from ursina import * from ursina.shaders import unlit_shader, lit_with_shadows_shader, matcap_shader, triplanar_shader, normals_shader from time import perf_counter import csv import builtins import pyperclip import inspect class LevelEditor(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() builtins.LEVEL_EDITOR = self self.scene_folder = application.asset_folder / 'scenes' self.scenes = [[LevelEditorScene(x, y, f'untitled_scene[{x},{y}]') for y in range(8)] for x in range(8)] self.current_scene = None self.grid = Entity(parent=self, model=Grid(16,16), rotation_x=90, scale=64, collider='box', color=color.white33, enabled=False) self.origin_mode = 'center' self.editor_camera = EditorCamera(parent=self, rotation_x=20, eternal=False, rotation_smoothing=0) original_editor_camera_rotation_speed = self.editor_camera.rotation_speed def _update(): self.editor_camera.rotation_speed = original_editor_camera_rotation_speed * int(not mouse.left) # don't rotate when holding left mouse button Entity(parent=self.editor_camera, update=_update) self.ui = Entity(parent=camera.ui, name='LEVEL_EDITOR.ui') self.point_renderer = Entity(parent=self, model=Mesh([], mode='point', thickness=.1, render_points_in_3d=True), texture='circle_outlined', always_on_top=True, unlit=True, render_queue=1) self.cubes = [Entity(wireframe=True,, parent=self, enabled=True) for i in range(128)] # max selection self.origin_mode_menu = ButtonGroup(['last', 'center', 'individual'], min_selection=1,, parent=self.ui) self.origin_mode_menu.scale *= .5 self.origin_mode_menu.on_value_changed = self.render_selection self.local_global_menu = ButtonGroup(['local', 'global'], default='global', min_selection=1, - Vec2(.2,0), parent=self.ui) self.local_global_menu.scale *= .5 self.local_global_menu.on_value_changed = self.render_selection self.target_fov = 90 self.sun_handler = SunHandler() = Sky(parent=scene) self.gizmo = Gizmo() self.rotation_gizmo = RotationGizmo() self.scale_gizmo = ScaleGizmo() self.box_gizmo = BoxGizmo() self.gizmo_toggler = GizmoToggler() self.quick_grabber = QuickGrabber() # requires gizmo, selector self.quick_scaler = QuickScaler() # requires scale_gizmo, gizmo_toggler, selector self.quick_rotator = QuickRotator() self.rotate_to_view = RotateRelativeToView(target_entity=None) self.selector = Selector() self.selection_box = SelectionBox(model=Quad(0, mode='line'), origin=(-.5,-.5,0), scale=(0,0,1), color=color.white33, mode='new') self.prefab_folder = application.asset_folder / 'prefabs' from ursina.editor.prefabs.poke_shape import PokeShape # from ursina.editor.prefabs.sliced_cube import SlicedCube # print('-----------------', PokeShape) self.built_in_prefabs = [ClassSpawner, WhiteCube, TriplanarCube, Pyramid, PokeShape] self.prefabs = [] self.spawner = Spawner() self.deleter = Deleter() self.grouper = Grouper() self.level_menu = LevelMenu() self.goto_scene = self.level_menu.goto_scene self.duplicator = Duplicator() self.copier = Copier() self.model_menu = ModelMenu() self.texture_menu = TextureMenu() self.color_menu = ColorMenu() self.shader_menu = ShaderMenu() self.collider_menu = ColliderMenu() self.class_menu = ClassMenu() self.menu_handler = MenuHandler() self.right_click_menu = RightClickMenu() self.hierarchy_list = HierarchyList() self.inspector = Inspector() self.point_of_view_selector = PointOfViewSelector() = Help() self._edit_mode = True def add_entity(self, entity): for key, value in dict(original_parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, selectable=True, collision=False, collider_type='None').items(): # print('set', key, value) if not hasattr(entity, key): setattr(entity, key, value) LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.entities.append(entity) @property def entities(self): if not self.current_scene: return [] return self.current_scene.entities @entities.setter def entities(self, value): if not self.current_scene: return self.current_scene.entities = value @property def selection(self): if not self.current_scene: return [] return self.current_scene.selection @selection.setter def selection(self, value): if not self.current_scene: return self.current_scene.selection = value def on_enable(self): self._camera_original_fov = camera.fov camera.fov = self.target_fov def on_disable(self): camera.fov = self._camera_original_fov def update(self): for key in 'gsxyz': if held_keys[key]: self.render_selection() return if mouse.left: self.render_selection() def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift'] and not held_keys['alt'] and key == 's': if not self.current_scene: print("no current_scene, can't save") return if held_keys['control']: if key == 'z' and self.current_scene: self.current_scene.undo.undo() elif key == 'y' and self.current_scene: self.current_scene.undo.redo() if self.selection and key == 'f': self.editor_camera.animate_position(self.gizmo.world_position, duration=.1, curve=curve.linear) if held_keys['control'] and key == 'e': self.edit_mode = not self.edit_mode @property def edit_mode(self): return self._edit_mode @edit_mode.setter def edit_mode(self, value): if not value and self._edit_mode: # enter play mode for e in self.children: e.ignore = True e.visible = False self.editor_camera.original_target_z = self.editor_camera.target_z self.editor_camera.enabled = False self.ui.enabled = False for e in self.current_scene.entities: # switch editor colliders out for what they should have during play if hasattr(e, 'edit_mode') and e.edit_mode: e.edit_mode = False e.editor_collider = e.collider if e.collider: e.editor_collider = if hasattr(e, 'collider_type') and e.collider_type != 'None': e.collider = e.collider_type else: e.collider = None if hasattr(e, 'start') and callable(e.start): e.start() elif value and not self._edit_mode: # back to editor mode self.ui.enabled = True for e in self.current_scene.entities: if hasattr(e, 'stop') and callable(e.stop): e.stop() e.collider = e.editor_collider for e in self.children: e.ignore = False e.visible = True self.editor_camera.enabled = True self.editor_camera.target_z = self.editor_camera.original_target_z camera.z = self.editor_camera.target_z self._edit_mode = value # print('set edit mode to', value) def render_selection(self, update_gizmo_position=True): for i, e in enumerate(self.entities): if e == None: print(f'error in entities {i}, is {e}') self.entities.remove(e) # self.point_renderer.model.vertices = [e.world_position for e in self.entities if e.selectable and not e.model ] self.point_renderer.model.vertices = [] self.point_renderer.model.colors = [] for e in self.entities: if not e or e.model and == 'cube': continue self.point_renderer.model.vertices.append(e.world_position) if not e in self.selection: gizmo_color = if hasattr(e.__class__, 'gizmo_color'): gizmo_color = e.__class__.gizmo_color self.point_renderer.model.colors.append(gizmo_color) else: gizmo_color = if hasattr(e.__class__, 'gizmo_color_selected'): gizmo_color = e.__class__.gizmo_color_selected self.point_renderer.model.colors.append(gizmo_color) # self.point_renderer.model.colors = [ if e in self.selection else lerp(, color.hsv(0,0,1,0), distance(e.world_position, camera.world_position)/100) for e in self.entities if e.selectable and not e.collider] self.point_renderer.model.triangles = [] # print('--------------', len(self.point_renderer.model.vertices), len(self.point_renderer.model.colors), self.point_renderer.model.recipe) self.point_renderer.model.generate() # self.gizmo.enabled = bool(self.selection and self.selection[-1]) self.selection = [e for e in self.selection if e] if update_gizmo_position and self.selection: if self.origin_mode_menu.value in ('last', 'individual'): self.gizmo.world_position = self.selection[-1].world_position elif self.origin_mode_menu.value == 'center': self.gizmo.world_position = sum([e.world_position for e in self.selection]) / len(self.selection) if self.local_global_menu.value == 'local' and self.origin_mode_menu.value == 'last': self.gizmo.world_rotation = self.selection[-1].world_rotation else: self.gizmo.world_rotation = Vec3(0,0,0) [e.disable() for e in self.cubes] # [setattr(e, 'parent', self) for e in self.cubes] for i, e in enumerate([e for e in self.selection if e.collider]): if i < len(self.cubes): self.cubes[i].world_transform = e.world_transform self.cubes[i].origin = e.origin self.cubes[i].model = copy(e.model) self.cubes[i].enabled = True # print('---------- rendered selection') LEVEL_EDITOR.hierarchy_list.render_selection() def on_enable(self): if hasattr(self, 'ui'): self.ui.enabled = True def on_disable(self): self.ui.enabled = False class ErrorEntity(Entity): def __init__(self, model='wireframe_cube',, **kwargs): super().__init__(model=model, color=color, **kwargs) class LevelEditorScene: def __init__(self, x, y, name, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.coordinates = [x,y] = name self.path = None # must be assigned to be able to load self.entities = [] self.selection = [] self.scene_parent = None self.undo = Undo() # self.undo_handler # gets assigned later def save(self): if not self.path and not self.entities: print('cant save scene with not path and no entities') return LEVEL_EDITOR.scene_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) list_of_dicts = [] fields = ['class', ] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.entities: if hasattr(e, 'is_gizmo'): continue changes = e.get_changes(e.__class__) for key, value in changes.items(): if value == None: changes[key] = False # if 'subdivisions' in changes: changes['class'] = e.__class__.__name__ if hasattr(e, 'collider_type'): changes['collider_type'] = f"'{e.collider_type}'" print('changes:', changes) list_of_dicts.append(changes) for key in changes.keys(): if key not in fields: fields.append(key) name = self.path = LEVEL_EDITOR.scene_folder / f'{name}.csv' with'w', encoding='UTF8') as file: writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=fields, delimiter=';') writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(list_of_dicts) print('saved:', self.path) def load(self): if not self.path: print('cant load scene, no path') return if self.scene_parent: print('error, scene already loaded') return # get all imported classes imported_classes = dict() for module_name, module in list(sys.modules.items()): if hasattr(module, '__file__') and module.__file__ and not module.__file__.startswith(sys.prefix): # filter out built-in modules and modules from the standard library for _, obj in inspect.getmembers(module): if inspect.isclass(obj): imported_classes[obj.__name__] = obj t = perf_counter() with'r') as f: self.scene_parent = Entity() reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=';') fields = reader.fieldnames[1:] for line in reader: kwargs = {key : value for key, value in line.items() if value and not key == 'class'} if not 'parent' in kwargs: kwargs['parent'] = self.scene_parent for key, value in kwargs.items(): if key == 'parent': continue try: value = eval(value) kwargs[key] = value except: pass if not line["class"] in imported_classes: target_class = ErrorEntity else: target_class = imported_classes[line["class"]] instance = target_class(**kwargs) self.entities.append(instance) for e in self.entities: if not e.shader: e.shader = lit_with_shadows_shader e.selectable = True if not hasattr(e, 'collider_type'): e.collider_type = None e.original_parent = e.parent if e.model and == 'cube': e.collider = 'box' e.collision = False if self.scene_parent: print(f'loaded scene: "{}" in {perf_counter()-t}') return self.scene_parent def unload(self): [setattr(e, 'parent', LEVEL_EDITOR) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.cubes] [destroy(e) for e in self.entities] # if not self.scene_parent: # # print('cant unload scene, its already empty') # return self.selection = [] self.entities = [] destroy(self.scene_parent) class Undo(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, undo_data=[], undo_index=-1) def record_undo(self, data): print('record undo:', data) self.undo_data = self.undo_data[:self.undo_index+1] self.undo_data.append(data) self.undo_index += 1 def undo(self): if self.undo_index < 0: return current_undo_data = self.undo_data[self.undo_index] if current_undo_data[0] == 'restore entities': # restore deleted entity for id, recipe in zip(current_undo_data[1], current_undo_data[2]): # print('------------', recipe) clone = eval(recipe) clone.selectable = True clone.original_parent = clone.parent clone.shader = lit_with_shadows_shader # print('------------', recipe, id, 'clone:', clone) LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.insert(id, clone) elif current_undo_data[0] == 'delete entities': # delete newly created entity target_entities = [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[id] for id in current_undo_data[1]] [LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.remove(e) for e in target_entities if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection] [setattr(e, 'parent', LEVEL_EDITOR) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.cubes] [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.remove(e) for e in target_entities] [destroy(e) for e in target_entities] else: for data in current_undo_data: id, attr, original, new = data setattr(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[id], attr, original) LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() # make sure the gizmo position updates self.undo_index -= 1 def redo(self): if self.undo_index+2 > len(self.undo_data): return current_undo_data = self.undo_data[self.undo_index+1] # do the same as for undo, but opposite if current_undo_data[0] == 'delete entities': # delete entity # pass for id, recipe in zip(current_undo_data[1], current_undo_data[2]): clone = eval(recipe) clone.selectable = True clone.original_parent = clone.parent clone.shader = lit_with_shadows_shader LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.insert(id, clone) elif current_undo_data[0] == 'restore entities': # restore entity pass target_entities = [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[id] for id in current_undo_data[1]] [LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.remove(e) for e in target_entities if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection] [setattr(e, 'parent', LEVEL_EDITOR) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.cubes] [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.remove(e) for e in target_entities if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities] [destroy(e) for e in target_entities] else: for data in current_undo_data: id, attr, original, new = data setattr(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[id], attr, new) LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() # make sure the gizmo position updates self.undo_index += 1 axis_colors = { 'x' : color.magenta, 'y' : color.yellow, 'z' : color.cyan } if not load_model('arrow', application.internal_models_compressed_folder): p = Entity(enabled=False) Entity(parent=p, model='cube', scale=(1,.05,.05)) Entity(parent=p, model=Cone(4), x=.5, scale=.2, rotation=(0,90,0)) arrow_model = p.combine()'arrow.ursinamesh', folder=application.internal_models_compressed_folder, max_decimals=4) if not load_model('scale_gizmo', application.internal_models_compressed_folder): p = Entity(enabled=False) Entity(parent=p, model='cube', scale=(.05,.05,1)) Entity(parent=p, model='cube', z=.5, scale=.2) arrow_model = p.combine()'scale_gizmo.ursinamesh', folder=application.internal_models_compressed_folder, max_decimals=4) class GizmoArrow(Draggable): def __init__(self, model='arrow', collider='box', **kwargs): super().__init__(model=model, origin_x=-.55, always_on_top=True, render_queue=1, is_gizmo=True, shader=unlit_shader, **kwargs) for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.record_undo = True # this can be set to False when moving this though code for example, and you don't want it to record undo. self.original_rotation = self.rotation def drag(self): self.world_parent = LEVEL_EDITOR LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.world_parent = self for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: if not hasattr(e.parent, 'is_gizmo') or e.parent.is_gizmo == False: e.original_parent = e.parent else: e.original_parent = scene if LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value == 'global': e.world_parent = self else: e.world_parent = LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.fake_gizmo e.always_on_top = False e._original_world_transform = e.world_transform def drop(self): LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.world_parent = LEVEL_EDITOR for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = e.original_parent print('---------------', e.original_parent, isinstance(e.original_parent, GizmoArrow)) if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: return changed = ( # don't record undo if transform didn't change distance(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0].world_transform[0], LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0]._original_world_transform[0]) > .0001 or distance(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0].world_transform[1], LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0]._original_world_transform[1]) > .0001 or distance(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0].world_transform[2], LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0]._original_world_transform[2]) > .0001 ) if self.record_undo and changed: changes = [] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: changes.append([LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'world_transform', e._original_world_transform, e.world_transform]) LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(changes) self.parent = LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.arrow_parent self.position = (0,0,0) self.rotation = self.original_rotation LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() def input(self, key): super().input(key) if key == 'control': self.step = (1,1,1) elif key == 'control up': self.step = (0,0,0) class Gizmo(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, enabled=False) self.arrow_parent = Entity(parent=self) self.lock_axis_helper_parent = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, # model='wireframe_cube', ) self.lock_axis_helper = Entity(parent=self.lock_axis_helper_parent, # model=Circle(6, radius=.2),, double_sided=True, always_on_top=True, render_queue=1 ) # this will help us lock the movement to an axis on local space self.subgizmos = { 'xz' : GizmoArrow(parent=self.arrow_parent, gizmo=self, model='cube', collider='plane', scale=.6, scale_y=.05, origin=(-.75,0,-.75), color=lerp(color.magenta, color.cyan, .5), plane_direction=(0,1,0)), 'x' : GizmoArrow(parent=self.arrow_parent, gizmo=self, color=axis_colors['x'], lock=(0,1,1)), 'y' : GizmoArrow(parent=self.arrow_parent, gizmo=self, rotation=(0,0,-90), color=axis_colors['y'], lock=(1,0,1)), 'z' : GizmoArrow(parent=self.arrow_parent, gizmo=self, rotation=(0,-90,0), color=axis_colors['z'], plane_direction=(0,1,0), lock=(1,1,0)), } for e in self.arrow_parent.children: e.highlight_color = color.white e.original_scale = e.scale self.fake_gizmo = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, enabled=False) self.fake_gizmo.subgizmos = dict() for key, value in self.subgizmos.items(): self.fake_gizmo.subgizmos[key] = duplicate(self.subgizmos[key], parent=self.fake_gizmo, collider=None, ignore=True) def input(self, key): # this will execute before GizmoArrow drag() if key == 'left mouse down' and mouse.hovered_entity in self.subgizmos.values(): self.drag() if key == 'left mouse up' and LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value == 'local': self.drop() def drag(self, show_gizmo_while_dragging=True): for i, axis in enumerate('xyz'): self.subgizmos[axis].plane_direction = self.up self.subgizmos[axis].lock = [0,0,0] if LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value == 'global': self.subgizmos[axis].lock = [1,1,1] self.subgizmos[axis].lock[i] = 0 if axis == 'y': self.subgizmos[axis].plane_direction = camera.back self.subgizmos['xz'].plane_direction = self.up [setattr(e, 'visible_self', show_gizmo_while_dragging) for e in self.subgizmos.values()] # use fake gizmo technique to lock movement to local axis. if in global mode, skip this and use the old simpler way. if LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value == 'local': self.lock_axis_helper_parent.world_transform = self.world_transform self.lock_axis_helper.position = (0,0,0) self.fake_gizmo.world_transform = self.world_transform self.fake_gizmo.enabled = True self.visible = False [setattr(e, 'visible_self', show_gizmo_while_dragging) for e in self.fake_gizmo.subgizmos.values()] [setattr(e, 'visible_self', False) for e in self.subgizmos.values()] def drop(self): self.fake_gizmo.enabled = False self.visible = True [setattr(e, 'visible_self', False) for e in self.fake_gizmo.subgizmos.values()] [setattr(e, 'visible_self', True) for e in self.subgizmos.values()] [setattr(e, 'scale', e.original_scale) for e in self.subgizmos.values()] def update(self): if held_keys['r'] or held_keys['s']: return self.world_scale = distance(self.world_position, camera.world_position) * camera.fov * .0005 for i, axis in enumerate('xyz'): if self.subgizmos[axis].dragging: setattr(self.lock_axis_helper, axis, self.subgizmos[axis].get_position(relative_to=self.lock_axis_helper_parent)[i]) self.fake_gizmo.world_position = self.lock_axis_helper.world_position if self.subgizmos['xz'].dragging: self.fake_gizmo.world_position = self.subgizmos['xz'].world_position class RotationGizmo(Entity): model = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo) if not RotationGizmo.model: RotationGizmo.model = load_model('rotation_gizmo_model', application.internal_models_compressed_folder) if not RotationGizmo.model: path = Circle(24).vertices path.append(path[0]) RotationGizmo.model = Pipe(base_shape=Quad(radius=0), path=[Vec3(e)*32 for e in path])'rotation_gizmo_model.ursinamesh', application.internal_models_compressed_folder, max_decimals=4) self.rotator = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo) self.axis = Vec3(0,1,0) self.subgizmos = {} self.sensitivity = 36000 self.dragging = False for i, dir in enumerate((Vec3(-1,0,0), Vec3(0,1,0), Vec3(0,0,-1))): b = Button(parent=self, model=copy(RotationGizmo.model), collider='mesh', color=axis_colors[('x','y','z')[i]], is_gizmo=True, always_on_top=True, render_queue=1, unlit=True, double_sided=True, on_click=Sequence(Func(setattr, self, 'axis', dir), Func(self.drag)), drop=self.drop, name=f'rotation_gizmo_{"xyz"[i]}', scale=1/32 ) b.look_at(dir) b.original_color = b.color b.start_dragging = b.on_click # for the quick rotate b.on_mouse_enter = Func(setattr, b, 'color', color.white) b.on_mouse_exit = Func(setattr, b, 'color', b.original_color) self.subgizmos['xyz'[i]] = b def drag(self): self.rotator.world_parent = scene # print('drag') for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = self.rotator e._original_world_transform = e.world_transform self.dragging = True def drop(self): # print('drop') self.rotator.world_parent = LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo changes = [] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = e.original_parent changes.append([LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'world_transform', e._original_world_transform, e.world_transform]) LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(changes) self.dragging = False self.rotator.rotation = (0,0,0) LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() def input(self, key): if key == 'left mouse up' and self.dragging: self.dragging = False self.drop() def update(self): if self.dragging: rotation_amount = Vec3(sum(mouse.velocity), sum(mouse.velocity), sum(mouse.velocity)) * self.sensitivity * time.dt * self.axis * Vec3(1,1,-1) if not LEVEL_EDITOR.origin_mode_menu.value == 'individual': self.rotator.rotation -= rotation_amount else: for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.rotation -= rotation_amount class ScaleGizmo(Draggable): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo, model='cube', scale=.25,, visible=True, always_on_top=True, render_queue=1, is_gizmo=True, dragging=False, shader=unlit_shader) self.scaler = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo) self.axis = Vec3(1,1,1) self.on_click = Func(setattr, self, 'axis', Vec3(1,1,1)) self.subgizmos = {} self.sensitivity = 300 for i, dir in enumerate((Vec3(1,0,0), Vec3(0,1,0), Vec3(0,0,1))): b = Button(parent=self, model='scale_gizmo', origin_z=-.5, scale=4, collider='box', color=axis_colors[('x','y','z')[i]], is_gizmo=True, always_on_top=True, render_queue=1, shader=unlit_shader, on_click=Sequence(Func(setattr, self, 'axis', dir), Func(self.drag)), name=f'scale_gizmo_{"xyz"[i]}') b.look_at(dir) self.subgizmos['xyz'[i]] = b def drag(self): for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = self.scaler e._original_world_transform = e.world_transform self.dragging = True def drop(self): changes = [] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = e.original_parent changes.append([LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'world_transform', e._original_world_transform, e.world_transform]) LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(changes) self.dragging = False self.scaler.scale = 1 LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() def update(self): if self.dragging: if not LEVEL_EDITOR.origin_mode_menu.value == 'individual': self.scaler.scale += Vec3(sum(mouse.velocity), sum(mouse.velocity), sum(mouse.velocity)) * self.sensitivity * time.dt * self.axis else: for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.scale += Vec3(sum(mouse.velocity), sum(mouse.velocity), sum(mouse.velocity)) * self.sensitivity * time.dt * self.axis class BoxGizmo(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) = None self.scaler = Entity(parent=self) self.helper = Entity(parent=self, model='cube', unlit=True,, enabled=False) self.sensitivity = 600 self.scale_from_center = False # scale from center if holding alt self.normal = None self.axis_name = None def input(self, key): if key == 'a': [setattr(e, 'collision', True) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities] mouse.update() if mouse.hovered_entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities and mouse.normal and mouse.normal != Vec3(0): = mouse.hovered_entity = # = self.normal = Vec3(mouse.normal) self.axis_name = 'xyz'[[abs(int(e)) for e in self.normal].index(1)] self.scale_from_center = held_keys['alt'] if not self.scale_from_center: self.scaler.parent = self.scaler.position = -self.normal * .5 self.scaler.rotation = Vec3(0) self.scaler.world_parent = self else: self.scaler.position = self.scaler.rotation = = self.scaler self.helper.parent = self self.helper.parent = self.helper.position = self.normal / 2 self.helper.rotation = Vec3(0) self.helper.world_scale = .05 LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.original_value = LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value if not LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value == 'local': LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value = 'local' LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [self.helper, ] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.enabled = True LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.drag(show_gizmo_while_dragging=False) LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.subgizmos[self.axis_name].start_dragging() elif key == 'a up' and [setattr(e, 'collision', False) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities] = self.normal = None self.helper.parent = self self.scaler.scale = 1 LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.drop() LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.subgizmos[self.axis_name].record_undo = False LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.subgizmos[self.axis_name].stop_dragging() LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.subgizmos[self.axis_name].record_undo = True LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [] LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.value = LEVEL_EDITOR.local_global_menu.original_value LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.enabled = False self.helper.enabled = False LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(, 'world_transform',,, ]) = None def update(self): if and held_keys['a'] and self.helper and self.scaler: relative_position = self.helper.get_position(relative_to=self.scaler) value = abs(relative_position[[abs(int(e)) for e in self.normal].index(1)]) if self.scale_from_center: value *= 2 setattr(, f'scale_{self.axis_name}', value) if not self.scale_from_center: = lerp(self.scaler.world_position, self.helper.world_position, .5) class GizmoToggler(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) self.animator = Animator({ 'w' : LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.arrow_parent, 'e' : LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo, 'u' : LEVEL_EDITOR.rotation_gizmo, # 't' : box_gizmo, 'q' : None, }) def input(self, key): key = input_handler.get_combined_key(key) if key in self.animator.animations and not mouse.left: self.animator.state = key class QuickGrabber(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) self.target_entity = None self.target_axis = None self.plane = Entity(model='quad', collider='box', scale=Vec3(999,999,1), visible_self=False, enabled=False) self.offset_helper = Entity() self.start_position = Vec3(0,0,0) self.axis_lock = [0,1,0] self.is_dragging = False self.shortcuts = { 'left mouse down': Func(self.start_moving_on_axis, 'xz'), 'd': Func(self.start_moving_on_axis, 'xz'), 'w': Func(self.start_moving_on_axis, 'xz', auto_select_hovered_entity=False), 'x': Func(self.start_moving_on_axis, 'x'), 'y': Func(self.start_moving_on_axis, 'y'), 'z': Func(self.start_moving_on_axis, 'z'), } def start_moving_on_axis(self, axis, auto_select_hovered_entity=True): if not auto_select_hovered_entity and len(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) > 1: return self.target_entity = LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.get_hovered_entity() LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.enabled = False # print('MOVE ON AXIS', axis) if self.target_entity: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [self.target_entity, ] self.plane.enabled = True self.plane.position = self.target_entity.world_position if axis == 'y' or axis == 'xy': self.plane.look_at(self.plane.position + Vec3(0,0,-1)) else: self.plane.look_at(self.plane.position + Vec3(0,1,0)) if len(axis) > 1: self.axis_lock = [0,0,0] else: self.axis_lock = [axis!='x', axis!='y', axis!='z'] mouse.traverse_target = self.plane mouse.update() self.offset_helper.position = mouse.world_point self.start_position = self.offset_helper.world_position if not hasattr(self.target_entity.parent, 'is_gizmo') or self.target_entity.parent.is_gizmo == False: self.target_entity.original_parent = self.target_entity.parent else: self.target_entity.original_parent = scene self.target_entity._original_world_position = self.target_entity.world_position self.target_entity.world_parent = self.offset_helper self.is_dragging = True def input(self, key): combined_key = input_handler.get_combined_key(key) if not key.endswith(' up') and (held_keys['shift'] or held_keys['alt'] or held_keys['s'] or mouse.right or mouse.middle or held_keys['r']): return if combined_key == 'left mouse up' and self.target_entity and distance(self.target_entity._original_world_position, self.target_entity.world_position) < .1 and (time.time()-mouse.prev_click_time) < .5: # prevent accidentally moving the entity when you meant to select it self.is_dragging = False mouse.traverse_target = scene self.target_entity.world_parent = self.target_entity.original_parent self.target_entity.world_position = self.target_entity._original_world_position LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [self.target_entity, ] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() self.target_entity = None self.plane.enabled = False return if combined_key in self.shortcuts.keys(): if self.target_entity: return self.shortcuts[key]() elif (key in [f'{e} up' for e in self.shortcuts.keys()] or 'left mouse down' in self.shortcuts and key == 'left mouse up') and self.target_entity: self.drop() def drop(self): self.is_dragging = False mouse.traverse_target = scene self.target_entity.world_parent = self.target_entity.original_parent if self.target_entity.world_position != self.target_entity._original_world_position: changes = [] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: changes.append([LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'world_position', e._original_world_position, e.world_position]) LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(changes) LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() else: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [self.target_entity, ] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() self.target_entity = None self.plane.enabled = False def on_disable(self): self.drop() def update(self): if not self.is_dragging or not mouse.world_point: return if mouse.right: return pos = mouse.world_point if held_keys['control']: pos = round(pos) for i, e in enumerate(pos): if self.axis_lock[i]: pos[i] = self.start_position[i] self.offset_helper.world_position = pos if held_keys['control']: snap_step = 1 self.offset_helper.world_position = Vec3(*[round(e * snap_step) /snap_step for e in self.offset_helper.world_position]) self.target_entity.world_position = Vec3(*[round(e * snap_step) /snap_step for e in self.target_entity.world_position]) class QuickScaler(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__( parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, gizmos_to_toggle={ 's' : LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo, 'sx' : LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo, 'sy' : LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo, 'sz' : LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo, }, clear_selection=False, dragging=False, original_gizmo_state='q' ) def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] or held_keys['shift'] or held_keys['alt'] or mouse.left or mouse.middle or held_keys['r'] or held_keys['d'] or held_keys['t']: return if (held_keys['x'] or held_keys['y'] or held_keys['z']) and key == 's': self.original_gizmo_state = LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo_toggler.animator.state return if held_keys['s'] and key in 'xyz': key = 's' + key if key in ('s', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz'): self.original_gizmo_state = LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo_toggler.animator.state LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo_toggler.animator.state = 'e' if not key == 's': LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo.axis = (Vec3(1,0,0), Vec3(0,1,0), Vec3(0,0,1))[('sx', 'sy', 'sz').index(key)] if key in self.gizmos_to_toggle.keys(): LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.enabled = False LEVEL_EDITOR.selection_box.enabled = False LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.arrow_parent.visible = False LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo.visible = False self.gizmos_to_toggle[key].visible_self = False if not key in ('sx', 'sy', 'sz'): self.clear_selection = not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.input('left mouse down') self.gizmos_to_toggle[key].input('left mouse down') self.gizmos_to_toggle[key].start_dragging() # print('------------', key) if key in ('s up', 'x up', 'y up', 'z up'): for e in self.gizmos_to_toggle.values(): e.input('left mouse up') # self.gizmos_to_toggle[key].drop() if self.clear_selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.arrow_parent.visible = True LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo.visible = True LEVEL_EDITOR.scale_gizmo.axis = Vec3(1,1,1) # self.gizmos_to_toggle[key].visible_self = True LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo_toggler.animator.state = self.original_gizmo_state LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.enabled = True LEVEL_EDITOR.selection_box.enabled = True mouse.traverse_target = scene def update(self): for key in self.gizmos_to_toggle.keys(): if held_keys[key] and not held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift'] and mouse.velocity != Vec3(0,0,0): LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection(update_gizmo_position=False) return class QuickRotator(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] or held_keys['shift'] or held_keys['alt'] or held_keys['s']: return if key == 'r' and len(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) <= 1: if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.get_hovered_entity(), ] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: return self.target_entity = LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0] LEVEL_EDITOR.rotation_gizmo.subgizmos['y'].input('left mouse down') LEVEL_EDITOR.rotation_gizmo.subgizmos['y'].start_dragging() elif key == 'r up' and hasattr(self, 'target_entity') and self.target_entity: key = key[:-3] LEVEL_EDITOR.rotation_gizmo.subgizmos['y'].input('left mouse up') LEVEL_EDITOR.rotation_gizmo.subgizmos['y'].drop() LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() self.target_entity = None def update(self): if held_keys['r'] and not held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift'] and mouse.velocity != Vec3(0,0,0): LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection(update_gizmo_position=False) return class RotateRelativeToView(Entity): _rotation_helper = Entity(name='RotateRelativeToView_rotation_helper', add_to_scene_entities=False) sensitivity = Vec2(200,200) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, **kwargs) def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] or held_keys['shift'] or held_keys['alt'] or held_keys['s'] or held_keys['r']: return if key == 't': if len(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) > 1: return if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.get_hovered_entity(), ] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: return self.target_entity = LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0] __class__._rotation_helper.world_parent = scene __class__._rotation_helper.position = self.target_entity.world_position __class__._rotation_helper.rotation = Vec3(0,0,0) self._entity_original_parent = self.target_entity.parent self._entity_original_rotation = self.target_entity.world_rotation self.target_entity.world_parent = __class__._rotation_helper self._mouse_start_x = mouse.x self._mouse_start_y = mouse.y elif key == 't up' and self.target_entity: self.target_entity.world_parent = self._entity_original_parent LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() self.target_entity = None self.x_mov = 0 self.y_mov = 0 def update(self): if self.target_entity and held_keys['t']: __class__._rotation_helper.rotation_y -= mouse.velocity[0] * __class__.sensitivity.x / camera.aspect_ratio __class__._rotation_helper.rotation_x += mouse.velocity[1] * __class__.sensitivity.y class Selector(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) def input(self, key): if key == 'left mouse down': if mouse.hovered_entity: # print('sroifjseofisjeoij') return clicked_entity = self.get_hovered_entity() if clicked_entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities and not held_keys['alt']: if held_keys['shift']: if not clicked_entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.append(clicked_entity) # append else: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [clicked_entity, ] # overwrite if held_keys['alt'] and clicked_entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.remove(clicked_entity) # remove if not clicked_entity and not held_keys['shift'] and not held_keys['alt']: # clear LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() if held_keys['control'] and key == 'a': LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [e for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() elif key == 'h': LEVEL_EDITOR.point_renderer.enabled = not LEVEL_EDITOR.point_renderer.enabled if key == 'left mouse up': LEVEL_EDITOR.gizmo.enabled = bool(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) def get_hovered_entity(self): LEVEL_EDITOR.entities = [e for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if e] # [print(str(e)) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities] entities_in_range = [(distance_2d(e.screen_position, mouse.position), e) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if e and e.selectable and not e.collider] entities_in_range = [e for e in entities_in_range if e[0] < .03] entities_in_range.sort() clicked_entity = None if entities_in_range: return entities_in_range[0][1] # try getting entities with box collider [setattr(e, 'collision', True) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if not hasattr(e, 'is_gizmo')] # print('-------------', len([e for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if not hasattr(e, 'is_gizmo') and e.collider and e.collision])) mouse.update() if mouse.hovered_entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities: [setattr(e, 'collision', False) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if not hasattr(e, 'is_gizmo')] return mouse.hovered_entity [setattr(e, 'collision', False) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if not hasattr(e, 'is_gizmo')] class SelectionBox(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, visible=False, **kwargs) def input(self, key): if key == 'left mouse down': if mouse.hovered_entity and mouse.hovered_entity not in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: # print('-------', 'clicked on gizmo, dont box select') return self.position = mouse.position self.scale = .001 self.visible = True self.mode = 'new' if held_keys['shift']: self.mode = 'add' if held_keys['alt']: self.mode = 'subtract' if key == 'left mouse up' and self.visible: self.visible = False if self.scale_x < 0: self.x += self.scale_x self.scale_x = abs(self.scale_x) if self.scale_y < 0: self.y += self.scale_y self.scale_y = abs(self.scale_y) if self.scale_x < .01 or self.scale_y < .01 or held_keys['w']: return if self.mode == 'new': LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities: if not e.selectable: continue pos = e.screen_position if pos.x > self.x and pos.x < self.x + abs(self.scale_x) and pos.y > self.y and pos.y < self.y + abs(self.scale_y): if self.mode in ('add', 'new') and not e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.append(e) elif self.mode == 'subtract' and e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.remove(e) LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() self.mode = 'new' def update(self): if mouse.left: if mouse.x == mouse.start_x and mouse.y == mouse.start_y: return self.scale_x = mouse.x - self.x self.scale_y = mouse.y - self.y class WhiteCube(Entity): default_values = Entity.default_values | dict(model='cube', shader='lit_with_shadows_shader', texture='white_cube', collider='box', name='cube') # combine dicts def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**__class__.default_values | kwargs) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return eval(repr(self)) class ClassSpawner(Entity): default_values = Entity.default_values | dict(class_to_spawn='', model='wireframe_cube',, name='ClassSpawner') # combine dicts '''Prefab for spawning target class on play''' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**__class__.default_values | kwargs) self.class_instance = None def draw_inspector(self): return {'class_to_spawn': type} def start(self): self.enabled = False if self.class_to_spawn not in LEVEL_EDITOR.class_menu.available_classes: print_warning('class to spawn not found in LEVEL_EDITOR.class_menu.available_classes:', self.class_to_spawn) return if self.class_to_spawn: print('spawn class', self.class_to_spawn) self.class_instance = LEVEL_EDITOR.class_menu.available_classes[self.class_to_spawn](world_transform=self.world_transform, add_to_scene_entities=False) def stop(self): if self.class_instance: destroy(self.class_instance) self.class_instance = None self.enabled = True def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return eval(repr(self)) class TriplanarCube(Entity): default_values = Entity.default_values | dict(model='cube', shader='triplanar_shader', texture='white_cube', collider='box', name='cube') # combine dicts def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**__class__.default_values | kwargs) self.set_shader_input('side_texture', load_texture('brick')) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return eval(repr(self)) class Pyramid(Entity): default_values = Entity.default_values | dict(name='pyramid', model=Cone(4), texture='brick') # combine dicts def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**__class__.default_values | kwargs) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return eval(repr(self)) class Rock(Entity): default_values = Entity.default_values | dict(name='rock', model='procedural_rock_0', collider='box', color=hsv(20,.2,.45)) # combine dicts gizmo_color = color.brown def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**__class__.default_values | kwargs) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return eval(repr(self)) class Spawner(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) = None self.ui = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, position=window.bottom) self.update_menu() def update_menu(self): [destroy(e) for e in self.ui.children] # for file in LEVEL_EDITOR.prefab_folder.glob('**/*.py') import_all_classes(LEVEL_EDITOR.prefab_folder, debug=True) # LEVEL_EDITOR.prefabs = for i, prefab in enumerate(LEVEL_EDITOR.built_in_prefabs + LEVEL_EDITOR.prefabs): button = Button(parent=self.ui, scale=.075/2, text=' ', text_size=.5, on_click=Func(self.spawn_entity, prefab)) if hasattr(prefab, 'icon'): button.icon = prefab.icon else: button.text = '\n'.join(chunk_list(prefab.__name__, 5)) grid_layout(self.ui.children, origin=(0,-.5), spacing=(.05,0,0), max_x=32) def input(self, key): if key == 'i': mouse.traverse_target = LEVEL_EDITOR.grid self.spawn_entity() elif key == 'i up' and self.drop_entity() mouse.traverse_target = scene elif and key == 'left mouse up': self.drop_entity() def spawn_entity(self, _class=Entity): if not LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene: print_on_screen('select a scene first', position=(0,0), origin=(0,0)) return LEVEL_EDITOR.grid.enabled = True = _class(position=mouse.world_point, original_parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, selectable=True, collision=False) if not hasattr(, 'collider_type'): = 'None' # print( # if not # = 'box' # = False if not = lit_with_shadows_shader LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.entities.append( LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() def drop_entity(self): LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(('delete entities', [LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.entities.index(, ], [repr(, ])) LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [, ] = None LEVEL_EDITOR.grid.enabled = False def update(self): if mouse.world_point and if held_keys['n'] or mouse.left: = mouse.world_point class Deleter(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) self.shortcuts = ['delete', 'control+x'] def input(self, key): combined_key = input_handler.get_combined_key(key) if LEVEL_EDITOR.selection and combined_key in self.shortcuts: self.delete_selected() def delete_selected(self): LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(( 'restore entities', [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection], [repr(e) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection], )) # print(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) before = len(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities) # LEVEL_EDITOR.entities = [e for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities if e not in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities: LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.remove(e) # print('---------------', before, '-->', len(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities)) [setattr(e, 'parent', LEVEL_EDITOR) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.cubes] [destroy(e) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection] LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() class Grouper(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] and key == 'g' and LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: group_entity = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.scene_parent, name='[group]', selectable=True) LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.append(group_entity) parents = tuple(set([e.parent for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection])) if len(parents) == 1: group_entity.world_parent = parents[0] group_entity.world_position = sum([e.world_position for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) / len(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = group_entity LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [group_entity, ] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() class PointOfViewSelector(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, model='cube', collider='box', texture='white_cube', scale=.05, position=window.top_right-Vec2(.1,.05)) self.front_text = Text(parent=self, text='front', z=-.5, scale=10, origin=(0,0), for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def on_click(self): if mouse.normal == Vec3(0,0,-1): LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((0,0,0)) # front elif mouse.normal == Vec3(0,0,1): LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((0,180,0)) # back elif mouse.normal == Vec3(1,0,0): LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((0,90,0)) # right elif mouse.normal == Vec3(-1,0,0): LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((0,-90,0)) # right elif mouse.normal == Vec3(0,1,0): LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((90,0,0)) # top elif mouse.normal == Vec3(0,-1,0): LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((-90,0,0)) # top def update(self): self.rotation = -LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.rotation def input(self, key): if held_keys['shift']: if key == '1': LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((0,0,0)) # front elif key == '3': LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((0,90,0)) # right elif key == '7': LEVEL_EDITOR.editor_camera.animate_rotation((90,0,0)) # top elif key == '5': camera.orthographic = not camera.orthographic # class PaintBucket(Entity): # def input(self, key): # if held_keys['alt'] and key == 'c' and mouse.hovered_entity: # self.color = mouse.hovered_entity.color class Copier(Entity): prefix = 'ursina_editor_copy_data:```py\n' def input(self, key): if held_keys['control'] and key == 'c': if LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: code = __class__.prefix for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: entity_repr = repr(e) if not 'collider_type=' in entity_repr and hasattr(e, 'collider_type'): entity_repr = f'{entity_repr[:-1]}collider_type=\'{e.collider_type}\')' code += entity_repr + '\n' pyperclip.copy(f'{code}\n```') if held_keys['control'] and key == 'v': value = pyperclip.paste() if value.startswith('ursina_editor_copy_data:```py\n') and value.endswith('\n```'): cleaned_code = value[len(__class__.prefix):-4].strip().split('\n') clones = [] for line in cleaned_code: instance = eval(line) instance.selectable = True LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.entities.append(instance) clones.append(instance) LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.extend(clones) LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = clones LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(('delete entities', [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(en) for en in clones], [repr(e) for e in clones])) print('------------------------') LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() class LevelMenu(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) = Entity(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, model=Quad(radius=.05),, scale=.2, origin=(.5,0), x=camera.aspect_ratio*.495, y=-.3, collider='box') = Entity(, model=Grid(8,8), z=-1,, color=color.dark_gray) self.content_renderer = Entity(, scale=1/8, position=(-1,-.5,-1), model=Mesh(), color='#222222') # scales the content so I can set the position as (x,y) instead of (-1+(x/8),-.5+(y/8)) self.cursor = Entity(parent=self.content_renderer, model='quad', color=color.lime, origin=(-.5,-.5), z=-2, alpha=.5) self.current_scene_indicator = Entity(parent=self.content_renderer, model='circle',, origin=(-.5,-.5), z=-1, enabled=False) # self.tabs = [Button(, scale=(1/4,1/8), position=(-1+(i/4),.5), origin=(-.5,-.5), color=color.hsv(90*i,.5,.3)) for i in range(4)] self.current_scene_label = Text(, x=-1, y=-.5, text='current scene:', z=-10, scale=2.5) self.load_scenes() # self.goto_scene(0, 0) self.draw() def load_scenes(self): for scene_file in LEVEL_EDITOR.scene_folder.glob('*.csv'): if '__' in continue # print('found scene:', scene_file) name = scene_file.stem if '[' in name and ']' in name: x, y = (int(e) for e in name.split('[')[1].split(']')[0].split(',')) # print('scene is at coordinate:', x, y) LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y].path = scene_file def draw(self): if not hasattr(self, 'quad_vertices'): self.quad_vertices = load_model('quad', application.internal_models_compressed_folder, use_deepcopy=True).vertices self.quad_vertices = [Vec3(*e)*.75 for e in self.quad_vertices] self.content_renderer.model.clear() for x in range(8): for y in range(8): if LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y].path: self.content_renderer.model.vertices += [Vec3(*v)+Vec3(x+.5,y+.5,0) for v in self.quad_vertices] self.content_renderer.model.generate() def update(self): self.cursor.enabled = if grid_pos = [floor((mouse.point.x+1) * 8), floor((mouse.point.y+.5) * 8)] self.cursor.position = grid_pos def input(self, key): combined_key = input_handler.get_combined_key(key) if combined_key == 'shift+m': = not # if key == 'left mouse down' and # self.click_start_pos = [int((mouse.point.x+1) * 8), int((mouse.point.y+.5) * 8)] if key == 'left mouse down' and x, y = [int((mouse.point.x+1) * 8), int((mouse.point.y+.5) * 8)] # start_x, start_y = self.click_start_pos # # if x != start_x or y != start_y: # move scene # print(f'move scene at {start_x},{start_y} to {x},{y}') # scene_a = LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[start_x][start_y] # scene_a.coordinates = (x,y) # ='[')[0] + f'[{x},{y}]' # if scene_a.path: # scene_a.path = scene_a.path.parent / ( + '.py') # # scene_b = LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y] # scene_b.coordinates = (start_x, start_y) # ='[')[0] + f'[{start_x},{start_y}]' # if scene_b.path: # scene_b.path = scene_b.path.parent / ( + '.py') # # # swap scenes # LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[self.click_start_pos[0]][self.click_start_pos[1]], LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y] = LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y], LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[self.click_start_pos[0]][self.click_start_pos[1]] # # self.draw() # return # print(x, y) if not held_keys['shift'] and not held_keys['alt']: self.goto_scene(x, y) elif held_keys['shift'] and not held_keys['alt']: # append LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y].load() elif held_keys['alt'] and not held_keys['shift']: # remove LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y].unload() # hotkeys for loading neighbour levels if held_keys['shift'] and held_keys['alt'] and key in 'wasd': if not LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene: return coords = copy(LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.coordinates) if key == 'd': coords[0] += 1 if key == 'a': coords[0] -= 1 if key == 'w': coords[1] += 1 if key == 's': coords[1] -= 1 # print(LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.coordinates, '-->', coords) coords[0] = clamp(coords[0], 0, 8) coords[1] = clamp(coords[1], 0, 8) self.goto_scene(coords[0], coords[1]) # elif key == 'right mouse down' and self.hovered: # x, y = [int((mouse.point.x+1) * 8), int((mouse.point.y+.5) * 8)] # self.right_click_menu.enabled = True # self.right_click_menu.position = (x,y) def goto_scene(self, x, y): self.current_scene_indicator.enabled = True self.current_scene_indicator.position = (x,y) [[LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[_x][_y].unload() for _x in range(8)] for _y in range(8)] LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene = LEVEL_EDITOR.scenes[x][y] LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.load() self.current_scene_label.text = self.draw() LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.update_inspector() if LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.scene_parent: LEVEL_EDITOR.sun_handler.update_bounds(LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.scene_parent) class HierarchyList(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui) self.quad_model = load_model('quad', application.internal_models_folder, use_deepcopy=True) = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', collider='box', origin=(-.5,.5), color=color.black90, position=window.top_left+Vec2(0,-.05), scale=(.15,10)) self.entity_list_text = Text(font='VeraMono.ttf', parent=self, scale=.6, line_height=1, position=window.top_left+Vec2(.005,-.05), z=-2) self.selected_renderer = Entity(parent=self.entity_list_text, scale=(.25,Text.size), model=Mesh(vertices=[]), color=hsv(210,.9,.6), origin=(-.5,.5), x=-.01, z=-1) self.selected_renderer.world_parent = self self.selected_renderer.z= -.1 self.prev_y = None self.i = 0 def input(self, key): if key == 'left mouse down' and y = int(-mouse.point.y * / Text.size / self.entity_list_text.scale_y) if y < len(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities): if not held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift']: # select one LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[self.entity_indices[y]], ] elif held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift']: # add one LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.append(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[self.entity_indices[y]]) elif held_keys['shift'] and self.prev_y: # add multiple from_y = min(self.prev_y, y) to_y = max(self.prev_y, y) for _ in range(from_y, to_y+1): LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.append(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities[self.entity_indices[_]]) elif not held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift']: LEVEL_EDITOR.selection.clear() self.prev_y = y LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() # LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() if key == 'left mouse up': LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() def draw(self, entity, indent=0): self.entity_indices[self.i] = LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(entity) if not entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: self._text += f'{" "*indent}{ if else "lol"}\n' else: self.selected_renderer.model.vertices.extend([Vec3(v)-Vec3(0,self.i,0) for v in self.quad_model.vertices]) self._text += f'{" "*indent}{}\n' self.i += 1 def render_selection(self): self._text = '' self.selected_renderer.model.vertices = [] self.entity_indices = [-1 for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities] self.i = 0 current_node = None for entity in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities: if hasattr(entity, 'is_gizmo') and entity.is_gizmo: continue if entity.parent == LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.scene_parent: self.draw(entity, indent=0) for child in [e for e in entity.children if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities]: if hasattr(child, 'is_gizmo') and child.is_gizmo: continue self.draw(child, indent=1) for child_2 in [e for e in child.children if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities]: if hasattr(child_2, 'is_gizmo') and child_2.is_gizmo: continue self.draw(child_2, indent=2) for child_3 in [e for e in child_2.children if e in LEVEL_EDITOR.entities]: if hasattr(child_3, 'is_gizmo') and child_3.is_gizmo: continue self.draw(child_3, indent=3) self.entity_list_text.text = self._text self.selected_renderer.model.generate() Text.default_font = 'VeraMono.ttf' class InspectorInputField(InputField): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.text_field.x = .05 self.text_field.y = -.25 self.text_field.world_scale = 25 * .75 self.text_field.text_entity.color = color.light_gray self.highlight_color = color._32 class InspectorButton(Button): defaults = dict(model='quad', origin=(-.5,.5), text_origin=(-.5,0), text_color=color.light_gray, color=color.black90, highlight_color=color._32) def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs = __class__.defaults | kwargs super().__init__(**kwargs) self.text_entity.x = .025 self.text_entity.scale *= .75 class ColorField(InspectorButton): def __init__(self, attr_name='color', is_shader_input=False, value=color.white, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.attr_name = attr_name self.is_shader_input = is_shader_input self.preview = Entity(parent=self, model=Quad(aspect=2/1), scale=(.5,.8), origin=(.5,.5), x=1, z=-.1, y=-.05, collider='box', on_click=self.on_click) # self.text_entity.scale *= .75 self.value = value @property def value(self): return self.preview.color @value.setter def value(self, value): self.preview.color = value def on_click(self): LEVEL_EDITOR.color_menu.color_field = self LEVEL_EDITOR.color_menu.position = self.preview.get_position(relative_to=camera.ui).xy + Vec2(.025,-.01) LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'color_menu' class Inspector(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, position=window.top_left+Vec2(.15,-.04)) self.selected_entity = None self.ui = Entity(parent=self) self.name_field = InspectorInputField(parent=self.ui, default_value='name', origin=(-.5,.5), scale_x=.15*3, scale_y=.05*.75, color=hsv(210,.9,.6)) self.input_fields = [self.name_field, ] self.transform_fields = [] for y, names in enumerate((('x','y','z'), ('rotation_x','rotation_y','rotation_z'), ('scale_x','scale_y','scale_z'))): for x in range(3): default = '0' if y == 2: default = '1' field = InspectorInputField(max_width=8, model='quad', parent=self.name_field, scale=(1/3,1), origin=(-.5,.5), default_value=default, limit_content_to=ContentTypes.math, x=x/3, y=-y-1, color=color._8) def on_submit(names=names, x=x, field=field): try: value = float(eval(field.text[:8])) if isinstance(value, float): field.text_field.text_entity.text = str(value)[:8] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: setattr(e, names[x], float(field.text_field.text_entity.text)) except: # invalid/incomplete math # print('invalid') return # field.submit_on = 'enter' field.on_submit = on_submit field.on_value_changed = on_submit self.transform_fields.append(field) # self.input_fields.append(field) for i in range(len(self.transform_fields)-1): self.transform_fields[i].next_field = self.transform_fields[i+1] self.fields = dict( model = InspectorButton(parent=self.name_field, text='model: ', y=-4, on_click=Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'model_menu')), texture = InspectorButton(parent=self.name_field, text='texture: ', y=-4-1, on_click=Sequence(Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'texture_menu'), Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.texture_menu, 'target_attr', 'texture'))), color = ColorField(parent=self.name_field, text='c:color: ', y=-4-2, attr_name='color', is_shader_input=False), collider_type = InspectorButton(parent=self.name_field, text='collider_type: ', y=-4-3, on_click=Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'collider_menu')), shader = InspectorButton(parent=self.name_field, text='shader: ', y=-4-4, on_click=Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'shader_menu')), ) Entity(model=Grid(3,3), parent=self.transform_fields[0], scale=3, origin=(-.5,.5), z=-.1, color=color._64) self.shader_inputs_parent = Entity(parent=self.name_field, y=-9) self.scale = .6 self.update_inspector() def input(self, key): if key != 'left mouse up': return if LEVEL_EDITOR.selection and (mouse.left or held_keys['d']): if not self.selected_entity: self.update_inspector() elif self.selected_entity != LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0]: self.update_inspector() def update_inspector(self): # print('update inspector') self.ui.enabled = bool(LEVEL_EDITOR.selection) if not LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: return self.selected_entity = LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0] self.fields['color'].preview.color = LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[0].color self.name_field.text_field.text_entity.text = for i, attr_name in enumerate(('x', 'y', 'z', 'rotation_x', 'rotation_y', 'rotation_z', 'scale_x', 'scale_y', 'scale_z')): self.transform_fields[i].text_field.text_entity.text = str(round(getattr(self.selected_entity, attr_name),4)) for name in ('model', 'texture', 'collider_type', 'shader'): unique_field_values = tuple(set([getattr(e, name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection if hasattr(e, name)])) if unique_field_values == (): text = '*error*' elif len(unique_field_values) == 1: # all selected entities has the same value, so draw that text = unique_field_values[0] if hasattr(text, 'name'): text = else: text = '--- mixed ---' self.fields[name].text_entity.text = (f'{name[0]}:{text}') [destroy(e) for e in self.shader_inputs_parent.children] from ursina.prefabs.vec_field import VecField i = 0 if self.selected_entity.shader: shader_inputs = {key: value for key, value in self.selected_entity.shader.default_input.items() if key != 'shadow_color'} for name, value in shader_inputs.items(): instance_value = self.selected_entity.get_shader_input(name) if instance_value: # print('use instance value,', instance_value) value = instance_value if isinstance(value, str): # texture b = InspectorButton(parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, text=f' {name}: {value}', highlight_color=color.black90, y=-i) b.text_entity.scale *= .6 b.on_click = Sequence( Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'texture_menu'), Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.texture_menu, 'target_attr', name) ) if isinstance(value, Vec2) or (hasattr(value, '__len__') and len(value) == 2): field = VecField(default_value=instance_value, parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, model='quad', scale=(1,1), x=.5, y=-i-.5, text=f' {name}') for e in field.fields: e.text_field.scale *= .6 e.text_field.text_entity.color = color.light_gray field.text_entity.scale *= .6*.75 field.text_entity.color = color.light_gray def on_submit(name=name, field=field): for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: # setattr(e, name, float(field.text_field.text_entity.text)) e.set_shader_input(name, field.value) field.on_value_changed = on_submit # # float # # int # # Vec3 elif isinstance(value, Color): color_field = ColorField(parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, text=f' {name}', y=-i, is_shader_input=True, attr_name=name, value=value) color_field.text_entity.scale *= .6 i += 1 i += 0 if hasattr(self.selected_entity, 'draw_inspector'): divider = Entity(parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, model='quad', collider='box', origin=(-.5,.5), scale=(1,.5), color=color.black90, y=-i) i += 1 # print('-------------', self.selected_entity.draw_inspector()) for name, _type in self.selected_entity.draw_inspector().items(): if not hasattr(self.selected_entity, name): continue attr = getattr(self.selected_entity, name) if attr is False or attr is True: # if isinstance(attr, bool): b = InspectorButton(parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, text=f' {name}:',, y=-i, origin=(-.5,0)) b.text_entity.scale *= .6 def toggle_value(name=name): new_value = not getattr(self.selected_entity, name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: setattr(e, name, new_value) if hasattr(e, 'generate'): e.generate() b.on_click = toggle_value elif _type in (float, int): field = VecField(default_value=attr, parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, model='quad', scale=(1,1), x=.5, y=-i, text=f' {name}') for e in field.fields: e.text_field.scale *= .6 e.text_field.text_entity.color = color.light_gray field.text_entity.scale *= .6*.75 field.text_entity.color = color.light_gray def on_submit(name=name, field=field): for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: setattr(e, name, field.value) field.on_value_changed = on_submit elif isinstance(_type, type): text = attr if hasattr(attr, 'name'): text = attr.__name__ b = InspectorButton(parent=self.shader_inputs_parent, text=f' {name}: {text}', y=-i, origin=(-.5,0)) b.text_entity.scale *= .6 b.on_click = Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'class_menu') i += 1 class MenuHandler(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR) self._state = None self.states = { 'None' : Entity(), 'model_menu' : LEVEL_EDITOR.model_menu, 'texture_menu' : LEVEL_EDITOR.texture_menu, 'shader_menu' : LEVEL_EDITOR.shader_menu, 'color_menu' : LEVEL_EDITOR.color_menu, 'collider_menu': LEVEL_EDITOR.collider_menu, 'class_menu': LEVEL_EDITOR.class_menu } self.keybinds = {'m' : 'model_menu', 'v' : 'texture_menu', 'n' : 'shader_menu', 'b' : 'color_menu', 'escape' : 'None'} @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): target_state = self.states[value] print('toggle:', value, 'from:', self._state) if self._state == value: target_state.enabled = not target_state.enabled return for key, e in self.states.items(): # only show set state and disable the rest if e: e.enabled = value == key self._state = value def input(self, key): if key == 'escape' and self.state != 'None': self.state = 'None' return # print(key, self.keybinds) if self.state != 'None': return if not held_keys['control'] and not held_keys['shift'] and not held_keys['alt'] and key in self.keybinds and LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: self.state = self.keybinds[key] # print('sets state:', self.keybinds[key], self.state) class AssetMenu(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, enabled=False, z=-2, name=__class__.__name__) self.button_list = ButtonList({}, parent=self, font='VeraMono.ttf', x=-.25*.75, scale=.75) = Entity(parent=self.button_list, model='quad', collider='box', color=color.black33, on_click=self.disable, z=.1, scale=100) def on_enable(self): if not self.asset_names: print('no texture assets found') # return asset_dict = {name : Func(self.on_select_asset, name) for name in self.asset_names} self.button_list.button_dict = asset_dict self.button_list.y = len(asset_dict) / 2 * self.button_list.button_height * Text.size self.button_list.x = mouse.x self.button_list.y = mouse.y class ModelMenu(AssetMenu): def on_enable(self): # self.model_names = [e.stem for e in application.internal_models_compressed_folder.glob('**/*.ursinamesh')] self.asset_names = ['None', 'cube', 'sphere', 'plane'] for file_type in ('.bam', '.obj', '.ursinamesh'): self.asset_names += [e.stem for e in application.asset_folder.glob(f'**/*{file_type}') if not 'animation' in e.stem] super().on_enable() def on_select_asset(self, name): if name == 'None': name = None changes = [] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: index = LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e) if not e.model: changes.append((index, 'model', None, name)) else: changes.append((index, 'model',, name)) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.model = name if name == 'cube': e.collider = 'cube' else: e.collider = None LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' class TextureMenu(AssetMenu): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.target_attr = 'texture' def on_enable(self): search_for = '' self.asset_names = ['None', 'white_cube', 'brick', 'grass_tintable', 'radial_gradient', 'cog'] for file_type in ('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg'): self.asset_names += [e.stem for e in application.asset_folder.glob(f'**/{search_for}*{file_type}')] super().on_enable() def on_select_asset(self, name): if name == 'None': name = None if self.target_attr == 'texture': LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'texture', e.texture, name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.texture = name else: LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), self.target_attr, e.get_shader_input(self.target_attr), name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.set_shader_input(self.target_attr, name) LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.update_inspector() LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' class ShaderMenu(AssetMenu): def on_enable(self): self.asset_names = [ 'unlit_shader', 'lit_with_shadows_shader', 'triplanar_shader', 'matcap_shader', 'normals_shader', ] super().on_enable() def on_select_asset(self, name): LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'shader', e.shader, name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: exec(f'from ursina.shaders import {name}') exec(f'e.shader = {name}') LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.update_inspector() class ColorMenu(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, enabled=False) = Entity(parent=self, collider='box', z=.1,, alpha=.8, origin=(-.5,.5), scale=(.6,.15), position=(-.05,.03), model=Quad(aspect=.6/.15)) self.h_slider = Slider(name='h', min=0, max=360, step=1, text='h', dynamic=True, world_parent=self, on_value_changed=self.on_slider_changed) = color.white = 'rainbow' = True self.s_slider = Slider(name='s', min=0, max=100, step=1, default=50, text='s', dynamic=True, world_parent=self, on_value_changed=self.on_slider_changed) = color.white = [color.white for i in] self.v_slider = Slider(name='v', min=0, max=100, default=50, step=1, text='v', dynamic=True, world_parent=self, on_value_changed=self.on_slider_changed) = [ for i in] = color.white self.a_slider = Slider(name='a', min=0, max=100, default=100, step=1, text='a', dynamic=True, world_parent=self, on_value_changed=self.on_slider_changed) = [color.white for i in] = color.white for i, v in enumerate( if v[0] < 0:[i] = color.clear for i, e in enumerate((self.h_slider, self.s_slider, self.v_slider, self.a_slider)): e.y = -i * .03 e.knob.color = color.white self.scale *= .5 = Entity(parent=self, model='quad', collider='box', visible_self=False, scale=10, z=1, on_click=self.close) self.apply_color = True # set to False when you want to move the sliders but not update the color of the entities. def on_slider_changed(self): value = color.hsv(self.h_slider.value, self.s_slider.value/100, self.v_slider.value/100, self.a_slider.value/100) if self.apply_color: LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].preview.color = value if not LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].is_shader_input: for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.color = value else: # print('is shader input, set', inspector.fields['color'].attr_name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.set_shader_input(LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].attr_name, value) for i, v in enumerate( if v[0] < 0:[i] = color.gray else:[i] = color.hsv(value.h, 1, value.v) for i, v in enumerate( if v[0] > 0:[i] = color.hsv(value.h, value.s, 1) = value def on_enable(self): for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.original_color = e.color self.apply_color = False self.h_slider.value = LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].preview.color.h self.s_slider.value = LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].preview.color.s * 100 self.v_slider.value = LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].preview.color.v * 100 self.a_slider.value = LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.fields['color'].preview.color.a * 100 self.apply_color = True def close(self): LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'color', e.original_color, e.color) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) class ColliderMenu(AssetMenu): def on_enable(self): self.asset_names = ['None', 'box', 'sphere', 'mesh', ] super().on_enable() def on_select_asset(self, name): if name == 'None': name = None # LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'collider', e.texture, name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.collider_type = name LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.update_inspector() LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' class ClassMenu(AssetMenu): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.available_classes = {'None': None} def on_enable(self): self.asset_names = self.available_classes.keys() super().on_enable() def on_select_asset(self, name): # LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo([(LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(e), 'collider', e.texture, name) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection]) for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: if hasattr(e, 'class_to_spawn'): e.class_to_spawn = name LEVEL_EDITOR.inspector.update_inspector() LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' class Help(Button): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, text='?', scale=.025, model='circle', origin=(-.5,.5), text_origin=(0,0), position=window.top_left) self.tooltip = Text( position=self.position + Vec3(.05,-.05,-10), # wordwrap=0, font='VeraMono.ttf', enabled=False, text=dedent(''' Hotkeys: n: add new cube d: quick drag w: move tool x/y/z: hold to quick move on axis c: quick rotate on y axis t: tilt e: scale tool s: quick scale s + x/y/z: quick scale on axis f: move editor camera to point shift+f: reset editor camera position shift+p: toggle perspective/orthographic shift+d: duplicate ''').strip(), background=True, scale=.5 ) self.tooltip.background.color = self.tooltip.original_scale = .75 class Duplicator(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, clones=None) self.plane = Entity(model='plane', collider='box', scale=Vec3(100,.1,100), enabled=False, visible=False) self.dragger = Draggable(parent=scene, model=None, collider=None, enabled=False) self.dragging = False self.start_position = None self.clone_from_position = None self.axis_lock = None self.axis_lock_gizmos = [ Entity(model='cube', scale=Vec3(100,.01,.01), color=color.magenta, parent=self.dragger, unlit=True, enabled=False), Entity(model='cube', scale=Vec3(.01,100,.01), color=color.yellow, parent=self.dragger, unlit=True, enabled=False), Entity(model='cube', scale=Vec3(.01,.01,100), color=color.cyan, parent=self.dragger, unlit=True, enabled=False), ] def update(self): if self.plane.enabled: self.dragger.position = mouse.world_point if self.axis_lock is not None: self.axis_lock_gizmos[self.axis_lock].enabled = True if self.axis_lock == 0: self.dragger.z = self.start_position.z if self.axis_lock == 2: self.dragger.x = self.start_position.x def input(self, key): combined_key = input_handler.get_combined_key(key) if combined_key == 'shift+d' and LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: # print('duplicate') LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler.state = 'None' self.clones = [] for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: clone = deepcopy(e) clone.original_parent = e.parent clone.color = e.color clone.shader = e.shader clone.origin = e.origin clone.selectable = True for key, value in e._shader_inputs.items(): clone.set_shader_input(key, value) clone.collision = False clone.collider_type = e.collider_type self.clones.append(clone) LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.extend(self.clones) LEVEL_EDITOR.selection = self.clones LEVEL_EDITOR.current_scene.undo.record_undo(('delete entities', [LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.index(en) for en in self.clones], [repr(e) for e in self.clones],)) self.clone_from_position = self.clones[-1].position self.plane.y = LEVEL_EDITOR.selection[-1].world_y self.plane.enabled = True mouse.traverse_target = self.plane mouse.update() self.start_position = mouse.world_point self.dragger.world_position = self.start_position self.dragger.enabled = True self.axis_lock = None for e in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: e.world_parent = self.dragger elif self.plane.enabled and key == 'left mouse up': for e in self.clones: e.world_parent = e.original_parent self.plane.enabled = False self.dragger.enabled = False self.clones = [] mouse.traverse_target = scene [e.disable() for e in self.axis_lock_gizmos] LEVEL_EDITOR.render_selection() elif self.plane.enabled and key == 'middle mouse down': if self.axis_lock == None: delta_position = (abs(self.dragger.x-self.start_position.x), abs(self.dragger.y-self.start_position.y), abs(self.dragger.z-self.start_position.z)) max_val = max(delta_position) self.axis_lock = delta_position.index(max_val) for e in self.axis_lock_gizmos: e.world_position = self.clones[-1].world_position # print('lock on axis:', delta_position, max_val, self.axis_lock) else: self.axis_lock = None class SunHandler(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR, **kwargs) self.sun = DirectionalLight(shadow_map_resolution=(2048,2048)) self.sun.look_at(Vec3(-2,-1,-1)) # self.update_bounds() def update_bounds(self, entity): self.sun.update_bounds(entity) def input(self, key): if key == 'l': print('toggle sun') self.update_bounds() from ursina.prefabs.radial_menu import RadialMenu class RightClickMenu(Entity): def __init__(self): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui) self.radial_menu = RadialMenu( parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, buttons = ( Button(, model='circle', text='Model', scale=1.5, on_click=Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'model_menu')), Button(, model='circle', text='Tex', scale=1.5, on_click=Sequence(Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'texture_menu'), Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.texture_menu, 'target_attr', 'texture'))), Button(, model='circle', text='Col', scale=1.5, on_click=Sequence(Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'color_menu'), Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.color_menu, 'position', mouse.position))), Button(, model='circle', text='Sh', scale=1.5, on_click=Func(setattr, LEVEL_EDITOR.menu_handler, 'state', 'shader_menu')), Button(, model='circle', text='del', scale=.75,, on_click=LEVEL_EDITOR.deleter.delete_selected), Button(, model='circle', text='Coll', scale=1.5), ), enabled=False, scale=.05 ) def input(self, key): if key == 'right mouse down': self.start_click_pos = mouse.position if key == 'right mouse up': if LEVEL_EDITOR.selection and sum(abs(e) for e in mouse.position-self.start_click_pos) < .005 and LEVEL_EDITOR.selector.get_hovered_entity() in LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: self.radial_menu.enabled = True class Search(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, **kwargs) self.input_field = InputField(parent=LEVEL_EDITOR.ui, enabled=False) def input(self, key): if key == 'space' and LEVEL_EDITOR.selection: self.input_field.enabled = True self.input_field.text = '' # elif len(key) == 1: # print('---', self.input_field.text) def get_major_axis_relative_to_view(entity): # if we're looking at the entity from the right/left, return 0, top/bot:1, front/back: 2 r = round(, 1) u = round(, 1) f = round(, 1) dir = (r, u, f) axis_index = dir.index(max(dir, key=abs)) is_positive_direction = dir[axis_index] > 0 return axis_index, is_positive_direction if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import * # from ursina.editor.level_editor import LevelEditor app = Ursina(vsync=False) class Tree(Entity): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.model = 'cube' self.color = color.brown = Entity(name='tree_top', parent=self, y=1.5, model='cube',, selectable=True) LEVEL_EDITOR.entities.append( level_editor = LevelEditor() # level_editor.goto_scene(0,0) level_editor.class_menu.available_classes |= {'WhiteCube': WhiteCube, 'EditorCamera':EditorCamera, } # level_editor.prefabs.append(Tree) # level_editor.spawner.update_menu() # level_editor.selection = [level_editor.entities[0], ] # window.center_on_screen() # Sky()