from ursina import Entity, Text, camera, color, mouse, BoxCollider, Sequence, Func, Vec2, Vec3, scene, Default, Audio from ursina.models.procedural.quad import Quad import textwrap from ursina.scripts.property_generator import generate_properties_for_class @generate_properties_for_class() class Button(Entity): default_color = color.black90 default_model = None # will default to rounded Quad def __init__(self, text='', parent=camera.ui, model=Default, radius=.1, origin=(0,0), text_origin=(0,0), text_size=1, color=Default, collider='box', highlight_scale=1, pressed_scale=1, disabled=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=parent) for key in ('scale', 'scale_x', 'scale_y', 'scale_z', 'world_scale', 'world_scale_x', 'world_scale_y', 'world_scale_z'): if key in kwargs: # set the scale before model for correct corners setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) if model == Default: if not Button.default_model: if self.scale[0] != 0 and self.scale[1] != 0: self.model = Quad(aspect=self.scale[0] / self.scale[1], radius=radius) else: self.model = Button.default_model else: self.model = model self.origin = origin if color == Default: color = Button.default_color self.color = color self.highlight_color = self.color.tint(.2) self.pressed_color = self.color.tint(-.2) self.highlight_scale = highlight_scale # multiplier self.pressed_scale = pressed_scale # multiplier self.highlight_sound = None self.pressed_sound = None self.collider = collider self.disabled = disabled self.text_entity = None self.text_origin = text_origin if text: self.text = text self.text_size = text_size for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def text_getter(self): if self.text_entity: return self.text_entity.text return '' def text_setter(self, value): if not isinstance(value, str): raise TypeError('Text must be a string') if not self.text_entity: self.text_entity = Text(text=value, parent=self.model, position=Vec3(self.text_origin[0],self.text_origin[1],-.01), origin=self.text_origin, add_to_scene_entities=False) self.text_entity.world_parent = self self.text_entity.world_scale = Vec3(20 * self.text_size) else: self.text_entity.text = value def text_origin_getter(self): if self.text_entity: return self.text_entity.origin return getattr(self, '_text_origin', (0,0)) def text_origin_setter(self, value): self._text_origin = value if not self.text_entity: return self.text_entity.origin = value self.text_entity.world_parent = self.model self.text_entity.position = value # self.text_entity.x += self.model.radius * self.scale_y/self.scale_x * (-value[0]*2) # self.text_entity.y += self.model.radius * self.scale_y/self.scale_x * (-value[1]*2) self.text_entity.origin = value self.text_entity.world_parent = self def text_color_getter(self): return self.text_entity.color def text_color_setter(self, value): self.text_entity.color = value def icon_getter(self): return getattr(self, 'icon_entity', None) def icon_setter(self, value): if value and not hasattr(self, 'icon_entity'): self.icon_entity = Entity(parent=self.model, name=f'button_icon_entity_{value}', model='quad', z=-.1, add_to_scene_entities=False) self.icon_entity.texture = value longest_side = max(self.icon_entity.texture.width, self.icon_entity.texture.height) aspect_ratio = self.icon_entity.texture.width / self.icon_entity.texture.height if aspect_ratio == 1: return if self.icon_entity.texture.width < self.icon_entity.texture.height: self.icon_entity.scale_x = self.icon_entity.scale_y * aspect_ratio else: self.icon_entity.scale_y = self.icon_entity.scale_x / aspect_ratio def icon_world_scale_getter(self): if not self.icon: return None return self.icon_entity.world_scale def icon_world_scale_setter(self, value): if self.icon: self.icon_entity.world_scale = value def text_size_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_text_size', 1) def text_size_setter(self, value): self._text_size = value if self.text_entity: self.text_entity.world_scale = Vec3(value * 20) def origin_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_origin', def origin_setter(self, value): if hasattr(self, 'text_entity') and self.text_entity: self.text_entity.world_parent = self.model super().origin_setter(value) self.text_entity.world_parent = self else: super().origin_setter(value) if isinstance(self.collider, BoxCollider): # update collider position by making a new one self.collider = 'box' def input(self, key): if self.disabled or not self.model: return if key == 'left mouse down': if self.hovered: self.model.setColorScale(self.pressed_color) self.model.setScale(Vec3(self.pressed_scale, self.pressed_scale, 1)) if self.pressed_sound: if isinstance(self.pressed_sound, Audio): elif isinstance(self.pressed_sound, str): Audio(self.pressed_sound, auto_destroy=True) if key == 'left mouse up': if self.hovered: self.model.setColorScale(self.highlight_color) self.model.setScale(Vec3(self.highlight_scale, self.highlight_scale, 1)) else: self.model.setColorScale(self.color) self.model.setScale(Vec3(1,1,1)) def on_mouse_enter(self): if not self.disabled and self.model: self.model.setColorScale(self.highlight_color) if self.highlight_scale != 1: self.model.setScale(Vec3(self.highlight_scale, self.highlight_scale, 1)) if self.highlight_sound: if isinstance(self.highlight_sound, Audio): elif isinstance(self.highlight_sound, str): Audio(self.highlight_sound, auto_destroy=True) if hasattr(self, 'tooltip') and self.tooltip: self.tooltip.enabled = True def on_mouse_exit(self): if not self.disabled and self.model: self.model.setColorScale(self.color) if not mouse.left and self.highlight_scale != 1: self.model.setScale(Vec3(1,1,1)) if hasattr(self, 'tooltip') and self.tooltip: self.tooltip.enabled = False def fit_to_text(self, radius=.1, padding=Vec2(Text.size*1.5, Text.size)): if not self.text_entity or not self.text_entity.text or self.text_entity.text == '': return self.text_entity.world_parent = scene self.original_parent = self.parent self.parent = self.text_entity self.scale = Vec2(self.text_entity.width*self.text_entity.world_scale_x, self.text_entity.height*self.text_entity.world_scale_y) * Text.size * 2 # self.scale = Vec2(self.text_entity.width, self.text_entity.height) * Text.size * 2 self.scale += Vec2(*padding) self.position += self.text_origin * self.scale.xy * .5 self.model = Quad(aspect=self.scale_x/self.scale_y, radius=radius) self.parent = self.original_parent self.text_entity.world_parent = self if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * app = Ursina() Button.default_color = b = Button(model='quad', scale=.05, x=-.5, color=color.lime, text='text scale\ntest', text_size=.5, b.text_size = .5 b.on_click = Sequence(Wait(.5), Func(print, 'aaaaaa'), ) b = Button(parent=camera.ui, text='hello world!', scale=.25) Button.default_color = b = Button(text='hello world!', icon='sword', scale=.25, text_origin=(-.5,0), x=.5) # b.fit_to_text() b.on_click = application.quit # assign a function to the button. b.tooltip = Tooltip('exit') par = Entity(parent=camera.ui, scale=.2, y=-.2) b = Button(parent=par, text='test', scale_x=1, origin=(-.5,.5)) b.text ='new text' print(b.text_entity) Button(text='sound', scale=.2, position=(-.25,-.2),, highlight_sound='blip_1', pressed_sound=Audio('coin_1', autoplay=False)) # Entity(model='quad', parent=b, x=1) Text('Text size\nreference', x=.15) # b.eternal = True def input(key): if key == 'd': scene.clear() if key == 'space': b.text = 'updated text'