from ursina import * class Animation(Sprite): def __init__(self, name, fps=12, loop=True, autoplay=True, frame_times=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(name, Path): texture = load_texture(, name.parent) else: texture = load_texture(name) if texture and texture.path.suffix == '.gif': # load gif import imageio from PIL import Image path = load_texture(name).path gif = imageio.get_reader(path) img = frame_times = [] for i in range(len(gif)): frame_times.append(['duration'] / 1000) self.frames = [Texture(Image.fromarray(frame)) for frame in gif] else: # load image sequence texture_folders = (application.compressed_textures_folder, application.asset_folder, application.internal_textures_folder) self.frames = [Texture(e) for e in find_sequence(name, ('png', 'jpg'), texture_folders)] if self.frames: super().__init__(texture=self.frames[0]) self.sequence = Sequence(loop=loop, auto_destroy=False) self.frame_times = frame_times if not self.frame_times: self.frame_times = [1/fps for i in range(len(self.frames))] for i, frame in enumerate(self.frames): self.sequence.append(Func(setattr, self, 'texture', self.frames[i])) self.sequence.append(Wait(self.frame_times[i])) self.is_playing = False self.autoplay = autoplay for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key ,value) if self.autoplay: self.start() def start(self): if self.is_playing: self.finish() self.sequence.start() self.is_playing = True def pause(self): self.sequence.pause() def resume(self): self.sequence.resume() def finish(self): self.sequence.finish() self.is_playing = False @property def duration(self): # get the duration of the animation. you can't set it. to do so, change the fps instead. return self.sequence.duration def __setattr__(self, name, value): if hasattr(self, 'frames') and name in ('color', 'origin'): for f in self.frames: setattr(f, name, value) if name == 'loop': self.sequence.loop = value try: super().__setattr__(name, value) except Exception as e: return e if __name__ == '__main__': # application.asset_folder = application.asset_folder.parent.parent / 'samples' app = Ursina() ''' Loads an image sequence as a frame animation. Consider using SpriteSheetAnimation instead if possible. So if you have some frames named image_000.png, image_001.png, image_002.png and so on, you can load it like this: Animation('image') You can also load a .gif by including the file type: Animation('image.gif') ''' a = Animation('ursina_wink') # Animation('city_in_desert_valley_water.gif')