( # wave = 'sine', # max_volume = .75, # # start_volume = 0, # # attack = .05, # decay = .01, # time to fade down to sustain volume # sustain_volume = .5, # volume of middle part relative to max volume # sustain_length = .2, # duration of middle part # release = .2, # fade out duration # # release_volume = None, # default is the same as sustain # # end_volume = 0, # # start_pitch = 0, # end_pitch = 2, # pitch_curve = curve.linear, # # volume_multiplier = 1 # # ): # # total_duration = attack + decay + sustain_length + release # # if release_volume is None: # # release_volume = sustain_volume # # a = Audio(wave, loop=True, pitch=pow(1 / 1.05946309436, -pitch), volume=start_volume) # a.animate('volume', max_volume, duration=attack, curve=curve.linear) # a.animate('volume', sustain_volume*max_volume, duration=decay, delay=attack, curve=curve.linear) # a.animate('volume', sustain_volume*max_volume, duration=sustain_length, delay=attack+decay, curve=curve.linear) # a.animate('volume', 0, duration=release, delay=attack+decay+sustain_length, curve=curve.linear) # # a.animate('pitch', pow(1 / 1.05946309436, -end_pitch), duration=total_duration, curve=pitch_curve) # a.animations.append(invoke(a.stop, delay=total_duration)) # return a def ursfx(volume_curve, volume=.75, wave='sine', pitch=0, pitch_change=0, speed=1, pitch_curve=curve.linear, ignore_paused=False): # play a retro style sound effect a = Audio(wave, loop=True, pitch=pow(1 / 1.05946309436, -pitch), volume=volume_curve[0][1] * volume, ignore_paused=ignore_paused) for i in range(len(volume_curve)-1): a.animate('volume', volume_curve[i+1][1] * volume, duration=(volume_curve[i+1][0] - volume_curve[i][0]) / speed, delay=volume_curve[i][0] / speed, curve=curve.linear, unscaled=True) a.animate('pitch', pow(1 / 1.05946309436, -pitch-pitch_change), duration=volume_curve[i-1][0] / speed, curve=pitch_curve, unscaled=True) a.animations.append(invoke(a.stop, delay=volume_curve[4][0] / speed, unscaled=True)) invoke(a.stop, delay=volume_curve[4][0] / speed, unscaled=True, ignore_paused=ignore_paused) return a class UrsfxGUI(Entity): def __init__(self, ignore_paused=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(**(dict(parent=camera.ui, z=-998, ignore_paused=ignore_paused) | kwargs)) default_positions = [(0,0), (.1,.9), (.15,.75), (.6,.75), (1,0)] self.wave_panel = Entity(parent=self, scale=.35, x=-0) self.waveform = Entity(parent=self.wave_panel, scale_y=.75) self.waveform_bg = Entity(parent=self.waveform, model='quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), z=.01, color=color.black66) # self.bg_2 = Entity(parent=self.waveform, model='quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), z=.01, color=color._16) self.volume_slider = Slider(parent=self.wave_panel, x=-.05, vertical=True, scale=1.95, min=.05, max=1, default=.75, step=.01, self.wave_selector = ButtonGroup(('sine', 'triangle', 'square', 'noise'), parent=self.wave_panel, scale=.11, y=-.075) self.pitch_slider = Slider(parent=self.wave_panel, y=-.25, scale=1.95, min=-36, max=36, default=0, step=1,, text='pitch') self.pitch_change_slider = Slider(parent=self.wave_panel, y=-.325, scale=1.95, min=-12, max=12, default=0, step=1,, text='pitch change') self.speed_slider = Slider(parent=self.wave_panel, scale=1.95, min=.5, max=4, default=1, step=.1,, y=-.4, text='speed') def coin_sound(): self.paste_code(f"ursfx([(0,1), ({random.uniform(.05,.15)},.5), (.25,.5), ({random.uniform(.25,.5)},.5), (1,0)], pitch={random.randint(-3, 24)}, speed={random.uniform(2.5,3)})") self.coin_button = Button(text='coin', parent=self.wave_panel, scale=(.25, .125), origin=(-.5,.5), y=-.45, on_click=coin_sound) self.knobs = [Draggable(parent=self.waveform, scale=.05, model='circle', color=color.light_gray,, position=default_positions[i], i=i, min_y=0, max_y=1) for i in range(5)] self.knobs[0].lock = (True,False,True) self.line = Entity(parent=self.waveform, model=Mesh(vertices=[Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(1,0,0)], mode='line', thickness=3), z=.01, color=color.light_gray) = Entity(parent=self.wave_panel, model='wireframe_quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), z=.02,, scale_x=1) self.play_button = Button(text='>', parent=self.wave_panel, model='circle', scale=(.125, .125),, origin=(-.5,-.5), position=(-.075,1.025), self.copy_button = Button(text='copy', parent=self.wave_panel, scale=(.25, .125), color=color.dark_gray, origin=(-.5,-.5), position=(-.075+.125+.025, 1.025), on_click=self.copy_code) self.copy_button.text_entity.scale *= .5 self.paste_button = Button(text='paste', parent=self.wave_panel, scale=(.25, .125), color=color.dark_gray, origin=(-.5,-.5), position=(self.copy_button.x + self.copy_button.scale_x + .025, 1.025), on_click=self.paste_code) self.paste_button.text_entity.scale *= .5 self.code_text = Text('', parent=self.wave_panel, scale=2, position=(self.paste_button.x+self.paste_button.scale_x+.025,1.11)) self.wave_selector.on_value_changed = self.background_panel = Entity(model=Quad(radius=.025), parent=self.wave_panel, color=color.black66, z=1, origin=(-.5,-.5), scale=(1.125,1.75+.025), position=(-.1,-.6)) for i, knob in enumerate(self.knobs): def drag(this_knob=knob): if this_knob.i == 0: this_knob.min_x = 0 else: print(self.knobs[this_knob.i - 1].x) this_knob.min_x = self.knobs[this_knob.i - 1].x + .01 if this_knob.i == 4: this_knob.max_x = 3 else: this_knob.max_x = self.knobs[this_knob.i + 1].x - .01 knob.drag = drag def drop(this_knob=knob): = self.knobs[4].x for e in self.knobs: e.min_x = -0 e.max_x = 3 knob.drop = drop self.draw() for e in scene.entities: if e.has_ancestor(self): e.ignore_paused = ignore_paused def update(self): for e in self.knobs: e.world_scale = .25 if sum(int(e.dragging) for e in self.knobs) == 0: return self.draw() def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] and key == 'v' and self.wave_panel.enabled: self.paste_code() def copy_code(self): print(self.recipe) import pyperclip pyperclip.copy(self.recipe) def paste_code(self, code=""): import pyperclip if not code: code = pyperclip.paste() print('paste code:', code) try: curve = code.split('ursfx(')[1].split(']')[0] + ']' curve = eval(curve) for i, e in enumerate(curve): self.knobs[i].position=(e) print('--------curve', curve) volume = .75 if 'volume=' in code: volume = code.split('volume=')[1].split(',')[0] volume = eval(volume) self.volume_slider.value = volume print('--------volume', volume) wave = 'sine' if 'wave=' in code: wave = code.split('wave=')[1].split(',')[0] wave = eval(wave) self.wave_selector.value = wave print('--------wave', wave) pitch = 1 if 'pitch=' in code: pitch = code.split('pitch=')[1] if ',' in pitch: pitch = pitch.split(',')[0] else: pitch = pitch[:-1] pitch = eval(pitch) self.pitch_slider.value = pitch print('--------pitch', pitch) pitch_change = 0 if 'pitch_change=' in code: pitch_change = code.split('pitch_change=')[1] if ',' in pitch_change: pitch_change = pitch_change.split(',')[0] else: pitch_change = pitch_change[:-1] pitch_change = eval(pitch_change) self.pitch_change_slider.value = pitch_change print('--------pitch_change') speed = 1 if 'speed=' in code: speed = code.split('speed=')[1] if ',' in speed: speed = speed.split(',')[0] else: speed = speed[:-1] speed = eval(speed) self.speed_slider.value = speed print('--------speed') print(curve, volume, wave, pitch, pitch_change, speed) self.draw() except: print('invalid ursfx code:', code) @property def recipe(self): pitch_code = '' if self.pitch_slider.value: pitch_code = f', pitch={self.pitch_slider.value}' pitch_change_code = '' if self.pitch_change_slider.value: pitch_change_code = f', pitch_change={self.pitch_change_slider.value}' speed_code = '' if speed_code != 1: speed_code = f', speed={round(self.speed_slider.value, 1)}' return f"ursfx({str(self.volume_curve)}, volume={round(self.volume_slider.value,3)}, wave='{self.wave_selector.value}'{pitch_code}{pitch_change_code}{speed_code})" def draw(self): # = self.knobs[4].x self.waveform_bg.scale_x = self.knobs[4].x = self.knobs[4].x for e in self.knobs: e.position = (round(e.x,2), round(e.y,2)) self.line.model.vertices = [e.get_position(relative_to=self.waveform) for e in self.knobs] self.line.model.generate() self.volume_curve = [e.get_position(relative_to=self.waveform) for e in self.knobs] self.volume_curve = [(round(e[0],2), round(e[1],2)) for e in self.volume_curve] self.waveform.scale_y = self.volume_slider.value # self.code_text.text = f"ursfx({str(self.volume_curve)}, {round(self.volume_slider.value,3)}, wave='{self.wave_selector.value}', pitch={self.pitch_slider.value}, end_pitch={self.pitch_slider.value+self.pitch_change_slider.value})" def play(self): self.draw() # ursfx([(0.0, 0.0), (0.02, 0.89), (0.08, 0.63), (0.15, 0.27), (0.19, 0.0)], volume=0.75, wave='noise', pitch=-12, pitch_change=-9) # select = ursfx([(0.0, 0.0), (0.03, 0.9), (0.04, 0.75), (0.08, 0.25), (0.2, 0.0)], volume=0.75, wave='triangle', pitch=2, pitch_change=12) # select_2 = ursfx([(0.0, 0.0), (0.03, 0.9), (0.04, 0.75), (0.07, 0.18), (0.25, 0.0)], volume=0.86, wave='triangle', pitch=1, pitch_change=7) # hurt = ursfx([(0.0, 0.0), (0.03, 0.9), (0.04, 0.75), (0.06, 0.25), (0.22, 0.0)], volume=0.9, wave='noise', pitch=-12, pitch_change=-12) # heal = ursfx([(0.0, 0.0), (0.04, 0.9), (0.08, 0.04), (0.13, 0.66), (0.45, 0.0)], volume=1.0, wave='sine', pitch=-2, pitch_change=4) # coind = ursfx([(0.0, 1.0), (0.07, 0.5), (0.25, 0.5), (0.39, 0.5), (1.0, 0.0)], volume=0.75, wave='sine', pitch=24, speed=2.7) ursfx( [e.get_position(relative_to=self.waveform) for e in self.knobs], volume=self.volume_slider.value, wave=self.wave_selector.value, pitch=self.pitch_slider.value, pitch_change=self.pitch_slider.value + self.pitch_change_slider.value, speed=self.speed_slider.value, ignore_paused=self.ignore_paused, ) self.code_text.text = self.recipe gui = None def open_gui(): global gui if not gui: gui = UrsfxGUI(enabled=False) def toggle_gui_input(key): if key == 'f3': gui.enabled = not gui.enabled Entity(input=toggle_gui_input) gui.enabled = True if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() sfx_editor = UrsfxGUI() application.paused = True Sprite('shore', z=10, ppu=64, color=color.gray)