from ursina import Entity, camera, Text, Vec2, mouse, color, floor, clamp, time, held_keys, destroy import pyperclip from ursina.string_utilities import multireplace # from tree_view import TreeView class TextField(Entity): def __init__(self, max_lines=64, line_height=1.1, character_limit=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=camera.ui, x=-.5, y=.4, ignore_paused=True) self.font = 'VeraMono.ttf' self.line_height = line_height self.max_lines = max_lines self.character_limit = character_limit self.scroll_parent = Entity(parent=self) self.text_entity = Text(parent=self.scroll_parent, start_tag='☾', end_tag='☽', font=self.font, text='', line_height=self.line_height, origin=(-.5, .5)) self.line_numbers = Text(parent=self.scroll_parent, font=self.font, line_height=line_height, text='0', origin=(.5,.5), x=-.04, color=color.gray, enabled=False) self.character_width = Text.get_width('a', font=self.font) self.cursor_parent = Entity(parent=self.scroll_parent, scale=(self.character_width, -1*Text.size*self.line_height)) self.cursor = Entity(name='text_field_cursor', parent=self.cursor_parent, model='cube', color=color.cyan, origin=(-.5, -.5), scale=(.1, 1, 0), enabled=False) self.cursor.blink(duration=1.2, loop=True) = Entity(name='text_field_bg', parent=self, model='quad', double_sided=True, color=color.dark_gray, origin=(-.5,.5), z=0.005, scale=(120, Text.size*self.max_lines*self.line_height), collider='box', visible=True) self.selection = [Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,0)] self.selection_parent = Entity(name='text_field_selection_parent', parent=self.cursor_parent, scale=(1,1,0)) self.register_mouse_input = False self.world_space_mouse = False self.triple_click_delay = 0.3 self._last_double_click = 0 self.scroll = 0 self.scroll_amount = 2 self._prev_scroll = self.scroll = True self.highlight_color = color.hsv(120,1,1,.1) self.text = '' self.delimiters = ' .,!?;:(){}[]<>\'\"@#$%^&*+=-\\|/`~' self.replacements = dict() self.on_undo = [] self.on_redo = [] self.on_value_changed = None self.shortcuts = { 'newline': ('enter', 'enter hold'), 'erase': ('backspace', 'backspace hold'), 'erase_word': ('ctrl+backspace', 'ctrl+backspace hold'), 'delete_line': ('ctrl+shift+k',), 'duplicate_line': ('ctrl+shift+d',), 'undo': ('ctrl+z', 'ctrl+z hold'), 'redo': ('ctrl+y', 'ctrl+y hold', 'ctrl+shift+z', 'ctrl+shift+z hold'), # 'save': ('ctrl+s',), # 'save_as': ('ctrl+shift+s',), 'indent': ('tab',), 'dedent': ('shift+tab',), 'move_line_down': ('ctrl+down arrow', 'ctrl+down arrow hold'), 'move_line_up': ('ctrl+up arrow', 'ctrl+up arrow hold'), 'scroll_up': ('scroll up',), 'scroll_down': ('scroll down',), 'cut': ('ctrl+x',), 'copy': ('ctrl+c',), 'paste': ('ctrl+v',), 'select_all': ('ctrl+a',), 'select_word': ('double click',), 'select_line': ('triple click',), 'scroll_to_bottom': ('shift+alt+e',), # 'toggle_comment': ('ctrl+alt+c',), # 'find': ('ctrl+f',), 'move_operations' : { 'move_left': ('left arrow', 'left arrow hold', 'shift+left arrow', 'shift+left arrow hold'), 'move_right': ('right arrow', 'right arrow hold', 'shift+right arrow', 'shift+right arrow hold'), 'move_up': ('up arrow', 'up arrow hold', 'shift+up arrow', 'shift+up arrow hold'), 'move_down': ('down arrow', 'down arrow hold', 'shift+down arrow', 'shift+down arrow hold'), 'move_to_end_of_word' : ('ctrl+right arrow', 'ctrl+right arrow hold', 'ctrl+shift+right arrow', 'ctrl+shift+right arrow hold'), 'move_to_start_of_word' : ('ctrl+left arrow', 'ctrl+left arrow hold', 'ctrl+shift+left arrow', 'ctrl+shift+left arrow hold'), }, # 'select_word_left': ('ctrl+shift+left arrow', 'ctrl+shift+left arrow hold'), # 'select_word_right': ('ctrl+shift+right arrow', 'ctrl+shift+right arrow hold'), } def middle_click_input(key): if self.register_mouse_input: if key == 'middle mouse down': self.middle_click_scroller.start_y = mouse.y self._original_scroll_amount = self.scroll_amount elif key == 'middle mouse up' and hasattr(self, '_original_scroll_amount'): self.middle_click_scroller.start_y = None self.scroll_amount = self._original_scroll_amount def middle_click_update(): if not mouse.middle or self.middle_click_scroller.start_y == None: return self.middle_click_scroller.t += time.dt if self.middle_click_scroller.t < self.middle_click_scroller.update_rate: return # self.middle_click_scroller.update_rate = 1-mouse.delta_drag[0] # print('-aaaaaaaaaaa', 1-mouse.delta_drag[0]) dist = abs(mouse.y - self.middle_click_scroller.start_y) self.scroll_amount = 1 if dist > .1: self.scroll_amount = 4 elif dist > .2: self.scroll_amount = 6 # elif dist > .4: # self.scroll_amount = 12 self.middle_click_scroller.t = 0 if self.register_mouse_input: if mouse.y < self.middle_click_scroller.start_y: self.input('scroll down') if mouse.y > self.middle_click_scroller.start_y: self.input('scroll up') self.middle_click_scroller = Entity(parent=self, start_y=None, input=middle_click_input, update=middle_click_update, t=0, update_rate=.05) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self._prev_text = '' @property def active(self): return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): self._active = value self.cursor.enabled = value if not value: self.selection = [Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,0)] self.draw_selection() def add_text(self, s, move_cursor=True, rerender=True): if self.character_limit and len(self.text) >= self.character_limit: return x, y = int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y) lines = self.text.split('\n') l = lines[y] lines[y] = l[:x] + s + l[x:] self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) if move_cursor: self.cursor.x += len(s) if rerender: self.render() def _append_undo(self, text, y, x, clear_redo = True): if clear_redo: self.on_redo.clear() self.on_undo.append((text, y, x)) def move_line(self, line_index, delta, move_cursor=True): x, y = int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y) start_y, end_y = self.cursor.Y, self.cursor.Y if self.selection != [Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,0)]: start_y = int(self.selection[0].y) end_y = int(self.selection[1].y) lines = self.text.split('\n') # lines[line_index], lines[line_index+delta] = lines[line_index+delta], lines[line_index] # start = [] # if start_y-1 > 0: # start = lines[:int(start_y-1)] middle = lines[start_y:end_y+1] del lines[start_y:end_y+1] for l in middle[::delta]: lines.insert(start_y+delta, l) # end = lines[start_y+1:] # [print(e) for e in middle] self.cursor.y += delta * move_cursor for e in self.selection: e.y += delta self.draw_selection() # if delta == 1: # _ = start.pop() # end.insert(0, _) # elif delta == -1: # _ = end.pop(0) # start.append(_) # # lines = start + middle + end # self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) # print('moved line') def erase(self, rerender=True): # if not self.selection or self.selection[0] == self.selection[1]: x, y = int(self.cursor.x), int(self.cursor.y) if x+y == 0: return lines = self.text.split('\n') l = lines[y] # delete \n and go to line above if x == 0 and y > 0: new_x = len(lines[y-1]) lines[y-1] += l lines.pop(y) self.cursor.x = new_x self.cursor.y -= 1 # delete tab elif l[:x].lstrip() == '' and x >=4: l = l[4:] self.cursor.x -= 4 lines[y] = l # normal erase else: l = l[:x-1] + l[x:] self.cursor.x -= 1 lines[y] = l self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) # else: # delete selected # self.delete_selected() # lines = self.text.split('\n') # # start_y = int(self.selection[0][1]) # end_y = int(self.selection[1][1]) # # if start_y == end_y: # one line # l = lines[start_y] # start_x, end_x = int(self.selection[0][0]), int(self.selection[1][0]) # l = l[:start_x] + l[end_x:] # lines[start_y] = l # self.selection = (self.selection[0], self.selection[0]) # self.cursor.position = self.selection[0][0] # self.selection = None # self.selection[0][0],start_y), # ignore=True, scale_x=self.selection[1][0]-self.selection[0][0]) # for y in range(int(self.selection[0][1]), int(self.selection[1][1])): # lines.pop(y) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) if rerender: self.render() def _ordered_selection(self): if not self.selection: return None if self.selection[1][1] < self.selection[0][1] or (self.selection[1][1] == self.selection[0][1] and self.selection[1][0] < self.selection[0][0]): return [self.selection[1], self.selection[0]] return self.selection def delete_selected(self): if not self.selection or self.selection[0] == self.selection[1]: return sel = self._ordered_selection() self.cursor.position = sel[0] start_y = int(sel[0][1]) end_y = int(sel[1][1]) lines = self.text.split('\n') lines[start_y] = lines[start_y][:int(sel[0][0])] + lines[end_y][int(sel[1][0]):] del lines[(start_y + 1) : (end_y + 1)] self._append_undo(self.text, self.cursor.y, self.cursor.x) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) self.selection = [Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,0)] # self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) self.draw_selection() self.render() def get_selected(self): if not self.selection or self.selection[0] == self.selection[1]: return None sel = self._ordered_selection() start_y = int(sel[0][1]) end_y = int(sel[1][1]) lines = self.text.split('\n') selected_text = '' # selected_text = lines[start_y][] for y in range(start_y, end_y+1): if y > start_y: selected_text += '\n' selected_text += lines[y][(int(sel[0][0]) if y == start_y else 0) : (int(sel[1][0]) if y == end_y else len(lines[y])) ] return selected_text def get_mouse_position_unclamped(self): if self.world_space_mouse: if mouse.point: x = round(mouse.point[0] * y = floor(mouse.point[1] * else: x = int(self.cursor.x) y = int(self.cursor.y) else: mpos = mouse.position mpos.x = mpos.x / self.world_scale_x * camera.ui.world_scale_x mpos.y = mpos.y / self.world_scale_y * camera.ui.world_scale_y mpos += camera.ui.get_position(self.text_entity) x = round(mpos.x / self.cursor_parent.scale_x) y = floor(mpos.y / self.cursor_parent.scale_y) return (x, y) def get_mouse_position(self): (x, y) = self.get_mouse_position_unclamped() lines = self.text.split('\n') y = clamp(y, 0, len(lines) - 1) x = clamp(x, 0, len(lines[y])) return (x, y) def set_scroll(self, value, render=True): self.scroll = value if self.max_lines < 9999: if self.scroll < 9999: self.scroll = clamp(self.scroll, 0, 9999) self.render() else: self.scroll = clamp(self.scroll, 0, 9999) self.scroll_parent.y = (self.scroll * Text.size * self.line_height) if render: self.render() def input(self, key): # print('-------------', key) text, cursor, on_undo, add_text, erase = self.text, self.cursor, self.on_undo, self.add_text, self.erase if self.register_mouse_input and and key == 'left mouse up': = True elif self.register_mouse_input and not and key == 'left mouse down': # clicked outside = False if not return if mouse.hovered_entity == if key in self.shortcuts['scroll_down']: self.set_scroll(self.scroll + self.scroll_amount) elif key in self.shortcuts['scroll_up']: self.set_scroll(self.scroll - self.scroll_amount) if key == 'double click': t = time.time() if t - self._last_double_click < self.triple_click_delay: key = 'triple click' self._last_double_click = t # key = f'{"ctrl" if held_keys["control"]} + {key}' ctrl, shift, alt = '', '', '' if held_keys['control'] and key != 'control': ctrl = 'ctrl+' if held_keys['shift'] and key != 'shift': shift = 'shift+' if held_keys['alt'] and key != 'alt': alt = 'alt+' key = ctrl+shift+alt+key x, y = int(cursor.x), int(cursor.y) lines = text.split('\n') l = lines[y] if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations']['move_up']: if y > 0: cursor.y -= 1 cursor.x = min(x, len(lines[y-1])) if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations']['move_down']: if y < len(lines)-1: cursor.y += 1 cursor.x = min(x, len(lines[y+1])) if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations']['move_right']: if x == len(l) and y < len(lines)-1: # end of line, move to beginning of next cursor.y += 1 cursor.x = 0 elif x < len(l): cursor.x += 1 if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations']['move_left']: if x > 0: cursor.x -= 1 elif y > 0: # move to end of line above cursor.y -= 1 cursor.x = len(lines[y-1]) delimiters = self.delimiters if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations']['move_to_start_of_word']: self.move_to_start_of_word() if x < len(l) and (l[x] in delimiters or x == 0): self.move_to_start_of_word() if held_keys['shift']: self.selection[1] = self.cursor.position self.draw_selection() if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations']['move_to_end_of_word']: self.move_to_end_of_word() if x == len(l) or l[x] in delimiters: self.move_to_end_of_word() moved_cursor = False for move in self.shortcuts['move_operations']: if key in self.shortcuts['move_operations'][move]: moved_cursor = True if not held_keys['shift']: self.selection = [Vec2(self.cursor.X, self.cursor.Y), Vec2(self.cursor.X, self.cursor.Y)] self.draw_selection() break if moved_cursor and held_keys['shift']: self.selection[1] = self.cursor.position self.draw_selection() if key in self.shortcuts['newline'] and (self.cursor.y < self.max_lines-1 or self.max_lines == 9999): if self.selection: self.delete_selected() if l.startswith('class ') and not l.endswith(':'): add_text(':', rerender=False) if l.startswith('def ') and not l.endswith(':'): add_text(':', rerender=False) add_text('\n', rerender=False) if l.strip() == '': indent = len(l) else: indent = 0 if l.lstrip().startswith('class ') or l.lstrip().startswith('def '): indent += 4 self.cursor.y += 1 self.cursor.x = 0 add_text(' '*indent) return # self.cursor.x = indent if key in self.shortcuts['indent']: if not self.selection or self.selection[0] == self.selection[1]: add_text(' '*4, move_cursor=True) return else: for y in range(int(self.selection[0][1]), int(self.selection[1][1])+1): # print('indent', y) lines[y] = (' '*4) + lines[y] self.cursor.x += 4 self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['dedent']: if not self.selection or self.selection[0] == self.selection[1]: if l.startswith(' '*4): lines[y] = l[4:] else: for y in range(int(self.selection[0][1]), int(self.selection[1][1])+1): l = lines[y] if l.startswith(' '*4): # print('dedent') lines[y] = l[4:] self.cursor.x = max(self.cursor.x - 4, 0) self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['scroll_to_bottom'] and mouse.hovered_entity == self.scroll_to_bottom() if key in self.shortcuts['erase']: if not self.selection or self.selection[1] == self.selection[0]: erase() return else: self.delete_selected() return if key in self.shortcuts['erase_word']: # print('delete word') if x == 0: erase() return if ' ' not in l: l = l[x:] self.cursor.x = 0 else: removed = '' beginning = l[:x] if beginning.endswith(' '): # delete whitespace beginning = beginning.rstrip() removed = ' ' * (x-len(beginning)) for delimiter in ('.', '\'', '\"', '(', '"', '\''): beginning = beginning.replace(delimiter, ' ') if ' ' not in beginning: # first word of the line beginning = '' else: beginning = beginning.rstrip().rsplit(' ', 1)[0] removed = l[len(beginning):x] l = beginning + l[x:] self.cursor.x -= len(removed) lines[y] = l self._append_undo(self.text, y, x) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['move_line_down'] and self.cursor.y < self.max_lines: # print('move down') if y+1 == len(lines): # if at last line self.text += '\n' self.move_line(y, 1) self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['move_line_up'] and y > 0: self.move_line(y, -1) self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['undo']: if not on_undo: return self.on_redo.append((self.text, y, x)) self.text = on_undo[-1][0] cursor.y = on_undo[-1][1] cursor.x = on_undo[-1][2] on_undo.pop() self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['redo']: if not self.on_redo: return on_undo.append((self.text, y, x)) self.text = self.on_redo[-1][0] cursor.y = self.on_redo[-1][1] cursor.x = self.on_redo[-1][2] self.on_redo.pop() self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['delete_line']: self._append_undo(self.text, y, 0) lines.pop(y) if y == 0: self.cursor.x = 0 else: self.cursor.x = len(lines[y-1]) if y >= len(lines) and y > 0: self.cursor.y -= 1 self.text = '\n'.join(lines) self.render() return if key in self.shortcuts['duplicate_line']: if len(lines) < self.max_lines: self._append_undo(self.text, y, 0) lines.insert(y, lines[y]) self.text = '\n'.join(lines) cursor.y += 1 if key in self.shortcuts['select_word']: if x >= len(l): return for start_x in range(x, -1, -1): # go left until end of word if l[start_x] in delimiters: break if start_x > 0: start_x += 1 for end_x in range(x, len(l)): if l[end_x] in delimiters: break if end_x == len(l)-1: end_x += 1 self.selection = [Vec2(start_x, y), Vec2(end_x, y)] self.draw_selection() return if key in self.shortcuts['select_line']: self.selection = [Vec2(0, y), Vec2(len(lines[y]), y)] self.cursor.position = self.selection[1] self.draw_selection() return if key in self.shortcuts['copy']:# TODO selectedText = self.get_selected() if selectedText: pyperclip.copy(selectedText) # print('-----copy:', selectedText) if key in self.shortcuts['paste']:# TODO if self.selection: self.delete_selected() self.add_text(pyperclip.paste()) if key in self.shortcuts['cut']:# TODO selectedText = self.get_selected() if selectedText: pyperclip.copy(selectedText) self.delete_selected() # print('-----cut:', selectedText) if key in self.shortcuts['select_all']: self.select_all() return if self.register_mouse_input: if key == 'left mouse down' and mouse.hovered_entity == and mouse.point is not None: cursor.position = self.get_mouse_position() self.selection = [self.cursor.position, self.cursor.position] self.draw_selection() if key == 'left mouse up': cursor.position = self.get_mouse_position() if self.selection: self.selection[1] = self.cursor.position def move_to_start_of_word(self): cursor = self.cursor x, y = int(cursor.x), int(cursor.y) lines = self.text.split('\n') l = lines[y] delimiters = self.delimiters if x == 0 and y == 0: pass elif x == 0 and y > 0: # move to end of line above cursor.y -= 1 cursor.x = len(lines[y-1]) elif l[x-1] not in delimiters: # move left to closest delimiter for x in range(x-1, 0, -1): if l[x] in delimiters: cursor.x = x+1 return cursor.x = 0 else: # move left to closest word for x in range(x-1, 0, -1): if l[x] not in delimiters: cursor.x = x+1 return cursor.x = 0 def move_to_end_of_word(self): cursor = self.cursor x, y = int(cursor.x), int(cursor.y) lines = self.text.split('\n') l = lines[y] delimiters = self.delimiters if x == len(l): if y < len(lines)-1: # end of line, move to beginning of next cursor.y += 1 cursor.x = 0 return elif l[x] not in delimiters: # move right to closest delimiter for x in range(x, len(l)): if l[x] in delimiters: cursor.x = x return cursor.x = len(l) else: # move right to closest word for x in range(x, len(l)): if l[x] not in delimiters: cursor.x = x return cursor.x = len(l) def scroll_to_bottom(self, blank_lines_at_bottom=0): # self.scroll = min(len(self.text.split('\n')), self.max_lines) self.set_scroll(len(self.text.split('\n'))-self.max_lines+blank_lines_at_bottom) # print('scrolled to bottom', min(len(self.text.split('\n')), self.max_lines)) def text_input(self, key): cursor, add_text = self.cursor, self.add_text if not return if held_keys['shift'] and held_keys['alt']: return if self.selection: # delete selected text self.delete_selected() add_text(key) if key == '(': add_text(')') cursor.x -= 1 elif key == '[': add_text(']') cursor.x -= 1 elif key == '{': add_text('}') cursor.x -= 1 self.render() def render(self): lines = self.text.split('\n') if self.max_lines < 9999: text = '\n'*self.scroll + '\n'.join(lines[self.scroll : self.max_lines + self.scroll]) else: text = self.text if not hasattr(self.text_entity, 'raw_text') or self._prev_text != text or self.scroll != self._prev_scroll: # print(self.scroll) if self.replacements: _lines = text.split('\n') for i in range(len(_lines)): if _lines[i].lstrip().startswith('#'): _lines[i] = f'☾gray☽{lines[i]}☾default☽' else: _lines[i] = multireplace(_lines[i], self.replacements) self.text_entity.text = '\n'.join(_lines) # self.text_entity.text = multireplace(text, self.replacements) else: self.text_entity.text = text self.line_numbers.text = (' \n'*self.scroll) + '\n'.join([str(e + self.scroll).rjust(3, ' ') for e in range(min(len(lines), self.max_lines))]) self._prev_text = text self._prev_scroll = self.scroll self.scroll_parent.y = (self.scroll * Text.size * self.line_height) self.cursor.visible = self.cursor.y >= self.scroll and self.cursor.y < self.scroll + self.max_lines self.draw_selection() if self.on_value_changed: self.on_value_changed() def update(self): if and self.register_mouse_input and mouse.left and mouse.moving: self.cursor.position = self.get_mouse_position() if self.selection: self.selection[1] = self.cursor.position self.draw_selection() def select_all(self): lines = self.text.split('\n') if lines: self.selection = [Vec2(0,0), Vec2(len(lines[-1]), len(lines) - 1)] self.draw_selection() def draw_selection(self): # print(self.selection) [destroy(c) for c in self.selection_parent.children] if not self.selection or self.selection[0] == self.selection[1]: return sel = self._ordered_selection() # print('---', self.selection, self.scroll) start_y = int(sel[0].y) end_y = int(sel[1].y) lines = self.text.split('\n') if start_y == end_y: e = Entity(parent=self.selection_parent, model='quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), color=self.highlight_color, double_sided=True, ignore=True, y=start_y) e.x = sel[0].x e.scale_x = sel[1].x - sel[0].x else: # first line if start_y >= self.scroll and start_y < self.scroll+self.max_lines: e = Entity(parent=self.selection_parent, model='quad', origin=(-.5, -.5), color=self.highlight_color, double_sided=True, position=(sel[0].x,start_y), ignore=True) e.scale_x = len(lines[start_y]) - sel[0].x # middle lines for y in range(max(start_y+1, self.scroll), min(end_y, self.scroll+self.max_lines)): e = Entity(parent=self.selection_parent, model='quad', origin=(-.5, -.5), color=self.highlight_color, double_sided=True, position=(0,y), ignore=True, scale_x=len(lines[y])) # last line if end_y >= self.scroll and end_y < self.scroll+self.max_lines: e = Entity(parent=self.selection_parent, model='quad', origin=(-.5, -.5), color=self.highlight_color, double_sided=True, position=(0,end_y), ignore=True) e.scale_x = sel[1].x for e in self.selection_parent.children: e.enabled = e.y >= self.scroll and e.y < self.scroll+self.max_lines if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import Ursina, window, Button app = Ursina(vsync=60) # camera.orthographic = True # camera.fov = 1 # window.size = window.fullscreen_size # window.x = 200 window.color = color.hsv(0, 0, .1) Button.default_color = color._20 window.color = color._25 # Text.size = 1/window.fullscreen_size[1]*16 # Text.default_font = 'consola.ttf' # Text.default_resolution = 16*2 # TreeView() te = TextField(max_lines=30, scale=1, register_mouse_input = True, text='1234') #te = TextField(max_lines=300, scale=1, register_mouse_input = True, scroll_size = (50,3)) # te.line_numbers.enabled = True # for name in color.color_names: # if name == 'black': # continue # te.replacements[f' {name}'] = f'☾{name}☽ {name}☾default☽' # te.replacements = { # 'class ': '☾orange☽class ☾default☽', # 'def ': '☾azure☽def ☾default☽', # '__init__': '☾cyan☽__init__☾default☽', # 'Entity': '☾lime☽Entity☾default☽', # 'self.': '☾orange☽self☾default☽.', # '(self)': '(☾orange☽self☾default☽)', # 'self,': '☾orange☽self☾default☽,', # ' ': '☾dark_gray☽----☾default☽', # } # from textwrap import dedent te.text = dedent(''' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sapien tellus, venenatis sit amet ante et, malesuada porta risus. Etiam et mi luctus, viverra urna at, maximus eros. Sed dictum faucibus purus, nec rutrum ipsum condimentum in. Mauris iaculis arcu nec justo rutrum euismod. Suspendisse dolor tortor, congue id erat sit amet, sollicitudin facilisis velit. Aliquam sapien tellus, venenatis sit amet ante et, malesuada porta risus. Etiam et mi luctus, viverra urna at, maximus eros. Sed dictum faucibus purus, nec rutrum ipsum condimentum in. Mauris iaculis arcu nec justo rutrum euismod. Suspendisse dolor tortor, congue id erat sit amet, sollicitudin facilisis velit. '''*30 )[1:] te.render() def input(key): if key == '3': te.input('scroll down')