from __future__ import annotations # pylint: disable=invalid-name import functools import math import struct import typing from typing_extensions import ( TypeAlias, Final, ) import panda3d.core as p3d Vec2TupleType: TypeAlias = 'tuple[float, float]' Vec3TupleType: TypeAlias = 'tuple[float, float, float]' SHTupleType: TypeAlias = '''tuple[ float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, ]''' def calc_vector(dim: int, face_idx: int, xloc: float, yloc: float) -> Vec3TupleType: maxidx = dim - 1 # Remap [0, dimension] to [-1, 1] xcoord = xloc / maxidx * 2 - 1 ycoord = (maxidx - yloc) / maxidx * 2 - 1 # This should always be the largest component, so add some room for # xcoord or ycoord to be 1.0 unitlength = 1.00001 if face_idx == 0: vec = (unitlength, ycoord, -xcoord) elif face_idx == 1: vec = (-unitlength, ycoord, xcoord) elif face_idx == 2: vec = (xcoord, unitlength, -ycoord) elif face_idx == 3: vec = (xcoord, -unitlength, ycoord) elif face_idx == 4: vec = (xcoord, ycoord, unitlength) elif face_idx == 5: vec = (-xcoord, ycoord, -unitlength) return vec def calc_solid_angle(invdim: float, x: float, y: float) -> float: s = ((x + 0.5) * 2 * invdim) - 1 t = ((y + 0.5) * 2 * invdim) - 1 x0 = s - invdim y0 = t - invdim x1 = s + invdim y1 = t + invdim x02 = x0 * x0 y02 = y0 * y0 x12 = x1 * x1 y12 = y1 * y1 return math.atan2(x0*y0, math.sqrt(x02 + y02 + 1)) - \ math.atan2(x0*y1, math.sqrt(x02 + y12 + 1)) - \ math.atan2(x1*y0, math.sqrt(x12 + y02 + 1)) + \ math.atan2(x1*y1, math.sqrt(x12 + y12 + 1)) def get_sh_basis_from_vector(vec: Vec3TupleType) -> SHTupleType: vecx, vecy, vecz = vec return ( 0.282095, 0.488603 * vecx, 0.488603 * vecz, 0.488603 * vecy, 1.092548 * vecx * vecz, 1.092548 * vecy * vecz, 1.092548 * vecy * vecx, (0.946176 * vecz * vecz - 0.315392), 0.546274 * (vecx * vecx - vecy * vecy), ) def get_sh_coeffs_from_cube_map(texcubemap: p3d.Texture) -> list[p3d.LVector3]: if texcubemap.z_size != 6: raise RuntimeError('supplied texture was not a cube map') if texcubemap.x_size != texcubemap.y_size: raise RuntimeError('supplied cube map is using unsupported, non-square dimensions') if not texcubemap.might_have_ram_image(): raise RuntimeError('expected might_have_ram_image() to be true on supplied texture') peeker = texcubemap.peek() if peeker is None: raise RuntimeError('unable to get TexturePeeker for texture') dim = texcubemap.x_size invdim = 1.0 / dim shcoeffs = [ p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 0), ] colorptr = p3d.LColor() # SH Basis for face in range(texcubemap.z_size): for x in range(texcubemap.x_size): for y in range(texcubemap.y_size): # Grab the color value peeker.fetch_pixel(colorptr, x, y, face) color = # Use SA as a weight to better handle corners (box vs sphere) color *= calc_solid_angle(invdim, x, y) # Multiply color by SH basis and add results vec = calc_vector(dim, face, x, y) basis = get_sh_basis_from_vector(vec) for idx, value in enumerate(basis): shcoeffs[idx] += color * value # Convolution with cosine lobe for irradiance # this is actually for reconstruction, but we can bake it in here to avoid # extra math in the shader a0 = 3.141593 # pi a1 = 2.094395 # 2/3 pi a2 = 0.785398 # 1/4 pi shcoeffs[0] *= a0 shcoeffs[1] *= a1 shcoeffs[2] *= a1 shcoeffs[3] *= a1 shcoeffs[4] *= a2 shcoeffs[5] *= a2 shcoeffs[6] *= a2 shcoeffs[7] *= a2 return shcoeffs def van_der_corput(idx: int, base: int = 2) -> float: result = 0.0 denom = 1 while idx: denom *= base idx, rem = divmod(idx, base) result += rem / denom return result @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def hammersley(idx: int, maxnum: int) -> Vec2TupleType: return (idx / maxnum, van_der_corput(idx)) VEC_Z: Final = p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 1) VEC_X: Final = p3d.LVector3(1, 0, 0) def importance_sample_ggx( xi: Vec2TupleType, normal: p3d.LVector3, roughness: float ) -> p3d.LVector3: alpha = roughness * roughness phi = 2 * math.pi * xi[0] costheta = math.sqrt((1 - xi[1]) / (1 + (alpha * alpha - 1) * xi[1])) sintheta = math.sqrt(1 - costheta * costheta) hvec_x = math.cos(phi) * sintheta hvec_y = math.sin(phi) * sintheta hvec_z = costheta upvec = VEC_Z if abs(normal.z < 0.999) else VEC_X tangent = upvec.cross(normal) tangent.normalize() bitangent = normal.cross(tangent) return (tangent * hvec_x + bitangent * hvec_y + normal * hvec_z).normalized() def geometry_schlick_ggx(ndotv: float, roughness: float) -> float: alpha = roughness kibl = alpha * alpha / 2 return ndotv / (ndotv * (1 - kibl) + kibl) def geometry_smith( normal: p3d.LVector3, view: p3d.LVector3, light: p3d.LVector3, roughness: float ) -> float: ndotv = max(, 0) ndotl = max(, 0) return geometry_schlick_ggx(ndotv, roughness) * geometry_schlick_ggx(ndotl, roughness) def integrate_brdf(ndotv: float, roughness: float, num_samples: int = 1024) -> p3d.LVector2: ndotv = max(ndotv, 0.0001) view = p3d.LVector3( math.sqrt(1 - ndotv * ndotv), 0, ndotv ) normal = p3d.LVector3(0, 0, 1) retval = p3d.LVector2(0, 0) for idx in range(num_samples): xi = hammersley(idx, num_samples) hvec = importance_sample_ggx(xi, normal, roughness) light = hvec * 2 * - view light.normalize() ndotl = max(light.z, 0) if ndotl > 0: ndoth = max(hvec.z, 0) vdoth = max(, 0) geom = geometry_smith(normal, view, light, roughness) geom_vis = (geom * vdoth) / (ndoth * ndotv) fresnel = math.pow(1 - vdoth, 5) retval.x += (1 - fresnel) * geom_vis retval.y += fresnel * geom_vis retval /= num_samples return retval def gen_brdf_lut(lutsize: int, num_samples: int = 1024) -> p3d.Texture: brdflut = p3d.Texture('brdf_lut') brdflut.setup_2d_texture(lutsize, lutsize, p3d.Texture.T_float, p3d.Texture.F_rg16) brdflut.wrap_u = p3d.SamplerState.WM_clamp brdflut.wrap_v = p3d.SamplerState.WM_clamp brdflut.minfilter = p3d.SamplerState.FT_linear brdflut.magfilter = p3d.SamplerState.FT_linear handle = typing.cast(memoryview, brdflut.modify_ram_image()) pixelsize = brdflut.component_width * brdflut.num_components xsize = brdflut.x_size for ycoord in range(lutsize): for xcoord in range(lutsize): idx = (ycoord * xsize + xcoord) * pixelsize result = integrate_brdf(xcoord / lutsize, ycoord / lutsize, num_samples) struct.pack_into('ff', handle, idx, result[0], result[1]) return brdflut def filter_sample( pos: p3d.LVector3, envmap: p3d.TexturePeeker, roughness: float, num_samples: int ) -> p3d.LVector3: view = normal = pos.normalized() totweight = 0.0 retval = p3d.LVector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) colorptr = p3d.LColor() for idx in range(num_samples): xi = hammersley(idx, num_samples) hvec = importance_sample_ggx(xi, normal, roughness) light = hvec * 2.0 * - view light.normalize() ndotl = max(, 0.0) if ndotl > 0.0: envmap.lookup(colorptr, light.x, light.y, light.z) retval += * ndotl totweight += ndotl retval /= totweight return retval def filter_env_map( envmap: p3d.Texture, filtered: p3d.Texture, *, size: int = 16, num_mipmaps: int = 4, num_samples: int = 4 ) -> None: peeker = envmap.peek() filtered.setup_cube_map(size, p3d.Texture.T_float, p3d.Texture.F_rgb32) filtered.magfilter = p3d.SamplerState.FT_linear filtered.minfilter = p3d.SamplerState.FT_linear_mipmap_linear pixelsize = filtered.component_width * filtered.num_components for i in range(num_mipmaps): mipsize = int(size * 0.5 ** i) roughness = 1 if num_mipmaps == 1 else i / (num_mipmaps - 1) texdata = p3d.PTA_uchar.empty_array(mipsize * mipsize * 6 * pixelsize) for face in range(6): for xcoord in range(mipsize): for ycoord in range(mipsize): offset = ((face * mipsize + ycoord) * mipsize + xcoord) * pixelsize vec = calc_vector(mipsize, face, xcoord, ycoord) pos = p3d.LVector3(vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]) result = filter_sample(pos, peeker, roughness, num_samples) struct.pack_into( 'fff', typing.cast(memoryview, texdata), offset, result[2], result[1], result[0] ) filtered.set_ram_mipmap_image(i, texdata)