from ursina import * class Draggable(Button): _z_plane = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not __class__._z_plane: __class__._z_plane = Entity(name='_z_plane', scale=(9999,9999), enabled=False, eternal=True) super().__init__(**kwargs) self.require_key = None self.dragging = False self.delta_drag = 0 self.start_pos = self.world_position self.start_offset = (0,0,0) self.step = (0,0,0) self.plane_direction = (0,0,1) self.lock = Vec3(0,0,0) # set to 1 to lock movement on any of x, y and z axes self.min_x, self.min_y, self.min_z = -inf, -inf, -inf self.max_x, self.max_y, self.max_z = inf, inf, inf if not Draggable._z_plane.model: # set these after game start so it can load the model Draggable._z_plane.model = 'quad' Draggable._z_plane.collider = Mesh(vertices=((-0.5, -0.5, 0.0), (0.5, -0.5, 0.0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.0), (-0.5, 0.5, 0.0)), triangles=((0,1,2,3),), mode='triangle') Draggable._z_plane.color = color.clear for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == 'collider' and value == 'sphere' and self.has_ancestor(camera.ui): print('error: sphere colliders are not supported on Draggables in ui space.') if key == 'text' or key in self.attributes: continue setattr(self, key, value) def input(self, key): if self.hovered and key == 'left mouse down': if self.require_key == None or held_keys[self.require_key]: self.start_dragging() if self.dragging and key == 'left mouse up': self.stop_dragging() def start_dragging(self): point = Vec3(0,0,0) if mouse.world_point: point = mouse.world_point Draggable._z_plane.world_position = point # Draggable._z_plane.world_position = self.world_position Draggable._z_plane.look_at(Draggable._z_plane.position - Vec3(*self.plane_direction)) if self.has_ancestor(camera.ui): Draggable._z_plane.world_parent = camera.ui else: Draggable._z_plane.world_parent = scene self.start_offset = point - self.world_position self.dragging = True self.start_pos = self.world_position self.collision = False Draggable._z_plane.enabled = True mouse._original_traverse_target = mouse.traverse_target mouse.traverse_target = Draggable._z_plane if hasattr(self, 'drag'): self.drag() def stop_dragging(self): self.dragging = False self.delta_drag = self.world_position - self.start_pos Draggable._z_plane.enabled = False self.collision = True if hasattr(mouse, '_original_traverse_target'): mouse.traverse_target = mouse._original_traverse_target else: mouse.traverse_target = scene if hasattr(self, 'drop'): self.drop() # def drag(self): # print('start drag test') # # def drop(self): # print('drop test') def update(self): if self.dragging: if mouse.world_point: if not self.lock[0]: self.world_x = mouse.world_point[0] - self.start_offset[0] if not self.lock[1]: self.world_y = mouse.world_point[1] - self.start_offset[1] if not self.lock[2]: self.world_z = mouse.world_point[2] - self.start_offset[2] if self.step[0] > 0: hor_step = 1/self.step[0] self.x = round(self.x * hor_step) /hor_step if self.step[1] > 0: ver_step = 1/self.step[1] self.y = round(self.y * ver_step) /ver_step if self.step[2] > 0: dep_step = 1/self.step[2] self.z = round(self.z * dep_step) /dep_step self.position = ( clamp(self.x, self.min_x, self.max_x), clamp(self.y, self.min_y, self.max_y), clamp(self.z, self.min_z, self.max_z) ) @property def step(self): return self._step @step.setter def step(self, value): if isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): value = (value, value, value) self._step = value if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() Entity(model='plane', scale=8, texture='white_cube', texture_scale=(8,8)) draggable_button = Draggable(scale=.1, text='drag me', position=(-.5, 0)) world_space_draggable = Draggable(parent=scene, model='cube',, plane_direction=(0,1,0), lock=(1,0,0)) EditorCamera(rotation=(30,10,0)) world_space_draggable.drop = Func(print, 'dropped cube')