1704722088 3 3 9 libp3dxml 4 uZHm 12 panda3d.core 151 233 10 ~TiXmlBase 0 518 384 21 TiXmlBase::~TiXmlBase 0 0 0 36 virtual TiXmlBase::~TiXmlBase(void); 234 5 Print 0 6 384 16 TiXmlBase::Print 0 1 1 339 /** All TinyXml classes can print themselves to a filestream or the string class (TiXmlString in non-STL mode, std::string in STL mode.) Either or both cfile and str can be null. This is a formatted print, and will insert tabs and newlines. (For an unformatted stream, use the << operator.) */ 64 virtual void TiXmlBase::Print(FILE *cfile, int depth) const = 0; 235 21 SetCondenseWhiteSpace 0 4 384 32 TiXmlBase::SetCondenseWhiteSpace 0 1 2 351 /** The world does not agree on whether white space should be kept or not. In order to make everyone happy, these global, static functions are provided to set whether or not TinyXml will condense all white space into a single space or not. The default is to condense. Note changing this value is not thread safe. */ 60 static void TiXmlBase::SetCondenseWhiteSpace(bool condense); 236 21 IsWhiteSpaceCondensed 0 4 384 32 TiXmlBase::IsWhiteSpaceCondensed 0 1 3 43 /// Return the current white space setting. 51 static bool TiXmlBase::IsWhiteSpaceCondensed(void); 237 3 Row 0 4 384 14 TiXmlBase::Row 0 1 4 944 /** Return the position, in the original source file, of this node or attribute. The row and column are 1-based. (That is the first row and first column is 1,1). If the returns values are 0 or less, then the parser does not have a row and column value. Generally, the row and column value will be set when the TiXmlDocument::Load(), TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(), or any TiXmlNode::Parse() is called. It will NOT be set when the DOM was created from operator>>. The values reflect the initial load. Once the DOM is modified programmatically (by adding or changing nodes and attributes) the new values will NOT update to reflect changes in the document. There is a minor performance cost to computing the row and column. Computation can be disabled if TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize() is called with 0 as the value. @sa TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize() */ 31 int TiXmlBase::Row(void) const; 238 6 Column 0 4 384 17 TiXmlBase::Column 0 1 5 14 ///< See Row() 34 int TiXmlBase::Column(void) const; 239 11 SetUserData 0 4 384 22 TiXmlBase::SetUserData 0 0 42 ///< Set a pointer to arbitrary user data. 40 void TiXmlBase::SetUserData(void *user); 240 11 GetUserData 0 4 384 22 TiXmlBase::GetUserData 0 2 6 7 86 ///< Get a pointer to arbitrary user data. ///< Get a pointer to arbitrary user data. 83 void *TiXmlBase::GetUserData(void); void const *TiXmlBase::GetUserData(void) const; 241 5 Parse 0 6 384 16 TiXmlBase::Parse 0 1 8 0 104 virtual char const *TiXmlBase::Parse(char const *p, TiXmlParsingData *data, TiXmlEncoding encoding) = 0; 242 12 EncodeString 0 4 384 23 TiXmlBase::EncodeString 0 0 145 /** Expands entities in a string. Note this should not contian the tag's '<', '>', etc, or they will be transformed into entities! */ 78 static void TiXmlBase::EncodeString(std::string const &str, std::string *out); 243 5 Value 0 4 387 16 TiXmlNode::Value 0 1 17 368 /** The meaning of 'value' changes for the specific type of TiXmlNode. @verbatim Document: filename of the xml file Element: name of the element Comment: the comment text Unknown: the tag contents Text: the text string @endverbatim The subclasses will wrap this function. */ 41 char const *TiXmlNode::Value(void) const; 244 8 ValueStr 0 4 387 19 TiXmlNode::ValueStr 0 1 18 153 /** Return Value() as a std::string. If you only use STL, this is more efficient than calling Value(). Only available in STL mode. */ 51 std::string const &TiXmlNode::ValueStr(void) const; 245 9 ValueTStr 0 4 387 20 TiXmlNode::ValueTStr 0 1 19 0 52 std::string const &TiXmlNode::ValueTStr(void) const; 246 8 SetValue 0 4 387 19 TiXmlNode::SetValue 0 2 20 21 314 /** Changes the value of the node. Defined as: @verbatim Document: filename of the xml file Element: name of the element Comment: the comment text Unknown: the tag contents Text: the text string @endverbatim */ /// STL std::string form. 98 void TiXmlNode::SetValue(char const *_value); void TiXmlNode::SetValue(std::string const &_value); 247 5 Clear 0 4 387 16 TiXmlNode::Clear 0 1 22 65 /// Delete all the children of this node. Does not affect 'this'. 28 void TiXmlNode::Clear(void); 248 6 Parent 0 4 387 17 TiXmlNode::Parent 0 2 23 24 24 /// One step up the DOM. 83 TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::Parent(void); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::Parent(void) const; 249 10 FirstChild 0 4 387 21 TiXmlNode::FirstChild 0 6 25 26 27 28 29 30 382 ///< The first child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. ///< The first child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. ///< The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found. /// The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found. ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. 344 TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::FirstChild(void) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::FirstChild(void); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::FirstChild(char const *value) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::FirstChild(char const *_value); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::FirstChild(std::string const &_value) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::FirstChild(std::string const &_value); 250 9 LastChild 0 4 387 20 TiXmlNode::LastChild 0 6 31 32 33 34 35 36 380 /// The last child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. /// The last child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. /// The last child of this node matching 'value'. Will be null if there are no children. /// The last child of this node matching 'value'. Will be null if there are no children. ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. 338 TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::LastChild(void) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::LastChild(void); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::LastChild(char const *value) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::LastChild(char const *_value); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::LastChild(std::string const &_value) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::LastChild(std::string const &_value); 251 15 IterateChildren 0 4 387 26 TiXmlNode::IterateChildren 0 6 37 38 39 40 41 42 747 /** An alternate way to walk the children of a node. One way to iterate over nodes is: @verbatim for( child = parent->FirstChild(); child; child = child->NextSibling() ) @endverbatim IterateChildren does the same thing with the syntax: @verbatim child = 0; while( child = parent->IterateChildren( child ) ) @endverbatim IterateChildren takes the previous child as input and finds the next one. If the previous child is null, it returns the first. IterateChildren will return null when done. */ /// This flavor of IterateChildren searches for children with a particular 'value' ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. 524 TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::IterateChildren(TiXmlNode const *previous) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::IterateChildren(TiXmlNode const *previous); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::IterateChildren(char const *value, TiXmlNode const *previous) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::IterateChildren(char const *_value, TiXmlNode const *previous); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::IterateChildren(std::string const &_value, TiXmlNode const *previous) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::IterateChildren(std::string const &_value, TiXmlNode const *previous); 252 14 InsertEndChild 0 4 387 25 TiXmlNode::InsertEndChild 0 1 43 148 /** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child past the LastChild. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 63 TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::InsertEndChild(TiXmlNode const &addThis); 253 17 InsertBeforeChild 0 4 387 28 TiXmlNode::InsertBeforeChild 0 1 44 156 /** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child before the specified child. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 89 TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::InsertBeforeChild(TiXmlNode *beforeThis, TiXmlNode const &addThis); 254 16 InsertAfterChild 0 4 387 27 TiXmlNode::InsertAfterChild 0 1 45 155 /** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child after the specified child. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 87 TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::InsertAfterChild(TiXmlNode *afterThis, TiXmlNode const &addThis); 255 12 ReplaceChild 0 4 387 23 TiXmlNode::ReplaceChild 0 1 46 113 /** Replace a child of this node. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 86 TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::ReplaceChild(TiXmlNode *replaceThis, TiXmlNode const &withThis); 256 11 RemoveChild 0 4 387 22 TiXmlNode::RemoveChild 0 1 47 32 /// Delete a child of this node. 51 bool TiXmlNode::RemoveChild(TiXmlNode *removeThis); 257 15 PreviousSibling 0 4 387 26 TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling 0 6 48 49 50 51 52 53 120 /// Navigate to a sibling node. /// Navigate to a sibling node. ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. 368 TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling(void) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling(void); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling(char const *) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling(char const *_prev); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling(std::string const &_value) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::PreviousSibling(std::string const &_value); 258 11 NextSibling 0 4 387 22 TiXmlNode::NextSibling 0 6 54 55 56 57 58 59 143 ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. /// Navigate to a sibling node. /// Navigate to a sibling node with the given 'value'. 344 TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::NextSibling(std::string const &_value) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::NextSibling(std::string const &_value); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::NextSibling(void) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::NextSibling(void); TiXmlNode const *TiXmlNode::NextSibling(char const *) const; TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::NextSibling(char const *_next); 259 18 NextSiblingElement 0 4 387 29 TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement 0 6 60 61 62 63 64 65 420 /** Convenience function to get through elements. Calls NextSibling and ToElement. Will skip all non-Element nodes. Returns 0 if there is not another element. */ /** Convenience function to get through elements. Calls NextSibling and ToElement. Will skip all non-Element nodes. Returns 0 if there is not another element. */ ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. 404 TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement(void) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement(void); TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement(char const *) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement(char const *_next); TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement(std::string const &_value) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::NextSiblingElement(std::string const &_value); 260 17 FirstChildElement 0 4 387 28 TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement 0 6 66 67 68 69 70 71 156 /// Convenience function to get through elements. /// Convenience function to get through elements. ///< STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. 405 TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement(void) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement(void); TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement(char const *_value) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement(char const *_value); TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement(std::string const &_value) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::FirstChildElement(std::string const &_value); 261 4 Type 0 4 387 15 TiXmlNode::Type 0 1 72 195 /** Query the type (as an enumerated value, above) of this node. The possible types are: DOCUMENT, ELEMENT, COMMENT, UNKNOWN, TEXT, and DECLARATION. */ 32 int TiXmlNode::Type(void) const; 262 11 GetDocument 0 4 387 22 TiXmlNode::GetDocument 0 2 73 74 106 /** Return a pointer to the Document this node lives in. Returns null if not in a document. */ 101 TiXmlDocument const *TiXmlNode::GetDocument(void) const; TiXmlDocument *TiXmlNode::GetDocument(void); 263 10 NoChildren 0 4 387 21 TiXmlNode::NoChildren 0 1 75 46 /// Returns true if this node has no children. 39 bool TiXmlNode::NoChildren(void) const; 264 10 ToDocument 0 6 387 21 TiXmlNode::ToDocument 0 2 76 77 162 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 115 virtual TiXmlDocument const *TiXmlNode::ToDocument(void) const; virtual TiXmlDocument *TiXmlNode::ToDocument(void); 265 9 ToElement 0 6 387 20 TiXmlNode::ToElement 0 2 78 79 162 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 111 virtual TiXmlElement const *TiXmlNode::ToElement(void) const; virtual TiXmlElement *TiXmlNode::ToElement(void); 266 9 ToComment 0 6 387 20 TiXmlNode::ToComment 0 2 80 81 162 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 111 virtual TiXmlComment const *TiXmlNode::ToComment(void) const; virtual TiXmlComment *TiXmlNode::ToComment(void); 267 9 ToUnknown 0 6 387 20 TiXmlNode::ToUnknown 0 2 82 83 162 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 111 virtual TiXmlUnknown const *TiXmlNode::ToUnknown(void) const; virtual TiXmlUnknown *TiXmlNode::ToUnknown(void); 268 6 ToText 0 6 387 17 TiXmlNode::ToText 0 2 84 85 162 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 99 virtual TiXmlText const *TiXmlNode::ToText(void) const; virtual TiXmlText *TiXmlNode::ToText(void); 269 13 ToDeclaration 0 6 387 24 TiXmlNode::ToDeclaration 0 2 86 87 162 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 127 virtual TiXmlDeclaration const *TiXmlNode::ToDeclaration(void) const; virtual TiXmlDeclaration *TiXmlNode::ToDeclaration(void); 270 5 Clone 0 6 387 16 TiXmlNode::Clone 0 1 88 114 /** Create an exact duplicate of this node and return it. The memory must be deleted by the caller. */ 52 virtual TiXmlNode *TiXmlNode::Clone(void) const = 0; 271 6 Accept 0 6 387 17 TiXmlNode::Accept 0 1 89 825 /** Accept a hierchical visit the nodes in the TinyXML DOM. Every node in the XML tree will be conditionally visited and the host will be called back via the TiXmlVisitor interface. This is essentially a SAX interface for TinyXML. (Note however it doesn't re-parse the XML for the callbacks, so the performance of TinyXML is unchanged by using this interface versus any other.) The interface has been based on ideas from: - http://www.saxproject.org/ - http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?HierarchicalVisitorPattern Which are both good references for "visiting". An example of using Accept(): @verbatim TiXmlPrinter printer; tinyxmlDoc.Accept( &printer ); const char* xmlcstr = printer.CStr(); @endverbatim */ 64 virtual bool TiXmlNode::Accept(TiXmlVisitor *visitor) const = 0; 272 16 TiXmlDeclaration 0 260 386 34 TiXmlDeclaration::TiXmlDeclaration 0 4 9 10 11 12 69 /// Construct an empty declaration. /// Constructor. /// Construct. 340 TiXmlDeclaration::TiXmlDeclaration(void); TiXmlDeclaration::TiXmlDeclaration(std::string const &_version, std::string const &_encoding, std::string const &_standalone); TiXmlDeclaration::TiXmlDeclaration(char const *_version, char const *_encoding, char const *_standalone); TiXmlDeclaration::TiXmlDeclaration(TiXmlDeclaration const ©); 273 10 operator = 0 4 386 28 TiXmlDeclaration::operator = 0 1 13 0 64 void TiXmlDeclaration::operator =(TiXmlDeclaration const ©); 274 7 Version 0 4 386 25 TiXmlDeclaration::Version 0 1 14 59 /// Version. Will return an empty string if none was found. 50 char const *TiXmlDeclaration::Version(void) const; 275 8 Encoding 0 4 386 26 TiXmlDeclaration::Encoding 0 1 15 60 /// Encoding. Will return an empty string if none was found. 51 char const *TiXmlDeclaration::Encoding(void) const; 276 10 Standalone 0 4 386 28 TiXmlDeclaration::Standalone 0 1 16 34 /// Is this a standalone document? 53 char const *TiXmlDeclaration::Standalone(void) const; 277 5 Print 0 6 386 23 TiXmlDeclaration::Print 0 0 54 // Print this declaration to a FILE stream. /*depth*/ 85 virtual void TiXmlDeclaration::Print(FILE *cfile, int depth, std::string *str) const; 278 13 TiXmlDocument 0 260 389 28 TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument 0 4 90 91 92 93 159 /// Create an empty document, that has no name. /// Create a document with a name. The name of the document is also the filename of the xml. /// Constructor. 211 TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument(void); TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument(char const *documentName); TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument(std::string const &documentName); TiXmlDocument::TiXmlDocument(TiXmlDocument const ©); 279 10 operator = 0 4 389 25 TiXmlDocument::operator = 0 1 94 0 58 void TiXmlDocument::operator =(TiXmlDocument const ©); 280 8 LoadFile 0 4 389 23 TiXmlDocument::LoadFile 0 4 95 96 97 98 573 /** Load a file using the current document value. Returns true if successful. Will delete any existing document data before loading. */ /// Load a file using the given filename. Returns true if successful. /** Load a file using the given FILE*. Returns true if successful. Note that this method doesn't stream - the entire object pointed at by the FILE* will be interpreted as an XML file. TinyXML doesn't stream in XML from the current file location. Streaming may be added in the future. */ ///< STL std::string version. 382 bool TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(TiXmlEncoding encoding = ::TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING); bool TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(char const *filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding = ::TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING); bool TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(FILE *, TiXmlEncoding encoding = ::TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING); bool TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(std::string const &filename, TiXmlEncoding encoding = ::TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING); 281 8 SaveFile 0 4 389 23 TiXmlDocument::SaveFile 0 4 99 100 101 102 247 /// Save a file using the current document value. Returns true if successful. /// Save a file using the given filename. Returns true if successful. /// Save a file using the given FILE*. Returns true if successful. ///< STL std::string version. 208 bool TiXmlDocument::SaveFile(void) const; bool TiXmlDocument::SaveFile(char const *filename) const; bool TiXmlDocument::SaveFile(FILE *) const; bool TiXmlDocument::SaveFile(std::string const &filename) const; 282 11 RootElement 0 4 389 26 TiXmlDocument::RootElement 0 2 103 104 207 /** Get the root element -- the only top level element -- of the document. In well formed XML, there should only be one. TinyXml is tolerant of multiple elements at the document level. */ 107 TiXmlElement const *TiXmlDocument::RootElement(void) const; TiXmlElement *TiXmlDocument::RootElement(void); 283 5 Error 0 4 389 20 TiXmlDocument::Error 0 1 105 330 /** If an error occurs, Error will be set to true. Also, - The ErrorId() will contain the integer identifier of the error (not generally useful) - The ErrorDesc() method will return the name of the error. (very useful) - The ErrorRow() and ErrorCol() will return the location of the error (if known) */ 38 bool TiXmlDocument::Error(void) const; 284 9 ErrorDesc 0 4 389 24 TiXmlDocument::ErrorDesc 0 1 106 72 /// Contains a textual (english) description of the error if one occurs. 49 char const *TiXmlDocument::ErrorDesc(void) const; 285 7 ErrorId 0 4 389 22 TiXmlDocument::ErrorId 0 1 107 141 /** Generally, you probably want the error string ( ErrorDesc() ). But if you prefer the ErrorId, this function will fetch it. */ 39 int TiXmlDocument::ErrorId(void) const; 286 8 ErrorRow 0 4 389 23 TiXmlDocument::ErrorRow 0 1 108 359 /** Returns the location (if known) of the error. The first column is column 1, and the first row is row 1. A value of 0 means the row and column wasn't applicable (memory errors, for example, have no row/column) or the parser lost the error. (An error in the error reporting, in that case.) @sa SetTabSize, Row, Column */ 40 int TiXmlDocument::ErrorRow(void) const; 287 8 ErrorCol 0 4 389 23 TiXmlDocument::ErrorCol 0 1 109 55 ///< The column where the error occured. See ErrorRow() 40 int TiXmlDocument::ErrorCol(void) const; 288 10 SetTabSize 0 4 389 25 TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize 0 1 110 970 /** SetTabSize() allows the error reporting functions (ErrorRow() and ErrorCol()) to report the correct values for row and column. It does not change the output or input in any way. By calling this method, with a tab size greater than 0, the row and column of each node and attribute is stored when the file is loaded. Very useful for tracking the DOM back in to the source file. The tab size is required for calculating the location of nodes. If not set, the default of 4 is used. The tabsize is set per document. Setting the tabsize to 0 disables row/column tracking. Note that row and column tracking is not supported when using operator>>. The tab size needs to be enabled before the parse or load. Correct usage: @verbatim TiXmlDocument doc; doc.SetTabSize( 8 ); doc.Load( "myfile.xml" ); @endverbatim @sa Row, Column */ 45 void TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize(int _tabsize); 289 7 TabSize 0 4 389 22 TiXmlDocument::TabSize 0 1 111 0 39 int TiXmlDocument::TabSize(void) const; 290 10 ClearError 0 4 389 25 TiXmlDocument::ClearError 0 1 112 152 /** If you have handled the error, it can be reset with this call. The error state is automatically cleared if you Parse a new XML block. */ 37 void TiXmlDocument::ClearError(void); 291 5 Print 0 4 389 20 TiXmlDocument::Print 0 1 113 84 /** Write the document to standard out using formatted printing ("pretty print"). */ 38 void TiXmlDocument::Print(void) const; 292 8 SetError 0 4 389 23 TiXmlDocument::SetError 0 1 114 17 // [internal use] 117 void TiXmlDocument::SetError(int err, char const *errorLocation, TiXmlParsingData *prevData, TiXmlEncoding encoding); 293 12 TiXmlElement 0 260 390 26 TiXmlElement::TiXmlElement 0 3 115 116 117 55 /// Construct an element. /// std::string constructor. 154 TiXmlElement::TiXmlElement(char const *in_value); TiXmlElement::TiXmlElement(std::string const &_value); TiXmlElement::TiXmlElement(TiXmlElement const &); 294 10 operator = 0 4 390 24 TiXmlElement::operator = 0 1 118 0 56 void TiXmlElement::operator =(TiXmlElement const &base); 295 9 Attribute 0 4 390 23 TiXmlElement::Attribute 0 2 119 120 695 /** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists. */ /** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists. If the attribute exists and can be converted to an integer, the integer value will be put in the return 'i', if 'i' is non-null. */ /** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists. If the attribute exists and can be converted to an double, the double value will be put in the return 'd', if 'd' is non-null. */ 445 char const *TiXmlElement::Attribute(char const *name) const; char const *TiXmlElement::Attribute(char const *name, int *i) const; char const *TiXmlElement::Attribute(char const *name, double *d) const; std::string const *TiXmlElement::Attribute(std::string const &name) const; std::string const *TiXmlElement::Attribute(std::string const &name, int *i) const; std::string const *TiXmlElement::Attribute(std::string const &name, double *d) const; 296 17 QueryIntAttribute 0 4 390 31 TiXmlElement::QueryIntAttribute 0 0 384 /** QueryIntAttribute examines the attribute - it is an alternative to the Attribute() method with richer error checking. If the attribute is an integer, it is stored in 'value' and the call returns TIXML_SUCCESS. If it is not an integer, it returns TIXML_WRONG_TYPE. If the attribute does not exist, then TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE is returned. */ 154 int TiXmlElement::QueryIntAttribute(char const *name, int *_value) const; int TiXmlElement::QueryIntAttribute(std::string const &name, int *_value) const; 297 20 QueryDoubleAttribute 0 4 390 34 TiXmlElement::QueryDoubleAttribute 0 0 74 /// QueryDoubleAttribute examines the attribute - see QueryIntAttribute(). 166 int TiXmlElement::QueryDoubleAttribute(char const *name, double *_value) const; int TiXmlElement::QueryDoubleAttribute(std::string const &name, double *_value) const; 298 19 QueryFloatAttribute 0 4 390 33 TiXmlElement::QueryFloatAttribute 0 0 73 /// QueryFloatAttribute examines the attribute - see QueryIntAttribute(). 77 int TiXmlElement::QueryFloatAttribute(char const *name, float *_value) const; 299 20 QueryStringAttribute 0 4 390 34 TiXmlElement::QueryStringAttribute 0 0 74 /// QueryStringAttribute examines the attribute - see QueryIntAttribute(). 84 int TiXmlElement::QueryStringAttribute(char const *name, std::string *_value) const; 300 19 QueryValueAttribute 0 4 390 33 TiXmlElement::QueryValueAttribute 0 0 0 92 int TiXmlElement::QueryValueAttribute(std::string const &name, std::string *outValue) const; 301 12 SetAttribute 0 4 390 26 TiXmlElement::SetAttribute 0 4 121 122 123 124 331 /** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does. */ /// STL std::string form. ///< STL std::string form. /** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does. */ 287 void TiXmlElement::SetAttribute(char const *name, char const *_value); void TiXmlElement::SetAttribute(std::string const &name, std::string const &_value); void TiXmlElement::SetAttribute(std::string const &name, int _value); void TiXmlElement::SetAttribute(char const *name, int value); 302 18 SetDoubleAttribute 0 4 390 32 TiXmlElement::SetDoubleAttribute 0 2 125 126 165 ///< STL std::string form. /** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does. */ 148 void TiXmlElement::SetDoubleAttribute(std::string const &name, double value); void TiXmlElement::SetDoubleAttribute(char const *name, double value); 303 15 RemoveAttribute 0 4 390 29 TiXmlElement::RemoveAttribute 0 2 127 128 80 /** Deletes an attribute with the given name. */ ///< STL std::string form. 114 void TiXmlElement::RemoveAttribute(char const *name); void TiXmlElement::RemoveAttribute(std::string const &name); 304 14 FirstAttribute 0 4 390 28 TiXmlElement::FirstAttribute 0 2 129 130 98 ///< Access the first attribute in this element. ///< Access the first attribute in this element. 115 TiXmlAttribute const *TiXmlElement::FirstAttribute(void) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlElement::FirstAttribute(void); 305 13 LastAttribute 0 4 390 27 TiXmlElement::LastAttribute 0 2 131 132 96 ///< Access the last attribute in this element. ///< Access the last attribute in this element. 113 TiXmlAttribute const *TiXmlElement::LastAttribute(void) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlElement::LastAttribute(void); 306 7 GetText 0 4 390 21 TiXmlElement::GetText 0 1 133 1274 /** Convenience function for easy access to the text inside an element. Although easy and concise, GetText() is limited compared to getting the TiXmlText child and accessing it directly. If the first child of 'this' is a TiXmlText, the GetText() returns the character string of the Text node, else null is returned. This is a convenient method for getting the text of simple contained text: @verbatim <foo>This is text</foo> const char* str = fooElement->GetText(); @endverbatim 'str' will be a pointer to "This is text". Note that this function can be misleading. If the element foo was created from this XML: @verbatim <foo><b>This is text</b></foo> @endverbatim then the value of str would be null. The first child node isn't a text node, it is another element. From this XML: @verbatim <foo>This is <b>text</b></foo> @endverbatim GetText() will return "This is ". WARNING: GetText() accesses a child node - don't become confused with the similarly named TiXmlHandle::Text() and TiXmlNode::ToText() which are safe type casts on the referenced node. */ 46 char const *TiXmlElement::GetText(void) const; 307 15 read_xml_stream 0 1 0 15 read_xml_stream 0 1 225 103 /** * Reads an XML document from the indicated stream. * @returns the document, or NULL on error. */ 49 TiXmlDocument *read_xml_stream(std::istream &in); 308 16 write_xml_stream 0 1 0 16 write_xml_stream 0 1 226 0 61 void write_xml_stream(std::ostream &out, TiXmlDocument *doc); 309 9 print_xml 0 1 0 9 print_xml 0 1 227 0 33 void print_xml(TiXmlNode *xnode); 310 17 print_xml_to_file 0 1 0 17 print_xml_to_file 0 1 228 0 67 void print_xml_to_file(Filename const &filename, TiXmlNode *xnode); 311 23 get_TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION 0 16 0 23 get_TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION 0 1 229 41 getter for int const TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION; 34 int get_TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION(void); 312 23 get_TIXML_MINOR_VERSION 0 16 0 23 get_TIXML_MINOR_VERSION 0 1 230 41 getter for int const TIXML_MINOR_VERSION; 34 int get_TIXML_MINOR_VERSION(void); 313 23 get_TIXML_PATCH_VERSION 0 16 0 23 get_TIXML_PATCH_VERSION 0 1 231 41 getter for int const TIXML_PATCH_VERSION; 34 int get_TIXML_PATCH_VERSION(void); 314 11 TiXmlCursor 0 260 392 24 TiXmlCursor::TiXmlCursor 0 1 134 0 63 inline TiXmlCursor::TiXmlCursor(TiXmlCursor const &) = default; 315 12 ~TiXmlCursor 0 516 392 25 TiXmlCursor::~TiXmlCursor 0 0 0 32 TiXmlCursor::~TiXmlCursor(void); 316 13 ~TiXmlVisitor 0 518 393 27 TiXmlVisitor::~TiXmlVisitor 0 0 0 42 virtual TiXmlVisitor::~TiXmlVisitor(void); 317 10 VisitEnter 0 6 393 24 TiXmlVisitor::VisitEnter 0 2 137 138 27 /*doc*/ /*firstAttribute*/ 146 virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::VisitEnter(TiXmlDocument const &); virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::VisitEnter(TiXmlElement const &, TiXmlAttribute const *); 318 9 VisitExit 0 6 393 23 TiXmlVisitor::VisitExit 0 2 139 140 20 /*doc*/ /*element*/ 120 virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::VisitExit(TiXmlDocument const &); virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::VisitExit(TiXmlElement const &); 319 5 Visit 0 6 393 19 TiXmlVisitor::Visit 0 4 141 142 143 144 51 /*declaration*/ /*text*/ /*comment*/ /*unknown*/ 224 virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::Visit(TiXmlDeclaration const &); virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::Visit(TiXmlText const &); virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::Visit(TiXmlComment const &); virtual bool TiXmlVisitor::Visit(TiXmlUnknown const &); 320 12 TiXmlVisitor 0 260 393 26 TiXmlVisitor::TiXmlVisitor 0 2 135 136 0 117 inline TiXmlVisitor::TiXmlVisitor(void) = default; inline TiXmlVisitor::TiXmlVisitor(TiXmlVisitor const &) = default; 321 26 get_TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING 0 16 0 26 get_TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING 0 1 232 54 getter for TiXmlEncoding const TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING; 47 TiXmlEncoding get_TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING(void); 322 14 TiXmlAttribute 0 260 396 30 TiXmlAttribute::TiXmlAttribute 0 3 145 146 147 114 /// Construct an empty attribute. /// std::string constructor. /// Construct an attribute with a name and value. 193 TiXmlAttribute::TiXmlAttribute(void); TiXmlAttribute::TiXmlAttribute(std::string const &_name, std::string const &_value); TiXmlAttribute::TiXmlAttribute(char const *_name, char const *_value); 323 4 Name 0 4 396 20 TiXmlAttribute::Name 0 1 148 39 ///< Return the name of this attribute. 45 char const *TiXmlAttribute::Name(void) const; 324 5 Value 0 4 396 21 TiXmlAttribute::Value 0 1 149 40 ///< Return the value of this attribute. 46 char const *TiXmlAttribute::Value(void) const; 325 8 ValueStr 0 4 396 24 TiXmlAttribute::ValueStr 0 1 150 40 ///< Return the value of this attribute. 56 std::string const &TiXmlAttribute::ValueStr(void) const; 326 8 IntValue 0 4 396 24 TiXmlAttribute::IntValue 0 1 151 65 ///< Return the value of this attribute, converted to an integer. 41 int TiXmlAttribute::IntValue(void) const; 327 11 DoubleValue 0 4 396 27 TiXmlAttribute::DoubleValue 0 1 152 63 ///< Return the value of this attribute, converted to a double. 47 double TiXmlAttribute::DoubleValue(void) const; 328 8 NameTStr 0 4 396 24 TiXmlAttribute::NameTStr 0 1 153 40 // Get the tinyxml string representation 56 std::string const &TiXmlAttribute::NameTStr(void) const; 329 13 QueryIntValue 0 4 396 29 TiXmlAttribute::QueryIntValue 0 0 440 /** QueryIntValue examines the value string. It is an alternative to the IntValue() method with richer error checking. If the value is an integer, it is stored in 'value' and the call returns TIXML_SUCCESS. If it is not an integer, it returns TIXML_WRONG_TYPE. A specialized but useful call. Note that for success it returns 0, which is the opposite of almost all other TinyXml calls. */ 53 int TiXmlAttribute::QueryIntValue(int *_value) const; 330 16 QueryDoubleValue 0 4 396 32 TiXmlAttribute::QueryDoubleValue 0 0 68 /// QueryDoubleValue examines the value string. See QueryIntValue(). 59 int TiXmlAttribute::QueryDoubleValue(double *_value) const; 331 7 SetName 0 4 396 23 TiXmlAttribute::SetName 0 2 154 155 63 ///< Set the name of this attribute. /// STL std::string form. 104 void TiXmlAttribute::SetName(char const *_name); void TiXmlAttribute::SetName(std::string const &_name); 332 8 SetValue 0 4 396 24 TiXmlAttribute::SetValue 0 2 156 157 46 ///< Set the value. /// STL std::string form. 108 void TiXmlAttribute::SetValue(char const *_value); void TiXmlAttribute::SetValue(std::string const &_value); 333 11 SetIntValue 0 4 396 27 TiXmlAttribute::SetIntValue 0 1 158 35 ///< Set the value from an integer. 45 void TiXmlAttribute::SetIntValue(int _value); 334 14 SetDoubleValue 0 4 396 30 TiXmlAttribute::SetDoubleValue 0 1 159 33 ///< Set the value from a double. 51 void TiXmlAttribute::SetDoubleValue(double _value); 335 4 Next 0 4 396 20 TiXmlAttribute::Next 0 2 160 161 67 /// Get the next sibling attribute in the DOM. Returns null at end. 99 TiXmlAttribute const *TiXmlAttribute::Next(void) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttribute::Next(void); 336 8 Previous 0 4 396 24 TiXmlAttribute::Previous 0 2 162 163 77 /// Get the previous sibling attribute in the DOM. Returns null at beginning. 107 TiXmlAttribute const *TiXmlAttribute::Previous(void) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttribute::Previous(void); 337 11 operator == 0 4 396 27 TiXmlAttribute::operator == 0 1 164 0 66 bool TiXmlAttribute::operator ==(TiXmlAttribute const &rhs) const; 338 10 operator < 0 4 396 26 TiXmlAttribute::operator < 0 1 165 0 65 bool TiXmlAttribute::operator <(TiXmlAttribute const &rhs) const; 339 10 operator > 0 4 396 26 TiXmlAttribute::operator > 0 1 166 0 65 bool TiXmlAttribute::operator >(TiXmlAttribute const &rhs) const; 340 5 Print 0 4 396 21 TiXmlAttribute::Print 0 0 9 /*depth*/ 75 void TiXmlAttribute::Print(FILE *cfile, int depth, std::string *str) const; 341 11 SetDocument 0 4 396 27 TiXmlAttribute::SetDocument 0 1 167 81 // [internal use] // Set the document pointer so the attribute can report errors. 53 void TiXmlAttribute::SetDocument(TiXmlDocument *doc); 342 15 ~TiXmlAttribute 0 516 396 31 TiXmlAttribute::~TiXmlAttribute 0 0 0 38 TiXmlAttribute::~TiXmlAttribute(void); 343 17 TiXmlAttributeSet 0 260 397 36 TiXmlAttributeSet::TiXmlAttributeSet 0 1 168 0 43 TiXmlAttributeSet::TiXmlAttributeSet(void); 344 18 ~TiXmlAttributeSet 0 516 397 37 TiXmlAttributeSet::~TiXmlAttributeSet 0 0 0 44 TiXmlAttributeSet::~TiXmlAttributeSet(void); 345 3 Add 0 4 397 22 TiXmlAttributeSet::Add 0 1 169 0 55 void TiXmlAttributeSet::Add(TiXmlAttribute *attribute); 346 6 Remove 0 4 397 25 TiXmlAttributeSet::Remove 0 1 170 0 58 void TiXmlAttributeSet::Remove(TiXmlAttribute *attribute); 347 5 First 0 4 397 24 TiXmlAttributeSet::First 0 2 171 172 0 107 TiXmlAttribute const *TiXmlAttributeSet::First(void) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttributeSet::First(void); 348 4 Last 0 4 397 23 TiXmlAttributeSet::Last 0 2 173 174 0 105 TiXmlAttribute const *TiXmlAttributeSet::Last(void) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttributeSet::Last(void); 349 4 Find 0 4 397 23 TiXmlAttributeSet::Find 0 2 175 176 0 138 TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttributeSet::Find(char const *_name) const; TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttributeSet::Find(std::string const &_name) const; 350 12 FindOrCreate 0 4 397 31 TiXmlAttributeSet::FindOrCreate 0 2 177 178 0 142 TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttributeSet::FindOrCreate(char const *_name); TiXmlAttribute *TiXmlAttributeSet::FindOrCreate(std::string const &_name); 351 12 TiXmlComment 0 260 398 26 TiXmlComment::TiXmlComment 0 3 179 180 181 68 /// Constructs an empty comment. /// Construct a comment from text. 131 TiXmlComment::TiXmlComment(void); TiXmlComment::TiXmlComment(char const *_value); TiXmlComment::TiXmlComment(TiXmlComment const &); 352 10 operator = 0 4 398 24 TiXmlComment::operator = 0 1 182 0 56 void TiXmlComment::operator =(TiXmlComment const &base); 353 9 TiXmlText 0 260 399 20 TiXmlText::TiXmlText 0 3 183 184 185 210 /** Constructor for text element. By default, it is treated as normal, encoded text. If you want it be output as a CDATA text element, set the parameter _cdata to 'true' */ /// Constructor. 141 TiXmlText::TiXmlText(char const *initValue); TiXmlText::TiXmlText(std::string const &initValue); TiXmlText::TiXmlText(TiXmlText const ©); 354 10 operator = 0 4 399 21 TiXmlText::operator = 0 1 186 0 50 void TiXmlText::operator =(TiXmlText const &base); 355 5 CDATA 0 4 399 16 TiXmlText::CDATA 0 1 187 63 /// Queries whether this represents text using a CDATA section. 34 bool TiXmlText::CDATA(void) const; 356 8 SetCDATA 0 4 399 19 TiXmlText::SetCDATA 0 1 188 51 /// Turns on or off a CDATA representation of text. 38 void TiXmlText::SetCDATA(bool _cdata); 357 12 TiXmlUnknown 0 260 400 26 TiXmlUnknown::TiXmlUnknown 0 2 189 190 0 87 TiXmlUnknown::TiXmlUnknown(void); TiXmlUnknown::TiXmlUnknown(TiXmlUnknown const ©); 358 10 operator = 0 4 400 24 TiXmlUnknown::operator = 0 1 191 0 56 void TiXmlUnknown::operator =(TiXmlUnknown const ©); 359 11 TiXmlHandle 0 260 401 24 TiXmlHandle::TiXmlHandle 0 2 192 193 111 /// Create a handle from any node (at any depth of the tree.) This can be a null pointer. /// Copy constructor 93 TiXmlHandle::TiXmlHandle(TiXmlNode *_node); TiXmlHandle::TiXmlHandle(TiXmlHandle const &ref); 360 10 operator = 0 4 401 23 TiXmlHandle::operator = 0 1 194 0 53 void TiXmlHandle::operator =(TiXmlHandle const &ref); 361 10 FirstChild 0 4 401 23 TiXmlHandle::FirstChild 0 3 195 196 197 110 /// Return a handle to the first child node. /// Return a handle to the first child node with the given name. 180 TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::FirstChild(void) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::FirstChild(char const *value) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::FirstChild(std::string const &_value) const; 362 17 FirstChildElement 0 4 401 30 TiXmlHandle::FirstChildElement 0 3 198 199 200 116 /// Return a handle to the first child element. /// Return a handle to the first child element with the given name. 201 TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::FirstChildElement(void) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::FirstChildElement(char const *value) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::FirstChildElement(std::string const &_value) const; 363 5 Child 0 4 401 18 TiXmlHandle::Child 0 3 201 202 203 216 /** Return a handle to the "index" child with the given name. The first child is 0, the second 1, etc. */ /** Return a handle to the "index" child. The first child is 0, the second 1, etc. */ 192 TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::Child(char const *value, int index) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::Child(int index) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::Child(std::string const &_value, int index) const; 364 12 ChildElement 0 4 401 25 TiXmlHandle::ChildElement 0 3 204 205 206 406 /** Return a handle to the "index" child element with the given name. The first child element is 0, the second 1, etc. Note that only TiXmlElements are indexed: other types are not counted. */ /** Return a handle to the "index" child element. The first child element is 0, the second 1, etc. Note that only TiXmlElements are indexed: other types are not counted. */ 213 TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::ChildElement(char const *value, int index) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::ChildElement(int index) const; TiXmlHandle TiXmlHandle::ChildElement(std::string const &_value, int index) const; 365 6 ToNode 0 4 401 19 TiXmlHandle::ToNode 0 1 207 66 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlNode. This may return null. */ 43 TiXmlNode *TiXmlHandle::ToNode(void) const; 366 9 ToElement 0 4 401 22 TiXmlHandle::ToElement 0 1 208 69 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlElement. This may return null. */ 49 TiXmlElement *TiXmlHandle::ToElement(void) const; 367 6 ToText 0 4 401 19 TiXmlHandle::ToText 0 1 209 66 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlText. This may return null. */ 43 TiXmlText *TiXmlHandle::ToText(void) const; 368 9 ToUnknown 0 4 401 22 TiXmlHandle::ToUnknown 0 1 210 69 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlUnknown. This may return null. */ 49 TiXmlUnknown *TiXmlHandle::ToUnknown(void) const; 369 4 Node 0 4 401 17 TiXmlHandle::Node 0 1 211 98 /** @deprecated use ToNode. Return the handle as a TiXmlNode. This may return null. */ 41 TiXmlNode *TiXmlHandle::Node(void) const; 370 7 Element 0 4 401 20 TiXmlHandle::Element 0 1 212 104 /** @deprecated use ToElement. Return the handle as a TiXmlElement. This may return null. */ 47 TiXmlElement *TiXmlHandle::Element(void) const; 371 4 Text 0 4 401 17 TiXmlHandle::Text 0 1 213 99 /** @deprecated use ToText() Return the handle as a TiXmlText. This may return null. */ 41 TiXmlText *TiXmlHandle::Text(void) const; 372 7 Unknown 0 4 401 20 TiXmlHandle::Unknown 0 1 214 105 /** @deprecated use ToUnknown() Return the handle as a TiXmlUnknown. This may return null. */ 47 TiXmlUnknown *TiXmlHandle::Unknown(void) const; 373 12 ~TiXmlHandle 0 516 401 25 TiXmlHandle::~TiXmlHandle 0 0 0 32 TiXmlHandle::~TiXmlHandle(void); 374 12 TiXmlPrinter 0 260 402 26 TiXmlPrinter::TiXmlPrinter 0 2 215 216 0 100 TiXmlPrinter::TiXmlPrinter(void); inline TiXmlPrinter::TiXmlPrinter(TiXmlPrinter const &) = default; 375 9 SetIndent 0 4 402 23 TiXmlPrinter::SetIndent 0 1 217 148 /** Set the indent characters for printing. By default 4 spaces but tab (\t) is also useful, or null/empty string for no indentation. */ 50 void TiXmlPrinter::SetIndent(char const *_indent); 376 6 Indent 0 4 402 20 TiXmlPrinter::Indent 0 1 218 31 /// Query the indention string. 39 char const *TiXmlPrinter::Indent(void); 377 12 SetLineBreak 0 4 402 26 TiXmlPrinter::SetLineBreak 0 1 219 194 /** Set the line breaking string. By default set to newline (\n). Some operating systems prefer other characters, or can be set to the null/empty string for no indenation. */ 56 void TiXmlPrinter::SetLineBreak(char const *_lineBreak); 378 9 LineBreak 0 4 402 23 TiXmlPrinter::LineBreak 0 1 220 43 /// Query the current line breaking string. 42 char const *TiXmlPrinter::LineBreak(void); 379 17 SetStreamPrinting 0 4 402 31 TiXmlPrinter::SetStreamPrinting 0 1 221 162 /** Switch over to "stream printing" which is the most dense formatting without linebreaks. Common when the XML is needed for network transmission. */ 43 void TiXmlPrinter::SetStreamPrinting(void); 380 4 CStr 0 4 402 18 TiXmlPrinter::CStr 0 1 222 22 /// Return the result. 37 char const *TiXmlPrinter::CStr(void); 381 4 Size 0 4 402 18 TiXmlPrinter::Size 0 1 223 43 /// Return the length of the result string. 37 std::size_t TiXmlPrinter::Size(void); 382 3 Str 0 4 402 17 TiXmlPrinter::Str 0 1 224 22 /// Return the result. 43 std::string const &TiXmlPrinter::Str(void); 383 13 ~TiXmlPrinter 0 516 402 27 TiXmlPrinter::~TiXmlPrinter 0 0 0 34 TiXmlPrinter::~TiXmlPrinter(void); 232 1 0 0 4 3 407 0 0 339 /** All TinyXml classes can print themselves to a filestream or the string class (TiXmlString in non-STL mode, std::string in STL mode.) Either or both cfile and str can be null. This is a formatted print, and will insert tabs and newlines. (For an unformatted stream, use the << operator.) */ 3 4 this 3 403 5 cfile 1 405 5 depth 1 391 2 0 0 4 4 407 0 0 351 /** The world does not agree on whether white space should be kept or not. In order to make everyone happy, these global, static functions are provided to set whether or not TinyXml will condense all white space into a single space or not. The default is to condense. Note changing this value is not thread safe. */ 1 8 condense 1 408 3 0 0 6 5 408 0 0 43 /// Return the current white space setting. 0 4 0 0 6 6 391 0 0 944 /** Return the position, in the original source file, of this node or attribute. The row and column are 1-based. (That is the first row and first column is 1,1). If the returns values are 0 or less, then the parser does not have a row and column value. Generally, the row and column value will be set when the TiXmlDocument::Load(), TiXmlDocument::LoadFile(), or any TiXmlNode::Parse() is called. It will NOT be set when the DOM was created from operator>>. The values reflect the initial load. Once the DOM is modified programmatically (by adding or changing nodes and attributes) the new values will NOT update to reflect changes in the document. There is a minor performance cost to computing the row and column. Computation can be disabled if TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize() is called with 0 as the value. @sa TiXmlDocument::SetTabSize() */ 1 4 this 3 403 5 0 0 6 7 391 0 0 14 ///< See Row() 1 4 this 3 403 6 0 0 4 9 407 0 0 42 ///< Get a pointer to arbitrary user data. 1 4 this 3 409 7 0 0 4 9 407 0 0 42 ///< Get a pointer to arbitrary user data. 1 4 this 3 403 8 0 0 6 10 410 0 0 0 4 4 this 3 409 1 p 1 410 4 data 1 411 8 encoding 1 395 9 0 0 7 45 413 233 0 35 /// Construct an empty declaration. 0 10 0 0 15 45 413 233 0 0 1 4 copy 1 414 11 0 0 23 45 413 233 0 14 /// Construct. 3 8 _version 1 410 9 _encoding 1 410 11 _standalone 1 410 12 0 0 23 45 413 233 0 16 /// Constructor. 3 8 _version 1 410 9 _encoding 1 410 11 _standalone 1 410 13 0 0 6 46 413 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 413 4 copy 1 414 14 0 0 6 47 410 0 0 59 /// Version. Will return an empty string if none was found. 1 4 this 3 414 15 0 0 6 48 410 0 0 60 /// Encoding. Will return an empty string if none was found. 1 4 this 3 414 16 0 0 6 49 410 0 0 34 /// Is this a standalone document? 1 4 this 3 414 17 0 0 6 16 410 0 0 368 /** The meaning of 'value' changes for the specific type of TiXmlNode. @verbatim Document: filename of the xml file Element: name of the element Comment: the comment text Unknown: the tag contents Text: the text string @endverbatim The subclasses will wrap this function. */ 1 4 this 3 416 18 0 0 6 17 410 0 0 153 /** Return Value() as a std::string. If you only use STL, this is more efficient than calling Value(). Only available in STL mode. */ 1 4 this 3 416 19 0 0 6 18 410 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 416 20 0 0 4 19 407 0 0 287 /** Changes the value of the node. Defined as: @verbatim Document: filename of the xml file Element: name of the element Comment: the comment text Unknown: the tag contents Text: the text string @endverbatim */ 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 21 0 0 4 19 407 0 0 25 /// STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 22 0 0 4 20 407 0 0 65 /// Delete all the children of this node. Does not affect 'this'. 1 4 this 3 418 23 0 0 6 21 418 0 0 24 /// One step up the DOM. 1 4 this 3 418 24 0 0 6 21 416 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 416 25 0 0 6 22 418 0 0 73 ///< The first child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. 1 4 this 3 418 26 0 0 6 22 416 0 0 73 ///< The first child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. 1 4 this 3 416 27 0 0 6 22 418 0 0 176 ///< The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found. /// The first child of this node with the matching 'value'. Will be null if none found. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 28 0 0 6 22 416 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 416 5 value 1 410 29 0 0 6 22 418 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 30 0 0 6 22 416 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 31 0 0 6 23 418 0 0 71 /// The last child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. 1 4 this 3 418 32 0 0 6 23 416 0 0 71 /// The last child of this node. Will be null if there are no children. 1 4 this 3 416 33 0 0 6 23 418 0 0 88 /// The last child of this node matching 'value'. Will be null if there are no children. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 34 0 0 6 23 416 0 0 88 /// The last child of this node matching 'value'. Will be null if there are no children. 2 4 this 3 416 5 value 1 410 35 0 0 6 23 418 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 36 0 0 6 23 416 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 37 0 0 6 24 418 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 418 8 previous 1 416 38 0 0 6 24 416 0 0 607 /** An alternate way to walk the children of a node. One way to iterate over nodes is: @verbatim for( child = parent->FirstChild(); child; child = child->NextSibling() ) @endverbatim IterateChildren does the same thing with the syntax: @verbatim child = 0; while( child = parent->IterateChildren( child ) ) @endverbatim IterateChildren takes the previous child as input and finds the next one. If the previous child is null, it returns the first. IterateChildren will return null when done. */ 2 4 this 3 416 8 previous 1 416 39 0 0 6 24 418 0 0 0 3 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 8 previous 1 416 40 0 0 6 24 416 0 0 82 /// This flavor of IterateChildren searches for children with a particular 'value' 3 4 this 3 416 5 value 1 410 8 previous 1 416 41 0 0 6 24 418 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 3 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 8 previous 1 416 42 0 0 6 24 416 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 3 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 8 previous 1 416 43 0 0 6 25 418 0 0 148 /** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child past the LastChild. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 2 4 this 3 418 7 addThis 1 416 44 0 0 6 26 418 0 0 156 /** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child before the specified child. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 3 4 this 3 418 10 beforeThis 1 418 7 addThis 1 416 45 0 0 6 27 418 0 0 155 /** Add a new node related to this. Adds a child after the specified child. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 3 4 this 3 418 9 afterThis 1 418 7 addThis 1 416 46 0 0 6 28 418 0 0 113 /** Replace a child of this node. Returns a pointer to the new object or NULL if an error occured. */ 3 4 this 3 418 11 replaceThis 1 418 8 withThis 1 416 47 0 0 6 29 408 0 0 32 /// Delete a child of this node. 2 4 this 3 418 10 removeThis 1 418 48 0 0 6 30 418 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 418 49 0 0 6 30 416 0 0 31 /// Navigate to a sibling node. 1 4 this 3 416 50 0 0 6 30 418 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 418 5 _prev 1 410 51 0 0 6 30 416 0 0 31 /// Navigate to a sibling node. 2 4 this 3 416 6 param0 0 410 52 0 0 6 30 418 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 53 0 0 6 30 416 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 54 0 0 6 31 418 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 418 55 0 0 6 31 416 0 0 31 /// Navigate to a sibling node. 1 4 this 3 416 56 0 0 6 31 418 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 418 5 _next 1 410 57 0 0 6 31 416 0 0 54 /// Navigate to a sibling node with the given 'value'. 2 4 this 3 416 6 param0 0 410 58 0 0 6 31 418 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 59 0 0 6 31 416 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 60 0 0 6 32 419 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 418 61 0 0 6 32 420 0 0 181 /** Convenience function to get through elements. Calls NextSibling and ToElement. Will skip all non-Element nodes. Returns 0 if there is not another element. */ 1 4 this 3 416 62 0 0 6 32 419 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 418 5 _next 1 410 63 0 0 6 32 420 0 0 181 /** Convenience function to get through elements. Calls NextSibling and ToElement. Will skip all non-Element nodes. Returns 0 if there is not another element. */ 2 4 this 3 416 6 param0 0 410 64 0 0 6 32 419 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 65 0 0 6 32 420 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 66 0 0 6 33 419 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 418 67 0 0 6 33 420 0 0 49 /// Convenience function to get through elements. 1 4 this 3 416 68 0 0 6 33 419 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 69 0 0 6 33 420 0 0 49 /// Convenience function to get through elements. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 70 0 0 6 33 419 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 418 6 _value 1 410 71 0 0 6 33 420 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 416 6 _value 1 410 72 0 0 6 34 391 0 0 195 /** Query the type (as an enumerated value, above) of this node. The possible types are: DOCUMENT, ELEMENT, COMMENT, UNKNOWN, TEXT, and DECLARATION. */ 1 4 this 3 416 73 0 0 6 35 422 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 418 74 0 0 6 35 423 0 0 106 /** Return a pointer to the Document this node lives in. Returns null if not in a document. */ 1 4 this 3 416 75 0 0 6 36 408 0 0 46 /// Returns true if this node has no children. 1 4 this 3 416 76 0 0 6 37 422 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 418 77 0 0 6 37 423 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 416 78 0 0 6 38 419 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 418 79 0 0 6 38 420 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 416 80 0 0 6 39 425 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 418 81 0 0 6 39 426 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 416 82 0 0 6 40 428 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 418 83 0 0 6 40 429 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 416 84 0 0 6 41 431 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 418 85 0 0 6 41 432 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 416 86 0 0 6 42 413 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 418 87 0 0 6 42 414 0 0 80 ///< Cast to a more defined type. Will return null if not of the requested type. 1 4 this 3 416 88 0 0 6 43 418 0 0 114 /** Create an exact duplicate of this node and return it. The memory must be deleted by the caller. */ 1 4 this 3 416 89 0 0 6 44 408 0 0 825 /** Accept a hierchical visit the nodes in the TinyXML DOM. Every node in the XML tree will be conditionally visited and the host will be called back via the TiXmlVisitor interface. This is essentially a SAX interface for TinyXML. (Note however it doesn't re-parse the XML for the callbacks, so the performance of TinyXML is unchanged by using this interface versus any other.) The interface has been based on ideas from: - http://www.saxproject.org/ - http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?HierarchicalVisitorPattern Which are both good references for "visiting". An example of using Accept(): @verbatim TiXmlPrinter printer; tinyxmlDoc.Accept( &printer ); const char* xmlcstr = printer.CStr(); @endverbatim */ 2 4 this 3 416 7 visitor 1 434 90 0 0 7 52 422 233 0 47 /// Create an empty document, that has no name. 0 91 0 0 15 52 422 233 0 0 1 4 copy 1 423 92 0 0 23 52 422 233 0 92 /// Create a document with a name. The name of the document is also the filename of the xml. 1 12 documentName 1 410 93 0 0 23 52 422 233 0 16 /// Constructor. 1 12 documentName 1 410 94 0 0 6 53 422 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 422 4 copy 1 423 95 0 0 6 54 408 0 0 314 /** Load a file using the given FILE*. Returns true if successful. Note that this method doesn't stream - the entire object pointed at by the FILE* will be interpreted as an XML file. TinyXML doesn't stream in XML from the current file location. Streaming may be added in the future. */ 3 4 this 3 422 6 param0 0 405 8 encoding 5 395 96 0 0 6 54 408 0 0 155 /** Load a file using the current document value. Returns true if successful. Will delete any existing document data before loading. */ 2 4 this 3 422 8 encoding 5 395 97 0 0 6 54 408 0 0 69 /// Load a file using the given filename. Returns true if successful. 3 4 this 3 422 8 filename 1 410 8 encoding 5 395 98 0 0 6 54 408 0 0 29 ///< STL std::string version. 3 4 this 3 422 8 filename 1 410 8 encoding 5 395 99 0 0 6 55 408 0 0 77 /// Save a file using the current document value. Returns true if successful. 1 4 this 3 423 100 0 0 6 55 408 0 0 66 /// Save a file using the given FILE*. Returns true if successful. 2 4 this 3 423 6 param0 0 405 101 0 0 6 55 408 0 0 69 /// Save a file using the given filename. Returns true if successful. 2 4 this 3 423 8 filename 1 410 102 0 0 6 55 408 0 0 29 ///< STL std::string version. 2 4 this 3 423 8 filename 1 410 103 0 0 6 56 419 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 422 104 0 0 6 56 420 0 0 207 /** Get the root element -- the only top level element -- of the document. In well formed XML, there should only be one. TinyXml is tolerant of multiple elements at the document level. */ 1 4 this 3 423 105 0 0 6 57 408 0 0 330 /** If an error occurs, Error will be set to true. Also, - The ErrorId() will contain the integer identifier of the error (not generally useful) - The ErrorDesc() method will return the name of the error. (very useful) - The ErrorRow() and ErrorCol() will return the location of the error (if known) */ 1 4 this 3 423 106 0 0 6 58 410 0 0 72 /// Contains a textual (english) description of the error if one occurs. 1 4 this 3 423 107 0 0 6 59 391 0 0 141 /** Generally, you probably want the error string ( ErrorDesc() ). But if you prefer the ErrorId, this function will fetch it. */ 1 4 this 3 423 108 0 0 6 60 391 0 0 359 /** Returns the location (if known) of the error. The first column is column 1, and the first row is row 1. A value of 0 means the row and column wasn't applicable (memory errors, for example, have no row/column) or the parser lost the error. (An error in the error reporting, in that case.) @sa SetTabSize, Row, Column */ 1 4 this 3 423 109 0 0 6 61 391 0 0 55 ///< The column where the error occured. See ErrorRow() 1 4 this 3 423 110 0 0 4 62 407 0 0 970 /** SetTabSize() allows the error reporting functions (ErrorRow() and ErrorCol()) to report the correct values for row and column. It does not change the output or input in any way. By calling this method, with a tab size greater than 0, the row and column of each node and attribute is stored when the file is loaded. Very useful for tracking the DOM back in to the source file. The tab size is required for calculating the location of nodes. If not set, the default of 4 is used. The tabsize is set per document. Setting the tabsize to 0 disables row/column tracking. Note that row and column tracking is not supported when using operator>>. The tab size needs to be enabled before the parse or load. Correct usage: @verbatim TiXmlDocument doc; doc.SetTabSize( 8 ); doc.Load( "myfile.xml" ); @endverbatim @sa Row, Column */ 2 4 this 3 422 8 _tabsize 1 391 111 0 0 6 63 391 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 423 112 0 0 4 64 407 0 0 152 /** If you have handled the error, it can be reset with this call. The error state is automatically cleared if you Parse a new XML block. */ 1 4 this 3 422 113 0 0 4 65 407 0 0 84 /** Write the document to standard out using formatted printing ("pretty print"). */ 1 4 this 3 423 114 0 0 4 66 407 0 0 17 // [internal use] 5 4 this 3 422 3 err 1 391 13 errorLocation 1 410 8 prevData 1 411 8 encoding 1 395 115 0 0 15 68 419 233 0 0 1 6 param0 0 420 116 0 0 23 68 419 233 0 25 /// Construct an element. 1 8 in_value 1 410 117 0 0 23 68 419 233 0 28 /// std::string constructor. 1 6 _value 1 410 118 0 0 6 69 419 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 419 4 base 1 420 119 0 0 6 70 410 0 0 129 /** Given an attribute name, Attribute() returns the value for the attribute of that name, or null if none exists. */ 2 4 this 3 420 4 name 1 410 120 0 0 6 70 410 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 420 4 name 1 410 121 0 0 4 76 407 0 0 137 /** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does. */ 3 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 6 _value 1 410 122 0 0 4 76 407 0 0 137 /** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does. */ 3 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 5 value 1 391 123 0 0 4 76 407 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 3 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 6 _value 1 391 124 0 0 4 76 407 0 0 25 /// STL std::string form. 3 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 6 _value 1 410 125 0 0 4 77 407 0 0 137 /** Sets an attribute of name to a given value. The attribute will be created if it does not exist, or changed if it does. */ 3 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 5 value 1 435 126 0 0 4 77 407 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 3 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 5 value 1 435 127 0 0 4 78 407 0 0 52 /** Deletes an attribute with the given name. */ 2 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 128 0 0 4 78 407 0 0 26 ///< STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 419 4 name 1 410 129 0 0 6 79 436 0 0 48 ///< Access the first attribute in this element. 1 4 this 3 419 130 0 0 6 79 437 0 0 48 ///< Access the first attribute in this element. 1 4 this 3 420 131 0 0 6 80 436 0 0 47 ///< Access the last attribute in this element. 1 4 this 3 419 132 0 0 6 80 437 0 0 47 ///< Access the last attribute in this element. 1 4 this 3 420 133 0 0 6 81 410 0 0 1274 /** Convenience function for easy access to the text inside an element. Although easy and concise, GetText() is limited compared to getting the TiXmlText child and accessing it directly. If the first child of 'this' is a TiXmlText, the GetText() returns the character string of the Text node, else null is returned. This is a convenient method for getting the text of simple contained text: @verbatim <foo>This is text</foo> const char* str = fooElement->GetText(); @endverbatim 'str' will be a pointer to "This is text". Note that this function can be misleading. If the element foo was created from this XML: @verbatim <foo><b>This is text</b></foo> @endverbatim then the value of str would be null. The first child node isn't a text node, it is another element. From this XML: @verbatim <foo>This is <b>text</b></foo> @endverbatim GetText() will return "This is ". WARNING: GetText() accesses a child node - don't become confused with the similarly named TiXmlHandle::Text() and TiXmlNode::ToText() which are safe type casts on the referenced node. */ 1 4 this 3 420 134 0 0 15 94 441 315 0 0 1 6 param0 0 439 135 0 0 7 101 434 316 0 0 0 136 0 0 15 101 434 316 0 0 1 6 param0 0 442 137 0 0 6 98 408 0 0 7 /*doc*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 423 138 0 0 6 98 408 0 0 18 /*firstAttribute*/ 3 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 420 6 param1 0 437 139 0 0 6 99 408 0 0 7 /*doc*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 423 140 0 0 6 99 408 0 0 11 /*element*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 420 141 0 0 6 100 408 0 0 11 /*comment*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 426 142 0 0 6 100 408 0 0 15 /*declaration*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 414 143 0 0 6 100 408 0 0 8 /*text*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 432 144 0 0 6 100 408 0 0 11 /*unknown*/ 2 4 this 3 434 6 param0 0 429 145 0 0 7 107 436 342 0 33 /// Construct an empty attribute. 0 146 0 0 23 107 436 342 0 49 /// Construct an attribute with a name and value. 2 5 _name 1 410 6 _value 1 410 147 0 0 23 107 436 342 0 28 /// std::string constructor. 2 5 _name 1 410 6 _value 1 410 148 0 0 6 108 410 0 0 39 ///< Return the name of this attribute. 1 4 this 3 437 149 0 0 6 109 410 0 0 40 ///< Return the value of this attribute. 1 4 this 3 437 150 0 0 6 110 410 0 0 40 ///< Return the value of this attribute. 1 4 this 3 437 151 0 0 6 111 391 0 0 65 ///< Return the value of this attribute, converted to an integer. 1 4 this 3 437 152 0 0 6 112 435 0 0 63 ///< Return the value of this attribute, converted to a double. 1 4 this 3 437 153 0 0 6 113 410 0 0 40 // Get the tinyxml string representation 1 4 this 3 437 154 0 0 4 116 407 0 0 36 ///< Set the name of this attribute. 2 4 this 3 436 5 _name 1 410 155 0 0 4 116 407 0 0 25 /// STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 436 5 _name 1 410 156 0 0 4 117 407 0 0 19 ///< Set the value. 2 4 this 3 436 6 _value 1 410 157 0 0 4 117 407 0 0 25 /// STL std::string form. 2 4 this 3 436 6 _value 1 410 158 0 0 4 118 407 0 0 35 ///< Set the value from an integer. 2 4 this 3 436 6 _value 1 391 159 0 0 4 119 407 0 0 33 ///< Set the value from a double. 2 4 this 3 436 6 _value 1 435 160 0 0 6 120 436 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 436 161 0 0 6 120 437 0 0 67 /// Get the next sibling attribute in the DOM. Returns null at end. 1 4 this 3 437 162 0 0 6 121 436 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 436 163 0 0 6 121 437 0 0 77 /// Get the previous sibling attribute in the DOM. Returns null at beginning. 1 4 this 3 437 164 0 0 6 122 408 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 437 3 rhs 1 437 165 0 0 6 123 408 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 437 3 rhs 1 437 166 0 0 6 124 408 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 437 3 rhs 1 437 167 0 0 4 126 407 0 0 81 // [internal use] // Set the document pointer so the attribute can report errors. 2 4 this 3 436 3 doc 1 422 168 0 0 7 129 444 344 0 0 0 169 0 0 4 131 407 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 444 9 attribute 1 436 170 0 0 4 132 407 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 444 9 attribute 1 436 171 0 0 6 133 436 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 444 172 0 0 6 133 437 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 445 173 0 0 6 134 436 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 444 174 0 0 6 134 437 0 0 0 1 4 this 3 445 175 0 0 6 135 436 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 445 5 _name 1 410 176 0 0 6 135 436 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 445 5 _name 1 410 177 0 0 6 136 436 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 444 5 _name 1 410 178 0 0 6 136 436 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 444 5 _name 1 410 179 0 0 7 138 425 233 0 32 /// Constructs an empty comment. 0 180 0 0 15 138 425 233 0 0 1 6 param0 0 426 181 0 0 23 138 425 233 0 34 /// Construct a comment from text. 1 6 _value 1 410 182 0 0 6 139 425 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 425 4 base 1 426 183 0 0 15 141 431 233 0 0 1 4 copy 1 432 184 0 0 23 141 431 233 0 192 /** Constructor for text element. By default, it is treated as normal, encoded text. If you want it be output as a CDATA text element, set the parameter _cdata to 'true' */ 1 9 initValue 1 410 185 0 0 23 141 431 233 0 16 /// Constructor. 1 9 initValue 1 410 186 0 0 6 142 431 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 431 4 base 1 432 187 0 0 6 143 408 0 0 63 /// Queries whether this represents text using a CDATA section. 1 4 this 3 432 188 0 0 4 144 407 0 0 51 /// Turns on or off a CDATA representation of text. 2 4 this 3 431 6 _cdata 1 408 189 0 0 7 146 428 233 0 0 0 190 0 0 15 146 428 233 0 0 1 4 copy 1 429 191 0 0 6 147 428 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 428 4 copy 1 429 192 0 0 15 149 449 373 0 20 /// Copy constructor 1 3 ref 1 447 193 0 0 23 149 449 373 0 89 /// Create a handle from any node (at any depth of the tree.) This can be a null pointer. 1 5 _node 1 418 194 0 0 6 150 449 0 0 0 2 4 this 3 449 3 ref 1 447 195 0 0 7 151 449 373 0 44 /// Return a handle to the first child node. 1 4 this 3 447 196 0 0 7 151 449 373 0 64 /// Return a handle to the first child node with the given name. 2 4 this 3 447 5 value 1 410 197 0 0 7 151 449 373 0 0 2 4 this 3 447 6 _value 1 410 198 0 0 7 152 449 373 0 47 /// Return a handle to the first child element. 1 4 this 3 447 199 0 0 7 152 449 373 0 67 /// Return a handle to the first child element with the given name. 2 4 this 3 447 5 value 1 410 200 0 0 7 152 449 373 0 0 2 4 this 3 447 6 _value 1 410 201 0 0 7 153 449 373 0 117 /** Return a handle to the "index" child with the given name. The first child is 0, the second 1, etc. */ 3 4 this 3 447 5 value 1 410 5 index 1 391 202 0 0 7 153 449 373 0 97 /** Return a handle to the "index" child. The first child is 0, the second 1, etc. */ 2 4 this 3 447 5 index 1 391 203 0 0 7 153 449 373 0 0 3 4 this 3 447 6 _value 1 410 5 index 1 391 204 0 0 7 154 449 373 0 212 /** Return a handle to the "index" child element with the given name. The first child element is 0, the second 1, etc. Note that only TiXmlElements are indexed: other types are not counted. */ 3 4 this 3 447 5 value 1 410 5 index 1 391 205 0 0 7 154 449 373 0 192 /** Return a handle to the "index" child element. The first child element is 0, the second 1, etc. Note that only TiXmlElements are indexed: other types are not counted. */ 2 4 this 3 447 5 index 1 391 206 0 0 7 154 449 373 0 0 3 4 this 3 447 6 _value 1 410 5 index 1 391 207 0 0 6 155 418 0 0 66 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlNode. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 208 0 0 6 156 419 0 0 69 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlElement. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 209 0 0 6 157 431 0 0 66 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlText. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 210 0 0 6 158 428 0 0 69 /** Return the handle as a TiXmlUnknown. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 211 0 0 6 159 418 0 0 98 /** @deprecated use ToNode. Return the handle as a TiXmlNode. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 212 0 0 6 160 419 0 0 104 /** @deprecated use ToElement. Return the handle as a TiXmlElement. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 213 0 0 6 161 431 0 0 99 /** @deprecated use ToText() Return the handle as a TiXmlText. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 214 0 0 6 162 428 0 0 105 /** @deprecated use ToUnknown() Return the handle as a TiXmlUnknown. This may return null. */ 1 4 this 3 447 215 0 0 7 165 450 383 0 0 0 216 0 0 15 165 450 383 0 0 1 6 param0 0 451 217 0 0 4 166 407 0 0 148 /** Set the indent characters for printing. By default 4 spaces but tab (\t) is also useful, or null/empty string for no indentation. */ 2 4 this 3 450 7 _indent 1 410 218 0 0 6 167 410 0 0 31 /// Query the indention string. 1 4 this 3 450 219 0 0 4 168 407 0 0 194 /** Set the line breaking string. By default set to newline (\n). Some operating systems prefer other characters, or can be set to the null/empty string for no indenation. */ 2 4 this 3 450 10 _lineBreak 1 410 220 0 0 6 169 410 0 0 43 /// Query the current line breaking string. 1 4 this 3 450 221 0 0 4 170 407 0 0 162 /** Switch over to "stream printing" which is the most dense formatting without linebreaks. Common when the XML is needed for network transmission. */ 1 4 this 3 450 222 0 0 6 171 410 0 0 22 /// Return the result. 1 4 this 3 450 223 0 0 6 172 453 0 0 43 /// Return the length of the result string. 1 4 this 3 450 224 0 0 6 173 410 0 0 22 /// Return the result. 1 4 this 3 450 225 0 0 6 82 422 0 0 103 /** * Reads an XML document from the indicated stream. * @returns the document, or NULL on error. */ 1 2 in 1 455 226 0 0 4 83 407 0 0 0 2 3 out 1 457 3 doc 1 422 227 0 0 4 84 407 0 0 0 1 5 xnode 1 418 228 0 0 4 85 407 0 0 0 2 8 filename 1 459 5 xnode 1 418 229 0 0 6 87 391 0 0 0 0 230 0 0 6 89 391 0 0 0 0 231 0 0 6 91 391 0 0 0 0 232 0 0 6 104 395 0 0 0 0 78 384 9 TiXmlBase 0 26625 9 TiXmlBase 9 TiXmlBase 0 0 0 0 233 0 9 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 0 0 0 0 1 385 786 /** TiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml. It does little except to establish that TinyXml classes can be printed and provide some utility functions. In XML, the document and elements can contain other elements and other types of nodes. @verbatim A Document can contain: Element (container or leaf) Comment (leaf) Unknown (leaf) Declaration( leaf ) An Element can contain: Element (container or leaf) Text (leaf) Attributes (not on tree) Comment (leaf) Unknown (leaf) A Decleration contains: Attributes (not on tree) @endverbatim */ 385 0 0 794624 11 TiXmlBase:: 0 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 14 TIXML_NO_ERROR 25 TiXmlBase::TIXML_NO_ERROR 0 0 11 TIXML_ERROR 22 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR 0 1 24 TIXML_ERROR_OPENING_FILE 35 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_OPENING_FILE 0 2 27 TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_ELEMENT 38 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_ELEMENT 0 3 39 TIXML_ERROR_FAILED_TO_READ_ELEMENT_NAME 50 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_FAILED_TO_READ_ELEMENT_NAME 0 4 33 TIXML_ERROR_READING_ELEMENT_VALUE 44 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_READING_ELEMENT_VALUE 0 5 30 TIXML_ERROR_READING_ATTRIBUTES 41 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_READING_ATTRIBUTES 0 6 25 TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_EMPTY 36 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_EMPTY 0 7 27 TIXML_ERROR_READING_END_TAG 38 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_READING_END_TAG 0 8 27 TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_UNKNOWN 38 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_UNKNOWN 0 9 27 TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_COMMENT 38 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_COMMENT 0 10 31 TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_DECLARATION 42 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_DECLARATION 0 11 26 TIXML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_EMPTY 37 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_EMPTY 0 12 25 TIXML_ERROR_EMBEDDED_NULL 36 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_EMBEDDED_NULL 0 13 25 TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_CDATA 36 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_PARSING_CDATA 0 14 29 TIXML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_TOP_ONLY 40 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_DOCUMENT_TOP_ONLY 0 15 24 TIXML_ERROR_STRING_COUNT 35 TiXmlBase::TIXML_ERROR_STRING_COUNT 0 16 0 0 386 16 TiXmlDeclaration 0 75777 16 TiXmlDeclaration 16 TiXmlDeclaration 0 0 0 1 272 233 0 5 273 274 275 276 277 0 0 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 510 /** In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file. @verbatim <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> @endverbatim TinyXml will happily read or write files without a declaration, however. There are 3 possible attributes to the declaration: version, encoding, and standalone. Note: In this version of the code, the attributes are handled as special cases, not generic attributes, simply because there can only be at most 3 and they are always the same. */ 387 9 TiXmlNode 0 75777 9 TiXmlNode 9 TiXmlNode 0 0 0 0 233 0 29 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 0 0 1 0 384 0 0 0 1 388 289 /** The parent class for everything in the Document Object Model. (Except for attributes). Nodes have siblings, a parent, and children. A node can be in a document, or stand on its own. The type of a TiXmlNode can be queried, and it can be cast to its more defined type. */ 388 8 NodeType 0 794624 19 TiXmlNode::NodeType 19 TiXmlNode::NodeType 387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 16 TINYXML_DOCUMENT 27 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_DOCUMENT 0 0 15 TINYXML_ELEMENT 26 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_ELEMENT 0 1 15 TINYXML_COMMENT 26 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_COMMENT 0 2 15 TINYXML_UNKNOWN 26 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_UNKNOWN 0 3 12 TINYXML_TEXT 23 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TEXT 0 4 19 TINYXML_DECLARATION 30 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_DECLARATION 0 5 17 TINYXML_TYPECOUNT 28 TiXmlNode::TINYXML_TYPECOUNT 0 6 0 121 /** The types of XML nodes supported by TinyXml. (All the unsupported types are picked up by UNKNOWN.) */ 389 13 TiXmlDocument 0 75777 13 TiXmlDocument 13 TiXmlDocument 0 0 0 1 278 233 0 14 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 0 0 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 192 /** Always the top level node. A document binds together all the XML pieces. It can be saved, loaded, and printed to the screen. The 'value' of a document node is the xml file name. */ 390 12 TiXmlElement 0 75777 12 TiXmlElement 12 TiXmlElement 0 0 0 1 293 233 0 13 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 0 0 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 201 /** The element is a container class. It has a value, the element name, and can contain other elements, text, comments, and unknowns. Elements also contain an arbitrary number of attributes. */ 391 3 int 0 8194 3 int 3 int 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 392 11 TiXmlCursor 0 140289 11 TiXmlCursor 11 TiXmlCursor 0 0 0 1 314 315 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 /* Internal structure for tracking location of items in the XML file. */ 393 12 TiXmlVisitor 0 26625 12 TiXmlVisitor 12 TiXmlVisitor 0 0 0 1 320 316 0 3 317 318 319 0 0 0 0 0 897 /** Implements the interface to the "Visitor pattern" (see the Accept() method.) If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a TiXmlVisitor class to handle callbacks. For nodes that contain other nodes (Document, Element) you will get called with a VisitEnter/VisitExit pair. Nodes that are always leaves are simply called with Visit(). If you return 'true' from a Visit method, recursive parsing will continue. If you return false, <b>no children of this node or its sibilings</b> will be Visited. All flavors of Visit methods have a default implementation that returns 'true' (continue visiting). You need to only override methods that are interesting to you. Generally Accept() is called on the TiXmlDocument, although all nodes suppert Visiting. You should never change the document from a callback. @sa TiXmlNode::Accept() */ 394 0 0 532481 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 13 TIXML_SUCCESS 13 TIXML_SUCCESS 0 0 18 TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE 18 TIXML_NO_ATTRIBUTE 0 1 16 TIXML_WRONG_TYPE 16 TIXML_WRONG_TYPE 0 2 0 42 // Only used by Attribute::Query functions 395 13 TiXmlEncoding 0 532481 13 TiXmlEncoding 13 TiXmlEncoding 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 22 TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN 22 TIXML_ENCODING_UNKNOWN 0 0 19 TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 19 TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8 0 1 21 TIXML_ENCODING_LEGACY 21 TIXML_ENCODING_LEGACY 0 2 0 32 // Used by the parsing routines. 396 14 TiXmlAttribute 0 141313 14 TiXmlAttribute 14 TiXmlAttribute 0 0 0 1 322 342 0 19 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 0 0 1 0 384 0 0 0 0 303 /** An attribute is a name-value pair. Elements have an arbitrary number of attributes, each with a unique name. @note The attributes are not TiXmlNodes, since they are not part of the tinyXML document object model. There are other suggested ways to look at this problem. */ 397 17 TiXmlAttributeSet 0 26625 17 TiXmlAttributeSet 17 TiXmlAttributeSet 0 0 0 1 343 344 0 6 345 346 347 348 349 350 0 0 0 0 0 560 /* A class used to manage a group of attributes. It is only used internally, both by the ELEMENT and the DECLARATION. The set can be changed transparent to the Element and Declaration classes that use it, but NOT transparent to the Attribute which has to implement a next() and previous() method. Which makes it a bit problematic and prevents the use of STL. This version is implemented with circular lists because: - I like circular lists - it demonstrates some independence from the (typical) doubly linked list. */ 398 12 TiXmlComment 0 75777 12 TiXmlComment 12 TiXmlComment 0 0 0 1 351 233 0 1 352 0 0 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 22 /** An XML comment. */ 399 9 TiXmlText 0 75777 9 TiXmlText 9 TiXmlText 0 0 0 1 353 233 0 3 354 355 356 0 0 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 283 /** XML text. A text node can have 2 ways to output the next. "normal" output and CDATA. It will default to the mode it was parsed from the XML file and you generally want to leave it alone, but you can change the output mode with SetCDATA() and query it with CDATA(). */ 400 12 TiXmlUnknown 0 75777 12 TiXmlUnknown 12 TiXmlUnknown 0 0 0 1 357 233 0 1 358 0 0 1 0 387 0 0 0 0 246 /** Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown. It is a tag of text, but should not be modified. It will be written back to the XML, unchanged, when the file is saved. DTD tags get thrown into TiXmlUnknowns. */ 401 11 TiXmlHandle 0 141313 11 TiXmlHandle 11 TiXmlHandle 0 0 0 1 359 373 0 13 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 0 0 0 0 0 2519 /** A TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing. Note that TiXmlHandle is not part of the TinyXml DOM structure. It is a separate utility class. Take an example: @verbatim <Document> <Element attributeA = "valueA"> <Child attributeB = "value1" /> <Child attributeB = "value2" /> </Element> <Document> @endverbatim Assuming you want the value of "attributeB" in the 2nd "Child" element, it's very easy to write a *lot* of code that looks like: @verbatim TiXmlElement* root = document.FirstChildElement( "Document" ); if ( root ) { TiXmlElement* element = root->FirstChildElement( "Element" ); if ( element ) { TiXmlElement* child = element->FirstChildElement( "Child" ); if ( child ) { TiXmlElement* child2 = child->NextSiblingElement( "Child" ); if ( child2 ) { // Finally do something useful. @endverbatim And that doesn't even cover "else" cases. TiXmlHandle addresses the verbosity of such code. A TiXmlHandle checks for null pointers so it is perfectly safe and correct to use: @verbatim TiXmlHandle docHandle( &document ); TiXmlElement* child2 = docHandle.FirstChild( "Document" ).FirstChild( "Element" ).Child( "Child", 1 ).ToElement(); if ( child2 ) { // do something useful @endverbatim Which is MUCH more concise and useful. It is also safe to copy handles - internally they are nothing more than node pointers. @verbatim TiXmlHandle handleCopy = handle; @endverbatim What they should not be used for is iteration: @verbatim int i=0; while ( true ) { TiXmlElement* child = docHandle.FirstChild( "Document" ).FirstChild( "Element" ).Child( "Child", i ).ToElement(); if ( !child ) break; // do something ++i; } @endverbatim It seems reasonable, but it is in fact two embedded while loops. The Child method is a linear walk to find the element, so this code would iterate much more than it needs to. Instead, prefer: @verbatim TiXmlElement* child = docHandle.FirstChild( "Document" ).FirstChild( "Element" ).FirstChild( "Child" ).ToElement(); for( child; child; child=child->NextSiblingElement() ) { // do something } @endverbatim */ 402 12 TiXmlPrinter 0 141313 12 TiXmlPrinter 12 TiXmlPrinter 0 0 0 1 374 383 0 8 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 0 0 1 0 393 0 0 0 0 685 /** Print to memory functionality. The TiXmlPrinter is useful when you need to: -# Print to memory (especially in non-STL mode) -# Control formatting (line endings, etc.) When constructed, the TiXmlPrinter is in its default "pretty printing" mode. Before calling Accept() you can call methods to control the printing of the XML document. After TiXmlNode::Accept() is called, the printed document can be accessed via the CStr(), Str(), and Size() methods. TiXmlPrinter uses the Visitor API. @verbatim TiXmlPrinter printer; printer.SetIndent( "\t" ); doc.Accept( &printer ); fprintf( stdout, "%s", printer.CStr() ); @endverbatim */ 403 17 TiXmlBase const * 0 8576 17 TiXmlBase const * 17 TiXmlBase const * 0 0 404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 404 15 TiXmlBase const 0 8832 15 TiXmlBase const 15 TiXmlBase const 0 0 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 405 6 FILE * 0 8576 6 FILE * 6 FILE * 0 0 406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 406 4 FILE 0 1024 4 FILE 4 FILE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 407 4 void 0 8194 4 void 4 void 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 408 4 bool 0 8194 4 bool 4 bool 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409 11 TiXmlBase * 0 8576 11 TiXmlBase * 11 TiXmlBase * 0 0 384 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 410 13 atomic string 0 2 13 atomic string 13 atomic string 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 18 TiXmlParsingData * 0 8576 18 TiXmlParsingData * 18 TiXmlParsingData * 0 0 412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 412 16 TiXmlParsingData 0 2048 16 TiXmlParsingData 16 TiXmlParsingData 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 413 18 TiXmlDeclaration * 0 8576 18 TiXmlDeclaration * 18 TiXmlDeclaration * 0 0 386 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 414 24 TiXmlDeclaration const * 0 8576 24 TiXmlDeclaration const * 24 TiXmlDeclaration const * 0 0 415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 415 22 TiXmlDeclaration const 0 8832 22 TiXmlDeclaration const 22 TiXmlDeclaration const 0 0 386 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 416 17 TiXmlNode const * 0 8576 17 TiXmlNode const * 17 TiXmlNode const * 0 0 417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 417 15 TiXmlNode const 0 8832 15 TiXmlNode const 15 TiXmlNode const 0 0 387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 418 11 TiXmlNode * 0 8576 11 TiXmlNode * 11 TiXmlNode * 0 0 387 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 419 14 TiXmlElement * 0 8576 14 TiXmlElement * 14 TiXmlElement * 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 420 20 TiXmlElement const * 0 8576 20 TiXmlElement const * 20 TiXmlElement const * 0 0 421 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 421 18 TiXmlElement const 0 8832 18 TiXmlElement const 18 TiXmlElement const 0 0 390 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 422 15 TiXmlDocument * 0 8576 15 TiXmlDocument * 15 TiXmlDocument * 0 0 389 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 423 21 TiXmlDocument const * 0 8576 21 TiXmlDocument const * 21 TiXmlDocument const * 0 0 424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 424 19 TiXmlDocument const 0 8832 19 TiXmlDocument const 19 TiXmlDocument const 0 0 389 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 425 14 TiXmlComment * 0 8576 14 TiXmlComment * 14 TiXmlComment * 0 0 398 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 426 20 TiXmlComment const * 0 8576 20 TiXmlComment const * 20 TiXmlComment const * 0 0 427 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 427 18 TiXmlComment const 0 8832 18 TiXmlComment const 18 TiXmlComment const 0 0 398 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 428 14 TiXmlUnknown * 0 8576 14 TiXmlUnknown * 14 TiXmlUnknown * 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 429 20 TiXmlUnknown const * 0 8576 20 TiXmlUnknown const * 20 TiXmlUnknown const * 0 0 430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430 18 TiXmlUnknown const 0 8832 18 TiXmlUnknown const 18 TiXmlUnknown const 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 431 11 TiXmlText * 0 8576 11 TiXmlText * 11 TiXmlText * 0 0 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 432 17 TiXmlText const * 0 8576 17 TiXmlText const * 17 TiXmlText const * 0 0 433 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 433 15 TiXmlText const 0 8832 15 TiXmlText const 15 TiXmlText const 0 0 399 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 434 14 TiXmlVisitor * 0 8576 14 TiXmlVisitor * 14 TiXmlVisitor * 0 0 393 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 435 6 double 0 8194 6 double 6 double 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 436 16 TiXmlAttribute * 0 8576 16 TiXmlAttribute * 16 TiXmlAttribute * 0 0 396 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 437 22 TiXmlAttribute const * 0 8576 22 TiXmlAttribute const * 22 TiXmlAttribute const * 0 0 438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 438 20 TiXmlAttribute const 0 8832 20 TiXmlAttribute const 20 TiXmlAttribute const 0 0 396 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 439 19 TiXmlCursor const * 0 8576 19 TiXmlCursor const * 19 TiXmlCursor const * 0 0 440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 440 17 TiXmlCursor const 0 8832 17 TiXmlCursor const 17 TiXmlCursor const 0 0 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 441 13 TiXmlCursor * 0 8576 13 TiXmlCursor * 13 TiXmlCursor * 0 0 392 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 442 20 TiXmlVisitor const * 0 8576 20 TiXmlVisitor const * 20 TiXmlVisitor const * 0 0 443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 443 18 TiXmlVisitor const 0 8832 18 TiXmlVisitor const 18 TiXmlVisitor const 0 0 393 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 19 TiXmlAttributeSet * 0 8576 19 TiXmlAttributeSet * 19 TiXmlAttributeSet * 0 0 397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 445 25 TiXmlAttributeSet const * 0 8576 25 TiXmlAttributeSet const * 25 TiXmlAttributeSet const * 0 0 446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 446 23 TiXmlAttributeSet const 0 8832 23 TiXmlAttributeSet const 23 TiXmlAttributeSet const 0 0 397 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 447 19 TiXmlHandle const * 0 8576 19 TiXmlHandle const * 19 TiXmlHandle const * 0 0 448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 448 17 TiXmlHandle const 0 8832 17 TiXmlHandle const 17 TiXmlHandle const 0 0 401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 449 13 TiXmlHandle * 0 8576 13 TiXmlHandle * 13 TiXmlHandle * 0 0 401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 14 TiXmlPrinter * 0 8576 14 TiXmlPrinter * 14 TiXmlPrinter * 0 0 402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 451 20 TiXmlPrinter const * 0 8576 20 TiXmlPrinter const * 20 TiXmlPrinter const * 0 0 452 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 452 18 TiXmlPrinter const 0 8832 18 TiXmlPrinter const 18 TiXmlPrinter const 0 0 402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 453 6 size_t 0 2105344 11 std::size_t 11 std::size_t 0 0 454 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 454 22 unsigned long long int 0 8230 22 unsigned long long int 22 unsigned long long int 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 455 9 istream * 0 8576 14 std::istream * 14 std::istream * 0 0 456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 456 7 istream 0 2048 12 std::istream 12 std::istream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 457 9 ostream * 0 8576 14 std::ostream * 14 std::ostream * 0 0 458 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 458 7 ostream 0 2048 12 std::ostream 12 std::ostream 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 459 16 Filename const * 0 8576 16 Filename const * 16 Filename const * 0 0 460 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 460 14 Filename const 0 8832 14 Filename const 14 Filename const 0 0 461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 461 8 Filename 0 2048 8 Filename 8 Filename 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 839 /** * The name of a file, such as a texture file or an Egg file. Stores the full * pathname, and includes functions for extracting out the directory prefix * part and the file extension and stuff. * * A Filename is also aware of the mapping between the Unix-like filename * convention we use internally, and the local OS's specific filename * convention, and it knows how to perform basic OS-specific I/O, like testing * for file existence and searching a searchpath, as well as the best way to * open an fstream for reading or writing. * * Note that the methods of Filename that interact with the filesystem (such * as exists(), open_read(), etc.) directly interface with the operating system * and are not aware of Panda's virtual file system. To interact with the VFS, * use the methods on VirtualFileSystem instead. */ 5 462 16 TINYXML_INCLUDED 0 0 0 0 0 0 463 10 TIXML_SAFE 0 0 0 0 0 0 464 14 TIXML_SNPRINTF 0 0 0 0 0 11 _snprintf_s 465 12 TIXML_SSCANF 0 0 0 0 0 8 sscanf_s 466 12 TIXML_STRING 0 0 0 0 0 11 std::string 4 467 19 TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION 0 3 391 311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 TIXML_MAJOR_VERSION 0 468 19 TIXML_MINOR_VERSION 0 3 391 312 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 TIXML_MINOR_VERSION 0 469 19 TIXML_PATCH_VERSION 0 3 391 313 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 TIXML_PATCH_VERSION 0 470 22 TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING 0 3 395 321 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 TIXML_DEFAULT_ENCODING 0 0