from ursina import Entity, Text, camera, Button, color, mouse, Sequence, Vec3 from math import floor class ButtonList(Entity): def __init__(self, button_dict, button_height=1.1, width=.5, popup=False, color=Button.default_color, highlight_color=color.white33,, font=Text.default_font, clear_selected_on_enable=True, **kwargs): self.clear_selected_on_enable = clear_selected_on_enable self.button_height = button_height self.width = width super().__init__(parent=camera.ui, position=(-(width/2), .45)) self.text_entity = Text(parent=self, font=font, origin=(-.5,.5), text='empty', world_scale=20, z=-.1, x=.01, y=-(button_height*.25*Text.size), line_height=button_height) = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', origin=(-.5,.5), scale=width, color=color, collider='box') self.highlight = Entity(, model='quad', color=highlight_color, scale=(1,self.button_height), origin=(-.5,.5), z=-.01, add_to_scene_entities=False) self.selection_marker = Entity(, model='quad', color=selected_color, scale=(1,self.button_height), origin=(-.5,.5), z=-.02, enabled=False, add_to_scene_entities=False) self.button_dict = button_dict self.popup = popup if self.popup: self.close_button = Entity(parent=self, scale=Vec3(100,100,.1), model='quad', collider='box', visible_self=False, on_click=self.disable) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @property def button_dict(self): return self._button_dict @button_dict.setter def button_dict(self, value): self._button_dict = value self.actions = list(self._button_dict.values()) = self.button_height * len(value) * Text.size #'circle' = 'quad' = self.text_entity.text = '\n'.join(self.button_dict.keys()) self.text_entity.line_height = self.button_height if len(value) > 0: self.highlight.scale_y = 1 / len(value) self.selection_marker.scale_y = 1 / len(value) def input(self, key): # handle click here instead of in on_click so you can assign a custom on_click function if key == 'left mouse down' and y = floor(-mouse.point.y * len(self.button_dict)) y = min(y, len(self.button_dict)-1) action = self.actions[y] self.selection_marker.enabled = True self.selection_marker.y = self.highlight.y if callable(action): action() if self.popup: self.disable() if key == 'left mouse down' and not self.selection_marker.enabled = False def update(self): self.highlight.enabled = mouse.hovered_entity == if mouse.hovered_entity == y = floor(-mouse.point.y * len(self.button_dict)) y = min(y, len(self.button_dict)-1) self.highlight.y = -y / len(self.button_dict) def on_disable(self): self.selection_marker.enabled = False def on_enable(self): if self.clear_selected_on_enable: self.selected = None @property def selected(self): return getattr(self, '_selected', None) @selected.setter def selected(self, value): self._selected = value if not hasattr(self, 'selection_marker'): return if not value: self.selection_marker.enabled = False return self.selection_marker.enabled = True y = list(self.button_dict.keys()).index(value) self.selection_marker.y = -y / len(self.button_dict) if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import Ursina, Func app = Ursina() default = Func(print, 'not yet implemented') def test(a=1, b=2): print('------:', a, b) button_dict = {} for i in range(6, 20): button_dict[f'button {i}'] = Func(print, i) bl = ButtonList(button_dict, font='VeraMono.ttf', button_height=1.5, popup=0, clear_selected_on_enable=False) def input(key): if key == 'space': bl.button_dict = { 'one' : None, 'two' : default, 'tree' : Func(test, 3, 4), 'four' : Func(test, b=3, a=4), } if key == 'o': bl.enabled = True bl.selected = 'button 7' bl.button_dict = {}