import time import platform from direct.showbase.ShowBase import ShowBase from direct.task.Task import Task from panda3d.core import ConfigVariableBool from ursina.window import instance as window from ursina import application from ursina import input_handler from ursina.scene import instance as scene from import instance as camera from ursina.mouse import instance as mouse from ursina import entity import __main__ time.dt = 0 time.dt_unscaled = 0 keyboard_keys = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' from ursina.scripts.singleton_decorator import singleton @singleton class Ursina(ShowBase): def __init__(self, title='ursina', icon='textures/ursina.ico', borderless=True, fullscreen=False, size=None, forced_aspect_ratio=None, position=None, vsync=True, editor_ui_enabled=True, window_type='onscreen', development_mode=True, render_mode=None, show_ursina_splash=False, **kwargs): """The main class of Ursina. This class is a singleton, so you can only have one instance of it. Keyword Args (optional): title (str): The title of the window.\n fullscreen (bool): Whether the window should be fullscreen or not.\n size (tuple(int, int)): The size of the window.\n forced_aspect_ratio (bool): Whether the window should have a forced aspect ratio or not.\n position (tuple(int, int)): The position of the window.\n vsync (bool): Whether the window should have vsync enabled or not.\n borderless (bool): Whether the window should be borderless or not.\n show_ursina_splash (bool): Whether the Ursina splash should be shown or not.\n render_mode (str): The render mode of the window.\n development_mode (bool): Whether the development mode should be enabled or not.\n editor_ui_enabled (bool): Whether the editor UI should be enabled or not.\n window_type (str): The type of the window. Can be 'onscreen', 'offscreen' or 'none'.\n """ entity._warn_if_ursina_not_instantiated = False application.window_type = window_type application.base = self application.development_mode = development_mode application.show_ursina_splash = show_ursina_splash try: import gltf gltf.patch_loader(self.loader) except: pass if 'gltf_no_srgb' in kwargs: application.gltf_no_srgb = kwargs['gltf_no_srgb'] if not application.development_mode: fullscreen = True window.ready(title=title, icon=icon, borderless=borderless, fullscreen=fullscreen, size=size, forced_aspect_ratio=forced_aspect_ratio, position=position, vsync=vsync, window_type=window_type, editor_ui_enabled=editor_ui_enabled, render_mode=render_mode) super().__init__(windowType=application.window_type) window.apply_settings() # camera if application.window_type != 'none': camera._cam = camera._cam.reparent_to(camera) camera.render = self.render camera.position = (0, 0, -20) = camera camera.set_up() # input if application.window_type == 'onscreen': self.buttonThrowers[0].node().setButtonDownEvent('buttonDown') self.buttonThrowers[0].node().setButtonUpEvent('buttonUp') self.buttonThrowers[0].node().setButtonRepeatEvent('buttonHold') self.buttonThrowers[0].node().setKeystrokeEvent('keystroke') self._input_name_changes = { 'mouse1' : 'left mouse down', 'mouse1 up' : 'left mouse up', 'mouse2' : 'middle mouse down', 'mouse2 up' : 'middle mouse up', 'mouse3' : 'right mouse down', 'mouse3 up' : 'right mouse up', 'wheel_up' : 'scroll up', 'wheel_down' : 'scroll down', 'arrow_left' : 'left arrow', 'arrow_left up' : 'left arrow up', 'arrow_up' : 'up arrow', 'arrow_up up' : 'up arrow up', 'arrow_down' : 'down arrow', 'arrow_down up' : 'down arrow up', 'arrow_right' : 'right arrow', 'arrow_right up' : 'right arrow up', 'lcontrol' : 'left control', 'rcontrol' : 'right control', 'lshift' : 'left shift', 'rshift' : 'right shift', 'lalt' : 'left alt', 'ralt' : 'right alt', 'lcontrol up' : 'left control up', 'rcontrol up' : 'right control up', 'lshift up' : 'left shift up', 'rshift up' : 'right shift up', 'lalt up' : 'left alt up', 'ralt up' : 'right alt up', 'control-mouse1' : 'left mouse down', 'control-mouse2' : 'middle mouse down', 'control-mouse3' : 'right mouse down', 'shift-mouse1' : 'left mouse down', 'shift-mouse2' : 'middle mouse down', 'shift-mouse3' : 'right mouse down', 'alt-mouse1' : 'left mouse down', 'alt-mouse2' : 'middle mouse down', 'alt-mouse3' : 'right mouse down', 'page_down' : 'page down', 'page_down up' : 'page down up', 'page_up' : 'page up', 'page_up up' : 'page up up', } for e in keyboard_keys: self.accept(f'raw-{e}', self.input, [e, True]) self.accept(f'raw-{e}-up', self.input_up, [e, True]) self.accept(f'raw-{e}-repeat', self.input_hold, [e, True]) self.accept('buttonDown', self.input) self.accept('buttonUp', self.input_up) self.accept('buttonHold', self.input_hold) self.accept('keystroke', self.text_input) ConfigVariableBool('paste-emit-keystrokes', False) self.disableMouse() mouse._mouse_watcher = self.mouseWatcherNode mouse.enabled = True self.mouse = mouse scene.set_up() self._update_task = self.taskMgr.add(self._update, "update") # try to load settings that need to be applied before entity creation application.load_settings() from ursina.prefabs.hot_reloader import HotReloader application.hot_reloader = HotReloader(__main__.__file__ if hasattr(__main__, '__file__') else 'None', enabled=application.development_mode) # make sure it's running from a file and not an interactive session. try: from ursina import gamepad except Exception as e: print(e) if application.window_type != 'none': window.make_editor_gui() if 'use_ingame_console' in kwargs and kwargs['use_ingame_console']: import builtins from ursina import Entity, TextField, color window.console = Entity(parent=window.editor_ui, position=window.top_left, z=-999, eternal=True) window.console.text_field = TextField(parent=window.console, scale=.75, font='VeraMono.ttf', max_lines=20, position=(0,0), register_mouse_input=True, text_input=None, eternal=True) = color.black66 = 1.5 def _custom_print(*args, **kwargs): # makes print() poutput to the in-game console instead of the terminal if use_ingame_console is True content = ' '.join([str(e) for e in args]) if 'error' in content: content = f'{content}' window.console.text_field.cursor.y = window.console.text_field.text.count('\n') window.console.text_field.cursor.x = 999 window.console.text_field.add_text(f'\n{content}') window.console.text_field.scroll_to_bottom(1) window.console.text_field.render() builtins.print = _custom_print def _console_text_input(key): if key == '|': window.console.text_field.enabled = not window.console.text_field.enabled window.console.text_input = _console_text_input if 'editor_ui_enabled' in kwargs: window.editor_ui.enabled = kwargs['editor_ui_enabled'] print('package_folder:', application.package_folder) print('asset_folder:', application.asset_folder) entity._Ursina_instance = self def _update(self, task): """Internal task that runs every frame. Updates time, mouse, sequences and entities.""" if application.calculate_dt: time.dt_unscaled = globalClock.getDt() time.dt = time.dt_unscaled * application.time_scale # time between frames mouse.update() if hasattr(__main__, 'update') and __main__.update and not application.paused: __main__.update() for seq in application.sequences: seq.update() for e in scene.entities: if not e.enabled or e.ignore: continue if application.paused and e.ignore_paused is False: continue if e.has_disabled_ancestor(): continue if hasattr(e, 'update') and callable(e.update): e.update() if hasattr(e, 'scripts'): for script in e.scripts: if script.enabled and hasattr(script, 'update') and callable(script.update): script.update() return Task.cont def input_up(self, key, is_raw=False): # internal method for key release if not is_raw and key in keyboard_keys: return if key in ('wheel_up', 'wheel_down'): return key += ' up' self.input(key) def input_hold(self, key, is_raw=False): # internal method for handling repeating input that occurs when you hold the key key = key.replace('control-', '') key = key.replace('shift-', '') key = key.replace('alt-', '') if key in self._input_name_changes: key = self._input_name_changes[key] key += ' hold' self.input(key) def input(self, key, is_raw=False): # internal method for handling input """Built-in input handler. Propagates the input to all entities and the input function of the main script. Main use case for this it to simulate input though code, like: app.input('a'). Args: key (Any): The input key. is_raw (bool, optional): Whether or not the input should be treated as "raw". Defaults to False. """ if not is_raw and key in keyboard_keys: return if 'mouse' not in key: for prefix in ('control-', 'shift-', 'alt-'): if key.startswith(prefix): key = key.replace('control-', '') key = key.replace('shift-', '') key = key.replace('alt-', '') if key in keyboard_keys: return if key in self._input_name_changes: key = self._input_name_changes[key] # since we can rebind one key to multiple, get a list of keys bound_keys = input_handler.rebinds.get(key, (key, )) for key in bound_keys: input_handler.input(key) if not application.paused: if hasattr(__main__, 'input'): for key in bound_keys: __main__.input(key) for e in scene.entities: if e.enabled is False or e.ignore or e.ignore_input: continue if application.paused and e.ignore_paused is False: continue if e.has_disabled_ancestor(): continue if hasattr(e, 'input') and callable(e.input): break_outer = False for key in bound_keys: if break_outer: break if e.input(key): # if the input function returns True, eat the input break_outer = True if hasattr(e, 'scripts'): break_outer = False if break_outer: break for script in e.scripts: if script.enabled and hasattr(script, 'input') and callable(script.input): for key in bound_keys: if script.input(key): # if the input function returns True, eat the input break_outer = True break mouse.input(key) def text_input(self, key): # internal method for handling text input key_code = ord(key) if key_code < 32 or (key_code >= 127 and key_code <= 160): return if key == ' ' and input_handler.held_keys['control']: return if not application.paused: if hasattr(__main__, 'text_input'): __main__.text_input(key) for e in scene.entities: if e.enabled is False or e.ignore or e.ignore_input: continue if application.paused and e.ignore_paused is False: continue if hasattr(e, 'text_input') and callable(e.text_input): e.text_input(key) if hasattr(e, 'scripts'): for script in e.scripts: if script.enabled and hasattr(script, 'text_input') and callable(script.text_input): script.text_input(key) def step(self): # use this control the update loop yourself. call app.step() in a while loop for example, instead of self.taskMgr.step() def run(self, info=True): if application.show_ursina_splash: from ursina.prefabs.splash_screen import SplashScreen application.ursina_splash = SplashScreen() application.load_settings() if info: print('os:', platform.system()) print('development mode:', application.development_mode) print('application successfully started') super().run() if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * app = Ursina(use_ingame_console=True) def input(key): print(key)