from ursina import * class ContentTypes: int = '0123456789' float = int + '.,' int_math = int + '+-*/' math = float + '+-*/' class InputField(Button): def __init__(self, default_value='', label='', max_lines=1, character_limit=24, text='', active=False, **kwargs): if not 'scale' in kwargs and not 'scale_x' in kwargs and not 'scale_y' in kwargs: kwargs['scale'] = (.5, Text.size*2*max_lines) super().__init__(highlight_scale=1, pressed_scale=1,, **kwargs) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if 'scale' in key: setattr(self, key, value) self.default_value = default_value self.limit_content_to = None self.hide_content = False # if set to True, will display content as '*'. can also be set to character instead of True. self.next_field = None self.submit_on = [] # for example: self.submit_on = ['enter', ] will call self.on_submit when you press enter. self.on_submit = None # function to be called when you press self.submit_on. self.on_value_changed = None self.text_field = TextField(world_parent=self, x=-.45, y=.25, z=-.1, max_lines=max_lines, character_limit=character_limit, text=text, register_mouse_input=True) destroy( = self def render(): if self.limit_content_to: org_length = len(self.text_field.text) self.text_field.text = ''.join([e for e in self.text_field.text if e in self.limit_content_to]) self.text_field.cursor.x -= org_length - len(self.text_field.text) self.text_field.cursor.x = max(0, self.text_field.cursor.x) if self.hide_content: replacement_char = '*' if isinstance(self.hide_content, str): replacement_char = self.hide_content self.text_field.text_entity.text = replacement_char * len(self.text_field.text) return if self.on_value_changed and not self.text_field.text_entity.text == self.text_field.text: self.on_value_changed() self.text_field.text_entity.text = self.text_field.text self.text_field.render = render self.text_field.scale *= 1.25 self.text_field.text = default_value self.text_field.render() self.text_field.shortcuts['indent'] = ('') self.text_field.shortcuts['dedent'] = ('') = active if label: self.label = Text(str(label) + ':', parent = self, position = self.text_field.position, scale = 1.25) self.text_field.x += 0.1 * (len(str(label)) + 1.0) / 6.0 for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def input(self, key): if key == 'tab' and self.text_field.cursor.y >= self.text_field.max_lines-1 and = False if self.next_field: mouse.position = self.next_field.get_position(relative_to=camera.ui) invoke(setattr, self.next_field, 'active', True, delay=.01) if and key in self.submit_on and self.on_submit: self.on_submit() = False @property def text(self): return self.text_field.text @text.setter def text(self, value): self.text_field.text = '' self.text_field.cursor.position = (0,0) self.text_field.add_text(value, move_cursor=True) self.text_field.render() @property def text_color(self): return self.text_field.text_entity.color @text_color.setter def text_color(self, value): self.text_field.text_entity.color = value @property def active(self): return @active.setter def active(self, value): = value # if value == True: # # self.text_field.select_all() # invoke(self.text_field.select_all, delay=.1) # # self.text_field.input(' ') # # self.text_field.erase() if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() # window.fullscreen_size = (1366, 768) # background = Entity(model='quad', texture='pixelscape_combo', parent=camera.ui, scale=(camera.aspect_ratio,1), color=color.white) gradient = Entity(model='quad', texture='vertical_gradient', parent=camera.ui, scale=(camera.aspect_ratio,1), color=color.hsv(240,.6,.1,.75)) username_field = InputField(y=-.12, limit_content_to='0123456789', default_value='11', active=True) username_field.text = '0929468098' password_field = InputField(y=-.18, hide_content=True) username_field.next_field = password_field def submit(): print('ursername:', username_field.text) print('password:', password_field.text) Button(text='Login', scale=.1, color=color.cyan.tint(-.4), y=-.26, on_click=submit).fit_to_text() username_field.on_value_changed = submit