1704722088 3 3 11 libp3grutil 4 sM0l 12 panda3d.core 238 264 9 CardMaker 0 260 502 20 CardMaker::CardMaker 0 2 1 2 10 /** * */ 120 inline explicit CardMaker::CardMaker(std::string const &name); inline CardMaker::CardMaker(CardMaker const &) = default; 265 10 ~CardMaker 0 516 502 21 CardMaker::~CardMaker 0 0 10 /** * */ 35 inline CardMaker::~CardMaker(void); 266 5 reset 0 4 502 16 CardMaker::reset 0 1 3 63 /** * Resets all the parameters to their initial defaults. */ 28 void CardMaker::reset(void); 267 12 set_uv_range 0 4 502 23 CardMaker::set_uv_range 0 5 4 5 6 7 8 1098 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices appropriately * to show the non-pad region of the texture. */ 440 void CardMaker::set_uv_range(LTexCoord const &ll, LTexCoord const &ur); void CardMaker::set_uv_range(LTexCoord const &ll, LTexCoord const &lr, LTexCoord const &ur, LTexCoord const &ul); void CardMaker::set_uv_range(LTexCoord3 const &ll, LTexCoord3 const &lr, LTexCoord3 const &ur, LTexCoord3 const &ul); void CardMaker::set_uv_range(LVector4 const &x, LVector4 const &y, LVector4 const &z); void CardMaker::set_uv_range(Texture const *tex); 268 17 set_uv_range_cube 0 4 502 28 CardMaker::set_uv_range_cube 0 1 9 108 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices appropriately * for a cube-map face. */ 44 void CardMaker::set_uv_range_cube(int face); 269 11 set_has_uvs 0 4 502 22 CardMaker::set_has_uvs 0 1 10 91 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether vertices will be generated with UV's or * not. */ 46 inline void CardMaker::set_has_uvs(bool flag); 270 14 set_has_3d_uvs 0 4 502 25 CardMaker::set_has_3d_uvs 0 1 11 211 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether vertices will be generated with * 3-component UVW's (true) or 2-component UV's (the default, false). * Normally, this will be implicitly set by setting the uv_range. */ 49 inline void CardMaker::set_has_3d_uvs(bool flag); 271 9 set_frame 0 4 502 20 CardMaker::set_frame 0 3 12 13 14 115 /** * Sets the size of the card. */ /** * Sets the size of the card. */ /** * Sets the size of the card. */ 275 inline void CardMaker::set_frame(PN_stdfloat left, PN_stdfloat right, PN_stdfloat bottom, PN_stdfloat top); inline void CardMaker::set_frame(LVecBase4 const &frame); inline void CardMaker::set_frame(LVertex const &ll, LVertex const &lr, LVertex const &ur, LVertex const &ul); 272 25 set_frame_fullscreen_quad 0 4 502 36 CardMaker::set_frame_fullscreen_quad 0 1 15 134 /** * Sets the card to (-1,1,-1,1), which is appropriate if you plan to parent it * to render2d and use it as a fullscreen quad. */ 55 inline void CardMaker::set_frame_fullscreen_quad(void); 273 9 set_color 0 4 502 20 CardMaker::set_color 0 2 16 17 78 /** * Sets the color of the card. */ /** * Sets the color of the card. */ 148 inline void CardMaker::set_color(PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat g, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat a); inline void CardMaker::set_color(LColor const &color); 274 11 clear_color 0 4 502 22 CardMaker::clear_color 0 1 18 40 /** * Unsets the color of the card. */ 41 inline void CardMaker::clear_color(void); 275 15 set_has_normals 0 4 502 26 CardMaker::set_has_normals 0 1 19 355 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether vertices will be generated with normals or * not. Normals are required if you intend to enable lighting on the card, * but are just wasted space and bandwidth otherwise, so there is a (slight) * optimization for disabling them. If enabled, the normals will be generated * perpendicular to the card's face. */ 50 inline void CardMaker::set_has_normals(bool flag); 276 19 set_source_geometry 0 4 502 30 CardMaker::set_source_geometry 0 1 20 445 /** * Sets a node that will be copied (and scaled and translated) to generate the * frame, instead of generating a new polygon. The node may contain arbitrary * geometry that describes a flat polygon contained within the indicated left, * right, bottom, top frame. * * When generate() is called, the geometry in this node will be scaled and * translated appropriately to give it the size and aspect ratio specified by * set_frame(). */ 84 inline void CardMaker::set_source_geometry(PandaNode *node, LVecBase4 const &frame); 277 21 clear_source_geometry 0 4 502 32 CardMaker::clear_source_geometry 0 1 21 82 /** * Removes the node specified by an earlier call to set_source_geometry(). */ 51 inline void CardMaker::clear_source_geometry(void); 278 8 generate 0 4 502 19 CardMaker::generate 0 1 22 68 /** * Generates a GeomNode that renders the specified geometry. */ 49 PointerTo< PandaNode > CardMaker::generate(void); 279 12 FisheyeMaker 0 260 504 26 FisheyeMaker::FisheyeMaker 0 2 23 24 10 /** * */ 135 inline explicit FisheyeMaker::FisheyeMaker(std::string const &name); inline FisheyeMaker::FisheyeMaker(FisheyeMaker const &) = default; 280 13 ~FisheyeMaker 0 516 504 27 FisheyeMaker::~FisheyeMaker 0 0 10 /** * */ 41 inline FisheyeMaker::~FisheyeMaker(void); 281 5 reset 0 4 504 19 FisheyeMaker::reset 0 1 25 63 /** * Resets all the parameters to their initial defaults. */ 31 void FisheyeMaker::reset(void); 282 7 set_fov 0 4 504 21 FisheyeMaker::set_fov 0 1 26 146 /** * Specifies the field of view of the fisheye projection. A sphere map will * have a 360-degree field of view (and this is the default). */ 44 void FisheyeMaker::set_fov(PN_stdfloat fov); 283 16 set_num_vertices 0 4 504 30 FisheyeMaker::set_num_vertices 0 1 27 303 /** * Specifies the approximate number of vertices to be used to generate the * rose. This is the approximate number of vertices that will be located * within the rose's unit circle, not counting the inscribing square (if any). * The actual number of vertices used may be +/- 25% of this value. */ 61 inline void FisheyeMaker::set_num_vertices(int num_vertices); 284 20 set_square_inscribed 0 4 504 34 FisheyeMaker::set_square_inscribed 0 1 28 577 /** * Sets the flag that indicates whether the rose should be inscribed within a * square. When this is true, an additional square is generated to inscribed * the circular rose, with the indicated "radius" (the sides of the square * will be 2 * square_radius). The texture coordinates of the square will * uniformly map to the back pole of the cube map. * * This is mainly useful to provide a good uniform background color for a * sphere map so that it does not have a sharp circular edge that might * produce artifacts due to numerical imprecision when mapping. */ 97 inline void FisheyeMaker::set_square_inscribed(bool square_inscribed, PN_stdfloat square_radius); 285 14 set_reflection 0 4 504 28 FisheyeMaker::set_reflection 0 1 29 327 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether the texture image should be mirrored * (true) or normal (false). When this is true, the 3-D texture coordinates * will be reversed so that the image is appropriate for a reflection. This * is the best choice for generating a sphere map from a cube map. The * default is false. */ 58 inline void FisheyeMaker::set_reflection(bool reflection); 286 8 generate 0 4 504 22 FisheyeMaker::generate 0 1 30 68 /** * Generates a GeomNode that renders the specified geometry. */ 52 PointerTo< PandaNode > FisheyeMaker::generate(void); 287 14 FrameRateMeter 0 260 505 30 FrameRateMeter::FrameRateMeter 0 2 31 32 10 /** * */ 138 explicit FrameRateMeter::FrameRateMeter(std::string const &name); inline FrameRateMeter::FrameRateMeter(FrameRateMeter const &) = default; 288 12 setup_window 0 4 505 28 FrameRateMeter::setup_window 0 1 33 112 /** * Sets up the frame rate meter to create a DisplayRegion to render itself * into the indicated window. */ 58 void FrameRateMeter::setup_window(GraphicsOutput *window); 289 12 clear_window 0 4 505 28 FrameRateMeter::clear_window 0 1 34 66 /** * Undoes the effect of a previous call to setup_window(). */ 40 void FrameRateMeter::clear_window(void); 290 10 get_window 0 4 505 26 FrameRateMeter::get_window 0 1 35 122 /** * Returns the GraphicsOutput that was passed to setup_window(), or NULL if * setup_window() has not been called. */ 62 inline GraphicsOutput *FrameRateMeter::get_window(void) const; 291 18 get_display_region 0 4 505 34 FrameRateMeter::get_display_region 0 1 36 168 /** * Returns the DisplayRegion that the meter has created to render itself into * the window to setup_window(), or NULL if setup_window() has not been * called. */ 69 inline DisplayRegion *FrameRateMeter::get_display_region(void) const; 292 19 set_update_interval 0 4 505 35 FrameRateMeter::set_update_interval 0 1 37 255 /** * Specifies the number of seconds that should elapse between updates to the * frame rate indication. This should be reasonably slow (e.g. 0.2 to 1.0) * so that the calculation of the frame rate text does not itself dominate the * frame rate. */ 72 inline void FrameRateMeter::set_update_interval(double update_interval); 293 19 get_update_interval 0 4 505 35 FrameRateMeter::get_update_interval 0 1 38 106 /** * Returns the number of seconds that will elapse between updates to the frame * rate indication. */ 62 inline double FrameRateMeter::get_update_interval(void) const; 294 16 set_text_pattern 0 4 505 32 FrameRateMeter::set_text_pattern 0 1 39 176 /** * Sets the sprintf() pattern that is used to format the text. The string * "%f" or some variant will be replaced with the current frame rate in frames * per second. */ 78 inline void FrameRateMeter::set_text_pattern(std::string const &text_pattern); 295 16 get_text_pattern 0 4 505 32 FrameRateMeter::get_text_pattern 0 1 40 73 /** * Returns the sprintf() pattern that is used to format the text. */ 71 inline std::string const &FrameRateMeter::get_text_pattern(void) const; 296 16 set_clock_object 0 4 505 32 FrameRateMeter::set_clock_object 0 1 41 152 /** * Sets the clock that is used to determine the frame rate. The default is * the application's global clock (ClockObject::get_global_clock()). */ 72 inline void FrameRateMeter::set_clock_object(ClockObject *clock_object); 297 16 get_clock_object 0 4 505 32 FrameRateMeter::get_clock_object 0 1 42 70 /** * Returns the clock that is used to determine the frame rate. */ 65 inline ClockObject *FrameRateMeter::get_clock_object(void) const; 298 6 update 0 4 505 22 FrameRateMeter::update 0 1 43 186 /** * You can call this to explicitly force the FrameRateMeter to update itself * with the latest frame rate information. Normally, it is not necessary to * call this explicitly. */ 41 inline void FrameRateMeter::update(void); 299 14 get_class_type 0 4 505 30 FrameRateMeter::get_class_type 0 1 44 0 55 static TypeHandle FrameRateMeter::get_class_type(void); 300 13 GeoMipTerrain 0 260 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::GeoMipTerrain 0 1 45 10 /** * */ 70 inline explicit GeoMipTerrain::GeoMipTerrain(std::string const &name); 301 11 heightfield 0 4 507 26 GeoMipTerrain::heightfield 0 1 46 150 /** * Returns a reference to the heightfield (a PNMImage) contained inside * GeoMipTerrain. You can use the reference to alter the heightfield. */ 50 inline PNMImage &GeoMipTerrain::heightfield(void); 302 15 set_heightfield 0 4 507 30 GeoMipTerrain::set_heightfield 0 2 47 48 466 /** * Loads the specified heightmap image file into the heightfield. Returns * true if succeeded, or false if an error has occured. If the heightmap is * not a power of two plus one, it is scaled up using a gaussian filter. */ /** * Loads the specified heightmap image file into the heightfield. Returns * true if succeeded, or false if an error has occured. If the heightmap is * not a power of two plus one, it is scaled up using a gaussian filter. */ 158 bool GeoMipTerrain::set_heightfield(Filename const &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr); inline bool GeoMipTerrain::set_heightfield(PNMImage const &image); 303 9 color_map 0 4 507 24 GeoMipTerrain::color_map 0 1 49 146 /** * Returns a reference to the color map (a PNMImage) contained inside * GeoMipTerrain. You can use the reference to alter the color map. */ 48 inline PNMImage &GeoMipTerrain::color_map(void); 304 13 set_color_map 0 4 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::set_color_map 0 4 50 51 52 53 234 /** * Loads the specified image as color map. The next time generate() is * called, the terrain is painted with this color map using the vertex color * column. Returns a boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded. */ 292 inline bool GeoMipTerrain::set_color_map(Filename const &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr); inline bool GeoMipTerrain::set_color_map(PNMImage const &image); inline bool GeoMipTerrain::set_color_map(Texture const *image); inline bool GeoMipTerrain::set_color_map(std::string const &path); 305 13 has_color_map 0 4 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::has_color_map 0 1 54 52 /** * Returns whether a color map has been set. */ 53 inline bool GeoMipTerrain::has_color_map(void) const; 306 15 clear_color_map 0 4 507 30 GeoMipTerrain::clear_color_map 0 1 55 32 /** * Clears the color map. */ 49 inline void GeoMipTerrain::clear_color_map(void); 307 22 calc_ambient_occlusion 0 4 507 37 GeoMipTerrain::calc_ambient_occlusion 0 1 56 250 /** * Calculates an approximate for the ambient occlusion and stores it in the * color map, so that it will be written to the vertex colors. Any existing * color map will be discarded. You need to call this before generating the * geometry. */ 141 void GeoMipTerrain::calc_ambient_occlusion(PN_stdfloat radius = 32, PN_stdfloat contrast = 2.0, PN_stdfloat brightness = 0.7500000000000001); 308 13 get_elevation 0 4 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::get_elevation 0 1 57 410 /** * Fetches the elevation at (x, y), where the input coordinate is specified in * pixels. This ignores the current LOD level and instead provides an * accurate number. Linear blending is used for non-integral coordinates. * Terrain scale is NOT taken into account! To get accurate normals, please * multiply this with the terrain Z scale! * * trueElev = terr.get_elevation(x,y) * terr.get_sz(); */ 56 double GeoMipTerrain::get_elevation(double x, double y); 309 10 get_normal 0 4 507 25 GeoMipTerrain::get_normal 0 2 58 59 829 /** * Fetches the terrain normal at (x,y), where the input coordinate is * specified in pixels. This ignores the current LOD level and instead * provides an accurate number. Terrain scale is NOT taken into account! To * get accurate normals, please divide it by the terrain scale and normalize * it again! */ /** * Fetches the terrain normal at (x, y), where the input coordinate is * specified in pixels. This ignores the current LOD level and instead * provides an accurate number. Terrain scale is NOT taken into account! To * get accurate normals, please divide it by the terrain scale and normalize * it again, like this: * * LVector3 normal (terr.get_normal(x, y)); normal.set(normal.get_x() / * root.get_sx(), normal.get_y() / root.get_sy(), normal.get_z() / * root.get_sz()); normal.normalize(); */ 152 LVector3 GeoMipTerrain::get_normal(int x, int y); inline LVector3 GeoMipTerrain::get_normal(unsigned short int mx, unsigned short int my, int x, int y); 310 14 set_bruteforce 0 4 507 29 GeoMipTerrain::set_bruteforce 0 1 60 238 /** * Sets a boolean specifying whether the terrain will be rendered bruteforce. * If the terrain is rendered bruteforce, there will be no Level of Detail, * and the update() call will only update the terrain if it is marked dirty. */ 51 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_bruteforce(bool bf); 311 14 get_bruteforce 0 4 507 29 GeoMipTerrain::get_bruteforce 0 1 61 124 /** * Returns a boolean whether the terrain is rendered bruteforce or not. See * set_bruteforce for more information. */ 48 inline bool GeoMipTerrain::get_bruteforce(void); 312 16 set_auto_flatten 0 4 507 31 GeoMipTerrain::set_auto_flatten 0 1 62 210 /** * The terrain can be automatically flattened (using flatten_light, * flatten_medium, or flatten_strong) after each update. This only affects * future updates, it doesn't flatten the current terrain. */ 54 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_auto_flatten(int mode); 313 15 set_focal_point 0 4 507 30 GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point 0 6 63 64 65 66 67 68 628 // The focal point is the point at which the terrain will have the highest // quality (lowest level of detail). Parts farther away from the focal point // will have a lower quality (higher level of detail). The focal point is // not taken in respect if bruteforce is set true. /** * Sets the focal point. GeoMipTerrain generates high-resolution terrain * around the focal point, and progressively lower and lower resolution * terrain as you get farther away. If a point is supplied and not a * NodePath, make sure it's relative to the terrain. Only the x and y * coordinates of the focal point are taken in respect. */ 377 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point(LPoint2d const &fp); inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point(LPoint2f const &fp); inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point(LPoint3d const &fp); inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point(LPoint3f const &fp); inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point(double x, double y); inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_focal_point(NodePath fnp); 314 15 get_focal_point 0 4 507 30 GeoMipTerrain::get_focal_point 0 1 69 145 /** * Returns the focal point, as a NodePath. If you have set it to be just a * point, it will return an empty node at the focal position. */ 59 inline NodePath GeoMipTerrain::get_focal_point(void) const; 315 8 get_root 0 4 507 23 GeoMipTerrain::get_root 0 1 70 258 /** * Returns the root of the terrain. This is a single PandaNode to which all * the rest of the terrain is parented. The generate and update operations * replace the nodes which are parented to this root, but they don't replace * this root itself. */ 52 inline NodePath GeoMipTerrain::get_root(void) const; 316 14 set_block_size 0 4 507 29 GeoMipTerrain::set_block_size 0 1 71 98 /** * Sets the block size. If it is not a power of two, the closest power of two * is used. */ 68 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_block_size(unsigned short int newbs); 317 14 get_block_size 0 4 507 29 GeoMipTerrain::get_block_size 0 1 72 31 /** * Gets the block size. */ 62 inline unsigned short int GeoMipTerrain::get_block_size(void); 318 13 get_max_level 0 4 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::get_max_level 0 1 73 140 /** * Returns the highest level possible for this block size. When a block is at * this level, it will be the worst quality possible. */ 61 inline unsigned short int GeoMipTerrain::get_max_level(void); 319 13 set_min_level 0 4 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::set_min_level 0 1 74 243 /** * Sets the minimum level of detail at which blocks may be generated by * generate() or update(). The default value is 0, which is the highest * quality. This value is also taken in respect when generating the terrain * bruteforce. */ 70 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_min_level(unsigned short int minlevel); 320 13 get_min_level 0 4 507 28 GeoMipTerrain::get_min_level 0 1 75 163 /** * Gets the minimum level of detail at which blocks may be generated by * generate() or update(). The default value is 0, which is the highest * quality. */ 61 inline unsigned short int GeoMipTerrain::get_min_level(void); 321 8 is_dirty 0 4 507 23 GeoMipTerrain::is_dirty 0 1 76 298 /** * Returns a bool indicating whether the terrain is marked 'dirty', that means * the terrain has to be regenerated on the next update() call, because for * instance the heightfield has changed. Once the terrain has been * regenerated, the dirty flag automatically gets reset internally. */ 42 inline bool GeoMipTerrain::is_dirty(void); 322 10 set_factor 0 4 507 25 GeoMipTerrain::set_factor 0 1 77 334 /** * DEPRECATED method. Use set_near/far instead. Sets the quality factor at * which blocks must be generated. The higher this level, the better quality * the terrain will be, but more expensive to render. A value of 0 makes the * terrain the lowest quality possible, depending on blocksize. The default * value is 100. */ 58 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_factor(PN_stdfloat factor); 323 12 set_near_far 0 4 507 27 GeoMipTerrain::set_near_far 0 1 78 59 /** * Sets the near and far LOD distances in one call. */ 77 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_near_far(double input_near, double input_far); 324 8 set_near 0 4 507 23 GeoMipTerrain::set_near 0 1 79 152 /** * Sets the near LOD distance, at which the terrain will be rendered at * highest quality. This distance is in the terrain's coordinate space! */ 55 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_near(double input_near); 325 7 set_far 0 4 507 22 GeoMipTerrain::set_far 0 1 80 150 /** * Sets the far LOD distance, at which the terrain will be rendered at lowest * quality. This distance is in the terrain's coordinate space! */ 53 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_far(double input_far); 326 19 get_block_node_path 0 4 507 34 GeoMipTerrain::get_block_node_path 0 1 81 380 /** * Returns the NodePath of the specified block. If auto-flatten is enabled * and the node is getting removed during the flattening process, it will * still return a NodePath with the appropriate terrain chunk, but it will be * in a temporary scenegraph. Please note that this returns a const object * and you can not modify the node. Modify the heightfield instead. */ 103 inline NodePath const GeoMipTerrain::get_block_node_path(unsigned short int mx, unsigned short int my); 327 18 get_block_from_pos 0 4 507 33 GeoMipTerrain::get_block_from_pos 0 1 82 479 /** * Gets the coordinates of the block at the specified position. This position * must be relative to the terrain, not to render. Returns an array * containing two values: the block x and the block y coords. If the * positions are out of range, the closest block is taken. Note that the * VecBase returned does not represent a vector, position, or rotation, but it * contains the block index of the block which you can use in * GeoMipTerrain::get_block_node_path. */ 71 inline LVecBase2 GeoMipTerrain::get_block_from_pos(double x, double y); 328 20 set_border_stitching 0 4 507 35 GeoMipTerrain::set_border_stitching 0 1 83 360 /** * If this value is true, the LOD level at the borders of the terrain will be * 0. This is useful if you have multiple terrains attached and you want to * stitch them together, to fix seams. This setting also has effect when * bruteforce is enabled, although in that case you are probably better off * with setting the minlevels to the same value. */ 64 inline void GeoMipTerrain::set_border_stitching(bool stitching); 329 20 get_border_stitching 0 4 507 35 GeoMipTerrain::get_border_stitching 0 1 84 106 /** * Returns the current stitching setting. False by default, unless * set_stitching has been set. */ 54 inline bool GeoMipTerrain::get_border_stitching(void); 330 7 get_far 0 4 507 22 GeoMipTerrain::get_far 0 1 85 71 /** * Returns the far LOD distance in the terrain coordinate space */ 43 inline double GeoMipTerrain::get_far(void); 331 8 get_near 0 4 507 23 GeoMipTerrain::get_near 0 1 86 72 /** * Returns the near LOD distance in the terrain coordinate space */ 44 inline double GeoMipTerrain::get_near(void); 332 16 get_flatten_mode 0 4 507 31 GeoMipTerrain::get_flatten_mode 0 1 87 110 /** * Returns the automatic-flatten mode (e.g., off, flatten_light, * flatten_medium, or flatten_strong) */ 49 inline int GeoMipTerrain::get_flatten_mode(void); 333 16 make_slope_image 0 4 507 31 GeoMipTerrain::make_slope_image 0 1 88 520 /** * Returns a new grayscale image containing the slope angles. A white pixel * value means a vertical slope, while a black pixel will mean that the * terrain is entirely flat at that pixel. You can translate it to degrees by * mapping the greyscale values from 0 to 90 degrees. The resulting image * will have the same size as the heightfield image. The scale will be taken * into respect -- meaning, if you change the terrain scale, the slope image * will need to be regenerated in order to be correct. */ 47 PNMImage GeoMipTerrain::make_slope_image(void); 334 8 generate 0 4 507 23 GeoMipTerrain::generate 0 1 89 191 /** * (Re)generates the entire terrain, erasing the current. This call un- * flattens the terrain, so make sure you have set auto-flatten if you want to * keep your terrain flattened. */ 35 void GeoMipTerrain::generate(void); 335 6 update 0 4 507 21 GeoMipTerrain::update 0 1 90 447 /** * Loops through all of the terrain blocks, and checks whether they need to be * updated. If that is indeed the case, it regenerates the mipmap. Returns a * true when the terrain has changed. Returns false when the terrain isn't * updated at all. If there is no terrain yet, it generates the entire * terrain. This call un-flattens the terrain, so make sure you have set * auto-flatten if you want to keep your terrain flattened. */ 33 bool GeoMipTerrain::update(void); 336 14 get_class_type 0 4 507 29 GeoMipTerrain::get_class_type 0 1 91 0 54 static TypeHandle GeoMipTerrain::get_class_type(void); 337 21 HeightfieldTesselator 0 260 510 44 HeightfieldTesselator::HeightfieldTesselator 0 2 92 93 10 /** * */ 180 inline explicit HeightfieldTesselator::HeightfieldTesselator(std::string const &name); inline HeightfieldTesselator::HeightfieldTesselator(HeightfieldTesselator const &) = default; 338 22 ~HeightfieldTesselator 0 516 510 45 HeightfieldTesselator::~HeightfieldTesselator 0 0 10 /** * */ 59 inline HeightfieldTesselator::~HeightfieldTesselator(void); 339 11 heightfield 0 4 510 34 HeightfieldTesselator::heightfield 0 1 94 162 /** * Returns a reference to the heightfield (a PNMImage) contained inside the * HeightfieldTesselator. You can use the reference to alter the heightfield. */ 58 inline PNMImage &HeightfieldTesselator::heightfield(void); 340 15 set_heightfield 0 4 510 38 HeightfieldTesselator::set_heightfield 0 1 95 73 /** * Loads the specified greyscale image file into the heightfield. */ 106 inline bool HeightfieldTesselator::set_heightfield(Filename const &filename, PNMFileType *type = nullptr); 341 14 set_poly_count 0 4 510 37 HeightfieldTesselator::set_poly_count 0 1 96 131 /** * Sets the polygon-count target. The tesselator usually manages to come * within about 20% of the target, plus or minus. */ 57 inline void HeightfieldTesselator::set_poly_count(int n); 342 21 set_visibility_radius 0 4 510 44 HeightfieldTesselator::set_visibility_radius 0 1 97 354 /** * Sets the visibility radius. Polygons that are completely outside the * radius (relative to the focal point) are cropped away. The cropping is * imperfect (all approximations are conservative), so this should be used in * conjunction with a far clipping plane, fog, or some other visibility * limiting mechanism. The units are in pixels. */ 64 inline void HeightfieldTesselator::set_visibility_radius(int r); 343 15 set_focal_point 0 4 510 38 HeightfieldTesselator::set_focal_point 0 1 98 216 /** * Sets the focal point. The tesselator generates high-resolution terrain * around the focal point, and progressively lower and lower resolution * terrain as you get farther away. The units are in pixels. */ 65 inline void HeightfieldTesselator::set_focal_point(int x, int y); 344 20 set_horizontal_scale 0 4 510 43 HeightfieldTesselator::set_horizontal_scale 0 1 99 135 /** * Sets the horizontal scale. The default scale is 1.0, meaning that each * pixel in the heightfield is 1x1 panda units wide. */ 66 inline void HeightfieldTesselator::set_horizontal_scale(double h); 345 18 set_vertical_scale 0 4 510 41 HeightfieldTesselator::set_vertical_scale 0 1 100 162 /** * Sets the vertical scale. The default scale is 255.0, meaning that each as * the gray value ranges from (0-1), the elevation ranges from (0-255) feet. */ 64 inline void HeightfieldTesselator::set_vertical_scale(double v); 346 17 set_max_triangles 0 4 510 40 HeightfieldTesselator::set_max_triangles 0 1 101 43 /** * Sets the max triangles per geom. */ 60 inline void HeightfieldTesselator::set_max_triangles(int n); 347 13 get_elevation 0 4 510 36 HeightfieldTesselator::get_elevation 0 1 102 239 /** * Fetches the elevation at (x,y), where the input coordinate is specified in * pixels. This ignores the current tesselation level and instead provides an * accurate number. Linear blending is used for non-integral coordinates. */ 64 double HeightfieldTesselator::get_elevation(double x, double y); 348 8 generate 0 4 510 31 HeightfieldTesselator::generate 0 1 103 112 /** * Generates a tree of nodes that represents the heightfield. This can be * reparented into the scene. */ 47 NodePath HeightfieldTesselator::generate(void); 349 8 LineSegs 0 260 511 18 LineSegs::LineSegs 0 2 104 105 352 /** * Constructs a LineSegs object, which can be used to create any number of * disconnected lines or points of various thicknesses and colors through the * visible scene. After creating the object, call move_to() and draw_to() * repeatedly to describe the path, then call create() to create a GeomNode * which will render the described path. */ 118 explicit LineSegs::LineSegs(std::string const &name = "lines"); inline LineSegs::LineSegs(LineSegs const &) = default; 350 9 ~LineSegs 0 516 511 19 LineSegs::~LineSegs 0 0 8 /** */ 26 LineSegs::~LineSegs(void); 351 5 reset 0 4 511 15 LineSegs::reset 0 1 106 79 /** * Removes any lines in progress and resets to the initial empty state. */ 27 void LineSegs::reset(void); 352 9 set_color 0 4 511 19 LineSegs::set_color 0 2 107 108 252 /** * Establishes the color that will be assigned to all vertices created by * future calls to move_to() and draw_to(). */ /** * Establishes the color that will be assigned to all vertices created by * future calls to move_to() and draw_to(). */ 152 inline void LineSegs::set_color(PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat g, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat a = 1.0); inline void LineSegs::set_color(LColor const &color); 353 13 set_thickness 0 4 511 23 LineSegs::set_thickness 0 1 109 151 /** * Establishes the line thickness or point size in pixels that will be * assigned to all lines and points created by future calls to create(). */ 55 inline void LineSegs::set_thickness(PN_stdfloat thick); 354 7 move_to 0 4 511 17 LineSegs::move_to 0 2 110 111 436 /** * Moves the pen to the given point without drawing a line. When followed by * draw_to(), this marks the first point of a line segment; when followed by * move_to() or create(), this creates a single point. */ /** * Moves the pen to the given point without drawing a line. When followed by * draw_to(), this marks the first point of a line segment; when followed by * move_to() or create(), this creates a single point. */ 119 inline void LineSegs::move_to(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z); void LineSegs::move_to(LVecBase3 const &v); 355 7 draw_to 0 4 511 17 LineSegs::draw_to 0 2 112 113 462 /** * Draws a line segment from the pen's last position (the last call to move_to * or draw_to) to the indicated point. move_to() and draw_to() only update * tables; the actual drawing is performed when create() is called. */ /** * Draws a line segment from the pen's last position (the last call to move_to * or draw_to) to the indicated point. move_to() and draw_to() only update * tables; the actual drawing is performed when create() is called. */ 119 inline void LineSegs::draw_to(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z); void LineSegs::draw_to(LVecBase3 const &v); 356 20 get_current_position 0 4 511 30 LineSegs::get_current_position 0 1 114 119 /** * Returns the pen's current position. The next call to draw_to() will draw a * line segment from this point. */ 52 LVertex const &LineSegs::get_current_position(void); 357 8 is_empty 0 4 511 18 LineSegs::is_empty 0 1 115 126 /** * Returns true if move_to() or draw_to() have not been called since the last * reset() or create(), false otherwise. */ 30 bool LineSegs::is_empty(void); 358 6 create 0 4 511 16 LineSegs::create 0 2 116 117 833 /** * Creates a new GeomNode that will render the series of line segments and * points described via calls to move_to() and draw_to(). The lines and * points are created with the color and thickness established by calls to * set_color() and set_thickness(). * * If dynamic is true, the line segments will be created with the dynamic Geom * setting, optimizing them for runtime vertex animation. */ /** * Appends to an existing GeomNode a new Geom that will render the series of * line segments and points described via calls to move_to() and draw_to(). * The lines and points are created with the color and thickness established * by calls to set_color() and set_thickness(). * * If dynamic is true, the line segments will be created with the dynamic Geom * setting, optimizing them for runtime vertex animation. */ 126 inline GeomNode *LineSegs::create(bool dynamic = false); GeomNode *LineSegs::create(GeomNode *previous, bool dynamic = false); 359 16 get_num_vertices 0 4 511 26 LineSegs::get_num_vertices 0 1 118 423 // Functions to move the line vertices after they have been created. // Functions to move the line vertices after they have been created. // Functions to move the line vertices after they have been created. /** * Returns the total number of line segment and point vertices generated by * the last call to create(). The positions of these vertices may be read and * adjusted through get_vertex() and set_vertex(). */ 50 inline int LineSegs::get_num_vertices(void) const; 360 10 get_vertex 0 4 511 20 LineSegs::get_vertex 0 1 119 248 /** * Returns the nth point or vertex of the line segment sequence generated by * the last call to create(). The first move_to() generates vertex 0; * subsequent move_to() and draw_to() calls generate consecutively higher * vertex numbers. */ 42 LVertex LineSegs::get_vertex(int n) const; 361 10 set_vertex 0 4 511 20 LineSegs::set_vertex 0 2 120 121 488 /** * Moves the nth point or vertex of the line segment sequence generated by the * last call to create(). The first move_to() generates vertex 0; subsequent * move_to() and draw_to() calls generate consecutively higher vertex numbers. */ /** * Moves the nth point or vertex of the line segment sequence generated by the * last call to create(). The first move_to() generates vertex 0; subsequent * move_to() and draw_to() calls generate consecutively higher vertex numbers. */ 145 void LineSegs::set_vertex(int n, LVertex const &vert); inline void LineSegs::set_vertex(int vertex, PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat z); 362 16 get_vertex_color 0 4 511 26 LineSegs::get_vertex_color 0 1 122 56 /** * Returns the color of the nth point or vertex. */ 52 LColor LineSegs::get_vertex_color(int vertex) const; 363 16 set_vertex_color 0 4 511 26 LineSegs::set_vertex_color 0 2 123 124 166 /** * Changes the vertex color of the nth point or vertex. See set_vertex(). */ /** * Changes the vertex color of the nth point or vertex. See set_vertex(). */ 179 void LineSegs::set_vertex_color(int vertex, LColor const &c); inline void LineSegs::set_vertex_color(int vertex, PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat g, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat a = 1.0); 364 10 MeshDrawer 0 260 512 22 MeshDrawer::MeshDrawer 0 1 125 51 /** * Creates the MeshDrawer low level system. */ 36 inline MeshDrawer::MeshDrawer(void); 365 10 set_budget 0 4 512 22 MeshDrawer::set_budget 0 1 126 142 /** * Sets the total triangle budget of the drawer. This will not be exceeded. * Don't set some thing too large because it will be slow */ 47 inline void MeshDrawer::set_budget(int budget); 366 10 get_budget 0 4 512 22 MeshDrawer::get_budget 0 1 127 55 /** * Gets the total triangle budget of the drawer */ 40 inline int MeshDrawer::get_budget(void); 367 8 get_root 0 4 512 20 MeshDrawer::get_root 0 1 128 170 /** * Returns the root NodePath. You should use this node to reparent mesh * drawer onto the scene might also want to disable depth draw or enable * transparency. */ 43 inline NodePath MeshDrawer::get_root(void); 368 5 begin 0 4 512 17 MeshDrawer::begin 0 1 129 131 /** * Pass the current camera node and the root node. Passing the camera is * required to generate bill boards that face it. */ 57 void MeshDrawer::begin(NodePath camera, NodePath render); 369 3 tri 0 4 512 15 MeshDrawer::tri 0 1 130 54 /** * Draws a triangle with the given parameters. */ 211 inline void MeshDrawer::tri(LVector3 const &v1, LVector4 const &c1, LVector2 const &uv1, LVector3 const &v2, LVector4 const &c2, LVector2 const &uv2, LVector3 const &v3, LVector4 const &c3, LVector2 const &uv3); 370 8 particle 0 4 512 20 MeshDrawer::particle 0 1 131 146 /** * Draws a particle that is sort of like a bill board but has an extra * rotation component. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 133 void MeshDrawer::particle(LVector3 const &pos, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat size, LVector4 const &color, PN_stdfloat rotation); 371 16 blended_particle 0 4 512 28 MeshDrawer::blended_particle 0 1 132 152 /** * Works just like particle but accepts 2 frames and a blend (from 0 to 1) * component between them Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 185 void MeshDrawer::blended_particle(LVector3 const &pos, LVector4 const &frame1, LVector4 const &frame2, PN_stdfloat blend, PN_stdfloat size, LVector4 const &color, PN_stdfloat rotation); 372 9 billboard 0 4 512 21 MeshDrawer::billboard 0 1 133 141 /** * Draws a billboard - particle with no rotation. Billboards always face the * camera. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 112 void MeshDrawer::billboard(LVector3 const &pos, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat size, LVector4 const &color); 373 7 segment 0 4 512 19 MeshDrawer::segment 0 1 134 129 /** * Draws a segment a line with a thickness. That has billboarding effect. * Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 139 void MeshDrawer::segment(LVector3 const &start, LVector3 const &stop, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness, LVector4 const &color); 374 13 cross_segment 0 4 512 25 MeshDrawer::cross_segment 0 1 135 229 /** * Draws a segment a line with a thickness. This segment does not use the * bill boarding behavior and instead draws 2 planes in a cross. Stars at * start and ends at stop. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 145 void MeshDrawer::cross_segment(LVector3 const &start, LVector3 const &stop, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness, LVector4 const &color); 375 14 uneven_segment 0 4 512 26 MeshDrawer::uneven_segment 0 1 136 167 /** * Draws a segment a line with different thickness and color on both sides. * Stars at start and ends at stop. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size * quadruple. */ 214 void MeshDrawer::uneven_segment(LVector3 const &start, LVector3 const &stop, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness_start, LVector4 const &color_start, PN_stdfloat thickness_stop, LVector4 const &color_stop); 376 12 link_segment 0 4 512 24 MeshDrawer::link_segment 0 1 137 460 /** * Stars or continues linked segment. Control position, frame, thickness and * color with parameters. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. * Note that for the first two calls to this method, the "frame" parameter is * ignored; it first takes effect as of the third call. * Similarly, note that in the second call to this method, the "color" parameter * is ignored; it only has effect in the first call and calls from the third * onwards. */ 120 void MeshDrawer::link_segment(LVector3 const &pos, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat thickness, LVector4 const &color); 377 16 link_segment_end 0 4 512 28 MeshDrawer::link_segment_end 0 1 138 172 /** * Finish drawing linked segments, needs at least two calls to link_segment * before it can end the linked segment. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size * quadruple. */ 80 void MeshDrawer::link_segment_end(LVector4 const &frame, LVector4 const &color); 378 9 explosion 0 4 512 21 MeshDrawer::explosion 0 1 139 110 /** * Draws number of particles in a sphere like emitter. Frame contains * u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 156 void MeshDrawer::explosion(LVector3 const &pos, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat size, LVector4 const &color, int seed, int number, PN_stdfloat distance); 379 6 stream 0 4 512 18 MeshDrawer::stream 0 1 140 137 /** * Draws a number of particles in a big line with a shift dictated by the * offset. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 165 void MeshDrawer::stream(LVector3 const &start, LVector3 const &stop, LVector4 const &frame, PN_stdfloat size, LVector4 const &color, int number, PN_stdfloat offset); 380 8 geometry 0 4 512 20 MeshDrawer::geometry 0 1 141 272 /** * Draws the geometry that is inside this node path into the MeshDrawer * object. This performs a similar functions as RigidBodyCombiner but for * very dynamic situations that share the same texture like physcal chunks of * explosions. It can be a little slow */ 41 void MeshDrawer::geometry(NodePath node); 381 3 end 0 4 512 15 MeshDrawer::end 0 1 142 70 /** * Finish the drawing and clearing off the remaining vertexes. */ 27 void MeshDrawer::end(void); 382 14 get_class_type 0 4 512 26 MeshDrawer::get_class_type 0 1 143 0 51 static TypeHandle MeshDrawer::get_class_type(void); 383 12 MeshDrawer2D 0 260 513 26 MeshDrawer2D::MeshDrawer2D 0 1 144 53 /** * Creates the MeshDrawer2D low level system. */ 40 inline MeshDrawer2D::MeshDrawer2D(void); 384 10 set_budget 0 4 513 24 MeshDrawer2D::set_budget 0 1 145 56 /** * Sets the total triangle budget of the drawer. */ 49 inline void MeshDrawer2D::set_budget(int budget); 385 10 get_budget 0 4 513 24 MeshDrawer2D::get_budget 0 1 146 56 /** * Gets the total triangle budget of the drawer. */ 42 inline int MeshDrawer2D::get_budget(void); 386 8 get_root 0 4 513 22 MeshDrawer2D::get_root 0 1 147 37 /** * Returns the root NodePath. */ 45 inline NodePath MeshDrawer2D::get_root(void); 387 8 quad_raw 0 4 513 22 MeshDrawer2D::quad_raw 0 1 148 65 /** * Draws a 2D rectangle. Ignores the clipping rectangle. */ 279 inline void MeshDrawer2D::quad_raw(LVector3 const &v1, LVector4 const &c1, LVector2 const &uv1, LVector3 const &v2, LVector4 const &c2, LVector2 const &uv2, LVector3 const &v3, LVector4 const &c3, LVector2 const &uv3, LVector3 const &v4, LVector4 const &c4, LVector2 const &uv4); 388 13 rectangle_raw 0 4 513 27 MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_raw 0 1 149 0 185 inline void MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_raw(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat w, PN_stdfloat h, PN_stdfloat u, PN_stdfloat v, PN_stdfloat us, PN_stdfloat vs, LVector4 const &color); 389 8 set_clip 0 4 513 22 MeshDrawer2D::set_clip 0 1 150 39 /** * Sets the clipping rectangle. */ 95 inline void MeshDrawer2D::set_clip(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat w, PN_stdfloat h); 390 9 rectangle 0 4 513 23 MeshDrawer2D::rectangle 0 1 151 53 /** * Draws a 2D rectangle which can be clipped. */ 181 inline void MeshDrawer2D::rectangle(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat w, PN_stdfloat h, PN_stdfloat u, PN_stdfloat v, PN_stdfloat us, PN_stdfloat vs, LVector4 const &color); 391 16 rectangle_border 0 4 513 30 MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_border 0 1 152 96 /** * Draws a 2d rectangle, with borders and corders, taken from the surrounding * texture */ 305 void MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_border(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat w, PN_stdfloat h, PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat t, PN_stdfloat l, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat tr, PN_stdfloat tt, PN_stdfloat tl, PN_stdfloat tb, PN_stdfloat u, PN_stdfloat v, PN_stdfloat us, PN_stdfloat vs, LVector4 const &color); 392 22 rectangle_border_tiled 0 4 513 36 MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_border_tiled 0 1 153 96 /** * Draws a 2d rectangle, with borders and corders, taken from the surrounding * texture */ 311 void MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_border_tiled(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat w, PN_stdfloat h, PN_stdfloat r, PN_stdfloat t, PN_stdfloat l, PN_stdfloat b, PN_stdfloat tr, PN_stdfloat tt, PN_stdfloat tl, PN_stdfloat tb, PN_stdfloat u, PN_stdfloat v, PN_stdfloat us, PN_stdfloat vs, LVector4 const &color); 393 15 rectangle_tiled 0 4 513 29 MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_tiled 0 1 154 65 /** * Draws a tiled rectangle, size of tiles is in us and vs */ 180 void MeshDrawer2D::rectangle_tiled(PN_stdfloat x, PN_stdfloat y, PN_stdfloat w, PN_stdfloat h, PN_stdfloat u, PN_stdfloat v, PN_stdfloat us, PN_stdfloat vs, LVector4 const &color); 394 5 begin 0 4 513 19 MeshDrawer2D::begin 0 1 155 82 /** * Opens up the geom for drawing, don't forget to call MeshDrawer2D::end() */ 31 void MeshDrawer2D::begin(void); 395 3 end 0 4 513 17 MeshDrawer2D::end 0 1 156 70 /** * Finish the drawing and clearing off the remaining vertexes. */ 29 void MeshDrawer2D::end(void); 396 14 get_class_type 0 4 513 28 MeshDrawer2D::get_class_type 0 1 157 0 53 static TypeHandle MeshDrawer2D::get_class_type(void); 397 12 MovieTexture 0 260 514 26 MovieTexture::MovieTexture 0 2 158 159 159 /** * Creates a blank movie texture. Movies must be added using do_read_one or * do_load_one. */ /** * Creates a texture playing the specified movie. */ 117 explicit MovieTexture::MovieTexture(std::string const &name); explicit MovieTexture::MovieTexture(MovieVideo *video); 398 16 get_video_length 0 4 514 30 MovieTexture::get_video_length 0 1 160 43 /** * Returns the length of the video. */ 57 inline double MovieTexture::get_video_length(void) const; 399 15 get_video_width 0 4 514 29 MovieTexture::get_video_width 0 1 161 200 /** * Returns the width in texels of the source video stream. This is not * necessarily the width of the actual texture, since the texture may have * been expanded to raise it to a power of 2. */ 53 inline int MovieTexture::get_video_width(void) const; 400 16 get_video_height 0 4 514 30 MovieTexture::get_video_height 0 1 162 202 /** * Returns the height in texels of the source video stream. This is not * necessarily the height of the actual texture, since the texture may have * been expanded to raise it to a power of 2. */ 54 inline int MovieTexture::get_video_height(void) const; 401 16 get_color_cursor 0 4 514 30 MovieTexture::get_color_cursor 0 1 163 136 /** * Returns the MovieVideoCursor that is feeding the color channels for the * indicated page, where 0 <= page < get_num_pages(). */ 66 inline MovieVideoCursor *MovieTexture::get_color_cursor(int page); 402 16 get_alpha_cursor 0 4 514 30 MovieTexture::get_alpha_cursor 0 1 164 135 /** * Returns the MovieVideoCursor that is feeding the alpha channel for the * indicated page, where 0 <= page < get_num_pages(). */ 66 inline MovieVideoCursor *MovieTexture::get_alpha_cursor(int page); 403 7 restart 0 4 514 21 MovieTexture::restart 0 1 165 159 /** * Start playing the movie from where it was last paused. Has no effect if * the movie is not paused, or if the movie's cursor is already at the end. */ 33 void MovieTexture::restart(void); 404 4 stop 0 4 514 18 MovieTexture::stop 0 1 166 145 /** * Stops a currently playing or looping movie right where it is. The movie's * cursor remains frozen at the point where it was stopped. */ 30 void MovieTexture::stop(void); 405 4 play 0 4 514 18 MovieTexture::play 0 1 167 46 /** * Plays the movie from the beginning. */ 30 void MovieTexture::play(void); 406 8 set_time 0 4 514 22 MovieTexture::set_time 0 1 168 35 /** * Sets the movie's cursor. */ 38 void MovieTexture::set_time(double t); 407 8 get_time 0 4 514 22 MovieTexture::get_time 0 1 169 277 /** * Returns the current value of the movie's cursor. If the movie's loop count * is greater than one, then its length is effectively multiplied for the * purposes of this function. In other words, the return value will be in the * range 0.0 to (length * loopcount). */ 42 double MovieTexture::get_time(void) const; 408 8 set_loop 0 4 514 22 MovieTexture::set_loop 0 1 170 111 /** * If true, sets the movie's loop count to 1 billion. If false, sets the * movie's loop count to one. */ 41 void MovieTexture::set_loop(bool enable); 409 8 get_loop 0 4 514 22 MovieTexture::get_loop 0 1 171 70 /** * Returns true if the movie's loop count is not equal to one. */ 40 bool MovieTexture::get_loop(void) const; 410 14 set_loop_count 0 4 514 28 MovieTexture::set_loop_count 0 1 172 60 /** * Sets the movie's loop count to the desired value. */ 45 void MovieTexture::set_loop_count(int count); 411 14 get_loop_count 0 4 514 28 MovieTexture::get_loop_count 0 1 173 42 /** * Returns the movie's loop count. */ 45 int MovieTexture::get_loop_count(void) const; 412 13 set_play_rate 0 4 514 27 MovieTexture::set_play_rate 0 1 174 168 /** * Sets the movie's play-rate. This is the speed at which the movie's cursor * advances. The default is to advance 1.0 movie-seconds per real-time * second. */ 51 void MovieTexture::set_play_rate(double play_rate); 413 13 get_play_rate 0 4 514 27 MovieTexture::get_play_rate 0 1 175 38 /** * Gets the movie's play-rate. */ 47 double MovieTexture::get_play_rate(void) const; 414 10 is_playing 0 4 514 24 MovieTexture::is_playing 0 1 176 59 /** * Returns true if the movie's cursor is advancing. */ 42 bool MovieTexture::is_playing(void) const; 415 14 synchronize_to 0 4 514 28 MovieTexture::synchronize_to 0 1 177 127 /** * Synchronize this texture to a sound. Typically, you would load the texture * and the sound from the same AVI file. */ 53 void MovieTexture::synchronize_to(AudioSound *sound); 416 13 unsynchronize 0 4 514 27 MovieTexture::unsynchronize 0 1 178 43 /** * Stop synchronizing with a sound. */ 39 void MovieTexture::unsynchronize(void); 417 14 get_class_type 0 4 514 28 MovieTexture::get_class_type 0 1 179 0 53 static TypeHandle MovieTexture::get_class_type(void); 418 15 MultitexReducer 0 260 519 32 MultitexReducer::MultitexReducer 0 2 180 181 0 115 MultitexReducer::MultitexReducer(void); inline MultitexReducer::MultitexReducer(MultitexReducer const &) = default; 419 16 ~MultitexReducer 0 516 519 33 MultitexReducer::~MultitexReducer 0 0 0 40 MultitexReducer::~MultitexReducer(void); 420 5 clear 0 4 519 22 MultitexReducer::clear 0 1 182 0 34 void MultitexReducer::clear(void); 421 4 scan 0 4 519 21 MultitexReducer::scan 0 3 183 184 185 1318 /** * Starts scanning the hierarchy beginning at the indicated node. Any * GeomNodes discovered in the hierarchy with multitexture will be added to * internal structures in the MultitexReducer so that a future call to * flatten() will operate on all of these at once. * * This version of this method does not accumulate state from the parents of * the indicated node; thus, only multitexture effects that have been applied * at node and below will be considered. */ /** * Starts scanning the hierarchy beginning at the indicated node. Any * GeomNodes discovered in the hierarchy with multitexture will be added to * internal structures in the MultitexReducer so that a future call to * flatten() will operate on all of these at once. * * The second parameter represents the NodePath from which to accumulate the * state that is considered for the multitexture. Pass an empty NodePath to * accumulate all the state from the root of the graph, or you may specify * some other node here in order to not consider nodes above that as * contributing to the state to be flattened. This is particularly useful if * you have some texture stage which is applied globally to a scene (for * instance, a caustics effect), which you don't want to be considered for * flattening by the MultitexReducer. */ 245 inline void MultitexReducer::scan(NodePath const &node); inline void MultitexReducer::scan(NodePath const &node, NodePath const &state_from); void MultitexReducer::scan(PandaNode *node, RenderState const *state, TransformState const *transform); 422 10 set_target 0 4 519 27 MultitexReducer::set_target 0 1 186 0 54 void MultitexReducer::set_target(TextureStage *stage); 423 12 set_use_geom 0 4 519 29 MultitexReducer::set_use_geom 0 1 187 0 50 void MultitexReducer::set_use_geom(bool use_geom); 424 17 set_allow_tex_mat 0 4 519 34 MultitexReducer::set_allow_tex_mat 0 1 188 0 60 void MultitexReducer::set_allow_tex_mat(bool allow_tex_mat); 425 7 flatten 0 4 519 24 MultitexReducer::flatten 0 1 189 0 54 void MultitexReducer::flatten(GraphicsOutput *window); 426 19 NodeVertexTransform 0 260 520 40 NodeVertexTransform::NodeVertexTransform 0 1 190 10 /** * */ 103 NodeVertexTransform::NodeVertexTransform(PandaNode const *node, VertexTransform const *prev = nullptr); 427 8 get_node 0 4 520 29 NodeVertexTransform::get_node 0 1 191 70 /** * Returns the PandaNode whose transform supplies this object. */ 66 inline PandaNode const *NodeVertexTransform::get_node(void) const; 428 8 get_prev 0 4 520 29 NodeVertexTransform::get_prev 0 1 192 120 /** * Returns the VertexTransform object whose matrix will be composed with the * result of this node's transform. */ 72 inline VertexTransform const *NodeVertexTransform::get_prev(void) const; 429 14 get_class_type 0 4 520 35 NodeVertexTransform::get_class_type 0 1 193 0 60 static TypeHandle NodeVertexTransform::get_class_type(void); 430 20 ~NodeVertexTransform 0 516 520 41 NodeVertexTransform::~NodeVertexTransform 0 0 0 48 NodeVertexTransform::~NodeVertexTransform(void); 431 17 ShaderTerrainMesh 0 260 527 36 ShaderTerrainMesh::ShaderTerrainMesh 0 1 194 287 /** * @brief Constructs a new Terrain Mesh * @details This constructs a new terrain mesh. By default, no transform is set * on the mesh, causing it to range over the unit box from (0, 0, 0) to * (1, 1, 1). Usually you want to set a custom transform with NodePath::set_scale() */ 43 ShaderTerrainMesh::ShaderTerrainMesh(void); 432 15 set_heightfield 0 4 527 34 ShaderTerrainMesh::set_heightfield 0 1 195 339 /** * @brief Sets the heightfield texture * @details This sets the heightfield texture. It should be 16bit * single channel, and have a power-of-two resolution greater than 32. * Common sizes are 2048x2048 or 4096x4096. * * You should call generate() after setting the heightfield. * * @param filename Heightfield texture */ 69 inline void ShaderTerrainMesh::set_heightfield(Texture *heightfield); 433 15 get_heightfield 0 4 527 34 ShaderTerrainMesh::get_heightfield 0 1 196 172 /** * @brief Returns the heightfield * @details This returns the terrain heightfield, previously set with * set_heightfield() * * @return Path to the heightfield */ 63 inline Texture *ShaderTerrainMesh::get_heightfield(void) const; 434 14 set_chunk_size 0 4 527 33 ShaderTerrainMesh::set_chunk_size 0 1 197 785 /** * @brief Sets the chunk size * @details This sets the chunk size of the terrain. A chunk is basically the * smallest unit in LOD. If the chunk size is too small, the terrain will * perform bad, since there will be way too many chunks. If the chunk size * is too big, you will not get proper LOD, and might also get bad performance. * * For terrains of the size 4096x4096 or 8192x8192, a chunk size of 32 seems * to produce good results. For smaller resolutions, you should try out a * size of 16 or even 8 for very small terrains. * * The amount of chunks generated for the last level equals to * (heightfield_size / chunk_size) ** 2. The chunk size has to be a power * of two. * * @param chunk_size Size of the chunks, has to be a power of two */ 70 inline void ShaderTerrainMesh::set_chunk_size(std::size_t chunk_size); 435 14 get_chunk_size 0 4 527 33 ShaderTerrainMesh::get_chunk_size 0 1 198 140 /** * @brief Returns the chunk size * @details This returns the chunk size, previously set with set_chunk_size() * @return Chunk size */ 65 inline std::size_t ShaderTerrainMesh::get_chunk_size(void) const; 436 20 set_generate_patches 0 4 527 39 ShaderTerrainMesh::set_generate_patches 0 1 199 618 /** * @brief Sets whether to generate patches * @details If this option is set to true, GeomPatches will be used instead of * GeomTriangles. This is required when the terrain is used with tesselation * shaders, since patches are required for tesselation, whereas triangles * are required for regular rendering. * * If this option is set to true while not using a tesselation shader, the * terrain will not get rendered, or even produce errors. The same applies * when this is option is not set, but the terrain is used with tesselation * shaders. * * @param generate_patches [description] */ 75 inline void ShaderTerrainMesh::set_generate_patches(bool generate_patches); 437 20 get_generate_patches 0 4 527 39 ShaderTerrainMesh::get_generate_patches 0 1 200 199 /** * @brief Returns whether to generate patches * @details This returns whether patches are generated, previously set with * set_generate_patches() * * @return Whether to generate patches */ 64 inline bool ShaderTerrainMesh::get_generate_patches(void) const; 438 18 set_update_enabled 0 4 527 37 ShaderTerrainMesh::set_update_enabled 0 1 201 336 /** * @brief Sets whether to enable terrain updates * @details This flag controls whether the terrain should be updated. If this value * is set to false, no updating of the terrain will happen. This can be useful * to debug the culling algorithm used by the terrain. * * @param update_enabled Whether to update the terrain */ 71 inline void ShaderTerrainMesh::set_update_enabled(bool update_enabled); 439 18 get_update_enabled 0 4 527 37 ShaderTerrainMesh::get_update_enabled 0 1 202 219 /** * @brief Returns whether the terrain is getting updated * @details This returns whether the terrain is getting updates, previously set with * set_update_enabled() * * @return Whether to update the terrain */ 62 inline bool ShaderTerrainMesh::get_update_enabled(void) const; 440 25 set_target_triangle_width 0 4 527 44 ShaderTerrainMesh::set_target_triangle_width 0 1 203 469 /** * @brief Sets the desired triangle width * @details This sets the desired width a triangle should have in pixels. * A value of 10.0 for example will make the terrain tesselate everything * in a way that each triangle edge roughly is 10 pixels wide. * Of course this will not always accurately match, however you can use this * setting to control the LOD algorithm of the terrain. * * @param target_triangle_width Desired triangle width in pixels */ 92 inline void ShaderTerrainMesh::set_target_triangle_width(PN_stdfloat target_triangle_width); 441 25 get_target_triangle_width 0 4 527 44 ShaderTerrainMesh::get_target_triangle_width 0 1 204 211 /** * @brief Returns the target triangle width * @details This returns the target triangle width, previously set with * ShaderTerrainMesh::set_target_triangle_width() * * @return Target triangle width */ 76 inline PN_stdfloat ShaderTerrainMesh::get_target_triangle_width(void) const; 442 11 uv_to_world 0 4 527 30 ShaderTerrainMesh::uv_to_world 0 2 205 206 436 /** * @see ShaderTerrainMesh::uv_to_world(LTexCoord) */ /** * @brief Transforms a texture coordinate to world space * @details This transforms a texture coordinatefrom uv-space (0 to 1) to world * space. This takes the terrains transform into account, and also samples the * heightmap. This method should be called after generate(). * * @param coord Coordinate in uv-space from 0, 0 to 1, 1 * @return World-Space point */ 152 LPoint3 ShaderTerrainMesh::uv_to_world(LTexCoord const &coord) const; inline LPoint3 ShaderTerrainMesh::uv_to_world(PN_stdfloat u, PN_stdfloat v) const; 443 8 generate 0 4 527 27 ShaderTerrainMesh::generate 0 1 207 442 /** * @brief Generates the terrain mesh * @details This generates the terrain mesh, initializing all chunks of the * internal used quadtree. At this point, a heightfield and a chunk size should * have been set, otherwise an error is thrown. * * If anything goes wrong, like a missing heightfield, then an error is printed * and false is returned. * * @return true if the terrain was initialized, false if an error occured */ 39 bool ShaderTerrainMesh::generate(void); 444 14 get_class_type 0 4 527 33 ShaderTerrainMesh::get_class_type 0 1 208 0 58 static TypeHandle ShaderTerrainMesh::get_class_type(void); 445 18 ~ShaderTerrainMesh 0 516 527 37 ShaderTerrainMesh::~ShaderTerrainMesh 0 0 0 44 ShaderTerrainMesh::~ShaderTerrainMesh(void); 446 23 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter 0 260 533 48 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter 0 2 209 210 10 /** * */ 200 explicit SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter(std::string const &name, PandaNode *node); inline SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter(SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const &) = default; 447 12 setup_window 0 4 533 37 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::setup_window 0 1 211 112 /** * Sets up the frame rate meter to create a DisplayRegion to render itself * into the indicated window. */ 67 void SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::setup_window(GraphicsOutput *window); 448 12 clear_window 0 4 533 37 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::clear_window 0 1 212 66 /** * Undoes the effect of a previous call to setup_window(). */ 49 void SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::clear_window(void); 449 10 get_window 0 4 533 35 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_window 0 1 213 122 /** * Returns the GraphicsOutput that was passed to setup_window(), or NULL if * setup_window() has not been called. */ 71 inline GraphicsOutput *SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_window(void) const; 450 18 get_display_region 0 4 533 43 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_display_region 0 1 214 168 /** * Returns the DisplayRegion that the meter has created to render itself into * the window to setup_window(), or NULL if setup_window() has not been * called. */ 78 inline DisplayRegion *SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_display_region(void) const; 451 19 set_update_interval 0 4 533 44 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::set_update_interval 0 1 215 244 /** * Specifies the number of seconds that should elapse between updates to the * meter. This should be reasonably slow (e.g. 0.5 to 2.0) so that the * calculation of the scene graph analysis does not itself dominate the frame * rate. */ 81 inline void SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::set_update_interval(double update_interval); 452 19 get_update_interval 0 4 533 44 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_update_interval 0 1 216 106 /** * Returns the number of seconds that will elapse between updates to the frame * rate indication. */ 71 inline double SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_update_interval(void) const; 453 8 set_node 0 4 533 33 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::set_node 0 1 217 40 /** * Sets the node to be analyzed. */ 63 inline void SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::set_node(PandaNode *node); 454 8 get_node 0 4 533 33 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_node 0 1 218 43 /** * Returns the node to be analyzed. */ 64 inline PandaNode *SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_node(void) const; 455 6 update 0 4 533 31 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::update 0 1 219 205 /** * You can call this to explicitly force the SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter to update * itself with the latest scene graph analysis information. Normally, it is * not necessary to call this explicitly. */ 50 inline void SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::update(void); 456 14 get_class_type 0 4 533 39 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_class_type 0 1 220 0 64 static TypeHandle SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter::get_class_type(void); 457 17 RigidBodyCombiner 0 260 534 36 RigidBodyCombiner::RigidBodyCombiner 0 1 221 22 /** * */ /** * */ 71 explicit RigidBodyCombiner::RigidBodyCombiner(std::string const &name); 458 7 collect 0 4 534 26 RigidBodyCombiner::collect 0 1 222 879 /** * Walks through the entire subgraph of nodes rooted at this node, accumulates * all of the RenderAttribs and Geoms below this node, flattening them into * just one Geom (or as few as possible, if there are multiple different * states). * * Nodes that have transforms on them at the time of collect(), or any * ModelNodes with the preserve_transform flag, will be identified as "moving" * nodes, and their transforms will be monitored as they change in future * frames and each new transform directly applied to the vertices. * * This call must be made after adding any nodes to or removing any nodes from * the subgraph rooted at this node. It should not be made too often, as it * is a relatively expensive call. If you need to hide children of this node, * consider scaling them to zero (or very near zero), or moving them behind * the camera, instead. */ 38 void RigidBodyCombiner::collect(void); 459 18 get_internal_scene 0 4 534 37 RigidBodyCombiner::get_internal_scene 0 1 223 319 /** * Returns a special NodePath that represents the internal node of this * object. This is the node that is actually sent to the graphics card for * rendering; it contains the collection of the children of this node into as * few Geoms as possible. * * This node is filled up by the last call to collect(). */ 53 NodePath RigidBodyCombiner::get_internal_scene(void); 460 14 get_class_type 0 4 534 33 RigidBodyCombiner::get_class_type 0 1 224 0 58 static TypeHandle RigidBodyCombiner::get_class_type(void); 461 18 ~RigidBodyCombiner 0 516 534 37 RigidBodyCombiner::~RigidBodyCombiner 0 0 0 44 RigidBodyCombiner::~RigidBodyCombiner(void); 462 23 upcast_to_CullTraverser 0 12 536 51 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::upcast_to_CullTraverser 0 1 233 55 upcast from PipeOcclusionCullTraverser to CullTraverser 73 CullTraverser *PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::upcast_to_CullTraverser(void); 463 38 downcast_to_PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 12 537 53 CullTraverser::downcast_to_PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 0 57 downcast from CullTraverser to PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 88 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser *CullTraverser::downcast_to_PipeOcclusionCullTraverser(void); 464 21 upcast_to_CullHandler 0 12 536 49 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::upcast_to_CullHandler 0 1 234 53 upcast from PipeOcclusionCullTraverser to CullHandler 69 CullHandler *PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::upcast_to_CullHandler(void); 465 38 downcast_to_PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 12 538 51 CullHandler::downcast_to_PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 0 55 downcast from CullHandler to PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 86 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser *CullHandler::downcast_to_PipeOcclusionCullTraverser(void); 466 26 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 260 536 54 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 1 225 10 /** * */ 86 explicit PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::PipeOcclusionCullTraverser(GraphicsOutput *host); 467 9 set_scene 0 6 536 37 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::set_scene 0 1 226 10 /** * */ 135 virtual void PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::set_scene(SceneSetup *scene_setup, GraphicsStateGuardianBase *gsg, bool dr_incomplete_render); 468 12 end_traverse 0 6 536 40 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::end_traverse 0 1 227 141 /** * Should be called when the traverser has finished traversing its scene, this * gives it a chance to do any necessary finalization. */ 60 virtual void PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::end_traverse(void); 469 10 get_buffer 0 4 536 38 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_buffer 0 1 228 10 /** * */ 74 inline GraphicsOutput *PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_buffer(void) const; 470 11 get_texture 0 4 536 39 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_texture 0 1 229 96 /** * Returns a Texture that can be used to visualize the efforts of the * occlusion cull. */ 55 Texture *PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_texture(void); 471 18 set_occlusion_mask 0 4 536 46 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::set_occlusion_mask 0 1 230 245 /** * Specifies the DrawMask that should be set on occlusion polygons for this * scene. This identifies the polygons that are to be treated as occluders. * Polygons that do not have this draw mask set will not be considered * occluders. */ 91 inline void PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::set_occlusion_mask(DrawMask const &occlusion_mask); 472 18 get_occlusion_mask 0 4 536 46 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_occlusion_mask 0 1 231 82 /** * Returns the DrawMask for occlusion polygons. See set_occlusion_mask(). */ 82 inline DrawMask const &PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_occlusion_mask(void) const; 473 14 get_class_type 0 4 536 42 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_class_type 0 1 232 0 67 static TypeHandle PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::get_class_type(void); 474 27 ~PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 516 536 55 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::~PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 0 0 62 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser::~PipeOcclusionCullTraverser(void); 475 9 PfmVizzer 0 260 539 20 PfmVizzer::PfmVizzer 0 2 235 236 256 /** * The PfmVizzer constructor receives a reference to a PfmFile which it will * operate on. It does not keep ownership of this reference; it is your * responsibility to ensure the PfmFile does not destruct during the lifetime * of the PfmVizzer. */ 102 explicit PfmVizzer::PfmVizzer(PfmFile &pfm); inline PfmVizzer::PfmVizzer(PfmVizzer const &) = default; 476 10 ~PfmVizzer 0 516 539 21 PfmVizzer::~PfmVizzer 0 0 0 35 inline PfmVizzer::~PfmVizzer(void); 477 7 get_pfm 0 4 539 18 PfmVizzer::get_pfm 0 2 237 238 158 /** * Returns the reference to the PfmFile manipulated by this PfmVizzer. */ /** * Returns the reference to the PfmFile manipulated by this PfmVizzer. */ 95 inline PfmFile &PfmVizzer::get_pfm(void); inline PfmFile const &PfmVizzer::get_pfm(void) const; 478 7 project 0 4 539 18 PfmVizzer::project 0 1 239 335 /** * Adjusts each (x, y, z) point of the Pfm file by projecting it through the * indicated lens, converting each point to a (u, v, w) texture coordinate. * The resulting file can be generated to a mesh (with set_vis_inverse(true) * and generate_vis_mesh()) that will apply the lens distortion to an * arbitrary texture image. */ 79 void PfmVizzer::project(Lens const *lens, PfmFile const *undist_lut = nullptr); 479 7 extrude 0 4 539 18 PfmVizzer::extrude 0 1 240 397 /** * Converts each (u, v, depth) point of the Pfm file to an (x, y, z) point, by * reversing project(). If the original file is only a 1-d file, assumes that * it is a depth map with implicit (u, v) coordinates. * * This method is only valid for a linear lens (e.g. a PerspectiveLens or * OrthographicLens). Non-linear lenses don't necessarily compute a sensible * depth coordinate. */ 42 void PfmVizzer::extrude(Lens const *lens); 480 15 set_vis_inverse 0 4 539 26 PfmVizzer::set_vis_inverse 0 1 241 435 /** * Sets the vis_inverse flag. When this flag is true, vis meshes and point * clouds are generated with the 3-d depth value in the texture coordinates, * and the 2-d index value in the vertex position. When it is false, meshes * are generated normally, with the 3-d depth value in the vertex position and * the 2-d index value in the texture coordinates. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 57 inline void PfmVizzer::set_vis_inverse(bool vis_inverse); 481 15 get_vis_inverse 0 4 539 26 PfmVizzer::get_vis_inverse 0 1 242 64 /** * Returns the vis_inverse flag. See set_vis_inverse(). */ 51 inline bool PfmVizzer::get_vis_inverse(void) const; 482 22 set_flat_texcoord_name 0 4 539 33 PfmVizzer::set_flat_texcoord_name 0 1 243 473 /** * If the flat_texcoord_name is specified, it is the name of an additional * vertex column that will be created for the "flat" texture coordinates, i.e. * the original 0..1 values that correspond to the 2-D index position of each * point in the original pfm file. * * These are the same values that will be assigned to the default texture * coordinates if the vis_inverse flag is *not* true. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 80 inline void PfmVizzer::set_flat_texcoord_name(InternalName *flat_texcoord_name); 483 24 clear_flat_texcoord_name 0 4 539 35 PfmVizzer::clear_flat_texcoord_name 0 1 244 177 /** * Resets the flat_texcoord_name to empty, so that additional texture * coordinates are not created. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 54 inline void PfmVizzer::clear_flat_texcoord_name(void); 484 22 get_flat_texcoord_name 0 4 539 33 PfmVizzer::get_flat_texcoord_name 0 1 245 73 /** * Returns the flat_texcoord_name. See set_flat_texcoord_name(). */ 67 inline InternalName *PfmVizzer::get_flat_texcoord_name(void) const; 485 10 set_vis_2d 0 4 539 21 PfmVizzer::set_vis_2d 0 1 246 291 /** * Sets the vis_2d flag. When this flag is true, only the first two (x, y) * value of each depth point is considered meaningful; the z component is * ignored. This is only relevant for generating visualizations. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 47 inline void PfmVizzer::set_vis_2d(bool vis_2d); 486 10 get_vis_2d 0 4 539 21 PfmVizzer::get_vis_2d 0 1 247 54 /** * Returns the vis_2d flag. See set_vis_2d(). */ 46 inline bool PfmVizzer::get_vis_2d(void) const; 487 20 set_keep_beyond_lens 0 4 539 31 PfmVizzer::set_keep_beyond_lens 0 1 248 234 /** * Sets the keep_beyond_lens flag. When this flag is true, points that fall * outside of the normal lens range in project() or in add_vis_column() will * be retained anyway; when it is false, these points will be discarded. */ 67 inline void PfmVizzer::set_keep_beyond_lens(bool keep_beyond_lens); 488 20 get_keep_beyond_lens 0 4 539 31 PfmVizzer::get_keep_beyond_lens 0 1 249 74 /** * Returns the keep_beyond_lens flag. See set_keep_beyond_lens(). */ 56 inline bool PfmVizzer::get_keep_beyond_lens(void) const; 489 13 set_vis_blend 0 4 539 24 PfmVizzer::set_vis_blend 0 1 250 457 /** * Specifies a blending map--a grayscale image--that will be applied to the * vertex color during generate_vis_mesh() and generate_vis_points(). The * image size must exactly match the mesh size of the PfmVizzer. * * Ownership of the pointer is not kept by the PfmVizzer; it is your * responsibility to ensure it does not destruct during the lifetime of the * PfmVizzer (or at least not before your subsequent call to * generate_vis_mesh()). */ 64 inline void PfmVizzer::set_vis_blend(PNMImage const *vis_blend); 490 15 clear_vis_blend 0 4 539 26 PfmVizzer::clear_vis_blend 0 1 251 75 /** * Removes the blending map set by a prior call to set_vis_blend(). */ 45 inline void PfmVizzer::clear_vis_blend(void); 491 13 get_vis_blend 0 4 539 24 PfmVizzer::get_vis_blend 0 1 252 133 /** * Returns the blending map set by the most recent call to set_vis_blend(), or * NULL if there is no blending map in effect. */ 60 inline PNMImage const *PfmVizzer::get_vis_blend(void) const; 492 11 set_aux_pfm 0 4 539 22 PfmVizzer::set_aux_pfm 0 1 253 429 /** * Assigns an auxiliary PfmFile to this PfmVizzer. This file will be queried * by column types CT_aux_vertex1/2/3, but has no other meaning to the vizzer. * This size of this PfmFile should exactly match the base PfmFile. No * reference count is held and no copy is made; the caller is responsible for * ensuring that the auxiliary PfmFile will persist throughout the lifetime of * the PfmVizzer it is assigned to. */ 55 inline void PfmVizzer::set_aux_pfm(PfmFile const *pfm); 493 13 clear_aux_pfm 0 4 539 24 PfmVizzer::clear_aux_pfm 0 1 254 61 /** * Removes the auxiliary PfmFile from this PfmVizzer. */ 43 inline void PfmVizzer::clear_aux_pfm(void); 494 11 get_aux_pfm 0 4 539 22 PfmVizzer::get_aux_pfm 0 1 255 181 /** * Returns the reference to the auxiliary PfmFile queried by this PfmVizzer. * This contains the values that will be reflected in CT_aux_vertex3 etc. See * set_aux_pfm(). */ 57 inline PfmFile const *PfmVizzer::get_aux_pfm(void) const; 495 17 clear_vis_columns 0 4 539 28 PfmVizzer::clear_vis_columns 0 1 256 124 /** * Removes all of the previously-added vis columns in preparation for building * a new list. See add_vis_column(). */ 40 void PfmVizzer::clear_vis_columns(void); 496 14 add_vis_column 0 4 539 25 PfmVizzer::add_vis_column 0 1 257 852 /** * Adds a new vis column specification to the list of vertex data columns that * will be generated at the next call to generate_vis_points() or * generate_vis_mesh(). This advanced interface supercedes the higher-level * set_vis_inverse(), set_flat_texcoord_name(), and set_vis_2d(). * * If you use this advanced interface, you must specify explicitly the * complete list of data columns to be created in the resulting * GeomVertexData, by calling add_vis_column() each time. For each column, * you specify the source of the column in the PFMFile, the target column and * name in the GeomVertexData, and an optional transform matrix and/or lens to * transform and project the point before generating it. */ /** * The private implementation of the public add_vis_column(), this adds the * column to the indicated specific vector. */ 219 void PfmVizzer::add_vis_column(PfmVizzer::ColumnType source, PfmVizzer::ColumnType target, InternalName *name, TransformState const *transform = nullptr, Lens const *lens = nullptr, PfmFile const *undist_lut = nullptr); 497 19 generate_vis_points 0 4 539 30 PfmVizzer::generate_vis_points 0 1 258 181 /** * Creates a point cloud with the points of the pfm as 3-d coordinates in * space, and texture coordinates ranging from 0 .. 1 based on the position * within the pfm grid. */ 52 NodePath PfmVizzer::generate_vis_points(void) const; 498 17 generate_vis_mesh 0 4 539 28 PfmVizzer::generate_vis_mesh 0 1 259 183 /** * Creates a triangle mesh with the points of the pfm as 3-d coordinates in * space, and texture coordinates ranging from 0 .. 1 based on the position * within the pfm grid. */ 94 NodePath PfmVizzer::generate_vis_mesh(PfmVizzer::MeshFace face = ::PfmVizzer::MF_front) const; 499 23 calc_max_u_displacement 0 4 539 34 PfmVizzer::calc_max_u_displacement 0 1 260 206 /** * Computes the maximum amount of shift, in pixels either left or right, of * any pixel in the distortion map. This can be passed to * make_displacement(); see that function for more information. */ 54 double PfmVizzer::calc_max_u_displacement(void) const; 500 23 calc_max_v_displacement 0 4 539 34 PfmVizzer::calc_max_v_displacement 0 1 261 203 /** * Computes the maximum amount of shift, in pixels either up or down, of any * pixel in the distortion map. This can be passed to make_displacement(); * see that function for more information. */ 54 double PfmVizzer::calc_max_v_displacement(void) const; 501 17 make_displacement 0 4 539 28 PfmVizzer::make_displacement 0 2 262 263 1889 /** * Assuming the underlying PfmFile is a 2-d distortion mesh, with the U and V * in the first two components and the third component unused, this computes * an AfterEffects-style displacement map that represents the same distortion. * The indicated PNMImage will be filled in with a displacement map image, * with horizontal shift in the red channel and vertical shift in the green * channel, where a fully bright (or fully black) pixel indicates a shift of * max_u or max_v pixels. * * Use calc_max_u_displacement() and calc_max_v_displacement() to compute * suitable values for max_u and max_v. * * This generates an integer 16-bit displacement image. It is a good idea, * though not necessarily essential, to check "Preserve RGB" in the interpret * footage section for each displacement image. Set for_32bit true if this is * meant to be used in a 32-bit project file, and false if it is meant to be * used in a 16-bit project file. */ /** * Assuming the underlying PfmFile is a 2-d distortion mesh, with the U and V * in the first two components and the third component unused, this computes * an AfterEffects-style displacement map that represents the same distortion. * The indicated PNMImage will be filled in with a displacement map image, * with horizontal shift in the red channel and vertical shift in the green * channel, where a fully bright (or fully black) pixel indicates a shift of * max_u or max_v pixels. * * Use calc_max_u_displacement() and calc_max_v_displacement() to compute * suitable values for max_u and max_v. * * This generates a 32-bit floating-point displacement image. It is essential * to check "Preserve RGB" in the interpret footage section for each * displacement image. Set for_32bit true if this is meant to be used in a * 32-bit project file, and false if it is meant to be used in a 16-bit * project file. */ 204 void PfmVizzer::make_displacement(PNMImage &result, double max_u, double max_v, bool for_32bit) const; void PfmVizzer::make_displacement(PfmFile &result, double max_u, double max_v, bool for_32bit) const; 263 1 0 0 15 3 544 265 0 0 1 6 param0 0 542 2 0 0 7 3 544 265 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 name 1 545 3 0 0 4 5 546 0 0 63 /** * Resets all the parameters to their initial defaults. */ 1 4 this 3 544 4 0 0 4 6 546 0 0 240 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ 3 4 this 3 544 2 ll 1 547 2 ur 1 547 5 0 0 4 6 546 0 0 240 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ 5 4 this 3 544 2 ll 1 547 2 lr 1 547 2 ur 1 547 2 ul 1 547 6 0 0 4 6 546 0 0 240 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ 5 4 this 3 544 2 ll 1 552 2 lr 1 552 2 ur 1 552 2 ul 1 552 7 0 0 4 6 546 0 0 240 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices. If * set_has_uvs() is true (as it is by default), the vertices will be generated * with the indicated range of UV's, which will be useful if a texture is * applied. */ 4 4 this 3 544 1 x 1 557 1 y 1 557 1 z 1 557 8 0 0 4 6 546 0 0 130 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices appropriately * to show the non-pad region of the texture. */ 2 4 this 3 544 3 tex 1 561 9 0 0 4 7 546 0 0 108 /** * Sets the range of UV's that will be applied to the vertices appropriately * for a cube-map face. */ 2 4 this 3 544 4 face 1 517 10 0 0 4 8 546 0 0 91 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether vertices will be generated with UV's or * not. */ 2 4 this 3 544 4 flag 1 518 11 0 0 4 9 546 0 0 211 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether vertices will be generated with * 3-component UVW's (true) or 2-component UV's (the default, false). * Normally, this will be implicitly set by setting the uv_range. */ 2 4 this 3 544 4 flag 1 518 12 0 0 4 10 546 0 0 37 /** * Sets the size of the card. */ 2 4 this 3 544 5 frame 1 563 13 0 0 4 10 546 0 0 37 /** * Sets the size of the card. */ 5 4 this 3 544 2 ll 1 567 2 lr 1 567 2 ur 1 567 2 ul 1 567 14 0 0 4 10 546 0 0 37 /** * Sets the size of the card. */ 5 4 this 3 544 4 left 1 531 5 right 1 531 6 bottom 1 531 3 top 1 531 15 0 0 4 11 546 0 0 134 /** * Sets the card to (-1,1,-1,1), which is appropriate if you plan to parent it * to render2d and use it as a fullscreen quad. */ 1 4 this 3 544 16 0 0 4 12 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 544 5 color 1 571 17 0 0 4 12 546 0 0 38 /** * Sets the color of the card. */ 5 4 this 3 544 1 r 1 531 1 g 1 531 1 b 1 531 1 a 1 531 18 0 0 4 13 546 0 0 40 /** * Unsets the color of the card. */ 1 4 this 3 544 19 0 0 4 14 546 0 0 355 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether vertices will be generated with normals or * not. Normals are required if you intend to enable lighting on the card, * but are just wasted space and bandwidth otherwise, so there is a (slight) * optimization for disabling them. If enabled, the normals will be generated * perpendicular to the card's face. */ 2 4 this 3 544 4 flag 1 518 20 0 0 4 15 546 0 0 445 /** * Sets a node that will be copied (and scaled and translated) to generate the * frame, instead of generating a new polygon. The node may contain arbitrary * geometry that describes a flat polygon contained within the indicated left, * right, bottom, top frame. * * When generate() is called, the geometry in this node will be scaled and * translated appropriately to give it the size and aspect ratio specified by * set_frame(). */ 3 4 this 3 544 4 node 1 575 5 frame 1 563 21 0 0 4 16 546 0 0 82 /** * Removes the node specified by an earlier call to set_source_geometry(). */ 1 4 this 3 544 22 0 0 7 17 575 0 0 68 /** * Generates a GeomNode that renders the specified geometry. */ 1 4 this 3 544 23 0 0 15 19 578 280 0 0 1 6 param0 0 576 24 0 0 7 19 578 280 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 name 1 545 25 0 0 4 21 546 0 0 63 /** * Resets all the parameters to their initial defaults. */ 1 4 this 3 578 26 0 0 4 22 546 0 0 146 /** * Specifies the field of view of the fisheye projection. A sphere map will * have a 360-degree field of view (and this is the default). */ 2 4 this 3 578 3 fov 1 531 27 0 0 4 23 546 0 0 303 /** * Specifies the approximate number of vertices to be used to generate the * rose. This is the approximate number of vertices that will be located * within the rose's unit circle, not counting the inscribing square (if any). * The actual number of vertices used may be +/- 25% of this value. */ 2 4 this 3 578 12 num_vertices 1 517 28 0 0 4 24 546 0 0 577 /** * Sets the flag that indicates whether the rose should be inscribed within a * square. When this is true, an additional square is generated to inscribed * the circular rose, with the indicated "radius" (the sides of the square * will be 2 * square_radius). The texture coordinates of the square will * uniformly map to the back pole of the cube map. * * This is mainly useful to provide a good uniform background color for a * sphere map so that it does not have a sharp circular edge that might * produce artifacts due to numerical imprecision when mapping. */ 3 4 this 3 578 16 square_inscribed 1 518 13 square_radius 1 531 29 0 0 4 25 546 0 0 327 /** * Sets the flag indicating whether the texture image should be mirrored * (true) or normal (false). When this is true, the 3-D texture coordinates * will be reversed so that the image is appropriate for a reflection. This * is the best choice for generating a sphere map from a cube map. The * default is false. */ 2 4 this 3 578 10 reflection 1 518 30 0 0 7 26 575 0 0 68 /** * Generates a GeomNode that renders the specified geometry. */ 1 4 this 3 578 31 0 0 15 29 581 0 0 0 1 6 param0 0 579 32 0 0 7 29 581 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 name 1 545 33 0 0 4 30 546 0 0 112 /** * Sets up the frame rate meter to create a DisplayRegion to render itself * into the indicated window. */ 2 4 this 3 581 6 window 1 582 34 0 0 4 31 546 0 0 66 /** * Undoes the effect of a previous call to setup_window(). */ 1 4 this 3 581 35 0 0 7 32 582 0 0 122 /** * Returns the GraphicsOutput that was passed to setup_window(), or NULL if * setup_window() has not been called. */ 1 4 this 3 579 36 0 0 7 33 585 0 0 168 /** * Returns the DisplayRegion that the meter has created to render itself into * the window to setup_window(), or NULL if setup_window() has not been * called. */ 1 4 this 3 579 37 0 0 4 34 546 0 0 255 /** * Specifies the number of seconds that should elapse between updates to the * frame rate indication. This should be reasonably slow (e.g. 0.2 to 1.0) * so that the calculation of the frame rate text does not itself dominate the * frame rate. */ 2 4 this 3 581 15 update_interval 1 516 38 0 0 6 35 516 0 0 106 /** * Returns the number of seconds that will elapse between updates to the frame * rate indication. */ 1 4 this 3 579 39 0 0 4 36 546 0 0 176 /** * Sets the sprintf() pattern that is used to format the text. The string * "%f" or some variant will be replaced with the current frame rate in frames * per second. */ 2 4 this 3 581 12 text_pattern 1 545 40 0 0 6 37 545 0 0 73 /** * Returns the sprintf() pattern that is used to format the text. */ 1 4 this 3 579 41 0 0 4 38 546 0 0 152 /** * Sets the clock that is used to determine the frame rate. The default is * the application's global clock (ClockObject::get_global_clock()). */ 2 4 this 3 581 12 clock_object 1 586 42 0 0 7 39 586 0 0 70 /** * Returns the clock that is used to determine the frame rate. */ 1 4 this 3 579 43 0 0 4 40 546 0 0 186 /** * You can call this to explicitly force the FrameRateMeter to update itself * with the latest frame rate information. Normally, it is not necessary to * call this explicitly. */ 1 4 this 3 581 44 0 0 7 41 589 0 0 0 0 45 0 0 7 44 590 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 name 1 545 46 0 0 6 45 591 0 0 150 /** * Returns a reference to the heightfield (a PNMImage) contained inside * GeoMipTerrain. You can use the reference to alter the heightfield. */ 1 4 this 3 590 47 0 0 6 46 518 0 0 232 /** * Loads the specified heightmap image file into the heightfield. Returns * true if succeeded, or false if an error has occured. If the heightmap is * not a power of two plus one, it is scaled up using a gaussian filter. */ 3 4 this 3 590 8 filename 1 593 4 type 5 596 48 0 0 6 46 518 0 0 232 /** * Loads the specified heightmap image file into the heightfield. Returns * true if succeeded, or false if an error has occured. If the heightmap is * not a power of two plus one, it is scaled up using a gaussian filter. */ 2 4 this 3 590 5 image 1 598 49 0 0 6 47 591 0 0 146 /** * Returns a reference to the color map (a PNMImage) contained inside * GeoMipTerrain. You can use the reference to alter the color map. */ 1 4 this 3 590 50 0 0 6 48 518 0 0 234 /** * Loads the specified image as color map. The next time generate() is * called, the terrain is painted with this color map using the vertex color * column. Returns a boolean indicating whether the operation has succeeded. */ 3 4 this 3 590 8 filename 1 593 4 type 5 596 51 0 0 6 48 518 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 5 image 1 598 52 0 0 6 48 518 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 5 image 1 561 53 0 0 6 48 518 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 4 path 1 545 54 0 0 6 49 518 0 0 52 /** * Returns whether a color map has been set. */ 1 4 this 3 600 55 0 0 4 50 546 0 0 32 /** * Clears the color map. */ 1 4 this 3 590 56 0 0 4 51 546 0 0 250 /** * Calculates an approximate for the ambient occlusion and stores it in the * color map, so that it will be written to the vertex colors. Any existing * color map will be discarded. You need to call this before generating the * geometry. */ 4 4 this 3 590 6 radius 5 531 8 contrast 5 531 10 brightness 5 531 57 0 0 6 52 516 0 0 410 /** * Fetches the elevation at (x, y), where the input coordinate is specified in * pixels. This ignores the current LOD level and instead provides an * accurate number. Linear blending is used for non-integral coordinates. * Terrain scale is NOT taken into account! To get accurate normals, please * multiply this with the terrain Z scale! * * trueElev = terr.get_elevation(x,y) * terr.get_sz(); */ 3 4 this 3 590 1 x 1 516 1 y 1 516 58 0 0 7 53 604 0 0 510 /** * Fetches the terrain normal at (x, y), where the input coordinate is * specified in pixels. This ignores the current LOD level and instead * provides an accurate number. Terrain scale is NOT taken into account! To * get accurate normals, please divide it by the terrain scale and normalize * it again, like this: * * LVector3 normal (terr.get_normal(x, y)); normal.set(normal.get_x() / * root.get_sx(), normal.get_y() / root.get_sy(), normal.get_z() / * root.get_sz()); normal.normalize(); */ 3 4 this 3 590 1 x 1 517 1 y 1 517 59 0 0 7 53 604 0 0 317 /** * Fetches the terrain normal at (x,y), where the input coordinate is * specified in pixels. This ignores the current LOD level and instead * provides an accurate number. Terrain scale is NOT taken into account! To * get accurate normals, please divide it by the terrain scale and normalize * it again! */ 5 4 this 3 590 2 mx 1 605 2 my 1 605 1 x 1 517 1 y 1 517 60 0 0 4 54 546 0 0 238 /** * Sets a boolean specifying whether the terrain will be rendered bruteforce. * If the terrain is rendered bruteforce, there will be no Level of Detail, * and the update() call will only update the terrain if it is marked dirty. */ 2 4 this 3 590 2 bf 1 518 61 0 0 6 55 518 0 0 124 /** * Returns a boolean whether the terrain is rendered bruteforce or not. See * set_bruteforce for more information. */ 1 4 this 3 590 62 0 0 4 57 546 0 0 210 /** * The terrain can be automatically flattened (using flatten_light, * flatten_medium, or flatten_strong) after each update. This only affects * future updates, it doesn't flatten the current terrain. */ 2 4 this 3 590 4 mode 1 517 63 0 0 4 58 546 0 0 276 // The focal point is the point at which the terrain will have the highest // quality (lowest level of detail). Parts farther away from the focal point // will have a lower quality (higher level of detail). The focal point is // not taken in respect if bruteforce is set true. 2 4 this 3 590 2 fp 1 606 64 0 0 4 58 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 2 fp 1 609 65 0 0 4 58 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 2 fp 1 611 66 0 0 4 58 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 2 fp 1 614 67 0 0 4 58 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 590 3 fnp 1 616 68 0 0 4 58 546 0 0 350 /** * Sets the focal point. GeoMipTerrain generates high-resolution terrain * around the focal point, and progressively lower and lower resolution * terrain as you get farther away. If a point is supplied and not a * NodePath, make sure it's relative to the terrain. Only the x and y * coordinates of the focal point are taken in respect. */ 3 4 this 3 590 1 x 1 516 1 y 1 516 69 0 0 7 59 616 0 0 145 /** * Returns the focal point, as a NodePath. If you have set it to be just a * point, it will return an empty node at the focal position. */ 1 4 this 3 600 70 0 0 7 60 616 0 0 258 /** * Returns the root of the terrain. This is a single PandaNode to which all * the rest of the terrain is parented. The generate and update operations * replace the nodes which are parented to this root, but they don't replace * this root itself. */ 1 4 this 3 600 71 0 0 4 61 546 0 0 98 /** * Sets the block size. If it is not a power of two, the closest power of two * is used. */ 2 4 this 3 590 5 newbs 1 605 72 0 0 6 62 605 0 0 31 /** * Gets the block size. */ 1 4 this 3 590 73 0 0 6 63 605 0 0 140 /** * Returns the highest level possible for this block size. When a block is at * this level, it will be the worst quality possible. */ 1 4 this 3 590 74 0 0 4 64 546 0 0 243 /** * Sets the minimum level of detail at which blocks may be generated by * generate() or update(). The default value is 0, which is the highest * quality. This value is also taken in respect when generating the terrain * bruteforce. */ 2 4 this 3 590 8 minlevel 1 605 75 0 0 6 65 605 0 0 163 /** * Gets the minimum level of detail at which blocks may be generated by * generate() or update(). The default value is 0, which is the highest * quality. */ 1 4 this 3 590 76 0 0 6 66 518 0 0 298 /** * Returns a bool indicating whether the terrain is marked 'dirty', that means * the terrain has to be regenerated on the next update() call, because for * instance the heightfield has changed. Once the terrain has been * regenerated, the dirty flag automatically gets reset internally. */ 1 4 this 3 590 77 0 0 4 67 546 0 0 334 /** * DEPRECATED method. Use set_near/far instead. Sets the quality factor at * which blocks must be generated. The higher this level, the better quality * the terrain will be, but more expensive to render. A value of 0 makes the * terrain the lowest quality possible, depending on blocksize. The default * value is 100. */ 2 4 this 3 590 6 factor 1 531 78 0 0 4 68 546 0 0 59 /** * Sets the near and far LOD distances in one call. */ 3 4 this 3 590 10 input_near 1 516 9 input_far 1 516 79 0 0 4 69 546 0 0 152 /** * Sets the near LOD distance, at which the terrain will be rendered at * highest quality. This distance is in the terrain's coordinate space! */ 2 4 this 3 590 10 input_near 1 516 80 0 0 4 70 546 0 0 150 /** * Sets the far LOD distance, at which the terrain will be rendered at lowest * quality. This distance is in the terrain's coordinate space! */ 2 4 this 3 590 9 input_far 1 516 81 0 0 7 71 618 0 0 380 /** * Returns the NodePath of the specified block. If auto-flatten is enabled * and the node is getting removed during the flattening process, it will * still return a NodePath with the appropriate terrain chunk, but it will be * in a temporary scenegraph. Please note that this returns a const object * and you can not modify the node. Modify the heightfield instead. */ 3 4 this 3 590 2 mx 1 605 2 my 1 605 82 0 0 7 72 621 0 0 479 /** * Gets the coordinates of the block at the specified position. This position * must be relative to the terrain, not to render. Returns an array * containing two values: the block x and the block y coords. If the * positions are out of range, the closest block is taken. Note that the * VecBase returned does not represent a vector, position, or rotation, but it * contains the block index of the block which you can use in * GeoMipTerrain::get_block_node_path. */ 3 4 this 3 590 1 x 1 516 1 y 1 516 83 0 0 4 73 546 0 0 360 /** * If this value is true, the LOD level at the borders of the terrain will be * 0. This is useful if you have multiple terrains attached and you want to * stitch them together, to fix seams. This setting also has effect when * bruteforce is enabled, although in that case you are probably better off * with setting the minlevels to the same value. */ 2 4 this 3 590 9 stitching 1 518 84 0 0 6 74 518 0 0 106 /** * Returns the current stitching setting. False by default, unless * set_stitching has been set. */ 1 4 this 3 590 85 0 0 6 75 516 0 0 71 /** * Returns the far LOD distance in the terrain coordinate space */ 1 4 this 3 590 86 0 0 6 76 516 0 0 72 /** * Returns the near LOD distance in the terrain coordinate space */ 1 4 this 3 590 87 0 0 6 77 517 0 0 110 /** * Returns the automatic-flatten mode (e.g., off, flatten_light, * flatten_medium, or flatten_strong) */ 1 4 this 3 590 88 0 0 7 78 591 0 0 520 /** * Returns a new grayscale image containing the slope angles. A white pixel * value means a vertical slope, while a black pixel will mean that the * terrain is entirely flat at that pixel. You can translate it to degrees by * mapping the greyscale values from 0 to 90 degrees. The resulting image * will have the same size as the heightfield image. The scale will be taken * into respect -- meaning, if you change the terrain scale, the slope image * will need to be regenerated in order to be correct. */ 1 4 this 3 590 89 0 0 4 79 546 0 0 191 /** * (Re)generates the entire terrain, erasing the current. This call un- * flattens the terrain, so make sure you have set auto-flatten if you want to * keep your terrain flattened. */ 1 4 this 3 590 90 0 0 6 80 518 0 0 447 /** * Loops through all of the terrain blocks, and checks whether they need to be * updated. If that is indeed the case, it regenerates the mipmap. Returns a * true when the terrain has changed. Returns false when the terrain isn't * updated at all. If there is no terrain yet, it generates the entire * terrain. This call un-flattens the terrain, so make sure you have set * auto-flatten if you want to keep your terrain flattened. */ 1 4 this 3 590 91 0 0 7 81 589 0 0 0 0 92 0 0 15 83 624 338 0 0 1 6 param0 0 622 93 0 0 7 83 624 338 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 name 1 545 94 0 0 6 85 591 0 0 162 /** * Returns a reference to the heightfield (a PNMImage) contained inside the * HeightfieldTesselator. You can use the reference to alter the heightfield. */ 1 4 this 3 624 95 0 0 6 86 518 0 0 73 /** * Loads the specified greyscale image file into the heightfield. */ 3 4 this 3 624 8 filename 1 593 4 type 5 596 96 0 0 4 87 546 0 0 131 /** * Sets the polygon-count target. The tesselator usually manages to come * within about 20% of the target, plus or minus. */ 2 4 this 3 624 1 n 1 517 97 0 0 4 88 546 0 0 354 /** * Sets the visibility radius. Polygons that are completely outside the * radius (relative to the focal point) are cropped away. The cropping is * imperfect (all approximations are conservative), so this should be used in * conjunction with a far clipping plane, fog, or some other visibility * limiting mechanism. The units are in pixels. */ 2 4 this 3 624 1 r 1 517 98 0 0 4 89 546 0 0 216 /** * Sets the focal point. The tesselator generates high-resolution terrain * around the focal point, and progressively lower and lower resolution * terrain as you get farther away. The units are in pixels. */ 3 4 this 3 624 1 x 1 517 1 y 1 517 99 0 0 4 90 546 0 0 135 /** * Sets the horizontal scale. The default scale is 1.0, meaning that each * pixel in the heightfield is 1x1 panda units wide. */ 2 4 this 3 624 1 h 1 516 100 0 0 4 91 546 0 0 162 /** * Sets the vertical scale. The default scale is 255.0, meaning that each as * the gray value ranges from (0-1), the elevation ranges from (0-255) feet. */ 2 4 this 3 624 1 v 1 516 101 0 0 4 92 546 0 0 43 /** * Sets the max triangles per geom. */ 2 4 this 3 624 1 n 1 517 102 0 0 6 93 516 0 0 239 /** * Fetches the elevation at (x,y), where the input coordinate is specified in * pixels. This ignores the current tesselation level and instead provides an * accurate number. Linear blending is used for non-integral coordinates. */ 3 4 this 3 624 1 x 1 516 1 y 1 516 103 0 0 7 94 616 0 0 112 /** * Generates a tree of nodes that represents the heightfield. This can be * reparented into the scene. */ 1 4 this 3 624 104 0 0 15 96 627 350 0 0 1 6 param0 0 625 105 0 0 7 96 627 350 0 352 /** * Constructs a LineSegs object, which can be used to create any number of * disconnected lines or points of various thicknesses and colors through the * visible scene. After creating the object, call move_to() and draw_to() * repeatedly to describe the path, then call create() to create a GeomNode * which will render the described path. */ 1 4 name 5 545 106 0 0 4 98 546 0 0 79 /** * Removes any lines in progress and resets to the initial empty state. */ 1 4 this 3 627 107 0 0 4 99 546 0 0 125 /** * Establishes the color that will be assigned to all vertices created by * future calls to move_to() and draw_to(). */ 2 4 this 3 627 5 color 1 571 108 0 0 4 99 546 0 0 125 /** * Establishes the color that will be assigned to all vertices created by * future calls to move_to() and draw_to(). */ 5 4 this 3 627 1 r 1 531 1 g 1 531 1 b 1 531 1 a 5 531 109 0 0 4 100 546 0 0 151 /** * Establishes the line thickness or point size in pixels that will be * assigned to all lines and points created by future calls to create(). */ 2 4 this 3 627 5 thick 1 531 110 0 0 4 101 546 0 0 217 /** * Moves the pen to the given point without drawing a line. When followed by * draw_to(), this marks the first point of a line segment; when followed by * move_to() or create(), this creates a single point. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 v 1 628 111 0 0 4 101 546 0 0 217 /** * Moves the pen to the given point without drawing a line. When followed by * draw_to(), this marks the first point of a line segment; when followed by * move_to() or create(), this creates a single point. */ 4 4 this 3 627 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 z 1 531 112 0 0 4 102 546 0 0 230 /** * Draws a line segment from the pen's last position (the last call to move_to * or draw_to) to the indicated point. move_to() and draw_to() only update * tables; the actual drawing is performed when create() is called. */ 2 4 this 3 627 1 v 1 628 113 0 0 4 102 546 0 0 230 /** * Draws a line segment from the pen's last position (the last call to move_to * or draw_to) to the indicated point. move_to() and draw_to() only update * tables; the actual drawing is performed when create() is called. */ 4 4 this 3 627 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 z 1 531 114 0 0 6 103 567 0 0 119 /** * Returns the pen's current position. The next call to draw_to() will draw a * line segment from this point. */ 1 4 this 3 627 115 0 0 6 104 518 0 0 126 /** * Returns true if move_to() or draw_to() have not been called since the last * reset() or create(), false otherwise. */ 1 4 this 3 627 116 0 0 7 105 633 0 0 425 /** * Appends to an existing GeomNode a new Geom that will render the series of * line segments and points described via calls to move_to() and draw_to(). * The lines and points are created with the color and thickness established * by calls to set_color() and set_thickness(). * * If dynamic is true, the line segments will be created with the dynamic Geom * setting, optimizing them for runtime vertex animation. */ 3 4 this 3 627 8 previous 1 633 7 dynamic 5 518 117 0 0 7 105 633 0 0 406 /** * Creates a new GeomNode that will render the series of line segments and * points described via calls to move_to() and draw_to(). The lines and * points are created with the color and thickness established by calls to * set_color() and set_thickness(). * * If dynamic is true, the line segments will be created with the dynamic Geom * setting, optimizing them for runtime vertex animation. */ 2 4 this 3 627 7 dynamic 5 518 118 0 0 6 106 517 0 0 213 /** * Returns the total number of line segment and point vertices generated by * the last call to create(). The positions of these vertices may be read and * adjusted through get_vertex() and set_vertex(). */ 1 4 this 3 625 119 0 0 7 107 634 0 0 248 /** * Returns the nth point or vertex of the line segment sequence generated by * the last call to create(). The first move_to() generates vertex 0; * subsequent move_to() and draw_to() calls generate consecutively higher * vertex numbers. */ 2 4 this 3 625 1 n 1 517 120 0 0 4 109 546 0 0 243 /** * Moves the nth point or vertex of the line segment sequence generated by the * last call to create(). The first move_to() generates vertex 0; subsequent * move_to() and draw_to() calls generate consecutively higher vertex numbers. */ 3 4 this 3 627 1 n 1 517 4 vert 1 567 121 0 0 4 109 546 0 0 243 /** * Moves the nth point or vertex of the line segment sequence generated by the * last call to create(). The first move_to() generates vertex 0; subsequent * move_to() and draw_to() calls generate consecutively higher vertex numbers. */ 5 4 this 3 627 6 vertex 1 517 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 z 1 531 122 0 0 7 110 635 0 0 56 /** * Returns the color of the nth point or vertex. */ 2 4 this 3 625 6 vertex 1 517 123 0 0 4 112 546 0 0 82 /** * Changes the vertex color of the nth point or vertex. See set_vertex(). */ 3 4 this 3 627 6 vertex 1 517 1 c 1 571 124 0 0 4 112 546 0 0 82 /** * Changes the vertex color of the nth point or vertex. See set_vertex(). */ 6 4 this 3 627 6 vertex 1 517 1 r 1 531 1 g 1 531 1 b 1 531 1 a 5 531 125 0 0 7 114 636 0 0 51 /** * Creates the MeshDrawer low level system. */ 0 126 0 0 4 115 546 0 0 142 /** * Sets the total triangle budget of the drawer. This will not be exceeded. * Don't set some thing too large because it will be slow */ 2 4 this 3 636 6 budget 1 517 127 0 0 6 116 517 0 0 55 /** * Gets the total triangle budget of the drawer */ 1 4 this 3 636 128 0 0 7 117 616 0 0 170 /** * Returns the root NodePath. You should use this node to reparent mesh * drawer onto the scene might also want to disable depth draw or enable * transparency. */ 1 4 this 3 636 129 0 0 4 118 546 0 0 131 /** * Pass the current camera node and the root node. Passing the camera is * required to generate bill boards that face it. */ 3 4 this 3 636 6 camera 1 616 6 render 1 616 130 0 0 4 119 546 0 0 54 /** * Draws a triangle with the given parameters. */ 10 4 this 3 636 2 v1 1 637 2 c1 1 557 3 uv1 1 639 2 v2 1 637 2 c2 1 557 3 uv2 1 639 2 v3 1 637 2 c3 1 557 3 uv3 1 639 131 0 0 4 120 546 0 0 146 /** * Draws a particle that is sort of like a bill board but has an extra * rotation component. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 6 4 this 3 636 3 pos 1 637 5 frame 1 557 4 size 1 531 5 color 1 557 8 rotation 1 531 132 0 0 4 121 546 0 0 152 /** * Works just like particle but accepts 2 frames and a blend (from 0 to 1) * component between them Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 8 4 this 3 636 3 pos 1 637 6 frame1 1 557 6 frame2 1 557 5 blend 1 531 4 size 1 531 5 color 1 557 8 rotation 1 531 133 0 0 4 122 546 0 0 141 /** * Draws a billboard - particle with no rotation. Billboards always face the * camera. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 5 4 this 3 636 3 pos 1 637 5 frame 1 557 4 size 1 531 5 color 1 557 134 0 0 4 123 546 0 0 129 /** * Draws a segment a line with a thickness. That has billboarding effect. * Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 6 4 this 3 636 5 start 1 637 4 stop 1 637 5 frame 1 557 9 thickness 1 531 5 color 1 557 135 0 0 4 124 546 0 0 229 /** * Draws a segment a line with a thickness. This segment does not use the * bill boarding behavior and instead draws 2 planes in a cross. Stars at * start and ends at stop. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 6 4 this 3 636 5 start 1 637 4 stop 1 637 5 frame 1 557 9 thickness 1 531 5 color 1 557 136 0 0 4 125 546 0 0 167 /** * Draws a segment a line with different thickness and color on both sides. * Stars at start and ends at stop. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size * quadruple. */ 8 4 this 3 636 5 start 1 637 4 stop 1 637 5 frame 1 557 15 thickness_start 1 531 11 color_start 1 557 14 thickness_stop 1 531 10 color_stop 1 557 137 0 0 4 126 546 0 0 460 /** * Stars or continues linked segment. Control position, frame, thickness and * color with parameters. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. * Note that for the first two calls to this method, the "frame" parameter is * ignored; it first takes effect as of the third call. * Similarly, note that in the second call to this method, the "color" parameter * is ignored; it only has effect in the first call and calls from the third * onwards. */ 5 4 this 3 636 3 pos 1 637 5 frame 1 557 9 thickness 1 531 5 color 1 557 138 0 0 4 127 546 0 0 172 /** * Finish drawing linked segments, needs at least two calls to link_segment * before it can end the linked segment. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size * quadruple. */ 3 4 this 3 636 5 frame 1 557 5 color 1 557 139 0 0 4 128 546 0 0 110 /** * Draws number of particles in a sphere like emitter. Frame contains * u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 8 4 this 3 636 3 pos 1 637 5 frame 1 557 4 size 1 531 5 color 1 557 4 seed 1 517 6 number 1 517 8 distance 1 531 140 0 0 4 129 546 0 0 137 /** * Draws a number of particles in a big line with a shift dictated by the * offset. Frame contains u,v,u-size,v-size quadruple. */ 8 4 this 3 636 5 start 1 637 4 stop 1 637 5 frame 1 557 4 size 1 531 5 color 1 557 6 number 1 517 6 offset 1 531 141 0 0 4 130 546 0 0 272 /** * Draws the geometry that is inside this node path into the MeshDrawer * object. This performs a similar functions as RigidBodyCombiner but for * very dynamic situations that share the same texture like physcal chunks of * explosions. It can be a little slow */ 2 4 this 3 636 4 node 1 616 142 0 0 4 131 546 0 0 70 /** * Finish the drawing and clearing off the remaining vertexes. */ 1 4 this 3 636 143 0 0 7 132 589 0 0 0 0 144 0 0 7 134 643 0 0 53 /** * Creates the MeshDrawer2D low level system. */ 0 145 0 0 4 135 546 0 0 56 /** * Sets the total triangle budget of the drawer. */ 2 4 this 3 643 6 budget 1 517 146 0 0 6 136 517 0 0 56 /** * Gets the total triangle budget of the drawer. */ 1 4 this 3 643 147 0 0 7 137 616 0 0 37 /** * Returns the root NodePath. */ 1 4 this 3 643 148 0 0 4 138 546 0 0 65 /** * Draws a 2D rectangle. Ignores the clipping rectangle. */ 13 4 this 3 643 2 v1 1 637 2 c1 1 557 3 uv1 1 639 2 v2 1 637 2 c2 1 557 3 uv2 1 639 2 v3 1 637 2 c3 1 557 3 uv3 1 639 2 v4 1 637 2 c4 1 557 3 uv4 1 639 149 0 0 4 139 546 0 0 0 10 4 this 3 643 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 w 1 531 1 h 1 531 1 u 1 531 1 v 1 531 2 us 1 531 2 vs 1 531 5 color 1 557 150 0 0 4 140 546 0 0 39 /** * Sets the clipping rectangle. */ 5 4 this 3 643 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 w 1 531 1 h 1 531 151 0 0 4 141 546 0 0 53 /** * Draws a 2D rectangle which can be clipped. */ 10 4 this 3 643 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 w 1 531 1 h 1 531 1 u 1 531 1 v 1 531 2 us 1 531 2 vs 1 531 5 color 1 557 152 0 0 4 142 546 0 0 96 /** * Draws a 2d rectangle, with borders and corders, taken from the surrounding * texture */ 18 4 this 3 643 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 w 1 531 1 h 1 531 1 r 1 531 1 t 1 531 1 l 1 531 1 b 1 531 2 tr 1 531 2 tt 1 531 2 tl 1 531 2 tb 1 531 1 u 1 531 1 v 1 531 2 us 1 531 2 vs 1 531 5 color 1 557 153 0 0 4 143 546 0 0 96 /** * Draws a 2d rectangle, with borders and corders, taken from the surrounding * texture */ 18 4 this 3 643 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 w 1 531 1 h 1 531 1 r 1 531 1 t 1 531 1 l 1 531 1 b 1 531 2 tr 1 531 2 tt 1 531 2 tl 1 531 2 tb 1 531 1 u 1 531 1 v 1 531 2 us 1 531 2 vs 1 531 5 color 1 557 154 0 0 4 144 546 0 0 65 /** * Draws a tiled rectangle, size of tiles is in us and vs */ 10 4 this 3 643 1 x 1 531 1 y 1 531 1 w 1 531 1 h 1 531 1 u 1 531 1 v 1 531 2 us 1 531 2 vs 1 531 5 color 1 557 155 0 0 4 145 546 0 0 82 /** * Opens up the geom for drawing, don't forget to call MeshDrawer2D::end() */ 1 4 this 3 643 156 0 0 4 146 546 0 0 70 /** * Finish the drawing and clearing off the remaining vertexes. */ 1 4 this 3 643 157 0 0 7 147 589 0 0 0 0 158 0 0 7 150 646 0 0 57 /** * Creates a texture playing the specified movie. */ 1 5 video 1 644 159 0 0 7 150 646 0 0 100 /** * Creates a blank movie texture. Movies must be added using do_read_one or * do_load_one. */ 1 4 name 1 545 160 0 0 6 151 516 0 0 43 /** * Returns the length of the video. */ 1 4 this 3 647 161 0 0 6 152 517 0 0 200 /** * Returns the width in texels of the source video stream. This is not * necessarily the width of the actual texture, since the texture may have * been expanded to raise it to a power of 2. */ 1 4 this 3 647 162 0 0 6 153 517 0 0 202 /** * Returns the height in texels of the source video stream. This is not * necessarily the height of the actual texture, since the texture may have * been expanded to raise it to a power of 2. */ 1 4 this 3 647 163 0 0 7 154 650 0 0 136 /** * Returns the MovieVideoCursor that is feeding the color channels for the * indicated page, where 0 <= page < get_num_pages(). */ 2 4 this 3 646 4 page 1 517 164 0 0 7 155 650 0 0 135 /** * Returns the MovieVideoCursor that is feeding the alpha channel for the * indicated page, where 0 <= page < get_num_pages(). */ 2 4 this 3 646 4 page 1 517 165 0 0 4 156 546 0 0 159 /** * Start playing the movie from where it was last paused. Has no effect if * the movie is not paused, or if the movie's cursor is already at the end. */ 1 4 this 3 646 166 0 0 4 157 546 0 0 145 /** * Stops a currently playing or looping movie right where it is. The movie's * cursor remains frozen at the point where it was stopped. */ 1 4 this 3 646 167 0 0 4 158 546 0 0 46 /** * Plays the movie from the beginning. */ 1 4 this 3 646 168 0 0 4 159 546 0 0 35 /** * Sets the movie's cursor. */ 2 4 this 3 646 1 t 1 516 169 0 0 6 160 516 0 0 277 /** * Returns the current value of the movie's cursor. If the movie's loop count * is greater than one, then its length is effectively multiplied for the * purposes of this function. In other words, the return value will be in the * range 0.0 to (length * loopcount). */ 1 4 this 3 647 170 0 0 4 161 546 0 0 111 /** * If true, sets the movie's loop count to 1 billion. If false, sets the * movie's loop count to one. */ 2 4 this 3 646 6 enable 1 518 171 0 0 6 162 518 0 0 70 /** * Returns true if the movie's loop count is not equal to one. */ 1 4 this 3 647 172 0 0 4 163 546 0 0 60 /** * Sets the movie's loop count to the desired value. */ 2 4 this 3 646 5 count 1 517 173 0 0 6 164 517 0 0 42 /** * Returns the movie's loop count. */ 1 4 this 3 647 174 0 0 4 165 546 0 0 168 /** * Sets the movie's play-rate. This is the speed at which the movie's cursor * advances. The default is to advance 1.0 movie-seconds per real-time * second. */ 2 4 this 3 646 9 play_rate 1 516 175 0 0 6 166 516 0 0 38 /** * Gets the movie's play-rate. */ 1 4 this 3 647 176 0 0 6 167 518 0 0 59 /** * Returns true if the movie's cursor is advancing. */ 1 4 this 3 647 177 0 0 4 168 546 0 0 127 /** * Synchronize this texture to a sound. Typically, you would load the texture * and the sound from the same AVI file. */ 2 4 this 3 646 5 sound 1 651 178 0 0 4 169 546 0 0 43 /** * Stop synchronizing with a sound. */ 1 4 this 3 646 179 0 0 7 181 589 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 7 183 653 419 0 0 0 181 0 0 15 183 653 419 0 0 1 6 param0 0 654 182 0 0 4 185 546 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 653 183 0 0 4 186 546 0 0 475 /** * Starts scanning the hierarchy beginning at the indicated node. Any * GeomNodes discovered in the hierarchy with multitexture will be added to * internal structures in the MultitexReducer so that a future call to * flatten() will operate on all of these at once. * * This version of this method does not accumulate state from the parents of * the indicated node; thus, only multitexture effects that have been applied * at node and below will be considered. */ 2 4 this 3 653 4 node 1 618 184 0 0 4 186 546 0 0 841 /** * Starts scanning the hierarchy beginning at the indicated node. Any * GeomNodes discovered in the hierarchy with multitexture will be added to * internal structures in the MultitexReducer so that a future call to * flatten() will operate on all of these at once. * * The second parameter represents the NodePath from which to accumulate the * state that is considered for the multitexture. Pass an empty NodePath to * accumulate all the state from the root of the graph, or you may specify * some other node here in order to not consider nodes above that as * contributing to the state to be flattened. This is particularly useful if * you have some texture stage which is applied globally to a scene (for * instance, a caustics effect), which you don't want to be considered for * flattening by the MultitexReducer. */ 3 4 this 3 653 4 node 1 618 10 state_from 1 618 185 0 0 4 186 546 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 653 4 node 1 575 5 state 1 656 9 transform 1 659 186 0 0 4 187 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 653 5 stage 1 662 187 0 0 4 188 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 653 8 use_geom 1 518 188 0 0 4 189 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 653 13 allow_tex_mat 1 518 189 0 0 4 190 546 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 653 6 window 1 582 190 0 0 23 193 664 430 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 node 1 522 4 prev 5 525 191 0 0 7 194 522 0 0 70 /** * Returns the PandaNode whose transform supplies this object. */ 1 4 this 3 665 192 0 0 7 195 525 0 0 120 /** * Returns the VertexTransform object whose matrix will be composed with the * result of this node's transform. */ 1 4 this 3 665 193 0 0 7 203 589 0 0 0 0 194 0 0 7 206 667 445 0 287 /** * @brief Constructs a new Terrain Mesh * @details This constructs a new terrain mesh. By default, no transform is set * on the mesh, causing it to range over the unit box from (0, 0, 0) to * (1, 1, 1). Usually you want to set a custom transform with NodePath::set_scale() */ 0 195 0 0 4 207 546 0 0 339 /** * @brief Sets the heightfield texture * @details This sets the heightfield texture. It should be 16bit * single channel, and have a power-of-two resolution greater than 32. * Common sizes are 2048x2048 or 4096x4096. * * You should call generate() after setting the heightfield. * * @param filename Heightfield texture */ 2 4 this 3 667 11 heightfield 1 528 196 0 0 7 208 528 0 0 172 /** * @brief Returns the heightfield * @details This returns the terrain heightfield, previously set with * set_heightfield() * * @return Path to the heightfield */ 1 4 this 3 668 197 0 0 4 211 546 0 0 785 /** * @brief Sets the chunk size * @details This sets the chunk size of the terrain. A chunk is basically the * smallest unit in LOD. If the chunk size is too small, the terrain will * perform bad, since there will be way too many chunks. If the chunk size * is too big, you will not get proper LOD, and might also get bad performance. * * For terrains of the size 4096x4096 or 8192x8192, a chunk size of 32 seems * to produce good results. For smaller resolutions, you should try out a * size of 16 or even 8 for very small terrains. * * The amount of chunks generated for the last level equals to * (heightfield_size / chunk_size) ** 2. The chunk size has to be a power * of two. * * @param chunk_size Size of the chunks, has to be a power of two */ 2 4 this 3 667 10 chunk_size 1 529 198 0 0 6 212 529 0 0 140 /** * @brief Returns the chunk size * @details This returns the chunk size, previously set with set_chunk_size() * @return Chunk size */ 1 4 this 3 668 199 0 0 4 216 546 0 0 618 /** * @brief Sets whether to generate patches * @details If this option is set to true, GeomPatches will be used instead of * GeomTriangles. This is required when the terrain is used with tesselation * shaders, since patches are required for tesselation, whereas triangles * are required for regular rendering. * * If this option is set to true while not using a tesselation shader, the * terrain will not get rendered, or even produce errors. The same applies * when this is option is not set, but the terrain is used with tesselation * shaders. * * @param generate_patches [description] */ 2 4 this 3 667 16 generate_patches 1 518 200 0 0 6 217 518 0 0 199 /** * @brief Returns whether to generate patches * @details This returns whether patches are generated, previously set with * set_generate_patches() * * @return Whether to generate patches */ 1 4 this 3 668 201 0 0 4 219 546 0 0 336 /** * @brief Sets whether to enable terrain updates * @details This flag controls whether the terrain should be updated. If this value * is set to false, no updating of the terrain will happen. This can be useful * to debug the culling algorithm used by the terrain. * * @param update_enabled Whether to update the terrain */ 2 4 this 3 667 14 update_enabled 1 518 202 0 0 6 220 518 0 0 219 /** * @brief Returns whether the terrain is getting updated * @details This returns whether the terrain is getting updates, previously set with * set_update_enabled() * * @return Whether to update the terrain */ 1 4 this 3 668 203 0 0 4 222 546 0 0 469 /** * @brief Sets the desired triangle width * @details This sets the desired width a triangle should have in pixels. * A value of 10.0 for example will make the terrain tesselate everything * in a way that each triangle edge roughly is 10 pixels wide. * Of course this will not always accurately match, however you can use this * setting to control the LOD algorithm of the terrain. * * @param target_triangle_width Desired triangle width in pixels */ 2 4 this 3 667 21 target_triangle_width 1 531 204 0 0 6 223 531 0 0 211 /** * @brief Returns the target triangle width * @details This returns the target triangle width, previously set with * ShaderTerrainMesh::set_target_triangle_width() * * @return Target triangle width */ 1 4 this 3 668 205 0 0 7 227 671 0 0 377 /** * @brief Transforms a texture coordinate to world space * @details This transforms a texture coordinatefrom uv-space (0 to 1) to world * space. This takes the terrains transform into account, and also samples the * heightmap. This method should be called after generate(). * * @param coord Coordinate in uv-space from 0, 0 to 1, 1 * @return World-Space point */ 2 4 this 3 668 5 coord 1 547 206 0 0 7 227 671 0 0 57 /** * @see ShaderTerrainMesh::uv_to_world(LTexCoord) */ 3 4 this 3 668 1 u 1 531 1 v 1 531 207 0 0 6 228 518 0 0 442 /** * @brief Generates the terrain mesh * @details This generates the terrain mesh, initializing all chunks of the * internal used quadtree. At this point, a heightfield and a chunk size should * have been set, otherwise an error is thrown. * * If anything goes wrong, like a missing heightfield, then an error is printed * and false is returned. * * @return true if the terrain was initialized, false if an error occured */ 1 4 this 3 667 208 0 0 7 229 589 0 0 0 0 209 0 0 15 232 674 0 0 0 1 6 param0 0 672 210 0 0 7 232 674 0 0 10 /** * */ 2 4 name 1 545 4 node 1 575 211 0 0 4 233 546 0 0 112 /** * Sets up the frame rate meter to create a DisplayRegion to render itself * into the indicated window. */ 2 4 this 3 674 6 window 1 582 212 0 0 4 234 546 0 0 66 /** * Undoes the effect of a previous call to setup_window(). */ 1 4 this 3 674 213 0 0 7 235 582 0 0 122 /** * Returns the GraphicsOutput that was passed to setup_window(), or NULL if * setup_window() has not been called. */ 1 4 this 3 672 214 0 0 7 236 585 0 0 168 /** * Returns the DisplayRegion that the meter has created to render itself into * the window to setup_window(), or NULL if setup_window() has not been * called. */ 1 4 this 3 672 215 0 0 4 237 546 0 0 244 /** * Specifies the number of seconds that should elapse between updates to the * meter. This should be reasonably slow (e.g. 0.5 to 2.0) so that the * calculation of the scene graph analysis does not itself dominate the frame * rate. */ 2 4 this 3 674 15 update_interval 1 516 216 0 0 6 238 516 0 0 106 /** * Returns the number of seconds that will elapse between updates to the frame * rate indication. */ 1 4 this 3 672 217 0 0 4 239 546 0 0 40 /** * Sets the node to be analyzed. */ 2 4 this 3 674 4 node 1 575 218 0 0 7 240 575 0 0 43 /** * Returns the node to be analyzed. */ 1 4 this 3 672 219 0 0 4 241 546 0 0 205 /** * You can call this to explicitly force the SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter to update * itself with the latest scene graph analysis information. Normally, it is * not necessary to call this explicitly. */ 1 4 this 3 674 220 0 0 7 242 589 0 0 0 0 221 0 0 7 244 675 461 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 name 1 545 222 0 0 4 245 546 0 0 879 /** * Walks through the entire subgraph of nodes rooted at this node, accumulates * all of the RenderAttribs and Geoms below this node, flattening them into * just one Geom (or as few as possible, if there are multiple different * states). * * Nodes that have transforms on them at the time of collect(), or any * ModelNodes with the preserve_transform flag, will be identified as "moving" * nodes, and their transforms will be monitored as they change in future * frames and each new transform directly applied to the vertices. * * This call must be made after adding any nodes to or removing any nodes from * the subgraph rooted at this node. It should not be made too often, as it * is a relatively expensive call. If you need to hide children of this node, * consider scaling them to zero (or very near zero), or moving them behind * the camera, instead. */ 1 4 this 3 675 223 0 0 7 246 616 0 0 319 /** * Returns a special NodePath that represents the internal node of this * object. This is the node that is actually sent to the graphics card for * rendering; it contains the collection of the children of this node into as * few Geoms as possible. * * This node is filled up by the last call to collect(). */ 1 4 this 3 675 224 0 0 7 249 589 0 0 0 0 225 0 0 7 258 676 474 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 host 1 582 226 0 0 4 259 546 0 0 10 /** * */ 4 4 this 3 676 11 scene_setup 1 677 3 gsg 1 679 20 dr_incomplete_render 1 518 227 0 0 4 260 546 0 0 141 /** * Should be called when the traverser has finished traversing its scene, this * gives it a chance to do any necessary finalization. */ 1 4 this 3 676 228 0 0 7 261 582 0 0 10 /** * */ 1 4 this 3 681 229 0 0 7 262 528 0 0 96 /** * Returns a Texture that can be used to visualize the efforts of the * occlusion cull. */ 1 4 this 3 676 230 0 0 4 263 546 0 0 245 /** * Specifies the DrawMask that should be set on occlusion polygons for this * scene. This identifies the polygons that are to be treated as occluders. * Polygons that do not have this draw mask set will not be considered * occluders. */ 2 4 this 3 676 14 occlusion_mask 1 683 231 0 0 6 264 683 0 0 82 /** * Returns the DrawMask for occlusion polygons. See set_occlusion_mask(). */ 1 4 this 3 681 232 0 0 7 265 589 0 0 0 0 233 0 0 7 253 688 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 676 234 0 0 6 256 689 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 676 235 0 0 7 268 692 476 0 256 /** * The PfmVizzer constructor receives a reference to a PfmFile which it will * operate on. It does not keep ownership of this reference; it is your * responsibility to ensure the PfmFile does not destruct during the lifetime * of the PfmVizzer. */ 1 3 pfm 1 690 236 0 0 15 268 692 476 0 0 1 6 param0 0 693 237 0 0 6 270 690 0 0 78 /** * Returns the reference to the PfmFile manipulated by this PfmVizzer. */ 1 4 this 3 692 238 0 0 6 270 695 0 0 78 /** * Returns the reference to the PfmFile manipulated by this PfmVizzer. */ 1 4 this 3 693 239 0 0 4 271 546 0 0 335 /** * Adjusts each (x, y, z) point of the Pfm file by projecting it through the * indicated lens, converting each point to a (u, v, w) texture coordinate. * The resulting file can be generated to a mesh (with set_vis_inverse(true) * and generate_vis_mesh()) that will apply the lens distortion to an * arbitrary texture image. */ 3 4 this 3 692 4 lens 1 697 10 undist_lut 5 695 240 0 0 4 272 546 0 0 397 /** * Converts each (u, v, depth) point of the Pfm file to an (x, y, z) point, by * reversing project(). If the original file is only a 1-d file, assumes that * it is a depth map with implicit (u, v) coordinates. * * This method is only valid for a linear lens (e.g. a PerspectiveLens or * OrthographicLens). Non-linear lenses don't necessarily compute a sensible * depth coordinate. */ 2 4 this 3 692 4 lens 1 697 241 0 0 4 273 546 0 0 435 /** * Sets the vis_inverse flag. When this flag is true, vis meshes and point * clouds are generated with the 3-d depth value in the texture coordinates, * and the 2-d index value in the vertex position. When it is false, meshes * are generated normally, with the 3-d depth value in the vertex position and * the 2-d index value in the texture coordinates. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 2 4 this 3 692 11 vis_inverse 1 518 242 0 0 6 274 518 0 0 64 /** * Returns the vis_inverse flag. See set_vis_inverse(). */ 1 4 this 3 693 243 0 0 4 275 546 0 0 473 /** * If the flat_texcoord_name is specified, it is the name of an additional * vertex column that will be created for the "flat" texture coordinates, i.e. * the original 0..1 values that correspond to the 2-D index position of each * point in the original pfm file. * * These are the same values that will be assigned to the default texture * coordinates if the vis_inverse flag is *not* true. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 2 4 this 3 692 18 flat_texcoord_name 1 700 244 0 0 4 276 546 0 0 177 /** * Resets the flat_texcoord_name to empty, so that additional texture * coordinates are not created. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 1 4 this 3 692 245 0 0 7 277 700 0 0 73 /** * Returns the flat_texcoord_name. See set_flat_texcoord_name(). */ 1 4 this 3 693 246 0 0 4 278 546 0 0 291 /** * Sets the vis_2d flag. When this flag is true, only the first two (x, y) * value of each depth point is considered meaningful; the z component is * ignored. This is only relevant for generating visualizations. * * This may be used in lieu of the lower-level add_vis_column(). */ 2 4 this 3 692 6 vis_2d 1 518 247 0 0 6 279 518 0 0 54 /** * Returns the vis_2d flag. See set_vis_2d(). */ 1 4 this 3 693 248 0 0 4 280 546 0 0 234 /** * Sets the keep_beyond_lens flag. When this flag is true, points that fall * outside of the normal lens range in project() or in add_vis_column() will * be retained anyway; when it is false, these points will be discarded. */ 2 4 this 3 692 16 keep_beyond_lens 1 518 249 0 0 6 281 518 0 0 74 /** * Returns the keep_beyond_lens flag. See set_keep_beyond_lens(). */ 1 4 this 3 693 250 0 0 4 282 546 0 0 457 /** * Specifies a blending map--a grayscale image--that will be applied to the * vertex color during generate_vis_mesh() and generate_vis_points(). The * image size must exactly match the mesh size of the PfmVizzer. * * Ownership of the pointer is not kept by the PfmVizzer; it is your * responsibility to ensure it does not destruct during the lifetime of the * PfmVizzer (or at least not before your subsequent call to * generate_vis_mesh()). */ 2 4 this 3 692 9 vis_blend 1 598 251 0 0 4 283 546 0 0 75 /** * Removes the blending map set by a prior call to set_vis_blend(). */ 1 4 this 3 692 252 0 0 6 284 598 0 0 133 /** * Returns the blending map set by the most recent call to set_vis_blend(), or * NULL if there is no blending map in effect. */ 1 4 this 3 693 253 0 0 4 285 546 0 0 429 /** * Assigns an auxiliary PfmFile to this PfmVizzer. This file will be queried * by column types CT_aux_vertex1/2/3, but has no other meaning to the vizzer. * This size of this PfmFile should exactly match the base PfmFile. No * reference count is held and no copy is made; the caller is responsible for * ensuring that the auxiliary PfmFile will persist throughout the lifetime of * the PfmVizzer it is assigned to. */ 2 4 this 3 692 3 pfm 1 695 254 0 0 4 286 546 0 0 61 /** * Removes the auxiliary PfmFile from this PfmVizzer. */ 1 4 this 3 692 255 0 0 6 287 695 0 0 181 /** * Returns the reference to the auxiliary PfmFile queried by this PfmVizzer. * This contains the values that will be reflected in CT_aux_vertex3 etc. See * set_aux_pfm(). */ 1 4 this 3 693 256 0 0 4 289 546 0 0 124 /** * Removes all of the previously-added vis columns in preparation for building * a new list. See add_vis_column(). */ 1 4 this 3 692 257 0 0 4 290 546 0 0 723 /** * Adds a new vis column specification to the list of vertex data columns that * will be generated at the next call to generate_vis_points() or * generate_vis_mesh(). This advanced interface supercedes the higher-level * set_vis_inverse(), set_flat_texcoord_name(), and set_vis_2d(). * * If you use this advanced interface, you must specify explicitly the * complete list of data columns to be created in the resulting * GeomVertexData, by calling add_vis_column() each time. For each column, * you specify the source of the column in the PFMFile, the target column and * name in the GeomVertexData, and an optional transform matrix and/or lens to * transform and project the point before generating it. */ 7 4 this 3 692 6 source 1 540 6 target 1 540 4 name 1 700 9 transform 5 659 4 lens 5 697 10 undist_lut 5 695 258 0 0 7 291 616 0 0 181 /** * Creates a point cloud with the points of the pfm as 3-d coordinates in * space, and texture coordinates ranging from 0 .. 1 based on the position * within the pfm grid. */ 1 4 this 3 693 259 0 0 7 293 616 0 0 183 /** * Creates a triangle mesh with the points of the pfm as 3-d coordinates in * space, and texture coordinates ranging from 0 .. 1 based on the position * within the pfm grid. */ 2 4 this 3 693 4 face 5 541 260 0 0 6 294 516 0 0 206 /** * Computes the maximum amount of shift, in pixels either left or right, of * any pixel in the distortion map. This can be passed to * make_displacement(); see that function for more information. */ 1 4 this 3 693 261 0 0 6 295 516 0 0 203 /** * Computes the maximum amount of shift, in pixels either up or down, of any * pixel in the distortion map. This can be passed to make_displacement(); * see that function for more information. */ 1 4 this 3 693 262 0 0 4 296 546 0 0 959 /** * Assuming the underlying PfmFile is a 2-d distortion mesh, with the U and V * in the first two components and the third component unused, this computes * an AfterEffects-style displacement map that represents the same distortion. * The indicated PNMImage will be filled in with a displacement map image, * with horizontal shift in the red channel and vertical shift in the green * channel, where a fully bright (or fully black) pixel indicates a shift of * max_u or max_v pixels. * * Use calc_max_u_displacement() and calc_max_v_displacement() to compute * suitable values for max_u and max_v. * * This generates an integer 16-bit displacement image. It is a good idea, * though not necessarily essential, to check "Preserve RGB" in the interpret * footage section for each displacement image. Set for_32bit true if this is * meant to be used in a 32-bit project file, and false if it is meant to be * used in a 16-bit project file. */ 5 4 this 3 693 6 result 1 591 5 max_u 1 516 5 max_v 1 516 9 for_32bit 1 518 263 0 0 4 296 546 0 0 928 /** * Assuming the underlying PfmFile is a 2-d distortion mesh, with the U and V * in the first two components and the third component unused, this computes * an AfterEffects-style displacement map that represents the same distortion. * The indicated PNMImage will be filled in with a displacement map image, * with horizontal shift in the red channel and vertical shift in the green * channel, where a fully bright (or fully black) pixel indicates a shift of * max_u or max_v pixels. * * Use calc_max_u_displacement() and calc_max_v_displacement() to compute * suitable values for max_u and max_v. * * This generates a 32-bit floating-point displacement image. It is essential * to check "Preserve RGB" in the interpret footage section for each * displacement image. Set for_32bit true if this is meant to be used in a * 32-bit project file, and false if it is meant to be used in a 16-bit * project file. */ 5 4 this 3 693 6 result 1 690 5 max_u 1 516 5 max_v 1 516 9 for_32bit 1 518 200 502 9 CardMaker 0 26625 9 CardMaker 9 CardMaker 0 0 0 1 264 265 0 13 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 0 0 1 0 503 0 0 0 0 149 /** * This class generates 2-d "cards", that is, rectangular polygons, * particularly useful for showing textures etc. in the 2-d scene graph. */ 503 7 Namable 0 2048 7 Namable 7 Namable 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 /** * A base class for all things which can have a name. The name is either * empty or nonempty, but it is never NULL. */ 504 12 FisheyeMaker 0 26625 12 FisheyeMaker 12 FisheyeMaker 0 0 0 1 279 280 0 6 281 282 283 284 285 286 0 0 1 0 503 0 0 0 0 448 /** * This class is similar to CardMaker, but instead of generating ordinary * cards, it generates a circular rose that represents the projection of a 3-D * scene through a fisheye lens. The texture coordinates of the rose are * defined so that each 2-D vertex has a 3-D UVW that reflects the * corresponding position in 3-D space of that particular vertex. * * This class is particularly suited for converting cube maps to sphere maps. */ 505 14 FrameRateMeter 0 75777 14 FrameRateMeter 14 FrameRateMeter 0 0 0 1 287 0 0 12 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 0 0 1 0 506 0 0 0 0 393 /** * This is a special TextNode that automatically updates itself with the * current frame rate. It can be placed anywhere in the world where you'd * like to see the frame rate. * * It also has a special mode in which it may be attached directly to a * channel or window. If this is done, it creates a DisplayRegion for itself * and renders itself in the upper-right-hand corner. */ 506 8 TextNode 0 2048 8 TextNode 8 TextNode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 917 /** * The primary interface to this module. This class does basic text assembly; * given a string of text and a TextFont object, it creates a piece of * geometry that may be placed in the 3-d or 2-d world to represent the * indicated text. * * The TextNode may be used in one of two ways. Naively, it may simply be * parented directly into the scene graph and rendered as if it were a * GeomNode; in this mode, the actual polygon geometry that renders the text * is not directly visible or accessible, but remains hidden within the * TextNode. * * The second way TextNode may be used is as a text generator. To use it in * this way, do not parent the TextNode to the scene graph; instead, set the * properties of the text and call generate() to return an ordinary node, * containing ordinary geometry, which you may use however you like. Each * time you call generate() a new node is returned. */ 507 13 GeoMipTerrain 0 75777 13 GeoMipTerrain 13 GeoMipTerrain 0 0 0 1 300 0 0 36 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 0 0 1 0 508 0 0 0 1 509 421 /** * GeoMipTerrain, meaning Panda3D GeoMipMapping, can convert a heightfield * image into a 3D terrain, consisting of several GeomNodes. It uses the * GeoMipMapping algorithm, or Geometrical MipMapping, based on the LOD (Level * of Detail) algorithm. For more information about the GeoMipMapping * algoritm, see this paper, written by Willem H. de Boer: * https://flipcode.com/articles/article_geomipmaps.pdf */ 508 11 TypedObject 0 2048 11 TypedObject 11 TypedObject 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2508 /** * This is an abstract class that all classes which use TypeHandle, and also * provide virtual functions to support polymorphism, should inherit from. * Each derived class should define get_type(), which should return the * specific type of the derived class. Inheriting from this automatically * provides support for is_of_type() and is_exact_type(). * * All classes that inherit directly or indirectly from TypedObject should * redefine get_type() and force_init_type(), as shown below. Some classes * that do not inherit from TypedObject may still declare TypeHandles for * themselves by defining methods called get_class_type() and init_type(). * Classes such as these may serve as base classes, but the dynamic type * identification system will be limited. Classes that do not inherit from * TypedObject need not define the virtual functions get_type() and * force_init_type() (or any other virtual functions). * * There is a specific layout for defining the overrides from this class. * Keeping the definitions formatted just like these examples will allow * someone in the future to use a sed (or similar) script to make global * changes, if necessary. Avoid rearranging the braces or the order of the * functions unless you're ready to change them in every file all at once. * * What follows are some examples that can be used in new classes that you * create. * * @par In the class definition (.h file): * @code * public: * static TypeHandle get_class_type() { * return _type_handle; * } * static void init_type() { * <<>>::init_type(); * <<>>::init_type(); * <<>>::init_type(); * register_type(_type_handle, "<<>>", * <<>>::get_class_type(), * <<>>::get_class_type(), * <<>>::get_class_type()); * } * virtual TypeHandle get_type() const { * return get_class_type(); * } * virtual TypeHandle force_init_type() {init_type(); return get_class_type();} * * private: * static TypeHandle _type_handle; * @endcode * * @par In the class .cxx file: * @code * TypeHandle <<>>::_type_handle; * @endcode * * @par In the class config_<<>>.cxx file: * @code * ConfigureFn(config_<<>>) { * <<>>::init_type(); * <<>>::init_type(); * <<>>::init_type(); * } * @endcode */ 509 15 AutoFlattenMode 0 794624 30 GeoMipTerrain::AutoFlattenMode 30 GeoMipTerrain::AutoFlattenMode 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 7 AFM_off 22 GeoMipTerrain::AFM_off 42 // FM_off: don't ever flatten the terrain. 0 9 AFM_light 24 GeoMipTerrain::AFM_light 58 // FM_light: the terrain is flattened using flatten_light. 1 10 AFM_medium 25 GeoMipTerrain::AFM_medium 60 // FM_medium: the terrain is flattened using flatten_medium. 2 10 AFM_strong 25 GeoMipTerrain::AFM_strong 60 // FM_strong: the terrain is flattened using flatten_strong. 3 0 108 // The flatten mode specifies whether the terrain nodes are flattened // together after each terrain update. 510 21 HeightfieldTesselator 0 26625 21 HeightfieldTesselator 21 HeightfieldTesselator 0 0 0 1 337 338 0 10 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 0 0 1 0 503 0 0 0 0 0 511 8 LineSegs 0 26625 8 LineSegs 8 LineSegs 0 0 0 1 349 350 0 13 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 2 718 719 0 1 0 503 0 0 0 0 264 /** * Encapsulates creation of a series of connected or disconnected line * segments or points, for drawing paths or rays. This class doesn't attempt * to be the smartest it could possibly be; it's intended primarily as a * visualization and editing tool. */ 512 10 MeshDrawer 0 75777 10 MeshDrawer 10 MeshDrawer 0 0 0 1 364 0 0 18 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 0 0 1 0 508 0 0 0 0 642 /** * Mesh drawer creates a single geom object that can be shaped with different * draw commands. This is an efficient way to render bunch of billboards, * particles, fast changing triangles. Its implemented by recycling same geom * over and over again. Max budget specifies how many triangles are allowed. * Some uses of this class can be : particle system, radar icons, health bars, * 2d icons, 2d ui, bullets, missile trails. Any that can be drawn with * triangles can be drawn with this class. At the low level this uses the * GeomVertexRewriter's. The internal geom consists of vertex, normal, uv and * color channels. */ 513 12 MeshDrawer2D 0 75777 12 MeshDrawer2D 12 MeshDrawer2D 0 0 0 1 383 0 0 13 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 0 0 1 0 508 0 0 0 0 160 /** * This class allows the drawing of 2D objects - mainly based on quads and * rectangles. It allows clipping and several high level UI theme functions. */ 514 12 MovieTexture 0 75777 12 MovieTexture 12 MovieTexture 0 0 0 1 397 0 8 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 20 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 0 0 1 0 515 0 0 0 0 91 /** * A texture that fetches video frames from an underlying object of class * Movie. */ 515 7 Texture 0 2048 7 Texture 7 Texture 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 688 /** * Represents a texture object, which is typically a single 2-d image but may * also represent a 1-d or 3-d texture image, or the six 2-d faces of a cube * map texture. * * A texture's image data might be stored in system RAM (see get_ram_image()) * or its image may be represented in texture memory on one or more * GraphicsStateGuardians (see prepare()), or both. The typical usage pattern * is that a texture is loaded from an image file on disk, which copies its * image data into system RAM; then the first time the texture is rendered its * image data is copied to texture memory (actually, to the graphics API), and * the system RAM image is automatically freed. */ 516 6 double 0 8194 6 double 6 double 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 517 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 518 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 519 15 MultitexReducer 0 26625 15 MultitexReducer 15 MultitexReducer 0 0 0 1 418 419 0 6 420 421 422 423 424 425 0 0 0 0 0 623 /** * This object presents an interface for generating new texture images that * represent the combined images from one or more individual textures, * reproducing certain kinds of multitexture effects without depending on * multitexture support in the hardware. * * This also flattens out texture matrices and removes extra texture * coordinates from the Geoms. It is thus not a complete substitute for true * multitexturing, because it does not lend itself well to dynamic animation * of the textures once they have been flattened. It is, however, useful for * "baking in" a particular multitexture effect. */ 520 19 NodeVertexTransform 0 141313 19 NodeVertexTransform 19 NodeVertexTransform 0 0 0 1 426 430 2 710 711 3 427 428 429 0 0 1 0 521 0 0 0 0 265 /** * This VertexTransform gets its matrix from the Transform stored on a node. * It can also compose its node's transform with another VertexTransform, * allowing you to build up a chain of NodeVertexTransforms that represent a * list of composed matrices. */ 521 15 VertexTransform 0 2048 15 VertexTransform 15 VertexTransform 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 /** * This is an abstract base class that holds a pointer to some transform, * computed in some arbitrary way, that is to be applied to vertices during * rendering. This is used to implement soft-skinned and animated vertices. * Derived classes will define how the transform is actually computed. */ 522 17 PandaNode const * 0 8576 17 PandaNode const * 17 PandaNode const * 0 0 523 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 523 15 PandaNode const 0 8832 15 PandaNode const 15 PandaNode const 0 0 524 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 524 9 PandaNode 0 2048 9 PandaNode 9 PandaNode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 175 /** * A basic node of the scene graph or data graph. This is the base class of * all specialized nodes, and also serves as a generic node with no special * properties. */ 525 23 VertexTransform const * 0 8576 23 VertexTransform const * 23 VertexTransform const * 0 0 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 526 21 VertexTransform const 0 8832 21 VertexTransform const 21 VertexTransform const 0 0 521 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 527 17 ShaderTerrainMesh 0 141313 17 ShaderTerrainMesh 17 ShaderTerrainMesh 0 0 0 1 431 445 5 712 713 714 715 716 13 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 0 0 1 0 524 0 0 0 0 813 /** * @brief Terrain Renderer class utilizing the GPU * @details This class provides functionality to render heightfields of large * sizes utilizing the GPU. Internally a quadtree is used to generate the LODs. * The final terrain is then rendered using instancing on the GPU. This makes * it possible to use very large heightfields (8192+) with very reasonable * performance. The terrain provides options to control the LOD using a * target triangle width, see ShaderTerrainMesh::set_target_triangle_width(). * * Because the Terrain is rendered entirely on the GPU, it needs a special * vertex shader. There is a default vertex shader available, which you can * use in your own shaders. IMPORTANT: If you don't set an appropriate shader * on the terrain, nothing will be visible. */ 528 9 Texture * 0 8576 9 Texture * 9 Texture * 0 0 515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 529 6 size_t 0 2105344 11 std::size_t 11 std::size_t 0 0 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 530 22 unsigned long long int 0 8230 22 unsigned long long int 22 unsigned long long int 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 531 11 PN_stdfloat 0 2105344 11 PN_stdfloat 11 PN_stdfloat 0 0 532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 532 5 float 0 8194 5 float 5 float 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 533 23 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter 0 75777 23 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter 23 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter 0 0 0 1 446 0 0 10 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 0 0 1 0 506 0 0 0 0 432 /** * This is a special TextNode that automatically updates itself with output * from a SceneGraphAnalyzer instance. It can be placed anywhere in the world * where you'd like to see the output from SceneGraphAnalyzer. * * It also has a special mode in which it may be attached directly to a * channel or window. If this is done, it creates a DisplayRegion for itself * and renders itself in the upper-right-hand corner. */ 534 17 RigidBodyCombiner 0 141313 17 RigidBodyCombiner 17 RigidBodyCombiner 0 0 0 1 457 461 1 717 3 458 459 460 0 0 1 0 524 0 0 0 0 887 /** * This is a special node that combines multiple independently-moving rigid * nodes into one Geom internally (or as few Geoms as possible), for the * purposes of improving rendering performance. * * To use it, parent a number of moving objects to this node and call * collect(). A child node is identified as "moving" if (a) it has a non- * identity transform initially, or (b) it is a ModelNode with the * preserve_transform flag set. Any other nodes will be considered static, * and later transforms applied to them will not be identified. * * You should call collect() only at startup or if you change the set of * children; it is a relatively expensive call. * * Once you call collect(), you may change the transforms on the child nodes * freely without having to call collect() again. * * RenderEffects such as Billboards are not supported below this node. */ 535 8 NodePath 0 2048 8 NodePath 8 NodePath 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 762 /** * NodePath is the fundamental system for disambiguating instances, and also * provides a higher-level interface for manipulating the scene graph. * * A NodePath is a list of connected nodes from the root of the graph to any * sub-node. Each NodePath therefore uniquely describes one instance of a * node. * * NodePaths themselves are lightweight objects that may easily be copied and * passed by value. Their data is stored as a series of NodePathComponents * that are stored on the nodes. Holding a NodePath will keep a reference * count to all the nodes in the path. However, if any node in the path is * removed or reparented (perhaps through a different NodePath), the NodePath * will automatically be updated to reflect the changes. */ 536 26 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 141313 26 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 26 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser 0 0 0 1 466 474 0 7 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 0 0 2 3 537 462 463 3 538 464 465 0 0 616 /** * This specialization of CullTraverser uses the graphics pipe itself to * perform occlusion culling. As such, it's likely to be inefficient (since * it interferes with the pipe's normal mode of rendering), and is mainly * useful to test other, CPU-based occlusion algorithms. * * This cannot be used in a multithreaded pipeline environment where cull and * draw are operating simultaneously. * * It can't be defined in the cull subdirectory, because it needs access to * GraphicsPipe and DisplayRegion and other classes in display. So we put it * in grutil instead, for lack of any better ideas. */ 537 13 CullTraverser 0 2048 13 CullTraverser 13 CullTraverser 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 279 /** * This object performs a depth-first traversal of the scene graph, with * optional view-frustum culling, collecting CullState and searching for * GeomNodes. Each renderable Geom encountered is passed along with its * associated RenderState to the CullHandler object. */ 538 11 CullHandler 0 2048 11 CullHandler 11 CullHandler 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 225 /** * This defines the abstract interface for an object that receives Geoms * identified by the CullTraverser. By itself, it's not a particularly useful * class; to use it, derive from it and redefine record_object(). */ 539 9 PfmVizzer 0 26625 9 PfmVizzer 9 PfmVizzer 0 0 0 1 475 476 0 25 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 0 0 0 0 2 540 541 84 /** * This class aids in the visualization and manipulation of PfmFile objects. */ 540 10 ColumnType 0 794624 21 PfmVizzer::ColumnType 21 PfmVizzer::ColumnType 539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 12 CT_texcoord2 23 PfmVizzer::CT_texcoord2 0 0 12 CT_texcoord3 23 PfmVizzer::CT_texcoord3 0 1 10 CT_vertex1 21 PfmVizzer::CT_vertex1 0 2 10 CT_vertex2 21 PfmVizzer::CT_vertex2 0 3 10 CT_vertex3 21 PfmVizzer::CT_vertex3 0 4 10 CT_normal3 21 PfmVizzer::CT_normal3 0 5 9 CT_blend1 20 PfmVizzer::CT_blend1 0 6 14 CT_aux_vertex1 25 PfmVizzer::CT_aux_vertex1 0 7 14 CT_aux_vertex2 25 PfmVizzer::CT_aux_vertex2 0 8 14 CT_aux_vertex3 25 PfmVizzer::CT_aux_vertex3 0 9 0 0 541 8 MeshFace 0 794624 19 PfmVizzer::MeshFace 19 PfmVizzer::MeshFace 539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 MF_front 19 PfmVizzer::MF_front 0 1 7 MF_back 18 PfmVizzer::MF_back 0 2 7 MF_both 18 PfmVizzer::MF_both 0 3 0 0 542 17 CardMaker const * 0 8576 17 CardMaker const * 17 CardMaker const * 0 0 543 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 543 15 CardMaker const 0 8832 15 CardMaker const 15 CardMaker const 0 0 502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 544 11 CardMaker * 0 8576 11 CardMaker * 11 CardMaker * 0 0 502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 545 13 atomic string 0 2 13 atomic string 13 atomic string 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 546 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 547 17 LTexCoord const * 0 8576 17 LTexCoord const * 17 LTexCoord const * 0 0 548 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 548 15 LTexCoord const 0 8832 15 LTexCoord const 15 LTexCoord const 0 0 549 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 549 9 LTexCoord 0 2105344 9 LTexCoord 9 LTexCoord 0 0 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 550 10 LTexCoordf 0 2105344 10 LTexCoordf 10 LTexCoordf 0 0 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 551 8 LPoint2f 0 2048 8 LPoint2f 8 LPoint2f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 /** * This is a two-component point in space. */ 552 18 LTexCoord3 const * 0 8576 18 LTexCoord3 const * 18 LTexCoord3 const * 0 0 553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 553 16 LTexCoord3 const 0 8832 16 LTexCoord3 const 16 LTexCoord3 const 0 0 554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 554 10 LTexCoord3 0 2105344 10 LTexCoord3 10 LTexCoord3 0 0 555 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 555 11 LTexCoord3f 0 2105344 11 LTexCoord3f 11 LTexCoord3f 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 8 LPoint3f 0 2048 8 LPoint3f 8 LPoint3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 /** * This is a three-component point in space (as opposed to a three-component * vector, which represents a direction and a distance). Some of the methods * are slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in particular, * subtraction of two points yields a vector, while addition of a vector and a * point yields a point. */ 557 16 LVector4 const * 0 8576 16 LVector4 const * 16 LVector4 const * 0 0 558 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 558 14 LVector4 const 0 8832 14 LVector4 const 14 LVector4 const 0 0 559 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 559 8 LVector4 0 2105344 8 LVector4 8 LVector4 0 0 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 560 9 LVector4f 0 2048 9 LVector4f 9 LVector4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 /** * This is a four-component vector distance. */ 561 15 Texture const * 0 8576 15 Texture const * 15 Texture const * 0 0 562 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 562 13 Texture const 0 8832 13 Texture const 13 Texture const 0 0 515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 563 17 LVecBase4 const * 0 8576 17 LVecBase4 const * 17 LVecBase4 const * 0 0 564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 564 15 LVecBase4 const 0 8832 15 LVecBase4 const 15 LVecBase4 const 0 0 565 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 565 9 LVecBase4 0 2105344 9 LVecBase4 9 LVecBase4 0 0 566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 566 10 LVecBase4f 0 2048 10 LVecBase4f 10 LVecBase4f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 /** * This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points. */ 567 15 LVertex const * 0 8576 15 LVertex const * 15 LVertex const * 0 0 568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 568 13 LVertex const 0 8832 13 LVertex const 13 LVertex const 0 0 569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 569 7 LVertex 0 2105344 7 LVertex 7 LVertex 0 0 570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 570 8 LVertexf 0 2105344 8 LVertexf 8 LVertexf 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 571 14 LColor const * 0 8576 14 LColor const * 14 LColor const * 0 0 572 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 572 12 LColor const 0 8832 12 LColor const 12 LColor const 0 0 573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 573 6 LColor 0 2105344 6 LColor 6 LColor 0 0 574 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 574 7 LColorf 0 2105344 7 LColorf 7 LColorf 0 0 566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 575 11 PandaNode * 0 8576 11 PandaNode * 11 PandaNode * 0 0 524 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 576 20 FisheyeMaker const * 0 8576 20 FisheyeMaker const * 20 FisheyeMaker const * 0 0 577 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 577 18 FisheyeMaker const 0 8832 18 FisheyeMaker const 18 FisheyeMaker const 0 0 504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 578 14 FisheyeMaker * 0 8576 14 FisheyeMaker * 14 FisheyeMaker * 0 0 504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 579 22 FrameRateMeter const * 0 8576 22 FrameRateMeter const * 22 FrameRateMeter const * 0 0 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 580 20 FrameRateMeter const 0 8832 20 FrameRateMeter const 20 FrameRateMeter const 0 0 505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 581 16 FrameRateMeter * 0 8576 16 FrameRateMeter * 16 FrameRateMeter * 0 0 505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 582 16 GraphicsOutput * 0 8576 16 GraphicsOutput * 16 GraphicsOutput * 0 0 583 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 583 14 GraphicsOutput 0 2048 14 GraphicsOutput 14 GraphicsOutput 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 727 /** * This is a base class for the various different classes that represent the * result of a frame of rendering. The most common kind of GraphicsOutput is * a GraphicsWindow, which is a real-time window on the desktop, but another * example is GraphicsBuffer, which is an offscreen buffer. * * The actual rendering, and anything associated with the graphics context * itself, is managed by the associated GraphicsStateGuardian (which might * output to multiple GraphicsOutput objects). * * GraphicsOutputs are not actually writable to bam files, of course, but they * may be passed as event parameters, so they inherit from * TypedWritableReferenceCount instead of TypedReferenceCount for that * convenience. */ 584 13 DisplayRegion 0 2048 13 DisplayRegion 13 DisplayRegion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 399 /** * A rectangular subregion within a window for rendering into. Typically, * there is one DisplayRegion that covers the whole window, but you may also * create smaller DisplayRegions for having different regions within the * window that represent different scenes. You may also stack up * DisplayRegions like panes of glass, usually for layering 2-d interfaces on * top of a 3-d scene. */ 585 15 DisplayRegion * 0 8576 15 DisplayRegion * 15 DisplayRegion * 0 0 584 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 586 13 ClockObject * 0 8576 13 ClockObject * 13 ClockObject * 0 0 587 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 587 11 ClockObject 0 2048 11 ClockObject 11 ClockObject 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 /** * A ClockObject keeps track of elapsed real time and discrete time. In * normal mode, get_frame_time() returns the time as of the last time tick() * was called. This is the "discrete" time, and is usually used to get the * time as of, for instance, the beginning of the current frame. * * In other modes, as set by set_mode() or the clock-mode config variable, * get_frame_time() may return other values to simulate different timing * effects, for instance to perform non-real-time animation. See set_mode(). * * In all modes, get_real_time() always returns the elapsed real time in * seconds since the ClockObject was constructed, or since it was last reset. * * You can create your own ClockObject whenever you want to have your own * local timer. There is also a default, global ClockObject intended to * represent global time for the application; this is normally set up to tick * every frame so that its get_frame_time() will return the time for the * current frame. */ 588 10 TypeHandle 0 16779264 10 TypeHandle 10 TypeHandle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 732 /** * TypeHandle is the identifier used to differentiate C++ class types. Any * C++ classes that inherit from some base class, and must be differentiated * at run time, should store a static TypeHandle object that can be queried * through a static member function named get_class_type(). Most of the time, * it is also desirable to inherit from TypedObject, which provides some * virtual functions to return the TypeHandle for a particular instance. * * At its essence, a TypeHandle is simply a unique identifier that is assigned * by the TypeRegistry. The TypeRegistry stores a tree of TypeHandles, so * that ancestry of a particular type may be queried, and the type name may be * retrieved for run-time display. */ 589 12 TypeHandle * 0 8576 12 TypeHandle * 12 TypeHandle * 0 0 588 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 590 15 GeoMipTerrain * 0 8576 15 GeoMipTerrain * 15 GeoMipTerrain * 0 0 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 591 10 PNMImage * 0 8576 10 PNMImage * 10 PNMImage * 0 0 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 592 8 PNMImage 0 2048 8 PNMImage 8 PNMImage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1516 /** * The name of this class derives from the fact that we originally implemented * it as a layer on top of the "pnm library", based on netpbm, which was built * to implement pbm, pgm, and pbm files, and is the underlying support of a * number of public-domain image file converters. Nowadays we are no longer * derived directly from the pnm library, mainly to allow support of C++ * iostreams instead of the C stdio FILE interface. * * Conceptually, a PNMImage is a two-dimensional array of xels, which are the * PNM-defined generic pixel type. Each xel may have a red, green, and blue * component, or (if the image is grayscale) a gray component. The image may * be read in, the individual xels manipulated, and written out again, or a * black image may be constructed from scratch. * * A PNMImage has a color space and a maxval, the combination of which defines * how a floating-point linear color value is encoded as an integer value in * memory. The functions ending in _val operate on encoded colors, whereas * the regular ones work with linear floating-point values. All operations * are color space correct unless otherwise specified. * * The image is of size XSize() by YSize() xels, numbered from top to bottom, * left to right, beginning at zero. * * Files can be specified by filename, or by an iostream pointer. The * filename "-" refers to stdin or stdout. * * This class is not inherently thread-safe; use it from a single thread or * protect access using a mutex. */ 593 16 Filename const * 0 8576 16 Filename const * 16 Filename const * 0 0 594 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 594 14 Filename const 0 8832 14 Filename const 14 Filename const 0 0 595 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 595 8 Filename 0 2048 8 Filename 8 Filename 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 839 /** * The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file. Stores the full * pathname, and includes functions for extracting out the directory prefix * part and the file extension and stuff. * * A Filename is also aware of the mapping between the Unix-like filename * convention we use internally, and the local OS's specific filename * convention, and it knows how to perform basic OS-specific I/O, like testing * for file existence and searching a searchpath, as well as the best way to * open an fstream for reading or writing. * * Note that the methods of Filename that interact with the filesystem (such * as exists(), open_read(), etc.) directly interface with the operating system * and are not aware of Panda's virtual file system. To interact with the VFS, * use the methods on VirtualFileSystem instead. */ 596 13 PNMFileType * 0 8576 13 PNMFileType * 13 PNMFileType * 0 0 597 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 597 11 PNMFileType 0 2048 11 PNMFileType 11 PNMFileType 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 598 16 PNMImage const * 0 8576 16 PNMImage const * 16 PNMImage const * 0 0 599 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 599 14 PNMImage const 0 8832 14 PNMImage const 14 PNMImage const 0 0 592 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 600 21 GeoMipTerrain const * 0 8576 21 GeoMipTerrain const * 21 GeoMipTerrain const * 0 0 601 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 601 19 GeoMipTerrain const 0 8832 19 GeoMipTerrain const 19 GeoMipTerrain const 0 0 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 602 8 LVector3 0 2105344 8 LVector3 8 LVector3 0 0 603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 603 9 LVector3f 0 2048 9 LVector3f 9 LVector3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 338 /** * This is a three-component vector distance (as opposed to a three-component * point, which represents a particular point in space). Some of the methods * are slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in particular, * subtraction of two points yields a vector, while addition of a vector and a * point yields a point. */ 604 10 LVector3 * 0 8576 10 LVector3 * 10 LVector3 * 0 0 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 605 18 unsigned short int 0 8262 18 unsigned short int 18 unsigned short int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 16 LPoint2d const * 0 8576 16 LPoint2d const * 16 LPoint2d const * 0 0 607 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 607 14 LPoint2d const 0 8832 14 LPoint2d const 14 LPoint2d const 0 0 608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 608 8 LPoint2d 0 2048 8 LPoint2d 8 LPoint2d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 /** * This is a two-component point in space. */ 609 16 LPoint2f const * 0 8576 16 LPoint2f const * 16 LPoint2f const * 0 0 610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 14 LPoint2f const 0 8832 14 LPoint2f const 14 LPoint2f const 0 0 551 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 611 16 LPoint3d const * 0 8576 16 LPoint3d const * 16 LPoint3d const * 0 0 612 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 612 14 LPoint3d const 0 8832 14 LPoint3d const 14 LPoint3d const 0 0 613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 613 8 LPoint3d 0 2048 8 LPoint3d 8 LPoint3d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 337 /** * This is a three-component point in space (as opposed to a three-component * vector, which represents a direction and a distance). Some of the methods * are slightly different between LPoint3 and LVector3; in particular, * subtraction of two points yields a vector, while addition of a vector and a * point yields a point. */ 614 16 LPoint3f const * 0 8576 16 LPoint3f const * 16 LPoint3f const * 0 0 615 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 615 14 LPoint3f const 0 8832 14 LPoint3f const 14 LPoint3f const 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 616 10 NodePath * 0 8576 10 NodePath * 10 NodePath * 0 0 535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 14 NodePath const 0 8832 14 NodePath const 14 NodePath const 0 0 535 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 618 16 NodePath const * 0 8576 16 NodePath const * 16 NodePath const * 0 0 617 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 619 9 LVecBase2 0 2105344 9 LVecBase2 9 LVecBase2 0 0 620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 10 LVecBase2f 0 2048 10 LVecBase2f 10 LVecBase2f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 /** * This is the base class for all two-component vectors and points. */ 621 11 LVecBase2 * 0 8576 11 LVecBase2 * 11 LVecBase2 * 0 0 619 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 622 29 HeightfieldTesselator const * 0 8576 29 HeightfieldTesselator const * 29 HeightfieldTesselator const * 0 0 623 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 623 27 HeightfieldTesselator const 0 8832 27 HeightfieldTesselator const 27 HeightfieldTesselator const 0 0 510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 624 23 HeightfieldTesselator * 0 8576 23 HeightfieldTesselator * 23 HeightfieldTesselator * 0 0 510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 625 16 LineSegs const * 0 8576 16 LineSegs const * 16 LineSegs const * 0 0 626 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 626 14 LineSegs const 0 8832 14 LineSegs const 14 LineSegs const 0 0 511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 627 10 LineSegs * 0 8576 10 LineSegs * 10 LineSegs * 0 0 511 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 628 17 LVecBase3 const * 0 8576 17 LVecBase3 const * 17 LVecBase3 const * 0 0 629 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 629 15 LVecBase3 const 0 8832 15 LVecBase3 const 15 LVecBase3 const 0 0 630 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 630 9 LVecBase3 0 2105344 9 LVecBase3 9 LVecBase3 0 0 631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 631 10 LVecBase3f 0 2048 10 LVecBase3f 10 LVecBase3f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 /** * This is the base class for all three-component vectors and points. */ 632 8 GeomNode 0 2048 8 GeomNode 8 GeomNode 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 /** * A node that holds Geom objects, renderable pieces of geometry. This is the * primary kind of leaf node in the scene graph; almost all visible objects * will be contained in a GeomNode somewhere. */ 633 10 GeomNode * 0 8576 10 GeomNode * 10 GeomNode * 0 0 632 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 634 9 LVertex * 0 8576 9 LVertex * 9 LVertex * 0 0 569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 635 8 LColor * 0 8576 8 LColor * 8 LColor * 0 0 573 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 636 12 MeshDrawer * 0 8576 12 MeshDrawer * 12 MeshDrawer * 0 0 512 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 637 16 LVector3 const * 0 8576 16 LVector3 const * 16 LVector3 const * 0 0 638 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 638 14 LVector3 const 0 8832 14 LVector3 const 14 LVector3 const 0 0 602 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 639 16 LVector2 const * 0 8576 16 LVector2 const * 16 LVector2 const * 0 0 640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 14 LVector2 const 0 8832 14 LVector2 const 14 LVector2 const 0 0 641 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 641 8 LVector2 0 2105344 8 LVector2 8 LVector2 0 0 642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 642 9 LVector2f 0 2048 9 LVector2f 9 LVector2f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 /** * This is a two-component vector offset. */ 643 14 MeshDrawer2D * 0 8576 14 MeshDrawer2D * 14 MeshDrawer2D * 0 0 513 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 644 12 MovieVideo * 0 8576 12 MovieVideo * 12 MovieVideo * 0 0 645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 645 10 MovieVideo 0 2048 10 MovieVideo 10 MovieVideo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 /** * A MovieVideo is actually any source that provides a sequence of video * frames. That could include an AVI file, a digital camera, or an internet * TV station. * * The difference between a MovieVideo and a MovieVideoCursor is like the * difference between a filename and a file handle. The MovieVideo just * indicates a particular movie. The MovieVideoCursor is what allows access. */ 646 14 MovieTexture * 0 8576 14 MovieTexture * 14 MovieTexture * 0 0 514 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 647 20 MovieTexture const * 0 8576 20 MovieTexture const * 20 MovieTexture const * 0 0 648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 648 18 MovieTexture const 0 8832 18 MovieTexture const 18 MovieTexture const 0 0 514 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 649 16 MovieVideoCursor 0 2048 16 MovieVideoCursor 16 MovieVideoCursor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 504 /** * A MovieVideo is actually any source that provides a sequence of video * frames. That could include an AVI file, a digital camera, or an internet * TV station. A MovieVideoCursor is a handle that lets you read data * sequentially from a MovieVideo. * * Thread safety: each individual MovieVideoCursor must be owned and accessed * by a single thread. It is OK for two different threads to open the same * file at the same time, as long as they use separate MovieVideoCursor * objects. */ 650 18 MovieVideoCursor * 0 8576 18 MovieVideoCursor * 18 MovieVideoCursor * 0 0 649 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 651 12 AudioSound * 0 8576 12 AudioSound * 12 AudioSound * 0 0 652 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 652 10 AudioSound 0 2048 10 AudioSound 10 AudioSound 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 653 17 MultitexReducer * 0 8576 17 MultitexReducer * 17 MultitexReducer * 0 0 519 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 654 23 MultitexReducer const * 0 8576 23 MultitexReducer const * 23 MultitexReducer const * 0 0 655 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 655 21 MultitexReducer const 0 8832 21 MultitexReducer const 21 MultitexReducer const 0 0 519 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 656 19 RenderState const * 0 8576 19 RenderState const * 19 RenderState const * 0 0 657 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 657 17 RenderState const 0 8832 17 RenderState const 17 RenderState const 0 0 658 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 658 11 RenderState 0 2048 11 RenderState 11 RenderState 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 340 /** * This represents a unique collection of RenderAttrib objects that correspond * to a particular renderable state. * * You should not attempt to create or modify a RenderState object directly. * Instead, call one of the make() functions to create one for you. And * instead of modifying a RenderState object, create a new one. */ 659 22 TransformState const * 0 8576 22 TransformState const * 22 TransformState const * 0 0 660 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 20 TransformState const 0 8832 20 TransformState const 20 TransformState const 0 0 661 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 661 14 TransformState 0 16779264 14 TransformState 14 TransformState 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734 /** * Indicates a coordinate-system transform on vertices. TransformStates are * the primary means for storing transformations on the scene graph. * * Transforms may be specified in one of two ways: componentwise, with a pos- * hpr-scale, or with an arbitrary transform matrix. If you specify a * transform componentwise, it will remember its original components. * * TransformState objects are managed very much like RenderState objects. * They are immutable and reference-counted automatically. * * You should not attempt to create or modify a TransformState object * directly. Instead, call one of the make() functions to create one for you. * And instead of modifying a TransformState object, create a new one. */ 662 14 TextureStage * 0 8576 14 TextureStage * 14 TextureStage * 0 0 663 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 663 12 TextureStage 0 2048 12 TextureStage 12 TextureStage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 336 /** * Defines the properties of a named stage of the multitexture pipeline. The * TextureAttrib will associated a number of these stages with Texture * objects, and the GSG will render geometry by sorting all of the currently * active TextureStages in order and then issuing the appropriate rendering * calls to activate them. */ 664 21 NodeVertexTransform * 0 8576 21 NodeVertexTransform * 21 NodeVertexTransform * 0 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 665 27 NodeVertexTransform const * 0 8576 27 NodeVertexTransform const * 27 NodeVertexTransform const * 0 0 666 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 666 25 NodeVertexTransform const 0 8832 25 NodeVertexTransform const 25 NodeVertexTransform const 0 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 19 ShaderTerrainMesh * 0 8576 19 ShaderTerrainMesh * 19 ShaderTerrainMesh * 0 0 527 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 668 25 ShaderTerrainMesh const * 0 8576 25 ShaderTerrainMesh const * 25 ShaderTerrainMesh const * 0 0 669 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 669 23 ShaderTerrainMesh const 0 8832 23 ShaderTerrainMesh const 23 ShaderTerrainMesh const 0 0 527 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 670 7 LPoint3 0 2105344 7 LPoint3 7 LPoint3 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 671 9 LPoint3 * 0 8576 9 LPoint3 * 9 LPoint3 * 0 0 670 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 672 31 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const * 0 8576 31 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const * 31 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const * 0 0 673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 673 29 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const 0 8832 29 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const 29 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter const 0 0 533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 674 25 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter * 0 8576 25 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter * 25 SceneGraphAnalyzerMeter * 0 0 533 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 675 19 RigidBodyCombiner * 0 8576 19 RigidBodyCombiner * 19 RigidBodyCombiner * 0 0 534 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 676 28 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser * 0 8576 28 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser * 28 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser * 0 0 536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 677 12 SceneSetup * 0 8576 12 SceneSetup * 12 SceneSetup * 0 0 678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 678 10 SceneSetup 0 2048 10 SceneSetup 10 SceneSetup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 /** * This object holds the camera position, etc., and other general setup * information for rendering a particular scene. */ 679 27 GraphicsStateGuardianBase * 0 8576 27 GraphicsStateGuardianBase * 27 GraphicsStateGuardianBase * 0 0 680 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 680 25 GraphicsStateGuardianBase 0 2048 25 GraphicsStateGuardianBase 25 GraphicsStateGuardianBase 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 607 /** * This is a base class for the GraphicsStateGuardian class, which is itself a * base class for the various GSG's for different platforms. This class * contains all the function prototypes to support the double-dispatch of GSG * to geoms, transitions, etc. It lives in a separate class in its own * package so we can avoid circular build dependency problems. * * GraphicsStateGuardians are not actually writable to bam files, of course, * but they may be passed as event parameters, so they inherit from * TypedWritableReferenceCount instead of TypedReferenceCount for that * convenience. */ 681 34 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser const * 0 8576 34 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser const * 34 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser const * 0 0 682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 682 32 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser const 0 8832 32 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser const 32 PipeOcclusionCullTraverser const 0 0 536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 683 16 DrawMask const * 0 8576 16 DrawMask const * 16 DrawMask const * 0 0 684 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 684 14 DrawMask const 0 8832 14 DrawMask const 14 DrawMask const 0 0 685 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 685 8 DrawMask 0 2105344 8 DrawMask 8 DrawMask 0 0 686 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 686 9 BitMask32 0 2105344 9 BitMask32 9 BitMask32 0 0 687 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 687 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 0 2048 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 23 BitMask< uint32_t, 32 > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 688 15 CullTraverser * 0 8576 15 CullTraverser * 15 CullTraverser * 0 0 537 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 689 13 CullHandler * 0 8576 13 CullHandler * 13 CullHandler * 0 0 538 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 690 9 PfmFile * 0 8576 9 PfmFile * 9 PfmFile * 0 0 691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 691 7 PfmFile 0 2048 7 PfmFile 7 PfmFile 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 155 /** * Defines a pfm file, a 2-d table of floating-point numbers, either * 3-component or 1-component, or with a special extension, 2- or 4-component. */ 692 11 PfmVizzer * 0 8576 11 PfmVizzer * 11 PfmVizzer * 0 0 539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 693 17 PfmVizzer const * 0 8576 17 PfmVizzer const * 17 PfmVizzer const * 0 0 694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 694 15 PfmVizzer const 0 8832 15 PfmVizzer const 15 PfmVizzer const 0 0 539 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 695 15 PfmFile const * 0 8576 15 PfmFile const * 15 PfmFile const * 0 0 696 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 696 13 PfmFile const 0 8832 13 PfmFile const 13 PfmFile const 0 0 691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 697 12 Lens const * 0 8576 12 Lens const * 12 Lens const * 0 0 698 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 698 10 Lens const 0 8832 10 Lens const 10 Lens const 0 0 699 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 699 4 Lens 0 2048 4 Lens 4 Lens 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 398 /** * A base class for any number of different kinds of lenses, linear and * otherwise. Presently, this includes perspective and orthographic lenses. * * A Lens object is the main part of a Camera node, which defines the * fundamental interface to point-of-view for rendering. Lenses are also used * in other contexts, however; for instance, a Spotlight is also defined using * a lens. */ 700 14 InternalName * 0 8576 14 InternalName * 14 InternalName * 0 0 701 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 701 12 InternalName 0 16779264 12 InternalName 12 InternalName 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 514 /** * Encodes a string name in a hash table, mapping it to a pointer. This is * used to tokenify names so they may be used efficiently in low-level Panda * structures, for instance to differentiate the multiple sets of texture * coordinates that might be stored on a Geom. * * InternalNames are hierarchical, with the '.' used by convention as a * separator character. You can construct a single InternalName as a * composition of one or more other names, or by giving it a source string * directly. */ 0 16 702 12 video_length 0 2 516 398 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 MovieTexture::video_length 0 703 11 video_width 0 2 517 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 MovieTexture::video_width 0 704 12 video_height 0 2 517 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 MovieTexture::video_height 0 705 4 time 0 6 516 407 406 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 MovieTexture::time 0 706 4 loop 0 6 518 409 408 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 MovieTexture::loop 0 707 10 loop_count 0 6 517 411 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 MovieTexture::loop_count 0 708 9 play_rate 0 6 516 413 412 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 MovieTexture::play_rate 0 709 7 playing 0 2 518 414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 MovieTexture::playing 0 710 4 node 0 2 522 427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 NodeVertexTransform::node 0 711 4 prev 0 2 525 428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 NodeVertexTransform::prev 0 712 11 heightfield 0 6 528 433 432 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 ShaderTerrainMesh::heightfield 0 713 10 chunk_size 0 6 529 435 434 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 ShaderTerrainMesh::chunk_size 0 714 16 generate_patches 0 6 518 437 436 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 ShaderTerrainMesh::generate_patches 0 715 14 update_enabled 0 6 518 439 438 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 ShaderTerrainMesh::update_enabled 0 716 21 target_triangle_width 0 6 531 441 440 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 ShaderTerrainMesh::target_triangle_width 0 717 14 internal_scene 0 2 535 459 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 RigidBodyCombiner::internal_scene 0 2 718 12 get_vertices 0 359 360 22 LineSegs::get_vertices 0 719 17 get_vertex_colors 0 359 362 27 LineSegs::get_vertex_colors 0