import ursina import builtins from pathlib import Path from panda3d.core import NodePath from ursina.vec2 import Vec2 from ursina.vec3 import Vec3 from ursina.vec4 import Vec4 from panda3d.core import Quat from panda3d.core import TransparencyAttrib from panda3d.core import TexGenAttrib from ursina.texture import Texture from panda3d.core import MovieTexture from panda3d.core import TextureStage from panda3d.core import CullFaceAttrib from ursina import application from ursina.collider import Collider, BoxCollider, SphereCollider, MeshCollider, CapsuleCollider from ursina.mesh import Mesh from ursina.sequence import Sequence, Func, Wait from ursina.ursinamath import lerp from ursina import curve from ursina.mesh_importer import load_model from ursina.texture_importer import load_texture from ursina.string_utilities import camel_to_snake from textwrap import dedent from panda3d.core import Shader as Panda3dShader from ursina import shader from ursina.shader import Shader from ursina.string_utilities import print_warning from ursina.ursinamath import Bounds from ursina.ursinastuff import invoke, PostInitCaller from ursina import color from ursina.color import Color try: from ursina.scene import instance as scene except: pass _Ursina_instance = None _warn_if_ursina_not_instantiated = True # gets set to True after Ursina.__init__() to ensure the correct order. from ursina.scripts.property_generator import generate_properties_for_class @generate_properties_for_class() class Entity(NodePath, metaclass=PostInitCaller): rotation_directions = (-1,-1,1) default_shader = None default_values = { # 'parent':scene, 'name':'entity', 'enabled':True, 'eternal':False, 'position':Vec3(0,0,0), 'rotation':Vec3(0,0,0), 'scale':Vec3(1,1,1), 'model':None, 'origin':Vec3(0,0,0), 'shader':None, 'texture':None, 'texture_scale':Vec2(1,1), 'color':color.white, 'collider':None} def __init__(self, add_to_scene_entities=True, enabled=True, **kwargs): self._children = [] super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) = camel_to_snake(self.__class__.__name__) self.ignore = False # if True, will not try to run code. self.ignore_paused = False # if True, will still run when application is paused. useful when making a pause menu for example. self.ignore_input = False self.parent = scene # default parent is scene, which means it's in 3d space. to use UI space, set the parent to camera.ui instead. self.add_to_scene_entities = add_to_scene_entities # set to False to be ignored by the engine, but still get rendered. if add_to_scene_entities: scene.entities.append(self) self._shader_inputs = {} if Entity.default_shader: self.shader = Entity.default_shader self.setPythonTag('Entity', self) # for the raycast to get the Entity and not just the NodePath self.scripts = [] # add with add_script(class_instance). will assign an 'entity' variable to the script. self.animations = [] self.hovered = False # will return True if mouse hovers entity. self.line_definition = None # returns a Traceback(filename, lineno, function, code_context, index). if application.trace_entity_definition and add_to_scene_entities or (not _Ursina_instance and _warn_if_ursina_not_instantiated and add_to_scene_entities): from inspect import getframeinfo, stack _stack = stack() caller = getframeinfo(_stack[1][0]) if len(_stack) > 2 and _stack[1].code_context and 'super().__init__()' in _stack[1].code_context[0]: caller = getframeinfo(_stack[2][0]) self.line_definition = caller if caller.code_context: self.code_context = caller.code_context[0] if (self.code_context.count('(') == self.code_context.count(')') and ' = ' in self.code_context and 'name=' not in self.code_context and 'Ursina()' not in self.code_context): = self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', '') # print('set name to:', self.code_context.split(' = ')[0].strip().replace('self.', '')) if application.print_entity_definition: print(f'{Path(caller.filename).name} -> {caller.lineno} -> {caller.code_context}') if not _Ursina_instance and _warn_if_ursina_not_instantiated and add_to_scene_entities: print_warning('Tried to instantiate Entity before Ursina. Please create an instance of Ursina first (app = Ursina())', self.line_definition) # make sure things get set in the correct order. both colliders and texture need the model to be set first. for key in ('model', 'origin', 'origin_x', 'origin_y', 'origin_z', 'collider', 'shader', 'texture', 'texture_scale', 'texture_offset'): if key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key]) del kwargs[key] for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.enabled = enabled # look for @every decorator and start a looping Sequence for decorated method from ursina.scripts.every_decorator import every, get_class_name for method in every.decorated_methods: if get_class_name(method._func) == self.types[0]: self.animations.append(Sequence(Func(method, self), Wait(method._every.interval), loop=True, started=True, entity=self)) print('append to animations:', self) def __post_init__(self): if self.enabled and hasattr(self, 'on_enable'): self.on_enable() elif not self.enabled and hasattr(self, 'on_disable'): self.on_disable() def _list_to_vec(self, value): if isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): return Vec3(value, value, value) if len(value) % 2 == 0: new_value = Vec2() for i in range(0, len(value), 2): new_value.add_x(value[i]) new_value.add_y(value[i+1]) if len(value) % 3 == 0: new_value = Vec3() for i in range(0, len(value), 3): new_value.add_x(value[i]) new_value.add_y(value[i+1]) new_value.add_z(value[i+2]) return new_value def enable(self): # same as .enabled = True self.enabled = True def disable(self): # same as .enabled = False self.enabled = False def enabled_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_enabled', True) def enabled_setter(self, value): # disabled entities will not be visible nor run code. original_value = self.enabled self._enabled = value if value and not original_value and hasattr(self, 'on_enable'): self.on_enable() if not value and original_value and hasattr(self, 'on_disable'): self.on_disable() if value: if hasattr(self, 'is_singleton') and not self.is_singleton(): self.unstash() else: if hasattr(self, 'is_singleton') and not self.is_singleton(): self.stash() for loose_child in self.loose_children: loose_child.enabled = value def model_setter(self, value): # set model with model='model_name' (without file type extension) if value is None: if self.model: self.model.removeNode() # print('removed model') self._model = value return if isinstance(value, NodePath): # pass procedural model if self.model and value != self.model: self.model.detachNode() self._model = value elif isinstance(value, str): # pass model asset name m = load_model(value, application.asset_folder) if not m: m = load_model(value, application.internal_models_compressed_folder) if m: if self.model is not None: self.model.removeNode() = value m.setPos(Vec3(0,0,0)) self._model = m # import mesh_importer # if not value in mesh_importer.imported_meshes: # print_info('loaded model successfully:', value) else: if application.raise_exception_on_missing_model: raise ValueError(f"missing model: '{value}'") print_warning(f"missing model: '{value}'") return if self._model: self._model.reparentTo(self) self._model.setTransparency(TransparencyAttrib.M_dual) self.color = self.color # reapply color after changing model self.texture = self.texture # reapply texture after changing model self._vert_cache = None if isinstance(value, Mesh): if hasattr(value, 'on_assign'): value.on_assign(assigned_to=self) def color_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_color', color.white) def color_setter(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): value = color.hex(value) if not isinstance(value, Vec4): value = Vec4(value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]) self._color = value if self.model: # print('SET COLOR TO', value, self.model.setColorScaleOff() # prevent inheriting color from parent self.model.setColorScale(value) def eternal_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_eternal', False) def eternal_setter(self, value): # eternal entities does not get destroyed on scene.clear() self._eternal = value for c in self.children + self.loose_children: c.eternal = value def double_sided_setter(self, value): self._double_sided = value self.setTwoSided(value) def render_queue_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_render_queue', 0) def render_queue_setter(self, value): # for custom sorting in case of conflict. To sort things in 2d, set .z instead of using this. self._render_queue = value if self.model: self.model.setBin('fixed', value) def parent_setter(self, value): if hasattr(self, '_parent') and self._parent and hasattr(self._parent, '_children') and self in self._parent._children: self._parent._children.remove(self) if hasattr(value, '_children') and self not in value._children: value._children.append(self) self._parent = value if value is None: self.enabled = False return # value = scene self.reparent_to(value) self.enabled = self.enabled # parenting will undo the .stash() done when setting .enabled to False, so reapply it here def loose_parent_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_loose_parent', None) def loose_parent_setter(self, value): if hasattr(self, '_loose_parent') and self._loose_parent and hasattr(self._loose_parent, '_loose_children') and self in self._loose_parent._loose_children: self._loose_parent._loose_children.remove(self) if not hasattr(value, '_loose_children'): value.loose_children = [] value._loose_children.append(self) self._loose_parent = value def world_parent_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_parent', None) def world_parent_setter(self, value): # change the parent, but keep position, rotation and scale if hasattr(self, '_parent') and self._parent and hasattr(self._parent, '_children') and self in self._parent._children: self._parent._children.remove(self) if hasattr(value, '_children') and self not in value._children: value._children.append(self) self.wrtReparentTo(value) self.enabled = self._enabled # parenting will undo the .stash() done when setting .enabled to False, so reapply it here self._parent = value @property def types(self): # get all class names including those this inhertits from. from inspect import getmro return [c.__name__ for c in getmro(self.__class__)] def visible_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_visible', True) def visible_setter(self, value): self._visible = value if value: else: self.hide() def visible_self_getter(self): # set visibility of self, without affecting children. return getattr(self, '_visible_self', True) def visible_self_setter(self, value): self._visible_self = value if not self.model: return if value: else: self.model.hide() def collider_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_collider', None) def collider_setter(self, value): # set to 'box'/'sphere'/'capsule'/'mesh' for auto fitted collider. if value is None and self.collider: self._collider.remove() self._collider = None self.collision = False return # destroy existing collider if value and self.collider: self._collider.remove() if isinstance(value, Collider): self._collider = value elif value == 'box': if self.model: _bounds = self.model_bounds self._collider = BoxCollider(entity=self,, size=_bounds.size) else: self._collider = BoxCollider(entity=self) = value elif value == 'sphere': self._collider = SphereCollider(entity=self, center=-self.origin) = value elif value == 'capsule': self._collider = CapsuleCollider(entity=self, center=-self.origin) = value elif value == 'mesh' and self.model: self._collider = MeshCollider(entity=self, mesh=self.model, center=-self.origin) = value elif isinstance(value, Mesh): self._collider = MeshCollider(entity=self, mesh=value, center=-self.origin) elif isinstance(value, str): m = load_model(value) if not m: self._collider = None self._collision = False return self._collider = MeshCollider(entity=self, mesh=m, center=-self.origin) = value self.collision = bool(self.collider) return def collision_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_collision', False) def collision_setter(self, value): # toggle collision without changing collider. self._collision = value if not hasattr(self, 'collider') or not self.collider: if self in scene.collidables: scene.collidables.remove(self) return if value: self.collider.node_path.unstash() scene.collidables.add(self) else: self.collider.node_path.stash() if self in scene.collidables: scene.collidables.remove(self) def on_click_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_on_click', None) def on_click_setter(self, value): if not callable(value): raise TypeError(f'on_click must be a callabe, not {type(value)}') self._on_click = value def origin_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_origin', def origin_setter(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (Vec2, Vec3)): value = self._list_to_vec(value) if isinstance(value, Vec2): value = Vec3(*value, self.origin_z) self._origin = value if self.model: self.model.setPos(-value[0], -value[1], -value[2]) def origin_x_getter(self): return self.origin[0] def origin_x_setter(self, value): self.origin = Vec3(value, self.origin_y, self.origin_z) def origin_y_getter(self): return self.origin[1] def origin_y_setter(self, value): self.origin = Vec3(self.origin_x, value, self.origin_z) def origin_z_getter(self): return self.origin[2] def origin_z_setter(self, value): self.origin = Vec3(self.origin_x, self.origin_y, value) def world_position_getter(self): return Vec3(self.get_position(scene)) def world_position_setter(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (Vec2, Vec3)): value = self._list_to_vec(value) if isinstance(value, Vec2): value = Vec3(*value, self.z) self.setPos(scene, Vec3(value[0], value[1], value[2])) def world_x_getter(self): return self.getX(scene) def world_y_getter(self): return self.getY(scene) def world_z_getter(self): return self.getZ(scene) def world_x_setter(self, value): self.setX(scene, value) def world_y_setter(self, value): self.setY(scene, value) def world_z_setter(self, value): self.setZ(scene, value) def position_getter(self): return Vec3(*self.getPos()) def position_setter(self, value): # right, up, forward. can also set self.x, self.y, self.z if not isinstance(value, (Vec2, Vec3)): value = self._list_to_vec(value) if isinstance(value, Vec2): value = Vec3(*value, self.z) self.setPos(value[0], value[1], value[2]) def x_getter(self): return self.getX() def x_setter(self, value): self.setX(value) def y_getter(self): return self.getY() def y_setter(self, value): self.setY(value) def z_getter(self): return self.getZ() def z_setter(self, value): self.setZ(value) @property def X(self): # shortcut for int(entity.x) return int(self.x) @property def Y(self): # shortcut for int(entity.y) return int(self.y) @property def Z(self): # shortcut for int(entity.z) return int(self.z) def world_rotation_getter(self): rotation = self.getHpr(scene) return Vec3(rotation[1], rotation[0], rotation[2]) * Entity.rotation_directions def world_rotation_setter(self, value): self.setHpr(scene, Vec3(value[1], value[0], value[2]) * Entity.rotation_directions) def world_rotation_x_getter(self): return self.world_rotation[0] def world_rotation_x_setter(self, value): self.world_rotation = Vec3(value, self.world_rotation[1], self.world_rotation[2]) def world_rotation_y_getter(self): return self.world_rotation[1] def world_rotation_y_setter(self, value): self.world_rotation = Vec3(self.world_rotation[0], value, self.world_rotation[2]) def world_rotation_z_getter(self): return self.world_rotation[2] def world_rotation_z_setter(self, value): self.world_rotation = Vec3(self.world_rotation[0], self.world_rotation[1], value) def rotation_getter(self): rotation = self.getHpr() return Vec3(rotation[1], rotation[0], rotation[2]) * Entity.rotation_directions def rotation_setter(self, value): # can also set self.rotation_x, self.rotation_y, self.rotation_z if not isinstance(value, (Vec2, Vec3)): value = self._list_to_vec(value) if isinstance(value, Vec2): value = Vec3(*value, self.rotation_z) self.setHpr(Vec3(value[1], value[0], value[2]) * Entity.rotation_directions) def rotation_x_getter(self): return self.rotation.x def rotation_x_setter(self, value): self.rotation = Vec3(value, self.rotation[1], self.rotation[2]) def rotation_y_getter(self): return self.rotation.y def rotation_y_setter(self, value): self.rotation = Vec3(self.rotation[0], value, self.rotation[2]) def rotation_z_getter(self): return self.rotation.z def rotation_z_setter(self, value): self.rotation = Vec3(self.rotation[0], self.rotation[1], value) def quaternion_getter(self): return self.get_quat() def quaternion_setter(self, value): self.set_quat(value) def world_scale_getter(self): return Vec3(*self.getScale(scene)) def world_scale_setter(self, value): if not isinstance(value, (Vec2, Vec3)): value = self._list_to_vec(value) if isinstance(value, Vec2): value = Vec3(*value, self.scale_z) self.setScale(scene, value) def world_scale_x_getter(self): return self.getScale(scene)[0] def world_scale_x_setter(self, value): self.setScale(scene, Vec3(value, self.world_scale_y, self.world_scale_z)) def world_scale_y_getter(self): return self.getScale(scene)[1] def world_scale_y_setter(self, value): self.setScale(scene, Vec3(self.world_scale_x, value, self.world_scale_z)) def world_scale_z_getter(self): return self.getScale(scene)[2] def world_scale_z_setter(self, value): self.setScale(scene, Vec3(self.world_scale_x, self.world_scale_y, value)) def scale_getter(self): scale = self.getScale() return Vec3(scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]) def scale_setter(self, value): # can also set self.scale_x, self.scale_y, self.scale_z if not isinstance(value, (Vec2, Vec3)): value = self._list_to_vec(value) if isinstance(value, Vec2): value = Vec3(*value, self.scale_z) value = [e if e!=0 else .001 for e in value] self.setScale(value[0], value[1], value[2]) def scale_x_getter(self): return self.scale[0] def scale_x_setter(self, value): self.setScale(value, self.scale_y, self.scale_z) def scale_y_getter(self): return self.scale[1] def scale_y_setter(self, value): self.setScale(self.scale_x, value, self.scale_z) def scale_z_getter(self): return self.scale[2] def scale_z_setter(self, value): self.setScale(self.scale_x, self.scale_y, value) def transform_getter(self): # get/set position, rotation and scale return (self.position, self.rotation, self.scale) def transform_setter(self, value): self.position, self.rotation, self.scale = value def world_transform_getter(self): # get/set world_position, world_rotation and world_scale return (self.world_position, self.world_rotation, self.world_scale) def world_transform_setter(self, value): self.world_position, self.world_rotation, self.world_scale = value @property def forward(self): # get forward direction. return Vec3(*scene.getRelativeVector(self, (0, 0, 1))) @property def back(self): # get backwards direction. return -self.forward @property def right(self): # get right direction. return Vec3(*scene.getRelativeVector(self, (1, 0, 0))) @property def left(self): # get left direction. return -self.right @property def up(self): # get up direction. return Vec3(*scene.getRelativeVector(self, (0, 1, 0))) @property def down(self): # get down direction. return -self.up @property def screen_position(self): # get screen position(ui space) from world space. from ursina import camera p3d = camera.getRelativePoint(self, full = camera.lens.getProjectionMat().xform(Vec4(*p3d, 1)) recip_full3 = 1 if full[3] > 0: recip_full3 = 1 / full[3] p2d = full * recip_full3 return Vec2(p2d[0]*camera.aspect_ratio/2, p2d[1]/2) def shader_setter(self, value): if value is None: self._shader = value self.setShaderAuto() return if isinstance(value, Panda3dShader): #panda3d shader self._shader = value self.setShader(value) return if isinstance(value, str): if not value in shader.imported_shaders: print_warning('missing shader:', value) return value = shader.imported_shaders[value] if isinstance(value, Shader): self._shader = value if not value.compiled: value.compile() self.setShader(value._shader) value.entity = self for key, value in value.default_input.items(): if callable(value): value = value() self.set_shader_input(key, value) return raise ValueError(f'{value} is not a Shader') def get_shader_input(self, name): return self._shader_inputs.get(name, None) def set_shader_input(self, name, value): self._shader_inputs[name] = value if isinstance(value, str): value = load_texture(value) if isinstance(value, Texture): value = value._texture # make sure to send the panda3d texture to the shader super().set_shader_input(name, value) def shader_input_getter(self): return self._shader_inputs def shader_input_setter(self, value): for key, value in value.items(): self.set_shader_input(key, value) def material_setter(self, value): # a way to set shader, texture, texture_scale, texture_offset and shader inputs in one go for name in ('shader', 'texture', 'texture_scale', 'texture_offset', 'color'): if name in value: setattr(self, name, value[name]) self.shader_input = {key: value for key, value in value.items() if key not in ('shader', 'texture', 'texture_scale', 'texture_offset', 'color')} def texture_setter(self, value): # set model with texture='texture_name'. requires a model to be set beforehand. if value is None and self.texture: # print('remove texture') self._texture = None if self.model: self.model.clearTexture() return if isinstance(value, str): texture_name = value value = load_texture(value) # print('loaded texture:', texture) if value is None: if application.raise_exception_on_missing_texture: raise ValueError(f"missing texture: '{texture_name}'") print_warning(f"missing texture: '{texture_name}'") return if self.model: self.model.setTextureOff(False) if value.__class__ is MovieTexture: self._texture = value if self.model: self.model.setTexture(value, 1) return self._texture = value if self.model and value is not None: self.model.setTexture(value._texture, 1) def texture_scale_getter(self): if 'texture_scale' in self._shader_inputs: return self._shader_inputs['texture_scale'] else: return Vec2(1,1) def texture_scale_setter(self, value): # how many times the texture should repeat, eg. texture_scale=(8,8). value = Vec2(*value) if self.model and self.texture: self.model.setTexScale(TextureStage.getDefault(), value[0], value[1]) self.set_shader_input('texture_scale', value) def texture_offset_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_texture_offset', Vec2(0,0)) def texture_offset_setter(self, value): value = Vec2(*value) if self.model and self.texture: self.model.setTexOffset(TextureStage.getDefault(), value[0], value[1]) self.texture = self.texture self.set_shader_input('texture_offset', value) self._texture_offset = value def tileset_size_getter(self): # if the texture is a tileset, say how many tiles there are so it only use one tile of the texture, e.g. tileset_size=[8,4] return self._tileset_size def tileset_size_setter(self, value): self._tileset_size = value self.texture_scale = Vec2(1/value[0], 1/value[1]) def tile_coordinate_getter(self): # set the tile coordinate, starts in the lower left. return self._tile_coordinate def tile_coordinate_setter(self, value): self._tile_coordinate = value self.texture_offset = Vec2(value[0] / self.tileset_size[0], value[1] / self.tileset_size[1]) def alpha_getter(self): return self.color[3] def alpha_setter(self, value): # shortcut for setting color's transparency/opacity if value > 1: value = value / 255 self.color = color.hsv(self.color.h, self.color.s, self.color.v, value) def always_on_top_setter(self, value): self._always_on_top = value self.set_bin("fixed", 0) self.set_depth_write(not value) self.set_depth_test(not value) def unlit_setter(self, value): # set to True to ignore light and not cast shadows self._unlit = value self.setLightOff(value) if value: self.hide(0b0001) else: def billboard_setter(self, value): # set to True to make this Entity always face the camera. self._billboard = value if value: self.setBillboardPointEye(value) def wireframe_setter(self, value): # set to True to render model as wireframe self._wireframe = value self.setRenderModeWireframe(value) def generate_sphere_map(self, size=512, name=f'sphere_map_{len(scene.entities)}'): from ursina import camera _name = 'textures/' + name + '.jpg' org_pos = camera.position camera.position = self.position application.base.saveSphereMap(_name, size=size) camera.position = org_pos # print('saved sphere map:', name) self.model.setTexGen(TextureStage.getDefault(), TexGenAttrib.MEyeSphereMap) self.reflection_map = name def generate_cube_map(self, size=512, name=f'cube_map_{len(scene.entities)}'): from ursina import camera _name = 'textures/' + name org_pos = camera.position camera.position = self.position application.base.saveCubeMap(_name+'.jpg', size=size) camera.position = org_pos # print('saved cube map:', name + '.jpg') self.model.setTexGen(TextureStage.getDefault(), TexGenAttrib.MWorldCubeMap) self.reflection_map = _name + '#.jpg' self.model.setTexture(builtins.loader.loadCubeMap(_name + '#.jpg'), 1) @property def model_bounds(self): if self.model: if not self.model.getTightBounds(): return Bounds(start=self.world_position, end=self.world_position,, start, end = self.model.getTightBounds() start = Vec3(start) end = Vec3(end) center = (start + end) / 2 size = end - start return Bounds(start=start, end=end, center=center, size=size) return Vec3(0,0,0) @property def bounds(self): _bounds = self.model_bounds return Bounds(start=_bounds.start*self.scale, end=_bounds.end*self.scale,, size=_bounds.size*self.scale) def get_position(self, relative_to=scene): # get position relative to on other Entity. In most cases, use .position instead. return Vec3(*self.getPos(relative_to)) def set_position(self, value, relative_to=scene): # set position relative to on other Entity. In most cases, use .position instead. self.setPos(relative_to, Vec3(value[0], value[1], value[2])) def rotate(self, value, relative_to=None): # rotate around local axis. if not relative_to: relative_to = self self.setHpr(relative_to, Vec3(value[1], value[0], value[2]) * Entity.rotation_directions) def add_script(self, class_instance): if isinstance(class_instance, object) and not isinstance(class_instance, str): class_instance.entity = self class_instance.enabled = True self.scripts.append(class_instance) if hasattr(class_instance, 'on_script_added') and callable(class_instance.on_script_added): class_instance.on_script_added() # print('added script:', camel_to_snake(name.__class__.__name__)) return class_instance def combine(self, analyze=False, auto_destroy=True, ignore=[]): from ursina.scripts.combine import combine self.model = combine(self, analyze, auto_destroy, ignore) return self.model def flipped_faces_setter(self, value): self._flipped_faces = value if value: self.setAttrib(CullFaceAttrib.make(CullFaceAttrib.MCullClockwise)) else: self.setAttrib(CullFaceAttrib.make(CullFaceAttrib.MCullCounterClockwise)) def look_at(self, target, axis='forward', up=None): # up defaults to self.up if isinstance(target, Entity): target = Vec3(*target.world_position) elif not isinstance(target, Vec3): target = Vec3(*target) up_axis = self.up if up: up_axis = up self.lookAt(target, up_axis) if axis == 'forward': return rotation_offset = { 'back' : Quat(0,0,1,0), 'down' : Quat(-.707,.707,0,0), 'up' : Quat(-.707,-.707,0,0), 'right' : Quat(-.707,0,.707,0), 'left' : Quat(-.707,0,-.707,0), }[axis] self.setQuat(rotation_offset * self.getQuat()) def look_at_2d(self, target, axis='z'): from math import degrees, atan2 if isinstance(target, Entity): target = Vec3(target.world_position) pos = target - self.world_position if axis == 'z': self.rotation_z = degrees(atan2(pos[0], pos[1])) elif axis == 'y': self.rotation_y = degrees(atan2(pos[0], pos[2])) elif axis == 'x': self.rotation_x = degrees(atan2(pos[1], pos[2])) def look_at_xy(self, target): self.look_at_2d(target) def look_at_xz(self, target): self.look_at_2d(target, 'y') def has_ancestor(self, possible_ancestor): if self.parent == possible_ancestor: return True p = self if isinstance(possible_ancestor, Entity): for i in range(100): if p.parent: if p.parent == possible_ancestor: return True p = p.parent return False def has_disabled_ancestor(self): p = self for i in range(100): if not p.parent: return False if not hasattr(p, 'parent') or not hasattr(p.parent, 'enabled'): return False p = p.parent if p.enabled is False: return True return False def children_getter(self): return [e for e in getattr(self, '_children', []) if e] # make sure list doesn't contain destroyed entities def children_setter(self, value): self._children = value def loose_children_getter(self): return getattr(self, '_loose_children', []) @property def attributes(self): # attribute names. used by duplicate(). return ('name', 'enabled', 'eternal', 'visible', 'parent', 'origin', 'position', 'rotation', 'scale', 'model', 'color', 'texture', 'texture_scale', 'texture_offset', 'render_queue', 'always_on_top', 'collider', 'collision', 'scripts') def __str__(self): try: return except: return '*destroyed entity*' def get_changes(self, target_class=None): # returns a dict of all the changes if not target_class: target_class = self.__class__ changes = dict() for key, value in target_class.default_values.items(): attr = getattr(self, key) if attr == target_class.default_values[key]: continue if hasattr(attr, '__name__'): attr = attr.__name__ changes[key] = attr continue if attr and hasattr(attr, 'name') and and isinstance(, str): attr = if '.' in attr: attr = attr.split('.')[0] # print('attr changed:', key, 'from:', target_class.default_values[key], 'to:', attr) if key == 'color': if isinstance(attr, str): if not attr.startswith('#'): attr = f'color.{attr}' elif isinstance(attr, Color): attr = f"'{color.rgb_to_hex(*attr)}'" elif isinstance(attr, str): attr = f"'{attr}'" if attr == "'mesh'": continue changes[key] = attr return changes def __repr__(self): changes = self.get_changes(self.__class__) return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(' + ''.join(f'{key}={value}, ' for key, value in changes.items()) + ')' def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return eval(repr(self)) #------------ # ANIMATIONS #------------ def animate(self, name, value, duration=.1, delay=0, curve=curve.in_expo, loop=False, resolution=None, interrupt='kill', time_step=None, unscaled=False, auto_play=True, auto_destroy=True): if duration == 0 and delay == 0: setattr(self, name, value) return None if self.ignore_paused: unscaled = True if delay: return invoke(self.animate, name, value, duration=duration, curve=curve, loop=loop, resolution=resolution, time_step=time_step, auto_destroy=auto_destroy, delay=delay, unscaled=unscaled, ignore_paused=self.ignore_paused) animator_name = name + '_animator' # print('start animating value:', name, animator_name ) if interrupt and hasattr(self, animator_name): getattr(getattr(self, animator_name), interrupt)() # call kill() or finish() depending on what the interrupt value is. # print('interrupt', interrupt, animator_name) if hasattr(self, animator_name) and getattr(self, animator_name) in self.animations: self.animations.remove(getattr(self, animator_name)) sequence = Sequence(loop=loop, time_step=time_step, auto_destroy=auto_destroy, unscaled=unscaled, ignore_paused=self.ignore_paused) setattr(self, animator_name, sequence) self.animations.append(sequence) if not resolution: resolution = max(int(duration * 60), 1) for i in range(resolution+1): t = i / resolution t = curve(t) sequence.append(Wait(duration / resolution)) sequence.append(Func(setattr, self, name, lerp(getattr(self, name), value, t))) if auto_play: sequence.start() return sequence def animate_position(self, value, duration=.1, **kwargs): x = self.animate('x', value[0], duration, **kwargs) y = self.animate('y', value[1], duration, **kwargs) z = None if len(value) > 2: z = self.animate('z', value[2], duration, **kwargs) return x, y, z def animate_rotation(self, value, duration=.1, **kwargs): x = self.animate('rotation_x', value[0], duration, **kwargs) y = self.animate('rotation_y', value[1], duration, **kwargs) z = self.animate('rotation_z', value[2], duration, **kwargs) return x, y, z def animate_scale(self, value, duration=.1, **kwargs): if isinstance(value, (int, float, complex)): value = Vec3(value, value, value) elif isinstance(value, tuple) and len(value) == 2: value = Vec3(*value, self.z) return self.animate('scale', value, duration=duration, **kwargs) # generate animation functions for e in ('x', 'y', 'z', 'rotation_x', 'rotation_y', 'rotation_z', 'scale_x', 'scale_y', 'scale_z'): exec(dedent(f''' def animate_{e}(self, value, duration=.1, delay=0, unscaled=False, **kwargs): return self.animate('{e}', value, duration=duration, delay=delay, unscaled=unscaled, **kwargs) ''')) def shake(self, duration=.2, magnitude=1, speed=.05, direction=(1,1), delay=0, attr_name='position', interrupt='finish', unscaled=False): import random if hasattr(self, 'shake_sequence') and self.shake_sequence: getattr(getattr(self, 'shake_sequence'), interrupt)() self.shake_sequence = Sequence(Wait(delay)) original_position = getattr(self, attr_name) for i in range(int(duration / speed)): self.shake_sequence.append(Func(setattr, self, attr_name, Vec3( original_position[0] + (random.uniform(-.1, .1) * magnitude * direction[0]), original_position[1] + (random.uniform(-.1, .1) * magnitude * direction[1]), original_position[2], ))) self.shake_sequence.append(Wait(speed)) self.shake_sequence.append(Func(setattr, self, attr_name, original_position)) self.animations.append(self.shake_sequence) self.shake_sequence.unscaled = unscaled self.shake_sequence.ignore_paused = self.ignore_paused self.shake_sequence.start() return self.shake_sequence def animate_color(self, value, duration=.1, interrupt='finish', unscaled=False, **kwargs): return self.animate('color', value, duration, **kwargs) def fade_out(self, value=0, duration=.5, unscaled=False, **kwargs): return self.animate('color', Vec4(self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], value), duration=duration, **kwargs) def fade_in(self, value=1, duration=.5, **kwargs): return self.animate('color', Vec4(self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], value), duration=duration, **kwargs) def blink(self, value=ursina.color.clear, duration=.1, delay=0, curve=curve.in_expo_boomerang, interrupt='finish', **kwargs): return self.animate_color(value, duration=duration, delay=delay, curve=curve, interrupt=interrupt, **kwargs) def intersects(self, traverse_target=scene, ignore:list=None, debug=False): if not ignore: ignore = [] ignore = list(ignore) if isinstance(self.collider, MeshCollider): raise Exception('''error: mesh colliders can't intersect other shapes, only primitive shapes can. Mesh colliders can "receive" collisions though.''') from ursina.hit_info import HitInfo if not self.collision or not self.collider: self.hit = HitInfo(hit=False) return self.hit from ursina import distance if not hasattr(self, '_picker'): from panda3d.core import CollisionTraverser, CollisionNode, CollisionHandlerQueue self._picker = CollisionTraverser() # Make a traverser self._pq = CollisionHandlerQueue() # Make a handler self._pickerNode = CollisionNode('raycaster') self._pickerNode.set_into_collide_mask(0) self._pickerNP = self.attach_new_node(self._pickerNode) self._picker.addCollider(self._pickerNP, self._pq) self._pickerNode.addSolid(self._collider.shape) if debug: else: self._pickerNP.hide() self._picker.traverse(traverse_target) if self._pq.get_num_entries() == 0: self.hit = HitInfo(hit=False) return self.hit ignore.append(self) ignore.extend((e for e in scene.entities if not e.collision)) self._pq.sort_entries() entries = self._pq.getEntries() entities = [e.get_into_node_path().parent for e in entries] entries = [ # filter out ignored entities e for i, e in enumerate(entries) if entities[i] in scene.collidables and entities[i] not in ignore ] if len(entries) == 0: return HitInfo(hit=False) hit_info = HitInfo(hit=True) hit_info.entities = [e.get_into_node_path().parent.getPythonTag('Entity') for e in entries] hit_info.entity = hit_info.entities[0] collision = entries[0] # nP = collision.get_into_node_path().parent hit_info.point = Vec3(*collision.get_surface_point(hit_info.entity)) hit_info.world_point = Vec3(*collision.get_surface_point(scene)) hit_info.distance = distance(self.world_position, hit_info.world_point) hit_info.normal = Vec3(*collision.get_surface_normal(collision.get_into_node_path().parent).normalized()) hit_info.world_normal = Vec3(*collision.get_surface_normal(scene).normalized()) return hit_info if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * app = Ursina() e = Entity(model='quad',, position=(0,0,1), scale=1.5, rotation=(0,0,45), texture='brick') '''example of inheriting Entity''' class Player(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.model='cube' self.color = self.scale_y = 2 for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) # input and update functions gets automatically called by the engine def input(self, key): if key == 'space': # self.color = self.color.inverse() self.animate_x(2, duration=1) def update(self): self.x += held_keys['d'] * time.dt * 10 self.x -= held_keys['a'] * time.dt * 10 player = Player(x=-1) # test e = Entity(model='cube', collider='box', texture='shore', texture_scale=Vec2(2), color=hsv(.3,1,.5)) print(repr(e)) # a = Entity() # b = Entity(parent=a) # e.animate_x(3, duration=2, delay=.5, loop=True) # e.animate_position(Vec3(1,1,1), duration=1, loop=True) # e.animate_rotation(Vec3(45,45,45)) # e.animate_scale(2, duration=1, curve=curve.out_expo_boomerang, loop=True) # e.animate_color(, loop=True) # e.shake() # e.fade_out(delay=.5) # e.fade_in(delay=2.5) # e.blink(, duration=1, curve=curve.linear_boomerang, loop=True)