from ursina import * from collections import namedtuple from copy import copy class Node: __slots__ = ['index', 'indent_level', 'content', 'code', 'children', 'is_answer'] def __str__(self): return 'Node:\n ' + '\n '.join([f'{e} = {getattr(self, e)}' for e in Node.__slots__]) class Conversation(Entity): def __init__(self, variables_object=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=camera.ui, y=-.1) self.question = Button(parent=self, text_origin=(-.5,0), scale=(1,.1), model=Quad(radius=.5,aspect=1/.1), text='Question') self.question.text_entity.line_height = 1.25 self.question.text_entity.position = (-.45, -.05) self.question.highlight_color = self.question.color self.more_indicator = Entity(parent=self.question, model=Circle(3), position=(.45,-.4,-1), rotation_z=180,, world_scale=.5, z=-1, enabled=False) self.more_indicator.blink(duration=1, loop=True) self.spacing = 4 * .02 self.wordwrap = 65 self.button_model = Quad(radius=.5, aspect=1/.075) self.variables_object = variables_object for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key ,value) self.answer_0 = Button(parent=self, text='answer_0', y=self.question.y-self.spacing-.025, scale=(1,.075), text_origin=(-.5,0), model=copy(self.button_model)) self.answer_1 = Button(parent=self, text='answer_1', y=self.answer_0.y-self.spacing, scale=(1,.075), text_origin=(-.5,0), model=copy(self.button_model)) self.answer_2 = Button(parent=self, text='answer_2', y=self.answer_1.y-self.spacing, scale=(1,.075), text_origin=(-.5,0), model=copy(self.button_model)) self.buttons = (self.answer_0, self.answer_1, self.answer_2) for b in self.buttons: b.text_entity.line_height = 1.15 b.text_entity.position = (-.45, 0) self.question_appear_sequence = None self.button_appear_sequence = None self.started = False def ask(self, node, question_part=0): # print(node) self.current_node = node self.question_part = question_part self.question.text = node.content[question_part] self.question.text_entity.wordwrap = self.wordwrap self.more_indicator.enabled = False self.question_appear_sequence = self.question.text_entity.appear() for b in self.buttons: b.enabled = False answers = [] for i, child in enumerate(node.children): if self.variables_object and child.code and child.code.startswith('if'): try: if not getattr(self.variables_object, child.code[3:]): continue except Exception as e: print('failed parsing conversation if statement:', e) answers.append(child) # multi page question if len(node.content) > 1 and self.question_part < len(node.content)-1: if self.question_part < len(node.content): # question not finished, so don't show answer buttons # print('question not finished') self.question_appear_sequence.append(Func(setattr, self.more_indicator, 'enabled', True)) return self.button_appear_sequence = Sequence() invoke(self.button_appear_sequence.start, delay=self.question_appear_sequence.duration) if not node.children: self.buttons[0].text = '*leave*' self.buttons[0].on_click = Func(setattr, self, 'enabled', False) self.button_appear_sequence.append(Func(setattr, self.buttons[0], 'enabled', True)) for i, child in enumerate(answers): self.button_appear_sequence.append(Wait(i*.15)) self.button_appear_sequence.append(Func(setattr, self.buttons[i], 'enabled', True)) self.buttons[i].text = child.content[0] self.buttons[i].text_entity.wordwrap = self.wordwrap def on_click(node=child): if not node.children: print('end conversation') self.enabled = False return if node.code and not node.code.startswith('if '): try: if '+=' in node.code or '-=' in node.code or '*=' in node.code or '/=' in node.code: var, operator, value = node.code.split() original_value = getattr(self.variables_object, var) data_type = type(original_value) value = data_type(value) if operator == '+=': new_value = original_value + value if operator == '-=': new_value = original_value - value if operator == '*=': new_value = original_value * value if operator == '/=': new_value = original_value / value setattr(self.variables_object, var, new_value) print('executed code:', node.code) except Exception as e: print('failed executing code on node:', node, 'code:', node.code, 'error:', e) invoke(self.ask, node.children[0], 0, delay=.1) if len(node.children) > 1: print('error at node:', n, '. node has multiple children, but should only have one (a question)') self.buttons[i].on_click = on_click def input(self, key): if key == 'left mouse down' or key == 'space' and not mouse.hovered_entity in self.buttons: def next(self): if not self.started: return if not self.question_appear_sequence.finished and self.question_appear_sequence.t > .1: self.question_appear_sequence.finish() if self.button_appear_sequence: self.button_appear_sequence.start() return if self.question_part < len(self.current_node.content)-1: self.ask(self.current_node, self.question_part+1) def start_conversation(self, conversation): self.conversation_nodes = self.parse_conversation(conversation) self.ask(self.conversation_nodes[0]) self.started = True def parse_conversation(self, convo): convo = convo.strip() nodes = list() prev_node = None node_index = 0 for i, l in enumerate(convo.split('\n')): if not l: continue indent_level = len(l) - len(l.lstrip()) indent_level //= 4 content, code = l.strip(), None if '(' in l: content, code = l.split('(') content = content.strip() code = code[:-1] is_answer = content.startswith('* ') # print('code:', codeK) if prev_node and prev_node.indent_level == indent_level: prev_node.content.append(content) prev_node = n continue n = Node() n.index = node_index n.indent_level = indent_level n.is_answer = content.startswith('* ') if n.is_answer: content = content[2:] n.content = [content, ] n.children = list() n.code = code nodes.append(n) prev_node = n node_index += 1 # look backwards through nodes to find current node's parent for j in range(node_index-1, -1, -1): if nodes[j].indent_level == n.indent_level-1: nodes[j].children.append(n) break return nodes if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() variables = Empty( evil=0, chaos=0, bar_mission_solved=False, ) conversation = Conversation(variables_object=variables) # conversation.question.model = 'quad' # for b in conversation.buttons: # b.model = 'quad' convo = dedent(''' I'm looking for my sister. Can you help me find her, please? I haven't seen her in days! Who know what could've happened!? I'm worried. Will you help me? * Yes, of course. This can be a dangerous city. Oh no! Do you think something happened to her? What should I do?! * She's probably fine. She can handle herself. You're right. I'm still worried though. * Don't worry, I'll look for her. * Maybe. (stats.chaos += 1) Help me look for her, please! *runs off* * I'm sorry, but I don't have time right now. (evil += 1) A true friend wouldn't say that. * I know where she is! (if bar_mission_solved) Really? Where? * I saw her on a ship by the docks, it looked like they were ready to set off. Thank you! *runs off* ''') conversation.start_conversation(convo) # conversation.parse_conversation(convo) # def input(key): # if key == 'left mouse down' and mouse.hovered_entity in conversation.buttons: # print('add sound here') def input(key): if key == 'space': print(variables.evil) # conversation.start_conversation() # window.color = color._16 # window.size = window.fullscreen_size * .5 Sprite('shore', z=1)