from ursina import * import pyperclip from PIL import Image from copy import deepcopy import sys from math import floor from ursina.shaders import unlit_shader import json from ursina.scripts.property_generator import generate_properties_for_class @generate_properties_for_class() class GridEditor(Entity): def __init__(self, size=(32,32), palette=(' ', '#', '|', 'o'), canvas_color=color.white, edit_mode=True, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=camera.ui, position=(-.45,-.45), scale=.9, model='quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), visible_self=False) self.w, self.h = int(size[0]), int(size[1]) self.canvas = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), shader=unlit_shader, scale=(self.w/self.h, 1), color=canvas_color) self.canvas_collider = Entity(parent=self.canvas, model='wireframe_quad', origin=self.canvas.origin,, scale=2, position=(-.5,-.5), collider='box', visible=False) sys.setrecursionlimit(max(sys.getrecursionlimit(), self.w * self.h)) # self.grid = [[palette[0] for x in range(self.w)] for y in range(self.h)] if not hasattr(self, 'grid'): self.grid = [[palette[0] for y in range(self.h)] for x in range(self.w)] self.brush_size = 1 self.auto_render = True self.cursor = Entity(parent=self.canvas, model=Quad(segments=0, mode='line', thickness=2), origin=(-.5,-.5), scale=(1/self.w, 1/self.h), color=color.hsv(120,1,1,.5), z=-.2, shader=unlit_shader) self.selected_char = palette[1] self.palette = palette self.start_pos = None self.prev_draw = None self.lock_axis = None self.outline = Entity(parent=self.canvas, model=Quad(segments=0, mode='line', thickness=2), color=color.cyan, z=.01, origin=(-.5,-.5)) self.rect_selection = [Vec2(0,0), Vec2(0,0)] self.selection_renderer = Entity(parent=self.canvas, model=Mesh(mode='line', thickness=2), color=color.lime, alpha=.5, z=-.01, origin=(-.5,-.5), scale=(1/self.w,1/self.h)) self.rect_tool = Entity(parent=self.canvas, model=Quad(0, mode='line', thickness=2), color=color.lime, z=-.01, origin=(-.5,-.5), start=Vec2(0,0), end=Vec2(0,0)) # self.selection_mover = Draggable(parent=self.canvas, model='circle',, origin=(.5,.5), step=(1/self.w,1/self.h,0), enabled=False) self.selection_matrix = [[0 for y in range(self.h)] for x in range(self.w)] self.temp_paste_layer = Entity(parent=self.cursor, model='quad', origin=(-.5,-.5), z=-.02, enabled=False) Entity(parent=self.temp_paste_layer, model='wireframe_quad', origin=self.temp_paste_layer.origin, self.is_in_paste_mode = False self.undo_stack = [] self.undo_stack.append(deepcopy(self.grid)) self.undo_index = 0 self.help_icon = Button(parent=self.canvas, scale=.025, model='circle', origin=(-.5,-.5), position=(-.0,1.005,-1), text='?', target_scale=.025) self.help_icon.tooltip = Tooltip( text=dedent(''' left mouse: draw control(hold): draw lines alt(hold): select character right click: select character ctrl + z: undo ctrl + y: redo '''), font='VeraMono.ttf', wordwrap=100, # scale=.75, ) self.edit_mode = edit_mode for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key ,value) def palette_setter(self, value): self._palette = value if hasattr(self, 'palette_parent'): destroy(self.palette_parent) self.palette_parent = Entity(parent=self, position=(-.3,.5,-1), shader=unlit_shader) for i, e in enumerate(value): button_text = '' if isinstance(e, str): button_text = e b = Button(parent=self.palette_parent, scale=.05, text=button_text, model='quad', color=color._32, shader=unlit_shader) b.on_click = Func(setattr, self, 'selected_char', e) b.tooltip = Tooltip(str(e)) if isinstance(e, Color): b.color = e grid_layout(self.palette_parent.children, max_x=4) def edit_mode_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_edit_mode', True) def edit_mode_setter(self, value): self._edit_mode = value self.cursor.enabled = value self.outline.enabled = value self.palette_parent.enabled = value def update(self): if not self.edit_mode: return self.cursor.enabled = self.canvas_collider.hovered if self.canvas_collider.hovered: self.cursor.position = mouse.point*2 - Vec3(.5,.5,0) # center cursor self.cursor.x -= self.brush_size // 2 / self.w self.cursor.y -= self.brush_size // 2 / self.h self.cursor.x = floor(self.cursor.x * self.w) / self.w self.cursor.y = floor(self.cursor.y * self.h) / self.h if self.start_pos and mouse.left: if held_keys['shift'] and self.prev_draw: if not self.lock_axis: if abs(mouse.velocity[0]) > abs(mouse.velocity[1]): self.lock_axis = 'horizontal' else: self.lock_axis = 'vertical' if self.lock_axis == 'horizontal': self.cursor.y = self.prev_draw[1] / self.h if self.lock_axis == 'vertical': self.cursor.x = self.prev_draw[0] / self.w y = int(round(self.cursor.y * self.h)) x = int(round(self.cursor.x * self.w)) if x < 0 or x > self.w-1 or y < 0 or y > self.h-1: self.prev_draw = (clamp(x, 0, self.w), clamp(y, 0, self.h)) return if not held_keys['alt'] and not self.is_in_paste_mode: if self.prev_draw is not None and distance_2d(self.prev_draw, (x,y)) > 1: dist = distance_2d(self.prev_draw, (x,y)) if dist > 1: # draw line for i in range(int(dist)+1): inbetween_pos = lerp(self.prev_draw, (x,y), i/dist) self.draw(int(inbetween_pos[0]), int(inbetween_pos[1])) self.draw(x, y) self.prev_draw = (x,y) else: self.draw(x, y) self.prev_draw = (x,y) else: # sample color self.selected_char = self.grid[x][y] if mouse.right: # selection self.rect_selection[1] = self.get_cursor_position() if self.rect_selection[0] == self.rect_selection[1]: self.rect_tool.start = Vec2(0,0) self.rect_tool.end = Vec2(0,0) self.rect_tool.enabled = False return self.rect_tool.start = Vec2(min(self.rect_selection[0].x, self.rect_selection[1].x), min(self.rect_selection[0].y, self.rect_selection[1].y)) self.rect_tool.end = Vec2(max(self.rect_selection[0].x, self.rect_selection[1].x)+1, max(self.rect_selection[0].y, self.rect_selection[1].y)+1) self.rect_tool.start.x = clamp(self.rect_tool.start.x, 0, self.w) self.rect_tool.start.y = clamp(self.rect_tool.start.y, 0, self.h) self.rect_tool.end.x = clamp(self.rect_tool.end.x, 0, self.w) self.rect_tool.end.y = clamp(self.rect_tool.end.y, 0, self.h) self.rect_tool.enabled = True self.rect_tool.position = self.rect_tool.start / Vec2(self.w, self.h) self.rect_tool.scale = (self.rect_tool.end - self.rect_tool.start) / Vec2(self.w, self.h) def get_cursor_position(self): y = int(round(self.cursor.y * self.h)) x = int(round(self.cursor.x * self.w)) return Vec2(x,y) def draw(self, x, y): for _y in range(y, min(y+self.brush_size, self.h)): for _x in range(x, min(x+self.brush_size, self.w)): self.grid[_x][_y] = self.selected_char if self.auto_render: self.render() def input(self, key): if key == 'tab': self.edit_mode = not self.edit_mode if not self.edit_mode: return if key == 'left mouse down' and self.canvas_collider.hovered and not self.is_in_paste_mode: self.start_pos = self.get_cursor_position() if not held_keys['control']: self.prev_draw = None if key == 'left mouse up' and self.start_pos: self.start_pos = None self.lock_axis = None self.render() if not held_keys['control']: self.record_undo() if key == 'right mouse down' and not self.is_in_paste_mode: if not held_keys['shift'] and not held_keys['alt']: self.selection_mode = 'overwrite' self.clear_selection() elif (held_keys['control'] or held_keys['shift']) and not held_keys['alt']: self.selection_mode = 'add' elif held_keys['alt'] and not (held_keys['control'] or held_keys['shift']): self.selection_mode = 'subtract' self.rect_selection[0] = self.get_cursor_position() if key == 'left mouse down' and self.is_in_paste_mode: self.exit_paste_mode() if key == 'right mouse down' and self.is_in_paste_mode: self.exit_paste_mode(discard=True) elif key == 'right mouse up': self.rect_tool.enabled = False # if self.selection_mode == 'overwrite': # self.clear_selection() new_value = int(self.selection_mode == 'overwrite' or self.selection_mode == 'add') for y in range(self.rect_tool.start.Y, self.rect_tool.end.Y): for x in range(self.rect_tool.start.X, self.rect_tool.end.X): self.selection_matrix[x][y] = new_value self.render_selection() if key == 'shift up': self._lock_origin = None if held_keys['control'] and key == 'z': self.undo_index -= 1 self.undo_index = clamp(self.undo_index, 0, len(self.undo_stack)-1) self.grid = deepcopy(self.undo_stack[self.undo_index]) self.render() if held_keys['control'] and key == 'y': self.undo_index += 1 self.undo_index = clamp(self.undo_index, 0, len(self.undo_stack)-1) self.grid = deepcopy(self.undo_stack[self.undo_index]) self.render() # fill if key == 'g' and self.canvas_collider.hovered: y = int(self.cursor.y * self.h) x = int(self.cursor.x * self.w) self.floodfill(self.grid, x, y) self.render() self.record_undo() if key == 'x' and self.brush_size > 1: self.brush_size -= 1 self.cursor.scale = Vec2(self.brush_size / self.w, self.brush_size / self.h) self.prev_draw = None if key == 'd' and self.brush_size < 8: self.brush_size += 1 self.cursor.scale = Vec2(self.brush_size / self.w, self.brush_size / self.h) self.prev_draw = None if held_keys['control'] and key == 's': if hasattr(self, 'save'): if held_keys['control'] and key == 'c': self.copy() if held_keys['control'] and key == 'v': self.enter_paste_mode() def record_undo(self): self.undo_index += 1 self.undo_stack = self.undo_stack[:self.undo_index] self.undo_stack.append(deepcopy(self.grid)) def floodfill(self, matrix, x, y, first=True): if matrix[x][y] == self.selected_char: return if first: self.fill_target = matrix[x][y] if matrix[x][y] == self.fill_target: matrix[x][y] = self.selected_char # recursively invoke flood fill on all surrounding cells if x > 0: self.floodfill(matrix, x-1, y, first=False) if x < self.w-1: self.floodfill(matrix, x+1, y, first=False) if y > 0: self.floodfill(matrix, x, y-1, first=False) if y < self.h-1: self.floodfill(matrix, x, y+1, first=False) def copy(self): # crop matrix # find the indices of the rows and columns with True values rows = [i for i in range(len(self.selection_matrix)) if any(self.selection_matrix[i])] cols = [j for j in range(len(self.selection_matrix[0])) if any(self.selection_matrix[i][j] for i in range(len(self.selection_matrix)))] if not rows or not cols: return # crop the matrix based on the boolean values start_x = min(rows) start_y = min(cols) # end_x = max(rows) + 1 # end_y = max(cols) + 1 selection_width = (max(rows) + 1) - start_x selection_height = (max(cols) + 1) - start_y # cropped_matrix = [[matrix[i][j] for j in range(start_y, max(cols) + 1)] for i in range(start_x, max(rows) + 1)] copy_data = [[tuple(self.grid[start_x+x][start_y+y]) for y in range(selection_height)] for x in range(selection_width)] pyperclip.copy(json.dumps(dict(data=copy_data))) def enter_paste_mode(self): self.is_in_paste_mode = True self.paste_data = json.loads(pyperclip.paste()) if not self.paste_data['data']: return self.paste_data = self.paste_data['data'] w = len(self.paste_data) h = len(self.paste_data[1]) self.temp_paste_layer.enabled = True self.temp_paste_layer.scale = (w,h) if not self.temp_paste_layer.texture or self.temp_paste_layer.texture.size != (w,h): self.temp_paste_layer.texture = Texture('RGBA', size=(w,h), color=(0,0,0,0))) for x in range(w): for y in range(h): pixel = self.paste_data[x][y] if not pixel: pixel = color.clear self.temp_paste_layer.texture.set_pixel(x, y, pixel) self.temp_paste_layer.texture.apply() def exit_paste_mode(self, discard=False): self.is_in_paste_mode = False self.temp_paste_layer.enabled = False x_offset = int(self.cursor.x * self.w) y_offset = int(self.cursor.y * self.h) w = len(self.paste_data) h = len(self.paste_data[1]) if discard: return for x in range(w): for y in range(h): real_x = x + x_offset real_y = y + y_offset if real_x < 0 or real_x >= self.w or real_y < 0 or real_y >= self.h: continue pixel = self.paste_data[x][y] if not pixel: continue self.grid[x+x_offset][y+y_offset] = pixel self.clear_selection() self.render() def clear_selection(self): self.selection_matrix = [[0 for y in range(self.h)] for x in range(self.w)] self.selection_renderer.model.clear() print('clear selection') def render_selection(self): quad = load_model('quad', use_deepcopy=True) self.selection_renderer.model.clear(False) verts = [] for x in range(self.w): for y in range(self.h): if self.selection_matrix[x][y]: if x <= 0 or not self.selection_matrix[x-1][y]: verts.extend((Vec3(x,y,0), Vec3(x,y+1,0))) if x >= self.w-1 or not self.selection_matrix[x+1][y]: verts.extend((Vec3(x+1,y,0), Vec3(x+1,y+1,0))) if y <= 0 or not self.selection_matrix[x][y-1]: verts.extend((Vec3(x,y,0), Vec3(x+1,y,0))) if y >= self.h-1 or not self.selection_matrix[x][y+1]: verts.extend((Vec3(x,y+1,0), Vec3(x+1,y+1,0))) self.selection_renderer.model.vertices = [v+Vec3(-.5,-.5,0) for v in verts] self.selection_renderer.model.triangles = [(i, i+1) for i in range(0, len(verts), 2)] self.selection_renderer.model.generate() class PixelEditor(GridEditor): def __init__(self, texture, palette=(, color.white, color.light_gray, color.gray,,, color.yellow, color.lime,, color.turquoise, color.cyan,,, color.violet, color.magenta,, **kwargs): super().__init__(texture=texture, size=texture.size, palette=palette, **kwargs) self.set_texture(texture) def set_texture(self, texture, render=True, clear_undo_stack=True): self.canvas.texture = texture self.w, self.h = int(texture.size[0]), int(texture.size[1]) self.canvas.scale_x = self.canvas.scale_y * self.w / self.h self.grid = [[texture.get_pixel(x,y) for y in range(texture.height)] for x in range(texture.width)] self.canvas.texture.filtering = None self.cursor.scale = Vec2(self.brush_size / self.w, self.brush_size / self.h) self.help_icon.scale = self.help_icon.target_scale self.selection_renderer.scale=(1/self.w,1/self.h) if clear_undo_stack: self.undo_stack.clear() self.undo_index = -1 self.record_undo() if render: self.render() def draw(self, x, y): for _y in range(y, min(y+self.brush_size, self.h)): for _x in range(x, min(x+self.brush_size, self.w)): self.grid[_x][_y] = self.selected_char self.canvas.texture.set_pixel(_x, _y, self.grid[_x][_y]) self.canvas.texture.apply() def render(self): for y in range(self.h): for x in range(self.w): self.canvas.texture.set_pixel(x, y, self.grid[x][y]) self.canvas.texture.apply() def save(self): if self.canvas.texture.path: print('saved:', self.canvas.texture.path) @property def texture(self): if not hasattr(self, 'canvas'): return None return self.canvas.texture @texture.setter def texture(self, value): if hasattr(self, 'canvas'): self.canvas.texture = value class ASCIIEditor(GridEditor): def __init__(self, size=(61,28), palette=(' ', '#', '|', 'A', '/', '\\', 'o', '_', '-', 'i', 'M', '.'), font='VeraMono.ttf',, line_height=1.1, **kwargs): super().__init__(size=size, palette=palette, canvas_color=canvas_color, **kwargs) rotated_grid = list(zip(*self.grid[::-1])) text = '\n'.join([''.join(reversed(line)) for line in reversed(rotated_grid)]) self.text_entity = Text(parent=self.parent, text=text, x=-.0, y=.5, line_height=line_height, font=font) self.scale = (self.text_entity.width, self.text_entity.height) self.canvas.scale = 1 self.text_entity.world_parent = self self.text_entity.y = 1 self.text_entity.z = -.001 def render(self): rotated_grid = list(zip(*self.grid[::-1])) self.text_entity.text = '\n'.join([''.join(reversed(line)) for line in reversed(rotated_grid)]) def input(self, key): super().input(key) if held_keys['control'] and key == 'c': print(self.text_entity.text) pyperclip.copy(self.text_entity.text) # # if held_keys['control'] and key == 'v' and pyperclip.paste().count('\n') == (h-1): # t.text = pyperclip.paste() # undo_index += 1 # undo_stack = undo_stack[:undo_index] # undo_stack.append(deepcopy(grid)) if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina(borderless=False) ''' pixel editor example, it's basically a drawing tool. can be useful for level editors and such here we create a new texture, but can also give it an existing texture to modify. ''' from PIL import Image t = Texture('RGBA', size=(32,32), color=(0,0,0,1))) from ursina.prefabs.grid_editor import PixelEditor editor = PixelEditor(parent=scene, texture=load_texture('brick'), scale=10) camera.orthographic = True camera.fov = 15 EditorCamera(rotation_speed=0) # editor.selection_mover.enabled = True # editor.selection_mover.on_click() # editor.temp_layer.alpha = .5 # ''' # same as the pixel editor, but with text. # ''' from ursina.prefabs.grid_editor import ASCIIEditor ASCIIEditor(x=0, scale=.1)