from ursina import * from ursina.duplicate import duplicate from ursina.ursinamath import sample_gradient class Pipe(Mesh): def __init__(self, base_shape=Quad, origin=(0,0), path=((0,0,0),(0,1,0)), thicknesses=((1,1),), color_gradient=None, look_at=True, cap_ends=True, mode='triangle', **kwargs): if callable(base_shape): base_shape = base_shape() self.base_shape = base_shape self.origin = origin self.path = path self.thicknesses = thicknesses self.look_at = look_at self.cap_ends = cap_ends self.mode = mode self.color_gradient = color_gradient self.prev = None self.curr = None super().__init__(mode=mode, **kwargs) self.generate() def generate(self): shape = self.base_shape.vertices # make the base shape and rotate it if not self.prev: self.prev = Entity(position=self.path[0], scale=self.thicknesses[0], origin=self.origin, enabled=False) for p in shape: Entity(parent=self.prev, position=Vec3(p), scale=(.05, .05, .05), color=color.yellow, enabled=False) self.prev.look_at(self.path[1]) self.curr = duplicate(self.prev) verts = [] self.colors = [] # cap start if self.cap_ends: for i in range(len(self.prev.children)): verts.append(self.path[0]) verts.append(self.prev.children[i].world_position) if i >= len(self.prev.children)-1: verts.append(self.prev.children[0].world_position) else: verts.append(self.prev.children[i+1].world_position) if self.color_gradient: self.colors.extend([self.color_gradient[0], ]*3) for i in range(1, len(self.path)): self.prev.position = self.path[i-1] self.curr.position = self.path[i] if self.look_at: self.prev.look_at(self.path[i]) if i+1 < len(self.path): self.curr.look_at(self.path[i+1]) if i == len(self.path)-1 and self.path[0] == self.path[-1]: # if the first and last point are the same, make the end math the rotation of the start. self.curr.look_at(self.path[1]) # for debugging sections # clone = duplicate(e) # clone.color=color.brown # clone.scale *= 1.1 try: self.curr.scale = self.thicknesses[i] self.prev.scale = self.thicknesses[i-1] except: pass # add sides for j in range(len(self.curr.children)): n = j+1 if j == len(self.curr.children)-1: n = 0 verts.extend([ self.curr.children[j].world_position, self.prev.children[n].world_position, self.prev.children[j].world_position, self.curr.children[n].world_position, self.prev.children[n].world_position, self.curr.children[j].world_position ]) if self.color_gradient: from_color = sample_gradient(self.color_gradient, (i-1)/(len(self.path)-1)) to_color = sample_gradient(self.color_gradient, (i-0)/(len(self.path)-1)) self.colors.extend([ to_color, from_color, from_color, to_color, from_color, to_color, ]) # cap end if self.cap_ends: for i in range(len(self.curr.children)): if i >= len(self.curr.children)-1: verts.append(self.curr.children[0].world_position) else: verts.append(self.curr.children[i+1].world_position) verts.append(self.curr.children[i].world_position) verts.append(self.path[-1]) if self.color_gradient: self.colors.extend([self.color_gradient[-1], ]*3) self.vertices = verts super().generate() # destroy(b) # destroy(e) if __name__ == '__main__': app = Ursina() # e = Entity(model=Prism(mode='line')) path = [e*5 for e in Circle().vertices] # path = [e.xzy for e in path] path.append(path[0]) # thicknesses = ((1,1), (.5,.5), (.75,.75), (.5,.5), (1,1)) e = Entity(model=Pipe(path=path, cap_ends=False)) # print(e.model.colors) print(len(e.model.vertices), len(e.model.colors)) # e.model.colorize() # e2 = duplicate(e) # e2.x=2 # EditorCamera() origin = Entity(model='cube', color=color.magenta) origin.scale *= .25