from ursina import * from ursina.scripts.property_generator import generate_properties_for_class @generate_properties_for_class() class FileButton(Button): def __init__(self, load_menu, path, **kwargs): self.load_menu = load_menu self.path = path super().__init__(model='quad', highlight_color=color.dark_gray, scale=(.875,.025), pressed_scale=1, ignore_paused=True, **kwargs) self.text_entity.scale *= .75 self.original_color = self.color self.selected = False def on_click(self): if len([e for e in self.parent.children if e.selected]) >= self.load_menu.selection_limit and not self.selected: for e in self.parent.children: # clear selection e.selected = False self.selected = not self.selected if self.selected: self.load_menu.address_bar.text_entity.text = '' + str(self.path.resolve()) else: self.load_menu.address_bar.text_entity.text = '' + str(self.load_menu.path.resolve()) def on_double_click(self): if self.path.is_dir(): self.load_menu.path = self.path else: self.selected = True def selected_setter(self, value): self._selected = value if value == True: self.color = self.highlight_color = else: self.color = self.original_color self.highlight_color = color.dark_gray self.load_menu.open_button.color = if self.load_menu.selection else color.dark_gray @generate_properties_for_class() class FileBrowser(Entity): def __init__(self, file_button_class=FileButton, selection_limit=1, start_path=None, **kwargs): self.file_types = ['.*', ] if not start_path: start_path = Path('.').resolve() self.start_path = start_path self.file_button_class = file_button_class kwargs = dict(ignore_paused=True) | kwargs super().__init__(parent=camera.ui, y=.45, **kwargs) self.return_files = True self.return_folders = False self.selection_limit = selection_limit self.max_buttons = 24 self.title_bar = Button(parent=self, scale=(.9,.035), text='Open', color=color.dark_gray, highlight_color=color.dark_gray) self.address_bar = Button(parent=self, scale=(.8,.035), text='//', text_origin=(-.5,0), y=-.05, self.address_bar.text_entity.scale *= .75 self.address_bar.text_entity.x = -.5 + Text.get_width(' ') self.address_bar.text_entity.color = self.folder_up_button = Button(parent=self, scale=(.035,.035), texture='arrow_down', rotation_z=180, position=(-.42,-.05,-1), color=color.white,, on_click=self.folder_up) self.button_parent = Entity(parent=self) self.back_panel = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', collider='box', origin_y=.5, scale=(.9,(self.max_buttons*.025)+.19), color=color._32, z=.1) = Button(parent=self, z=1, scale=(999,999), color=color.black66, highlight_color=color.black66, pressed_color=color.black66) self.cancel_button = Button(parent=self, scale=(.875*.24, .05), y=(-self.max_buttons*.025)-.15, origin_x=-.5, x=-.875/2, text='Cancel', on_click=self.close) self.open_button = Button(parent=self, scale=(.875*.74, .05), y=(-self.max_buttons*.025)-.15, origin_x=.5, x=.875/2, text='Open', color=color.dark_gray, self.cancel_button_2 = Button(parent=self.title_bar, model=Circle(), world_scale=self.title_bar.world_scale_y*.75, origin_x=.5, x=.495, z=-.1, text='x', on_click=self.close) self.cancel_button_2.text_entity.scale *= .75 self.can_scroll_up_indicator = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', texture='arrow_down', rotation_z=180, scale=(.05,.05), y=-.0765, z=-.1, color=color.dark_gray, enabled=False, add_to_scene_entities=False) self.can_scroll_down_indicator = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', texture='arrow_down', scale=(.05,.05), y=(-self.max_buttons*.025)-.104, z=-.1, color=color.dark_gray, enabled=False, add_to_scene_entities=False) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key ,value) def input(self, key): if key == 'scroll down': if self.scroll + self.max_buttons < len(self.button_parent.children)-1: self.scroll += 1 if key == 'scroll up': if self.scroll > 0: self.scroll -= 1 def scroll_setter(self, value): self._scroll = value for i, c in enumerate(self.button_parent.children): if i < value or i >= value + self.max_buttons: c.enabled = False else: c.enabled = True self.button_parent.y = value * .025 self.can_scroll_up_indicator.enabled = value > 0 self.can_scroll_down_indicator.enabled = value + self.max_buttons + 1 != len(self.button_parent.children) def path_setter(self, value): if not value: value = self.start_path self._path = value self.address_bar.text_entity.text = '' + str(value.resolve()) files = [e for e in value.iterdir() if e.is_dir() or e.suffix in self.file_types or '.*' in self.file_types] files.sort(key=lambda x : x.is_file()) # directories first for i in range(len(self.button_parent.children) - len(files)): destroy(self.button_parent.children.pop()) for i, f in enumerate(files): prefix = ' ' # if f.is_dir(): # prefix = ' ' # else: # prefix = ' ' if i < len(self.button_parent.children): # just update button name and path self.button_parent.children[i].text_entity.text = prefix + self.button_parent.children[i].path = f else: # print('create new:', i) b = self.file_button_class(parent=self.button_parent, path=f, text_origin=(-.5,0),, y=-i*.025 -.09, load_menu=self, add_to_scene_entities=False) self.scroll = 0 def on_enable(self): # print('-------------', 'start path:', self.start_path) if not hasattr(self, 'path'): self.path = self.start_path self.scroll = 0 return self.path = self.path if hasattr(self, 'path') else self.start_path self.button_parent.y = 0 self.scroll = 0 def close(self): self.enabled = False def folder_up(self): self.path = self.path.parent def open(self, path=None): if not self.selection: return if not self.return_folders and self.selection[0].is_dir(): self.path = self.selection[0] return if hasattr(self, 'on_submit'): self.on_submit(self.selection) self.close() def selection_getter(self): return [c.path for c in self.button_parent.children if c.selected == True] if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() fb = FileBrowser(file_types=('.*'), enabled=False) def on_submit(paths): print('--------', paths) for p in paths: print('---', p) fb.on_submit = on_submit def input(key): if key == 'tab': fb.enabled = not fb.enabled