from ursina.entity import Entity from ursina.scene import instance as scene from ursina.vec3 import Vec3 from ursina import color from ursina.ursinastuff import invoke _boxcast_box = Entity(model='cube', origin_z=-.5, collider='box', color=color.white33, enabled=False, eternal=True, add_to_scene_entities=False) def boxcast(origin, direction=(0,0,1), distance=9999, thickness=(1,1), traverse_target=scene, ignore:list=None, debug=False): # similar to raycast, but with width and height if not ignore: ignore = [] if isinstance(thickness, (int, float, complex)): thickness = (thickness, thickness) _boxcast_box.enabled = True _boxcast_box.collision = True _boxcast_box.position = origin _boxcast_box.scale = Vec3(abs(thickness[0]), abs(thickness[1]), abs(distance)) _boxcast_box.always_on_top = debug _boxcast_box.visible = debug _boxcast_box.look_at(origin + direction) hit_info = _boxcast_box.intersects(traverse_target=traverse_target, ignore=ignore) if debug: _boxcast_box.collision = False invoke(setattr, _boxcast_box, 'enabled', False, delay=.2) else: _boxcast_box.enabled = False return hit_info if __name__ == '__main__': from ursina import Ursina, held_keys, camera, duplicate, raycast, time, EditorCamera app = Ursina() ''' Casts a ray from *origin*, in *direction*, with length *distance* and returns a HitInfo containing information about what it hit. This ray will only hit entities with a collider. Use optional *traverse_target* to only be able to hit a specific entity and its children/descendants. Use optional *ignore* list to ignore certain entities. Setting debug to True will draw the line on screen. Example where we only move if a wall is not hit: ''' class Player(Entity): def update(self): self.direction = Vec3( self.forward * (held_keys['w'] - held_keys['s']) + self.right * (held_keys['d'] - held_keys['a']) ).normalized() # get the direction we're trying to walk in. origin = self.world_position + (self.up*.5) # the ray should start slightly up from the ground so we can walk up slopes or walk over small objects. hit_info = raycast(origin , self.direction, ignore=(self,), distance=.5, debug=False) if not hit_info.hit: self.position += self.direction * 5 * time.dt Player(model='cube', origin_y=-.5, wall_left = Entity(model='cube', collider='box', scale_y=3, origin_y=-.5,, x=-4) wall_right = duplicate(wall_left, x=4) camera.y = 2 # test breakpoint() d = Entity(parent=scene, position=(0,0,2), model='cube',, collider='box', scale=2) e = Entity(model='cube', color=color.lime) camera.position = (0, 15, -15) camera.look_at(e) # camera.reparent_to(e) speed = .01 rotation_speed = 1 intersection_marker = Entity(model='cube', scale=.2, def update(): e.position += e.forward * held_keys['w'] * speed e.position += e.left * held_keys['a'] * speed e.position += e.back * held_keys['s'] * speed e.position += e.right * held_keys['d'] * speed e.rotation_y -= held_keys['q'] * rotation_speed e.rotation_y += held_keys['e'] * rotation_speed # ray = raycast(e.world_position, e.forward, 3, debug=True) # ray = raycast(e.world_position, e.forward, 3, debug=True) ray = boxcast(e.world_position, e.right, 3, debug=True) # print(ray.distance, ray2.distance) intersection_marker.world_position = ray.world_point intersection_marker.visible = ray.hit if ray.hit: d.color = else: d.color = t = time.time() # ray = raycast(e.world_position, e.forward, 3, debug=True) print(time.time() - t) # raycast((0,0,-2), (0,0,1), 5, debug=False) EditorCamera()