from ursina import * class FirstPersonController(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.cursor = Entity(parent=camera.ui, model='quad',, scale=.008, rotation_z=45) super().__init__() self.speed = 5 self.height = 2 self.camera_pivot = Entity(parent=self, y=self.height) camera.parent = self.camera_pivot camera.position = (0,0,0) camera.rotation = (0,0,0) camera.fov = 90 mouse.locked = True self.mouse_sensitivity = Vec2(40, 40) self.gravity = 1 self.grounded = False self.jump_height = 2 self.jump_up_duration = .5 self.fall_after = .35 # will interrupt jump up self.jumping = False self.air_time = 0 self.traverse_target = scene # by default, it will collide with everything. change this to change the raycasts' traverse targets. self.ignore_list = [self, ] self.on_destroy = self.on_disable for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key ,value) # make sure we don't fall through the ground if we start inside it if self.gravity: ray = raycast(self.world_position+(0,self.height,0), self.down, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list) if ray.hit: self.y = ray.world_point.y def update(self): self.rotation_y += mouse.velocity[0] * self.mouse_sensitivity[1] self.camera_pivot.rotation_x -= mouse.velocity[1] * self.mouse_sensitivity[0] self.camera_pivot.rotation_x= clamp(self.camera_pivot.rotation_x, -90, 90) self.direction = Vec3( self.forward * (held_keys['w'] - held_keys['s']) + self.right * (held_keys['d'] - held_keys['a']) ).normalized() feet_ray = raycast(self.position+Vec3(0,0.5,0), self.direction, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list, distance=.5, debug=False) head_ray = raycast(self.position+Vec3(0,self.height-.1,0), self.direction, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list, distance=.5, debug=False) if not feet_ray.hit and not head_ray.hit: move_amount = self.direction * time.dt * self.speed if raycast(self.position+Vec3(-.0,1,0), Vec3(1,0,0), distance=.5, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list).hit: move_amount[0] = min(move_amount[0], 0) if raycast(self.position+Vec3(-.0,1,0), Vec3(-1,0,0), distance=.5, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list).hit: move_amount[0] = max(move_amount[0], 0) if raycast(self.position+Vec3(-.0,1,0), Vec3(0,0,1), distance=.5, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list).hit: move_amount[2] = min(move_amount[2], 0) if raycast(self.position+Vec3(-.0,1,0), Vec3(0,0,-1), distance=.5, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list).hit: move_amount[2] = max(move_amount[2], 0) self.position += move_amount # self.position += self.direction * self.speed * time.dt if self.gravity: # gravity ray = raycast(self.world_position+(0,self.height,0), self.down, traverse_target=self.traverse_target, ignore=self.ignore_list) if ray.distance <= self.height+.1: if not self.grounded: self.grounded = True # make sure it's not a wall and that the point is not too far up if ray.world_normal.y > .7 and ray.world_point.y - self.world_y < .5: # walk up slope self.y = ray.world_point[1] return else: self.grounded = False # if not on ground and not on way up in jump, fall self.y -= min(self.air_time, ray.distance-.05) * time.dt * 100 self.air_time += time.dt * .25 * self.gravity def input(self, key): if key == 'space': self.jump() def jump(self): if not self.grounded: return self.grounded = False self.animate_y(self.y+self.jump_height, self.jump_up_duration, resolution=int(1//time.dt), curve=curve.out_expo) invoke(self.start_fall, delay=self.fall_after) def start_fall(self): self.y_animator.pause() self.jumping = False def land(self): # print('land') self.air_time = 0 self.grounded = True def on_enable(self): mouse.locked = True self.cursor.enabled = True # restore parent and position/rotation from before disablem in case you moved the camera in the meantime. if hasattr(self, 'camera_pivot') and hasattr(self, '_original_camera_transform'): camera.parent = self.camera_pivot camera.transform = self._original_camera_transform def on_disable(self): mouse.locked = False self.cursor.enabled = False self._original_camera_transform = camera.transform # store original position and rotation camera.world_parent = scene if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController window.vsync = False app = Ursina() # Sky(color=color.gray) ground = Entity(model='plane', scale=(100,1,100), color=color.yellow.tint(-.2), texture='white_cube', texture_scale=(100,100), collider='box') e = Entity(model='cube', scale=(1,5,10), x=2, y=.01, rotation_y=45, collider='box', texture='white_cube') e.texture_scale = (e.scale_z, e.scale_y) e = Entity(model='cube', scale=(1,5,10), x=-2, y=.01, collider='box', texture='white_cube') e.texture_scale = (e.scale_z, e.scale_y) player = FirstPersonController(y=2, origin_y=-.5) player.gun = None gun = Button(parent=scene, model='cube',, origin_y=-.5, position=(3,0,3), collider='box', scale=(.2,.2,1)) def get_gun(): gun.parent = camera gun.position = Vec3(.5,0,.5) player.gun = gun gun.on_click = get_gun gun_2 = duplicate(gun, z=7, x=8) slope = Entity(model='cube', collider='box', position=(0,0,8), scale=6, rotation=(45,0,0), texture='brick', texture_scale=(8,8)) slope = Entity(model='cube', collider='box', position=(5,0,10), scale=6, rotation=(80,0,0), texture='brick', texture_scale=(8,8)) # hill = Entity(model='sphere', position=(20,-10,10), scale=(25,25,25), collider='sphere', # hill = Entity(model='sphere', position=(20,-0,10), scale=(25,25,25), collider='mesh', # from ursina.shaders import basic_lighting_shader # for e in scene.entities: # e.shader = basic_lighting_shader hookshot_target = Button(parent=scene, model='cube', color=color.brown, position=(4,5,5)) hookshot_target.on_click = Func(player.animate_position, hookshot_target.position, duration=.5, curve=curve.linear) def input(key): if key == 'left mouse down' and player.gun: gun.blink( bullet = Entity(parent=gun, model='cube', scale=.1, bullet.world_parent = scene bullet.animate_position(bullet.position+(bullet.forward*50), curve=curve.linear, duration=1) destroy(bullet, delay=1) # player.add_script(NoclipMode())