from ursina.vec2 import Vec2 from ursina.vec3 import Vec3 from ursina.vec4 import Vec4 import panda3d.core as p3d from direct.distributed.PyDatagram import PyDatagram from direct.distributed.PyDatagramIterator import PyDatagramIterator from enum import Enum, auto from collections import deque import uuid import hashlib import types import typing import inspect import socket import ssl import select import errno import struct import time import atexit import signal import threading import asyncio # This class represents and single connection. # It can be hashed and compared so that it may be used as a dictionary key. # This is useful for mapping from a connection to player data. class Connection: def __init__(self, peer, socket, address, connection_timeout): self.peer = peer self.socket = socket self.address = address self.connection_timeout = connection_timeout self.connected = True self.timed_out = False self.state = "l" self.length_byte_count = 2 self.expected_byte_count = self.length_byte_count self.bytes_received = bytearray() self.uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.async_task = None def __hash__(self): return hash(self.uid) def __eq__(self, other): return self.uid == other.uid def send(self, data): self.peer.send(self, data) def disconnect(self): self.peer.disconnect(self) def is_timed_out(self): return self.timed_out def is_connected(self): return self.connected # Used internally by Peer. class PeerEvent(Enum): ERROR = auto() CONNECT = auto() DISCONNECT = auto() DATA = auto() # Used internally by Peer. class PeerInput(Enum): ERROR = auto() SEND = auto() DISCONNECT = auto() DISCONNECT_ALL = auto() # -- Description -- # The main driving class of the networking module. # This is either a server or a client depending on if it's hosting or not. # -- Callbacks -- # The arguments starting with "on" are callback functions for network events. # Their arguments are generally (connection, data, time). # The connect and disconnect functions don't have the data argument. # See the networking samples or update function definition for more. # -- TLS / secure networking -- # TLS support can be enabled with `use_tls=True`. # The host requires the path to the certificate chain, and the private key. # The client can make use of a given path to a certificate authority bundle for testing / development / self signed. # -- Address family -- # The socket address family can be either "INET" (ipv4) or "INET6" (ipv6). # -- Notes -- # Keep in mind that the networking in running on its own thread and you must therefore check if it's running (is_running). class Peer: def __init__(self, on_connect=None, on_disconnect=None, on_data=None, on_raw_data=None, connection_timeout=None, use_tls=False, path_to_certchain=None, path_to_private_key=None, path_to_cabundle=None, socket_address_family="INET"): self.on_connect = on_connect self.on_disconnect = on_disconnect self.on_data = on_data self.on_raw_data = on_raw_data self.connection_timeout = connection_timeout self.use_tls = use_tls self.path_to_certchain = path_to_certchain self.path_to_private_key = path_to_private_key self.path_to_cabundle = path_to_cabundle if socket_address_family == "INET": self.socket_address_family = socket.AF_INET elif socket_address_family == "INET6": self.socket_address_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: raise Exception("Invalid/unsupported socket address family '{socket_address_family}'.") self.ssl_context = None self.connections = [] self.output_event_queue = deque() self.input_event_queue = deque() self.socket = None self.host_name = None self.tls_host_name = None self.port = None self.backlog = 100 self.is_host = False self.running = False self.main_thread = None self.running_lock = threading.Lock() self.output_event_lock = threading.Lock() self.input_event_lock = threading.Lock() self.listen_task = None self.main_thread_sleep_time = 0.001 self.ssl_handshake_sleep_time = 0.0001 self.recv_ssl_sleep_time = 0.0001 self.recv_unavailable_sleep_time = 0.0001 def on_application_exit(): if self.running: self.stop() atexit.register(on_application_exit) prev_signal_handler = signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) def on_keyboard_interrupt(*args): if self.running: self.stop() if prev_signal_handler is not None: if prev_signal_handler != signal.SIG_DFL: prev_signal_handler(*args) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, on_keyboard_interrupt) def is_using_tls(self): return self.use_tls def start(self, host_name, port, is_host=False, backlog=100, tls_host_name=None, socket_address_family=None): if self.running: self.stop() if socket_address_family is not None: if socket_address_family == "INET": self.socket_address_family = socket.AF_INET elif socket_address_family == "INET6": self.socket_address_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: raise Exception(f"Invalid/unsupported socket address family '{socket_address_family}'.") if is_host: if self.use_tls: self.ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) self.ssl_context.load_cert_chain(self.path_to_certchain, self.path_to_private_key) else: if self.use_tls: if self.path_to_cabundle is not None: self.ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT) self.ssl_context.load_verify_locations(self.path_to_cabundle) else: self.ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() self.host_name = host_name self.tls_host_name = tls_host_name if self.tls_host_name is None and self.use_tls: self.tls_host_name = self.host_name self.port = port self.backlog = backlog self.is_host = is_host self.output_event_queue.clear() self.input_event_queue.clear() self.main_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._start, daemon=True) self.main_thread.start() def stop(self): if not self.running: return with self.running_lock: self.running = False self.main_thread.join() def update(self, max_events=100): with self.output_event_lock: for i in range(max_events): if len(self.output_event_queue) == 0: break next_event = self.output_event_queue.popleft() event_type = next_event[0] conn = next_event[1] d = next_event[2] t = next_event[3] if event_type == PeerEvent.CONNECT: if self.on_connect is not None: self.on_connect(conn, t) elif event_type == PeerEvent.DISCONNECT: if self.on_disconnect is not None: self.on_disconnect(conn, t) elif event_type == PeerEvent.DATA: if self.on_raw_data is not None: d = self.on_raw_data(conn, d, t) if self.on_data is not None: self.on_data(next_event[1], d, t) def send(self, connection, data): b = bytearray() b += struct.pack(">H", len(data)) b += data with self.input_event_lock: self.input_event_queue.append((PeerInput.SEND, connection, b)) def disconnect(self, connection): with self.input_event_lock: self.input_event_queue.append((PeerInput.DISCONNECT, connection, None)) def disconnect_all(self): with self.input_event_lock: self.input_event_queue.append((PeerInput.DISCONNECT_ALL, None, None)) def is_running(self): return self.running def is_hosting(self): return self.is_host def connection_count(self): return len(self.connections) def get_connections(self): return self.connections def _start(self): def _add_connection(self, socket, address, async_loop): connection = Connection(self, socket, address, self.connection_timeout) connection_task = async_loop.create_task(self._receive(connection, async_loop)) connection.async_task = connection_task self.connections.append(connection) with self.output_event_lock: self.output_event_queue.append((PeerEvent.CONNECT, connection, None, time.time())) async def _run(self): async_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if self.is_host: try: self.socket = socket.socket(self.socket_address_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.bind((self.host_name, self.port)) self.socket.listen(self.backlog) self.socket.setblocking(False) except Exception as e: print(e) self.running = False raise self.listen_task = asyncio.create_task(self._listen(async_loop)) else: client_socket = None if self.use_tls: try: self.socket = socket.socket(self.socket_address_family, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) client_socket = self.ssl_context.wrap_socket(self.socket, server_hostname=self.tls_host_name) client_socket.connect((self.host_name, self.port)) except Exception as e: print(e) self.running = False return else: try: client_socket = socket.create_connection((self.host_name, self.port)) except Exception as e: print(e) self.running = False return try: client_socket.setblocking(False) client_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self._add_connection(client_socket, (self.host_name, self.port), async_loop) except Exception as e: print(e) self.running = False return with self.running_lock: self.running = True while self.running: to_be_removed = [] with self.input_event_lock: while len(self.input_event_queue) > 0: next_event = self.input_event_queue.popleft() event = next_event[0] connection = next_event[1] data = next_event[2] if event == PeerInput.SEND: try: connection.socket.sendall(data) except: to_be_removed.append(connection) elif event == PeerInput.DISCONNECT: to_be_removed.append(connection) elif event == PeerInput.DISCONNECT_ALL: for connection in self.connections: to_be_removed.append(connection) for connection in to_be_removed: connection.async_task.cancel() try: await connection.async_task except: pass await asyncio.sleep(self.main_thread_sleep_time) for connection in self.connections: connection.async_task.cancel() try: await connection.async_task except: pass if self.is_host: self.listen_task.cancel() try: await self.listen_task except: pass async def _listen(self, async_loop): try: while True: client_socket, client_address = await async_loop.sock_accept(self.socket) if self.use_tls: socket_wrap_failed = True try: client_socket = self.ssl_context.wrap_socket(client_socket, server_side=True, do_handshake_on_connect=False) socket_wrap_failed = False except Exception as e: pass if socket_wrap_failed: try: client_socket.close() except: pass continue handshake_failed = True while True: try: client_socket.do_handshake() handshake_failed = False break except ssl.SSLWantReadError as e: await asyncio.sleep(self.ssl_handshake_sleep_time) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError as e: await asyncio.sleep(self.ssl_handshake_sleep_time) except Exception as e: break if handshake_failed: try: client_socket.close() except: pass continue client_socket.setblocking(False) client_socket.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) self._add_connection(client_socket, client_address, async_loop) except asyncio.CancelledError: pass finally: try: self.socket.close() except: pass async def _recv(self, connection, async_loop): data = None while True: try: data = connection.socket.recv(connection.expected_byte_count) break except ssl.SSLWantReadError: await asyncio.sleep(self.recv_ssl_sleep_time) except ssl.SSLWantWriteError: await asyncio.sleep(self.recv_ssl_sleep_time) except BlockingIOError: await asyncio.sleep(self.recv_unavailable_sleep_time) except Exception as e: raise return data async def _receive(self, connection, async_loop): try: while True: data = None try: if connection.connection_timeout is None: data = await self._recv(connection, async_loop) else: data = await asyncio.wait_for(self._recv(connection, async_loop), timeout=connection.connection_timeout) except asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError: connection.timed_out = True raise except Exception as e: print(e) raise if data is None: break if len(data) == 0: break connection.bytes_received += data connection.expected_byte_count -= len(data) if connection.expected_byte_count == 0: if connection.state == "l": l = struct.unpack(">H", connection.bytes_received)[0] connection.state = "c" connection.expected_byte_count = l connection.bytes_received.clear() elif connection.state == "c": d = bytes(connection.bytes_received.copy()) with self.output_event_lock: self.output_event_queue.append((PeerEvent.DATA, connection, d, time.time())) connection.state = "l" connection.expected_byte_count = connection.length_byte_count connection.bytes_received.clear() except asyncio.CancelledError: pass except: pass finally: try: connection.socket.close() except: pass connection.state = "l" connection.bytes_received.clear() connection.expected_byte_count = connection.length_byte_count connection.connected = False self.connections.remove(connection) with self.output_event_lock: self.output_event_queue.append((PeerEvent.DISCONNECT, connection, None, None)) if not self.is_host: self.running = False # -- Description -- # Main serialization class used by the networking module. class DatagramWriter: def __init__(self): self.datagram = PyDatagram() self.type_functions = dict() def register_type(self, the_type, write_func): self.type_functions[the_type] = write_func def clear(self): self.datagram = PyDatagram() def get_datagram(self): return self.datagram def write(self, value): converter_func = self.type_functions.get(type(value)) if converter_func is not None: converter_func(self, value) else: if isinstance(value, bool): self.write_bool(value) elif isinstance(value, int): self.write_int64(value) elif isinstance(value, float): self.write_float64(value) elif isinstance(value, str): self.write_string32(value) elif isinstance(value, p3d.Vec2): self.write_float64(value[0]) self.write_float64(value[1]) elif isinstance(value, p3d.Vec3): self.write_float64(value[0]) self.write_float64(value[1]) self.write_float64(value[2]) elif isinstance(value, p3d.Vec4): self.write_float64(value[0]) self.write_float64(value[1]) self.write_float64(value[2]) self.write_float64(value[3]) elif isinstance(value, tuple): for v in value: self.write(v) elif isinstance(value, list): self.write_int16(len(value)) for v in value: self.write(v) elif isinstance(value, bytes): self.write_blob(value) else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported value type for DatagramWriter: {type(value).__name__}") def write_string(self, value): self.datagram.addString(value) def write_string32(self, value): self.datagram.addString32(value) def write_bool(self, value): self.datagram.addBool(value) def write_int8(self, value): self.datagram.addInt8(value) def write_int16(self, value): self.datagram.addBeInt16(value) def write_int32(self, value): self.datagram.addBeInt32(value) def write_int64(self, value): self.datagram.addBeInt64(value) def write_float32(self, value): self.datagram.addBeFloat32(value) def write_float64(self, value): self.datagram.addBeFloat64(value) def write_blob(self, value): self.datagram.addBlob(value) def write_blob32(self, value): self.datagram.addBlob32(value) # Used internally by networking module. class ExceedsListLimitException(Exception): pass # -- Description -- # Main deserialization class used by the networking module. class DatagramReader: def __init__(self): self.datagram = None self.iter = None self.read_functions = dict() def register_type(self, the_type, read_func): self.read_functions[the_type] = read_func def set_datagram(self, datagram): self.datagram = datagram self.iter = PyDatagramIterator(self.datagram) def get_datagram(self): return self.datagram def set_datagram_from_blob(self, blob): self.set_datagram(p3d.Datagram(blob)) def read(self, value_type, max_list_length=1000): converter_func = self.read_functions.get(value_type) if converter_func is not None: return converter_func(self) else: if value_type is bool: return self.read_bool() elif value_type is int: return self.read_int64() elif value_type is float: return self.read_float64() elif value_type is str: return self.read_string32() elif value_type is Vec2: return Vec2(self.read_float64(), self.read_float64()) elif value_type is Vec3: return Vec3(self.read_float64(), self.read_float64(), self.read_float64()) elif value_type is Vec4: return Vec4(self.read_float64(), self.read_float64(), self.read_float64(), self.read_float64()) elif type(value_type) is tuple: origin_type = value_type[0] if origin_type is tuple: arg_types = value_type[1] values = [] for arg_type in arg_types: values.append( return tuple(values) elif origin_type is list: arg_type = value_type[1][0] if arg_type is list: raise Exception("DatagramReader does not support lists of lists.") l = self.read_int16() if l > max_list_length: raise ExceedsListLimitException("Received list that exceeds the max list length allowed by the DatagramReader.") values = [] for i in range(l): values.append( return values else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported value type for DatagramReader: {value_type.__name__}") elif value_type is bytes: return self.read_blob() else: raise Exception(f"Unsupported value type for DatagramReader: {value_type.__name__}") def read_string(self): return self.iter.getString() def read_string32(self): return self.iter.getString32() def read_bool(self): return self.iter.getBool() def read_int8(self): return self.iter.getInt8() def read_int16(self): return self.iter.getBeInt16() def read_int32(self): return self.iter.getBeInt32() def read_int64(self): return self.iter.getBeInt64() def read_float32(self): return self.iter.getBeFloat32() def read_float64(self): return self.iter.getBeFloat64() def read_blob(self): return self.iter.getBlob() def read_blob32(self): return self.iter.getBlob32() # Gives a 32 bit hash value (shifted one right (31 bit)) that is the same across runs and devices. def procedure_hash(name): h = hashlib.sha1(name.encode("utf-8"), usedforsecurity=False).digest() return int.from_bytes(h[:4], byteorder="big") >> 1 # -- Description -- # Main remote procedure call class used by the networking module. # This class is likely the one you are looking for. # -- max list length -- # Lists are supported for remote procedure calls, but to prevent attacks involving giant lists, # there is an upper limit on the length, this can be configured, the default is small on purpose. # -- kwargs -- # The remaining keyword arguments are passed to Peer, see the Peer class for more information. # -- Notes -- # The first two arguments passed to a remote procedure call are connection, and time_received. # You can disable the printing of messages on connect and disconnect via the # print_connect, and print_disconnect booleans. # See the networking samples on how to use this class. class RPCPeer: def __init__(self, max_list_length=16, **kwargs): self.peer = Peer(**kwargs) self.max_list_length = max_list_length self.print_connect = True self.print_disconnect = True def default_on_connect(connection, time_connected): connection.rpc_peer = self if self.print_connect: print("New connection:", connection.address) on_connects = self.procedures.get(procedure_hash("on_connect")) if on_connects is not None: for on_connect in reversed(on_connects): host_only = on_connect[3] client_only = on_connect[4] if self.peer.is_hosting(): if not client_only: on_connect[2](connection, time_connected) else: if not host_only: on_connect[2](connection, time_connected) def default_on_disconnect(connection, time_disconnected): if self.print_disconnect: print("Disconnected:", connection.address) on_disconnects = self.procedures.get(procedure_hash("on_disconnect")) if on_disconnects is not None: for on_disconnect in reversed(on_disconnects): host_only = on_disconnect[3] client_only = on_disconnect[4] if self.peer.is_hosting(): if not client_only: on_disconnect[2](connection, time_disconnected) else: if not host_only: on_disconnect[2](connection, time_disconnected) def on_data(connection, data, time_received): self.rpc_on_data(connection, data, time_received) if self.peer.on_connect is None: self.peer.on_connect = default_on_connect if self.peer.on_disconnect is None: self.peer.on_disconnect = default_on_disconnect self.peer.on_data = on_data self.procedures = dict() self.procedures[procedure_hash("on_connect")] = [] self.procedures[procedure_hash("on_disconnect")] = [] self.writer = DatagramWriter() self.reader = DatagramReader() def is_using_tls(self): return self.peer.is_using_tls() def start(self, host_name, port, is_host=False, backlog=100, tls_host_name=None, socket_address_family=None): return self.peer.start(host_name, port, is_host=is_host, backlog=backlog, tls_host_name=tls_host_name, socket_address_family=socket_address_family) def stop(self): self.peer.stop() def update(self, max_events=100): self.peer.update(max_events=max_events) def is_running(self): return self.peer.is_running() def is_hosting(self): return self.peer.is_hosting() def disconnect_all(self): self.peer.disconnect_all() def connection_count(self): return self.peer.connection_count() def get_connections(self): return self.peer.get_connections() def register_type(self, the_type, write_func, read_func): self.writer.register_type(the_type, write_func) self.reader.register_type(the_type, read_func) def register_procedure(self, proc, host_only=False, client_only=False, prefix=None): func_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(proc) if not len(func_spec.args) >= 2: raise Exception(f"{proc.__name__} must have at least two arguments, connection and time_received.") func_args = func_spec.args[2:] if func_spec.args[0] == "self": func_args = func_args[1:] arg_types = [] for func_arg in func_args: func_arg_type = func_spec.annotations.get(func_arg) if not func_arg_type is not None: raise Exception(f"Failed to register the '{proc.__name__}' procedure, it's missing a type annotation for the '{func_arg}' argument.") if type(func_arg_type) is types.GenericAlias: arg_types.append((typing.get_origin(func_arg_type), typing.get_args(func_arg_type))) else: arg_types.append(func_arg_type) proc_name = proc.__name__ if prefix is not None: proc_name = prefix + "_" + proc_name procedure_name_hash = procedure_hash(proc_name) if proc.__name__ in ("on_connect", "on_disconnect"): p = self.procedures.get(procedure_name_hash) p.append((proc_name, arg_types, proc, host_only, client_only)) else: if not procedure_name_hash not in self.procedures: raise Exception(f"{proc_name} was already registered before.") self.procedures[procedure_name_hash] = (proc_name, arg_types, proc, host_only, client_only) def __getattr__(self, name): def remote_procedure(*args): if not len(args) >= 1: raise Exception(f"Remote procedure call '{name}' must have at least one argument, the connection.") if not isinstance(args[0], Connection): raise Exception(f"First argument to the RPC '{name}' must be a 'Connection' type.") procedure_name_hash = procedure_hash(name) self.writer.clear() self.writer.write_int32(procedure_name_hash) connection = args[0] for arg in args[1:]: self.writer.write(arg) connection.send(self.writer.get_datagram().getMessage()) return remote_procedure def rpc_on_data(self, connection, data, time_received): self.reader.set_datagram(p3d.Datagram(data)) proc_name = None proc_func = None proc_arg_values = None proc_arg_types = None host_only = False client_only = False try: procedure_name_hash = self.reader.read_int32() proc = self.procedures.get(procedure_name_hash) if proc is None: raise Exception("Remote attempted to call a RPC that does not exist (maybe a name typo in the source code?).") proc_name = proc[0] proc_arg_types = proc[1] proc_func = proc[2] host_only = proc[3] client_only = proc[4] proc_arg_values = [] arg_type = None try: for t in proc_arg_types: arg_type = t v =, max_list_length=self.max_list_length) proc_arg_values.append(v) except ExceedsListLimitException: raise Exception(f"Argument with type '{arg_type}' exceeds max list size limit for procedure '{proc_name}'.") except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Received invalid or missing argument or list/tuple exceeding max length allowed for procedure '{proc_name}', expected a '{arg_type}'.\n {str(e)}") except Exception as e: print("WARNING: Received invalid remote procedure call, disconnecting...") print(e) connection.disconnect() if proc_func is not None and proc_arg_types is not None and proc_arg_values is not None: if len(proc_arg_values) != len(proc_arg_types): print("WARNING: Received invalid remote procedure call, disconnecting...") print("Received an invalid number of arguments for procedure '{proc_name}'.") connection.disconnect() else: if self.peer.is_hosting(): if not client_only: proc_func(connection, time_received, *proc_arg_values) else: if not host_only: proc_func(connection, time_received, *proc_arg_values) # Convenience attribute applied to functions to register them as remote procedure calls. # # @rpc(my_rpc_peer_object) # def foo(connection, time_received, x: int): # print(x) def rpc(peer, host_only=False, client_only=False): def wrapper(f): peer.register_procedure(f, host_only=host_only, client_only=client_only) return wrapper # Prevent error message spam from Panda3D network module. p3d.loadPrcFileData("", "notify-level-net fatal")