from ursina import * def texture_to_height_values(heightmap, skip=1): from PIL import Image from numpy import asarray, flip, swapaxes heightmap = heightmap skip = skip # should be power of two. only works with heightmap, not height_values. if not isinstance(heightmap, Texture): heightmap = load_texture(heightmap) if not heightmap: print('failed to load heightmap:', heightmap) return width, depth = heightmap.width//skip, heightmap.height//skip img ='L') if skip > 1: img = img.resize([width, depth], Image.LANCZOS) height_values = asarray(img) height_values = flip(height_values, axis=0) height_values = swapaxes(height_values, 0, 1) return height_values class Terrain(Mesh): def __init__(self, heightmap='', height_values=None, gradient=None, skip=1, **kwargs): if heightmap: self.height_values = texture_to_height_values(heightmap, skip) elif height_values: self.height_values = height_values self.width = len(self.height_values) self.depth = len(self.height_values[0]) self.aspect_ratio = self.width / self.depth self.gradient = gradient super().__init__() self.generate() def generate(self): # copy this from Plane to avoid unnecessary init self.vertices = [] self.triangles = [] self.uvs = [] self.normals = [] _height_values = [[j/255 for j in i] for i in self.height_values] w, h = self.width, self.depth min_dim = min(w, h) centering_offset = Vec2(-.5, -.5) # create the plane i = 0 for z in range(h): for x in range(w): self.vertices.append(Vec3((x/(w-1))+(centering_offset.x), _height_values[x][z], (z/(h-1))+centering_offset.y)) self.uvs.append((x/w, z/h)) if x > 0 and z > 0: self.triangles.append((i, i-1, i-w-1, i-w-0)) # normals if x > 0 and z > 0 and x < w-1 and z < h-1: rl = _height_values[x+1][z] - _height_values[x-1][z] fb = _height_values[x][z+1] - _height_values[x][z-1] self.normals.append(Vec3(rl, 1, fb).normalized()) else: self.normals.append(Vec3(0,1,0)) i += 1 if self.gradient: self.colors = [] for z, column in enumerate(self.height_values): for x, row in enumerate(column): self.vertices.append(Vec3(x/w, self.height_values[x][z], z/h) + Vec3(centering_offset.x, 0, centering_offset.y)) # terrain.model.colors.append(hsv(0, 0, 1-(terrain.model.height_values[x][z]*1))) y = int(self.height_values[x][z]*16) y = clamp(y, 0, 255) self.colors.append(self.gradient[y]) super().generate() if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() '''Terrain using an RGB texture as input''' terrain_from_heightmap_texture = Entity(model=Terrain('heightmap_1', skip=8), scale=(40,5,20), texture='heightmap_1') ''' I'm just getting the height values from the previous terrain as an example, but you can provide your own. It should be a list of lists, where each value is between 0 and 255. ''' hv = terrain_from_heightmap_texture.model.height_values.tolist() terrain_from_list = Entity(model=Terrain(height_values=hv), scale=(40,5,20), texture='heightmap_1', x=40) terrain_bounds = Entity(model='wireframe_cube', origin_y=-.5, scale=(40,5,20), color=color.lime) def input(key): if key == 'space': # randomize the terrain terrain_from_list.model.height_values = [[random.uniform(0,255) for a in column] for column in terrain_from_list.model.height_values] terrain_from_list.model.generate() EditorCamera(rotation_x=90) camera.orthographic = True Sky() player = Entity(model='sphere',, scale=.2, origin_y=-.5) def update(): direction = Vec3(held_keys['d'] - held_keys['a'], 0, held_keys['w'] - held_keys['s']).normalized() player.position += direction * time.dt * 8 y = terraincast(player.world_position, terrain_from_list, terrain_from_list.model.height_values) if y is not None: player.y = y